- /*
- ==============================================================================
- This file is part of the JUCE library.
- Copyright (c) 2020 - Raw Material Software Limited
- JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source
- licensing.
- By using JUCE, you agree to the terms of both the JUCE 6 End-User License
- Agreement and JUCE Privacy Policy (both effective as of the 16th June 2020).
- End User License Agreement: www.juce.com/juce-6-licence
- Privacy Policy: www.juce.com/juce-privacy-policy
- Or: You may also use this code under the terms of the GPL v3 (see
- www.gnu.org/licenses).
- ==============================================================================
- */
- namespace juce
- {
- //==============================================================================
- /**
- Creates a dialog box to choose a file or directory to load or save.
- To use a FileChooser:
- - create one (as a local stack variable is the neatest way)
- - call one of its browseFor.. methods
- - if this returns true, the user has selected a file, so you can retrieve it
- with the getResult() method.
- e.g. @code
- void loadMooseFile()
- {
- FileChooser myChooser ("Please select the moose you want to load...",
- File::getSpecialLocation (File::userHomeDirectory),
- "*.moose");
- if (myChooser.browseForFileToOpen())
- {
- File mooseFile (myChooser.getResult());
- loadMoose (mooseFile);
- }
- }
- @endcode
- @tags{GUI}
- */
- class JUCE_API FileChooser
- {
- public:
- //==============================================================================
- /** Creates a FileChooser.
- After creating one of these, use one of the browseFor... methods to display it.
- @param dialogBoxTitle a text string to display in the dialog box to
- tell the user what's going on
- @param initialFileOrDirectory the file or directory that should be selected
- when the dialog box opens. If this parameter is
- set to File(), a sensible default directory will
- be used instead. When using native dialogs, not
- all platforms will actually select the file. For
- example, on macOS, when initialFileOrDirectory is
- a file, only the parent directory of
- initialFileOrDirectory will be used as the initial
- directory of the native file chooser.
- Note: On iOS when saving a file, a user will not
- be able to change a file name, so it may be a good
- idea to include at least a valid file name in
- initialFileOrDirectory. When no filename is found,
- "Untitled" will be used.
- Also, if you pass an already existing file on iOS,
- that file will be automatically copied to the
- destination chosen by user and if it can be previewed,
- its preview will be presented in the dialog too. You
- will still be able to write into this file copy, since
- its URL will be returned by getURLResult(). This can be
- useful when you want to save e.g. an image, so that
- you can pass a (temporary) file with low quality
- preview and after the user picks the destination,
- you can write a high quality image into the copied
- file. If you create such a temporary file, you need
- to delete it yourself, once it is not needed anymore.
- @param filePatternsAllowed a set of file patterns to specify which files can be
- selected - each pattern should be separated by a comma or
- semi-colon, e.g. "*" or "*.jpg;*.gif". The native MacOS
- file browser only supports wildcard that specify
- extensions, so "*.jpg" is OK but "myfilename*" will not
- work. An empty string means that all files are allowed
- @param useOSNativeDialogBox if true, then a native dialog box will be used
- if possible; if false, then a Juce-based
- browser dialog box will always be used
- @param treatFilePackagesAsDirectories if true, then the file chooser will allow the
- selection of files inside packages when
- invoked on OS X and when using native dialog
- boxes.
- @param parentComponent An optional component which should be the parent
- for the file chooser. If this is a nullptr then the
- FileChooser will be a top-level window. AUv3s on iOS
- must specify this parameter as opening a top-level window
- in an AUv3 is forbidden due to sandbox restrictions.
- @see browseForFileToOpen, browseForFileToSave, browseForDirectory
- */
- FileChooser (const String& dialogBoxTitle,
- const File& initialFileOrDirectory = File(),
- const String& filePatternsAllowed = String(),
- bool useOSNativeDialogBox = true,
- bool treatFilePackagesAsDirectories = false,
- Component* parentComponent = nullptr);
- /** Destructor. */
- ~FileChooser();
- //==============================================================================
- /** Shows a dialog box to choose a file to open.
- This will display the dialog box modally, using an "open file" mode, so that
- it won't allow non-existent files or directories to be chosen.
