- /*
- Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Romain Moret at Grame
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- */
- #include "JackMidiPort.h"
- #include "JackTools.h"
- #include "types.h"
- #include "transport.h"
- #ifndef WIN32
- #include <netinet/in.h>
- #endif
- #include <cmath>
- using namespace std;
- #ifndef htonll
- #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__
- #define htonll(x) (x)
- #define ntohll(x) (x)
- #else
- #define htonll(x) ((((uint64_t)htonl(x)) << 32) + htonl(x >> 32))
- #define ntohll(x) ((((uint64_t)ntohl(x)) << 32) + ntohl(x >> 32))
- #endif
- #endif
- #define NET_SYNCHING 0
- #define SYNC_PACKET_ERROR -2
- #define DATA_PACKET_ERROR -3
- #define UDP_HEADER_SIZE 64 // 40 bytes for IP header in IPV6, 20 in IPV4, 8 for UDP, so take 64
- #define HEADER_SIZE (sizeof(packet_header_t))
- #define PACKET_AVAILABLE_SIZE(params) ((params)->fMtu - UDP_HEADER_SIZE - HEADER_SIZE)
- namespace Jack
- {
- typedef struct _session_params session_params_t;
- typedef struct _packet_header packet_header_t;
- typedef struct _net_transport_data net_transport_data_t;
- typedef struct sockaddr socket_address_t;
- typedef struct in_addr address_t;
- typedef jack_default_audio_sample_t sample_t;
- enum JackNetEncoder {
- JackFloatEncoder = 0,
- JackIntEncoder = 1,
- JackCeltEncoder = 2,
- JackOpusEncoder = 3,
- };
- //session params ******************************************************************************
- /**
- \brief This structure contains master/slave connection parameters, it's used to setup the whole system
- We have :
- - some info like version, type and packet id
- - names
- - network parameters (hostnames and mtu)
- - number of audio and midi channels
- - sample rate and buffersize
- - number of audio frames in one network packet (depends on the channel number)
- - is the NetDriver in Sync or ASync mode ?
- - is the NetDriver linked with the master's transport
- Data encoding : headers (session_params and packet_header) are encoded using HTN kind of functions but float data
- are kept in LITTLE_ENDIAN format (to avoid 2 conversions in the more common LITTLE_ENDIAN <==> LITTLE_ENDIAN connection case).
- */
- struct _session_params
- {
- char fPacketType[8]; //packet type ('param')
- uint32_t fProtocolVersion; //version
- int32_t fPacketID; //indicates the packet type
- char fName[JACK_CLIENT_NAME_SIZE]; //slave's name
- char fMasterNetName[JACK_SERVER_NAME_SIZE]; //master hostname (network)
- char fSlaveNetName[JACK_SERVER_NAME_SIZE]; //slave hostname (network)
- uint32_t fMtu; //connection mtu
- uint32_t fID; //slave's ID
- uint32_t fTransportSync; //is the transport synced ?
- int32_t fSendAudioChannels; //number of master->slave channels
- int32_t fReturnAudioChannels; //number of slave->master channels
- int32_t fSendMidiChannels; //number of master->slave midi channels
- int32_t fReturnMidiChannels; //number of slave->master midi channels
- uint32_t fSampleRate; //session sample rate
- uint32_t fPeriodSize; //period size
- uint32_t fSampleEncoder; //samples encoder
- uint32_t fKBps; //KB per second for CELT encoder
- uint32_t fSlaveSyncMode; //is the slave in sync mode ?
- uint32_t fNetworkLatency; //network latency
- //net status **********************************************************************************
- /**
- \Brief This enum groups network error by type
- */
- enum _net_status
- {
- };
- typedef enum _net_status net_status_t;
- //sync packet type ****************************************************************************
- /**
- \Brief This enum indicates the type of a sync packet (used in the initialization phase)
- */
- enum _sync_packet_type
- {
- INVALID = 0, //...
