- /*
- Copyright (C) 2008 Grame
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- */
- #ifdef __APPLE__
- #include <TargetConditionals.h>
- #endif
- #include "JackAudioAdapter.h"
- #include "JackLibSampleRateResampler.h"
- #endif
- #include "JackTime.h"
- #include "JackError.h"
- #include <stdio.h>
- namespace Jack
- {
- void MeasureTable::Write(int time1, int time2, float r1, float r2, int pos1, int pos2)
- {
- int pos = (++fCount) % TABLE_MAX;
- fTable[pos].time1 = time1;
- fTable[pos].time2 = time2;
- fTable[pos].r1 = r1;
- fTable[pos].r2 = r2;
- fTable[pos].pos1 = pos1;
- fTable[pos].pos2 = pos2;
- }
- void MeasureTable::Save(unsigned int fHostBufferSize, unsigned int fHostSampleRate, unsigned int fAdaptedSampleRate, unsigned int fAdaptedBufferSize)
- {
- FILE* file = fopen("JackAudioAdapter.log", "w");
- int max = (fCount) % TABLE_MAX - 1;
- for (int i = 1; i < max; i++) {
- fprintf(file, "%d \t %d \t %d \t %f \t %f \t %d \t %d \n",
- fTable[i].delta, fTable[i].time1, fTable[i].time2,
- fTable[i].r1, fTable[i].r2, fTable[i].pos1, fTable[i].pos2);
- }
- fclose(file);
- // No used for now
- // Adapter timing 1
- file = fopen("AdapterTiming1.plot", "w");
- fprintf(file, "set multiplot\n");
- fprintf(file, "set grid\n");
- fprintf(file, "set title \"Audio adapter timing: host [rate = %.1f kHz buffer = %d frames] adapter [rate = %.1f kHz buffer = %d frames] \"\n"
- ,float(fHostSampleRate)/1000.f, fHostBufferSize, float(fAdaptedSampleRate)/1000.f, fAdaptedBufferSize);
- fprintf(file, "set xlabel \"audio cycles\"\n");
- fprintf(file, "set ylabel \"frames\"\n");
- fprintf(file, "plot ");
- fprintf(file, "\"JackAudioAdapter.log\" using 2 title \"Ringbuffer error\" with lines,");
- fprintf(file, "\"JackAudioAdapter.log\" using 3 title \"Ringbuffer error with timing correction\" with lines");
- fprintf(file, "\n unset multiplot\n");
- fprintf(file, "set output 'AdapterTiming1.svg\n");
- fprintf(file, "set terminal svg\n");
- fprintf(file, "set multiplot\n");
- fprintf(file, "set grid\n");
- fprintf(file, "set title \"Audio adapter timing: host [rate = %.1f kHz buffer = %d frames] adapter [rate = %.1f kHz buffer = %d frames] \"\n"
- ,float(fHostSampleRate)/1000.f, fHostBufferSize, float(fAdaptedSampleRate)/1000.f, fAdaptedBufferSize);
- fprintf(file, "set xlabel \"audio cycles\"\n");
- fprintf(file, "set ylabel \"frames\"\n");
- fprintf(file, "plot ");
- fprintf(file, "\"JackAudioAdapter.log\" using 2 title \"Consumer interrupt period\" with lines,");
- fprintf(file, "\"JackAudioAdapter.log\" using 3 title \"Producer interrupt period\" with lines\n");
- fprintf(file, "unset multiplot\n");
- fprintf(file, "unset output\n");
- fclose(file);
- // Adapter timing 2
- file = fopen("AdapterTiming2.plot", "w");
- fprintf(file, "set multiplot\n");
- fprintf(file, "set grid\n");
