- /*
- Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Nasca Octavian Paul
- Author: Nasca Octavian Paul
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License
- as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License (version 2) for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License (version 2)
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- */
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include "Player.h"
- #include "globals.h"
- static int player_count=0;
- Player::Player():Thread(){
- player_count++;
- if (player_count>1) {
- printf("Error: Player class multiples instances.\n");
- exit(1);
- };
- stretchl=NULL;
- stretchr=NULL;
- binaural_beats=NULL;
- ai=NULL;
- newtask.mode=TASK_NONE;
- newtask.startpos=0.0;
- newtask.rap=1.0;
- newtask.fftsize=4096;
- task=newtask;
- mode=MODE_STOP;
- outbuf.n=0;
- outbuf.datal=NULL;
- outbuf.datar=NULL;
- outbuf.size=0;
- outbuf.computek=0;
- outbuf.outk=0;
- outbuf.outpos=0;
- outbuf.nfresh=0;
- outbuf.in_position=0;
- inbuf_i=NULL;
- info.position=0;
- freeze_mode=false;
- bypass_mode=false;
- first_in_buf=true;
- window_type=W_HANN;
- inbuf.l=NULL;
- inbuf.r=NULL;
- paused=false;
- info.playing=false;
- info.samplerate=44100;
- info.eof=true;
- volume=1.0;
- onset_detection_sensitivity=0.0;
- };
- Player::~Player(){
- player_count--;
- stop();
- if (stretchl) delete stretchl;stretchl=NULL;
- if (stretchr) delete stretchr;stretchr=NULL;
- if (outbuf.in_position) delete outbuf.in_position;
- if (inbuf.l) delete inbuf.l;
- if (inbuf.r) delete inbuf.r;
- if (inbuf_i) delete inbuf_i;
- if (ai) delete ai;
- if (binaural_beats) delete binaural_beats;binaural_beats=NULL;
- };
- Player::ModeType Player::getmode(){
- return mode;
- };
- void Player::startplay(std::string filename, REALTYPE startpos,REALTYPE rap, int fftsize,FILE_TYPE intype,bool bypass,ProcessParameters *ppar,BinauralBeatsParameters *bbpar){
- info.playing=false;
- info.eof=false;
- bypass_mode=bypass;
- if (bypass) freeze_mode=false;
- paused=false;
- taskmutex.lock();
- newtask.mode=TASK_START;
- newtask.filename=filename;
- newtask.startpos=startpos;
- newtask.rap=rap;
- newtask.fftsize=fftsize;
- newtask.intype=intype;
- newtask.bypass=bypass;
- newtask.ppar=ppar;
- newtask.bbpar=bbpar;
- taskmutex.unlock();
- };
- void Player::stop(){
- //pun 0 la outbuf
- info.playing=false;
- /* taskmutex.lock();
- newtask.mode=TASK_STOP;
- taskmutex.unlock();*/
- };
- void Player::pause(){
- paused=!paused;
- };
- void Player::seek(REALTYPE pos){
- taskmutex.lock();
- newtask.mode=TASK_SEEK;
- newtask.startpos=pos;
- taskmutex.unlock();
- };
- void Player::freeze(){
- freeze_mode=!freeze_mode;
- if (bypass_mode) freeze_mode=false;
- };
- void Player::setrap(REALTYPE newrap){
- taskmutex.lock();
- newtask.mode=TASK_RAP;
- newtask.rap=newrap;
- taskmutex.unlock();
- };
- void Player::set_process_parameters(ProcessParameters *ppar,BinauralBeatsParameters *bbpar){
- taskmutex.lock();
- newtask.mode=TASK_PARAMETERS;
- newtask.ppar=ppar;
- newtask.bbpar=bbpar;
- taskmutex.unlock();
- };
- void Player::set_window_type(FFTWindow window){
- window_type=window;
- };
- void Player::set_volume(REALTYPE vol){
- volume=vol;
- };
- void Player::set_onset_detection_sensitivity(REALTYPE onset){
- onset_detection_sensitivity=onset;
- };
- void Player::getaudiobuffer(int nsamples, float *out){
- if (mode==MODE_PREPARING){
- for (int i=0;i<nsamples*2;i++){
- out[i]=0.0;
- };
- return;
- };
- if (paused){
