- /*
- ==============================================================================
- This file is part of the Water library.
- Copyright (c) 2016 ROLI Ltd.
- Copyright (C) 2017-2019 Filipe Coelho <falktx@falktx.com>
- Permission is granted to use this software under the terms of the ISC license
- http://www.isc.org/downloads/software-support-policy/isc-license/
- Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
- purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
- copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
- ==============================================================================
- */
- #include "../containers/ArrayAllocationBase.h"
- #include "../containers/ElementComparator.h"
- namespace water {
- //==============================================================================
- /**
- Holds a resizable array of primitive or copy-by-value objects.
- Examples of arrays are: Array<int>, Array<Rectangle> or Array<MyClass*>
- The Array class can be used to hold simple, non-polymorphic objects as well as primitive types - to
- do so, the class must fulfil these requirements:
- - it must have a copy constructor and assignment operator
- - it must be able to be relocated in memory by a memcpy without this causing any problems - so
- objects whose functionality relies on external pointers or references to themselves can not be used.
- You can of course have an array of pointers to any kind of object, e.g. Array<MyClass*>, but if
- you do this, the array doesn't take any ownership of the objects - see the OwnedArray class or the
- ReferenceCountedArray class for more powerful ways of holding lists of objects.
- For holding lists of strings, you can use Array\<String\>, but it's usually better to use the
- specialised class StringArray, which provides more useful functions.
- @see OwnedArray, ReferenceCountedArray, StringArray, CriticalSection
- */
- template <typename ElementType, size_t minimumAllocatedSize = 0>
- class Array
- {
- private:
- typedef PARAMETER_TYPE (ElementType) ParameterType;
- public:
- //==============================================================================
- /** Creates an empty array. */
- Array() noexcept
- : data(),
- numUsed(0)
- {
- }
- /** Creates a copy of another array.
- @param other the array to copy
- */
- Array (const Array<ElementType>& other) noexcept
- : data(),
- numUsed(0)
- {
- CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(data.setAllocatedSize (other.numUsed),);
- numUsed = other.numUsed;
- for (int i = 0; i < numUsed; ++i)
- new (data.elements + i) ElementType (other.data.elements[i]);
- }
- Array (Array<ElementType>&& other) noexcept
- : data (static_cast<ArrayAllocationBase<ElementType>&&> (other.data)),
- numUsed (other.numUsed)
- {
- other.numUsed = 0;
- }
- #endif
- /** Initalises from a null-terminated C array of values.
- @param values the array to copy from
- */
- template <typename TypeToCreateFrom>
- explicit Array (const TypeToCreateFrom* values) noexcept : numUsed (0)
- {
- while (*values != TypeToCreateFrom())
- {
- CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_BREAK(add (*values++));
- }
- }
- /** Initalises from a C array of values.
- @param values the array to copy from
- @param numValues the number of values in the array
- */
- template <typename TypeToCreateFrom>
- Array (const TypeToCreateFrom* values, int numValues) noexcept : numUsed (numValues)
- {
- CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(data.setAllocatedSize (numValues),);
- for (int i = 0; i < numValues; ++i)
- new (data.elements + i) ElementType (values[i]);
- }
- /** Destructor. */
- ~Array() noexcept
- {
- deleteAllElements();
- }
- /** Copies another array.
- @param other the array to copy
- */
- Array& operator= (const Array& other) noexcept
- {
- if (this != &other)
- {
- Array<ElementType> otherCopy (other);
- swapWith (otherCopy);
- }
- return *this;
- }
- Array& operator= (Array&& other) noexcept
- {
- deleteAllElements();
- data = static_cast<ArrayAllocationBase<ElementType>&&> (other.data);
- numUsed = other.numUsed;
- other.numUsed = 0;
- return *this;
- }
- #endif
- //==============================================================================
- /** Compares this array to another one.
- Two arrays are considered equal if they both contain the same set of
- elements, in the same order.
- @param other the other array to compare with
- */
- template <class OtherArrayType>
- bool operator== (const OtherArrayType& other) const
- {
- if (numUsed != other.numUsed)
- return false;
- for (int i = numUsed; --i >= 0;)
- if (! (data.elements [i] == other.data.elements [i]))
- return false;
- return true;
- }
- /** Compares this array to another one.
- Two arrays are considered equal if they both contain the same set of
- elements, in the same order.