- SLAVE_AVAILABLE, //a slave is available
- SLAVE_SETUP, //slave configuration
- START_MASTER, //slave is ready, start master
- START_SLAVE, //master is ready, activate slave
- KILL_MASTER //master must stop
- };
- typedef enum _sync_packet_type sync_packet_type_t;
- //packet header *******************************************************************************
- /**
- \Brief This structure is a complete header
- A header indicates :
- - it is a header
- - the type of data the packet contains (sync, midi or audio)
- - the path of the packet (send -master->slave- or return -slave->master-)
- - the unique ID of the slave
- - the sample's bitdepth (unused for now)
- - the size of the midi data contains in the packet (indicates how much midi data will be sent)
- - the number of midi packet(s) : more than one is very unusual, it depends on the midi load
- - the ID of the current cycle (used to check missing packets)
- - the ID of the packet subcycle (for audio data)
- - a flag indicating this packet is the last of the cycle (for sync robustness, it's better to process this way)
- - a flag indicating if, in async mode, the previous graph was not finished or not
- - padding to fill 64 bytes
- */
- struct _packet_header
- {
- char fPacketType[8]; //packet type ('headr')
- uint32_t fDataType; //'a' for audio, 'm' for midi and 's' for sync
- uint32_t fDataStream; //'s' for send, 'r' for return
- uint32_t fID; //unique ID of the slave
- uint32_t fNumPacket; //number of data packets of the cycle
- uint32_t fPacketSize; //packet size in bytes
- uint32_t fActivePorts; //number of active ports
- uint32_t fCycle; //process cycle counter
- uint32_t fSubCycle; //midi/audio subcycle counter
- int32_t fFrames; //process cycle size in frames (can be -1 to indicate entire buffer)
- uint32_t fIsLastPckt; //is it the last packet of a given cycle ('y' or 'n')
- //net timebase master
- /**
- \Brief This enum describes timebase master's type
- */
- enum _net_timebase_master
- {
- NO_CHANGE = 0,
- };
- typedef enum _net_timebase_master net_timebase_master_t;
- //transport data ******************************************************************************
- /**
- \Brief This structure contains transport data to be sent over the network
- */
- struct _net_transport_data
- {
- uint32_t fNewState; //is it a state change
- uint32_t fTimebaseMaster; //is there a new timebase master
- int32_t fState; //current cycle state
- jack_position_t fPosition; //current cycle position
- //midi data ***********************************************************************************
- /**
- \Brief Midi buffer and operations class
- This class is a toolset to manipulate Midi buffers.
- A JackMidiBuffer has a fixed size, which is the same than an audio buffer size.
- An intermediate fixed size buffer allows to uninterleave midi data (from jack ports).
- But for a big majority of the process cycles, this buffer is filled less than 1%,
- Sending over a network 99% of useless data seems completely unappropriate.
- The idea is to count effective midi data, and then send the smallest packet we can.
- To do it, we use an intermediate buffer.
