- /*
- Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Romain Moret at Grame
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- */
- #include "JackNetTool.h"
- #include "JackError.h"
- #ifdef __APPLE__
- #include <mach/mach_time.h>
- class HardwareClock
- {
- public:
- HardwareClock();
- void Reset();
- void Update();
- float GetDeltaTime() const;
- double GetTime() const;
- private:
- double m_clockToSeconds;
- uint64_t m_startAbsTime;
- uint64_t m_lastAbsTime;
- double m_time;
- float m_deltaTime;
- };
- HardwareClock::HardwareClock()
- {
- mach_timebase_info_data_t info;
- mach_timebase_info(&info);
- m_clockToSeconds = (double)info.numer/info.denom/1000000000.0;
- Reset();
- }
- void HardwareClock::Reset()
- {
- m_startAbsTime = mach_absolute_time();
- m_lastAbsTime = m_startAbsTime;
- m_time = m_startAbsTime*m_clockToSeconds;
- m_deltaTime = 1.0f/60.0f;
- }
- void HardwareClock::Update()
- {
- const uint64_t currentTime = mach_absolute_time();
- const uint64_t dt = currentTime - m_lastAbsTime;
- m_time = currentTime*m_clockToSeconds;
- m_deltaTime = (double)dt*m_clockToSeconds;
- m_lastAbsTime = currentTime;
- }
- float HardwareClock::GetDeltaTime() const
- {
- return m_deltaTime;
- }
- double HardwareClock::GetTime() const
- {
- return m_time;
- }
- #endif
- using namespace std;
- namespace Jack
- {
- // NetMidiBuffer**********************************************************************************
- NetMidiBuffer::NetMidiBuffer(session_params_t* params, uint32_t nports, char* net_buffer)
- {
- fNPorts = nports;
- fMaxBufsize = fNPorts * sizeof(sample_t) * params->fPeriodSize;
- fMaxPcktSize = params->fMtu - sizeof(packet_header_t);
- fBuffer = new char[fMaxBufsize];
- fPortBuffer = new JackMidiBuffer* [fNPorts];
- for (int port_index = 0; port_index < fNPorts; port_index++) {
- fPortBuffer[port_index] = NULL;
- }
- fNetBuffer = net_buffer;
- fCycleBytesSize = params->fMtu
- * (max(params->fSendMidiChannels, params->fReturnMidiChannels)
- * params->fPeriodSize * sizeof(sample_t) / (params->fMtu - sizeof(packet_header_t)));
- }
- NetMidiBuffer::~NetMidiBuffer()
- {
- delete[] fBuffer;
- delete[] fPortBuffer;
- }
- size_t NetMidiBuffer::GetCycleSize()
- {
- return fCycleBytesSize;
- }
- int NetMidiBuffer::GetNumPackets(int data_size, int max_size)
- {
- int res1 = data_size % max_size;
- int res2 = data_size / max_size;
- return (res1) ? res2 + 1 : res2;
- }
- void NetMidiBuffer::SetBuffer(int index, JackMidiBuffer* buffer)
- {
- fPortBuffer[index] = buffer;
- }
- JackMidiBuffer* NetMidiBuffer::GetBuffer(int index)
- {
- return fPortBuffer[index];
- }
- void NetMidiBuffer::DisplayEvents()
- {
- for (int port_index = 0; port_index < fNPorts; port_index++) {
- for (uint event = 0; event < fPortBuffer[port_index]->event_count; event++) {
- if (fPortBuffer[port_index]->IsValid()) {
- jack_info("port %d : midi event %u/%u -> time : %u, size : %u",
- port_index + 1, event + 1, fPortBuffer[port_index]->event_count,
- fPortBuffer[port_index]->events[event].time, fPortBuffer[port_index]->events[event].size);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- int NetMidiBuffer::RenderFromJackPorts()
- {
- int pos = 0;
- size_t copy_size;
- for (int port_index = 0; port_index < fNPorts; port_index++) {
- char* write_pos = fBuffer + pos;
- copy_size = sizeof(JackMidiBuffer) + fPortBuffer[port_index]->event_count * sizeof(JackMidiEvent);
- memcpy(fBuffer + pos, fPortBuffer[port_index], copy_size);
- pos += copy_size;
- memcpy(fBuffer + pos,
- fPortBuffer[port_index] + (fPortBuffer[port_index]->buffer_size - fPortBuffer[port_index]->write_pos),
- fPortBuffer[port_index]->write_pos);
- pos += fPortBuffer[port_index]->write_pos;
- JackMidiBuffer* midi_buffer = reinterpret_cast<JackMidiBuffer*>(write_pos);
- MidiBufferHToN(midi_buffer, midi_buffer);
- }
- return pos;
- }
- void NetMidiBuffer::RenderToJackPorts()
- {
- int pos = 0;
- size_t copy_size;
- for (int port_index = 0; port_index < fNPorts; port_index++) {
- JackMidiBuffer* midi_buffer = reinterpret_cast<JackMidiBuffer*>(fBuffer + pos);
- MidiBufferNToH(midi_buffer, midi_buffer);
- copy_size = sizeof(JackMidiBuffer) + reinterpret_cast<JackMidiBuffer*>(fBuffer + pos)->event_count * sizeof(JackMidiEvent);
- memcpy(fPortBuffer[port_index], fBuffer + pos, copy_size);
- pos += copy_size;
- memcpy(fPortBuffer[port_index] + (fPortBuffer[port_index]->buffer_size - fPortBuffer[port_index]->write_pos),
- fBuffer + pos,
- fPortBuffer[port_index]->write_pos);
- pos += fPortBuffer[port_index]->write_pos;
- }
- }
- void NetMidiBuffer::RenderFromNetwork(int sub_cycle, size_t copy_size)
- {
- memcpy(fBuffer + sub_cycle * fMaxPcktSize, fNetBuffer, copy_size);
- }
- int NetMidiBuffer::RenderToNetwork(int sub_cycle, size_t total_size)
- {
- int size = total_size - sub_cycle * fMaxPcktSize;
- int copy_size = (size <= fMaxPcktSize) ? size : fMaxPcktSize;
- memcpy(fNetBuffer, fBuffer + sub_cycle * fMaxPcktSize, copy_size);
- return copy_size;
- }
- // net audio buffer *********************************************************************************
- NetAudioBuffer::NetAudioBuffer(session_params_t* params, uint32_t nports, char* net_buffer)
- {
- fNPorts = nports;
- fNetBuffer = net_buffer;
- fNumPackets = 0;
- fPortBuffer = new sample_t*[fNPorts];
- fConnectedPorts = new bool[fNPorts];
- for (int port_index = 0; port_index < fNPorts; port_index++) {
- fPortBuffer[port_index] = NULL;
- fConnectedPorts[port_index] = true;
- }
- fLastSubCycle = 0;
- fPeriodSize = 0;
- fSubPeriodSize = 0;
- fSubPeriodBytesSize = 0;
- fCycleDuration = 0.f;
- fCycleBytesSize = 0;