- @param other the other array to compare with
- */
- template <class OtherArrayType>
- bool operator!= (const OtherArrayType& other) const
- {
- return ! operator== (other);
- }
- //==============================================================================
- /** Removes all elements from the array.
- This will remove all the elements, and free any storage that the array is
- using. To clear the array without freeing the storage, use the clearQuick()
- method instead.
- @see clearQuick
- */
- void clear() noexcept
- {
- deleteAllElements();
- data.setAllocatedSize (0);
- numUsed = 0;
- }
- /** Removes all elements from the array without freeing the array's allocated storage.
- @see clear
- */
- void clearQuick() noexcept
- {
- deleteAllElements();
- numUsed = 0;
- }
- //==============================================================================
- /** Returns the current number of elements in the array. */
- inline int size() const noexcept
- {
- return numUsed;
- }
- /** Returns true if the array is empty, false otherwise. */
- inline bool isEmpty() const noexcept
- {
- return size() == 0;
- }
- /** Returns one of the elements in the array.
- If the index passed in is beyond the range of valid elements, this
- will return a default value.
- If you're certain that the index will always be a valid element, you
- can call getUnchecked() instead, which is faster.
- @param index the index of the element being requested (0 is the first element in the array)
- @see getUnchecked, getFirst, getLast
- */
- ElementType operator[] (const int index) const
- {
- if (isPositiveAndBelow (index, numUsed))
- {
- wassert (data.elements != nullptr);
- return data.elements [index];
- }
- return ElementType();
- }
- /** Returns one of the elements in the array, without checking the index passed in.
- Unlike the operator[] method, this will try to return an element without
- checking that the index is within the bounds of the array, so should only
- be used when you're confident that it will always be a valid index.
- @param index the index of the element being requested (0 is the first element in the array)
- @see operator[], getFirst, getLast
- */
- inline ElementType getUnchecked (const int index) const
- {
- wassert (isPositiveAndBelow (index, numUsed) && data.elements != nullptr);
- return data.elements [index];
- }
- /** Returns a direct reference to one of the elements in the array, without checking the index passed in.
- This is like getUnchecked, but returns a direct reference to the element, so that
- you can alter it directly. Obviously this can be dangerous, so only use it when
- absolutely necessary.
- @param index the index of the element being requested (0 is the first element in the array)
- @see operator[], getFirst, getLast
- */
- inline ElementType& getReference (const int index) const noexcept
- {
- wassert (isPositiveAndBelow (index, numUsed) && data.elements != nullptr);
- return data.elements [index];
- }
- /** Returns the first element in the array, or a default value if the array is empty.
- @see operator[], getUnchecked, getLast
- */
- inline ElementType getFirst() const
- {
- if (numUsed > 0)
- {
- wassert (data.elements != nullptr);
- return data.elements[0];
- }
- return ElementType();
- }
- /** Returns the last element in the array, or a default value if the array is empty.
- @see operator[], getUnchecked, getFirst
- */
- inline ElementType getLast() const
- {
- if (numUsed > 0)
- {
- wassert (data.elements != nullptr);
- return data.elements[numUsed - 1];
- }
- return ElementType();
- }
- /** Returns a pointer to the actual array data.
- This pointer will only be valid until the next time a non-const method
- is called on the array.
- */
- inline ElementType* getRawDataPointer() noexcept
- {
- return data.elements;
- }
- //==============================================================================
- /** Returns a pointer to the first element in the array.
- This method is provided for compatibility with standard C++ iteration mechanisms.
- */
- inline ElementType* begin() const noexcept
- {
- return data.elements;
- }
- /** Returns a pointer to the element which follows the last element in the array.
- This method is provided for compatibility with standard C++ iteration mechanisms.
- */
- inline ElementType* end() const noexcept
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if (data.elements == nullptr || numUsed <= 0) // (to keep static analysers happy)
- return data.elements;
- #endif
- return data.elements + numUsed;
- }
- //==============================================================================
- /** Finds the index of the first element which matches the value passed in.
- This will search the array for the given object, and return the index
- of its first occurrence. If the object isn't found, the method will return -1.
- @param elementToLookFor the value or object to look for
- @returns the index of the object, or -1 if it's not found
- */
- int indexOf (ParameterType elementToLookFor) const
- {
- const ElementType* e = data.elements.getData();
- const ElementType* const end_ = e + numUsed;
- for (; e != end_; ++e)
- if (elementToLookFor == *e)
- return static_cast<int> (e - data.elements.getData());
- return -1;
- }
- /** Returns true if the array contains at least one occurrence of an object.