- for (int i=0;i<nsamples*2;i++){
- out[i]=0.0;
- };
- return;
- };
- bufmutex.lock();
- if ((outbuf.n==0)||(outbuf.nfresh==0)){
- bufmutex.unlock();
- for (int i=0;i<nsamples*2;i++){
- out[i]=0.0;
- };
- return;
- };
- int k=outbuf.outk,pos=outbuf.outpos;
- // printf("%d in_pos=%g\n",info.eof,outbuf.in_position[k]);
- if (info.eof) mode=MODE_STOP;
- else info.position=outbuf.in_position[k];
- for (int i=0;i<nsamples;i++){
- out[i*2]=outbuf.datal[k][pos]*volume;
- out[i*2+1]=outbuf.datar[k][pos]*volume;
- pos++;
- if (pos>=outbuf.size) {
- pos=0;
- k++;
- if (k>=outbuf.n) k=0;
- outbuf.nfresh--;
- //printf("%d %d\n",k,outbuf.nfresh);
- if (outbuf.nfresh<0){//Underflow
- outbuf.nfresh=0;
- for (int j=i;j<nsamples;j++){
- out[j*2]=0.0;
- out[j*2+1]=0.0;
- };
- break;
- };
- };
- };
- outbuf.outk=k;
- outbuf.outpos=pos;
- bufmutex.unlock();
- };
- void Player::run(){
- while(1){
- newtaskcheck();
- if (mode==MODE_STOP) sleep(10);
- if ((mode==MODE_PLAY)||(mode==MODE_PREPARING)){
- computesamples();
- };
- task.mode=TASK_NONE;
- };
- };
- void Player::newtaskcheck(){
- TaskMode newmode=TASK_NONE;
- taskmutex.lock();
- if (task.mode!=newtask.mode) {
- newmode=newtask.mode;
- task=newtask;
- };
- newtask.mode=TASK_NONE;
- taskmutex.unlock();
- if (newmode==TASK_START){
- if (current_filename!=task.filename){
- current_filename=task.filename;
- task.startpos=0.0;
- };
- switch (task.intype){
- case FILE_VORBIS:ai=new VorbisInputS;
- break;
- case FILE_MP3:ai=new MP3InputS;
- break;
- default: ai=new AInputS;
- };
- if (ai->open(task.filename)){
- info.samplerate=ai->info.samplerate;
- ai->seek(task.startpos);
- bufmutex.lock();
- if (stretchl) delete stretchl;stretchl=NULL;
- if (stretchr) delete stretchr;stretchr=NULL;
- stretchl=new ProcessedStretch(task.rap,task.fftsize,window_type,task.bypass,ai->info.samplerate,1);
- stretchr=new ProcessedStretch(task.rap,task.fftsize,window_type,task.bypass,ai->info.samplerate,2);
- if (binaural_beats) delete binaural_beats;binaural_beats=NULL;
- binaural_beats=new BinauralBeats(ai->info.samplerate);
- if (stretchl) stretchl->set_parameters(task.ppar);
- if (stretchr) stretchr->set_parameters(task.ppar);
- if (binaural_beats) binaural_beats->pars=*(task.bbpar);
- inbufsize=stretchl->get_max_bufsize();
- if (inbuf.l) delete []inbuf.l;inbuf.l=NULL;
- if (inbuf.r) delete []inbuf.r;inbuf.r=NULL;
- inbuf.l=new REALTYPE[inbufsize];
- inbuf.r=new REALTYPE[inbufsize];
- for (int i=0;i<inbufsize;i++) inbuf.l[i]=inbuf.r[i]=0.0;
- if (outbuf.datal){
- for (int j=0;j<outbuf.n;j++){
- delete [] outbuf.datal[j];
- };
- delete [] outbuf.datal;
- outbuf.datal=NULL;
- };
- if (outbuf.datar){
- for (int j=0;j<outbuf.n;j++){
- delete [] outbuf.datar[j];
- };
- delete [] outbuf.datar;
- outbuf.datar=NULL;
- };
- delete[] inbuf_i;
- if (outbuf.in_position) {
- delete outbuf.in_position;
- outbuf.in_position=NULL;
- };
- inbuf_i=new short int[inbufsize*2];//for left and right
- for (int i=0;i<inbufsize;i++){
- inbuf_i[i*2]=inbuf_i[i*2+1]=0;
- };
- first_in_buf=true;
- outbuf.size=stretchl->get_bufsize();
- int min_samples=ai->info.samplerate*2;
- int n=2*PA_SOUND_BUFFER_SIZE/outbuf.size;
- if (n<3) n=3;//min 3 buffers
- if (n<(min_samples/outbuf.size)) n=(min_samples/outbuf.size);//the internal buffers sums "min_samples" amount
- outbuf.n=n;
- outbuf.nfresh=0;
- outbuf.datal=new float *[outbuf.n];
- outbuf.datar=new float *[outbuf.n];
- outbuf.computek=0;
- outbuf.outk=0;
- outbuf.outpos=0;
