- #! /usr/bin/python3
- # encoding: utf-8
- from __future__ import print_function
- import os
- import shutil
- import sys
- from waflib import Logs, Options, TaskGen
- from waflib.Build import BuildContext, CleanContext, InstallContext, UninstallContext
- # see also common/JackConstants.h
- VERSION = '1.9.22'
- APPNAME = 'jack'
- JACK_API_VERSION = '0.1.0'
- # these variables are mandatory ('/' are converted automatically)
- top = '.'
- out = 'build'
- # lib32 variant name used when building in mixed mode
- lib32 = 'lib32'
- def display_feature(conf, msg, build):
- if build:
- conf.msg(msg, 'yes', color='GREEN')
- else:
- conf.msg(msg, 'no', color='YELLOW')
- def check_for_celt(conf):
- found = False
- for version in ['11', '8', '7', '5']:
- define = 'HAVE_CELT_API_0_' + version
- if not found:
- try:
- conf.check_cfg(
- package='celt >= 0.%s.0' % version,
- args='--cflags --libs')
- found = True
- conf.define(define, 1)
- continue
- except conf.errors.ConfigurationError:
- pass
- conf.define(define, 0)
- if not found:
- raise conf.errors.ConfigurationError
- def options(opt):
- # options provided by the modules
- opt.load('compiler_cxx')
- opt.load('compiler_c')
- opt.load('autooptions')
- opt.load('xcode6')
- opt.recurse('compat')
- # install directories
- opt.add_option(
- '--htmldir',
- type='string',
- default=None,
- help='HTML documentation directory [Default: <prefix>/share/jack-audio-connection-kit/reference/html/',
- )
- opt.add_option('--libdir', type='string', help='Library directory [Default: <prefix>/lib]')
- opt.add_option('--libdir32', type='string', help='32bit Library directory [Default: <prefix>/lib32]')
- opt.add_option('--pkgconfigdir', type='string', help='pkg-config file directory [Default: <libdir>/pkgconfig]')
- opt.add_option('--mandir', type='string', help='Manpage directory [Default: <prefix>/share/man/man1]')
- # options affecting binaries
- opt.add_option(
- '--platform',
- type='string',
- default=sys.platform,
- help='Target platform for cross-compiling, e.g. cygwin or win32',
- )
- opt.add_option('--mixed', action='store_true', default=False, help='Build with 32/64 bits mixed mode')
- opt.add_option('--debug', action='store_true', default=False, dest='debug', help='Build debuggable binaries')
- opt.add_option(
- '--static',
- action='store_true',
- default=False,
- dest='static',
- help='Build static binaries (Windows only)',
- )
- # options affecting general jack functionality
- opt.add_option(
- '--classic',
- action='store_true',
- default=False,
- help='Force enable standard JACK (jackd) even if D-Bus JACK (jackdbus) is enabled too',
- )
- opt.add_option('--dbus', action='store_true', default=False, help='Enable D-Bus JACK (jackdbus)')
- opt.add_option(
- '--autostart',
- type='string',
- default='default',
- help='Autostart method. Possible values: "default", "classic", "dbus", "none"',
- )
- opt.add_option('--profile', action='store_true', default=False, help='Build with engine profiling')
- opt.add_option('--clients', default=256, type='int', dest='clients', help='Maximum number of JACK clients')
- opt.add_option(
- '--ports-per-application',
- default=2048,
- type='int',
- dest='application_ports',
- help='Maximum number of ports per application',
- )
- opt.add_option('--systemd-unit', action='store_true', default=False, help='Install systemd units.')
