- /*
- Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Nasca Octavian Paul
- Author: Nasca Octavian Paul
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License
- as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License (version 2) for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License (version 2)
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- */
- #define BUFSIZE 4096 //minimum 2 buffere de mp3
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include "MP3InputS.h"
- using namespace std;
- MP3InputS::MP3InputS(){
- info.nsamples=0;
- info.nchannels=2;
- info.samplerate=44100;
- info.currentsample=0;
- eof=false;
- MP3_opened=false;
- f=NULL;
- buf=NULL;
- };
- MP3InputS::~MP3InputS(){
- close();
- };
- bool MP3InputS::open(string filename){
- pcm_remained=0;
- close();//inchide un posibil fisier existent
- eof=true;
- f=fopen(filename.c_str(),"rb");
- if (!f) return false;
- mad_stream_init(&stream);
- mad_frame_init(&frame);
- mad_synth_init(&synth);
- buf=new unsigned char[BUFSIZE];
- MP3_opened=true;
- eof=false;
- fseek(f,0,SEEK_END);
- info.nsamples=ftell(f);
- rewind(f);
- info.currentsample=0;
- info.samplerate=44100;
- {//find the samplerate
- const int n=8192;
- short int tmpsmp[n*2];
- read(n,tmpsmp);//read just a sample (and ignore it) to fill info.samplerate
- seek(0);
- pcm_remained=0;
- info.currentsample=0;
- //reinit the mad
- mad_synth_finish(&synth);
- mad_frame_finish(&frame);
- mad_stream_finish(&stream);
- mad_stream_init(&stream);
- mad_frame_init(&frame);
- mad_synth_init(&synth);
- };
- info.nchannels=2;
- return true;
- };
- void MP3InputS::close(){
- if (MP3_opened){
- MP3_opened=false;
- mad_synth_finish(&synth);
- mad_frame_finish(&frame);
- mad_stream_finish(&stream);
- delete [] buf;
- fclose(f);
- f=NULL;
- };
- };
- int MP3InputS::read(int nsmps,short int *smps){
- int orig_nsmps=nsmps;
- short int *orig_smps=smps;
- if (!MP3_opened) {
- eof=true;
- return 0;
- };
- if (eof) {
- for (int i=0;i<nsmps;i++) smps[i]=0;
- return nsmps;
- };
- if (pcm_remained>0){
- int nconverted=pcm_remained;
- if (nconverted>nsmps) nconverted=nsmps;
- convertsmps(nconverted,smps,synth.pcm.length-pcm_remained);
- nsmps-=nconverted;
- smps+=nconverted*2;
- if (nsmps<=0){
- pcm_remained-=orig_nsmps;
- return orig_nsmps;
- };
- };
- while (nsmps>0){
- int remaining=0;
- if (stream.next_frame!=NULL){
- remaining=stream.bufend-stream.next_frame;
- memmove(buf,stream.next_frame,remaining);
- };
- int readsize=BUFSIZE-remaining;
- int readed=fread(buf+remaining,1,readsize,f);
- if (feof(f)) eof=true;
- if ((eof) || (readed<1)){
- for (int i=0;i<orig_nsmps;i++){
- orig_smps[i]=0;
- };
- return orig_nsmps;
- };
- info.currentsample+=readed;
- if (readed!=readsize) {
- for (int i=readed;i<readsize;i++) buf[i+remaining]=0;
- };
- mad_stream_buffer(&stream, buf, BUFSIZE);
- while(1){
- if (mad_frame_decode(&frame, &stream)!=0){
- if (stream.error==MAD_ERROR_BUFLEN) break;
- if (stream.error==MAD_ERROR_LOSTSYNC) continue;
- if (!MAD_RECOVERABLE(stream.error)) {
- printf("Non recoverable MP3 error: 0x%x\n",stream.error);///in caz ca nu este recuperabil
- close();
- return orig_nsmps;
- };
- };
- mad_synth_frame(&synth, &frame);
- int n=synth.pcm.length;
- if (synth.pcm.samplerate!=0) info.samplerate=synth.pcm.samplerate;
- if (nsmps<synth.pcm.length){
- pcm_remained=synth.pcm.length-nsmps;
- n=nsmps;
- }else{
- pcm_remained=0;
- };
- convertsmps(n,smps,0);
- nsmps-=n;
- smps+=n*2;
- if (nsmps<=0) return orig_nsmps;
- };
- };
- return orig_nsmps;
- };
- void MP3InputS::convertsmps(int nsmps, short int *smps,int pcmstart){
- mad_fixed_t *l=synth.pcm.samples[0],*r=synth.pcm.samples[0];
- if (synth.pcm.channels==2) r=synth.pcm.samples[1];
- l+=pcmstart;r+=pcmstart;
- for (int i=0;i<nsmps;i++){//todo optimize (avoid reconverting r[] for mono samples)
- smps[i*2]=madpcm2short(l[i]);
- smps[i*2+1]=madpcm2short(r[i]);
- };
- };
- short int MP3InputS::madpcm2short(mad_fixed_t x){
- if (x>=MAD_F_ONE) x=MAD_F_ONE-1;
- else if (x<=-MAD_F_ONE) x=-MAD_F_ONE+1;
- int result= x >> (MAD_F_FRACBITS + 1 - 16);
- return result;
- };
- void MP3InputS::seek(double pos){
- if (!MP3_opened) return;
- pcm_remained=0;
- int p=(int)(pos*info.nsamples);
- info.currentsample=p;
- fseek(f,p,SEEK_SET);
- /* if (p==0) {
- fseek(f,0,SEEK_SET);
- }else{
- //todo add other thing here
- fseek(f,p,SEEK_SET);
- };
- */
- };