- /*
- Copyright (C) 2001 Paul Davis
- Copyright (C) 2004-2008 Grame
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
- #include "JackSystemDeps.h"
- #include "JackGraphManager.h"
- #include "JackClientControl.h"
- #include "JackEngineControl.h"
- #include "JackGlobals.h"
- #include "JackChannel.h"
- #include "JackTransportEngine.h"
- #include "driver_interface.h"
- #include "JackLibGlobals.h"
- #include <math.h>
- #include <string>
- #include <algorithm>
- #include <climits>
- using namespace std;
- namespace Jack
- {
- #define IsRealTime() ((fProcess != NULL) | (fThreadFun != NULL) | (fSync != NULL) | (fTimebase != NULL))
- JackClient::JackClient(JackSynchro* table):fThread(this)
- {
- fSynchroTable = table;
- fProcess = NULL;
- fGraphOrder = NULL;
- fXrun = NULL;
- fShutdown = NULL;
- fInfoShutdown = NULL;
- fInit = NULL;
- fBufferSize = NULL;
- fClientRegistration = NULL;
- fFreewheel = NULL;
- fPortRegistration = NULL;
- fPortConnect = NULL;
- fPortRename = NULL;
- fTimebase = NULL;
- fSync = NULL;
- fThreadFun = NULL;
- fSession = NULL;
- fLatency = NULL;
- fPropertyChange = NULL;
- fProcessArg = NULL;
- fGraphOrderArg = NULL;
- fXrunArg = NULL;
- fShutdownArg = NULL;
- fInfoShutdownArg = NULL;
- fInitArg = NULL;
- fBufferSizeArg = NULL;
- fFreewheelArg = NULL;
- fClientRegistrationArg = NULL;
- fPortRegistrationArg = NULL;
- fPortConnectArg = NULL;
- fPortRenameArg = NULL;
- fSyncArg = NULL;
- fTimebaseArg = NULL;
- fThreadFunArg = NULL;
- fSessionArg = NULL;
- fLatencyArg = NULL;
- fPropertyChangeArg = NULL;
- fSessionReply = kPendingSessionReply;
- }
- JackClient::~JackClient()
- {}
- void JackClient::ShutDown(jack_status_t code, const char* message)
- {
- jack_log("JackClient::ShutDown");
- // If "fInfoShutdown" callback, then call it
- if (fInfoShutdown) {
- fInfoShutdown(code, message, fInfoShutdownArg);
- fInfoShutdown = NULL;
- // Otherwise possibly call the normal "fShutdown"
- } else if (fShutdown) {
- fShutdown(fShutdownArg);
- fShutdown = NULL;
- }
- }
- int JackClient::Close()
- {
- jack_log("JackClient::Close ref = %ld", GetClientControl()->fRefNum);
- int result = 0;
- Deactivate();
- // Channels is stopped first to avoid receiving notifications while closing
- fChannel->Stop();
- // Then close client
- fChannel->ClientClose(GetClientControl()->fRefNum, &result);
- fChannel->Close();
- assert(JackGlobals::fSynchroMutex);
- JackGlobals::fSynchroMutex->Lock();
- fSynchroTable[GetClientControl()->fRefNum].Disconnect();
- JackGlobals::fSynchroMutex->Unlock();
- JackGlobals::fClientTable[GetClientControl()->fRefNum] = NULL;
- return result;
- }
- bool JackClient::IsActive()
- {
- return (GetClientControl()) ? GetClientControl()->fActive : false;
- }
- jack_native_thread_t JackClient::GetThreadID()
- {
- return fThread.GetThreadID();
- }
- /*!
- In "async" mode, the server does not synchronize itself on the output drivers, thus it would never "consume" the activations.
- The synchronization primitives for drivers are setup in "flush" mode that to not keep unneeded activations.
- Drivers synchro are setup in "flush" mode if server is "async" and NOT freewheel.
- */
- void JackClient::SetupDriverSync(bool freewheel)
- {
- if (!freewheel && !GetEngineControl()->fSyncMode) {
- jack_log("JackClient::SetupDriverSync driver sem in flush mode");
- for (int i = 0; i < GetEngineControl()->fDriverNum; i++) {
- fSynchroTable[i].SetFlush(true);
- }
- } else {
- jack_log("JackClient::SetupDriverSync driver sem in normal mode");
- for (int i = 0; i < GetEngineControl()->fDriverNum; i++) {
- fSynchroTable[i].SetFlush(false);
- }
- }
- }
- /*!
- \brief Notification received from the server.
- */
- int JackClient::ClientNotifyImp(int refnum, const char* name, int notify, int sync, const char* message, int value1, int value2)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- int JackClient::ClientNotify(int refnum, const char* name, int notify, int sync, const char* message, int value1, int value2)
- {
- int res = 0;
- jack_log("JackClient::ClientNotify ref = %ld name = %s notify = %ld", refnum, name, notify);
- // Done all time: redirected on subclass implementation JackLibClient and JackInternalClient
- switch (notify) {
- case kAddClient:
- res = ClientNotifyImp(refnum, name, notify, sync, message, value1, value2);
- break;
- case kRemoveClient:
- res = ClientNotifyImp(refnum, name, notify, sync, message, value1, value2);
- break;
- case kActivateClient:
- jack_log("JackClient::kActivateClient name = %s ref = %ld ", name, refnum);
- InitAux();
- break;
- }
- /*
- The current semantic is that notifications can only be received when the client has been activated,
- although is this implementation, one could imagine calling notifications as soon as the client has be opened.