- opt.set_auto_options_define('HAVE_%s')
- opt.set_auto_options_style('yesno_and_hack')
- # options with third party dependencies
- doxygen = opt.add_auto_option(
- 'doxygen',
- help='Build doxygen documentation',
- conf_dest='BUILD_DOXYGEN_DOCS',
- default=False)
- doxygen.find_program('doxygen')
- alsa = opt.add_auto_option(
- 'alsa',
- help='Enable ALSA driver',
- conf_dest='BUILD_DRIVER_ALSA')
- alsa.check_cfg(
- package='alsa >= 1.0.18',
- args='--cflags --libs')
- firewire = opt.add_auto_option(
- 'firewire',
- help='Enable FireWire driver (FFADO)',
- conf_dest='BUILD_DRIVER_FFADO')
- firewire.check_cfg(
- package='libffado >= 1.999.17',
- args='--cflags --libs')
- iio = opt.add_auto_option(
- 'iio',
- help='Enable IIO driver',
- conf_dest='BUILD_DRIVER_IIO')
- iio.check_cfg(
- package='gtkIOStream >= 1.4.0',
- args='--cflags --libs')
- iio.check_cfg(
- package='eigen3 >= 3.1.2',
- args='--cflags --libs')
- portaudio = opt.add_auto_option(
- 'portaudio',
- help='Enable Portaudio driver',
- portaudio.check(header_name='windows.h') # only build portaudio on windows
- portaudio.check_cfg(
- package='portaudio-2.0 >= 19',
- uselib_store='PORTAUDIO',
- args='--cflags --libs')
- winmme = opt.add_auto_option(
- 'winmme',
- help='Enable WinMME driver',
- conf_dest='BUILD_DRIVER_WINMME')
- winmme.check(
- header_name=['windows.h', 'mmsystem.h'],
- msg='Checking for header mmsystem.h')
- celt = opt.add_auto_option(
- 'celt',
- help='Build with CELT')
- celt.add_function(check_for_celt)
- opt.add_auto_option(
- 'tests',
- help='Build tests',
- conf_dest='BUILD_TESTS',
- default=False,
- )
- # Suffix _PKG to not collide with HAVE_OPUS defined by the option.
- opus = opt.add_auto_option(
- 'opus',
- help='Build Opus netjack2')
- opus.check(header_name='opus/opus_custom.h')
- opus.check_cfg(
- package='opus >= 0.9.0',
- args='--cflags --libs',
- define_name='HAVE_OPUS_PKG')
- samplerate = opt.add_auto_option(
- 'samplerate',
- help='Build with libsamplerate')
- samplerate.check_cfg(
- package='samplerate',
- args='--cflags --libs')
- sd = opt.add_auto_option(
- 'systemd',
- help='Use systemd notify')
- sd.check(header_name='systemd/sd-daemon.h')
- sd.check(lib='systemd')
- db = opt.add_auto_option(
- 'db',
- help='Use Berkeley DB (metadata)')
- db.check(header_name='db.h')
- db.check(lib='db')
- # dbus options
- opt.recurse('dbus')
- # this must be called before the configure phase
- opt.apply_auto_options_hack()
- def detect_platform(conf):
- # GNU/kFreeBSD and GNU/Hurd are treated as Linux
- platforms = [
- # ('KEY, 'Human readable name', ['strings', 'to', 'check', 'for'])
- ('IS_LINUX', 'Linux', ['gnu0', 'gnukfreebsd', 'linux', 'posix']),
- ('IS_FREEBSD', 'FreeBSD', ['freebsd']),
- ('IS_MACOSX', 'MacOS X', ['darwin']),
- ('IS_SUN', 'SunOS', ['sunos']),
- ('IS_WINDOWS', 'Windows', ['cygwin', 'msys', 'win32'])
- ]
- for key, name, strings in platforms:
- conf.env[key] = False
- conf.start_msg('Checking platform')
- platform = Options.options.platform
- for key, name, strings in platforms:
- for s in strings:
- if platform.startswith(s):
- conf.env[key] = True
- conf.end_msg(name, color='CYAN')
- break
- def configure(conf):
- conf.load('compiler_cxx')
- conf.load('compiler_c')
- detect_platform(conf)
- if conf.env['IS_WINDOWS']:
- conf.env.append_unique('CCDEFINES', '_POSIX')
- conf.env.append_unique('CXXDEFINES', '_POSIX')
- if Options.options.platform in ('msys', 'win32'):
- conf.env.append_value('INCLUDES', ['/mingw64/include'])
- conf.check(
- header_name='pa_asio.h',
- msg='Checking for PortAudio ASIO support',
- define_name='HAVE_ASIO',
- mandatory=False)
- conf.env.append_unique('CFLAGS', '-Wall')
- conf.env.append_unique('CXXFLAGS', ['-Wall', '-Wno-invalid-offsetof'])
- conf.env.append_unique('CXXFLAGS', '-std=gnu++11')
- if conf.env['IS_FREEBSD']:
- conf.check(lib='execinfo', uselib='EXECINFO', define_name='EXECINFO')
- conf.check_cfg(package='libsysinfo', args='--cflags --libs')
- if not conf.env['IS_MACOSX']:
- conf.env.append_unique('LDFLAGS', '-Wl,--no-undefined')
- else:
- conf.check(lib='aften', uselib='AFTEN', define_name='AFTEN')
- conf.check_cxx(
- fragment=''
- + '#include <aften/aften.h>\n'
- + 'int\n'
- + 'main(void)\n'
- + '{\n'
- + 'AftenContext fAftenContext;\n'
- + 'aften_set_defaults(&fAftenContext);\n'
- + 'unsigned char *fb;\n'
- + 'float *buf=new float[10];\n'
- + 'int res = aften_encode_frame(&fAftenContext, fb, buf, 1);\n'
- + '}\n',
- lib='aften',
- msg='Checking for aften_encode_frame()',
- define_name='HAVE_AFTEN_NEW_API',
- mandatory=False)
- # TODO
- conf.env.append_unique('CXXFLAGS', '-Wno-deprecated-register')
- conf.load('autooptions')
- conf.recurse('compat')
- # Check for functions.