- @param elementToLookFor the value or object to look for
- @returns true if the item is found
- */
- bool contains (ParameterType elementToLookFor) const
- {
- const ElementType* e = data.elements.getData();
- const ElementType* const end_ = e + numUsed;
- for (; e != end_; ++e)
- if (elementToLookFor == *e)
- return true;
- return false;
- }
- //==============================================================================
- /** Appends a new element at the end of the array.
- @param newElement the new object to add to the array
- @see set, insert, addIfNotAlreadyThere, addSorted, addUsingDefaultSort, addArray
- */
- bool add (const ElementType& newElement) noexcept
- {
- if (! data.ensureAllocatedSize (static_cast<size_t>(numUsed + 1)))
- return false;
- new (data.elements + numUsed++) ElementType (newElement);
- return true;
- }
- /** Appends a new element at the end of the array.
- @param newElement the new object to add to the array
- @see set, insert, addIfNotAlreadyThere, addSorted, addUsingDefaultSort, addArray
- */
- bool add (ElementType&& newElement) noexcept
- {
- if (! data.ensureAllocatedSize (static_cast<size_t>(numUsed + 1)))
- return false;
- new (data.elements + numUsed++) ElementType (static_cast<ElementType&&> (newElement));
- return true;
- }
- #endif
- /** Inserts a new element into the array at a given position.
- If the index is less than 0 or greater than the size of the array, the
- element will be added to the end of the array.
- Otherwise, it will be inserted into the array, moving all the later elements
- along to make room.
- @param indexToInsertAt the index at which the new element should be
- inserted (pass in -1 to add it to the end)
- @param newElement the new object to add to the array
- @see add, addSorted, addUsingDefaultSort, set
- */
- bool insert (int indexToInsertAt, ParameterType newElement) noexcept
- {
- if (! data.ensureAllocatedSize (numUsed + 1))
- return false;
- if (isPositiveAndBelow (indexToInsertAt, numUsed))
- {
- ElementType* const insertPos = data.elements + indexToInsertAt;
- const int numberToMove = numUsed - indexToInsertAt;
- if (numberToMove > 0)
- data.moveMemory (insertPos + 1, insertPos, numberToMove);
- new (insertPos) ElementType (newElement);
- ++numUsed;
- }
- else
- {
- new (data.elements + numUsed++) ElementType (newElement);
- }
- return true;
- }
- /** Inserts multiple copies of an element into the array at a given position.
- If the index is less than 0 or greater than the size of the array, the
- element will be added to the end of the array.
- Otherwise, it will be inserted into the array, moving all the later elements
- along to make room.
- @param indexToInsertAt the index at which the new element should be inserted
- @param newElement the new object to add to the array
- @param numberOfTimesToInsertIt how many copies of the value to insert
- @see insert, add, addSorted, set
- */
- bool insertMultiple (int indexToInsertAt, ParameterType newElement,
- int numberOfTimesToInsertIt)
- {
- if (numberOfTimesToInsertIt > 0)
- {
- if (! data.ensureAllocatedSize (numUsed + numberOfTimesToInsertIt))
- return false;
- ElementType* insertPos;
- if (isPositiveAndBelow (indexToInsertAt, numUsed))
- {
- insertPos = data.elements + indexToInsertAt;
- const int numberToMove = numUsed - indexToInsertAt;
- data.moveMemory (insertPos + numberOfTimesToInsertIt, insertPos, numberToMove);
- }
- else
- {
- insertPos = data.elements + numUsed;
- }
- numUsed += numberOfTimesToInsertIt;
- while (--numberOfTimesToInsertIt >= 0)
- {
- new (insertPos) ElementType (newElement);
- ++insertPos; // NB: this increment is done separately from the
- // new statement to avoid a compiler bug in VS2014
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- #if 0
- /** Inserts an array of values into this array at a given position.
- If the index is less than 0 or greater than the size of the array, the
- new elements will be added to the end of the array.
- Otherwise, they will be inserted into the array, moving all the later elements
- along to make room.