- fprintf(file, "set title \"Audio adapter timing: host [rate = %.1f kHz buffer = %d frames] adapter [rate = %.1f kHz buffer = %d frames] \"\n"
- ,float(fHostSampleRate)/1000.f, fHostBufferSize, float(fAdaptedSampleRate)/1000.f, fAdaptedBufferSize);
- fprintf(file, "set xlabel \"audio cycles\"\n");
- fprintf(file, "set ylabel \"resampling ratio\"\n");
- fprintf(file, "plot ");
- fprintf(file, "\"JackAudioAdapter.log\" using 4 title \"Ratio 1\" with lines,");
- fprintf(file, "\"JackAudioAdapter.log\" using 5 title \"Ratio 2\" with lines");
- fprintf(file, "\n unset multiplot\n");
- fprintf(file, "set output 'AdapterTiming2.svg\n");
- fprintf(file, "set terminal svg\n");
- fprintf(file, "set multiplot\n");
- fprintf(file, "set grid\n");
- fprintf(file, "set title \"Audio adapter timing: host [rate = %.1f kHz buffer = %d frames] adapter [rate = %.1f kHz buffer = %d frames] \"\n"
- ,float(fHostSampleRate)/1000.f, fHostBufferSize, float(fAdaptedSampleRate)/1000.f, fAdaptedBufferSize);
- fprintf(file, "set xlabel \"audio cycles\"\n");
- fprintf(file, "set ylabel \"resampling ratio\"\n");
- fprintf(file, "plot ");
- fprintf(file, "\"JackAudioAdapter.log\" using 4 title \"Ratio 1\" with lines,");
- fprintf(file, "\"JackAudioAdapter.log\" using 5 title \"Ratio 2\" with lines\n");
- fprintf(file, "unset multiplot\n");
- fprintf(file, "unset output\n");
- fclose(file);
- // Adapter timing 3
- file = fopen("AdapterTiming3.plot", "w");
- fprintf(file, "set multiplot\n");
- fprintf(file, "set grid\n");
- fprintf(file, "set title \"Audio adapter timing: host [rate = %.1f kHz buffer = %d frames] adapter [rate = %.1f kHz buffer = %d frames] \"\n"
- ,float(fHostSampleRate)/1000.f, fHostBufferSize, float(fAdaptedSampleRate)/1000.f, fAdaptedBufferSize);
- fprintf(file, "set xlabel \"audio cycles\"\n");
- fprintf(file, "set ylabel \"frames\"\n");
- fprintf(file, "plot ");
- fprintf(file, "\"JackAudioAdapter.log\" using 6 title \"Frames position in consumer ringbuffer\" with lines,");
- fprintf(file, "\"JackAudioAdapter.log\" using 7 title \"Frames position in producer ringbuffer\" with lines");
- fprintf(file, "\n unset multiplot\n");
- fprintf(file, "set output 'AdapterTiming3.svg\n");
- fprintf(file, "set terminal svg\n");
- fprintf(file, "set multiplot\n");
- fprintf(file, "set grid\n");
- fprintf(file, "set title \"Audio adapter timing: host [rate = %.1f kHz buffer = %d frames] adapter [rate = %.1f kHz buffer = %d frames] \"\n"
- ,float(fHostSampleRate)/1000.f, fHostBufferSize, float(fAdaptedSampleRate)/1000.f, fAdaptedBufferSize);
- fprintf(file, "set xlabel \"audio cycles\"\n");
- fprintf(file, "set ylabel \"frames\"\n");
- fprintf(file, "plot ");
- fprintf(file, "\"JackAudioAdapter.log\" using 6 title \"Frames position in consumer ringbuffer\" with lines,");
- fprintf(file, "\"JackAudioAdapter.log\" using 7 title \"Frames position in producer ringbuffer\" with lines\n");
- fprintf(file, "unset multiplot\n");