- conf.check(
- fragment=''
- + '#define _GNU_SOURCE\n'
- + '#include <poll.h>\n'
- + '#include <signal.h>\n'
- + '#include <stddef.h>\n'
- + 'int\n'
- + 'main(void)\n'
- + '{\n'
- + ' ppoll(NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);\n'
- + '}\n',
- msg='Checking for ppoll',
- define_name='HAVE_PPOLL',
- mandatory=False)
- # Check for backtrace support
- conf.check(
- header_name='execinfo.h',
- define_name='HAVE_EXECINFO_H',
- mandatory=False)
- conf.recurse('common')
- if Options.options.dbus:
- conf.recurse('dbus')
- if not conf.env['BUILD_JACKDBUS']:
- conf.fatal('jackdbus was explicitly requested but cannot be built')
- if conf.env['IS_LINUX']:
- if Options.options.systemd_unit:
- conf.recurse('systemd')
- else:
- conf.env['SYSTEMD_USER_UNIT_DIR'] = None
- # test for the availability of ucontext, and how it should be used
- for t in ['gp_regs', 'uc_regs', 'mc_gregs', 'gregs']:
- fragment = '#include <ucontext.h>\n'
- fragment += 'int main() { ucontext_t *ucontext; return (int) ucontext->uc_mcontext.%s[0]; }' % t
- confvar = 'HAVE_UCONTEXT_%s' % t.upper()
- conf.check_cc(fragment=fragment, define_name=confvar, mandatory=False,
- msg='Checking for ucontext->uc_mcontext.%s' % t)
- if conf.is_defined(confvar):
- conf.define('HAVE_UCONTEXT', 1)
- fragment = '#include <ucontext.h>\n'
- fragment += 'int main() { return NGREG; }'
- conf.check_cc(fragment=fragment, define_name='HAVE_NGREG', mandatory=False,
- msg='Checking for NGREG')
- conf.env['LIB_PTHREAD'] = ['pthread']
- conf.env['LIB_DL'] = ['dl']
- conf.env['LIB_RT'] = ['rt']
- conf.env['LIB_M'] = ['m']
- conf.env['LIB_STDC++'] = ['stdc++']
- conf.env['JACK_VERSION'] = VERSION
- conf.env['BUILD_WITH_PROFILE'] = Options.options.profile
- conf.env['BUILD_WITH_32_64'] = Options.options.mixed
- conf.env['BUILD_CLASSIC'] = Options.options.classic
- conf.env['BUILD_DEBUG'] = Options.options.debug
- conf.env['BUILD_STATIC'] = Options.options.static
- if conf.env['BUILD_JACKDBUS']:
- conf.env['BUILD_JACKD'] = conf.env['BUILD_CLASSIC']
- else:
- conf.env['BUILD_JACKD'] = True
- conf.env['BINDIR'] = conf.env['PREFIX'] + '/bin'
- if Options.options.htmldir:
- conf.env['HTMLDIR'] = Options.options.htmldir
- else:
- # set to None here so that the doxygen code can find out the highest
- # directory to remove upon install
- conf.env['HTMLDIR'] = None
- if Options.options.libdir:
- conf.env['LIBDIR'] = Options.options.libdir
- else:
- conf.env['LIBDIR'] = conf.env['PREFIX'] + '/lib'
- if Options.options.pkgconfigdir:
- conf.env['PKGCONFDIR'] = Options.options.pkgconfigdir
- else:
- conf.env['PKGCONFDIR'] = conf.env['LIBDIR'] + '/pkgconfig'
- if Options.options.mandir:
- conf.env['MANDIR'] = Options.options.mandir
- else:
- conf.env['MANDIR'] = conf.env['PREFIX'] + '/share/man/man1'
- if conf.env['BUILD_DEBUG']:
- conf.env.append_unique('CXXFLAGS', '-g')
- conf.env.append_unique('CFLAGS', '-g')
- conf.env.append_unique('LINKFLAGS', '-g')
- if Options.options.autostart not in ['default', 'classic', 'dbus', 'none']:
- conf.fatal('Invalid autostart value "' + Options.options.autostart + '"')
- if Options.options.autostart == 'default':
- if conf.env['BUILD_JACKD']:
- conf.env['AUTOSTART_METHOD'] = 'classic'
- else:
- conf.env['AUTOSTART_METHOD'] = 'dbus'
- else:
- conf.env['AUTOSTART_METHOD'] = Options.options.autostart
- if conf.env['AUTOSTART_METHOD'] == 'dbus' and not conf.env['BUILD_JACKDBUS']:
- conf.fatal('D-Bus autostart mode was specified but jackdbus will not be built')
- if conf.env['AUTOSTART_METHOD'] == 'classic' and not conf.env['BUILD_JACKD']:
- conf.fatal('Classic autostart mode was specified but jackd will not be built')
- if conf.env['AUTOSTART_METHOD'] == 'dbus':
- conf.define('USE_LIBDBUS_AUTOLAUNCH', 1)
- elif conf.env['AUTOSTART_METHOD'] == 'classic':
- conf.define('USE_CLASSIC_AUTOLAUNCH', 1)
- conf.define('CLIENT_NUM', Options.options.clients)
- conf.define('PORT_NUM_FOR_CLIENT', Options.options.application_ports)
- if conf.env['IS_WINDOWS']:
- # we define this in the environment to maintain compatibility with
- # existing install paths that use ADDON_DIR rather than have to
- # have special cases for windows each time.
- conf.env['ADDON_DIR'] = conf.env['LIBDIR'] + '/jack'
- if Options.options.platform in ('msys', 'win32'):
- conf.define('ADDON_DIR', 'jack')
- conf.define('__STDC_FORMAT_MACROS', 1) # for PRIu64
- else:
- # don't define ADDON_DIR in config.h, use the default 'jack'
- # defined in windows/JackPlatformPlug_os.h
- pass
- else:
- conf.env['ADDON_DIR'] = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(conf.env['LIBDIR'], 'jack'))
- conf.define('ADDON_DIR', conf.env['ADDON_DIR'])
- conf.define('JACK_LOCATION', os.path.normpath(os.path.join(conf.env['PREFIX'], 'bin')))
- if not conf.env['IS_WINDOWS']:
- conf.define('USE_POSIX_SHM', 1)
- conf.define('JACKMP', 1)
- if conf.env['BUILD_JACKDBUS']:
- conf.define('JACK_DBUS', 1)
- if conf.env['BUILD_WITH_PROFILE']:
- conf.define('JACK_MONITOR', 1)
- conf.write_config_header('config.h', remove=False)
- if Options.options.mixed:
- conf.setenv(lib32, env=conf.env.derive())
- conf.env.append_unique('CFLAGS', '-m32')
- conf.env.append_unique('CXXFLAGS', '-m32')
- conf.env.append_unique('CXXFLAGS', '-DBUILD_WITH_32_64')
- conf.env.append_unique('LINKFLAGS', '-m32')
- if Options.options.libdir32:
- conf.env['LIBDIR'] = Options.options.libdir32
- else:
- conf.env['LIBDIR'] = conf.env['PREFIX'] + '/lib32'
- if conf.env['IS_WINDOWS'] and conf.env['BUILD_STATIC']:
- def replaceFor32bit(env):
- for e in env:
- yield e.replace('x86_64', 'i686', 1)
- for env in ('AR', 'CC', 'CXX', 'LINK_CC', 'LINK_CXX'):
- conf.all_envs[lib32][env] = list(replaceFor32bit(conf.all_envs[lib32][env]))
- conf.all_envs[lib32]['LIB_REGEX'] = ['tre32']
- # libdb does not work in mixed mode
- conf.all_envs[lib32]['HAVE_DB'] = 0
- conf.all_envs[lib32]['HAVE_DB_H'] = 0
- conf.all_envs[lib32]['LIB_DB'] = []
- # no need for opus in 32bit mixed mode clients
- conf.all_envs[lib32]['LIB_OPUS'] = []
- # someone tell me where this file gets written please..