- }
- NetAudioBuffer::~NetAudioBuffer()
- {
- delete [] fConnectedPorts;
- delete [] fPortBuffer;
- }
- void NetAudioBuffer::SetBuffer(int index, sample_t* buffer)
- {
- fPortBuffer[index] = buffer;
- }
- sample_t* NetAudioBuffer::GetBuffer(int index)
- {
- return fPortBuffer[index];
- }
- int NetAudioBuffer::CheckPacket(int cycle, int sub_cycle)
- {
- int res;
- if (sub_cycle != fLastSubCycle + 1) {
- jack_error("Packet(s) missing from... %d %d", fLastSubCycle, sub_cycle);
- } else {
- res = 0;
- }
- fLastSubCycle = sub_cycle;
- return res;
- }
- void NetAudioBuffer::NextCycle()
- {
- // reset for next cycle
- fLastSubCycle = -1;
- }
- void NetAudioBuffer::Cleanup()
- {
- for (int port_index = 0; port_index < fNPorts; port_index++) {
- if (fPortBuffer[port_index]) {
- memset(fPortBuffer[port_index], 0, fPeriodSize * sizeof(sample_t));
- }
- }
- }
- //network<->buffer
- int NetAudioBuffer::ActivePortsToNetwork(char* net_buffer)
- {
- int active_ports = 0;
- int* active_port_address = (int*)net_buffer;
- for (int port_index = 0; port_index < fNPorts; port_index++) {
- // Write the active port number
- if (fPortBuffer[port_index]) {
- *active_port_address = htonl(port_index);
- active_port_address++;
- active_ports++;
- assert(active_ports < 256);
- }
- }
- return active_ports;
- }
- void NetAudioBuffer::ActivePortsFromNetwork(char* net_buffer, uint32_t port_num)
- {
- int* active_port_address = (int*)net_buffer;
- for (int port_index = 0; port_index < fNPorts; port_index++) {
- fConnectedPorts[port_index] = false;
- }
- for (uint port_index = 0; port_index < port_num; port_index++) {
- int active_port = ntohl(*active_port_address);
- assert(active_port < fNPorts);
- fConnectedPorts[active_port] = true;
- active_port_address++;
- }
- }
- int NetAudioBuffer::RenderFromJackPorts(int unused_frames)
- {
- // Count active ports
- int active_ports = 0;
- for (int port_index = 0; port_index < fNPorts; port_index++) {
- if (fPortBuffer[port_index]) {
- active_ports++;
- }
- }
- return active_ports;
- }
- void NetAudioBuffer::RenderToJackPorts(int unused_frames)
- {
- // Nothing to do
- NextCycle();
- }
- // Float converter
- NetFloatAudioBuffer::NetFloatAudioBuffer(session_params_t* params, uint32_t nports, char* net_buffer)
- : NetAudioBuffer(params, nports, net_buffer)
- {
- fPeriodSize = params->fPeriodSize;
- fPacketSize = PACKET_AVAILABLE_SIZE(params);
- UpdateParams(max(params->fReturnAudioChannels, params->fSendAudioChannels));
- fCycleDuration = float(fSubPeriodSize) / float(params->fSampleRate);
- fCycleBytesSize = params->fMtu * (fPeriodSize / fSubPeriodSize);
- fLastSubCycle = -1;
- }
- NetFloatAudioBuffer::~NetFloatAudioBuffer()
- {}
- // needed size in bytes for an entire cycle
- size_t NetFloatAudioBuffer::GetCycleSize()
- {
- return fCycleBytesSize;
- }
- // cycle duration in sec
- float NetFloatAudioBuffer::GetCycleDuration()
- {
- return fCycleDuration;
- }
- void NetFloatAudioBuffer::UpdateParams(int active_ports)
- {
- if (active_ports == 0) {
- fSubPeriodSize = fPeriodSize;
- } else {
- jack_nframes_t period = int(powf(2.f, int(log(float(fPacketSize) / (active_ports * sizeof(sample_t))) / log(2.))));
- fSubPeriodSize = (period > fPeriodSize) ? fPeriodSize : period;
- }
- fSubPeriodBytesSize = fSubPeriodSize * sizeof(sample_t) + sizeof(int); // The port number in coded on 4 bytes
- fNumPackets = fPeriodSize / fSubPeriodSize; // At least one packet
- }
- int NetFloatAudioBuffer::GetNumPackets(int active_ports)
- {
- UpdateParams(active_ports);
- /*
- jack_log("GetNumPackets packet = %d fPeriodSize = %d fSubPeriodSize = %d fSubPeriodBytesSize = %d",
- fPeriodSize / fSubPeriodSize, fPeriodSize, fSubPeriodSize, fSubPeriodBytesSize);
- */
- return fNumPackets;
- }
- //jack<->buffer
- int NetFloatAudioBuffer::RenderFromNetwork(int cycle, int sub_cycle, uint32_t port_num)
- {
- // Cleanup all JACK ports at the beginning of the cycle
- if (sub_cycle == 0) {
- Cleanup();
- }
- if (port_num > 0) {
- UpdateParams(port_num);
- for (uint32_t port_index = 0; port_index < port_num; port_index++) {
- // Only copy to active ports : read the active port number then audio data
- int* active_port_address = (int*)(fNetBuffer + port_index * fSubPeriodBytesSize);
- int active_port = ntohl(*active_port_address);
- RenderFromNetwork((char*)(active_port_address + 1), active_port, sub_cycle);
- }
- }
- return CheckPacket(cycle, sub_cycle);
- }
- int NetFloatAudioBuffer::RenderToNetwork(int sub_cycle, uint32_t port_num)
- {
- int active_ports = 0;
- for (int port_index = 0; port_index < fNPorts; port_index++) {
- // Only copy from active ports : write the active port number then audio data
- if (fPortBuffer[port_index]) {
- int* active_port_address = (int*)(fNetBuffer + active_ports * fSubPeriodBytesSize);
- *active_port_address = htonl(port_index);
- RenderToNetwork((char*)(active_port_address + 1), port_index, sub_cycle);
- active_ports++;
- }
- }
- return port_num * fSubPeriodBytesSize;
- }
- #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__
- static inline jack_default_audio_sample_t SwapFloat(jack_default_audio_sample_t f)
- {
- union
- {
- jack_default_audio_sample_t f;
- unsigned char b[4];
- } dat1, dat2;
- dat1.f = f;
- dat2.b[0] = dat1.b[3];
- dat2.b[1] = dat1.b[2];
- dat2.b[2] = dat1.b[1];
- dat2.b[3] = dat1.b[0];
- return dat2.f;
- }
- void NetFloatAudioBuffer::RenderFromNetwork(char* net_buffer, int active_port, int sub_cycle)
- {
- if (fPortBuffer[active_port]) {
- jack_default_audio_sample_t* src = (jack_default_audio_sample_t*)(net_buffer);
