- /*
- Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Romain Moret at Grame
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- */
- #include "JackCompilerDeps.h"
- #include "driver_interface.h"
- #include "JackNetDriver.h"
- #include "JackEngineControl.h"
- #include "JackLockedEngine.h"
- #include "JackWaitThreadedDriver.h"
- using namespace std;
- namespace Jack
- {
- JackNetDriver::JackNetDriver(const char* name, const char* alias, JackLockedEngine* engine, JackSynchro* table,
- const char* ip, int udp_port, int mtu, int midi_input_ports, int midi_output_ports,
- char* net_name, uint transport_sync, int network_latency,
- int celt_encoding, int opus_encoding, bool auto_save)
- : JackWaiterDriver(name, alias, engine, table), JackNetSlaveInterface(ip, udp_port)
- {
- jack_log("JackNetDriver::JackNetDriver ip %s, port %d", ip, udp_port);
- // Use the hostname if no name parameter was given
- if (strcmp(net_name, "") == 0) {
- GetHostName(net_name, JACK_CLIENT_NAME_SIZE);
- }
- fParams.fMtu = mtu;
- fWantedMIDICaptureChannels = midi_input_ports;
- fWantedMIDIPlaybackChannels = midi_output_ports;
- if (celt_encoding > 0) {
- fParams.fSampleEncoder = JackCeltEncoder;
- fParams.fKBps = celt_encoding;
- } else if (opus_encoding > 0) {
- fParams.fSampleEncoder = JackOpusEncoder;
- fParams.fKBps = opus_encoding;
- } else {
- fParams.fSampleEncoder = JackFloatEncoder;
- //fParams.fSampleEncoder = JackIntEncoder;
- }
- strcpy(fParams.fName, net_name);
- fSocket.GetName(fParams.fSlaveNetName);
- fParams.fTransportSync = transport_sync;
- fParams.fNetworkLatency = network_latency;
- fSendTransportData.fState = -1;
- fReturnTransportData.fState = -1;
- fLastTransportState = -1;
- fLastTimebaseMaster = -1;
- fMidiCapturePortList = NULL;
- fMidiPlaybackPortList = NULL;
- fWantedAudioCaptureChannels = -1;
- fWantedAudioPlaybackChannels = -1;
- fAutoSave = auto_save;
- fNetTimeMon = NULL;
- fRcvSyncUst = 0;
- #endif
- }
- JackNetDriver::~JackNetDriver()
- {
- delete[] fMidiCapturePortList;
- delete[] fMidiPlaybackPortList;
- delete fNetTimeMon;
- #endif
- }
- //open, close, attach and detach------------------------------------------------------
- int JackNetDriver::Open(jack_nframes_t buffer_size,
- jack_nframes_t samplerate,
- bool capturing,
- bool playing,
- int inchannels,
- int outchannels,
- bool monitor,
- const char* capture_driver_name,
- const char* playback_driver_name,
- jack_nframes_t capture_latency,
- jack_nframes_t playback_latency)
- {
- // Keep initial wanted values
- fWantedAudioCaptureChannels = inchannels;
- fWantedAudioPlaybackChannels = outchannels;
- return JackWaiterDriver::Open(buffer_size, samplerate,
- capturing, playing,
- inchannels, outchannels,
- monitor,
- capture_driver_name, playback_driver_name,
- capture_latency, playback_latency);
- }
- int JackNetDriver::Close()
- {
- if (fNetTimeMon) {
- fNetTimeMon->Save();
- }
- #endif
- FreeAll();
- return JackWaiterDriver::Close();
- }
- // Attach and Detach are defined as empty methods: port allocation is done when driver actually start (that is in Init)
- int JackNetDriver::Attach()
- {
- return 0;
- }
- int JackNetDriver::Detach()
- {
- return 0;
- }
- //init and restart--------------------------------------------------------------------
- /*
- JackNetDriver is wrapped in a JackWaitThreadedDriver decorator that behaves
- as a "dummy driver, until Init method returns.