- */
- if (IsActive()) {
- switch (notify) {
- case kAddClient:
- jack_log("JackClient::kAddClient fName = %s name = %s", GetClientControl()->fName, name);
- if (fClientRegistration && strcmp(GetClientControl()->fName, name) != 0) { // Don't call the callback for the registering client itself
- fClientRegistration(name, 1, fClientRegistrationArg);
- }
- break;
- case kRemoveClient:
- jack_log("JackClient::kRemoveClient fName = %s name = %s", GetClientControl()->fName, name);
- if (fClientRegistration && strcmp(GetClientControl()->fName, name) != 0) { // Don't call the callback for the registering client itself
- fClientRegistration(name, 0, fClientRegistrationArg);
- }
- break;
- case kBufferSizeCallback:
- jack_log("JackClient::kBufferSizeCallback buffer_size = %ld", value1);
- if (fBufferSize) {
- res = fBufferSize(value1, fBufferSizeArg);
- }
- break;
- case kSampleRateCallback:
- jack_log("JackClient::kSampleRateCallback sample_rate = %ld", value1);
- if (fSampleRate) {
- res = fSampleRate(value1, fSampleRateArg);
- }
- break;
- case kGraphOrderCallback:
- jack_log("JackClient::kGraphOrderCallback");
- if (fGraphOrder) {
- res = fGraphOrder(fGraphOrderArg);
- }
- break;
- case kStartFreewheelCallback:
- jack_log("JackClient::kStartFreewheel");
- SetupDriverSync(true);
- // Drop RT only when the RT thread is actually running
- if (fThread.GetStatus() == JackThread::kRunning) {
- fThread.DropRealTime();
- }
- if (fFreewheel) {
- fFreewheel(1, fFreewheelArg);
- }
- break;
- case kStopFreewheelCallback:
- jack_log("JackClient::kStopFreewheel");
- SetupDriverSync(false);
- if (fFreewheel) {
- fFreewheel(0, fFreewheelArg);
- }
- // Acquire RT only when the RT thread is actually running
- if (GetEngineControl()->fRealTime && fThread.GetStatus() == JackThread::kRunning) {
- if (fThread.AcquireRealTime(GetEngineControl()->fClientPriority) < 0) {
- jack_error("JackClient::AcquireRealTime error");
- }
- }
- break;
- case kPortRegistrationOnCallback:
- jack_log("JackClient::kPortRegistrationOn port_index = %ld", value1);
- if (fPortRegistration) {
- fPortRegistration(value1, 1, fPortRegistrationArg);
- }
- break;
- case kPortRegistrationOffCallback:
- jack_log("JackClient::kPortRegistrationOff port_index = %ld ", value1);
- if (fPortRegistration) {
- fPortRegistration(value1, 0, fPortRegistrationArg);
- }
- break;
- case kPortConnectCallback:
- jack_log("JackClient::kPortConnectCallback src = %ld dst = %ld", value1, value2);
- if (fPortConnect) {
- fPortConnect(value1, value2, 1, fPortConnectArg);
- }
- break;
- case kPortDisconnectCallback:
- jack_log("JackClient::kPortDisconnectCallback src = %ld dst = %ld", value1, value2);
- if (fPortConnect) {
- fPortConnect(value1, value2, 0, fPortConnectArg);
- }
- break;
- case kPortRenameCallback:
- jack_log("JackClient::kPortRenameCallback port = %ld", value1);
- if (fPortRename) {
- fPortRename(value1, message, GetGraphManager()->GetPort(value1)->GetName(), fPortRenameArg);
- }
- break;
- case kXRunCallback:
- jack_log("JackClient::kXRunCallback");
- if (fXrun) {
- res = fXrun(fXrunArg);
- }
- break;
- case kShutDownCallback:
- jack_log("JackClient::kShutDownCallback");
- ShutDown(jack_status_t(value1), message);
- break;
- case kSessionCallback:
- jack_log("JackClient::kSessionCallback");
- if (fSession) {
- jack_session_event_t* event = (jack_session_event_t*)malloc( sizeof(jack_session_event_t));
- char uuid_buf[JACK_UUID_STRING_SIZE];
- event->type = (jack_session_event_type_t)value1;
- event->session_dir = strdup(message);
- event->command_line = NULL;
- event->flags = (jack_session_flags_t)0;
- jack_uuid_unparse(GetClientControl()->fSessionID, uuid_buf);
- event->client_uuid = strdup(uuid_buf);
- fSessionReply = kPendingSessionReply;
- // Session callback may change fSessionReply by directly using jack_session_reply
- fSession(event, fSessionArg);
- res = fSessionReply;
- }
- break;
- case kLatencyCallback:
- res = HandleLatencyCallback(value1);
- break;
- case kPropertyChangeCallback: {
- jack_uuid_t subject;
- jack_uuid_parse(name, &subject);
- const char* key = message;
- jack_property_change_t change = (jack_property_change_t)value1;
- jack_log("JackClient::kPropertyChangeCallback subject = %x key = %s change = %x", subject, key, change);
- if (fPropertyChange)
- fPropertyChange(subject, key, change, fPropertyChangeArg);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return res;
- }
- int JackClient::HandleLatencyCallback(int status)
- {
- jack_latency_callback_mode_t mode = (status == 0) ? JackCaptureLatency : JackPlaybackLatency;
- jack_latency_range_t latency = { UINT32_MAX, 0 };
- /* first setup all latency values of the ports.