- jack_default_audio_sample_t* dst = (jack_default_audio_sample_t*)(fPortBuffer[active_port] + sub_cycle * fSubPeriodSize);
- for (unsigned int sample = 0; sample < (fSubPeriodBytesSize - sizeof(int)) / sizeof(jack_default_audio_sample_t); sample++) {
- dst[sample] = SwapFloat(src[sample]);
- }
- }
- }
- void NetFloatAudioBuffer::RenderToNetwork(char* net_buffer, int active_port, int sub_cycle)
- {
- for (int port_index = 0; port_index < fNPorts; port_index++ ) {
- jack_default_audio_sample_t* src = (jack_default_audio_sample_t*)(fPortBuffer[active_port] + sub_cycle * fSubPeriodSize);
- jack_default_audio_sample_t* dst = (jack_default_audio_sample_t*)(net_buffer);
- for (unsigned int sample = 0; sample < (fSubPeriodBytesSize - sizeof(int)) / sizeof(jack_default_audio_sample_t); sample++) {
- dst[sample] = SwapFloat(src[sample]);
- }
- }
- }
- #else
- void NetFloatAudioBuffer::RenderFromNetwork(char* net_buffer, int active_port, int sub_cycle)
- {
- if (fPortBuffer[active_port]) {
- memcpy(fPortBuffer[active_port] + sub_cycle * fSubPeriodSize, net_buffer, fSubPeriodBytesSize - sizeof(int));
- }
- }
- void NetFloatAudioBuffer::RenderToNetwork(char* net_buffer, int active_port, int sub_cycle)
- {
- memcpy(net_buffer, fPortBuffer[active_port] + sub_cycle * fSubPeriodSize, fSubPeriodBytesSize - sizeof(int));
- }
- #endif
- // Celt audio buffer *********************************************************************************
- #define KPS 32
- #define KPS_DIV 8
- NetCeltAudioBuffer::NetCeltAudioBuffer(session_params_t* params, uint32_t nports, char* net_buffer, int kbps)
- :NetAudioBuffer(params, nports, net_buffer)
- {
- fCeltMode = new CELTMode*[fNPorts];
- fCeltEncoder = new CELTEncoder*[fNPorts];
- fCeltDecoder = new CELTDecoder*[fNPorts];
- memset(fCeltMode, 0, fNPorts * sizeof(CELTMode*));
- memset(fCeltEncoder, 0, fNPorts * sizeof(CELTEncoder*));
- memset(fCeltDecoder, 0, fNPorts * sizeof(CELTDecoder*));
- int error = CELT_OK;
- for (int i = 0; i < fNPorts; i++) {
- fCeltMode[i] = celt_mode_create(params->fSampleRate, params->fPeriodSize, &error);
- if (error != CELT_OK) {
- jack_log("NetCeltAudioBuffer celt_mode_create err = %d", error);
- goto error;
- }
- #if HAVE_CELT_API_0_11
- fCeltEncoder[i] = celt_encoder_create_custom(fCeltMode[i], 1, &error);
- if (error != CELT_OK) {
- jack_log("NetCeltAudioBuffer celt_encoder_create_custom err = %d", error);
- goto error;
- }
- celt_encoder_ctl(fCeltEncoder[i], CELT_SET_COMPLEXITY(1));
- fCeltDecoder[i] = celt_decoder_create_custom(fCeltMode[i], 1, &error);
- if (error != CELT_OK) {
- jack_log("NetCeltAudioBuffer celt_decoder_create_custom err = %d", error);
- goto error;
- }
- celt_decoder_ctl(fCeltDecoder[i], CELT_SET_COMPLEXITY(1));
- #elif HAVE_CELT_API_0_7 || HAVE_CELT_API_0_8
- fCeltEncoder[i] = celt_encoder_create(fCeltMode[i], 1, &error);
- if (error != CELT_OK) {
- jack_log("NetCeltAudioBuffer celt_mode_create err = %d", error);
- goto error;
- }
- celt_encoder_ctl(fCeltEncoder[i], CELT_SET_COMPLEXITY(1));
- fCeltDecoder[i] = celt_decoder_create(fCeltMode[i], 1, &error);
- if (error != CELT_OK) {
- jack_log("NetCeltAudioBuffer celt_decoder_create err = %d", error);
- goto error;
- }
- celt_decoder_ctl(fCeltDecoder[i], CELT_SET_COMPLEXITY(1));
- #else
- fCeltEncoder[i] = celt_encoder_create(fCeltMode[i]);
- if (error != CELT_OK) {
- jack_log("NetCeltAudioBuffer celt_encoder_create err = %d", error);
- goto error;
- }
- celt_encoder_ctl(fCeltEncoder[i], CELT_SET_COMPLEXITY(1));
- fCeltDecoder[i] = celt_decoder_create(fCeltMode[i]);
- if (error != CELT_OK) {
- jack_log("NetCeltAudioBuffer celt_decoder_create err = %d", error);
- goto error;
- }
- celt_decoder_ctl(fCeltDecoder[i], CELT_SET_COMPLEXITY(1));
- #endif
- }
- {
- fPeriodSize = params->fPeriodSize;
- fCompressedSizeByte = (kbps * params->fPeriodSize * 1024) / (params->fSampleRate * 8);
- jack_log("NetCeltAudioBuffer fCompressedSizeByte %d", fCompressedSizeByte);
- fCompressedBuffer = new unsigned char* [fNPorts];
- for (int port_index = 0; port_index < fNPorts; port_index++) {
- fCompressedBuffer[port_index] = new unsigned char[fCompressedSizeByte];
- memset(fCompressedBuffer[port_index], 0, fCompressedSizeByte * sizeof(char));
- }
- int res1 = (fNPorts * fCompressedSizeByte) % PACKET_AVAILABLE_SIZE(params);
- int res2 = (fNPorts * fCompressedSizeByte) / PACKET_AVAILABLE_SIZE(params);
- fNumPackets = (res1) ? (res2 + 1) : res2;
- jack_log("NetCeltAudioBuffer res1 = %d res2 = %d", res1, res2);
- fSubPeriodBytesSize = fCompressedSizeByte / fNumPackets;
- fLastSubPeriodBytesSize = fSubPeriodBytesSize + fCompressedSizeByte % fNumPackets;
- jack_log("NetCeltAudioBuffer fNumPackets = %d fSubPeriodBytesSize = %d, fLastSubPeriodBytesSize = %d", fNumPackets, fSubPeriodBytesSize, fLastSubPeriodBytesSize);
- fCycleDuration = float(fSubPeriodBytesSize / sizeof(sample_t)) / float(params->fSampleRate);
- fCycleBytesSize = params->fMtu * fNumPackets;
- fLastSubCycle = -1;
- return;
- }
- error:
- FreeCelt();
- throw std::bad_alloc();
- }
- NetCeltAudioBuffer::~NetCeltAudioBuffer()
- {
- FreeCelt();
- for (int port_index = 0; port_index < fNPorts; port_index++) {
- delete [] fCompressedBuffer[port_index];
- }
- delete [] fCompressedBuffer;
- }
- void NetCeltAudioBuffer::FreeCelt()
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < fNPorts; i++) {
- if (fCeltEncoder[i]) {
- celt_encoder_destroy(fCeltEncoder[i]);
- }
- if (fCeltDecoder[i]) {
- celt_decoder_destroy(fCeltDecoder[i]);
- }
- if (fCeltMode[i]) {
- celt_mode_destroy(fCeltMode[i]);
- }
- }
- delete [] fCeltMode;
- delete [] fCeltEncoder;
- delete [] fCeltDecoder;