- We have two methods to convert data from jack ports to intermediate buffer,
- And two others to convert this intermediate buffer to a network buffer (header + payload data)
- */
- class SERVER_EXPORT NetMidiBuffer
- {
- private:
- int fNPorts;
- size_t fMaxBufsize;
- int fMaxPcktSize;
- char* fBuffer;
- char* fNetBuffer;
- JackMidiBuffer** fPortBuffer;
- size_t fCycleBytesSize; // needed size in bytes ofr an entire cycle
- public:
- NetMidiBuffer(session_params_t* params, uint32_t nports, char* net_buffer);
- ~NetMidiBuffer();
- void Reset();
- // needed size in bytes for an entire cycle
- size_t GetCycleSize();
- int GetNumPackets(int data_sizen, int max_size);
- void SetBuffer(int index, JackMidiBuffer* buffer);
- JackMidiBuffer* GetBuffer(int index);
- //utility
- void DisplayEvents();
- //jack<->buffer
- int RenderFromJackPorts();
- void RenderToJackPorts();
- //network<->buffer
- void RenderFromNetwork(int sub_cycle, size_t copy_size);
- int RenderToNetwork(int sub_cycle, size_t total_size);
- };
- // audio data *********************************************************************************
- class SERVER_EXPORT NetAudioBuffer
- {
- protected:
- int fNPorts;
- int fLastSubCycle;
- int fNumPackets;
- char* fNetBuffer;
- sample_t** fPortBuffer;
- bool* fConnectedPorts;
- jack_nframes_t fPeriodSize;
- jack_nframes_t fSubPeriodSize;
- size_t fSubPeriodBytesSize;
- float fCycleDuration; // in sec
- size_t fCycleBytesSize; // needed size in bytes for an entire cycle
- int CheckPacket(int cycle, int sub_cycle);
- void NextCycle();
- void Cleanup();
- public:
- NetAudioBuffer(session_params_t* params, uint32_t nports, char* net_buffer);
- virtual ~NetAudioBuffer();
- bool GetConnected(int port_index) { return fConnectedPorts[port_index]; }
- void SetConnected(int port_index, bool state) { fConnectedPorts[port_index] = state; }
- // needed syze in bytes ofr an entire cycle
- virtual size_t GetCycleSize() = 0;
- // cycle duration in sec
- virtual float GetCycleDuration() = 0;
- virtual int GetNumPackets(int active_ports) = 0;
- virtual void SetBuffer(int index, sample_t* buffer);
- virtual sample_t* GetBuffer(int index);
- //jack<->buffer
- virtual int RenderFromJackPorts(int nframes);
- virtual void RenderToJackPorts(int nframes);
- //network<->buffer
- virtual int RenderFromNetwork(int cycle, int sub_cycle, uint32_t port_num) = 0;
- virtual int RenderToNetwork(int sub_cycle, uint32_t port_num) = 0;
- virtual int ActivePortsToNetwork(char* net_buffer);
- virtual void ActivePortsFromNetwork(char* net_buffer, uint32_t port_num);
- };
- class SERVER_EXPORT NetFloatAudioBuffer : public NetAudioBuffer
- {
- private:
- int fPacketSize;
- void UpdateParams(int active_ports);
- void RenderFromNetwork(char* net_buffer, int active_port, int sub_cycle);
- void RenderToNetwork(char* net_buffer, int active_port, int sub_cycle);
- public:
- NetFloatAudioBuffer(session_params_t* params, uint32_t nports, char* net_buffer);
- virtual ~NetFloatAudioBuffer();
- // needed size in bytes for an entire cycle
- size_t GetCycleSize();
- // cycle duration in sec
- float GetCycleDuration();
- int GetNumPackets(int active_ports);
- //jack<->buffer
- int RenderFromNetwork(int cycle, int sub_cycle, uint32_t port_num);
- int RenderToNetwork(int sub_cycle, uint32_t port_num);
- };
- #include <celt/celt.h>
- class SERVER_EXPORT NetCeltAudioBuffer : public NetAudioBuffer
- {
- private:
- CELTMode** fCeltMode;
- CELTEncoder** fCeltEncoder;
- CELTDecoder** fCeltDecoder;
- int fCompressedSizeByte;
- unsigned char** fCompressedBuffer;
- size_t fLastSubPeriodBytesSize;
- void FreeCelt();
- public:
- NetCeltAudioBuffer(session_params_t* params, uint32_t nports, char* net_buffer, int kbps);
- virtual ~NetCeltAudioBuffer();
