- /*
- Copyright (C) 2001 Paul Davis
- Copyright (C) 2004-2008 Grame
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
- #include "JackGraphManager.h"
- #include "JackConstants.h"
- #include "JackError.h"
- #include <assert.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <algorithm>
- #include <tre/regex.h>
- #else
- #include <regex.h>
- #endif
- namespace Jack
- {
- static void AssertBufferSize(jack_nframes_t buffer_size)
- {
- if (buffer_size > BUFFER_SIZE_MAX) {
- jack_log("JackGraphManager::AssertBufferSize frames = %ld", buffer_size);
- assert(buffer_size <= BUFFER_SIZE_MAX);
- }
- }
- void JackGraphManager::AssertPort(jack_port_id_t port_index)
- {
- if (port_index >= fPortMax) {
- jack_log("JackGraphManager::AssertPort port_index = %ld", port_index);
- assert(port_index < fPortMax);
- }
- }
- JackGraphManager* JackGraphManager::Allocate(int port_max)
- {
- // Using "Placement" new
- void* shared_ptr = JackShmMem::operator new(sizeof(JackGraphManager) + port_max * sizeof(JackPort));
- return new(shared_ptr) JackGraphManager(port_max);
- }
- void JackGraphManager::Destroy(JackGraphManager* manager)
- {
- // "Placement" new was used
- manager->~JackGraphManager();
- JackShmMem::operator delete(manager);
- }
- JackGraphManager::JackGraphManager(int port_max)
- {
- assert(port_max <= PORT_NUM_MAX);
- for (int i = 0; i < port_max; i++) {
- fPortArray[i].Release();
- }
- fPortMax = port_max;
- }
- JackPort* JackGraphManager::GetPort(jack_port_id_t port_index)
- {
- AssertPort(port_index);
- return &fPortArray[port_index];
- }
- jack_default_audio_sample_t* JackGraphManager::GetBuffer(jack_port_id_t port_index)
- {
- return fPortArray[port_index].GetBuffer();
- }
- // Server
- void JackGraphManager::InitRefNum(int refnum)
- {
- JackConnectionManager* manager = WriteNextStateStart();
- manager->InitRefNum(refnum);
- WriteNextStateStop();
- }
- // RT
- void JackGraphManager::RunCurrentGraph()
- {
- JackConnectionManager* manager = ReadCurrentState();
- manager->ResetGraph(fClientTiming);
- }
- // RT
- bool JackGraphManager::RunNextGraph()
- {
- bool res;
- JackConnectionManager* manager = TrySwitchState(&res);
- manager->ResetGraph(fClientTiming);
- return res;
- }
- // RT
- bool JackGraphManager::IsFinishedGraph()
- {
- JackConnectionManager* manager = ReadCurrentState();
- return (manager->GetActivation(FREEWHEEL_DRIVER_REFNUM) == 0);
- }
- // RT
- int JackGraphManager::ResumeRefNum(JackClientControl* control, JackSynchro* table)
- {
- JackConnectionManager* manager = ReadCurrentState();
- return manager->ResumeRefNum(control, table, fClientTiming);
- }
- // RT
- int JackGraphManager::SuspendRefNum(JackClientControl* control, JackSynchro* table, long usec)
- {
- JackConnectionManager* manager = ReadCurrentState();
- return manager->SuspendRefNum(control, table, fClientTiming, usec);
- }
- void JackGraphManager::TopologicalSort(std::vector<jack_int_t>& sorted)
- {
- UInt16 cur_index;
- UInt16 next_index;
- do {
- cur_index = GetCurrentIndex();
- sorted.clear();
- ReadCurrentState()->TopologicalSort(sorted);
- next_index = GetCurrentIndex();
- } while (cur_index != next_index); // Until a coherent state has been read
- }
- // Server
- void JackGraphManager::DirectConnect(int ref1, int ref2)
- {
- JackConnectionManager* manager = WriteNextStateStart();
