- /*
- Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Nasca Octavian Paul
- Author: Nasca Octavian Paul
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License
- as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License (version 2) for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License (version 2)
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- */
- #ifndef STRETCH_H
- #define STRETCH_H
- #include "globals.h"
- #ifdef KISSFFT
- #include <kiss_fftr.h>
- #else
- #include <fftw3.h>
- #endif
- class FFT{//FFT class that considers phases as random
- public:
- FFT(int nsamples_);//samples must be even
- ~FFT();
- void smp2freq();//input is smp, output is freq (phases are discarded)
- void freq2smp();//input is freq,output is smp (phases are random)
- void applywindow(FFTWindow type);
- REALTYPE *smp;//size of samples/2
- REALTYPE *freq;//size of samples
- int nsamples;
- private:
- #ifdef KISSFFT
- kiss_fftr_cfg plankfft,plankifft;
- kiss_fft_scalar *datar;
- kiss_fft_cpx *datac;
- #else
- fftwf_plan planfftw,planifftw;
- REALTYPE *data;
- #endif
- struct{
- REALTYPE *data;
- FFTWindow type;
- }window;
- unsigned int rand_seed;
- static unsigned int start_rand_seed;
- };
- class Stretch{
- public:
- Stretch(REALTYPE rap_,int in_bufsize_,FFTWindow w=W_HAMMING,bool bypass_=false,REALTYPE samplerate_=44100,int stereo_mode_=0);
- //in_bufsize is also a half of a FFT buffer (in samples)
- virtual ~Stretch();
- int get_max_bufsize(){
- return bufsize*3;
- };
- int get_bufsize(){
- return bufsize;
- };
- REALTYPE get_onset_detection_sensitivity(){
- return onset_detection_sensitivity;
- };
- REALTYPE process(REALTYPE *smps,int nsmps);//returns the onset value
- void set_freezing(bool new_freezing){
- freezing=new_freezing;
- };
- REALTYPE *out_buf;//pot sa pun o variabila "max_out_bufsize" si asta sa fie marimea lui out_buf si pe out_bufsize sa il folosesc ca marime adaptiva
- int get_nsamples(REALTYPE current_pos_percents);//how many samples are required
- int get_nsamples_for_fill();//how many samples are required to be added for a complete buffer refill (at start of the song or after seek)
- int get_skip_nsamples();//used for shorten
- void set_rap(REALTYPE newrap);//set the current stretch value
- void set_onset_detection_sensitivity(REALTYPE detection_sensitivity){
- onset_detection_sensitivity=detection_sensitivity;
- if (detection_sensitivity<1e-3) extra_onset_time_credit=0.0;
- };
- void here_is_onset(REALTYPE onset);
- FFTWindow window_type;
- protected:
- int bufsize;
- virtual void process_spectrum(REALTYPE *freq){};
- virtual REALTYPE get_stretch_multiplier(REALTYPE pos_percents);
- REALTYPE samplerate;
- int stereo_mode;//0=mono,1=left,2=right
- private:
- void do_analyse_inbuf(REALTYPE *smps);
- void do_next_inbuf_smps(REALTYPE *smps);
- REALTYPE do_detect_onset();
- // REALTYPE *in_pool;//de marimea in_bufsize
- REALTYPE rap,onset_detection_sensitivity;
- REALTYPE *old_out_smps;
- REALTYPE *old_freq;
- REALTYPE *new_smps,*old_smps,*very_old_smps;
- FFT *infft,*outfft;
- FFT *fft;
- long double remained_samples;//0..1
- long double extra_onset_time_credit;
- REALTYPE c_pos_percents;
- int skip_samples;
- bool require_new_buffer;
- bool bypass,freezing;
- };
- #endif