- # data file for the Fltk User Interface Designer (fluid)
- version 1.0110
- header_name {.h}
- code_name {.cxx}
- decl {//Copyright (c) Nasca Octavian Paul. Released under GNU General Public License version 2} {public
- }
- decl {\#include <FL/Fl_File_Chooser.H>} {}
- decl {\#include <FL/Fl_Box.H>} {public
- }
- decl {\#include <FL/Fl_Group.H>} {public
- }
- decl {\#include <FL/Fl_Box.H>} {public
- }
- decl {\#include <FL/fl_draw.H>} {public
- }
- decl {\#include <FL/Fl_Value_Input.H>} {public
- }
- decl {\#include <FL/fl_ask.H>} {public
- }
- decl {\#include<sys/stat.h>} {}
- decl {\#include <stdio.h>} {}
- decl {\#include <string>} {}
- decl {\#include <math.h>} {}
- decl {\#include "Control.h"} {public
- }
- decl {\#include "FreeEditUI.h"} {public
- }
- decl {\#include "version.h"} {public
- }
- Function {hex4n(char c)} {return_type int
- } {
- code {if (c>96) c-=32;
- if ((c>='0')||(c<='9')) return (c-'0');
- if ((c>='A')||(c<='F')) return (c-'A')+10;
- return 0;} {}
- }
- Function {unescape(std::string s)} {return_type {std::string}
- } {
- code {std::string result;
- int slen=s.size();
- s+=" ";
- int sk=0;
- while (sk<slen){
- char c=s[sk];
- if (c=='%'){
- char c1=s[++sk];
- char c2=s[++sk];
- result+=(char)(16*hex4n(c1)+hex4n(c2));
- sk++;
- }else{
- result+=c;
- sk++;
- };
- };
- //printf("%s\\n%s\\n",s.c_str(),result.c_str());
- return result;} {}
- }
- class DDBox {: {public Fl_Box}
- } {
- Function {DDBox(int x, int y, int w, int h, const char *label = 0):Fl_Box(x,y,w,h,label)} {open
- } {
- code {new_drag_file=false;} {}
- }
- Function {handle(int event)} {open return_type int
- } {
- code {if ((event==FL_DND_ENTER)||(event==FL_DND_DRAG)||(event==FL_DND_RELEASE)) return 1;
- if (event==FL_PASTE){
- const char *url=Fl::event_text();
- if (strstr(url,"file://")!=url) return 0;//is not a file
- std::string filename=url+7;
- for (int i=0;i<filename.size();i++) if (filename[i]<32) filename[i]=0;
- drag_file=unescape(filename);
- new_drag_file=true;
- return 1;
- };
- return Fl_Box::handle(event);} {}
- }
- decl {std::string drag_file;} {public
- }
- decl {bool new_drag_file;} {public
- }
- }
- class GUI {open
- } {
- decl {enum Mode {STOP,PLAY,PAUSE,FREEZE};} {}
- Function {GUI()} {} {
- code {playing_for_button=false;
- eof_for_button=false;
- rendering=false;
- make_window();
- tick(this);
- refresh();
- set_mode(STOP);} {}
- }
- Function {~GUI()} {} {
- code {Fl::remove_timeout(tick,this);} {}
- }
- Function {open_input_file(const char *filename)} {open
- } {
- code {const char *ext=fl_filename_ext(filename);
- if ((strcmp(ext,".ogg")==0)||(strcmp(ext,".OGG")==0)||(strcmp(ext,".Ogg")==0)) intype=FILE_VORBIS;
- if ((strcmp(ext,".mp3")==0)||(strcmp(ext,".MP3")==0)||(strcmp(ext,".Mp3")==0)) intype=FILE_MP3;
- bool result=control.set_input_filename(filename,intype);
- if (result) {
- infilename_output->copy_label(control.get_input_filename_and_info().c_str());
- } else {
- infilename_output->copy_label("");
- fl_alert("Error: Could not open audio file:\\n%s",filename);
- };
- refresh();} {}
- }
- Function {render()} {open
- } {
- code {render_button->deactivate();
- rendering=true;
- render_percent_slider->value(0);
- render_percent_slider->activate();
- cancel_render_button->activate();
- //char defaultfile[FL_PATH_MAX];
- //fl_filename_absolute(defaultfile,control.get_recommanded_output_filename().c_str());