- manager->DirectConnect(ref1, ref2);
- jack_log("JackGraphManager::ConnectRefNum cur_index = %ld ref1 = %ld ref2 = %ld", CurIndex(fCounter), ref1, ref2);
- WriteNextStateStop();
- }
- // Server
- void JackGraphManager::DirectDisconnect(int ref1, int ref2)
- {
- JackConnectionManager* manager = WriteNextStateStart();
- manager->DirectDisconnect(ref1, ref2);
- jack_log("JackGraphManager::DisconnectRefNum cur_index = %ld ref1 = %ld ref2 = %ld", CurIndex(fCounter), ref1, ref2);
- WriteNextStateStop();
- }
- // Server
- bool JackGraphManager::IsDirectConnection(int ref1, int ref2)
- {
- JackConnectionManager* manager = ReadCurrentState();
- return manager->IsDirectConnection(ref1, ref2);
- }
- // RT
- void* JackGraphManager::GetBuffer(jack_port_id_t port_index, jack_nframes_t buffer_size)
- {
- AssertPort(port_index);
- AssertBufferSize(buffer_size);
- JackConnectionManager* manager = ReadCurrentState();
- JackPort* port = GetPort(port_index);
- // This happens when a port has just been unregistered and is still used by the RT code
- if (!port->IsUsed()) {
- jack_log("JackGraphManager::GetBuffer : port = %ld is released state", port_index);
- return GetBuffer(0); // port_index 0 is not used
- }
- jack_int_t len = manager->Connections(port_index);
- // Output port
- if (port->fFlags & JackPortIsOutput) {
- return (port->fTied != NO_PORT) ? GetBuffer(port->fTied, buffer_size) : GetBuffer(port_index);
- }
- // No connections : return a zero-filled buffer
- if (len == 0) {
- port->ClearBuffer(buffer_size);
- return port->GetBuffer();
- // One connection
- } else if (len == 1) {
- jack_port_id_t src_index = manager->GetPort(port_index, 0);
- // Ports in same client : copy the buffer
- if (GetPort(src_index)->GetRefNum() == port->GetRefNum()) {
- void* buffers[1];
- buffers[0] = GetBuffer(src_index, buffer_size);
- port->MixBuffers(buffers, 1, buffer_size);
- return port->GetBuffer();
- // Otherwise, use zero-copy mode, just pass the buffer of the connected (output) port.
- } else {
- return GetBuffer(src_index, buffer_size);
- }
- // Multiple connections : mix all buffers
- } else {
- const jack_int_t* connections = manager->GetConnections(port_index);
- void* buffers[CONNECTION_NUM_FOR_PORT];
- jack_port_id_t src_index;
- int i;
- for (i = 0; (i < CONNECTION_NUM_FOR_PORT) && ((src_index = connections[i]) != EMPTY); i++) {
- AssertPort(src_index);
- buffers[i] = GetBuffer(src_index, buffer_size);
- }
- port->MixBuffers(buffers, i, buffer_size);
- return port->GetBuffer();
- }
- }
- // Server
- int JackGraphManager::RequestMonitor(jack_port_id_t port_index, bool onoff) // Client
- {
- AssertPort(port_index);
- JackPort* port = GetPort(port_index);
- /**
- jackd.h
- * If @ref JackPortCanMonitor is set for this @a port, turn input
- * monitoring on or off. Otherwise, do nothing.
- if (!(fFlags & JackPortCanMonitor))
- return -1;
- */
- port->RequestMonitor(onoff);
- const jack_int_t* connections = ReadCurrentState()->GetConnections(port_index);
- if ((port->fFlags & JackPortIsOutput) == 0) { // ?? Taken from jack, why not (port->fFlags & JackPortIsInput) ?
- jack_port_id_t src_index;
- for (int i = 0; (i < CONNECTION_NUM_FOR_PORT) && ((src_index = connections[i]) != EMPTY); i++) {
- // XXX much worse things will happen if there is a feedback loop !!!