- conf.write_config_header('config.h')
- print()
- print('JACK ' + VERSION)
- conf.msg('Maximum JACK clients', Options.options.clients, color='NORMAL')
- conf.msg('Maximum ports per application', Options.options.application_ports, color='NORMAL')
- conf.msg('Install prefix', conf.env['PREFIX'], color='CYAN')
- conf.msg('Library directory', conf.all_envs['']['LIBDIR'], color='CYAN')
- if conf.env['BUILD_WITH_32_64']:
- conf.msg('32-bit library directory', conf.all_envs[lib32]['LIBDIR'], color='CYAN')
- conf.msg('Drivers directory', conf.env['ADDON_DIR'], color='CYAN')
- display_feature(conf, 'Build debuggable binaries', conf.env['BUILD_DEBUG'])
- tool_flags = [
- ('C compiler flags', ['CFLAGS', 'CPPFLAGS']),
- ('C++ compiler flags', ['CXXFLAGS', 'CPPFLAGS']),
- ('Linker flags', ['LINKFLAGS', 'LDFLAGS'])
- ]
- for name, vars in tool_flags:
- flags = []
- for var in vars:
- flags += conf.all_envs[''][var]
- conf.msg(name, repr(flags), color='NORMAL')
- if conf.env['BUILD_WITH_32_64']:
- conf.msg('32-bit C compiler flags', repr(conf.all_envs[lib32]['CFLAGS']))
- conf.msg('32-bit C++ compiler flags', repr(conf.all_envs[lib32]['CXXFLAGS']))
- conf.msg('32-bit linker flags', repr(conf.all_envs[lib32]['LINKFLAGS']))
- display_feature(conf, 'Build with engine profiling', conf.env['BUILD_WITH_PROFILE'])
- display_feature(conf, 'Build with 32/64 bits mixed mode', conf.env['BUILD_WITH_32_64'])
- display_feature(conf, 'Build standard JACK (jackd)', conf.env['BUILD_JACKD'])
- display_feature(conf, 'Build D-Bus JACK (jackdbus)', conf.env['BUILD_JACKDBUS'])
- conf.msg('Autostart method', conf.env['AUTOSTART_METHOD'])
- if conf.env['BUILD_JACKDBUS'] and conf.env['BUILD_JACKD']:
- print(Logs.colors.RED + 'WARNING !! mixing both jackd and jackdbus may cause issues:' + Logs.colors.NORMAL)
- print(Logs.colors.RED + 'WARNING !! jackdbus does not use .jackdrc nor qjackctl settings' + Logs.colors.NORMAL)
- conf.summarize_auto_options()
- if conf.env['BUILD_JACKDBUS']:
- conf.msg('D-Bus service install directory', conf.env['DBUS_SERVICES_DIR'], color='CYAN')
- if conf.env['DBUS_SERVICES_DIR'] != conf.env['DBUS_SERVICES_DIR_REAL']:
- print()
- print(Logs.colors.RED + 'WARNING: D-Bus session services directory as reported by pkg-config is')
- print(Logs.colors.RED + 'WARNING:', end=' ')
- print(Logs.colors.CYAN + conf.env['DBUS_SERVICES_DIR_REAL'])
- print(Logs.colors.RED + 'WARNING: but service file will be installed in')
- print(Logs.colors.RED + 'WARNING:', end=' ')
- print(Logs.colors.CYAN + conf.env['DBUS_SERVICES_DIR'])
- print(
- Logs.colors.RED + 'WARNING: You may need to adjust your D-Bus configuration after installing jackdbus'
- )
- print('WARNING: You can override dbus service install directory')
- print('WARNING: with --enable-pkg-config-dbus-service-dir option to this script')
- print(Logs.colors.NORMAL, end=' ')
- print()
- def init(ctx):
- for y in (BuildContext, CleanContext, InstallContext, UninstallContext):
- name = y.__name__.replace('Context', '').lower()
- class tmp(y):
- cmd = name + '_' + lib32
- variant = lib32
- def obj_add_includes(bld, obj):
- if bld.env['BUILD_JACKDBUS']:
- obj.includes += ['dbus']
- if bld.env['IS_LINUX']:
- obj.includes += ['linux', 'posix']
- if bld.env['IS_FREEBSD']:
- obj.includes += ['freebsd', 'posix']
- if bld.env['IS_MACOSX']:
- obj.includes += ['macosx', 'posix']
- if bld.env['IS_SUN']:
- obj.includes += ['posix', 'solaris']
- if bld.env['IS_WINDOWS']:
- obj.includes += ['windows']
- # FIXME: Is SERVER_SIDE needed?