- }
- size_t NetCeltAudioBuffer::GetCycleSize()
- {
- return fCycleBytesSize;
- }
- float NetCeltAudioBuffer::GetCycleDuration()
- {
- return fCycleDuration;
- }
- int NetCeltAudioBuffer::GetNumPackets(int active_ports)
- {
- return fNumPackets;
- }
- int NetCeltAudioBuffer::RenderFromJackPorts(int nframes)
- {
- float buffer[BUFFER_SIZE_MAX];
- for (int port_index = 0; port_index < fNPorts; port_index++) {
- if (fPortBuffer[port_index]) {
- memcpy(buffer, fPortBuffer[port_index], fPeriodSize * sizeof(sample_t));
- } else {
- memset(buffer, 0, fPeriodSize * sizeof(sample_t));
- }
- #if HAVE_CELT_API_0_8 || HAVE_CELT_API_0_11
- //int res = celt_encode_float(fCeltEncoder[port_index], buffer, fPeriodSize, fCompressedBuffer[port_index], fCompressedSizeByte);
- int res = celt_encode_float(fCeltEncoder[port_index], buffer, nframes, fCompressedBuffer[port_index], fCompressedSizeByte);
- #else
- int res = celt_encode_float(fCeltEncoder[port_index], buffer, NULL, fCompressedBuffer[port_index], fCompressedSizeByte);
- #endif
- if (res != fCompressedSizeByte) {
- jack_error("celt_encode_float error fCompressedSizeByte = %d res = %d", fCompressedSizeByte, res);
- }
- }
- // All ports active
- return fNPorts;
- }
- void NetCeltAudioBuffer::RenderToJackPorts(int nframes)
- {
- for (int port_index = 0; port_index < fNPorts; port_index++) {
- if (fPortBuffer[port_index]) {
- #if HAVE_CELT_API_0_8 || HAVE_CELT_API_0_11
- //int res = celt_decode_float(fCeltDecoder[port_index], fCompressedBuffer[port_index], fCompressedSizeByte, fPortBuffer[port_index], fPeriodSize);
- int res = celt_decode_float(fCeltDecoder[port_index], fCompressedBuffer[port_index], fCompressedSizeByte, fPortBuffer[port_index], nframes);
- #else
- int res = celt_decode_float(fCeltDecoder[port_index], fCompressedBuffer[port_index], fCompressedSizeByte, fPortBuffer[port_index]);
- #endif
- if (res != CELT_OK) {
- jack_error("celt_decode_float error fCompressedSizeByte = %d res = %d", fCompressedSizeByte, res);
- }
- }
- }
- NextCycle();
- }
- //network<->buffer
- int NetCeltAudioBuffer::RenderFromNetwork(int cycle, int sub_cycle, uint32_t port_num)
- {
- // Cleanup all JACK ports at the beginning of the cycle
- if (sub_cycle == 0) {
- Cleanup();
- }
- if (port_num > 0) {
- int sub_period_bytes_size;
- // Last packet of the cycle
- if (sub_cycle == fNumPackets - 1) {
- sub_period_bytes_size = fLastSubPeriodBytesSize;
- } else {
- sub_period_bytes_size = fSubPeriodBytesSize;
- }
- for (int port_index = 0; port_index < fNPorts; port_index++) {
- memcpy(fCompressedBuffer[port_index] + sub_cycle * fSubPeriodBytesSize, fNetBuffer + port_index * sub_period_bytes_size, sub_period_bytes_size);
- }
- }
- return CheckPacket(cycle, sub_cycle);
- }
- int NetCeltAudioBuffer::RenderToNetwork(int sub_cycle, uint32_t port_num)
- {
- int sub_period_bytes_size;
- // Last packet of the cycle
- if (sub_cycle == fNumPackets - 1) {
- sub_period_bytes_size = fLastSubPeriodBytesSize;
- } else {
- sub_period_bytes_size = fSubPeriodBytesSize;
- }
- for (int port_index = 0; port_index < fNPorts; port_index++) {
- memcpy(fNetBuffer + port_index * sub_period_bytes_size, fCompressedBuffer[port_index] + sub_cycle * fSubPeriodBytesSize, sub_period_bytes_size);
- }
- return fNPorts * sub_period_bytes_size;
- }
- #endif
- #define CDO (sizeof(short)) ///< compressed data offset (first 2 bytes are length)
- NetOpusAudioBuffer::NetOpusAudioBuffer(session_params_t* params, uint32_t nports, char* net_buffer, int kbps)
- :NetAudioBuffer(params, nports, net_buffer)
- {
- fOpusMode = new OpusCustomMode*[fNPorts];
- fOpusEncoder = new OpusCustomEncoder*[fNPorts];
- fOpusDecoder = new OpusCustomDecoder*[fNPorts];
- fCompressedSizesByte = new unsigned short[fNPorts];
- memset(fOpusMode, 0, fNPorts * sizeof(OpusCustomMode*));
- memset(fOpusEncoder, 0, fNPorts * sizeof(OpusCustomEncoder*));
- memset(fOpusDecoder, 0, fNPorts * sizeof(OpusCustomDecoder*));
- memset(fCompressedSizesByte, 0, fNPorts * sizeof(short));
- int error = OPUS_OK;
- for (int i = 0; i < fNPorts; i++) {
- /* Allocate en/decoders */
- fOpusMode[i] = opus_custom_mode_create(params->fSampleRate, params->fPeriodSize, &error);
- if (error != OPUS_OK) {
- jack_log("NetOpusAudioBuffer opus_custom_mode_create err = %d", error);
- goto error;
- }
- fOpusEncoder[i] = opus_custom_encoder_create(fOpusMode[i], 1, &error);
- if (error != OPUS_OK) {
- jack_log("NetOpusAudioBuffer opus_custom_encoder_create err = %d", error);
- goto error;
- }
- fOpusDecoder[i] = opus_custom_decoder_create(fOpusMode[i], 1, &error);
- if (error != OPUS_OK) {
- jack_log("NetOpusAudioBuffer opus_custom_decoder_create err = %d", error);
- goto error;
- }
- opus_custom_encoder_ctl(fOpusEncoder[i], OPUS_SET_BITRATE(kbps*1024)); // bits per second
- opus_custom_encoder_ctl(fOpusEncoder[i], OPUS_SET_COMPLEXITY(10));
- opus_custom_encoder_ctl(fOpusEncoder[i], OPUS_SET_SIGNAL(OPUS_SIGNAL_MUSIC));
- opus_custom_encoder_ctl(fOpusEncoder[i], OPUS_SET_SIGNAL(OPUS_APPLICATION_RESTRICTED_LOWDELAY));
- }
- {
- fCompressedMaxSizeByte = (kbps * params->fPeriodSize * 1024) / (params->fSampleRate * 8);
- fPeriodSize = params->fPeriodSize;
- jack_log("NetOpusAudioBuffer fCompressedMaxSizeByte %d", fCompressedMaxSizeByte);
- fCompressedBuffer = new unsigned char* [fNPorts];
- for (int port_index = 0; port_index < fNPorts; port_index++) {
- fCompressedBuffer[port_index] = new unsigned char[fCompressedMaxSizeByte];
- memset(fCompressedBuffer[port_index], 0, fCompressedMaxSizeByte * sizeof(char));
- }
- int res1 = (fNPorts * (fCompressedMaxSizeByte + CDO)) % PACKET_AVAILABLE_SIZE(params);