- Fl_File_Chooser *fc=new Fl_File_Chooser(NULL,"Wave files (*.wav)\\tOgg Vorbis (*.ogg)",Fl_File_Chooser::CREATE,"Render to audio file...");
- fc->preview(0);
- fc->filter_value(0);
- fc->ok_label("Render");
- fc->show();
- while (fc->visible()){
- Fl::wait();
- };
- const char *newfile = fc->value();
- if (newfile != NULL) {
- if (file_exists(newfile)){
- if (!fl_choice("The file exists. \\nOverwrite it?","No","Yes",NULL)) return;
- };
- if (fc->filter_value()==1) type=FILE_VORBIS;
- const char *ext=fl_filename_ext(newfile);
- std::string outfilename=newfile;
- if (strlen(ext)==0){
- if (type==FILE_VORBIS) outfilename+=".ogg";
- else outfilename+=".wav";
- };
- render_percent_slider->copy_label(outfilename.c_str());
- {
- const char *ext=fl_filename_ext(control.get_input_filename().c_str());
- if ((strcmp(ext,".ogg")==0)||(strcmp(ext,".OGG")==0)||(strcmp(ext,".Ogg")==0)) intype=FILE_VORBIS;
- if ((strcmp(ext,".MP3")==0)||(strcmp(ext,".mp3")==0)||(strcmp(ext,".Mp3")==0)) intype=FILE_MP3;
- };
- const char *outstr=control.Render(control.get_input_filename(),outfilename,type,intype,
- selection_pos1->value()/100.0,selection_pos2->value()/100.0).c_str();
- if (strlen(outstr)!=0) fl_alert("%s",outstr);
- };
- delete fc;
- render_button->activate();
- render_percent_slider->value(0);
- render_percent_slider->deactivate();
- render_percent_slider->label("");
- cancel_render_button->deactivate();
- rendering=false;} {}
- }
- Function {make_window()} {open private
- } {
- Fl_Window window {
- label {Paul's Extreme Sound Stretch} open
- xywh {192 131 995 550} type Double resizable
- code0 {if(strlen(VERSION)<2) {o->color(FL_BLUE); o->label("VERSION NOT SET!!!!!!!!!!!!");};} visible
- } {
- Fl_Menu_Bar {} {open
- xywh {0 0 1015 20}
- } {
- Submenu {} {
- label File open
- xywh {0 0 63 20}
- } {
- MenuItem {} {
- label {Open audio file...}
- callback {char *newfile = fl_file_chooser("Open Audio(ogg,wav,mp3) File?", NULL, NULL);
- if (newfile != NULL) {
- open_input_file(newfile);
- };
- selection_pos1->value(0.0);
- selection_pos2->value(100.0);
- refresh();}
- xywh {0 0 30 20}
- }
- MenuItem render_menu {
- label {Render and save audio file...}
- callback {selection_pos1->value(0.0);
- selection_pos2->value(100.0);
- tabs_widget->value(write_to_file_group);
- render();}
- xywh {10 10 30 20} deactivate divider
- }
- MenuItem {} {
- label {Open Parameters...}
- callback {char *newfile = fl_file_chooser("Open Parameter File?", "PaulStretch XML (*.psx)\\tAll Files (*)", NULL);
- if (newfile != NULL) {
- set_mode(STOP);
- control.stopplay();
- if (!control.load_parameters(newfile)){
- fl_alert("Error: Could not load parameter file:\\n%s",newfile);
- };
- };
- refreshgui();
- refresh();}
- xywh {10 10 30 20}
- }
- MenuItem {} {
- label {Save Parameters...}
- callback {char *newfile = fl_file_chooser("Save Parameters(paulstretch) File?", "PaulStretch XML (*.psx)\\tAll Files (*)", NULL);
- if (newfile != NULL) {
- if (file_exists(newfile)){
- if (!fl_choice("The file exists. \\nOverwrite it?","No","Yes",NULL)) return;
- };
- control.save_parameters(newfile);
- };
- refresh();}
- xywh {20 20 30 20} divider
- }
- MenuItem {} {
- label Exit
- callback {window->hide();}
- xywh {0 0 30 20}
- }
- }
- Submenu {} {
- label About
- xywh {15 15 63 20}
- } {
- MenuItem {} {
- label {About...}