- * this is based on the connections of the ports.
- */
- list<jack_port_id_t>::iterator it;
- for (it = fPortList.begin(); it != fPortList.end(); it++) {
- JackPort* port = GetGraphManager()->GetPort(*it);
- if ((port->GetFlags() & JackPortIsOutput) && (mode == JackPlaybackLatency)) {
- GetGraphManager()->RecalculateLatency(*it, mode);
- }
- if ((port->GetFlags() & JackPortIsInput) && (mode == JackCaptureLatency)) {
- GetGraphManager()->RecalculateLatency(*it, mode);
- }
- }
- if (!fLatency) {
- /*
- * default action is to assume all ports depend on each other.
- * then always take the maximum latency.
- */
- if (mode == JackPlaybackLatency) {
- /* iterate over all OutputPorts, to find maximum playback latency
- */
- for (it = fPortList.begin(); it != fPortList.end(); it++) {
- JackPort* port = GetGraphManager()->GetPort(*it);
- if (port->GetFlags() & JackPortIsOutput) {
- jack_latency_range_t other_latency;
- port->GetLatencyRange(mode, &other_latency);
- if (other_latency.max > latency.max) {
- latency.max = other_latency.max;
- }
- if (other_latency.min < latency.min) {
- latency.min = other_latency.min;
- }
- }
- }
- if (latency.min == UINT32_MAX) {
- latency.min = 0;
- }
- /* now set the found latency on all input ports
- */
- for (it = fPortList.begin(); it != fPortList.end(); it++) {
- JackPort* port = GetGraphManager()->GetPort(*it);
- if (port->GetFlags() & JackPortIsInput) {
- port->SetLatencyRange(mode, &latency);
- }
- }
- }
- if (mode == JackCaptureLatency) {
- /* iterate over all InputPorts, to find maximum playback latency
- */
- for (it = fPortList.begin(); it != fPortList.end(); it++) {
- JackPort* port = GetGraphManager()->GetPort(*it);
- if (port->GetFlags() & JackPortIsInput) {
- jack_latency_range_t other_latency;
- port->GetLatencyRange(mode, &other_latency);
- if (other_latency.max > latency.max) {
- latency.max = other_latency.max;
- }
- if (other_latency.min < latency.min) {
- latency.min = other_latency.min;
- }
- }
- }
- if (latency.min == UINT32_MAX) {
- latency.min = 0;
- }
- /* now set the found latency on all output ports
- */
- for (it = fPortList.begin(); it != fPortList.end(); it++) {
- JackPort* port = GetGraphManager()->GetPort(*it);
- if (port->GetFlags() & JackPortIsOutput) {
- port->SetLatencyRange(mode, &latency);
- }
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* we have a latency callback setup by the client,
- * lets use it...
- */
- fLatency(mode, fLatencyArg);
- return 0;
- }
- /*!
- \brief We need to start thread before activating in the server, otherwise the FW driver
- connected to the client may not be activated.
- */
- int JackClient::Activate()
- {
- jack_log("JackClient::Activate");
- if (IsActive()) {
- return 0;
- }
- // RT thread is started only when needed...
- if (IsRealTime()) {
- if (StartThread() < 0) {
- return -1;
- }
- }
- /*
- Insertion of client in the graph will cause a kGraphOrderCallback notification
- to be delivered by the server, the client wants to receive it.
- */
- GetClientControl()->fActive = true;
- // Transport related callback become "active"
- GetClientControl()->fTransportSync = true;
- GetClientControl()->fTransportTimebase = true;
- int result = -1;
- GetClientControl()->fCallback[kRealTimeCallback] = IsRealTime();
- fChannel->ClientActivate(GetClientControl()->fRefNum, IsRealTime(), &result);
- return result;
- }
- /*!
- \brief Need to stop thread after deactivating in the server.
- */
- int JackClient::Deactivate()
- {
- jack_log("JackClient::Deactivate");
- if (!IsActive()) {
- return 0;
- }
- GetClientControl()->fActive = false;
- // Transport related callback become "unactive"
- GetClientControl()->fTransportSync = false;
- GetClientControl()->fTransportTimebase = false;
- // We need to wait for the new engine cycle before stopping the RT thread, but this is done by ClientDeactivate
- int result = -1;
- fChannel->ClientDeactivate(GetClientControl()->fRefNum, &result);
- jack_log("JackClient::Deactivate res = %ld", result);
- // RT thread is stopped only when needed...
- if (IsRealTime()) {
- fThread.Kill();
- }
- return result;
- }
- //----------------------
- // RT thread management
- //----------------------
- void JackClient::InitAux()
- {
- if (fInit) {
- jack_log("JackClient::Init calling client thread init callback");
- fInit(fInitArg);
- }
- }
- /*!