- int res2 = (fNPorts * (fCompressedMaxSizeByte + CDO)) / PACKET_AVAILABLE_SIZE(params);
- fNumPackets = (res1) ? (res2 + 1) : res2;
- jack_log("NetOpusAudioBuffer res1 = %d res2 = %d", res1, res2);
- fSubPeriodBytesSize = (fCompressedMaxSizeByte + CDO) / fNumPackets;
- fLastSubPeriodBytesSize = fSubPeriodBytesSize + (fCompressedMaxSizeByte + CDO) % fNumPackets;
- if (fNumPackets == 1) {
- fSubPeriodBytesSize = fLastSubPeriodBytesSize;
- }
- jack_log("NetOpusAudioBuffer fNumPackets = %d fSubPeriodBytesSize = %d, fLastSubPeriodBytesSize = %d", fNumPackets, fSubPeriodBytesSize, fLastSubPeriodBytesSize);
- fCycleDuration = float(fSubPeriodBytesSize / sizeof(sample_t)) / float(params->fSampleRate);
- fCycleBytesSize = params->fMtu * fNumPackets;
- fLastSubCycle = -1;
- return;
- }
- error:
- FreeOpus();
- throw std::bad_alloc();
- }
- NetOpusAudioBuffer::~NetOpusAudioBuffer()
- {
- FreeOpus();
- for (int port_index = 0; port_index < fNPorts; port_index++) {
- delete [] fCompressedBuffer[port_index];
- }
- delete [] fCompressedBuffer;
- delete [] fCompressedSizesByte;
- }
- void NetOpusAudioBuffer::FreeOpus()
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < fNPorts; i++) {
- if (fOpusEncoder[i]) {
- opus_custom_encoder_destroy(fOpusEncoder[i]);
- fOpusEncoder[i] = 0;
- }
- if (fOpusDecoder[i]) {
- opus_custom_decoder_destroy(fOpusDecoder[i]);
- fOpusDecoder[i] = 0;
- }
- if (fOpusMode[i]) {
- opus_custom_mode_destroy(fOpusMode[i]);
- fOpusMode[i] = 0;
- }
- }
- delete [] fOpusEncoder;
- delete [] fOpusDecoder;
- delete [] fOpusMode;
- }
- size_t NetOpusAudioBuffer::GetCycleSize()
- {
- return fCycleBytesSize;
- }
- float NetOpusAudioBuffer::GetCycleDuration()
- {
- return fCycleDuration;
- }
- int NetOpusAudioBuffer::GetNumPackets(int active_ports)
- {
- return fNumPackets;
- }
- int NetOpusAudioBuffer::RenderFromJackPorts(int nframes)
- {
- float buffer[BUFFER_SIZE_MAX];
- for (int port_index = 0; port_index < fNPorts; port_index++) {
- if (fPortBuffer[port_index]) {
- memcpy(buffer, fPortBuffer[port_index], fPeriodSize * sizeof(sample_t));
- } else {
- memset(buffer, 0, fPeriodSize * sizeof(sample_t));
- }
- int res = opus_custom_encode_float(fOpusEncoder[port_index], buffer, ((nframes == -1) ? fPeriodSize : nframes), fCompressedBuffer[port_index], fCompressedMaxSizeByte);
- if (res < 0 || res >= 65535) {
- jack_error("opus_custom_encode_float error res = %d", res);
- fCompressedSizesByte[port_index] = 0;
- } else {
- fCompressedSizesByte[port_index] = res;
- }
- }
- // All ports active
- return fNPorts;
- }
- void NetOpusAudioBuffer::RenderToJackPorts(int nframes)
- {
- for (int port_index = 0; port_index < fNPorts; port_index++) {
- if (fPortBuffer[port_index]) {
- int res = opus_custom_decode_float(fOpusDecoder[port_index], fCompressedBuffer[port_index], fCompressedSizesByte[port_index], fPortBuffer[port_index], ((nframes == -1) ? fPeriodSize : nframes));
- if (res < 0 || res != ((nframes == -1) ? (int)fPeriodSize : nframes)) {
- jack_error("opus_custom_decode_float error fCompressedSizeByte = %d res = %d", fCompressedSizesByte[port_index], res);
- }
- }
- }
- NextCycle();
- }
- //network<->buffer
- int NetOpusAudioBuffer::RenderFromNetwork(int cycle, int sub_cycle, uint32_t port_num)
- {
- // Cleanup all JACK ports at the beginning of the cycle
- if (sub_cycle == 0) {
- Cleanup();
- }
- if (port_num > 0) {
- if (sub_cycle == 0) {
- for (int port_index = 0; port_index < fNPorts; port_index++) {
- size_t len = *((size_t*)(fNetBuffer + port_index * fSubPeriodBytesSize));
- fCompressedSizesByte[port_index] = ntohs(len);
- memcpy(fCompressedBuffer[port_index] + sub_cycle * fSubPeriodBytesSize, fNetBuffer + CDO + port_index * fSubPeriodBytesSize, fSubPeriodBytesSize - CDO);
- }
- } else if (sub_cycle == fNumPackets - 1) {
- for (int port_index = 0; port_index < fNPorts; port_index++) {
- memcpy(fCompressedBuffer[port_index] + sub_cycle * fSubPeriodBytesSize - CDO, fNetBuffer + port_index * fLastSubPeriodBytesSize, fLastSubPeriodBytesSize);
- }
- } else {
- for (int port_index = 0; port_index < fNPorts; port_index++) {
- memcpy(fCompressedBuffer[port_index] + sub_cycle * fSubPeriodBytesSize - CDO, fNetBuffer + port_index * fSubPeriodBytesSize, fSubPeriodBytesSize);
- }
- }
- }
- return CheckPacket(cycle, sub_cycle);
- }
- int NetOpusAudioBuffer::RenderToNetwork(int sub_cycle, uint32_t port_num)
- {
- if (sub_cycle == 0) {
- for (int port_index = 0; port_index < fNPorts; port_index++) {
- unsigned short len = htons(fCompressedSizesByte[port_index]);
- memcpy(fNetBuffer + port_index * fSubPeriodBytesSize, &len, CDO);
- memcpy(fNetBuffer + port_index * fSubPeriodBytesSize + CDO, fCompressedBuffer[port_index], fSubPeriodBytesSize - CDO);
- }
- return fNPorts * fSubPeriodBytesSize;
- } else if (sub_cycle == fNumPackets - 1) {
- for (int port_index = 0; port_index < fNPorts; port_index++) {
- memcpy(fNetBuffer + port_index * fLastSubPeriodBytesSize, fCompressedBuffer[port_index] + sub_cycle * fSubPeriodBytesSize - CDO, fLastSubPeriodBytesSize);
- }
- return fNPorts * fLastSubPeriodBytesSize;
- } else {
- for (int port_index = 0; port_index < fNPorts; port_index++) {
- memcpy(fNetBuffer + port_index * fSubPeriodBytesSize, fCompressedBuffer[port_index] + sub_cycle * fSubPeriodBytesSize - CDO, fSubPeriodBytesSize);
- }
- return fNPorts * fSubPeriodBytesSize;
- }
- }
- #endif
- NetIntAudioBuffer::NetIntAudioBuffer(session_params_t* params, uint32_t nports, char* net_buffer)
- : NetAudioBuffer(params, nports, net_buffer)
- {
- fPeriodSize = params->fPeriodSize;
