- /* -*- mode: c; c-file-style: "bsd"; -*- */
- /*
- Internal shared data and functions.
- If you edit this file, you should carefully consider changing the
- JACK_PROTOCOL_VERSION in configure.in.
- Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Paul Davis
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- */
- #ifndef __jack_internal_h__
- #define __jack_internal_h__
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <limits.h>
- #include <dlfcn.h>
- #include <pthread.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <sys/time.h>
- /* Needed by <sysdeps/time.h> */
- extern void jack_error(const char *fmt, ...);
- extern void jack_info(const char *fmt, ...);
- #include <jack/jack.h>
- #include <jack/types.h>
- #include <jack/transport.h>
- #include <jack/session.h>
- #include <jack/thread.h>
- #include <jack/metadata.h>
- #include "port.h"
- extern jack_thread_creator_t jack_thread_creator;
- typedef enum {
- } jack_timer_type_t;
- void jack_init_time();
- void jack_set_clock_source (jack_timer_type_t);
- const char* jack_clock_source_name (jack_timer_type_t);
- #include <sysdeps/time.h>
- #include "atomicity.h"
- #include <sysdeps/mach_port.h>
- #endif
- #include "messagebuffer.h"
- #ifndef PATH_MAX
- #else
- #define PATH_MAX 1024
- #endif /* MAXPATHLEN */
- #endif /* !PATH_MAX */
- /* grab thread id instead of PID on linux */
- #if defined(__gnu_linux__)
- #ifdef gettid /* glibc has a version */
- #define GETTID() gettid ()
- #else /* use our own version */
- #include <sys/syscall.h>
- #define GETTID() syscall (__NR_gettid)
- #endif
- #else
- #define GETTID() getpid ()
- #endif
- #define DEBUG(format, args ...) \
- MESSAGE ("jack:%5d:%" PRIu64 " %s:%s:%d: " format "", GETTID (), jack_get_microseconds (), __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ## args)
- #else
- #define DEBUG(format ...)
- #else
- #define DEBUG(format, args ...)
- #endif
- #endif
- /* Enable preemption checking for Linux Realtime Preemption kernels.
- *
- * This checks if any RT-safe code section does anything to cause CPU
- * preemption. Examples are sleep() or other system calls that block.
- * If a problem is detected, the kernel writes a syslog entry, and
- * sends SIGUSR2 to the client.
- */
- #define CHECK_PREEMPTION(engine, onoff) \
- if ((engine)->real_time) gettimeofday (1, (onoff))
- #else
- #define CHECK_PREEMPTION(engine, onoff)
- #endif
- #ifndef FALSE
- #define FALSE (0)
- #endif
- #ifndef TRUE
- #define TRUE (1)
- #endif
- typedef struct _jack_engine jack_engine_t;
- typedef struct _jack_request jack_request_t;
- typedef void * dlhandle;
- typedef enum {
- TransportCommandNone = 0,
- TransportCommandStart = 1,
- TransportCommandStop = 2,
- } transport_command_t;
- typedef struct {
- volatile uint32_t guard1;
- volatile jack_nframes_t frames;
- volatile jack_time_t current_wakeup;
- volatile jack_time_t next_wakeup;
- volatile float period_usecs;
- volatile int32_t initialized;
- volatile uint32_t guard2;
- /* not accessed by clients */
- int32_t reset_pending; /* xrun happened, deal with it */
- float filter_omega; /* set once, never altered */
- } POST_PACKED_STRUCTURE jack_frame_timer_t;
- /* JACK engine shared memory data structure. */
- typedef struct {
- jack_transport_state_t transport_state;
- volatile transport_command_t transport_cmd;
- transport_command_t previous_cmd; /* previous transport_cmd */
- jack_position_t current_time; /* position for current cycle */
- jack_position_t pending_time; /* position for next cycle */
- jack_position_t request_time; /* latest requested position */
- jack_unique_t prev_request; /* previous request unique ID */
- volatile _Atomic_word seq_number; /* unique ID sequence number */