- \brief Called once when the thread starts.
- */
- bool JackClient::Init()
- {
- /*
- Execute buffer_size callback.
- Since StartThread uses fThread.StartSync, we are sure that buffer_size callback
- is executed before StartThread returns (and then IsActive will be true).
- So no RT callback can be called at the same time.
- */
- jack_log("JackClient::kBufferSizeCallback buffer_size = %ld", GetEngineControl()->fBufferSize);
- if (fBufferSize) {
- fBufferSize(GetEngineControl()->fBufferSize, fBufferSizeArg);
- }
- // Init callback
- InitAux();
- // Setup context
- if (!jack_tls_set(JackGlobals::fRealTimeThread, this)) {
- jack_error("Failed to set thread realtime key");
- }
- // Setup RT
- if (GetEngineControl()->fRealTime) {
- set_threaded_log_function();
- SetupRealTime();
- }
- return true;
- }
- void JackClient::SetupRealTime()
- {
- jack_log("JackClient::Init : period = %ld computation = %ld constraint = %ld",
- long(int64_t(GetEngineControl()->fPeriod) / 1000.0f),
- long(int64_t(GetEngineControl()->fComputation) / 1000.0f),
- long(int64_t(GetEngineControl()->fConstraint) / 1000.0f));
- // Will do "something" on OSX only...
- fThread.SetParams(GetEngineControl()->fPeriod, GetEngineControl()->fComputation, GetEngineControl()->fConstraint);
- if (fThread.AcquireSelfRealTime(GetEngineControl()->fClientPriority) < 0) {
- jack_error("JackClient::AcquireSelfRealTime error");
- }
- }
- int JackClient::StartThread()
- {
- if (fThread.StartSync() < 0) {
- jack_error("Start thread error");
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /*!
- \brief RT thread.
- */
- bool JackClient::Execute()
- {
- // Execute a dummy cycle to be sure thread has the correct properties
- DummyCycle();
- if (fThreadFun) {
- fThreadFun(fThreadFunArg);
- } else {
- ExecuteThread();
- }
- return false;
- }
- void JackClient::DummyCycle()
- {
- WaitSync();
- SignalSync();
- }
- inline void JackClient::ExecuteThread()
- {
- while (true) {
- CycleWaitAux();
- CycleSignalAux(CallProcessCallback());
- }
- }
- inline jack_nframes_t JackClient::CycleWaitAux()
- {
- if (!WaitSync()) {
- Error(); // Terminates the thread
- }
- CallSyncCallbackAux();
- return GetEngineControl()->fBufferSize;
- }
- inline void JackClient::CycleSignalAux(int status)
- {
- if (status == 0) {
- CallTimebaseCallbackAux();
- }
- SignalSync();
- if (status != 0) {
- End(); // Terminates the thread
- }
- }
- jack_nframes_t JackClient::CycleWait()
- {
- return CycleWaitAux();
- }
- void JackClient::CycleSignal(int status)
- {
- CycleSignalAux(status);
- }
- inline int JackClient::CallProcessCallback()
- {
- return (fProcess != NULL) ? fProcess(GetEngineControl()->fBufferSize, fProcessArg) : 0;
- }
- inline bool JackClient::WaitSync()
- {
- // Suspend itself: wait on the input synchro
- if (GetGraphManager()->SuspendRefNum(GetClientControl(), fSynchroTable, LONG_MAX) < 0) {
- jack_error("SuspendRefNum error");
- return false;
- } else {
- return true;
- }
- }
- inline void JackClient::SignalSync()
- {
- // Resume: signal output clients connected to the running client
- if (GetGraphManager()->ResumeRefNum(GetClientControl(), fSynchroTable) < 0) {
- jack_error("ResumeRefNum error");
- }
- }
- inline void JackClient::End()
- {
- jack_log("JackClient::Execute end name = %s", GetClientControl()->fName);
- // Hum... not sure about this, the following "close" code is called in the RT thread...
- int result;
- fThread.DropSelfRealTime();
- GetClientControl()->fActive = false;
- fChannel->ClientDeactivate(GetClientControl()->fRefNum, &result);
- fThread.Terminate();
- }
- inline void JackClient::Error()
- {
- jack_error("JackClient::Execute error name = %s", GetClientControl()->fName);
- // Hum... not sure about this, the following "close" code is called in the RT thread...
- int result;
- fThread.DropSelfRealTime();
- GetClientControl()->fActive = false;
- fChannel->ClientDeactivate(GetClientControl()->fRefNum, &result);
- ShutDown(jack_status_t(JackFailure | JackServerError), JACK_SERVER_FAILURE);
- fThread.Terminate();
- }
- //-----------------
- // Port management
- //-----------------
- int JackClient::PortRegister(const char* port_name, const char* port_type, unsigned long flags, unsigned long buffer_size)
- {
- // Check if port name is empty
- string port_short_name_str = string(port_name);
- if (port_short_name_str.size() == 0) {
- jack_error("port_name is empty");
- return 0; // Means failure here...
- }
- // Check port name length
- string port_full_name_str = string(GetClientControl()->fName) + string(":") + port_short_name_str;
- if (port_full_name_str.size() >= REAL_JACK_PORT_NAME_SIZE) {
- jack_error("\"%s:%s\" is too long to be used as a JACK port name.\n"
- "Please use %lu characters or less",
- GetClientControl()->fName,
- port_name,
- return 0; // Means failure here...
