- /*
- Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Nasca Octavian Paul
- Author: Nasca Octavian Paul
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License
- as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License (version 2) for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License (version 2)
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- */
- #include <math.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <FL/Fl.H>
- #include "globals.h"
- #include "Control.h"
- #include "XMLwrapper.h"
- using namespace std;
- Control::Control(){
- player=new Player();
- player->start();
- wavinfo.samplerate=44100;
- wavinfo.nsamples=0;
- wavinfo.intype=FILE_WAV;
- wav32bit=false;
- process.bufsize=16384;
- process.stretch=4.0;
- process.onset_detection_sensitivity=0.0;
- seek_pos=0.0;
- window_type=W_HANN;
- info.render_percent=-1.0;
- info.cancel_render=false;
- volume=1.0;
- gui_sliders.fftsize_s=0.5;
- gui_sliders.stretch_s=0.5;
- gui_sliders.mode_s=0;
- ///#warning test
- /// process.transient.enable=true;
- };
- Control::~Control(){
- // delete player; face crash daca il las
- };
- bool Control::set_input_filename(string filename,FILE_TYPE intype){
- InputS *ai=NULL;
- if (intype==FILE_VORBIS) ai=new VorbisInputS;
- if (intype==FILE_MP3) ai=new MP3InputS;
- if (intype==FILE_WAV) ai=new AInputS;
- if (!ai) return false;
- wavinfo.filename=filename;
- wavinfo.intype=intype;
- bool result=ai->open(wavinfo.filename);
- if (result) {
- wavinfo.samplerate=ai->info.samplerate;
- wavinfo.nsamples=ai->info.nsamples;
- /// if (process.transient.enable) {
- /// pre_analyse_whole_audio(ai);
- /// };
- delete ai;
- }else{
- wavinfo.filename="";
- wavinfo.samplerate=0;
- wavinfo.nsamples=0;
- delete ai;
- };
- return result;
- };
- string Control::get_input_filename(){
- return wavinfo.filename;
- };
- string Control::get_input_filename_and_info(){
- int seconds=wavinfo.nsamples/wavinfo.samplerate;
- const int size=200;
- char tmp[size];tmp[size-1]=0;
- snprintf(tmp,size-1," ( samplerate=%d; duration=%02d:%02d:%02d )",wavinfo.samplerate,seconds/3600,(seconds/60)%60,seconds%60);
- string filename=wavinfo.filename;
- int len=filename.length();
- if (len>70)filename=filename.substr(0,25)+"..."+filename.substr(len-35);
- return filename+tmp;
- };
- /*string Control::get_recommanded_output_filename(){
- return "none";
- };
- */
- std::string Control::get_stretch_info(){
- const int size=200;
- char tmp[size];tmp[size-1]=0;
- if (wavinfo.nsamples==0) return "Stretch: ";
- double realduration=wavinfo.nsamples/wavinfo.samplerate*process.stretch;
- if (realduration>(365.25*86400.0*1.0e12)){//more than 1 trillion years
- double duration=(realduration/(365.25*86400.0*1.0e12));//my
- snprintf(tmp,size,"Stretch: %.7gx (%g trillion years)",process.stretch,duration);
- return tmp;
- };
- if (realduration>(365.25*86400.0*1.0e9)){//more than 1 billion years
- double duration=(realduration/(365.25*86400.0*1.0e9));//my
- snprintf(tmp,size,"Stretch: %.7gx (%g billion years)",process.stretch,duration);