- int8_t new_pos; /* new position this cycle */
- int8_t pending_pos; /* new position request pending */
- jack_nframes_t pending_frame; /* pending frame number */
- int32_t sync_clients; /* number of active_slowsync clients */
- int32_t sync_remain; /* number of them with sync_poll */
- jack_time_t sync_timeout;
- jack_time_t sync_time_left;
- jack_frame_timer_t frame_timer;
- int32_t internal;
- jack_timer_type_t clock_source;
- pid_t engine_pid;
- jack_nframes_t buffer_size;
- int8_t real_time;
- int8_t do_mlock;
- int8_t do_munlock;
- int32_t client_priority;
- int32_t max_client_priority;
- int32_t has_capabilities;
- float cpu_load;
- float xrun_delayed_usecs;
- float max_delayed_usecs;
- uint32_t port_max;
- int32_t engine_ok;
- jack_port_type_id_t n_port_types;
- jack_port_type_info_t port_types[JACK_MAX_PORT_TYPES];
- jack_port_shared_t ports[0];
- } POST_PACKED_STRUCTURE jack_control_t;
- typedef enum {
- BufferSizeChange,
- SampleRateChange,
- AttachPortSegment,
- PortConnected,
- PortDisconnected,
- GraphReordered,
- PortRegistered,
- PortUnregistered,
- XRun,
- StartFreewheel,
- StopFreewheel,
- ClientRegistered,
- ClientUnregistered,
- SaveSession,
- LatencyCallback,
- PropertyChange,
- PortRename
- } JackEventType;
- const char* jack_event_type_name (JackEventType);
- typedef struct {
- JackEventType type;
- union {
- uint32_t n;
- char name[JACK_PORT_NAME_SIZE];
- jack_port_id_t port_id;
- jack_port_id_t self_id;
- jack_uuid_t uuid;
- } x;
- union {
- uint32_t n;
- jack_port_type_id_t ptid;
- jack_port_id_t other_id;
- uint32_t key_size; /* key data will follow the event structure */
- } y;
- union {
- char other_name[JACK_PORT_NAME_SIZE];
- jack_property_change_t property_change;
- } z;
- } POST_PACKED_STRUCTURE jack_event_t;
- typedef enum {
- ClientInternal, /* connect request just names .so */
- ClientDriver, /* code is loaded along with driver */
- ClientExternal /* client is in another process */
- } ClientType;
- typedef enum {
- NotTriggered,
- Triggered,
- Running,
- Finished
- } jack_client_state_t;
- /* JACK client shared memory data structure. */
- typedef volatile struct {
- jack_uuid_t uuid; /* w: engine r: engine and client */
- volatile jack_client_state_t state; /* w: engine and client r: engine */
- volatile char name[JACK_CLIENT_NAME_SIZE];
- volatile char session_command[JACK_PORT_NAME_SIZE];
- volatile jack_session_flags_t session_flags;
- volatile ClientType type; /* w: engine r: engine and client */
- volatile int8_t active; /* w: engine r: engine and client */
- volatile int8_t dead; /* r/w: engine */
- volatile int8_t timed_out; /* r/w: engine */
- volatile int8_t is_timebase; /* w: engine, r: engine and client */
- volatile int8_t timebase_new; /* w: engine and client, r: engine */
- volatile int8_t is_slowsync; /* w: engine, r: engine and client */
- volatile int8_t active_slowsync; /* w: engine, r: engine and client */
- volatile int8_t sync_poll; /* w: engine and client, r: engine */
- volatile int8_t sync_new; /* w: engine and client, r: engine */
- volatile pid_t pid; /* w: client r: engine; client pid */
- volatile pid_t pgrp; /* w: client r: engine; client pgrp */
- volatile uint64_t signalled_at;
- volatile uint64_t awake_at;
- volatile uint64_t finished_at;
- volatile int32_t last_status; /* w: client, r: engine and client */
- /* indicators for whether callbacks have been set for this client.
- We do not include ptrs to the callbacks here (or their arguments)
- so that we can avoid 32/64 bit pointer size mismatches between
- the jack server and a client. The pointers are in the client-
- local structure which is part of the libjack compiled for
- either 32 bit or 64 bit clients.