- callback {aboutwindow->show();}
- xywh {15 15 30 20}
- }
- }
- }
- Fl_Tabs tabs_widget {open
- xywh {5 50 985 420} box BORDER_BOX
- } {
- Fl_Group {} {
- label Parameters open
- xywh {5 70 985 400}
- } {
- Fl_Slider stretch_slider {
- label {Stretch:}
- callback {refresh();
- control.update_player_stretch();}
- xywh {10 89 975 15} type {Horz Knob} box FLAT_BOX align 6 value 0.29
- }
- Fl_Slider fftsize_slider {
- label {Window Size:}
- callback {refresh();
- o->labelcolor(FL_BLUE);}
- xywh {10 155 975 15} type {Horz Knob} box FLAT_BOX align 6 value 0.47
- }
- Fl_Choice mode_choice {
- label {Mode:}
- callback {refresh();
- control.update_player_stretch();} selected
- xywh {850 110 135 20} down_box BORDER_BOX
- } {
- MenuItem {} {
- label Stretch
- xywh {10 10 30 20}
- }
- MenuItem {} {
- label HyperStretch
- xywh {20 20 30 20}
- }
- MenuItem {} {
- label Shorten
- xywh {0 0 30 20}
- }
- }
- Fl_Choice window_choice {
- label {Type:}
- callback {FFTWindow w=W_RECTANGULAR;
- switch(o->value()){
- case 0:
- break;
- case 1:
- break;
- case 2:
- w=W_HANN;
- break;
- case 3:
- break;
- case 4:
- break;
- };
- control.set_window_type(w);
- refresh();}
- xywh {850 185 135 20} down_box BORDER_BOX when 1
- code0 {o->value(2);}
- } {
- MenuItem {} {
- label Rectangular
- xywh {40 40 30 20}
- }
- MenuItem {} {
- label Hamming
- xywh {30 30 30 20}
- }
- MenuItem {} {
- label Hann
- xywh {10 10 30 20}
- }
- MenuItem {} {
- label Blackman
- xywh {20 20 30 20}
- }
- MenuItem {} {
- label BlackmanHarris
- xywh {30 30 30 20}
- }
- }
- Fl_Button {} {
- label S
- callback {char tmp[100];
- snprintf(tmp,100,"%g",control.get_stretch());
- const char *result=fl_input("Enter the stretch value",tmp);
- if (!result) return;
- double str=atof(result);
- if (str<1e-4) return;
- double stc=control.get_stretch_control(str,mode_choice->value());
- if ((stc<1e-4)||(stc>1.0)) return;
- stretch_slider->value(stc);
- stretch_slider->do_callback();}
- tooltip {set the stretch to a value} xywh {780 110 20 20}
- }
- Fl_Box resolution_box {
- xywh {10 187 790 18} box FLAT_BOX color 52 align 20
- }
- Fl_Group {} {
- label {Stretch Multiplier} open
- xywh {10 245 975 220} box THIN_UP_BOX labeltype ENGRAVED_LABEL
- } {
- Fl_Box stretch_free_edit {
- label Graph
- xywh {105 250 875 210} box FLAT_BOX color 17
- code0 {o->init(&control.ppar.stretch_multiplier,&control);}
- class FreeEditUI
- }
- Fl_Group stretch_multiplier_control {open
- xywh {15 250 85 210} box BORDER_FRAME color 0 align 208
- code0 {o->init(stretch_free_edit,FE_LINEAR,0,100.0,FE_LOG,0.1,50.0,1.0);}
- class FreeEditControls
- } {}
- }
- Fl_Slider onset_slider {
- label {Onset sensitivity:}
- callback {refresh();
- control.update_player_stretch();}
- xywh {135 213 140 15} type {Horz Knob} box FLAT_BOX align 4
- }
- }
- Fl_Group {} {
- label Process open
- xywh {5 70 985 400} hide
- } {
- Fl_Group {} {open
- xywh {165 75 105 65} box BORDER_BOX
- } {
- Fl_Check_Button pitch_shift_enabled {
- label {Pitch Shift}
- callback {control.ppar.pitch_shift.enabled=o->value();
- control.update_process_parameters();}
- xywh {170 80 90 15} down_box DOWN_BOX labelfont 1
- }
- Fl_Counter pitch_shift_cents {
- label cents
- callback {control.ppar.pitch_shift.cents=(int)o->value();
- control.update_process_parameters();}
- xywh {170 100 90 20} minimum -3600 maximum 3600 step 1