- */
- bool JackNetDriver::Initialize()
- {
- jack_log("JackNetDriver::Initialize");
- if (fAutoSave) {
- SaveConnections(0);
- }
- FreePorts();
- // New loading, but existing socket, restart the driver
- if (fSocket.IsSocket()) {
- jack_info("Restarting driver...");
- FreeAll();
- }
- // Set the parameters to send
- fParams.fSendAudioChannels = fWantedAudioCaptureChannels;
- fParams.fReturnAudioChannels = fWantedAudioPlaybackChannels;
- fParams.fSendMidiChannels = fWantedMIDICaptureChannels;
- fParams.fReturnMidiChannels = fWantedMIDIPlaybackChannels;
- fParams.fSlaveSyncMode = fEngineControl->fSyncMode;
- // Display some additional infos
- jack_info("NetDriver started in %s mode %s Master's transport sync.",
- (fParams.fSlaveSyncMode) ? "sync" : "async", (fParams.fTransportSync) ? "with" : "without");
- // Init network
- if (!JackNetSlaveInterface::Init()) {
- jack_error("Starting network fails...");
- return false;
- }
- // Set global parameters
- if (!SetParams()) {
- jack_error("SetParams error...");
- return false;
- }
- // If -1 at connection time for audio, in/out audio channels count is sent by the master
- fCaptureChannels = fParams.fSendAudioChannels;
- fPlaybackChannels = fParams.fReturnAudioChannels;
- // If -1 at connection time for MIDI, in/out MIDI channels count is sent by the master (in fParams struct)
- // Allocate midi ports lists
- delete[] fMidiCapturePortList;
- delete[] fMidiPlaybackPortList;
- if (fParams.fSendMidiChannels > 0) {
- fMidiCapturePortList = new jack_port_id_t [fParams.fSendMidiChannels];
- assert(fMidiCapturePortList);
- for (int midi_port_index = 0; midi_port_index < fParams.fSendMidiChannels; midi_port_index++) {
- fMidiCapturePortList[midi_port_index] = 0;
- }
- }
- if (fParams.fReturnMidiChannels > 0) {
- fMidiPlaybackPortList = new jack_port_id_t [fParams.fReturnMidiChannels];
- assert(fMidiPlaybackPortList);
- for (int midi_port_index = 0; midi_port_index < fParams.fReturnMidiChannels; midi_port_index++) {
- fMidiPlaybackPortList[midi_port_index] = 0;
- }
- }
- // Register jack ports
- if (AllocPorts() != 0) {
- jack_error("Can't allocate ports.");
- return false;
- }
- // Init done, display parameters
- SessionParamsDisplay(&fParams);
- // Monitor
- string plot_name;
- // NetTimeMon
- plot_name = string(fParams.fName);
- plot_name += string("_slave");
- plot_name += (fEngineControl->fSyncMode) ? string("_sync") : string("_async");
- plot_name += string("_latency");
- fNetTimeMon = new JackGnuPlotMonitor<float>(128, 5, plot_name);
- string net_time_mon_fields[] =
- {
- string("sync decoded"),
- string("end of read"),
- string("start of write"),
- string("sync send"),
- string("end of write")
- };
- string net_time_mon_options[] =
- {
- string("set xlabel \"audio cycles\""),
- string("set ylabel \"% of audio cycle\"")
- };
- fNetTimeMon->SetPlotFile(net_time_mon_options, 2, net_time_mon_fields, 5);
- #endif
- // Driver parametering
- JackTimedDriver::SetBufferSize(fParams.fPeriodSize);
- JackTimedDriver::SetSampleRate(fParams.fSampleRate);
- JackDriver::NotifyBufferSize(fParams.fPeriodSize);
- JackDriver::NotifySampleRate(fParams.fSampleRate);
- // Transport engine parametering
- fEngineControl->fTransport.SetNetworkSync(fParams.fTransportSync);
- if (fAutoSave) {
- LoadConnections(0);
- }
- return true;
- }
- void JackNetDriver::FreeAll()
- {
- FreePorts();
- delete[] fTxBuffer;
- delete[] fRxBuffer;