- */
- volatile uint8_t process_cbset;
- volatile uint8_t thread_init_cbset;
- volatile uint8_t bufsize_cbset;
- volatile uint8_t srate_cbset;
- volatile uint8_t port_register_cbset;
- volatile uint8_t port_connect_cbset;
- volatile uint8_t graph_order_cbset;
- volatile uint8_t xrun_cbset;
- volatile uint8_t sync_cb_cbset;
- volatile uint8_t timebase_cb_cbset;
- volatile uint8_t freewheel_cb_cbset;
- volatile uint8_t client_register_cbset;
- volatile uint8_t thread_cb_cbset;
- volatile uint8_t session_cbset;
- volatile uint8_t latency_cbset;
- volatile uint8_t property_cbset;
- volatile uint8_t port_rename_cbset;
- } POST_PACKED_STRUCTURE jack_client_control_t;
- typedef struct {
- uint32_t protocol_v; /* protocol version, must go first */
- int32_t load;
- ClientType type;
- jack_options_t options;
- jack_uuid_t uuid;
- char object_path[PATH_MAX + 1];
- char object_data[1024];
- } POST_PACKED_STRUCTURE jack_client_connect_request_t;
- typedef struct {
- jack_status_t status;
- jack_shm_registry_index_t client_shm_index;
- jack_shm_registry_index_t engine_shm_index;
- char fifo_prefix[PATH_MAX + 1];
- int32_t realtime;
- int32_t realtime_priority;
- char name[JACK_CLIENT_NAME_SIZE]; /* unique name, if assigned */
- /* these are actually pointers, but they must
- be the same size regardless of whether the
- server and/or client are 64 bit or 32 bit.
- force them to be 64 bit.
- */
- uint64_t client_control;
- uint64_t engine_control;
- /* specific resources for server/client real-time thread communication */
- int32_t portnum;
- #endif
- } POST_PACKED_STRUCTURE jack_client_connect_result_t;
- typedef struct {
- jack_uuid_t client_id;
- } POST_PACKED_STRUCTURE jack_client_connect_ack_request_t;
- typedef struct {
- int8_t status;
- } POST_PACKED_STRUCTURE jack_client_connect_ack_result_t;
- typedef enum {
- RegisterPort = 1,
- UnRegisterPort = 2,
- ConnectPorts = 3,
- DisconnectPorts = 4,
- SetTimeBaseClient = 5,
- ActivateClient = 6,
- DeactivateClient = 7,
- DisconnectPort = 8,
- SetClientCapabilities = 9,
- GetPortConnections = 10,
- GetPortNConnections = 11,
- ResetTimeBaseClient = 12,
- SetSyncClient = 13,
- ResetSyncClient = 14,
- SetSyncTimeout = 15,
- SetBufferSize = 16,
- FreeWheel = 17,
- StopFreeWheel = 18,
- IntClientHandle = 19,
- IntClientLoad = 20,
- IntClientName = 21,
- IntClientUnload = 22,
- RecomputeTotalLatencies = 23,
- RecomputeTotalLatency = 24,
- SessionNotify = 25,
- GetClientByUUID = 26,
- GetUUIDByClientName = 27,
- ReserveName = 30,
- SessionReply = 31,
- SessionHasCallback = 32,
- PropertyChangeNotify = 33,
- PortNameChanged = 34
- } RequestType;
- struct _jack_request {
- //RequestType type;
- uint32_t type;
- union {
- struct {
- char name[JACK_PORT_NAME_SIZE];
- char type[JACK_PORT_TYPE_SIZE];
- uint32_t flags;
- jack_shmsize_t buffer_size;
- jack_port_id_t port_id;
- jack_uuid_t client_id;
- struct {
- char source_port[JACK_PORT_NAME_SIZE];
- char destination_port[JACK_PORT_NAME_SIZE];
- struct {
- char path[JACK_PORT_NAME_SIZE];
- jack_session_event_type_t type;
- char target[JACK_CLIENT_NAME_SIZE];
- struct {
- int32_t nports;
- const char **ports; /* this is only exposed to internal clients, so there
- is no 64/32 issue. external clients read the ports
- one by one from the server, and allocate their
- own "ports" array in their own address space.
- we are lucky, because this is part of a union
- whose other components are bigger than this one.
- otherwise it would change structure size when
- comparing the 64 and 32 bit versions.