- }
- int result = -1;
- jack_port_id_t port_index = NO_PORT;
- fChannel->PortRegister(GetClientControl()->fRefNum, port_full_name_str.c_str(), port_type, flags, buffer_size, &port_index, &result);
- if (result == 0) {
- jack_log("JackClient::PortRegister ref = %ld name = %s type = %s port_index = %ld", GetClientControl()->fRefNum, port_full_name_str.c_str(), port_type, port_index);
- fPortList.push_back(port_index);
- return port_index;
- } else {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- int JackClient::PortUnRegister(jack_port_id_t port_index)
- {
- jack_log("JackClient::PortUnRegister port_index = %ld", port_index);
- list<jack_port_id_t>::iterator it = find(fPortList.begin(), fPortList.end(), port_index);
- if (it != fPortList.end()) {
- fPortList.erase(it);
- int result = -1;
- fChannel->PortUnRegister(GetClientControl()->fRefNum, port_index, &result);
- return result;
- } else {
- jack_error("unregistering a port %ld that is not own by the client", port_index);
- return -1;
- }
- }
- int JackClient::PortConnect(const char* src, const char* dst)
- {
- jack_log("JackClient::Connect src = %s dst = %s", src, dst);
- if (strlen(src) >= REAL_JACK_PORT_NAME_SIZE) {
- jack_error("\"%s\" is too long to be used as a JACK port name.\n", src);
- return -1;
- }
- if (strlen(dst) >= REAL_JACK_PORT_NAME_SIZE) {
- jack_error("\"%s\" is too long to be used as a JACK port name.\n", dst);
- return -1;
- }
- int result = -1;
- fChannel->PortConnect(GetClientControl()->fRefNum, src, dst, &result);
- return result;
- }
- int JackClient::PortDisconnect(const char* src, const char* dst)
- {
- jack_log("JackClient::Disconnect src = %s dst = %s", src, dst);
- if (strlen(src) >= REAL_JACK_PORT_NAME_SIZE) {
- jack_error("\"%s\" is too long to be used as a JACK port name.\n", src);
- return -1;
- }
- if (strlen(dst) >= REAL_JACK_PORT_NAME_SIZE) {
- jack_error("\"%s\" is too long to be used as a JACK port name.\n", dst);
- return -1;
- }
- int result = -1;
- fChannel->PortDisconnect(GetClientControl()->fRefNum, src, dst, &result);
- return result;
- }
- int JackClient::PortDisconnect(jack_port_id_t src)
- {
- jack_log("JackClient::PortDisconnect src = %ld", src);
- int result = -1;
- fChannel->PortDisconnect(GetClientControl()->fRefNum, src, ALL_PORTS, &result);
- return result;
- }
- int JackClient::PortIsMine(jack_port_id_t port_index)
- {
- JackPort* port = GetGraphManager()->GetPort(port_index);
- return GetClientControl()->fRefNum == port->GetRefNum();
- }
- int JackClient::PortRename(jack_port_id_t port_index, const char* name)
- {
- int result = -1;
- fChannel->PortRename(GetClientControl()->fRefNum, port_index, name, &result);
- return result;
- }
- //--------------------
- // Context management
- //--------------------
- int JackClient::SetBufferSize(jack_nframes_t buffer_size)
- {
- int result = -1;
- fChannel->SetBufferSize(buffer_size, &result);
- return result;
- }
- int JackClient::SetFreeWheel(int onoff)
- {
- int result = -1;
- fChannel->SetFreewheel(onoff, &result);
- return result;
- }
- int JackClient::ComputeTotalLatencies()
- {
- int result = -1;
- fChannel->ComputeTotalLatencies(&result);
- return result;
- }
- //----------------------
- // Transport management
- //----------------------
- inline int JackClient::ActivateAux()
- {
- // If activated without RT thread...