- @param indexToInsertAt the index at which the first new element should be inserted
- @param newElements the new values to add to the array
- @param numberOfElements how many items are in the array
- @see insert, add, addSorted, set
- */
- bool insertArray (int indexToInsertAt,
- const ElementType* newElements,
- int numberOfElements)
- {
- if (numberOfElements > 0)
- {
- if (! data.ensureAllocatedSize (numUsed + numberOfElements))
- return false;
- ElementType* insertPos = data.elements;
- if (isPositiveAndBelow (indexToInsertAt, numUsed))
- {
- insertPos += indexToInsertAt;
- const int numberToMove = numUsed - indexToInsertAt;
- std::memmove (insertPos + numberOfElements, insertPos, (size_t) numberToMove * sizeof (ElementType));
- }
- else
- {
- insertPos += numUsed;
- }
- numUsed += numberOfElements;
- while (--numberOfElements >= 0)
- new (insertPos++) ElementType (*newElements++);
- }
- return true;
- }
- #endif
- /** Appends a new element at the end of the array as long as the array doesn't
- already contain it.
- If the array already contains an element that matches the one passed in, nothing
- will be done.
- @param newElement the new object to add to the array
- @return true if the element was added to the array; false otherwise.
- */
- bool addIfNotAlreadyThere (ParameterType newElement)
- {
- if (contains (newElement))
- return false;
- return add (newElement);
- }
- /** Replaces an element with a new value.
- If the index is less than zero, this method does nothing.
- If the index is beyond the end of the array, the item is added to the end of the array.
- @param indexToChange the index whose value you want to change
- @param newValue the new value to set for this index.
- @see add, insert
- */
- void set (const int indexToChange, ParameterType newValue)
- {
- wassert (indexToChange >= 0);
- if (isPositiveAndBelow (indexToChange, numUsed))
- {
- wassert (data.elements != nullptr);
- data.elements [indexToChange] = newValue;
- }
- else if (indexToChange >= 0)
- {
- data.ensureAllocatedSize (numUsed + 1);
- new (data.elements + numUsed++) ElementType (newValue);
- }
- }
- /** Replaces an element with a new value without doing any bounds-checking.
- This just sets a value directly in the array's internal storage, so you'd
- better make sure it's in range!
- @param indexToChange the index whose value you want to change
- @param newValue the new value to set for this index.
- @see set, getUnchecked
- */
- void setUnchecked (const int indexToChange, ParameterType newValue)
- {
- wassert (isPositiveAndBelow (indexToChange, numUsed));
- data.elements [indexToChange] = newValue;
- }
- /** Adds elements from an array to the end of this array.
- @param elementsToAdd an array of some kind of object from which elements
- can be constructed.
- @param numElementsToAdd how many elements are in this other array
- @see add
- */
- template <typename Type>
- void addArray (const Type* elementsToAdd, int numElementsToAdd)
- {
- if (numElementsToAdd > 0)
- {
- data.ensureAllocatedSize (numUsed + numElementsToAdd);
- while (--numElementsToAdd >= 0)
- {
- new (data.elements + numUsed) ElementType (*elementsToAdd++);
- ++numUsed;
- }
- }
- }
- /** Adds elements from a null-terminated array of pointers to the end of this array.
- @param elementsToAdd an array of pointers to some kind of object from which elements
- can be constructed. This array must be terminated by a nullptr
- @see addArray
- */
- template <typename Type>
- void addNullTerminatedArray (const Type* const* elementsToAdd)
- {
- int num = 0;
- for (const Type* const* e = elementsToAdd; *e != nullptr; ++e)
- ++num;
- addArray (elementsToAdd, num);
- }
- /** This swaps the contents of this array with those of another array.
- If you need to exchange two arrays, this is vastly quicker than using copy-by-value
- because it just swaps their internal pointers.
- */
- template <class OtherArrayType>
- void swapWith (OtherArrayType& otherArray) noexcept
- {
- data.swapWith (otherArray.data);
- std::swap (numUsed, otherArray.numUsed);
- }
- /** Adds elements from another array to the end of this array.
- @param arrayToAddFrom the array from which to copy the elements
- @param startIndex the first element of the other array to start copying from
- @param numElementsToAdd how many elements to add from the other array. If this
- value is negative or greater than the number of available elements,
- all available elements will be copied.
- @see add
- */
- template <class OtherArrayType>
- void addArray (const OtherArrayType& arrayToAddFrom,
- int startIndex = 0,
- int numElementsToAdd = -1)
- {
- if (startIndex < 0)
- {
- wassertfalse;
- startIndex = 0;
- }
- if (numElementsToAdd < 0 || startIndex + numElementsToAdd > arrayToAddFrom.size())
- numElementsToAdd = arrayToAddFrom.size() - startIndex;
- while (--numElementsToAdd >= 0)
- add (arrayToAddFrom.getUnchecked (startIndex++));
- }
- /** This will enlarge or shrink the array to the given number of elements, by adding
- or removing items from its end.