- RequestMonitor(src_index, onoff);
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- // Client
- jack_nframes_t JackGraphManager::ComputeTotalLatencyAux(jack_port_id_t port_index, jack_port_id_t src_port_index, JackConnectionManager* manager, int hop_count)
- {
- const jack_int_t* connections = ReadCurrentState()->GetConnections(port_index);
- jack_nframes_t max_latency = 0;
- jack_port_id_t dst_index;
- if (hop_count > 8)
- return GetPort(port_index)->GetLatency();
- for (int i = 0; (i < CONNECTION_NUM_FOR_PORT) && ((dst_index = connections[i]) != EMPTY); i++) {
- if (src_port_index != dst_index) {
- AssertPort(dst_index);
- JackPort* dst_port = GetPort(dst_index);
- jack_nframes_t this_latency = (dst_port->fFlags & JackPortIsTerminal)
- ? dst_port->GetLatency()
- : ComputeTotalLatencyAux(dst_index, port_index, manager, hop_count + 1);
- max_latency = ((max_latency > this_latency) ? max_latency : this_latency);
- }
- }
- return max_latency + GetPort(port_index)->GetLatency();
- }
- // Client
- int JackGraphManager::ComputeTotalLatency(jack_port_id_t port_index)
- {
- UInt16 cur_index;
- UInt16 next_index;
- JackPort* port = GetPort(port_index);
- AssertPort(port_index);
- do {
- cur_index = GetCurrentIndex();
- port->fTotalLatency = ComputeTotalLatencyAux(port_index, port_index, ReadCurrentState(), 0);
- next_index = GetCurrentIndex();
- } while (cur_index != next_index); // Until a coherent state has been read
- jack_log("JackGraphManager::GetTotalLatency port_index = %ld total latency = %ld", port_index, port->fTotalLatency);
- return 0;
- }
- // Client
- int JackGraphManager::ComputeTotalLatencies()
- {
- jack_port_id_t port_index;
- for (port_index = FIRST_AVAILABLE_PORT; port_index < fPortMax; port_index++) {
- JackPort* port = GetPort(port_index);
- if (port->IsUsed()) {
- ComputeTotalLatency(port_index);
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- void JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatencyAux(jack_port_id_t port_index, jack_latency_callback_mode_t mode)
- {
- const jack_int_t* connections = ReadCurrentState()->GetConnections(port_index);
- JackPort* port = GetPort(port_index);
- jack_latency_range_t latency = { UINT32_MAX, 0 };
- jack_port_id_t dst_index;
- for (int i = 0; (i < CONNECTION_NUM_FOR_PORT) && ((dst_index = connections[i]) != EMPTY); i++) {
- AssertPort(dst_index);
- JackPort* dst_port = GetPort(dst_index);
- jack_latency_range_t other_latency;
- dst_port->GetLatencyRange(mode, &other_latency);
- if (other_latency.max > latency.max) {
- latency.max = other_latency.max;
- }
- if (other_latency.min < latency.min) {
- latency.min = other_latency.min;
- }
- }
- if (latency.min == UINT32_MAX) {
- latency.min = 0;
- }
- port->SetLatencyRange(mode, &latency);
- }
- void JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency(jack_port_id_t port_index, jack_latency_callback_mode_t mode)
- {
- UInt16 cur_index;
- UInt16 next_index;
- do {
- cur_index = GetCurrentIndex();
- RecalculateLatencyAux(port_index, mode);
- next_index = GetCurrentIndex();
- } while (cur_index != next_index); // Until a coherent state has been read
- //jack_log("JackGraphManager::RecalculateLatency port_index = %ld", port_index);
- }
- // Server
- void JackGraphManager::SetBufferSize(jack_nframes_t buffer_size)
- {
- jack_log("JackGraphManager::SetBufferSize size = %ld", buffer_size);
- jack_port_id_t port_index;
- for (port_index = FIRST_AVAILABLE_PORT; port_index < fPortMax; port_index++) {
- JackPort* port = GetPort(port_index);
- if (port->IsUsed()) {
- port->ClearBuffer(buffer_size);
- }
- }
- }
- // Server
- jack_port_id_t JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux(int refnum, const char* port_name, const char* port_type, JackPortFlags flags)
- {
- jack_port_id_t port_index;
- // Available ports start at FIRST_AVAILABLE_PORT (= 1), otherwise a port_index of 0 is "seen" as a NULL port by the external API...