- fprintf(file, "unset output\n");
- fclose(file);
- }
- #endif
- void JackAudioAdapterInterface::GrowRingBufferSize()
- {
- fRingbufferCurSize *= 2;
- }
- void JackAudioAdapterInterface::AdaptRingBufferSize()
- {
- if (fHostBufferSize > fAdaptedBufferSize) {
- fRingbufferCurSize = 4 * fHostBufferSize;
- } else {
- fRingbufferCurSize = 4 * fAdaptedBufferSize;
- }
- }
- void JackAudioAdapterInterface::ResetRingBuffers()
- {
- if (fRingbufferCurSize > DEFAULT_RB_SIZE) {
- fRingbufferCurSize = DEFAULT_RB_SIZE;
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < fCaptureChannels; i++) {
- fCaptureRingBuffer[i]->Reset(fRingbufferCurSize);
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < fPlaybackChannels; i++) {
- fPlaybackRingBuffer[i]->Reset(fRingbufferCurSize);
- }
- }
- void JackAudioAdapterInterface::Reset()
- {
- ResetRingBuffers();
- fRunning = false;
- }
- void JackAudioAdapterInterface::Create()
- {}
- #else
- void JackAudioAdapterInterface::Create()
- {
- //ringbuffers
- fCaptureRingBuffer = new JackResampler*[fCaptureChannels];
- fPlaybackRingBuffer = new JackResampler*[fPlaybackChannels];
- if (fAdaptative) {
- AdaptRingBufferSize();
- jack_info("Ringbuffer automatic adaptative mode size = %d frames", fRingbufferCurSize);
- } else {
- if (fRingbufferCurSize > DEFAULT_RB_SIZE) {
- fRingbufferCurSize = DEFAULT_RB_SIZE;
- }
- jack_info("Fixed ringbuffer size = %d frames", fRingbufferCurSize);
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < fCaptureChannels; i++ ) {
- fCaptureRingBuffer[i] = new JackLibSampleRateResampler(fQuality);
- fCaptureRingBuffer[i]->Reset(fRingbufferCurSize);
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < fPlaybackChannels; i++ ) {
- fPlaybackRingBuffer[i] = new JackLibSampleRateResampler(fQuality);
- fPlaybackRingBuffer[i]->Reset(fRingbufferCurSize);
- }
- if (fCaptureChannels > 0) {
- jack_log("ReadSpace = %ld", fCaptureRingBuffer[0]->ReadSpace());
- }
- if (fPlaybackChannels > 0) {
- jack_log("WriteSpace = %ld", fPlaybackRingBuffer[0]->WriteSpace());
- }
- }
- #endif
- void JackAudioAdapterInterface::Destroy()
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < fCaptureChannels; i++) {
- delete(fCaptureRingBuffer[i]);
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < fPlaybackChannels; i++) {
- delete (fPlaybackRingBuffer[i]);
- }
- delete[] fCaptureRingBuffer;
- delete[] fPlaybackRingBuffer;
- }
- int JackAudioAdapterInterface::PushAndPull(float** inputBuffer, float** outputBuffer, unsigned int frames)
- {
- bool failure = false;
- fRunning = true;
- // Finer estimation of the position in the ringbuffer
- int delta_frames = (fPullAndPushTime > 0) ? (int)((float(long(GetMicroSeconds() - fPullAndPushTime)) * float(fAdaptedSampleRate)) / 1000000.f) : 0;
- double ratio = 1;
- // TODO : done like this just to avoid crash when input only or output only...
