- /*
- Copyright (C) 2011 Nasca Octavian Paul
- Author: Nasca Octavian Paul
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License
- as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License (version 2) for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License (version 2)
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- */
- #include "FreeEdit.h"
- #include "Stretch.h"
- #include "XMLwrapper.h"
- struct ProcessParameters{
- ProcessParameters(){
- pitch_shift.enabled=false;
- pitch_shift.cents=0;
- octave.enabled=false;
- octave.om2=octave.om1=octave.o1=octave.o15=octave.o2=0;
- octave.o0=1.0;
- freq_shift.enabled=false;
- freq_shift.Hz=0;
- compressor.enabled=false;
- compressor.power=0.0;
- filter.enabled=false;
- filter.stop=false;
- filter.low=0.0;
- filter.high=22000.0;
- filter.hdamp=0.0;
- harmonics.enabled=false;
- harmonics.freq=440.0;
- harmonics.bandwidth=25.0;
- harmonics.nharmonics=10;
- harmonics.gauss=false;
- spread.enabled=false;
- spread.bandwidth=0.3;
- tonal_vs_noise.enabled=false;
- tonal_vs_noise.preserve=0.5;
- tonal_vs_noise.bandwidth=0.9;
- };
- ~ProcessParameters(){
- };
- void add2XML(XMLwrapper *xml);
- void getfromXML(XMLwrapper *xml);
- struct{
- bool enabled;
- int cents;
- }pitch_shift;
- struct{
- bool enabled;
- REALTYPE om2,om1,o0,o1,o15,o2;
- }octave;
- struct{
- bool enabled;
- int Hz;
- }freq_shift;
- struct{
- bool enabled;
- REALTYPE power;
- }compressor;
- struct{
- bool enabled;
- REALTYPE low,high;
- REALTYPE hdamp;
- bool stop;
- }filter;
- struct{
- bool enabled;
- REALTYPE freq;
- REALTYPE bandwidth;
- int nharmonics;
- bool gauss;
- }harmonics;
- struct{
- bool enabled;
- REALTYPE bandwidth;
- }spread;
- struct{
- bool enabled;
- REALTYPE preserve;
- REALTYPE bandwidth;
- }tonal_vs_noise;
- FreeEdit free_filter;
- FreeEdit stretch_multiplier;
- };
- class ProcessedStretch:public Stretch{
- public:
- //stereo_mode: 0=mono,1=left,2=right
- ProcessedStretch(REALTYPE rap_,int in_bufsize_,FFTWindow w=W_HAMMING,bool bypass_=false,REALTYPE samplerate_=44100,int stereo_mode=0);
- ~ProcessedStretch();
- void set_parameters(ProcessParameters *ppar);
- private:
- REALTYPE get_stretch_multiplier(REALTYPE pos_percents);
- // void process_output(REALTYPE *smps,int nsmps);
- void process_spectrum(REALTYPE *freq);
- void do_harmonics(REALTYPE *freq1,REALTYPE *freq2);
- void do_pitch_shift(REALTYPE *freq1,REALTYPE *freq2,REALTYPE rap);
- void do_freq_shift(REALTYPE *freq1,REALTYPE *freq2);
- void do_octave(REALTYPE *freq1,REALTYPE *freq2);
- void do_filter(REALTYPE *freq1,REALTYPE *freq2);
- void do_free_filter(REALTYPE *freq1,REALTYPE *freq2);
- void do_compressor(REALTYPE *freq1,REALTYPE *freq2);
- void do_spread(REALTYPE *freq1,REALTYPE *freq2);
- void do_tonal_vs_noise(REALTYPE *freq1,REALTYPE *freq2);
- void copy(REALTYPE *freq1,REALTYPE *freq2);
- void add(REALTYPE *freq2,REALTYPE *freq1,REALTYPE a=1.0);
- void mul(REALTYPE *freq1,REALTYPE a);
- void zero(REALTYPE *freq1);
- void spread(REALTYPE *freq1,REALTYPE *freq2,REALTYPE spread_bandwidth);
- void update_free_filter();
- int nfreq;
- REALTYPE *free_filter_freqs;
- ProcessParameters pars;
- REALTYPE *infreq,*sumfreq,*tmpfreq1,*tmpfreq2;
- //REALTYPE *fbfreq;
- };
- #endif