- fCompressedSizeByte = (params->fPeriodSize * sizeof(short));
- jack_log("NetIntAudioBuffer fCompressedSizeByte %d", fCompressedSizeByte);
- fIntBuffer = new short* [fNPorts];
- for (int port_index = 0; port_index < fNPorts; port_index++) {
- fIntBuffer[port_index] = new short[fPeriodSize];
- memset(fIntBuffer[port_index], 0, fPeriodSize * sizeof(short));
- }
- int res1 = (fNPorts * fCompressedSizeByte) % PACKET_AVAILABLE_SIZE(params);
- int res2 = (fNPorts * fCompressedSizeByte) / PACKET_AVAILABLE_SIZE(params);
- jack_log("NetIntAudioBuffer res1 = %d res2 = %d", res1, res2);
- fNumPackets = (res1) ? (res2 + 1) : res2;
- fSubPeriodBytesSize = fCompressedSizeByte / fNumPackets;
- fLastSubPeriodBytesSize = fSubPeriodBytesSize + fCompressedSizeByte % fNumPackets;
- fSubPeriodSize = fSubPeriodBytesSize / sizeof(short);
- jack_log("NetIntAudioBuffer fNumPackets = %d fSubPeriodBytesSize = %d, fLastSubPeriodBytesSize = %d", fNumPackets, fSubPeriodBytesSize, fLastSubPeriodBytesSize);
- fCycleDuration = float(fSubPeriodBytesSize / sizeof(sample_t)) / float(params->fSampleRate);
- fCycleBytesSize = params->fMtu * fNumPackets;
- fLastSubCycle = -1;
- }
- NetIntAudioBuffer::~NetIntAudioBuffer()
- {
- for (int port_index = 0; port_index < fNPorts; port_index++) {
- delete [] fIntBuffer[port_index];
- }
- delete [] fIntBuffer;
- }
- size_t NetIntAudioBuffer::GetCycleSize()
- {
- return fCycleBytesSize;
- }
- float NetIntAudioBuffer::GetCycleDuration()
- {
- return fCycleDuration;
- }
- int NetIntAudioBuffer::GetNumPackets(int active_ports)
- {
- return fNumPackets;
- }
- int NetIntAudioBuffer::RenderFromJackPorts(int nframes)
- {
- for (int port_index = 0; port_index < fNPorts; port_index++) {
- if (fPortBuffer[port_index]) {
- for (int frame = 0; frame < nframes; frame++) {
- fIntBuffer[port_index][frame] = short(fPortBuffer[port_index][frame] * 32767.f);
- }
- } else {
- memset(fIntBuffer[port_index], 0, fPeriodSize * sizeof(short));
- }
- }
- // All ports active
- return fNPorts;
- }
- void NetIntAudioBuffer::RenderToJackPorts(int nframes)
- {
- float coef = 1.f / 32767.f;
- for (int port_index = 0; port_index < fNPorts; port_index++) {
- if (fPortBuffer[port_index]) {
- for (int frame = 0; frame < nframes; frame++) {
- fPortBuffer[port_index][frame] = float(fIntBuffer[port_index][frame] * coef);
- }
- }
- }
- NextCycle();
- }
- //network<->buffer
- int NetIntAudioBuffer::RenderFromNetwork(int cycle, int sub_cycle, uint32_t port_num)
- {
- // Cleanup all JACK ports at the beginning of the cycle
- if (sub_cycle == 0) {
- Cleanup();
- }
- if (port_num > 0) {
- int sub_period_bytes_size;
- // Last packet
- if (sub_cycle == fNumPackets - 1) {
- sub_period_bytes_size = fLastSubPeriodBytesSize;
- } else {
- sub_period_bytes_size = fSubPeriodBytesSize;
- }
- for (int port_index = 0; port_index < fNPorts; port_index++) {
- memcpy(fIntBuffer[port_index] + sub_cycle * fSubPeriodSize, fNetBuffer + port_index * sub_period_bytes_size, sub_period_bytes_size);
- }
- }
- return CheckPacket(cycle, sub_cycle);
- }
- int NetIntAudioBuffer::RenderToNetwork(int sub_cycle, uint32_t port_num)
- {
- int sub_period_bytes_size;
- // Last packet
- if (sub_cycle == fNumPackets - 1) {
- sub_period_bytes_size = fLastSubPeriodBytesSize;
- } else {
- sub_period_bytes_size = fSubPeriodBytesSize;
- }
- for (int port_index = 0; port_index < fNPorts; port_index++) {
- memcpy(fNetBuffer + port_index * sub_period_bytes_size, fIntBuffer[port_index] + sub_cycle * fSubPeriodSize, sub_period_bytes_size);
- }
- return fNPorts * sub_period_bytes_size;
- }
- // SessionParams ************************************************************************************
- SERVER_EXPORT void SessionParamsHToN(session_params_t* src_params, session_params_t* dst_params)
- {
- memcpy(dst_params, src_params, sizeof(session_params_t));
- dst_params->fProtocolVersion = htonl(src_params->fProtocolVersion);
- dst_params->fPacketID = htonl(src_params->fPacketID);
- dst_params->fMtu = htonl(src_params->fMtu);
- dst_params->fID = htonl(src_params->fID);
- dst_params->fTransportSync = htonl(src_params->fTransportSync);
- dst_params->fSendAudioChannels = htonl(src_params->fSendAudioChannels);
- dst_params->fReturnAudioChannels = htonl(src_params->fReturnAudioChannels);
- dst_params->fSendMidiChannels = htonl(src_params->fSendMidiChannels);
- dst_params->fReturnMidiChannels = htonl(src_params->fReturnMidiChannels);
- dst_params->fSampleRate = htonl(src_params->fSampleRate);
- dst_params->fPeriodSize = htonl(src_params->fPeriodSize);
- dst_params->fSampleEncoder = htonl(src_params->fSampleEncoder);
- dst_params->fKBps = htonl(src_params->fKBps);
- dst_params->fSlaveSyncMode = htonl(src_params->fSlaveSyncMode);
- dst_params->fNetworkLatency = htonl(src_params->fNetworkLatency);
- }
- SERVER_EXPORT void SessionParamsNToH(session_params_t* src_params, session_params_t* dst_params)
- {
- memcpy(dst_params, src_params, sizeof(session_params_t));
- dst_params->fProtocolVersion = ntohl(src_params->fProtocolVersion);
- dst_params->fPacketID = ntohl(src_params->fPacketID);
- dst_params->fMtu = ntohl(src_params->fMtu);
- dst_params->fID = ntohl(src_params->fID);
- dst_params->fTransportSync = ntohl(src_params->fTransportSync);
- dst_params->fSendAudioChannels = ntohl(src_params->fSendAudioChannels);
- dst_params->fReturnAudioChannels = ntohl(src_params->fReturnAudioChannels);
- dst_params->fSendMidiChannels = ntohl(src_params->fSendMidiChannels);
- dst_params->fReturnMidiChannels = ntohl(src_params->fReturnMidiChannels);
- dst_params->fSampleRate = ntohl(src_params->fSampleRate);