- code0 {o->lstep(100);}
- }
- }
- Fl_Group {} {open
- xywh {275 75 135 100} box BORDER_BOX
- } {
- Fl_Check_Button octave_enabled {
- label {Octave Mixer}
- callback {control.ppar.octave.enabled=o->value();
- control.update_process_parameters();}
- xywh {280 80 110 15} down_box DOWN_BOX labelfont 1
- }
- Fl_Slider octave_om2 {
- label {-2}
- callback {control.ppar.octave.om2=pow(o->value(),2.0);
- control.update_process_parameters();}
- tooltip {2 octaves below} xywh {280 100 15 55} type {Vert Knob} minimum 1 maximum 0
- }
- Fl_Slider octave_om1 {
- label {-1}
- callback {control.ppar.octave.om1=pow(o->value(),2.0);
- control.update_process_parameters();}
- tooltip {1 octave below} xywh {300 100 15 55} type {Vert Knob} minimum 1 maximum 0
- }
- Fl_Slider octave_o0 {
- label 0
- callback {control.ppar.octave.o0=pow(o->value(),2.0);
- control.update_process_parameters();}
- tooltip {original (dry)} xywh {320 100 15 55} type {Vert Knob} minimum 1 maximum 0 value 1
- }
- Fl_Slider octave_o1 {
- label 1
- callback {control.ppar.octave.o1=pow(o->value(),2.0);
- control.update_process_parameters();}
- tooltip {1 octave above} xywh {340 100 15 55} type {Vert Knob} minimum 1 maximum 0
- }
- Fl_Slider octave_o15 {
- label {1.5}
- callback {control.ppar.octave.o15=pow(o->value(),2.0);
- control.update_process_parameters();}
- tooltip {3rd harmonic} xywh {360 100 15 55} type {Vert Knob} minimum 1 maximum 0
- }
- Fl_Slider octave_o2 {
- label 2
- callback {control.ppar.octave.o2=pow(o->value(),2.0);
- control.update_process_parameters();}
- tooltip {2 octaves above} xywh {380 100 15 55} type {Vert Knob} minimum 1 maximum 0
- }
- }
- Fl_Group {} {open
- xywh {165 140 105 65} box BORDER_BOX
- } {
- Fl_Check_Button freq_shift_enabled {
- label {Freq Shift}
- callback {control.ppar.freq_shift.enabled=o->value();
- control.update_process_parameters();}
- xywh {170 145 90 15} down_box DOWN_BOX labelfont 1
- }
- Fl_Counter freq_shift_Hz {
- label Hz
- callback {control.ppar.freq_shift.Hz=(int)o->value();
- control.update_process_parameters();}
- xywh {170 165 90 20} minimum -10000 maximum 10000 step 1
- code0 {o->lstep(100);}
- }
- }
- Fl_Group {} {open
- xywh {750 75 120 65} box BORDER_BOX
- } {
- Fl_Check_Button compressor_enabled {
- label Compress
- callback {control.ppar.compressor.enabled=o->value();
- control.update_process_parameters();}
- xywh {755 80 90 15} down_box DOWN_BOX labelfont 1
- }
- Fl_Slider compressor_power {
- label Power
- callback {control.ppar.compressor.power=o->value();
- control.update_process_parameters();}
- xywh {755 100 110 15} type {Horz Knob}
- }
- }
- Fl_Slider {} {
- label Volume
- callback {REALTYPE x=o->value();
- x=pow(10.0,pow(x,1.5)-1.0)-0.1;
- control.set_volume(x);}
- xywh {750 155 120 40} type {Horz Knob} labelfont 1 minimum 0.3 maximum 1.6 value 1
- }
- Fl_Group {} {open
- xywh {415 75 185 100} box BORDER_BOX
- } {
- Fl_Check_Button filter_enabled {
- label Filter
- callback {control.ppar.filter.enabled=o->value();
- control.update_process_parameters();}
- xywh {420 80 70 15} down_box DOWN_BOX labelfont 1
- }
- Fl_Value_Input filter_low {
- label {Freq1(Hz)}
- callback {control.ppar.filter.low=o->value();
- control.update_process_parameters();}
- xywh {420 101 100 24} align 8 maximum 10000
- }
- Fl_Value_Input filter_high {
- label {Freq2(Hz)}