- if (IsActive() && fThread.GetStatus() != JackThread::kRunning) {
- jack_log("JackClient::ActivateAux");
- // RT thread is started
- if (StartThread() < 0) {
- return -1;
- }
- int result = -1;
- GetClientControl()->fCallback[kRealTimeCallback] = IsRealTime();
- fChannel->ClientActivate(GetClientControl()->fRefNum, IsRealTime(), &result);
- return result;
- } else {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- int JackClient::ReleaseTimebase()
- {
- int result = -1;
- fChannel->ReleaseTimebase(GetClientControl()->fRefNum, &result);
- if (result == 0) {
- GetClientControl()->fTransportTimebase = false;
- fTimebase = NULL;
- fTimebaseArg = NULL;
- }
- return result;
- }
- /* Call the server if the client is active, otherwise keeps the arguments */
- int JackClient::SetSyncCallback(JackSyncCallback sync_callback, void* arg)
- {
- GetClientControl()->fTransportSync = (fSync != NULL);
- fSyncArg = arg;
- fSync = sync_callback;
- return ActivateAux();
- }
- int JackClient::SetTimebaseCallback(int conditional, JackTimebaseCallback timebase_callback, void* arg)
- {
- int result = -1;
- fChannel->SetTimebaseCallback(GetClientControl()->fRefNum, conditional, &result);
- if (result == 0) {
- GetClientControl()->fTransportTimebase = true;
- fTimebase = timebase_callback;
- fTimebaseArg = arg;
- return ActivateAux();
- } else {
- fTimebase = NULL;
- fTimebaseArg = NULL;
- return result;
- }
- }
- int JackClient::SetSyncTimeout(jack_time_t timeout)
- {
- GetEngineControl()->fTransport.SetSyncTimeout(timeout);
- return 0;
- }
- // Must be RT safe
- void JackClient::TransportLocate(jack_nframes_t frame)
- {
- jack_position_t pos;
- pos.frame = frame;
- pos.valid = (jack_position_bits_t)0;
- jack_log("JackClient::TransportLocate pos = %ld", pos.frame);
- GetEngineControl()->fTransport.RequestNewPos(&pos);
- }
- int JackClient::TransportReposition(const jack_position_t* pos)
- {
- jack_position_t tmp = *pos;
- jack_log("JackClient::TransportReposition pos = %ld", pos->frame);
- if (tmp.valid & ~JACK_POSITION_MASK) {
- return EINVAL;
- } else {
- GetEngineControl()->fTransport.RequestNewPos(&tmp);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- jack_transport_state_t JackClient::TransportQuery(jack_position_t* pos)
- {
- return GetEngineControl()->fTransport.Query(pos);
- }
- jack_nframes_t JackClient::GetCurrentTransportFrame()
- {
- return GetEngineControl()->fTransport.GetCurrentFrame();
- }
- // Must be RT safe: directly write in the transport shared mem
- void JackClient::TransportStart()
- {
- GetEngineControl()->fTransport.SetCommand(TransportCommandStart);
- }
- // Must be RT safe: directly write in the transport shared mem
- void JackClient::TransportStop()
- {
- GetEngineControl()->fTransport.SetCommand(TransportCommandStop);
- }
- // Never called concurrently with the server
- // TODO check concurrency with SetSyncCallback
- void JackClient::CallSyncCallback()
- {
- CallSyncCallbackAux();
- }
- inline void JackClient::CallSyncCallbackAux()
- {
- if (GetClientControl()->fTransportSync) {
- JackTransportEngine& transport = GetEngineControl()->fTransport;
- jack_position_t* cur_pos = transport.ReadCurrentState();
- jack_transport_state_t transport_state = transport.GetState();
- if (fSync != NULL) {
- if (fSync(transport_state, cur_pos, fSyncArg)) {
- GetClientControl()->fTransportState = JackTransportRolling;
- GetClientControl()->fTransportSync = false;
- }
- } else {
- GetClientControl()->fTransportState = JackTransportRolling;
- GetClientControl()->fTransportSync = false;
- }
- }
- }
- void JackClient::CallTimebaseCallback()
- {
- CallTimebaseCallbackAux();
- }
- inline void JackClient::CallTimebaseCallbackAux()
- {
- JackTransportEngine& transport = GetEngineControl()->fTransport;
- int master;
- bool unused;
- transport.GetTimebaseMaster(master, unused);
- if (GetClientControl()->fRefNum == master && fTimebase) { // Client *is* timebase...
- jack_transport_state_t transport_state = transport.GetState();
- jack_position_t* cur_pos = transport.WriteNextStateStart(1);
- if (GetClientControl()->fTransportTimebase) {
- fTimebase(transport_state, GetEngineControl()->fBufferSize, cur_pos, true, fTimebaseArg);
- GetClientControl()->fTransportTimebase = false; // Callback is called only once with "new_pos" = true
- } else if (transport_state == JackTransportRolling) {
- fTimebase(transport_state, GetEngineControl()->fBufferSize, cur_pos, false, fTimebaseArg);
- }
- transport.WriteNextStateStop(1);
- }
- }
- //---------------------
- // Callback management
- //---------------------
- void JackClient::OnShutdown(JackShutdownCallback callback, void *arg)
- {
- if (IsActive()) {
- jack_error("You cannot set callbacks on an active client");
- } else {
- // Shutdown callback will either be an old API version or the new version (with info)
- GetClientControl()->fCallback[kShutDownCallback] = (callback != NULL);
- fShutdownArg = arg;
- fShutdown = callback;
- }
- }
- void JackClient::OnInfoShutdown(JackInfoShutdownCallback callback, void *arg)
- {