- for (port_index = FIRST_AVAILABLE_PORT; port_index < fPortMax; port_index++) {
- JackPort* port = GetPort(port_index);
- if (!port->IsUsed()) {
- jack_log("JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = %ld name = %s type = %s", port_index, port_name, port_type);
- if (!port->Allocate(refnum, port_name, port_type, flags)) {
- return NO_PORT;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- return (port_index < fPortMax) ? port_index : NO_PORT;
- }
- // Server
- jack_port_id_t JackGraphManager::AllocatePort(int refnum, const char* port_name, const char* port_type, JackPortFlags flags, jack_nframes_t buffer_size)
- {
- JackConnectionManager* manager = WriteNextStateStart();
- jack_port_id_t port_index = AllocatePortAux(refnum, port_name, port_type, flags);
- if (port_index != NO_PORT) {
- JackPort* port = GetPort(port_index);
- assert(port);
- port->ClearBuffer(buffer_size);
- int res;
- if (flags & JackPortIsOutput) {
- res = manager->AddOutputPort(refnum, port_index);
- } else {
- res = manager->AddInputPort(refnum, port_index);
- }
- // Insertion failure
- if (res < 0) {
- port->Release();
- port_index = NO_PORT;
- }
- }
- WriteNextStateStop();
- return port_index;
- }
- // Server
- int JackGraphManager::ReleasePort(int refnum, jack_port_id_t port_index)
- {
- JackConnectionManager* manager = WriteNextStateStart();
- JackPort* port = GetPort(port_index);
- int res;
- if (port->fFlags & JackPortIsOutput) {
- DisconnectAllOutput(port_index);
- res = manager->RemoveOutputPort(refnum, port_index);
- } else {
- DisconnectAllInput(port_index);
- res = manager->RemoveInputPort(refnum, port_index);
- }
- port->Release();
- WriteNextStateStop();
- return res;
- }
- void JackGraphManager::GetInputPorts(int refnum, jack_int_t* res)
- {
- JackConnectionManager* manager = WriteNextStateStart();
- const jack_int_t* input = manager->GetInputPorts(refnum);
- memcpy(res, input, sizeof(jack_int_t) * PORT_NUM_FOR_CLIENT);
- WriteNextStateStop();
- }
- void JackGraphManager::GetOutputPorts(int refnum, jack_int_t* res)
- {
- JackConnectionManager* manager = WriteNextStateStart();
- const jack_int_t* output = manager->GetOutputPorts(refnum);
- memcpy(res, output, sizeof(jack_int_t) * PORT_NUM_FOR_CLIENT);
- WriteNextStateStop();
- }
- // Server
- void JackGraphManager::RemoveAllPorts(int refnum)
- {
- jack_log("JackGraphManager::RemoveAllPorts ref = %ld", refnum);
- JackConnectionManager* manager = WriteNextStateStart();
- jack_port_id_t port_index;
- // Warning : ReleasePort shift port to left, thus we always remove the first port until the "input" table is empty
- const jack_int_t* input = manager->GetInputPorts(refnum);
- while ((port_index = input[0]) != EMPTY) {
- int res = ReleasePort(refnum, port_index);
- if (res < 0) {
- jack_error("JackGraphManager::RemoveAllPorts failure ref = %ld port_index = %ld", refnum, port_index);
- assert(true);
- break;
- }
- }
- // Warning : ReleasePort shift port to left, thus we always remove the first port until the "output" table is empty
- const jack_int_t* output = manager->GetOutputPorts(refnum);
- while ((port_index = output[0]) != EMPTY) {
- int res = ReleasePort(refnum, port_index);
- if (res < 0) {
- jack_error("JackGraphManager::RemoveAllPorts failure ref = %ld port_index = %ld", refnum, port_index);
- assert(true);
- break;
- }
- }
- WriteNextStateStop();
- }
- // Server
- void JackGraphManager::DisconnectAllPorts(int refnum)
- {
- int i;
- jack_log("JackGraphManager::DisconnectAllPorts ref = %ld", refnum);
- JackConnectionManager* manager = WriteNextStateStart();
- const jack_int_t* input = manager->GetInputPorts(refnum);
- for (i = 0; i < PORT_NUM_FOR_CLIENT && input[i] != EMPTY ; i++) {
- DisconnectAllInput(input[i]);
- }
- const jack_int_t* output = manager->GetOutputPorts(refnum);
- for (i = 0; i < PORT_NUM_FOR_CLIENT && output[i] != EMPTY; i++) {
- DisconnectAllOutput(output[i]);
- }
- WriteNextStateStop();
- }
- // Server