- callback {control.ppar.filter.high=o->value();
- control.update_process_parameters();}
- xywh {420 126 100 24} align 8 maximum 25000 value 22000
- }
- Fl_Check_Button filter_stop {
- label BandStop
- callback {control.ppar.filter.stop=o->value();
- control.update_process_parameters();}
- tooltip {band-stop filter} xywh {500 80 90 15} down_box DOWN_BOX
- }
- Fl_Slider filter_hdamp {
- label DHF
- callback {control.ppar.filter.hdamp=o->value();
- control.update_process_parameters();}
- tooltip {Damp High Frequency} xywh {420 155 140 15} type {Horz Knob} align 8
- }
- }
- Fl_Group {} {open
- xywh {10 75 150 120} box BORDER_BOX
- } {
- Fl_Check_Button harmonics_enabled {
- label Harmonics
- callback {control.ppar.harmonics.enabled=o->value();
- control.update_process_parameters();}
- xywh {15 80 95 15} down_box DOWN_BOX labelfont 1
- }
- Fl_Value_Input harmonics_freq {
- label {F.Freq(Hz)}
- callback {control.ppar.harmonics.freq=o->value();
- control.update_process_parameters();}
- tooltip {fundamental frequency} xywh {15 101 65 24} align 8 minimum 1 maximum 20000 value 440
- }
- Fl_Value_Input harmonics_bandwidth {
- label {BW(cents)}
- callback {control.ppar.harmonics.bandwidth=o->value();
- control.update_process_parameters();}
- tooltip {bandwidth (cents)} xywh {15 126 65 24} align 8 minimum 0.1 maximum 200 value 25
- }
- Fl_Check_Button harmonics_gauss {
- label Gauss
- callback {control.ppar.harmonics.gauss=o->value();
- control.update_process_parameters();}
- tooltip {smooth the harmonics} xywh {85 155 65 15} down_box DOWN_BOX
- }
- Fl_Counter harmonics_nharmonics {
- label {no.hrm.}
- callback {control.ppar.harmonics.nharmonics=(int)o->value();
- control.update_process_parameters();}
- tooltip {number of harmonics} xywh {15 155 56 20} type Simple minimum 1 maximum 100 step 1 value 10
- }
- }
- Fl_Group {} {open
- xywh {275 180 325 40} box BORDER_BOX
- } {
- Fl_Check_Button spread_enabled {
- label Spread
- callback {control.ppar.spread.enabled=o->value();
- control.update_process_parameters();}
- xywh {280 185 90 15} down_box DOWN_BOX labelfont 1
- }
- Fl_Slider spread_bandwidth {
- label Bandwidth
- callback {control.ppar.spread.bandwidth=o->value();
- control.update_process_parameters();}
- xywh {360 185 230 15} type {Horz Knob} value 0.3
- }
- }
- Fl_Group {} {
- label ArbitraryFilter
- xywh {10 245 975 220} box THIN_UP_BOX labeltype ENGRAVED_LABEL
- } {
- Fl_Box filter_free_edit {
- label Graph
- xywh {105 250 875 210} box FLAT_BOX color 206 selection_color 0
- code0 {o->init(&control.ppar.free_filter,&control);}
- class FreeEditUI
- }
- Fl_Group arbitrary_filter_control {open
- xywh {15 250 85 210} box BORDER_FRAME color 0 align 208
- code0 {o->init(filter_free_edit,FE_LOG,20.0,25000.0,FE_DB,-60,20,0.0);}
- class FreeEditControls
- } {}
- }
- Fl_Group {} {open
- xywh {605 75 140 105} box BORDER_BOX
- } {
- Fl_Check_Button tonal_vs_noise_enabled {
- label {Tonal/Noise}
- callback {control.ppar.tonal_vs_noise.enabled=o->value();
- control.update_process_parameters();}
- xywh {610 80 115 20} down_box DOWN_BOX labelfont 1
- }
- Fl_Slider tonal_vs_noise_bandwidth {
- label Bandwidth
- callback {control.ppar.tonal_vs_noise.bandwidth=o->value();
- control.update_process_parameters();}
- xywh {610 141 130 15} type {Horz Knob} minimum 0.75 value 0.9
- }
- Fl_Slider tonal_vs_noise_preserve {
- label {noise <-->tonal}
