@@ -21,51 +21,51 @@ Note that the main focus goes to JACK2 (or JACK1+DBus); JACK1 (raw) and tschack |
===== DESCRIPTIONS ===== |
------------------------ |
Here's a brief description of the main tools:<br/> |
(Click on the tool name to open its respective documentation) |
<i>(Click on the tool name to open its respective documentation)</i> |
<h3 style="height:48px;"><img src="Cadence/raw/master/src/icons/48x48/cadence.png" alt="" width="48px" height="48px" style="vertical-align:middle;"/> <a href="http://kxstudio.sourceforge.net/KXStudio:Applications:Cadence" target="_blank">Cadence</a></h3> |
### [Cadence](http://kxstudio.sourceforge.net/KXStudio:Applications:Cadence) |
The main app. It performs system checks, manages JACK, calls other tools and make system tweaks.<br/> |
Currently under development, may change at anytime. |
<h3 style="height:48px;"><img src="Cadence/raw/master/src/icons/48x48/catarina.png" alt="" width="48px" height="48px" style="vertical-align:middle;"/> <a href="http://kxstudio.sourceforge.net/KXStudio:Applications:Catarina" target="_blank">Catarina</a></h3> |
### [Catarina](http://kxstudio.sourceforge.net/KXStudio:Applications:Catarina) |
A Patchbay test app, created while the patchcanvas module was being developed.<br/> |
It allows the user to experiment with the patchbay, without using ALSA, JACK or LADISH.<br/> |
You can save & load patchbay configurations too. |
<h3 style="height:48px;"><img src="Cadence/raw/master/src/icons/48x48/catia.png" alt="" width="48px" height="48px" style="vertical-align:middle;"/> <a href="http://kxstudio.sourceforge.net/KXStudio:Applications:Catia" target="_blank">Catia</a></h3> |
### [Catia](http://kxstudio.sourceforge.net/KXStudio:Applications:Catia) |
JACK Patchbay, with some neat features like A2J bridge support and JACK Transport.<br/> |
It's supposed to be as simple as possible (there's Claudia for advanced things), so it can work nicely on Windows and Mac too.<br/> |
Currently has ALSA-MIDI support in experimental stage (it doesn't automatically refresh the canvas when changes happen externally). |
<h3 style="height:48px;"><img src="Cadence/raw/master/src/icons/48x48/claudia.png" alt="" width="48px" height="48px" style="vertical-align:middle;"/> <a href="http://kxstudio.sourceforge.net/KXStudio:Applications:Claudia" target="_blank">Claudia</a></h3> |
### [Claudia](http://kxstudio.sourceforge.net/KXStudio:Applications:Claudia) |
LADISH frontend; just like Catia, but focused at session management through LADISH.<br/> |
It has a bit more features than the official LADISH GUI, with a pretty preview of the main canvas in the bottom-left.<br/> |
It also implements the 'Claudia-Launcher' add-application style. |
<h3 style="height:48px;"><img src="Cadence/raw/master/src/icons/48x48/claudia-launcher.png" alt="" width="48px" height="48px" style="vertical-align:middle;"/> <a href="http://kxstudio.sourceforge.net/KXStudio:Applications:Claudia-Launcher" target="_blank">Claudia-Launcher</a></h3> |
### [Claudia-Launcher](#) |
A multimedia application launcher with LADISH support.<br/> |
It searches for installed packages (not binaries), and displays the respective content as a launcher.<br/> |
The content is got through an hardcoded database, created and/or modified to suit the target distribution.<br/> |
Currently supports Debian and ArchLinux based distros. |
<h3 style="height:48px;"><img src="Cadence/raw/master/src/icons/48x48/carla.png" alt="" width="48px" height="48px" style="vertical-align:middle;"/> <a href="http://kxstudio.sourceforge.net/KXStudio:Applications:Carla" target="_blank">Carla</a></h3> |
### [Carla](http://kxstudio.sourceforge.net/KXStudio:Applications:Carla) |
Multi-plugin host for JACK.<br/> |
It has some nice features like automation of parameters via MIDI CCs (and send control outputs back to MIDI too) and full OSC control.<br/> |
Currently supports LADSPA (including LRDF), DSSI, LV2, and VST plugin formats, with additional GIG, SF2 and SFZ file support via FluidSynth and LinuxSampler.<br/> |
This application is still under development and may change/break at anytime. |
<h3 style="height:48px;"><img src="Cadence/raw/master/src/icons/48x48/carla-control.png" alt="" width="48px" height="48px" style="vertical-align:middle;"/> <a href="http://kxstudio.sourceforge.net/KXStudio:Applications:Carla-Control" target="_blank">Carla-Control</a></h3> |
### [Carla-Control](#) |
An OSC Control GUI for Carla (you get the OSC address from the Carla's about dialog, and connect to it).<br/> |
Supports controlling main UI components (Dry/Wet, Vol and Balance), and all plugins parameters.<br/> |
Peak values and control outputs are displayed as well.<br/> |
Custom Plugin GUIs are not supported at this point.<br/> |
NOTE: This application is not yet ported to this python3 branch |
### [JACK-Meter](http://kxstudio.sourceforge.net/KXStudio:Applications:JACK-Meter) |
### [JACK-Meter](#) |
Simple JACK audio peak meter.<br/> |
In the future it will be available in a plugin version, based on the DISTRHO project. |
### [XY-Controller](http://kxstudio.sourceforge.net/KXStudio:Applications:XY-Controller) |
### [XY-Controller](#) |
Simple XY widget that sends and receives data from Jack MIDI.<br/> |
It can send data through specific channels and has a MIDI Keyboard too.<br/> |
This is more of a concept of my jacklib python module usage then anything else, may not work properly under very low JACK buffer sizes.<br/> |