- void JackGraphManager::DisconnectAllInput(jack_port_id_t port_index)
- {
- jack_log("JackGraphManager::DisconnectAllInput port_index = %ld", port_index);
- JackConnectionManager* manager = WriteNextStateStart();
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fPortMax; i++) {
- if (manager->IsConnected(i, port_index)) {
- jack_log("JackGraphManager::Disconnect i = %ld port_index = %ld", i, port_index);
- Disconnect(i, port_index);
- }
- }
- WriteNextStateStop();
- }
- // Server
- void JackGraphManager::DisconnectAllOutput(jack_port_id_t port_index)
- {
- jack_log("JackGraphManager::DisconnectAllOutput port_index = %ld ", port_index);
- JackConnectionManager* manager = WriteNextStateStart();
- const jack_int_t* connections = manager->GetConnections(port_index);
- while (connections[0] != EMPTY) {
- Disconnect(port_index, connections[0]); // Warning : Disconnect shift port to left
- }
- WriteNextStateStop();
- }
- // Server
- int JackGraphManager::DisconnectAll(jack_port_id_t port_index)
- {
- AssertPort(port_index);
- JackPort* port = GetPort(port_index);
- if (port->fFlags & JackPortIsOutput) {
- DisconnectAllOutput(port_index);
- } else {
- DisconnectAllInput(port_index);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- // Server
- void JackGraphManager::GetConnections(jack_port_id_t port_index, jack_int_t* res)
- {
- JackConnectionManager* manager = WriteNextStateStart();
- const jack_int_t* connections = manager->GetConnections(port_index);
- memcpy(res, connections, sizeof(jack_int_t) * CONNECTION_NUM_FOR_PORT);
- WriteNextStateStop();
- }
- // Server
- void JackGraphManager::Activate(int refnum)
- {
- DirectConnect(FREEWHEEL_DRIVER_REFNUM, refnum);
- DirectConnect(refnum, FREEWHEEL_DRIVER_REFNUM);
- }
- /*
- Disconnection from the FW must be done in last otherwise an intermediate "unconnected"
- (thus unactivated) state may happen where the client is still checked for its end.
- */
- // Server
- void JackGraphManager::Deactivate(int refnum)
- {
- // Disconnect only when needed
- if (IsDirectConnection(refnum, FREEWHEEL_DRIVER_REFNUM)) {
- DirectDisconnect(refnum, FREEWHEEL_DRIVER_REFNUM);
- } else {
- jack_log("JackServer::Deactivate client = %ld was not activated", refnum);
- }
- // Disconnect only when needed
- if (IsDirectConnection(FREEWHEEL_DRIVER_REFNUM, refnum)) {
- DirectDisconnect(FREEWHEEL_DRIVER_REFNUM, refnum);
- } else {
- jack_log("JackServer::Deactivate client = %ld was not activated", refnum);
- }
- }
- // Server
- int JackGraphManager::GetInputRefNum(jack_port_id_t port_index)
- {
- AssertPort(port_index);
- JackConnectionManager* manager = WriteNextStateStart();
- int res = manager->GetInputRefNum(port_index);
- WriteNextStateStop();
- return res;
- }
- // Server
- int JackGraphManager::GetOutputRefNum(jack_port_id_t port_index)
- {
- AssertPort(port_index);
- JackConnectionManager* manager = WriteNextStateStart();
- int res = manager->GetOutputRefNum(port_index);
- WriteNextStateStop();
- return res;
- }
- int JackGraphManager::Connect(jack_port_id_t port_src, jack_port_id_t port_dst)
- {
- JackConnectionManager* manager = WriteNextStateStart();
- jack_log("JackGraphManager::Connect port_src = %ld port_dst = %ld", port_src, port_dst);
- JackPort* src = GetPort(port_src);
- JackPort* dst = GetPort(port_dst);
- int res = 0;
- if (!src->fInUse || !dst->fInUse) {
- if (!src->fInUse)
- jack_error("JackGraphManager::Connect port_src = %ld not used name = %s", port_src, GetPort(port_src)->fName);
- if (!dst->fInUse)
- jack_error("JackGraphManager::Connect port_dst = %ld not used name = %s", port_dst, GetPort(port_dst)->fName);
- res = -1;
- goto end;
- }
- if (src->fTypeId != dst->fTypeId) {
- jack_error("JackGraphManager::Connect different port types port_src = %ld port_dst = %ld", port_src, port_dst);
- res = -1;
- goto end;
- }
- if (manager->IsConnected(port_src, port_dst)) {
- jack_error("JackGraphManager::Connect already connected port_src = %ld port_dst = %ld", port_src, port_dst);