- delete fNetAudioCaptureBuffer;
- delete fNetAudioPlaybackBuffer;
- delete fNetMidiCaptureBuffer;
- delete fNetMidiPlaybackBuffer;
- delete[] fMidiCapturePortList;
- delete[] fMidiPlaybackPortList;
- fTxBuffer = NULL;
- fRxBuffer = NULL;
- fNetAudioCaptureBuffer = NULL;
- fNetAudioPlaybackBuffer = NULL;
- fNetMidiCaptureBuffer = NULL;
- fNetMidiPlaybackBuffer = NULL;
- fMidiCapturePortList = NULL;
- fMidiPlaybackPortList = NULL;
- delete fNetTimeMon;
- fNetTimeMon = NULL;
- #endif
- }
- void JackNetDriver::UpdateLatencies()
- {
- jack_latency_range_t input_range;
- jack_latency_range_t output_range;
- jack_latency_range_t monitor_range;
- for (int i = 0; i < fCaptureChannels; i++) {
- input_range.max = input_range.min = float(fParams.fNetworkLatency * fEngineControl->fBufferSize) / 2.f;
- fGraphManager->GetPort(fCapturePortList[i])->SetLatencyRange(JackCaptureLatency, &input_range);
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < fPlaybackChannels; i++) {
- output_range.max = output_range.min = float(fParams.fNetworkLatency * fEngineControl->fBufferSize) / 2.f;
- if (!fEngineControl->fSyncMode) {
- output_range.max = output_range.min += fEngineControl->fBufferSize;
- }
- fGraphManager->GetPort(fPlaybackPortList[i])->SetLatencyRange(JackPlaybackLatency, &output_range);
- if (fWithMonitorPorts) {
- monitor_range.min = monitor_range.max = 0;
- fGraphManager->GetPort(fMonitorPortList[i])->SetLatencyRange(JackCaptureLatency, &monitor_range);
- }
- }
- }
- //jack ports and buffers--------------------------------------------------------------
- int JackNetDriver::AllocPorts()
- {
- jack_log("JackNetDriver::AllocPorts fBufferSize = %ld fSampleRate = %ld", fEngineControl->fBufferSize, fEngineControl->fSampleRate);
- /*
- fNetAudioCaptureBuffer fNetAudioPlaybackBuffer
- fSendAudioChannels fReturnAudioChannels
- fCapturePortList fPlaybackPortList
- fCaptureChannels ==> SLAVE ==> fPlaybackChannels
- "capture_" "playback_"
- */
- JackPort* port;
- jack_port_id_t port_index;
- char name[REAL_JACK_PORT_NAME_SIZE+1];
- char alias[REAL_JACK_PORT_NAME_SIZE+1];
- int audio_port_index;
- int midi_port_index;
- //audio
- for (audio_port_index = 0; audio_port_index < fCaptureChannels; audio_port_index++) {
- snprintf(alias, sizeof(alias), "%s:%s:out%d", fAliasName, fCaptureDriverName, audio_port_index + 1);
- snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s:capture_%d", fClientControl.fName, audio_port_index + 1);
- if (fEngine->PortRegister(fClientControl.fRefNum, name, JACK_DEFAULT_AUDIO_TYPE,
- CaptureDriverFlags, fEngineControl->fBufferSize, &port_index) < 0) {
- jack_error("driver: cannot register port for %s", name);
- return -1;
- }
- port = fGraphManager->GetPort(port_index);
- port->SetAlias(alias);
- fCapturePortList[audio_port_index] = port_index;
- jack_log("JackNetDriver::AllocPorts() fCapturePortList[%d] audio_port_index = %ld fPortLatency = %ld", audio_port_index, port_index, port->GetLatency());
- }
- for (audio_port_index = 0; audio_port_index < fPlaybackChannels; audio_port_index++) {
- snprintf(alias, sizeof(alias), "%s:%s:in%d", fAliasName, fPlaybackDriverName, audio_port_index + 1);
- snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s:playback_%d",fClientControl.fName, audio_port_index + 1);
- if (fEngine->PortRegister(fClientControl.fRefNum, name, JACK_DEFAULT_AUDIO_TYPE,
- PlaybackDriverFlags, fEngineControl->fBufferSize, &port_index) < 0) {