- if (IsActive()) {
- jack_error("You cannot set callbacks on an active client");
- } else {
- // Shutdown callback will either be an old API version or the new version (with info)
- GetClientControl()->fCallback[kShutDownCallback] = (callback != NULL);
- fInfoShutdownArg = arg;
- fInfoShutdown = callback;
- }
- }
- int JackClient::SetProcessCallback(JackProcessCallback callback, void *arg)
- {
- if (IsActive()) {
- jack_error("You cannot set callbacks on an active client");
- return -1;
- } else if (fThreadFun) {
- jack_error ("A thread callback has already been setup, both models cannot be used at the same time!");
- return -1;
- } else {
- fProcessArg = arg;
- fProcess = callback;
- return 0;
- }
- }
- int JackClient::SetXRunCallback(JackXRunCallback callback, void *arg)
- {
- if (IsActive()) {
- jack_error("You cannot set callbacks on an active client");
- return -1;
- } else {
- GetClientControl()->fCallback[kXRunCallback] = (callback != NULL);
- fXrunArg = arg;
- fXrun = callback;
- return 0;
- }
- }
- int JackClient::SetInitCallback(JackThreadInitCallback callback, void *arg)
- {
- if (IsActive()) {
- jack_error("You cannot set callbacks on an active client");
- return -1;
- } else {
- fInitArg = arg;
- fInit = callback;
- /* make sure that the message buffer thread is initialized too */
- return JackMessageBuffer::fInstance->SetInitCallback(callback, arg);
- }
- }
- int JackClient::SetGraphOrderCallback(JackGraphOrderCallback callback, void *arg)
- {
- if (IsActive()) {
- jack_error("You cannot set callbacks on an active client");
- return -1;
- } else {
- GetClientControl()->fCallback[kGraphOrderCallback] = (callback != NULL);
- fGraphOrder = callback;
- fGraphOrderArg = arg;
- return 0;
- }
- }
- int JackClient::SetBufferSizeCallback(JackBufferSizeCallback callback, void *arg)
- {
- if (IsActive()) {
- jack_error("You cannot set callbacks on an active client");
- return -1;
- } else {
- GetClientControl()->fCallback[kBufferSizeCallback] = (callback != NULL);
- fBufferSizeArg = arg;
- fBufferSize = callback;
- return 0;
- }
- }
- int JackClient::SetSampleRateCallback(JackSampleRateCallback callback, void *arg)
- {
- if (IsActive()) {
- jack_error("You cannot set callbacks on an active client");
- return -1;
- } else {
- GetClientControl()->fCallback[kSampleRateCallback] = (callback != NULL);
- fSampleRateArg = arg;
- fSampleRate = callback;
- // Now invoke it
- if (callback) {
- callback(GetEngineControl()->fSampleRate, arg);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- }
- int JackClient::SetClientRegistrationCallback(JackClientRegistrationCallback callback, void* arg)
- {
- if (IsActive()) {
- jack_error("You cannot set callbacks on an active client");
- return -1;
- } else {
- // kAddClient and kRemoveClient notifications must be delivered by the server in any case
- fClientRegistrationArg = arg;
- fClientRegistration = callback;
- return 0;
- }
- }
- int JackClient::SetFreewheelCallback(JackFreewheelCallback callback, void *arg)
- {
- if (IsActive()) {
- jack_error("You cannot set callbacks on an active client");
- return -1;
- } else {
- GetClientControl()->fCallback[kStartFreewheelCallback] = (callback != NULL);
- GetClientControl()->fCallback[kStopFreewheelCallback] = (callback != NULL);
- fFreewheelArg = arg;
- fFreewheel = callback;
- return 0;
- }
- }
- int JackClient::SetPortRegistrationCallback(JackPortRegistrationCallback callback, void *arg)
- {
- if (IsActive()) {
- jack_error("You cannot set callbacks on an active client");
- return -1;
- } else {
- GetClientControl()->fCallback[kPortRegistrationOnCallback] = (callback != NULL);
- GetClientControl()->fCallback[kPortRegistrationOffCallback] = (callback != NULL);
- fPortRegistrationArg = arg;
- fPortRegistration = callback;
- return 0;
- }
- }
- int JackClient::SetPortConnectCallback(JackPortConnectCallback callback, void *arg)
- {
- if (IsActive()) {
- jack_error("You cannot set callbacks on an active client");
- return -1;
- } else {
- GetClientControl()->fCallback[kPortConnectCallback] = (callback != NULL);
- GetClientControl()->fCallback[kPortDisconnectCallback] = (callback != NULL);
- fPortConnectArg = arg;
- fPortConnect = callback;
- return 0;
- }
- }
- int JackClient::SetPortRenameCallback(JackPortRenameCallback callback, void *arg)
- {
- if (IsActive()) {
- jack_error("You cannot set callbacks on an active client");
- return -1;
- } else {
- GetClientControl()->fCallback[kPortRenameCallback] = (callback != NULL);
- fPortRenameArg = arg;
- fPortRename = callback;
- return 0;
- }
- }
- int JackClient::SetProcessThread(JackThreadCallback fun, void *arg)
- {
- if (IsActive()) {
- jack_error("You cannot set callbacks on an active client");
- return -1;
- } else if (fProcess) {
- jack_error("A process callback has already been setup, both models cannot be used at the same time!");
- return -1;
- } else {
- fThreadFun = fun;
- fThreadFunArg = arg;
- return 0;
- }
- }
- int JackClient::SetSessionCallback(JackSessionCallback callback, void *arg)
- {
- if (IsActive()) {