- callback {control.ppar.tonal_vs_noise.preserve=o->value();
- control.update_process_parameters();}
- xywh {610 105 130 15} type {Horz Knob} minimum -1 value 0.5
- }
- }
- }
- Fl_Group {} {
- label {Binaural beats}
- xywh {5 70 985 400} box THIN_UP_BOX hide
- } {
- Fl_Box binaural_free_edit {
- label Graph
- xywh {135 75 845 390} box FLAT_BOX color 135
- code0 {o->init(&control.bbpar.free_edit,&control);}
- class FreeEditUI
- }
- Fl_Slider bbpar_mono {
- label Pow
- callback {control.bbpar.mono=o->value();
- control.update_process_parameters();}
- xywh {105 75 20 190} type {Vert Knob} labelfont 1 minimum 1 maximum 0 value 0.5
- }
- Fl_Group binaural_beats_control {
- label {FreeEdit Controls}
- xywh {10 75 80 205} box BORDER_FRAME color 47 align 208
- code0 {o->init(binaural_free_edit,FE_LINEAR,0,100.0,FE_LOG,0.1,50.0,8.0);}
- class FreeEditControls
- } {}
- Fl_Choice bbpar_stereo_mode {
- label {Stereo Mode}
- callback {control.bbpar.stereo_mode=(BB_STEREO_MODE)o->value();
- control.update_process_parameters();}
- xywh {10 305 110 20} down_box BORDER_BOX align 5
- } {
- MenuItem {} {
- label LeftRight
- xywh {10 10 36 21} labelfont 1
- }
- MenuItem {} {
- label RightLeft
- xywh {20 20 36 21} labelfont 1
- }
- MenuItem {} {
- label Symmetric
- xywh {30 30 36 21} labelfont 1
- }
- }
- }
- Fl_Group write_to_file_group {
- label {Write to file} open
- xywh {5 70 985 400} hide
- } {
- Fl_Button render_button {
- label {Render selection...}
- callback {render();}
- xywh {250 95 320 30} labelfont 1 labelsize 22
- }
- Fl_Value_Slider render_percent_slider {
- label { }
- xywh {15 245 970 65} type {Horz Fill} selection_color 4 align 70 maximum 100 step 0.1 textsize 14
- }
- Fl_Button cancel_render_button {
- label Cancel
- callback {if (fl_choice("Cancel audio rendering?","No","Yes",NULL)) control.info.cancel_render=true;}
- xywh {400 365 145 25} deactivate
- }
- Fl_Button {} {
- label {selection pos1}
- callback {selection_pos1->value(seek_slider->value());}
- tooltip {set selection start from Player's position} xywh {20 85 110 20} align 20
- }
- Fl_Button {} {
- label {selection pos2}
- callback {selection_pos2->value(seek_slider->value());}
- tooltip {set selection end from Player's position} xywh {20 110 110 20} align 20
- }
- Fl_Button {} {
- label {select all}
- callback {selection_pos1->value(0.0);
- selection_pos2->value(100.0);}
- tooltip {select the whole sound} xywh {20 135 110 20}
- }
- Fl_Value_Output selection_pos1 {
- label {%}
- xywh {135 85 70 20} align 72 maximum 100 step 0.01 textfont 1
- }
- Fl_Value_Output selection_pos2 {
- label {%}
- xywh {135 111 70 18} align 72 maximum 100 step 0.01 value 100 textfont 1
- }
- Fl_Check_Button {} {
- label 32bit
- callback {control.wav32bit=o->value();}
- xywh {250 135 100 15} down_box DOWN_BOX
- }
- }
- }
- Fl_Box infilename_output {
- tooltip {drag audio file here to open it} xywh {5 24 1005 22} box FLAT_BOX color 17 align 84
- class DDBox
- }
- Fl_Group {} {open
- xywh {5 475 985 70} box BORDER_BOX
- } {
- Fl_Group {} {open
- xywh {10 490 190 40} box THIN_UP_BOX color 16
- } {
- Fl_Button play_button {
- label {@>}
- callback {if (control.playing_eof()&&(seek_slider->value()>99.0)){
- seek_slider->value(0.0);
- seek_slider->do_callback();
- };
- set_mode(PLAY);
- playing_for_button=true;
- eof_for_button=true;
- bool bypass=false;