- */
- } POST_PACKED_STRUCTURE port_connections;
- struct {
- jack_uuid_t client_id;
- int32_t conditional;
- struct {
- jack_uuid_t uuid;
- } POST_PACKED_STRUCTURE reservename;
- struct {
- //jack_options_t options;
- uint32_t options;
- jack_uuid_t uuid;
- char path[PATH_MAX + 1];
- char init[JACK_LOAD_INIT_LIMIT];
- struct {
- jack_property_change_t change;
- jack_uuid_t uuid;
- size_t keylen;
- const char* key; /* not delivered inline to server, see oop_client_deliver_request() */
- jack_uuid_t client_id;
- jack_nframes_t nframes;
- jack_time_t timeout;
- pid_t cap_pid;
- int32_t status;
- /* Per-client structure allocated in the server's address space.
- * It's here because its not part of the engine structure.
- */
- typedef struct _jack_client_internal {
- jack_client_control_t *control;
- int request_fd;
- int event_fd;
- int subgraph_start_fd;
- int subgraph_wait_fd;
- JSList *ports; /* protected by engine->client_lock */
- JSList *truefeeds; /* protected by engine->client_lock */
- JSList *sortfeeds; /* protected by engine->client_lock */
- int fedcount;
- int tfedcount;
- jack_shm_info_t control_shm;
- unsigned long execution_order;
- struct _jack_client_internal *next_client; /* not a linked list! */
- dlhandle handle;
- int (*initialize)(jack_client_t*, const char*); /* int. clients only */
- void (*finish)(void *); /* internal clients only */
- int error;
- int session_reply_pending;
- /* specific resources for server/client real-time thread communication */
- mach_port_t serverport;
- trivial_message message;
- int running;
- int portnum;
- #endif /* JACK_USE_MACH_THREADS */
- jack_client_t *private_client;
- } jack_client_internal_t;
- typedef struct _jack_thread_arg {
- jack_client_t* client;
- void* (*work_function)(void*);
- int priority;
- int realtime;
- void* arg;
- pid_t cap_pid;
- } jack_thread_arg_t;
- extern int jack_client_handle_port_connection(jack_client_t *client,
- jack_event_t *event);
- extern jack_client_t *jack_driver_client_new(jack_engine_t *,
- const char *client_name);
- extern jack_client_t *jack_client_alloc_internal(jack_client_control_t*,
- jack_engine_t*);
- /* internal clients call this. it's defined in jack/engine.c */
- void handle_internal_client_request(jack_control_t*, jack_request_t*);
- extern const char *jack_get_tmpdir(void);
- extern char *jack_user_dir(void);
- extern char *jack_server_dir(const char *server_name, char *server_dir);
- extern void *jack_zero_filled_buffer;
- extern jack_port_functions_t jack_builtin_audio_functions;
- extern jack_port_type_info_t jack_builtin_port_types[];
- extern void jack_client_fix_port_buffers(jack_client_t *client);
- extern void jack_transport_copy_position(jack_position_t *from,
- jack_position_t *to);
- extern void jack_call_sync_client(jack_client_t *client);
- extern void jack_call_timebase_master(jack_client_t *client);
- extern char *jack_default_server_name(void);
- void silent_jack_error_callback(const char *desc);
- /* needed for port management */
- extern jack_port_t *jack_port_by_id_int(const jack_client_t *client,
- jack_port_id_t id, int* free);
- extern jack_port_t *jack_port_by_name_int(jack_client_t *client,
- const char *port_name, int* free);
- extern int jack_port_name_equals(jack_port_shared_t* port, const char* target);
- /** Get the size (in bytes) of the data structure used to store
- * MIDI events internally.
- */
- extern size_t jack_midi_internal_event_size();
- extern int jack_client_handle_latency_callback(jack_client_t *client, jack_event_t *event, int is_driver);
- #ifdef __GNUC__
- # define likely(x) __builtin_expect ((x), 1)
- # define unlikely(x) __builtin_expect ((x), 0)
- #else
- # define likely(x) (x)
- # define unlikely(x) (x)
- #endif
- #include <string.h>
- #define VALGRIND_MEMSET(ptr, val, size) memset ((ptr), (val), (size))
- #else
- #define VALGRIND_MEMSET(ptr, val, size)
- #endif
- #endif /* __jack_internal_h__ */