- return tmp;
- };
- if (realduration>(365.25*86400.0*1.0e6)){//more than 1 million years
- double duration=(realduration/(365.25*86400.0*1.0e6));//my
- snprintf(tmp,size,"Stretch: %.7gx (%g million years)",process.stretch,duration);
- return tmp;
- };
- if (realduration>(365.25*86400.0*2000.0)){//more than two millenniums
- int duration=(int)(realduration/(365.25*86400.0));//years
- int years=duration%1000;
- int milleniums=duration/1000;
- char stryears[size];stryears[0]=0;
- if (years!=0){
- if (years==1) snprintf(stryears,size," 1 year");
- else snprintf(stryears,size," %d years",years);
- };
- snprintf(tmp,size,"Stretch: %.7gx (%d milleniums%s)",process.stretch,milleniums,stryears);
- return tmp;
- };
- if (realduration>(365.25*86400.0)){//more than 1 year
- int duration=(int) (realduration/3600.0);//hours
- int hours=duration%24;
- int days=(duration/24)%365;
- int years=duration/(365*24);
- char stryears[size];stryears[0]=0;
- if (years==1) snprintf(stryears,size,"1 year ");
- else snprintf(stryears,size,"%d years ",years);
- char strdays[size];strdays[0]=0;
- if (days>0){
- if (days==1) snprintf(strdays,size,"1 day");
- else snprintf(strdays,size,"%d days",days);
- };
- if (years>=10) hours=0;
- char strhours[size];strhours[0]=0;
- if (hours>0){
- snprintf(strhours,size," %d h",hours);
- };
- snprintf(tmp,size,"Stretch: %.7gx (%s%s%s)",process.stretch,stryears,strdays,strhours);
- return tmp;
- }else{//less than 1 year
- int duration=(int)(realduration);//seconds
- char strdays[size];strdays[0]=0;
- int days=duration/86400;
- if (days>0){
- if (days==1) snprintf(strdays,size,"1 day ");
- else snprintf(strdays,size,"%d days ",duration/86400);
- };
- REALTYPE stretch=process.stretch;
- if (stretch>=1.0){
- stretch=((int) (stretch*100.0))*0.01;
- };
- snprintf(tmp,size,"Stretch: %.7gx (%s%.2d:%.2d:%.2d)",
- stretch,strdays,(duration/3600)%24,(duration/60)%60,duration%60);
- return tmp;
- };
- return "";
- };
- string Control::get_fftsize_info(){
- const int size=200;
- char tmp[size];tmp[size-1]=0;
- string fftsizelabel;
- fftsizelabel+="Window size (samples): ";
- if (wavinfo.nsamples==0) return fftsizelabel;
- fftsizelabel+=getfftsizestr(process.bufsize);
- return fftsizelabel;
- };
- string Control::get_fftresolution_info(){
- string resolution="Resolution: ";
- if (wavinfo.nsamples==0) return resolution;
- //todo: unctime and uncfreq are correct computed? Need to check later.
- REALTYPE unctime=process.bufsize/(REALTYPE)wavinfo.samplerate*sqrt(2.0);
- REALTYPE uncfreq=1.0/unctime*sqrt(2.0);
- char tmp[100];
- snprintf(tmp,100,"%.5g seconds",unctime);resolution+=tmp;
- snprintf(tmp,100," (%.5g Hz)",uncfreq);resolution+=tmp;
- return resolution;
- };
- void Control::startplay(bool bypass){
- if ((!player->info.playing)||(player->info.samplerate!=wavinfo.samplerate)){
- stopplay();
- sleep(200);
- #ifdef HAVE_JACK
- JACKaudiooutputinit(player,wavinfo.samplerate);
- #else
- PAaudiooutputinit(player,wavinfo.samplerate);
- #endif
- };