- dst_params->fPeriodSize = ntohl(src_params->fPeriodSize);
- dst_params->fSampleEncoder = ntohl(src_params->fSampleEncoder);
- dst_params->fKBps = ntohl(src_params->fKBps);
- dst_params->fSlaveSyncMode = ntohl(src_params->fSlaveSyncMode);
- dst_params->fNetworkLatency = ntohl(src_params->fNetworkLatency);
- }
- SERVER_EXPORT void SessionParamsDisplay(session_params_t* params)
- {
- char encoder[16];
- switch (params->fSampleEncoder)
- {
- case JackFloatEncoder:
- strcpy(encoder, "float");
- break;
- case JackIntEncoder:
- strcpy(encoder, "integer");
- break;
- case JackCeltEncoder:
- strcpy(encoder, "CELT");
- break;
- case JackOpusEncoder:
- strcpy(encoder, "OPUS");
- break;
- }
- jack_info("**************** Network parameters ****************");
- jack_info("Name : %s", params->fName);
- jack_info("Protocol revision : %d", params->fProtocolVersion);
- jack_info("MTU : %u", params->fMtu);
- jack_info("Master name : %s", params->fMasterNetName);
- jack_info("Slave name : %s", params->fSlaveNetName);
- jack_info("ID : %u", params->fID);
- jack_info("Transport Sync : %s", (params->fTransportSync) ? "yes" : "no");
- jack_info("Send channels (audio - midi) : %d - %d", params->fSendAudioChannels, params->fSendMidiChannels);
- jack_info("Return channels (audio - midi) : %d - %d", params->fReturnAudioChannels, params->fReturnMidiChannels);
- jack_info("Sample rate : %u frames per second", params->fSampleRate);
- jack_info("Period size : %u frames per period", params->fPeriodSize);
- jack_info("Network latency : %u cycles", params->fNetworkLatency);
- switch (params->fSampleEncoder) {
- case (JackFloatEncoder):
- jack_info("SampleEncoder : %s", "Float");
- break;
- case (JackIntEncoder):
- jack_info("SampleEncoder : %s", "16 bits integer");
- break;
- case (JackCeltEncoder):
- jack_info("SampleEncoder : %s", "CELT");
- jack_info("kBits : %d", params->fKBps);
- break;
- case (JackOpusEncoder):
- jack_info("SampleEncoder : %s", "OPUS");
- jack_info("kBits : %d", params->fKBps);
- break;
- };
- jack_info("Slave mode : %s", (params->fSlaveSyncMode) ? "sync" : "async");
- jack_info("****************************************************");
- }
- SERVER_EXPORT sync_packet_type_t GetPacketType(session_params_t* params)
- {
- switch (params->fPacketID)
- {
- case 0:
- case 1:
- return SLAVE_SETUP;
- case 2:
- return START_MASTER;
- case 3:
- return START_SLAVE;
- case 4:
- return KILL_MASTER;
- }
- return INVALID;
- }
- SERVER_EXPORT int SetPacketType(session_params_t* params, sync_packet_type_t packet_type)
- {
- switch (packet_type)
- {
- case INVALID:
- return -1;
- params->fPacketID = 0;
- break;
- params->fPacketID = 1;
- break;
- params->fPacketID = 2;
- break;
- params->fPacketID = 3;
- break;
- params->fPacketID = 4;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- // Packet header **********************************************************************************
- SERVER_EXPORT void PacketHeaderHToN(packet_header_t* src_header, packet_header_t* dst_header)
- {
- memcpy(dst_header, src_header, sizeof(packet_header_t));
- dst_header->fDataType = htonl(src_header->fDataType);
- dst_header->fDataStream = htonl(src_header->fDataStream);
- dst_header->fID = htonl(src_header->fID);
- dst_header->fNumPacket = htonl(src_header->fNumPacket);
- dst_header->fPacketSize = htonl(src_header->fPacketSize);
- dst_header->fActivePorts = htonl(src_header->fActivePorts);
- dst_header->fCycle = htonl(src_header->fCycle);
- dst_header->fSubCycle = htonl(src_header->fSubCycle);
- dst_header->fFrames = htonl(src_header->fFrames);
- dst_header->fIsLastPckt = htonl(src_header->fIsLastPckt);
- }
- SERVER_EXPORT void PacketHeaderNToH(packet_header_t* src_header, packet_header_t* dst_header)
- {
- memcpy(dst_header, src_header, sizeof(packet_header_t));
- dst_header->fDataType = ntohl(src_header->fDataType);
- dst_header->fDataStream = ntohl(src_header->fDataStream);
- dst_header->fID = ntohl(src_header->fID);
- dst_header->fNumPacket = ntohl(src_header->fNumPacket);
- dst_header->fPacketSize = ntohl(src_header->fPacketSize);
- dst_header->fActivePorts = ntohl(src_header->fActivePorts);
- dst_header->fCycle = ntohl(src_header->fCycle);
- dst_header->fSubCycle = ntohl(src_header->fSubCycle);
- dst_header->fFrames = ntohl(src_header->fFrames);
- dst_header->fIsLastPckt = ntohl(src_header->fIsLastPckt);
- }
- SERVER_EXPORT void PacketHeaderDisplay(packet_header_t* header)
- {
- jack_info("********************Header********************");
- jack_info("Data type : %c", header->fDataType);
- jack_info("Data stream : %c", header->fDataStream);
- jack_info("ID : %u", header->fID);
- jack_info("Cycle : %u", header->fCycle);
- jack_info("SubCycle : %u", header->fSubCycle);
- jack_info("Active ports : %u", header->fActivePorts);
- jack_info("DATA packets : %u", header->fNumPacket);
- jack_info("DATA size : %u", header->fPacketSize);
- jack_info("DATA frames : %d", header->fFrames);
- jack_info("Last packet : '%s'", (header->fIsLastPckt) ? "yes" : "no");
- jack_info("**********************************************");
- }
- SERVER_EXPORT void NetTransportDataDisplay(net_transport_data_t* data)
- {
- jack_info("********************Network Transport********************");
- jack_info("Transport new state : %u", data->fNewState);
- jack_info("Transport timebase master : %u", data->fTimebaseMaster);
- jack_info("Transport cycle state : %u", data->fState);
- jack_info("**********************************************");
- }
- SERVER_EXPORT void MidiBufferHToN(JackMidiBuffer* src_buffer, JackMidiBuffer* dst_buffer)
- {