- if (Fl::event_button()==FL_RIGHT_MOUSE) bypass=true;
- control.startplay(bypass);}
- tooltip {Play - right click to play the original sound} xywh {20 500 40 20} box PLASTIC_UP_BOX
- }
- Fl_Button freeze_button {
- label {@<-> F}
- callback {control.freezeplay();
- set_mode(FREEZE);}
- tooltip Freeze xywh {65 500 40 20} box PLASTIC_UP_BOX
- }
- Fl_Button {} {
- label {@||}
- callback {set_mode(PAUSE);
- control.pauseplay();}
- tooltip Pause xywh {110 500 40 20} box PLASTIC_UP_BOX
- }
- Fl_Button {} {
- label {@square}
- callback {set_mode(STOP);
- control.stopplay();}
- tooltip Stop xywh {155 500 40 20} box PLASTIC_UP_BOX
- }
- }
- Fl_Value_Slider seek_slider {
- label Percents
- callback {control.set_seek_pos(o->value()/o->maximum());}
- xywh {205 490 780 20} type {Horz Knob} box THIN_UP_BOX color 16 selection_color 4 align 6 maximum 100 textsize 14
- }
- }
- }
- Fl_Window aboutwindow {
- label {About...}
- xywh {274 354 300 170} type Double color 7 hide modal
- } {
- Fl_Button {} {
- label OK
- callback {aboutwindow->hide();}
- xywh {110 140 64 20}
- }
- Fl_Box {} {
- label {Copyright (c) 2006-2011 Nasca Octavian PAUL, Tg. Mures, Romania}
- xywh {10 93 280 37} align 128
- }
- Fl_Box {} {
- label {This is a software for extreme time stretching of the audio.}
- xywh {5 53 290 32} align 128
- }
- Fl_Box {} {
- label {Paul's Extreme Sound Stretch}
- xywh {20 6 255 21} labelfont 1 align 128
- }
- Fl_Box {} {
- label version
- xywh {20 26 255 19} labelfont 1 align 128
- code0 {o->label(VERSION);}
- }
- }
- }
- Function {set_mode(Mode mode)} {open private
- } {
- code {switch (mode){
- case STOP:
- play_button->labelcolor(FL_BLACK);
- //mode_choice->activate();
- freeze_button->deactivate();
- break;
- case PAUSE:
- play_button->labelcolor(FL_BLACK);
- //mode_choice->activate();
- break;
- case PLAY:
- play_button->labelcolor(FL_RED);
- //mode_choice->deactivate();
- fftsize_slider->labelcolor(FL_BLACK);
- freeze_button->activate();
- break;
- case FREEZE:
- if (control.is_freeze()) freeze_button->labelcolor(FL_GREEN);
- else freeze_button->labelcolor(FL_BLACK);
- break;
- };
- window->redraw();} {}
- }
- Function {refresh()} {open
- } {
- code {double stretch_s=stretch_slider->value()/stretch_slider->maximum();
- int mode=mode_choice->value();
- double resolution_s=fftsize_slider->value()/fftsize_slider->maximum();
- double onset=onset_slider->value();
- control.set_stretch_controls(stretch_s,mode,resolution_s,onset);
- stretch_slider->copy_label(control.get_stretch_info().c_str());
- fftsize_slider->copy_label(control.get_fftsize_info().c_str());
- resolution_box->copy_label(control.get_fftresolution_info().c_str());
- bool may_render=false;
- if (infilename_output->label()!=NULL){
- if (strlen(infilename_output->label())!=0)
- may_render=true;
- };
- if (!rendering){//do not change the status of render button while rendering
- if (may_render) {
- render_button->activate();
- render_menu->activate();
- } else {
- render_button->deactivate();
- render_menu->deactivate();
- };
- };} {}
- }
- Function {refreshgui()} {open
- } {
- code {stretch_slider->value(control.gui_sliders.stretch_s);
- fftsize_slider->value(control.gui_sliders.fftsize_s);
- mode_choice->value(control.gui_sliders.mode_s);
- window_choice->value(control.window_type);
- onset_slider->value(control.get_onset_detection_sensitivity());