- If the array is smaller than the given target size, empty elements will be appended
- until its size is as specified. If its size is larger than the target, items will be
- removed from its end to shorten it.
- */
- void resize (const int targetNumItems)
- {
- wassert (targetNumItems >= 0);
- const int numToAdd = targetNumItems - numUsed;
- if (numToAdd > 0)
- insertMultiple (numUsed, ElementType(), numToAdd);
- else if (numToAdd < 0)
- removeRange (targetNumItems, -numToAdd);
- }
- /** Inserts a new element into the array, assuming that the array is sorted.
- This will use a comparator to find the position at which the new element
- should go. If the array isn't sorted, the behaviour of this
- method will be unpredictable.
- @param comparator the comparator to use to compare the elements - see the sort()
- method for details about the form this object should take
- @param newElement the new element to insert to the array
- @returns the index at which the new item was added
- @see addUsingDefaultSort, add, sort
- */
- template <class ElementComparator>
- int addSorted (ElementComparator& comparator, ParameterType newElement)
- {
- const int index = findInsertIndexInSortedArray (comparator, data.elements.getData(), newElement, 0, numUsed);
- insert (index, newElement);
- return index;
- }
- /** Inserts a new element into the array, assuming that the array is sorted.
- This will use the DefaultElementComparator class for sorting, so your ElementType
- must be suitable for use with that class. If the array isn't sorted, the behaviour of this
- method will be unpredictable.
- @param newElement the new element to insert to the array
- @see addSorted, sort
- */
- void addUsingDefaultSort (ParameterType newElement)
- {
- DefaultElementComparator <ElementType> comparator;
- addSorted (comparator, newElement);
- }
- /** Finds the index of an element in the array, assuming that the array is sorted.
- This will use a comparator to do a binary-chop to find the index of the given
- element, if it exists. If the array isn't sorted, the behaviour of this
- method will be unpredictable.
- @param comparator the comparator to use to compare the elements - see the sort()
- method for details about the form this object should take
- @param elementToLookFor the element to search for
- @returns the index of the element, or -1 if it's not found
- @see addSorted, sort
- */
- template <typename ElementComparator, typename TargetValueType>
- int indexOfSorted (ElementComparator& comparator, TargetValueType elementToLookFor) const
- {
- ignoreUnused (comparator); // if you pass in an object with a static compareElements() method, this
- // avoids getting warning messages about the parameter being unused
- for (int s = 0, e = numUsed;;)
- {
- if (s >= e)
- return -1;
- if (comparator.compareElements (elementToLookFor, data.elements [s]) == 0)
- return s;
- const int halfway = (s + e) / 2;
- if (halfway == s)
- return -1;
- if (comparator.compareElements (elementToLookFor, data.elements [halfway]) >= 0)
- s = halfway;
- else
- e = halfway;
- }
- }
- //==============================================================================
- /** Removes an element from the array.
- This will remove the element at a given index, and move back
- all the subsequent elements to close the gap.
- If the index passed in is out-of-range, nothing will happen.
- @param indexToRemove the index of the element to remove
- @see removeAndReturn, removeFirstMatchingValue, removeAllInstancesOf, removeRange
- */
- void remove (int indexToRemove)
- {
- if (isPositiveAndBelow (indexToRemove, numUsed))
- {
- wassert (data.elements != nullptr);
- removeInternal (indexToRemove);
- }
- }
- /** Removes an element from the array.
- This will remove the element at a given index, and move back
- all the subsequent elements to close the gap.
- If the index passed in is out-of-range, nothing will happen.
- @param indexToRemove the index of the element to remove
- @returns the element that has been removed
- @see removeFirstMatchingValue, removeAllInstancesOf, removeRange
- */
- ElementType removeAndReturn (const int indexToRemove)
- {
- if (isPositiveAndBelow (indexToRemove, numUsed))
- {
- wassert (data.elements != nullptr);
- ElementType removed (data.elements[indexToRemove]);
- removeInternal (indexToRemove);
- return removed;
- }
- return ElementType();
- }
- /** Removes an element from the array.
- This will remove the element pointed to by the given iterator,
- and move back all the subsequent elements to close the gap.