- if (wavinfo.filename!="") player->startplay(wavinfo.filename,seek_pos,process.stretch,process.bufsize,wavinfo.intype,bypass,&ppar,&bbpar);
- // sleep(100);
- // update_process_parameters();
- };
- void Control::stopplay(){
- player->stop();
- player->seek(0.0);
- seek_pos=0;
- #ifdef HAVE_JACK
- JACKclose();
- #else
- PAfinish();
- #endif
- };
- void Control::pauseplay(){
- player->pause();
- };
- void Control::freezeplay(){
- player->freeze();
- };
- void Control::set_volume(REALTYPE vol){
- volume=vol;
- player->set_volume(vol);
- };
- void Control::set_seek_pos(REALTYPE x){
- seek_pos=x;
- player->seek(x);
- };
- REALTYPE Control::get_seek_pos(){
- if (player->getmode()==Player::MODE_PLAY) seek_pos=player->info.position;
- return seek_pos;
- };
- void Control::set_stretch_controls(double stretch_s,int mode,double fftsize_s,double onset_detection_sensitivity){
- gui_sliders.stretch_s=stretch_s;
- gui_sliders.mode_s=mode;
- gui_sliders.fftsize_s=fftsize_s;
- double stretch=1.0;
- switch(mode){
- case 0:
- stretch_s=pow(stretch_s,1.2);
- stretch=pow(10.0,stretch_s*4.0);
- break;
- case 1:
- stretch_s=pow(stretch_s,1.5);
- stretch=pow(10.0,stretch_s*18.0);
- break;
- case 2:
- stretch=1.0/pow(10.0,stretch_s*2.0);
- break;
- };
- fftsize_s=pow(fftsize_s,1.5);
- int bufsize=(int)(pow(2.0,fftsize_s*12.0)*512.0);
- bufsize=optimizebufsize(bufsize);
- process.stretch=stretch;
- process.bufsize=bufsize;
- process.onset_detection_sensitivity=onset_detection_sensitivity;
- };
- double Control::get_stretch_control(double stretch,int mode){
- double result=1.0;
- switch(mode){
- case 0:
- if (stretch<1.0) return -1;
- stretch=(log(stretch)/log(10))*0.25;
- result=pow(stretch,1.0/1.2);
- break;
- case 1:
- if (stretch<1.0) return -1;
- stretch=(log(stretch)/log(10))/18.0;
- result=pow(stretch,1.0/1.5);
- break;
- case 2:
- if (stretch>1.0) return -1;
- result=2.0/(log(stretch)/log(10));
- break;
- };
- return result;
- };
- void Control::update_player_stretch(){
- player->setrap(process.stretch);
- player->set_onset_detection_sensitivity(process.onset_detection_sensitivity);
- };
- int abs_val(int x){
- if (x<0) return -x;
- else return x;
- };
- int Control::get_optimized_updown(int n,bool up){
- int orig_n=n;
- while(true){
- n=orig_n;
- #ifndef KISSFFT
- while (!(n%11)) n/=11;
- while (!(n%7)) n/=7;
- #endif
- while (!(n%5)) n/=5;
- while (!(n%3)) n/=3;
- while (!(n%2)) n/=2;
- if (n<2) break;
- if (up) orig_n++;
- else orig_n--;
- if (orig_n<4) return 4;
- };
- return orig_n;
- };
- int Control::optimizebufsize(int n){
- int n1=get_optimized_updown(n,false);
- int n2=get_optimized_updown(n,true);
- if ((n-n1)<(n2-n)) return n1;
- else return n2;
- };
- void Control::set_window_type(FFTWindow window){
- window_type=window;
- if (player) player->set_window_type(window);
- };
- string Control::Render(string inaudio,string outaudio,FILE_TYPE outtype,FILE_TYPE intype,REALTYPE pos1,REALTYPE pos2){
- if (pos2<pos1){
- REALTYPE tmp=pos2;
- pos2=pos1;
- pos1=tmp;
- };
- InputS *ai=NULL;
- switch(intype){
- case FILE_VORBIS:ai=new VorbisInputS;
- break;