- def build_jackd(bld):
- jackd = bld(
- features=['cxx', 'cxxprogram'],
- defines=['HAVE_CONFIG_H', 'SERVER_SIDE'],
- includes=['.', 'common', 'common/jack'],
- target='jackd',
- source=['common/Jackdmp.cpp'],
- use=['serverlib', 'SYSTEMD']
- )
- if bld.env['BUILD_JACKDBUS']:
- jackd.source += ['dbus/audio_reserve.c', 'dbus/reserve.c']
- jackd.use += ['DBUS-1']
- if bld.env['IS_LINUX']:
- jackd.use += ['DL', 'M', 'PTHREAD', 'RT', 'STDC++']
- if bld.env['IS_FREEBSD']:
- jackd.use += ['M', 'PTHREAD']
- if bld.env['IS_MACOSX']:
- jackd.use += ['DL', 'PTHREAD']
- jackd.framework = ['CoreFoundation']
- if bld.env['IS_SUN']:
- jackd.use += ['DL', 'PTHREAD']
- obj_add_includes(bld, jackd)
- return jackd
- # FIXME: Is SERVER_SIDE needed?
- def create_driver_obj(bld, **kw):
- if 'use' in kw:
- kw['use'] += ['serverlib']
- else:
- kw['use'] = ['serverlib']
- driver = bld(
- features=['c', 'cxx', 'cshlib', 'cxxshlib'],
- defines=['HAVE_CONFIG_H', 'SERVER_SIDE'],
- includes=['.', 'common', 'common/jack'],
- install_path='${ADDON_DIR}/',
- **kw)
- if bld.env['IS_WINDOWS']:
- driver.env['cxxshlib_PATTERN'] = 'jack_%s.dll'
- else:
- driver.env['cxxshlib_PATTERN'] = 'jack_%s.so'
- obj_add_includes(bld, driver)
- return driver
- def build_drivers(bld):
- # Non-hardware driver sources. Lexically sorted.
- dummy_src = [
- 'common/JackDummyDriver.cpp'
- ]
- loopback_src = [
- 'common/JackLoopbackDriver.cpp'
- ]
- net_src = [
- 'common/JackNetDriver.cpp'
- ]
- netone_src = [
- 'common/JackNetOneDriver.cpp',
- 'common/netjack.c',
- 'common/netjack_packet.c'
- ]
- proxy_src = [
- 'common/JackProxyDriver.cpp'
- ]
- # Hardware driver sources. Lexically sorted.