- // needed size in bytes for an entire cycle
- size_t GetCycleSize();
- // cycle duration in sec
- float GetCycleDuration();
- int GetNumPackets(int active_ports);
- //jack<->buffer
- int RenderFromJackPorts(int nframes);
- void RenderToJackPorts(int nframes);
- //network<->buffer
- int RenderFromNetwork(int cycle, int sub_cycle, uint32_t port_num);
- int RenderToNetwork(int sub_cycle, uint32_t port_num);
- };
- #endif
- #include <opus/opus.h>
- #include <opus/opus_custom.h>
- class SERVER_EXPORT NetOpusAudioBuffer : public NetAudioBuffer
- {
- private:
- OpusCustomMode** fOpusMode;
- OpusCustomEncoder** fOpusEncoder;
- OpusCustomDecoder** fOpusDecoder;
- int fCompressedMaxSizeByte;
- unsigned short* fCompressedSizesByte;
- size_t fLastSubPeriodBytesSize;
- unsigned char** fCompressedBuffer;
- void FreeOpus();
- public:
- NetOpusAudioBuffer(session_params_t* params, uint32_t nports, char* net_buffer, int kbps);
- virtual ~NetOpusAudioBuffer();
- // needed size in bytes for an entire cycle
- size_t GetCycleSize();
- // cycle duration in sec
- float GetCycleDuration();
- int GetNumPackets(int active_ports);
- //jack<->buffer
- int RenderFromJackPorts(int nframes);
- void RenderToJackPorts(int nframes);
- //network<->buffer
- int RenderFromNetwork(int cycle, int sub_cycle, uint32_t port_num);
- int RenderToNetwork(int sub_cycle, uint32_t port_num);
- };
- #endif
- class SERVER_EXPORT NetIntAudioBuffer : public NetAudioBuffer
- {
- private:
- int fCompressedSizeByte;
- size_t fLastSubPeriodBytesSize;
- short** fIntBuffer;
- public:
- NetIntAudioBuffer(session_params_t* params, uint32_t nports, char* net_buffer);
- virtual ~NetIntAudioBuffer();
- // needed size in bytes for an entire cycle
- size_t GetCycleSize();
- // cycle duration in sec
- float GetCycleDuration();
- int GetNumPackets(int active_ports);
- //jack<->buffer
- int RenderFromJackPorts(int nframes);
- void RenderToJackPorts(int nframes);
- //network<->buffer
- int RenderFromNetwork(int cycle, int sub_cycle, uint32_t port_num);
- int RenderToNetwork(int sub_cycle, uint32_t port_num);
- };
- //utility *************************************************************************************
- //socket API management
- SERVER_EXPORT int SocketAPIInit();
- SERVER_EXPORT int SocketAPIEnd();
- //n<-->h functions
- SERVER_EXPORT void SessionParamsHToN(session_params_t* src_params, session_params_t* dst_params);
- SERVER_EXPORT void SessionParamsNToH(session_params_t* src_params, session_params_t* dst_params);
- SERVER_EXPORT void PacketHeaderHToN(packet_header_t* src_header, packet_header_t* dst_header);
- SERVER_EXPORT void PacketHeaderNToH(packet_header_t* src_header, packet_header_t* dst_header);
- SERVER_EXPORT void MidiBufferHToN(JackMidiBuffer* src_buffer, JackMidiBuffer* dst_buffer);
- SERVER_EXPORT void MidiBufferNToH(JackMidiBuffer* src_buffer, JackMidiBuffer* dst_buffer);
- SERVER_EXPORT void TransportDataHToN(net_transport_data_t* src_params, net_transport_data_t* dst_params);
- SERVER_EXPORT void TransportDataNToH(net_transport_data_t* src_params, net_transport_data_t* dst_params);
- //display session parameters
- SERVER_EXPORT void SessionParamsDisplay(session_params_t* params);
- //display packet header
- SERVER_EXPORT void PacketHeaderDisplay(packet_header_t* header);
- //get the packet type from a sesion parameters
- SERVER_EXPORT sync_packet_type_t GetPacketType(session_params_t* params);
- //set the packet type in a session parameters
- SERVER_EXPORT int SetPacketType(session_params_t* params, sync_packet_type_t packet_type);
- //transport utility
- SERVER_EXPORT const char* GetTransportState(int transport_state);
- SERVER_EXPORT void NetTransportDataDisplay(net_transport_data_t* data);
- }