- res = EEXIST;
- goto end;
- }
- res = manager->Connect(port_src, port_dst);
- if (res < 0) {
- jack_error("JackGraphManager::Connect failed port_src = %ld port_dst = %ld", port_src, port_dst);
- goto end;
- }
- res = manager->Connect(port_dst, port_src);
- if (res < 0) {
- jack_error("JackGraphManager::Connect failed port_dst = %ld port_src = %ld", port_dst, port_src);
- goto end;
- }
- if (manager->IsLoopPath(port_src, port_dst)) {
- jack_log("JackGraphManager::Connect: LOOP detected");
- manager->IncFeedbackConnection(port_src, port_dst);
- } else {
- manager->IncDirectConnection(port_src, port_dst);
- }
- end:
- WriteNextStateStop();
- return res;
- }
- // Server
- int JackGraphManager::Disconnect(jack_port_id_t port_src, jack_port_id_t port_dst)
- {
- JackConnectionManager* manager = WriteNextStateStart();
- jack_log("JackGraphManager::Disconnect port_src = %ld port_dst = %ld", port_src, port_dst);
- bool in_use_src = GetPort(port_src)->fInUse;
- bool in_use_dst = GetPort(port_dst)->fInUse;
- int res = 0;
- if (!in_use_src || !in_use_dst) {
- if (!in_use_src)
- jack_error("JackGraphManager::Disconnect: port_src = %ld not used name = %s", port_src, GetPort(port_src)->fName);
- if (!in_use_dst)
- jack_error("JackGraphManager::Disconnect: port_src = %ld not used name = %s", port_dst, GetPort(port_dst)->fName);
- res = -1;
- goto end;
- }
- if (!manager->IsConnected(port_src, port_dst)) {
- jack_error("JackGraphManager::Disconnect not connected port_src = %ld port_dst = %ld", port_src, port_dst);
- res = -1;
- goto end;
- }
- res = manager->Disconnect(port_src, port_dst);
- if (res < 0) {
- jack_error("JackGraphManager::Disconnect failed port_src = %ld port_dst = %ld", port_src, port_dst);
- goto end;
- }
- res = manager->Disconnect(port_dst, port_src);
- if (res < 0) {
- jack_error("JackGraphManager::Disconnect failed port_dst = %ld port_src = %ld", port_dst, port_src);
- goto end;
- }
- if (manager->IsFeedbackConnection(port_src, port_dst)) {
- jack_log("JackGraphManager::Disconnect: FEEDBACK removed");
- manager->DecFeedbackConnection(port_src, port_dst);
- } else {
- manager->DecDirectConnection(port_src, port_dst);
- }
- end:
- WriteNextStateStop();
- return res;
- }
- // Client
- int JackGraphManager::IsConnected(jack_port_id_t port_src, jack_port_id_t port_dst)
- {
- JackConnectionManager* manager = ReadCurrentState();
- return manager->IsConnected(port_src, port_dst);
- }
- // Server
- int JackGraphManager::CheckPorts(jack_port_id_t port_src, jack_port_id_t port_dst)
- {
- JackPort* src = GetPort(port_src);
- JackPort* dst = GetPort(port_dst);
- if ((dst->fFlags & JackPortIsInput) == 0) {
- jack_error("Destination port in attempted (dis)connection of %s and %s is not an input port", src->fName, dst->fName);
- return -1;
- }
- if ((src->fFlags & JackPortIsOutput) == 0) {
- jack_error("Source port in attempted (dis)connection of %s and %s is not an output port", src->fName, dst->fName);
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int JackGraphManager::GetTwoPorts(const char* src_name, const char* dst_name, jack_port_id_t* port_src, jack_port_id_t* port_dst)
- {
- jack_log("JackGraphManager::CheckConnect src_name = %s dst_name = %s", src_name, dst_name);
- if ((*port_src = GetPort(src_name)) == NO_PORT) {
- jack_error("Unknown source port in attempted (dis)connection src_name [%s] dst_name [%s]", src_name, dst_name);
- return -1;
- }
- if ((*port_dst = GetPort(dst_name)) == NO_PORT) {
- jack_error("Unknown destination port in attempted (dis)connection src_name [%s] dst_name [%s]", src_name, dst_name);
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- // Client : port array
- jack_port_id_t JackGraphManager::GetPort(const char* name)
- {
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fPortMax; i++) {
- JackPort* port = GetPort(i);
- if (port->IsUsed() && port->NameEquals(name)) {
- return i;
- }
- }
- return NO_PORT;
- }
- /*!
- \brief Get the connection port name array.