- jack_error("driver: cannot register port for %s", name);
- return -1;
- }
- port = fGraphManager->GetPort(port_index);
- port->SetAlias(alias);
- fPlaybackPortList[audio_port_index] = port_index;
- jack_log("JackNetDriver::AllocPorts() fPlaybackPortList[%d] audio_port_index = %ld fPortLatency = %ld", audio_port_index, port_index, port->GetLatency());
- }
- //midi
- for (midi_port_index = 0; midi_port_index < fParams.fSendMidiChannels; midi_port_index++) {
- snprintf(alias, sizeof(alias), "%s:%s:out%d", fAliasName, fCaptureDriverName, midi_port_index + 1);
- snprintf(name, sizeof (name), "%s:midi_capture_%d", fClientControl.fName, midi_port_index + 1);
- if (fEngine->PortRegister(fClientControl.fRefNum, name, JACK_DEFAULT_MIDI_TYPE,
- CaptureDriverFlags, fEngineControl->fBufferSize, &port_index) < 0) {
- jack_error("driver: cannot register port for %s", name);
- return -1;
- }
- port = fGraphManager->GetPort(port_index);
- fMidiCapturePortList[midi_port_index] = port_index;
- jack_log("JackNetDriver::AllocPorts() fMidiCapturePortList[%d] midi_port_index = %ld fPortLatency = %ld", midi_port_index, port_index, port->GetLatency());
- }
- for (midi_port_index = 0; midi_port_index < fParams.fReturnMidiChannels; midi_port_index++) {
- snprintf(alias, sizeof(alias), "%s:%s:in%d", fAliasName, fPlaybackDriverName, midi_port_index + 1);
- snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s:midi_playback_%d", fClientControl.fName, midi_port_index + 1);
- if (fEngine->PortRegister(fClientControl.fRefNum, name, JACK_DEFAULT_MIDI_TYPE,
- PlaybackDriverFlags, fEngineControl->fBufferSize, &port_index) < 0) {
- jack_error("driver: cannot register port for %s", name);
- return -1;
- }
- port = fGraphManager->GetPort(port_index);
- fMidiPlaybackPortList[midi_port_index] = port_index;
- jack_log("JackNetDriver::AllocPorts() fMidiPlaybackPortList[%d] midi_port_index = %ld fPortLatency = %ld", midi_port_index, port_index, port->GetLatency());
- }
- UpdateLatencies();
- return 0;
- }
- int JackNetDriver::FreePorts()
- {
- jack_log("JackNetDriver::FreePorts");
- for (int audio_port_index = 0; audio_port_index < fCaptureChannels; audio_port_index++) {
- if (fCapturePortList[audio_port_index] > 0) {
- fEngine->PortUnRegister(fClientControl.fRefNum, fCapturePortList[audio_port_index]);
- fCapturePortList[audio_port_index] = 0;
- }
- }
- for (int audio_port_index = 0; audio_port_index < fPlaybackChannels; audio_port_index++) {
- if (fPlaybackPortList[audio_port_index] > 0) {
- fEngine->PortUnRegister(fClientControl.fRefNum, fPlaybackPortList[audio_port_index]);
- fPlaybackPortList[audio_port_index] = 0;
- }
- }
- for (int midi_port_index = 0; midi_port_index < fParams.fSendMidiChannels; midi_port_index++) {
- if (fMidiCapturePortList && fMidiCapturePortList[midi_port_index] > 0) {
- fGraphManager->ReleasePort(fClientControl.fRefNum, fMidiCapturePortList[midi_port_index]);
- fMidiCapturePortList[midi_port_index] = 0;
- }
- }
- for (int midi_port_index = 0; midi_port_index < fParams.fReturnMidiChannels; midi_port_index++) {
- if (fMidiPlaybackPortList && fMidiPlaybackPortList[midi_port_index] > 0) {
- fEngine->PortUnRegister(fClientControl.fRefNum, fMidiPlaybackPortList[midi_port_index]);
- fMidiPlaybackPortList[midi_port_index] = 0;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- void JackNetDriver::SaveConnections(int alias)
- {
- JackDriver::SaveConnections(alias);
