KXStudio Artwork

Updated 3 years ago

Updated 2 years ago

Updated 6 months ago

Collection of tools useful for audio production

Updated 2 years ago

Updated 4 months ago

Audio plugin host

Updated 4 months ago

External plugins for Carla

Updated 9 months ago

Carla binary releases

Updated 1 year ago


Updated 6 months ago

Extra "ports" of juce-based plugins using the distrho build system

Updated 6 years ago

DISTRHO Plugin Framework

Updated 4 months ago

DPF with Max Gen

Updated 1 year ago

Collection of DPF-based plugins for packaging

Updated 6 months ago

Updated 3 years ago

Updated 9 months ago

Updated 4 months ago

The JUCE cross-platform C++ framework, with DISTRHO/KXStudio specific changes

Updated 6 months ago

DISTRHO Juice Plugins

Updated 2 years ago

KXStudio scripts and misc stuff

Updated 3 years ago


Updated 1 year ago