- alsa_src = [
- 'common/memops.c',
- 'linux/alsa/JackAlsaDriver.cpp',
- 'linux/alsa/alsa_rawmidi.c',
- 'linux/alsa/alsa_seqmidi.c',
- 'linux/alsa/alsa_midi_jackmp.cpp',
- 'linux/alsa/generic_hw.c',
- 'linux/alsa/hdsp.c',
- 'linux/alsa/alsa_driver.c',
- 'linux/alsa/hammerfall.c',
- 'linux/alsa/ice1712.c'
- ]
- alsarawmidi_src = [
- 'linux/alsarawmidi/JackALSARawMidiDriver.cpp',
- 'linux/alsarawmidi/JackALSARawMidiInputPort.cpp',
- 'linux/alsarawmidi/JackALSARawMidiOutputPort.cpp',
- 'linux/alsarawmidi/JackALSARawMidiPort.cpp',
- 'linux/alsarawmidi/JackALSARawMidiReceiveQueue.cpp',
- 'linux/alsarawmidi/JackALSARawMidiSendQueue.cpp',
- 'linux/alsarawmidi/JackALSARawMidiUtil.cpp'
- ]
- boomer_src = [
- 'common/memops.c',
- 'solaris/oss/JackBoomerDriver.cpp'
- ]
- coreaudio_src = [
- 'macosx/coreaudio/JackCoreAudioDriver.mm',
- 'common/JackAC3Encoder.cpp'
- ]
- coremidi_src = [
- 'macosx/coremidi/JackCoreMidiInputPort.mm',
- 'macosx/coremidi/JackCoreMidiOutputPort.mm',
- 'macosx/coremidi/JackCoreMidiPhysicalInputPort.mm',
- 'macosx/coremidi/JackCoreMidiPhysicalOutputPort.mm',
- 'macosx/coremidi/JackCoreMidiVirtualInputPort.mm',
- 'macosx/coremidi/JackCoreMidiVirtualOutputPort.mm',
- 'macosx/coremidi/JackCoreMidiPort.mm',
- 'macosx/coremidi/JackCoreMidiUtil.mm',
- 'macosx/coremidi/JackCoreMidiDriver.mm'
- ]
- ffado_src = [
- 'linux/firewire/JackFFADODriver.cpp',
- 'linux/firewire/JackFFADOMidiInputPort.cpp',
- 'linux/firewire/JackFFADOMidiOutputPort.cpp',
- 'linux/firewire/JackFFADOMidiReceiveQueue.cpp',
- 'linux/firewire/JackFFADOMidiSendQueue.cpp'
- ]
- freebsd_oss_src = [
- 'common/memops.c',
- 'freebsd/oss/JackOSSDriver.cpp'
- ]
- iio_driver_src = [
- 'linux/iio/JackIIODriver.cpp'
- ]
- oss_src = [
- 'common/memops.c',
- 'solaris/oss/JackOSSDriver.cpp'
- ]
- portaudio_src = [
- 'windows/portaudio/JackPortAudioDevices.cpp',
- 'windows/portaudio/JackPortAudioDriver.cpp',
- ]
- winmme_src = [
- 'windows/winmme/JackWinMMEDriver.cpp',
- 'windows/winmme/JackWinMMEInputPort.cpp',
- 'windows/winmme/JackWinMMEOutputPort.cpp',
- 'windows/winmme/JackWinMMEPort.cpp',
- ]
- # Create non-hardware driver objects. Lexically sorted.
- create_driver_obj(
- bld,
- target='dummy',
- source=dummy_src)
- create_driver_obj(
- bld,
- target='loopback',
- source=loopback_src)
- create_driver_obj(
- bld,
- target='net',
- source=net_src,
- use=['CELT'])
- create_driver_obj(
- bld,
- target='netone',
- source=netone_src,
- use=['SAMPLERATE', 'CELT'])
- create_driver_obj(
- bld,
- target='proxy',
- source=proxy_src)
- # Create hardware driver objects. Lexically sorted after the conditional,
- if bld.env['BUILD_DRIVER_ALSA']:
- create_driver_obj(
- bld,
- target='alsa',
- source=alsa_src,
- use=['ALSA'])
- create_driver_obj(
- bld,
- target='alsarawmidi',
- source=alsarawmidi_src,
- use=['ALSA'])
- if bld.env['BUILD_DRIVER_FFADO']:
- create_driver_obj(
- bld,
- target='firewire',
- source=ffado_src,
- use=['LIBFFADO'])
- if bld.env['BUILD_DRIVER_IIO']:
- create_driver_obj(
- bld,
- target='iio',
- source=iio_driver_src,
- use=['GTKIOSTREAM', 'EIGEN3'])
- create_driver_obj(
- bld,
- target='portaudio',
- source=portaudio_src,
- use=['PORTAUDIO'])
- if bld.env['BUILD_DRIVER_WINMME']:
- create_driver_obj(
- bld,
- target='winmme',
- source=winmme_src,
- use=['WINMME'])
- if bld.env['IS_MACOSX']:
- create_driver_obj(
- bld,
- target='coreaudio',
- source=coreaudio_src,
- use=['AFTEN'],
- framework=['AudioUnit', 'CoreAudio', 'CoreServices'])
- create_driver_obj(
- bld,
- target='coremidi',
- source=coremidi_src,
- use=['serverlib'], # FIXME: Is this needed?