- If the iterator passed in does not point to an element within the
- array, behaviour is undefined.
- @param elementToRemove a pointer to the element to remove
- @see removeFirstMatchingValue, removeAllInstancesOf, removeRange, removeIf
- */
- void remove (const ElementType* elementToRemove)
- {
- wassert (elementToRemove != nullptr);
- wassert (data.elements != nullptr);
- const int indexToRemove = int (elementToRemove - data.elements);
- if (! isPositiveAndBelow (indexToRemove, numUsed))
- {
- wassertfalse;
- return;
- }
- removeInternal (indexToRemove);
- }
- /** Removes an item from the array.
- This will remove the first occurrence of the given element from the array.
- If the item isn't found, no action is taken.
- @param valueToRemove the object to try to remove
- @see remove, removeRange, removeIf
- */
- void removeFirstMatchingValue (ParameterType valueToRemove)
- {
- ElementType* const e = data.elements;
- for (int i = 0; i < numUsed; ++i)
- {
- if (valueToRemove == e[i])
- {
- removeInternal (i);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- /** Removes items from the array.
- This will remove all occurrences of the given element from the array.
- If no such items are found, no action is taken.
- @param valueToRemove the object to try to remove
- @return how many objects were removed.
- @see remove, removeRange, removeIf
- */
- int removeAllInstancesOf (ParameterType valueToRemove)
- {
- int numRemoved = 0;
- for (int i = numUsed; --i >= 0;)
- {
- if (valueToRemove == data.elements[i])
- {
- removeInternal (i);
- ++numRemoved;
- }
- }
- return numRemoved;
- }
- /** Removes items from the array.
- This will remove all objects from the array that match a condition.
- If no such items are found, no action is taken.
- @param predicate the condition when to remove an item. Must be a callable
- type that takes an ElementType and returns a bool
- @return how many objects were removed.
- @see remove, removeRange, removeAllInstancesOf
- */
- template <typename PredicateType>
- int removeIf (PredicateType predicate)
- {
- int numRemoved = 0;
- for (int i = numUsed; --i >= 0;)
- {
- if (predicate (data.elements[i]) == true)
- {
- removeInternal (i);
- ++numRemoved;
- }
- }
- return numRemoved;
- }
- /** Removes a range of elements from the array.
- This will remove a set of elements, starting from the given index,
- and move subsequent elements down to close the gap.
- If the range extends beyond the bounds of the array, it will
- be safely clipped to the size of the array.
- @param startIndex the index of the first element to remove
- @param numberToRemove how many elements should be removed
- @see remove, removeFirstMatchingValue, removeAllInstancesOf, removeIf
- */
- void removeRange (int startIndex, int numberToRemove)
- {
- const int endIndex = jlimit (0, numUsed, startIndex + numberToRemove);
- startIndex = jlimit (0, numUsed, startIndex);
- if (endIndex > startIndex)
- {
- ElementType* const e = data.elements + startIndex;
- numberToRemove = endIndex - startIndex;
- for (int i = 0; i < numberToRemove; ++i)
- e[i].~ElementType();
- const int numToShift = numUsed - endIndex;
- if (numToShift > 0)
- data.moveMemory (e, e + numberToRemove, numToShift);
- numUsed -= numberToRemove;
- minimiseStorageAfterRemoval();
- }
- }
- /** Removes the last n elements from the array.
- @param howManyToRemove how many elements to remove from the end of the array
- @see remove, removeFirstMatchingValue, removeAllInstancesOf, removeRange
- */
- void removeLast (int howManyToRemove = 1)
- {
- if (howManyToRemove > numUsed)
- howManyToRemove = numUsed;
- for (int i = 1; i <= howManyToRemove; ++i)
- data.elements [numUsed - i].~ElementType();
- numUsed -= howManyToRemove;
- minimiseStorageAfterRemoval();
- }
- /** Removes any elements which are also in another array.
- @param otherArray the other array in which to look for elements to remove
- @see removeValuesNotIn, remove, removeFirstMatchingValue, removeAllInstancesOf, removeRange
- */
- template <class OtherArrayType>
- void removeValuesIn (const OtherArrayType& otherArray)
- {
- if (this == &otherArray)
- {
- clear();
- }
- else
- {
- if (otherArray.size() > 0)
- {
- for (int i = numUsed; --i >= 0;)
- if (otherArray.contains (data.elements [i]))
- removeInternal (i);
- }
- }
- }
- /** Removes any elements which are not found in another array.