- if (fCaptureChannels > 0) {
- ratio = fPIControler.GetRatio(fCaptureRingBuffer[0]->GetError() - delta_frames);
- } else if (fPlaybackChannels > 0) {
- ratio = fPIControler.GetRatio(fPlaybackRingBuffer[0]->GetError() - delta_frames);
- }
- if (fCaptureRingBuffer && fCaptureRingBuffer[0] != NULL)
- fTable.Write(fCaptureRingBuffer[0]->GetError(), fCaptureRingBuffer[0]->GetError() - delta_frames, ratio, 1/ratio, fCaptureRingBuffer[0]->ReadSpace(), fCaptureRingBuffer[0]->ReadSpace());
- #endif
- // Push/pull from ringbuffer
- for (int i = 0; i < fCaptureChannels; i++) {
- fCaptureRingBuffer[i]->SetRatio(ratio);
- if (inputBuffer[i]) {
- if (fCaptureRingBuffer[i]->WriteResample(inputBuffer[i], frames) < frames) {
- failure = true;
- }
- }
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < fPlaybackChannels; i++) {
- fPlaybackRingBuffer[i]->SetRatio(1/ratio);
- if (outputBuffer[i]) {
- if (fPlaybackRingBuffer[i]->ReadResample(outputBuffer[i], frames) < frames) {
- failure = true;
- }
- }
- }
- // Reset all ringbuffers in case of failure
- if (failure) {
- jack_error("JackAudioAdapterInterface::PushAndPull ringbuffer failure... reset");
- if (fAdaptative) {
- GrowRingBufferSize();
- jack_info("Ringbuffer size = %d frames", fRingbufferCurSize);
- }
- ResetRingBuffers();
- return -1;
- } else {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- int JackAudioAdapterInterface::PullAndPush(float** inputBuffer, float** outputBuffer, unsigned int frames)
- {
- fPullAndPushTime = GetMicroSeconds();
- if (!fRunning) {
- return 0;
- }
- int res = 0;
- // Push/pull from ringbuffer
- for (int i = 0; i < fCaptureChannels; i++) {
- if (inputBuffer[i]) {
- if (fCaptureRingBuffer[i]->Read(inputBuffer[i], frames) < frames) {
- res = -1;
- }
- }
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < fPlaybackChannels; i++) {
- if (outputBuffer[i]) {
- if (fPlaybackRingBuffer[i]->Write(outputBuffer[i], frames) < frames) {
- res = -1;
- }
- }
- }
- return res;
- }
- int JackAudioAdapterInterface::SetHostBufferSize(jack_nframes_t buffer_size)
- {
- fHostBufferSize = buffer_size;
- if (fAdaptative) {
- AdaptRingBufferSize();
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int JackAudioAdapterInterface::SetAdaptedBufferSize(jack_nframes_t buffer_size)
- {
- fAdaptedBufferSize = buffer_size;
- if (fAdaptative) {
- AdaptRingBufferSize();
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int JackAudioAdapterInterface::SetBufferSize(jack_nframes_t buffer_size)
- {
- SetHostBufferSize(buffer_size);
- SetAdaptedBufferSize(buffer_size);
- return 0;
- }
- int JackAudioAdapterInterface::SetHostSampleRate(jack_nframes_t sample_rate)
- {
- fHostSampleRate = sample_rate;
- fPIControler.Init(double(fHostSampleRate) / double(fAdaptedSampleRate));
- return 0;
- }
- int JackAudioAdapterInterface::SetAdaptedSampleRate(jack_nframes_t sample_rate)
- {
- fAdaptedSampleRate = sample_rate;
- fPIControler.Init(double(fHostSampleRate) / double(fAdaptedSampleRate));
- return 0;
- }
- int JackAudioAdapterInterface::SetSampleRate(jack_nframes_t sample_rate)
- {
- SetHostSampleRate(sample_rate);
- SetAdaptedSampleRate(sample_rate);
- return 0;
- }
- void JackAudioAdapterInterface::SetInputs(int inputs)
- {
- jack_log("JackAudioAdapterInterface::SetInputs %d", inputs);
- fCaptureChannels = inputs;
- }
- void JackAudioAdapterInterface::SetOutputs(int outputs)
- {
- jack_log("JackAudioAdapterInterface::SetOutputs %d", outputs);
- fPlaybackChannels = outputs;
- }
- int JackAudioAdapterInterface::GetInputs()
- {
- //jack_log("JackAudioAdapterInterface::GetInputs %d", fCaptureChannels);
- return fCaptureChannels;
- }
- int JackAudioAdapterInterface::GetOutputs()
- {
- //jack_log ("JackAudioAdapterInterface::GetOutputs %d", fPlaybackChannels);
- return fPlaybackChannels;
- }
- } // namespace