- case FILE_MP3:ai=new MP3InputS;
- break;
- default:ai=new AInputS;
- };
- AOutputS ao;
- VorbisOutputS vorbisout;
- info.cancel_render=false;
- if (!ai->open(inaudio)){
- return "Error: Could not open audio file (or file format not recognized) :"+inaudio;
- };
- BinauralBeats bb(ai->info.samplerate);
- bb.pars=bbpar;
- if (outtype==FILE_WAV) ao.newfile(outaudio,ai->info.samplerate,wav32bit);
- if (outtype==FILE_VORBIS) vorbisout.newfile(outaudio,ai->info.samplerate);
- ai->seek(pos1);
- int inbufsize=process.bufsize;
- if (inbufsize<32) inbufsize=32;
- short int *inbuf_i=new short int[inbufsize*4];
- int outbufsize;
- struct{
- REALTYPE *l,*r;
- }inbuf;
- ProcessedStretch *stretchl=new ProcessedStretch(process.stretch,inbufsize,window_type,false,ai->info.samplerate,1);
- ProcessedStretch *stretchr=new ProcessedStretch(process.stretch,inbufsize,window_type,false,ai->info.samplerate,2);
- stretchl->set_onset_detection_sensitivity(process.onset_detection_sensitivity);
- stretchr->set_onset_detection_sensitivity(process.onset_detection_sensitivity);
- stretchl->set_parameters(&ppar);
- stretchr->set_parameters(&ppar);
- outbufsize=stretchl->get_bufsize();
- int *outbuf=new int[outbufsize*2];
- int poolsize=stretchl->get_max_bufsize();
- inbuf.l=new REALTYPE[poolsize];
- inbuf.r=new REALTYPE[poolsize];
- for (int i=0;i<poolsize;i++) inbuf.l[i]=inbuf.r[i]=0.0;
- int readsize=0;
- const int pause_max_write=65536;
- int pause_write=0;
- bool firstbuf=true;
- while(!ai->eof){
- float in_pos=(REALTYPE) ai->info.currentsample/(REALTYPE)ai->info.nsamples;
- if (firstbuf){
- readsize=stretchl->get_nsamples_for_fill();
- firstbuf=false;
- }else{
- readsize=stretchl->get_nsamples(in_pos*100.0);
- };
- int readed=0;
- if (readsize!=0) readed=ai->read(readsize,inbuf_i);
- for (int i=0;i<readed;i++) {
- inbuf.l[i]=inbuf_i[i*2]/32768.0;
- inbuf.r[i]=inbuf_i[i*2+1]/32768.0;
- };
- REALTYPE onset_l=stretchl->process(inbuf.l,readed);
- REALTYPE onset_r=stretchr->process(inbuf.r,readed);
- REALTYPE onset=(onset_l>onset_r)?onset_l:onset_r;
- stretchl->here_is_onset(onset);
- stretchr->here_is_onset(onset);
- bb.process(stretchl->out_buf,stretchr->out_buf,outbufsize,in_pos*100.0);
- for (int i=0;i<outbufsize;i++) {
- stretchl->out_buf[i]*=volume;
- stretchr->out_buf[i]*=volume;
- };
- int nskip=stretchl->get_skip_nsamples();
- if (nskip>0) ai->skip(nskip);
- if (outtype==FILE_WAV){
- for (int i=0;i<outbufsize;i++) {
- REALTYPE l=stretchl->out_buf[i],r=stretchr->out_buf[i];
- if (l<-1.0) l=-1.0;
- else if (l>1.0) l=1.0;
- if (r<-1.0) r=-1.0;
- else if (r>1.0) r=1.0;
- outbuf[i*2]=(int)(l*32767.0*65536.0);
- outbuf[i*2+1]=(int)(r*32767.0*65536.0);
- };
- ao.write(outbufsize,outbuf);
- };
- if (outtype==FILE_VORBIS) vorbisout.write(outbufsize,stretchl->out_buf,stretchr->out_buf);
- REALTYPE totalf=ai->info.currentsample/(REALTYPE)ai->info.nsamples-pos1;
- if (totalf>(pos2-pos1)) break;
- info.render_percent=(totalf*100.0/(pos2-pos1+0.001));
- pause_write+=outbufsize;
- if (pause_write>pause_max_write){