- framework=['AudioUnit', 'CoreMIDI', 'CoreServices', 'Foundation'])
- if bld.env['IS_FREEBSD']:
- create_driver_obj(
- bld,
- target='oss',
- source=freebsd_oss_src)
- if bld.env['IS_SUN']:
- create_driver_obj(
- bld,
- target='boomer',
- source=boomer_src)
- create_driver_obj(
- bld,
- target='oss',
- source=oss_src)
- def build(bld):
- if not bld.variant and bld.env['BUILD_WITH_32_64']:
- Options.commands.append(bld.cmd + '_' + lib32)
- # process subfolders from here
- bld.recurse('common')
- if bld.variant:
- # only the wscript in common/ knows how to handle variants
- return
- bld.recurse('compat')
- if bld.env['BUILD_JACKD']:
- build_jackd(bld)
- build_drivers(bld)
- if bld.env['IS_LINUX'] or bld.env['IS_FREEBSD']:
- bld.recurse('man')
- bld.recurse('systemd')
- if not bld.env['IS_WINDOWS'] and bld.env['BUILD_TESTS']:
- bld.recurse('tests')
- if bld.env['BUILD_JACKDBUS']:
- bld.recurse('dbus')
- if bld.env['BUILD_DOXYGEN_DOCS']:
- html_build_dir = bld.path.find_or_declare('html').abspath()
- bld(
- features='subst',
- source='doxyfile.in',
- target='doxyfile',
- HTML_BUILD_DIR=html_build_dir,
- SRCDIR=bld.srcnode.abspath(),
- )
- # There are two reasons for logging to doxygen.log and using it as
- # target in the build rule (rather than html_build_dir):
- # (1) reduce the noise when running the build
- # (2) waf has a regular file to check for a timestamp. If the directory
- # is used instead waf will rebuild the doxygen target (even upon
- # install).
- def doxygen(task):
- doxyfile = task.inputs[0].abspath()
- logfile = task.outputs[0].abspath()
- cmd = '%s %s &> %s' % (task.env['DOXYGEN'][0], doxyfile, logfile)
- return task.exec_command(cmd)
- bld(
- rule=doxygen,
- source='doxyfile',
- target='doxygen.log'
- )
- # Determine where to install HTML documentation. Since share_dir is the
- # highest directory the uninstall routine should remove, there is no
- # better candidate for share_dir, but the requested HTML directory if
- # --htmldir is given.
- if bld.env['HTMLDIR']:
- html_install_dir = bld.options.destdir + bld.env['HTMLDIR']
- share_dir = html_install_dir
- else:
- share_dir = bld.options.destdir + bld.env['PREFIX'] + '/share/jack-audio-connection-kit'
- html_install_dir = share_dir + '/reference/html/'
- if bld.cmd == 'install':
- if os.path.isdir(html_install_dir):
- Logs.pprint('CYAN', 'Removing old doxygen documentation installation...')
- shutil.rmtree(html_install_dir)
- Logs.pprint('CYAN', 'Removing old doxygen documentation installation done.')
- Logs.pprint('CYAN', 'Installing doxygen documentation...')
- shutil.copytree(html_build_dir, html_install_dir)
- Logs.pprint('CYAN', 'Installing doxygen documentation done.')
- elif bld.cmd == 'uninstall':
- Logs.pprint('CYAN', 'Uninstalling doxygen documentation...')
- if os.path.isdir(share_dir):
- shutil.rmtree(share_dir)
- Logs.pprint('CYAN', 'Uninstalling doxygen documentation done.')
- elif bld.cmd == 'clean':
- if os.access(html_build_dir, os.R_OK):
- Logs.pprint('CYAN', 'Removing doxygen generated documentation...')
- shutil.rmtree(html_build_dir)
- Logs.pprint('CYAN', 'Removing doxygen generated documentation done.')
- @TaskGen.extension('.mm')
- def mm_hook(self, node):
- """Alias .mm files to be compiled the same as .cpp files, gcc will do the right thing."""
- return self.create_compiled_task('cxx', node)