- pitch_shift_enabled->value(control.ppar.pitch_shift.enabled);
- pitch_shift_cents->value(control.ppar.pitch_shift.cents);
- octave_enabled->value(control.ppar.octave.enabled);
- octave_om2->value(control.ppar.octave.om2);
- octave_om1->value(control.ppar.octave.om1);
- octave_o0->value(control.ppar.octave.o0);
- octave_o1->value(control.ppar.octave.o1);
- octave_o15->value(control.ppar.octave.o15);
- octave_o2->value(control.ppar.octave.o2);
- freq_shift_enabled->value(control.ppar.freq_shift.enabled);
- freq_shift_Hz->value(control.ppar.freq_shift.Hz);
- compressor_enabled->value(control.ppar.compressor.enabled);
- compressor_power->value(control.ppar.compressor.power);
- filter_enabled->value(control.ppar.filter.enabled);
- filter_stop->value(control.ppar.filter.stop);
- filter_low->value(control.ppar.filter.low);
- filter_high->value(control.ppar.filter.high);
- filter_hdamp->value(control.ppar.filter.hdamp);
- harmonics_enabled->value(control.ppar.harmonics.enabled);
- harmonics_freq->value(control.ppar.harmonics.freq);
- harmonics_bandwidth->value(control.ppar.harmonics.bandwidth);
- harmonics_nharmonics->value(control.ppar.harmonics.nharmonics);
- harmonics_gauss->value(control.ppar.harmonics.gauss);
- spread_enabled->value(control.ppar.spread.enabled);
- spread_bandwidth->value(control.ppar.spread.bandwidth);
- tonal_vs_noise_enabled->value(control.ppar.tonal_vs_noise.enabled);
- tonal_vs_noise_preserve->value(control.ppar.tonal_vs_noise.preserve);
- tonal_vs_noise_bandwidth->value(control.ppar.tonal_vs_noise.bandwidth);
- bbpar_mono->value(control.bbpar.mono);
- bbpar_stereo_mode->value(control.bbpar.stereo_mode);
- stretch_multiplier_control->refresh();
- arbitrary_filter_control->refresh();
- binaural_beats_control->refresh();} {}
- }
- Function {tickrefresh()} {} {
- code {seek_slider->value(seek_slider->maximum()*control.get_seek_pos());
- if (playing_for_button&&control.playing()){
- play_button->labelcolor(FL_GREEN);
- window->redraw();
- playing_for_button=false;
- };
- if (eof_for_button&&control.playing_eof()){
- play_button->labelcolor(FL_BLACK);
- window->redraw();
- eof_for_button=false;
- };
- if (control.info.render_percent>0.0){
- render_percent_slider->value(control.info.render_percent);
- };
- if (infilename_output->new_drag_file){
- open_input_file(infilename_output->drag_file.c_str());
- infilename_output->new_drag_file=false;
- };} {}
- }
- Function {tickdraw(GUI *o)} {return_type {static void}
- } {
- code {o->tickrefresh();} {}
- }
- Function {tick(void *v)} {return_type {static void}
- } {
- code {tickdraw((GUI *) v);
- Fl::add_timeout(1.0/3.0,tick,v);//3 fps} {}
- }
- decl {Control control;} {}
- decl {bool playing_for_button;} {}
- decl {bool rendering;} {}
- decl {bool eof_for_button;} {}
- }
- Function {file_exists(const char *filename)} {return_type bool
- } {
- code {struct stat buf;
- int i = stat ( filename, &buf );
- // File exists
- if ( i == 0 ) return true;
- else return false;} {}
- }
- Function {main(int argc, char *argv[])} {open return_type int
- } {
- code {GUI *gui=new GUI();
- if (argc>1){
- const char *filename=argv[1];
- if (filename[0]=='-'){
- if (argc>2) filename=argv[2];
- else filename=NULL;
- };
- if (filename) gui->open_input_file(filename);
- };
- gui->window->show();
- Fl::run();
- delete gui;
- return 0;} {}
- }