- Only elements which occur in this other array will be retained.
- @param otherArray the array in which to look for elements NOT to remove
- @see removeValuesIn, remove, removeFirstMatchingValue, removeAllInstancesOf, removeRange
- */
- template <class OtherArrayType>
- void removeValuesNotIn (const OtherArrayType& otherArray)
- {
- if (this != &otherArray)
- {
- if (otherArray.size() <= 0)
- {
- clear();
- }
- else
- {
- for (int i = numUsed; --i >= 0;)
- if (! otherArray.contains (data.elements [i]))
- removeInternal (i);
- }
- }
- }
- /** Swaps over two elements in the array.
- This swaps over the elements found at the two indexes passed in.
- If either index is out-of-range, this method will do nothing.
- @param index1 index of one of the elements to swap
- @param index2 index of the other element to swap
- */
- void swap (const int index1,
- const int index2)
- {
- if (isPositiveAndBelow (index1, numUsed)
- && isPositiveAndBelow (index2, numUsed))
- {
- std::swap (data.elements [index1],
- data.elements [index2]);
- }
- }
- //==============================================================================
- /** Reduces the amount of storage being used by the array.
- Arrays typically allocate slightly more storage than they need, and after
- removing elements, they may have quite a lot of unused space allocated.
- This method will reduce the amount of allocated storage to a minimum.
- */
- bool minimiseStorageOverheads() noexcept
- {
- return data.shrinkToNoMoreThan (numUsed);
- }
- /** Increases the array's internal storage to hold a minimum number of elements.
- Calling this before adding a large known number of elements means that
- the array won't have to keep dynamically resizing itself as the elements
- are added, and it'll therefore be more efficient.
- */
- bool ensureStorageAllocated (const int minNumElements) noexcept
- {
- return data.ensureAllocatedSize (minNumElements);
- }
- //==============================================================================
- /** Sorts the array using a default comparison operation.
- If the type of your elements isn't supported by the DefaultElementComparator class
- then you may need to use the other version of sort, which takes a custom comparator.
- */
- void sort()
- {
- DefaultElementComparator<ElementType> comparator;
- sort (comparator);
- }
- /** Sorts the elements in the array.
- This will use a comparator object to sort the elements into order. The object
- passed must have a method of the form:
- @code
- int compareElements (ElementType first, ElementType second);
- @endcode
- ..and this method must return:
- - a value of < 0 if the first comes before the second
- - a value of 0 if the two objects are equivalent
- - a value of > 0 if the second comes before the first
- To improve performance, the compareElements() method can be declared as static or const.
- @param comparator the comparator to use for comparing elements.
- @param retainOrderOfEquivalentItems if this is true, then items
- which the comparator says are equivalent will be
- kept in the order in which they currently appear
- in the array. This is slower to perform, but may
- be important in some cases. If it's false, a faster
- algorithm is used, but equivalent elements may be
- rearranged.
- @see addSorted, indexOfSorted, sortArray
- */
- template <class ElementComparator>
- void sort (ElementComparator& comparator,
- const bool retainOrderOfEquivalentItems = false)
- {
- ignoreUnused (comparator); // if you pass in an object with a static compareElements() method, this
- // avoids getting warning messages about the parameter being unused
- sortArray (comparator, data.elements.getData(), 0, size() - 1, retainOrderOfEquivalentItems);
- }
- private:
- //==============================================================================
- ArrayAllocationBase <ElementType> data;
- int numUsed;
- void removeInternal (const int indexToRemove)
- {
- --numUsed;
- ElementType* const e = data.elements + indexToRemove;
- e->~ElementType();
- const int numberToShift = numUsed - indexToRemove;
- if (numberToShift > 0)
- data.moveMemory (e, e + 1, static_cast<size_t>(numberToShift));
- minimiseStorageAfterRemoval();
- }
- inline void deleteAllElements() noexcept
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < numUsed; ++i)
- data.elements[i].~ElementType();
- }
- void minimiseStorageAfterRemoval()
- {
- const size_t snumUsed = static_cast<size_t>(numUsed);
- if (data.numAllocated > jmax (minimumAllocatedSize, snumUsed * 2U))
- data.shrinkToNoMoreThan (jmax (snumUsed, jmax (minimumAllocatedSize, 64U / sizeof (ElementType))));
- }
- };
- }