- jack_error("You cannot set callbacks on an active client");
- return -1;
- } else {
- GetClientControl()->fCallback[kSessionCallback] = (callback != NULL);
- fSessionArg = arg;
- fSession = callback;
- return 0;
- }
- }
- int JackClient::SetLatencyCallback(JackLatencyCallback callback, void *arg)
- {
- if (IsActive()) {
- jack_error("You cannot set callbacks on an active client");
- return -1;
- } else {
- // fCallback[kLatencyCallback] must always be 'true'
- fLatencyArg = arg;
- fLatency = callback;
- return 0;
- }
- }
- int JackClient::SetPropertyChangeCallback(JackPropertyChangeCallback callback, void *arg)
- {
- if (IsActive()) {
- jack_error("You cannot set callbacks on an active client");
- return -1;
- } else {
- fPropertyChangeArg = arg;
- fPropertyChange = callback;
- return 0;
- }
- }
- //------------------
- // Internal clients
- //------------------
- char* JackClient::GetInternalClientName(int ref)
- {
- char name_res[JACK_CLIENT_NAME_SIZE+1];
- int result = -1;
- fChannel->GetInternalClientName(GetClientControl()->fRefNum, ref, name_res, &result);
- return (result < 0) ? NULL : strdup(name_res);
- }
- int JackClient::InternalClientHandle(const char* client_name, jack_status_t* status)
- {
- int int_ref, result = -1;
- fChannel->InternalClientHandle(GetClientControl()->fRefNum, client_name, (int*)status, &int_ref, &result);
- return int_ref;
- }
- int JackClient::InternalClientLoad(const char* client_name, jack_options_t options, jack_status_t* status, jack_varargs_t* va)
- {
- if (strlen(client_name) >= JACK_CLIENT_NAME_SIZE) {
- jack_error ("\"%s\" is too long for a JACK client name.\n"
- "Please use %lu characters or less.",
- client_name, JACK_CLIENT_NAME_SIZE);
- return 0;
- }
- if (va->load_name && (strlen(va->load_name) >= JACK_PATH_MAX)) {
- jack_error("\"%s\" is too long for a shared object name.\n"
- "Please use %lu characters or less.",
- va->load_name, JACK_PATH_MAX);
- int my_status1 = *status | (JackFailure | JackInvalidOption);
- *status = (jack_status_t)my_status1;
- return 0;
- }
- if (va->load_init && (strlen(va->load_init) >= JACK_LOAD_INIT_LIMIT)) {
- jack_error ("\"%s\" is too long for internal client init "
- "string.\nPlease use %lu characters or less.",
- va->load_init, JACK_LOAD_INIT_LIMIT);
- int my_status1 = *status | (JackFailure | JackInvalidOption);
- *status = (jack_status_t)my_status1;
- return 0;
- }
- int int_ref, result = -1;
- fChannel->InternalClientLoad(GetClientControl()->fRefNum, client_name, va->load_name, va->load_init, options, (int*)status, &int_ref, -1, &result);
- return int_ref;
- }
- void JackClient::InternalClientUnload(int ref, jack_status_t* status)
- {
- int result = -1;
- fChannel->InternalClientUnload(GetClientControl()->fRefNum, ref, (int*)status, &result);
- }
- //------------------
- // Session API
- //------------------
- jack_session_command_t* JackClient::SessionNotify(const char* target, jack_session_event_type_t type, const char* path)
- {
- jack_session_command_t* res;
- fChannel->SessionNotify(GetClientControl()->fRefNum, target, type, path, &res);
- return res;
- }
- int JackClient::SessionReply(jack_session_event_t* ev)
- {
- if (ev->command_line) {
- strncpy(GetClientControl()->fSessionCommand, ev->command_line, sizeof(GetClientControl()->fSessionCommand));
- } else {
- GetClientControl()->fSessionCommand[0] = '\0';
- }
- GetClientControl()->fSessionFlags = ev->flags;
- jack_log("JackClient::SessionReply... we are here");
- if (fChannel->IsChannelThread()) {
- jack_log("JackClient::SessionReply... in callback reply");
- // OK, immediate reply...
- fSessionReply = kImmediateSessionReply;
- return 0;
- }
- jack_log("JackClient::SessionReply... out of cb");
- int result = -1;
- fChannel->SessionReply(GetClientControl()->fRefNum, &result);
- return result;
- }
- char* JackClient::GetUUIDForClientName(const char* client_name)
- {
- char uuid_res[JACK_UUID_STRING_SIZE];
- int result = -1;
- fChannel->GetUUIDForClientName(GetClientControl()->fRefNum, client_name, uuid_res, &result);
- return (result) ? NULL : strdup(uuid_res);
- }
- char* JackClient::GetClientNameByUUID(const char* uuid)
- {
- char name_res[JACK_CLIENT_NAME_SIZE + 1];
- int result = -1;
- fChannel->GetClientNameForUUID(GetClientControl()->fRefNum, uuid, name_res, &result);
- return (result) ? NULL : strdup(name_res);
- }
- int JackClient::ReserveClientName(const char* client_name, const char* uuid)
- {
- int result = -1;
- fChannel->ReserveClientName( GetClientControl()->fRefNum, client_name, uuid, &result);
- return result;
- }
- int JackClient::ClientHasSessionCallback(const char* client_name)
- {
- int result = -1;
- fChannel->ClientHasSessionCallback(client_name, &result);
- return result;
- }
- //------------------
- // Metadata API
- //------------------
- int JackClient::PropertyChangeNotify(jack_uuid_t subject, const char* key, jack_property_change_t change)
- {
- int result = -1;
- fChannel->PropertyChangeNotify(subject, key, change, &result);
- return result;
- }
- } // end of namespace