- const char** connections;
- if (fMidiCapturePortList) {
- for (int i = 0; i < fParams.fSendMidiChannels; ++i) {
- if (fMidiCapturePortList[i] && (connections = fGraphManager->GetConnections(fMidiCapturePortList[i])) != 0) {
- for (int j = 0; connections[j]; j++) {
- JackPort* port_id = fGraphManager->GetPort(fGraphManager->GetPort(connections[j]));
- fConnections.push_back(make_pair(port_id->GetType(), make_pair(fGraphManager->GetPort(fMidiCapturePortList[i])->GetName(), connections[j])));
- jack_info("Save connection: %s %s", fGraphManager->GetPort(fMidiCapturePortList[i])->GetName(), connections[j]);
- }
- free(connections);
- }
- }
- }
- if (fMidiPlaybackPortList) {
- for (int i = 0; i < fParams.fReturnMidiChannels; ++i) {
- if (fMidiPlaybackPortList[i] && (connections = fGraphManager->GetConnections(fMidiPlaybackPortList[i])) != 0) {
- for (int j = 0; connections[j]; j++) {
- JackPort* port_id = fGraphManager->GetPort(fGraphManager->GetPort(connections[j]));
- fConnections.push_back(make_pair(port_id->GetType(), make_pair(connections[j], fGraphManager->GetPort(fMidiPlaybackPortList[i])->GetName())));
- jack_info("Save connection: %s %s", connections[j], fGraphManager->GetPort(fMidiPlaybackPortList[i])->GetName());
- }
- free(connections);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- JackMidiBuffer* JackNetDriver::GetMidiInputBuffer(int port_index)
- {
- return static_cast<JackMidiBuffer*>(fGraphManager->GetBuffer(fMidiCapturePortList[port_index], fEngineControl->fBufferSize));
- }
- JackMidiBuffer* JackNetDriver::GetMidiOutputBuffer(int port_index)
- {
- return static_cast<JackMidiBuffer*>(fGraphManager->GetBuffer(fMidiPlaybackPortList[port_index], fEngineControl->fBufferSize));
- }
- //transport---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void JackNetDriver::DecodeTransportData()
- {
- //is there a new timebase master on the net master ?
- // - release timebase master only if it's a non-conditional request
- // - no change or no request : don't do anything
- // - conditional request : don't change anything too, the master will know if this slave is actually the timebase master
- int refnum;
- bool conditional;
- if (fSendTransportData.fTimebaseMaster == TIMEBASEMASTER) {
- fEngineControl->fTransport.GetTimebaseMaster(refnum, conditional);
- if (refnum != -1) {
- fEngineControl->fTransport.ResetTimebase(refnum);
- }
- jack_info("The NetMaster is now the new timebase master.");
- }
- //is there a transport state change to handle ?
- if (fSendTransportData.fNewState &&(fSendTransportData.fState != fEngineControl->fTransport.GetState())) {
- switch (fSendTransportData.fState)
- {
- case JackTransportStopped :
- fEngineControl->fTransport.SetCommand(TransportCommandStop);
- jack_info("Master stops transport.");
- break;
- case JackTransportStarting :
- fEngineControl->fTransport.RequestNewPos(&fSendTransportData.fPosition);
- fEngineControl->fTransport.SetCommand(TransportCommandStart);
- jack_info("Master starts transport frame = %d", fSendTransportData.fPosition.frame);
- break;
- case JackTransportRolling :
- //fEngineControl->fTransport.SetCommand(TransportCommandStart);
- fEngineControl->fTransport.SetState(JackTransportRolling);
- jack_info("Master is rolling.");
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- void JackNetDriver::EncodeTransportData()
- {
- // is there a timebase master change ?