- dst_buffer->magic = htonl(src_buffer->magic);
- dst_buffer->buffer_size = htonl(src_buffer->buffer_size);
- dst_buffer->nframes = htonl(src_buffer->nframes);
- dst_buffer->write_pos = htonl(src_buffer->write_pos);
- dst_buffer->event_count = htonl(src_buffer->event_count);
- dst_buffer->lost_events = htonl(src_buffer->lost_events);
- }
- SERVER_EXPORT void MidiBufferNToH(JackMidiBuffer* src_buffer, JackMidiBuffer* dst_buffer)
- {
- dst_buffer->magic = ntohl(src_buffer->magic);
- dst_buffer->buffer_size = ntohl(src_buffer->buffer_size);
- dst_buffer->nframes = ntohl(src_buffer->nframes);
- dst_buffer->write_pos = ntohl(src_buffer->write_pos);
- dst_buffer->event_count = ntohl(src_buffer->event_count);
- dst_buffer->lost_events = ntohl(src_buffer->lost_events);
- }
- SERVER_EXPORT void TransportDataHToN(net_transport_data_t* src_params, net_transport_data_t* dst_params)
- {
- dst_params->fNewState = htonl(src_params->fNewState);
- dst_params->fTimebaseMaster = htonl(src_params->fTimebaseMaster);
- dst_params->fState = htonl(src_params->fState);
- dst_params->fPosition.unique_1 = htonll(src_params->fPosition.unique_1);
- dst_params->fPosition.usecs = htonl(src_params->fPosition.usecs);
- dst_params->fPosition.frame_rate = htonl(src_params->fPosition.frame_rate);
- dst_params->fPosition.frame = htonl(src_params->fPosition.frame);
- dst_params->fPosition.valid = (jack_position_bits_t)htonl((uint32_t)src_params->fPosition.valid);
- dst_params->fPosition.bar = htonl(src_params->fPosition.bar);
- dst_params->fPosition.beat = htonl(src_params->fPosition.beat);
- dst_params->fPosition.tick = htonl(src_params->fPosition.tick);
- dst_params->fPosition.bar_start_tick = htonll((uint64_t)src_params->fPosition.bar_start_tick);
- dst_params->fPosition.beats_per_bar = htonl((uint32_t)src_params->fPosition.beats_per_bar);
- dst_params->fPosition.beat_type = htonl((uint32_t)src_params->fPosition.beat_type);
- dst_params->fPosition.ticks_per_beat = htonll((uint64_t)src_params->fPosition.ticks_per_beat);
- dst_params->fPosition.beats_per_minute = htonll((uint64_t)src_params->fPosition.beats_per_minute);
- dst_params->fPosition.frame_time = htonll((uint64_t)src_params->fPosition.frame_time);
- dst_params->fPosition.next_time = htonll((uint64_t)src_params->fPosition.next_time);
- dst_params->fPosition.bbt_offset = htonl(src_params->fPosition.bbt_offset);
- dst_params->fPosition.audio_frames_per_video_frame = htonl((uint32_t)src_params->fPosition.audio_frames_per_video_frame);
- dst_params->fPosition.video_offset = htonl(src_params->fPosition.video_offset);
- dst_params->fPosition.unique_2 = htonll(src_params->fPosition.unique_2);
- }
- SERVER_EXPORT void TransportDataNToH(net_transport_data_t* src_params, net_transport_data_t* dst_params)
- {
- dst_params->fNewState = ntohl(src_params->fNewState);
- dst_params->fTimebaseMaster = ntohl(src_params->fTimebaseMaster);
- dst_params->fState = ntohl(src_params->fState);
- dst_params->fPosition.unique_1 = ntohll(src_params->fPosition.unique_1);
- dst_params->fPosition.usecs = ntohl(src_params->fPosition.usecs);
- dst_params->fPosition.frame_rate = ntohl(src_params->fPosition.frame_rate);
- dst_params->fPosition.frame = ntohl(src_params->fPosition.frame);
- dst_params->fPosition.valid = (jack_position_bits_t)ntohl((uint32_t)src_params->fPosition.valid);
- dst_params->fPosition.bar = ntohl(src_params->fPosition.bar);
- dst_params->fPosition.beat = ntohl(src_params->fPosition.beat);
- dst_params->fPosition.tick = ntohl(src_params->fPosition.tick);
- dst_params->fPosition.bar_start_tick = ntohll((uint64_t)src_params->fPosition.bar_start_tick);
- dst_params->fPosition.beats_per_bar = ntohl((uint32_t)src_params->fPosition.beats_per_bar);
- dst_params->fPosition.beat_type = ntohl((uint32_t)src_params->fPosition.beat_type);
- dst_params->fPosition.ticks_per_beat = ntohll((uint64_t)src_params->fPosition.ticks_per_beat);
- dst_params->fPosition.beats_per_minute = ntohll((uint64_t)src_params->fPosition.beats_per_minute);
- dst_params->fPosition.frame_time = ntohll((uint64_t)src_params->fPosition.frame_time);
- dst_params->fPosition.next_time = ntohll((uint64_t)src_params->fPosition.next_time);
- dst_params->fPosition.bbt_offset = ntohl(src_params->fPosition.bbt_offset);
- dst_params->fPosition.audio_frames_per_video_frame = ntohl((uint32_t)src_params->fPosition.audio_frames_per_video_frame);
- dst_params->fPosition.video_offset = ntohl(src_params->fPosition.video_offset);
- dst_params->fPosition.unique_2 = ntohll(src_params->fPosition.unique_2);
- }
- // Utility *******************************************************************************************************
- SERVER_EXPORT int SocketAPIInit()
- {
- #ifdef WIN32
- WORD wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD(2, 2);
- WSADATA wsaData;
- if (WSAStartup(wVersionRequested, &wsaData) != 0) {
- jack_error("WSAStartup error : %s", strerror(NET_ERROR_CODE));
- return -1;
- }
- if (LOBYTE(wsaData.wVersion) != 2 || HIBYTE(wsaData.wVersion) != 2) {
- jack_error("Could not find a usable version of Winsock.dll\n");
- WSACleanup();
- return -1;
- }
- #endif
- return 0;
- }
- SERVER_EXPORT int SocketAPIEnd()
- {
- #ifdef WIN32
- return WSACleanup();
- #endif
- return 0;
- }
- SERVER_EXPORT const char* GetTransportState(int transport_state)
- {
- switch (transport_state)
- {
- case JackTransportRolling:
- return "rolling";
- case JackTransportStarting:
- return "starting";
- case JackTransportStopped:
- return "stopped";
- case JackTransportNetStarting:
- return "netstarting";
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- }