- float tmp=outbufsize/1000000.0;
- if (tmp>0.1) tmp=0.1;
- Fl::wait(0.01+tmp);
- pause_write=0;
- if (info.cancel_render) break;
- };
- };
- delete stretchl;
- delete stretchr;
- delete []outbuf;
- delete []inbuf_i;
- delete []inbuf.l;
- delete []inbuf.r;
- info.render_percent=-1.0;
- return "";
- };
- string Control::getfftsizestr(int fftsize){
- int size=100;
- char tmp[size];tmp[size-1]=0;
- if (fftsize<1024.0) snprintf(tmp,size-1,"%d",fftsize);
- else if (fftsize<(1024.0*1024.0)) snprintf(tmp,size-1,"%.4gK",fftsize/1024.0);
- else if (fftsize<(1024.0*1024.0*1024.0)) snprintf(tmp,size-1,"%.4gM",fftsize/(1024.0*1024.0));
- else snprintf(tmp,size-1,"%.7gG",fftsize/(1024.0*1024.0*1024.0));
- return tmp;
- };
- void Control::update_process_parameters(){
- if (player) player->set_process_parameters(&ppar,&bbpar);
- };
- bool Control::save_parameters(const char *filename){
- XMLwrapper *xml=new XMLwrapper();
- xml->beginbranch("PAULSTRETCH");
- xml->beginbranch("STRETCH_PARAMETERS");
- xml->beginbranch("BASE");
- xml->addpar("bufsize",process.bufsize);
- xml->addparreal("stretch",process.stretch);
- xml->addparreal("fftsize_s",gui_sliders.fftsize_s);
- xml->addparreal("stretch_s",gui_sliders.stretch_s);
- xml->addpar("mode_s",gui_sliders.mode_s);
- xml->addpar("window_type",window_type);
- xml->addparreal("volume",volume);
- xml->addparreal("onset_detection_sensitivity",process.onset_detection_sensitivity);
- xml->endbranch();
- xml->beginbranch("PROCESS");
- ppar.add2XML(xml);
- xml->endbranch();
- xml->beginbranch("BINAURAL_BEATS");
- bbpar.add2XML(xml);
- xml->endbranch();
- xml->endbranch();
- xml->endbranch();
- int result=xml->saveXMLfile(filename);
- delete xml;
- return true;
- };
- bool Control::load_parameters(const char *filename){
- XMLwrapper *xml=new XMLwrapper();
- if (xml->loadXMLfile(filename)<0) {
- delete xml;
- return false;
- };
- if (xml->enterbranch("PAULSTRETCH")==0) {
- delete xml;
- return false;
- };
- if (xml->enterbranch("STRETCH_PARAMETERS")){
- if (xml->enterbranch("BASE")){
- process.bufsize=xml->getpar("bufsize",process.bufsize,16,2e9);
- process.stretch=xml->getparreal("stretch",process.stretch);
- gui_sliders.fftsize_s=xml->getparreal("fftsize_s",gui_sliders.fftsize_s);
- gui_sliders.stretch_s=xml->getparreal("stretch_s",gui_sliders.stretch_s);
- gui_sliders.mode_s=xml->getpar("mode_s",gui_sliders.mode_s,0,2);
- window_type=(FFTWindow)xml->getpar("window_type",window_type,0,4);
- process.onset_detection_sensitivity=xml->getparreal("onset_detection_sensitivity",0.0);
- volume=xml->getparreal("volume",1.0);
- xml->exitbranch();
- };
- if (xml->enterbranch("PROCESS")){
- ppar.getfromXML(xml);
- xml->exitbranch();
- };
- if (xml->enterbranch("BINAURAL_BEATS")){
- bbpar.getfromXML(xml);
- xml->exitbranch();
- };
- xml->exitbranch();
- };
- delete xml;
- set_stretch_controls(gui_sliders.stretch_s,gui_sliders.mode_s,gui_sliders.fftsize_s,process.onset_detection_sensitivity);
- set_window_type(window_type);
- set_volume(volume);
- update_process_parameters();
- return true;
- };