- int refnum;
- bool conditional;
- fEngineControl->fTransport.GetTimebaseMaster(refnum, conditional);
- if (refnum != fLastTimebaseMaster) {
- // timebase master has released its function
- if (refnum == -1) {
- fReturnTransportData.fTimebaseMaster = RELEASE_TIMEBASEMASTER;
- jack_info("Sending a timebase master release request.");
- } else {
- // there is a new timebase master
- fReturnTransportData.fTimebaseMaster = (conditional) ? CONDITIONAL_TIMEBASEMASTER : TIMEBASEMASTER;
- jack_info("Sending a %s timebase master request.", (conditional) ? "conditional" : "non-conditional");
- }
- fLastTimebaseMaster = refnum;
- } else {
- fReturnTransportData.fTimebaseMaster = NO_CHANGE;
- }
- // update transport state and position
- fReturnTransportData.fState = fEngineControl->fTransport.Query(&fReturnTransportData.fPosition);
- // is it a new state (that the master need to know...) ?
- fReturnTransportData.fNewState = ((fReturnTransportData.fState == JackTransportNetStarting) &&
- (fReturnTransportData.fState != fLastTransportState) &&
- (fReturnTransportData.fState != fSendTransportData.fState));
- if (fReturnTransportData.fNewState) {
- jack_info("Sending '%s'.", GetTransportState(fReturnTransportData.fState));
- }
- fLastTransportState = fReturnTransportData.fState;
- }
- //driver processes--------------------------------------------------------------------
- int JackNetDriver::Read()
- {
- // buffers
- for (int midi_port_index = 0; midi_port_index < fParams.fSendMidiChannels; midi_port_index++) {
- fNetMidiCaptureBuffer->SetBuffer(midi_port_index, GetMidiInputBuffer(midi_port_index));
- }
- for (int audio_port_index = 0; audio_port_index < fParams.fSendAudioChannels; audio_port_index++) {
- if (fGraphManager->GetConnectionsNum(fCapturePortList[audio_port_index]) > 0) {
- fNetAudioCaptureBuffer->SetBuffer(audio_port_index, GetInputBuffer(audio_port_index));
- } else {
- fNetAudioCaptureBuffer->SetBuffer(audio_port_index, NULL);
- }
- #else
- fNetAudioCaptureBuffer->SetBuffer(audio_port_index, GetInputBuffer(audio_port_index));
- #endif
- }
- fNetTimeMon->New();
- #endif
- switch (SyncRecv()) {
- return SOCKET_ERROR;
- // since sync packet is incorrect, don't decode it and continue with data
- break;
- default:
- // decode sync
- int unused_frames;
- DecodeSyncPacket(unused_frames);
- break;
- }
- // For timing
- fRcvSyncUst = GetMicroSeconds();
- #endif
- fNetTimeMon->Add(float(GetMicroSeconds() - fRcvSyncUst) / float(fEngineControl->fPeriodUsecs) * 100.f);
- #endif
- // audio, midi or sync if driver is late
- switch (DataRecv()) {
- return SOCKET_ERROR;
- jack_time_t cur_time = GetMicroSeconds();
- NotifyXRun(cur_time, float(cur_time - fBeginDateUst)); // Better this value than nothing...
- break;
- }
- // take the time at the beginning of the cycle
- JackDriver::CycleTakeBeginTime();
- fNetTimeMon->Add(float(GetMicroSeconds() - fRcvSyncUst) / float(fEngineControl->fPeriodUsecs) * 100.f);
- #endif
- return 0;
- }
- int JackNetDriver::Write()
- {
- // buffers
- for (int midi_port_index = 0; midi_port_index < fParams.fReturnMidiChannels; midi_port_index++) {
- fNetMidiPlaybackBuffer->SetBuffer(midi_port_index, GetMidiOutputBuffer(midi_port_index));
- }
- for (int audio_port_index = 0; audio_port_index < fPlaybackChannels; audio_port_index++) {
- // Port is connected on other side...