- */
- // Client
- void JackGraphManager::GetConnectionsAux(JackConnectionManager* manager, const char** res, jack_port_id_t port_index)
- {
- const jack_int_t* connections = manager->GetConnections(port_index);
- jack_int_t index;
- int i;
- // Cleanup connection array
- memset(res, 0, sizeof(char*) * CONNECTION_NUM_FOR_PORT);
- for (i = 0; (i < CONNECTION_NUM_FOR_PORT) && ((index = connections[i]) != EMPTY); i++) {
- JackPort* port = GetPort(index);
- res[i] = port->fName;
- }
- res[i] = NULL;
- }
- /*
- Use the state returned by ReadCurrentState and check that the state was not changed during the read operation.
- The operation is lock-free since there is no intermediate state in the write operation that could cause the
- read to loop forever.
- */
- // Client
- const char** JackGraphManager::GetConnections(jack_port_id_t port_index)
- {
- const char** res = (const char**)malloc(sizeof(char*) * CONNECTION_NUM_FOR_PORT);
- UInt16 cur_index, next_index;
- if (!res)
- return NULL;
- do {
- cur_index = GetCurrentIndex();
- GetConnectionsAux(ReadCurrentState(), res, port_index);
- next_index = GetCurrentIndex();
- } while (cur_index != next_index); // Until a coherent state has been read
- if (res[0]) { // At least one connection
- return res;
- } else { // Empty array, should return NULL
- free(res);
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- // Client
- void JackGraphManager::GetPortsAux(const char** matching_ports, const char* port_name_pattern, const char* type_name_pattern, unsigned long flags)
- {
- // Cleanup port array
- memset(matching_ports, 0, sizeof(char*) * fPortMax);
- int match_cnt = 0;
- regex_t port_regex, type_regex;
- if (port_name_pattern && port_name_pattern[0]) {
- if (regcomp(&port_regex, port_name_pattern, REG_EXTENDED | REG_NOSUB)!=0) {
- jack_log("JackGraphManager::GetPortsAux could not compile regex for port_name_pattern '%s'", port_name_pattern);
- return;
- }
- }
- if (type_name_pattern && type_name_pattern[0]) {
- if (regcomp(&type_regex, type_name_pattern, REG_EXTENDED | REG_NOSUB)!=0) {
- jack_log("JackGraphManager::GetPortsAux could not compile regex for type_name_pattern '%s'", type_name_pattern);
- return;
- }
- }
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fPortMax; i++) {
- bool matching = true;
- JackPort* port = GetPort(i);
- if (port->IsUsed()) {
- if (flags) {
- if ((port->fFlags & flags) != flags) {
- matching = false;
- }
- }
- if (matching && port_name_pattern && port_name_pattern[0]) {
- if (regexec(&port_regex, port->GetName(), 0, NULL, 0)) {
- matching = false;
- }
- }
- if (matching && type_name_pattern && type_name_pattern[0]) {
- if (regexec(&type_regex, port->GetType(), 0, NULL, 0)) {
- matching = false;
- }
- }
- if (matching) {
- matching_ports[match_cnt++] = port->fName;
- }
- }
- }
- matching_ports[match_cnt] = 0;
- if (port_name_pattern && port_name_pattern[0]) {
- regfree(&port_regex);
- }
- if (type_name_pattern && type_name_pattern[0]) {
- regfree(&type_regex);
- }
- }
- // Client
- /*
- Check that the state was not changed during the read operation.
- The operation is lock-free since there is no intermediate state in the write operation that could cause the
- read to loop forever.
- */
- const char** JackGraphManager::GetPorts(const char* port_name_pattern, const char* type_name_pattern, unsigned long flags)
- {
- const char** res = (const char**)malloc(sizeof(char*) * fPortMax);
- UInt16 cur_index, next_index;
- if (!res)
- return NULL;
- do {
- cur_index = GetCurrentIndex();
- GetPortsAux(res, port_name_pattern, type_name_pattern, flags);
- next_index = GetCurrentIndex();
- } while (cur_index != next_index); // Until a coherent state has been read
- if (res[0]) { // At least one port
- return res;
- } else {
- free(res); // Empty array, should return NULL
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- // Server
- void JackGraphManager::Save(JackConnectionManager* dst)
- {
- JackConnectionManager* manager = WriteNextStateStart();
- memcpy(dst, manager, sizeof(JackConnectionManager));
- WriteNextStateStop();
- }
- // Server
- void JackGraphManager::Restore(JackConnectionManager* src)
- {
- JackConnectionManager* manager = WriteNextStateStart();
- memcpy(manager, src, sizeof(JackConnectionManager));
- WriteNextStateStop();
- }
- } // end of namespace