- outbuf.in_position=new float[outbuf.n];
- for (int j=0;j<outbuf.n;j++){
- outbuf.datal[j]=new float[outbuf.size];
- for (int i=0;i<outbuf.size;i++) outbuf.datal[j][i]=0.0;
- outbuf.datar[j]=new float[outbuf.size];
- for (int i=0;i<outbuf.size;i++) outbuf.datar[j][i]=0.0;
- outbuf.in_position[j]=0.0;
- };
- bufmutex.unlock();
- };
- };
- if (newmode==TASK_SEEK){
- if (ai) ai->seek(task.startpos);
- first_in_buf=true;
- };
- if (newmode==TASK_RAP){
- if (stretchl) stretchl->set_rap(task.rap);
- if (stretchl) stretchr->set_rap(task.rap);
- };
- if (newmode==TASK_PARAMETERS){
- if (stretchl) stretchl->set_parameters(task.ppar);
- if (stretchr) stretchr->set_parameters(task.ppar);
- if (binaural_beats) binaural_beats->pars=*(task.bbpar);
- };
- };
- void Player::computesamples(){
- bufmutex.lock();
- bool exitnow=(outbuf.n==0);
- if (outbuf.nfresh>=(outbuf.n-1)) exitnow=true;//buffers are full
- bufmutex.unlock();
- if (exitnow) {
- if (mode==MODE_PREPARING) {
- info.playing=true;
- mode=MODE_PLAY;
- };
- sleep(10);
- return;
- };
- bool eof=false;
- if (!ai) eof=true;
- else if (ai->eof) eof=true;
- if (eof){
- for (int i=0;i<inbufsize;i++){
- inbuf_i[i*2]=inbuf_i[i*2+1]=0;
- };
- outbuf.nfresh++;
- bufmutex.lock();
- for (int i=0;i<outbuf.size;i++){
- outbuf.datal[outbuf.computek][i]=0.0;
- outbuf.datar[outbuf.computek][i]=0.0;
- };
- outbuf.computek++;
- if (outbuf.computek>=outbuf.n){
- outbuf.computek=0;
- };
- bufmutex.unlock();
- info.eof=true;
- return;
- };
- bool result=true;
- float in_pos_100=(REALTYPE) ai->info.currentsample/(REALTYPE)ai->info.nsamples*100.0;
- int readsize=stretchl->get_nsamples(in_pos_100);
- if (first_in_buf) readsize=stretchl->get_nsamples_for_fill();
- else if (freeze_mode) readsize=0;
- if (readsize) result=(ai->read(readsize,inbuf_i)==(readsize));
- if (result){
- float in_pos=(REALTYPE) ai->info.currentsample/(REALTYPE)ai->info.nsamples;
- if (ai->eof) in_pos=0.0;
- REALTYPE tmp=1.0/32768.0;
- for (int i=0;i<readsize;i++){
- inbuf.l[i]=inbuf_i[i*2]*tmp;
- inbuf.r[i]=inbuf_i[i*2+1]*tmp;
- };
- stretchl->window_type=window_type;
- stretchr->window_type=window_type;
- REALTYPE s_onset=onset_detection_sensitivity;
- stretchl->set_onset_detection_sensitivity(s_onset);
- stretchr->set_onset_detection_sensitivity(s_onset);
- bool freezing=freeze_mode&&(!first_in_buf);
- stretchl->set_freezing(freezing);
- stretchr->set_freezing(freezing);
- REALTYPE onset_l=stretchl->process(inbuf.l,readsize);
- REALTYPE onset_r=stretchr->process(inbuf.r,readsize);
- REALTYPE onset=(onset_l>onset_r)?onset_l:onset_r;
- stretchl->here_is_onset(onset);
- stretchr->here_is_onset(onset);
- binaural_beats->process(stretchl->out_buf,stretchr->out_buf,stretchl->get_bufsize(),in_pos_100);
- // stretchl->process_output(stretchl->out_buf,stretchl->out_bufsize);
- // stretchr->process_output(stretchr->out_buf,stretchr->out_bufsize);
- int nskip=stretchl->get_skip_nsamples();
- if (nskip>0) ai->skip(nskip);
- first_in_buf=false;
- bufmutex.lock();
- for (int i=0;i<outbuf.size;i++){
- REALTYPE l=stretchl->out_buf[i],r=stretchr->out_buf[i];
- if (l<-1.0) l=-1.0;
- else if (l>1.0) l=1.0;
- if (r<-1.0) r=-1.0;
- else if (r>1.0) r=1.0;
- outbuf.datal[outbuf.computek][i]=l;
- outbuf.datar[outbuf.computek][i]=r;
- };
- outbuf.in_position[outbuf.computek]=in_pos;
- outbuf.computek++;
- if (outbuf.computek>=outbuf.n){
- outbuf.computek=0;
- };
- bufmutex.unlock();
- outbuf.nfresh++;
- }else{
- info.eof=true;
- mode=MODE_STOP;
- stop();
- };
- };