- if (fNetAudioPlaybackBuffer->GetConnected(audio_port_index)
- && (fGraphManager->GetConnectionsNum(fPlaybackPortList[audio_port_index]) > 0)) {
- fNetAudioPlaybackBuffer->SetBuffer(audio_port_index, GetOutputBuffer(audio_port_index));
- } else {
- fNetAudioPlaybackBuffer->SetBuffer(audio_port_index, NULL);
- }
- #else
- fNetAudioPlaybackBuffer->SetBuffer(audio_port_index, GetOutputBuffer(audio_port_index));
- #endif
- }
- fNetTimeMon->AddLast(float(GetMicroSeconds() - fRcvSyncUst) / float(fEngineControl->fPeriodUsecs) * 100.f);
- #endif
- EncodeSyncPacket();
- // send sync
- if (SyncSend() == SOCKET_ERROR) {
- return SOCKET_ERROR;
- }
- fNetTimeMon->Add(((float)(GetMicroSeconds() - fRcvSyncUst) / (float)fEngineControl->fPeriodUsecs) * 100.f);
- #endif
- // send data
- if (DataSend() == SOCKET_ERROR) {
- return SOCKET_ERROR;
- }
- fNetTimeMon->AddLast(((float)(GetMicroSeconds() - fRcvSyncUst) / (float)fEngineControl->fPeriodUsecs) * 100.f);
- #endif
- return 0;
- }
- //driver loader-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C"
- {
- #endif
- SERVER_EXPORT jack_driver_desc_t* driver_get_descriptor()
- {
- jack_driver_desc_t * desc;
- jack_driver_desc_filler_t filler;
- jack_driver_param_value_t value;
- desc = jack_driver_descriptor_construct("net", JackDriverMaster, "netjack slave backend component", &filler);
- strcpy(value.str, DEFAULT_MULTICAST_IP);
- jack_driver_descriptor_add_parameter(desc, &filler, "multicast-ip", 'a', JackDriverParamString, &value, NULL, "Multicast address, or explicit IP of the master", NULL);
- value.i = DEFAULT_PORT;
- jack_driver_descriptor_add_parameter(desc, &filler, "udp-net-port", 'p', JackDriverParamInt, &value, NULL, "UDP port", NULL);
- value.i = DEFAULT_MTU;
- jack_driver_descriptor_add_parameter(desc, &filler, "mtu", 'M', JackDriverParamInt, &value, NULL, "MTU to the master", NULL);
- value.i = -1;
- jack_driver_descriptor_add_parameter(desc, &filler, "input-ports", 'C', JackDriverParamInt, &value, NULL, "Number of audio input ports", "Number of audio input ports. If -1, audio physical input from the master");
- jack_driver_descriptor_add_parameter(desc, &filler, "output-ports", 'P', JackDriverParamInt, &value, NULL, "Number of audio output ports", "Number of audio output ports. If -1, audio physical output from the master");
- value.i = -1;
- jack_driver_descriptor_add_parameter(desc, &filler, "midi-in-ports", 'i', JackDriverParamInt, &value, NULL, "Number of midi input ports", "Number of MIDI input ports. If -1, MIDI physical input from the master");
- jack_driver_descriptor_add_parameter(desc, &filler, "midi-out-ports", 'o', JackDriverParamInt, &value, NULL, "Number of midi output ports", "Number of MIDI output ports. If -1, MIDI physical output from the master");
- value.i = -1;
- jack_driver_descriptor_add_parameter(desc, &filler, "celt", 'c', JackDriverParamInt, &value, NULL, "Set CELT encoding and number of kBits per channel", NULL);
- #endif
- value.i = -1;
- jack_driver_descriptor_add_parameter(desc, &filler, "opus", 'O', JackDriverParamInt, &value, NULL, "Set Opus encoding and number of kBits per channel", NULL);
- #endif
- strcpy(value.str, "'hostname'");
- jack_driver_descriptor_add_parameter(desc, &filler, "client-name", 'n', JackDriverParamString, &value, NULL, "Name of the jack client", NULL);
- value.i = false;
- jack_driver_descriptor_add_parameter(desc, &filler, "auto-save", 's', JackDriverParamBool, &value, NULL, "Save/restore connection state when restarting", NULL);
- /*
- Deactivated for now..
- value.ui = 0U;
- jack_driver_descriptor_add_parameter(desc, &filler, "transport-sync", 't', JackDriverParamUInt, &value, NULL, "Sync transport with master's", NULL);
- */
- value.ui = 5U;
- jack_driver_descriptor_add_parameter(desc, &filler, "latency", 'l', JackDriverParamUInt, &value, NULL, "Network latency", NULL);
- return desc;
- }
- SERVER_EXPORT Jack::JackDriverClientInterface* driver_initialize(Jack::JackLockedEngine* engine, Jack::JackSynchro* table, const JSList* params)
- {
- char multicast_ip[32];
- char net_name[JACK_CLIENT_NAME_SIZE+1] = {0};
- int udp_port;
- int mtu = DEFAULT_MTU;
- // Deactivated for now...
- uint transport_sync = 0;
- jack_nframes_t period_size = 1024; // to be used while waiting for master period_size
- jack_nframes_t sample_rate = 48000; // to be used while waiting for master sample_rate
- int audio_capture_ports = -1;
- int audio_playback_ports = -1;
- int midi_input_ports = -1;
- int midi_output_ports = -1;
- int celt_encoding = -1;
- int opus_encoding = -1;
- bool monitor = false;
- int network_latency = 5;
- const JSList* node;
- const jack_driver_param_t* param;
- bool auto_save = false;
- // Possibly use env variable for UDP port
- const char* default_udp_port = getenv("JACK_NETJACK_PORT");
- udp_port = (default_udp_port) ? atoi(default_udp_port) : DEFAULT_PORT;
- // Possibly use env variable for multicast IP
- const char* default_multicast_ip = getenv("JACK_NETJACK_MULTICAST");
- strcpy(multicast_ip, (default_multicast_ip) ? default_multicast_ip : DEFAULT_MULTICAST_IP);
- for (node = params; node; node = jack_slist_next(node)) {
- param = (const jack_driver_param_t*) node->data;
- switch (param->character)
- {
- case 'a' :
- assert(strlen(param->value.str) < 32);
- strcpy(multicast_ip, param->value.str);
- break;
- case 'p':
- udp_port = param->value.ui;
- break;
- case 'M':
- mtu = param->value.i;
- break;
- case 'C':
- audio_capture_ports = param->value.i;
- break;
- case 'P':
- audio_playback_ports = param->value.i;
- break;
- case 'i':
- midi_input_ports = param->value.i;
- break;
- case 'o':
- midi_output_ports = param->value.i;
- break;
- case 'c':
- celt_encoding = param->value.i;
- break;
- #endif
- case 'O':
- opus_encoding = param->value.i;
- break;
- #endif
- case 'n' :
- strncpy(net_name, param->value.str, JACK_CLIENT_NAME_SIZE);
- break;
- case 's':
- auto_save = true;
- break;
- /*
- Deactivated for now..
- case 't' :
- transport_sync = param->value.ui;
- break;
- */
- case 'l' :
- network_latency = param->value.ui;
- if (network_latency > NETWORK_MAX_LATENCY) {
- printf("Error : network latency is limited to %d\n", NETWORK_MAX_LATENCY);
- return NULL;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- try {
- Jack::JackDriverClientInterface* driver = new Jack::JackWaitThreadedDriver(
- new Jack::JackNetDriver("system", "net_pcm", engine, table, multicast_ip, udp_port, mtu,
- midi_input_ports, midi_output_ports,
- net_name, transport_sync,
- network_latency, celt_encoding, opus_encoding, auto_save));
- if (driver->Open(period_size, sample_rate, 1, 1, audio_capture_ports, audio_playback_ports, monitor, "from_master_", "to_master_", 0, 0) == 0) {
- return driver;
- } else {
- delete driver;
- return NULL;
- }
- } catch (...) {
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif
- }