- @param previewComponent an optional component to display inside the dialog
- box to show special info about the files that the user
- is browsing. The component will not be deleted by this
- object, so the caller must take care of it.
- @returns true if the user selected a file, in which case, use the getResult()
- method to find out what it was. Returns false if they cancelled instead.
- @see browseForFileToSave, browseForDirectory
- */
- bool browseForFileToOpen (FilePreviewComponent* previewComponent = nullptr);
- /** Same as browseForFileToOpen, but allows the user to select multiple files.
- The files that are returned can be obtained by calling getResults(). See
- browseForFileToOpen() for more info about the behaviour of this method.
- */
- bool browseForMultipleFilesToOpen (FilePreviewComponent* previewComponent = nullptr);
- /** Shows a dialog box to choose a file to save.
- This will display the dialog box modally, using an "save file" mode, so it
- will allow non-existent files to be chosen, but not directories.
- @param warnAboutOverwritingExistingFiles if true, the dialog box will ask
- the user if they're sure they want to overwrite a file that already
- exists
- @returns true if the user chose a file and pressed 'ok', in which case, use
- the getResult() method to find out what the file was. Returns false
- if they cancelled instead.
- @see browseForFileToOpen, browseForDirectory
- */
- bool browseForFileToSave (bool warnAboutOverwritingExistingFiles);
- /** Shows a dialog box to choose a directory.
- This will display the dialog box modally, using an "open directory" mode, so it
- will only allow directories to be returned, not files.
- @returns true if the user chose a directory and pressed 'ok', in which case, use
- the getResult() method to find out what they chose. Returns false
- if they cancelled instead.
- @see browseForFileToOpen, browseForFileToSave
- */
- bool browseForDirectory();
- /** Same as browseForFileToOpen, but allows the user to select multiple files and directories.
- The files that are returned can be obtained by calling getResults(). See
- browseForFileToOpen() for more info about the behaviour of this method.
- */
- bool browseForMultipleFilesOrDirectories (FilePreviewComponent* previewComponent = nullptr);
- //==============================================================================
- /** Runs a dialog box for the given set of option flags.
- The flag values used are those in FileBrowserComponent::FileChooserFlags.
- @returns true if the user chose a directory and pressed 'ok', in which case, use
- the getResult() method to find out what they chose. Returns false
- if they cancelled instead.
- @see FileBrowserComponent::FileChooserFlags
- */
- bool showDialog (int flags, FilePreviewComponent* previewComponent);
- /** Use this method to launch the file browser window asynchronously.
- This will create a file browser dialog based on the settings in this
- structure and will launch it modally, returning immediately.
- You must specify a callback which is called when the file browser is
- canceled or a file is selected. To abort the file selection, simply
- delete the FileChooser object.
- You can use the ModalCallbackFunction::create method to wrap a lambda
- into a modal Callback object.
- You must ensure that the lifetime of the callback object is longer than
- the lifetime of the file-chooser.
- */
- void launchAsync (int flags,
- std::function<void (const FileChooser&)>,
- FilePreviewComponent* previewComponent = nullptr);
- //==============================================================================
- /** Returns the last file that was chosen by one of the browseFor methods.
- After calling the appropriate browseFor... method, this method lets you
- find out what file or directory they chose.
- Note that the file returned is only valid if the browse method returned true (i.e.
- if the user pressed 'ok' rather than cancelling).
- On mobile platforms, the file browser may return a URL instead of a local file.
- Therefore, on mobile platforms, you should call getURLResult() instead.
- If you're using a multiple-file select, then use the getResults() method instead,
- to obtain the list of all files chosen.
- @see getURLResult, getResults
- */
- File getResult() const;
- /** Returns a list of all the files that were chosen during the last call to a
- browse method.
- On mobile platforms, the file browser may return a URL instead of a local file.
- Therefore, on mobile platforms, you should call getURLResults() instead.
- This array may be empty if no files were chosen, or can contain multiple entries
- if multiple files were chosen.
- @see getURLResults, getResult
- */
- Array<File> getResults() const noexcept;
- //==============================================================================
- /** Returns the last document that was chosen by one of the browseFor methods.
- Use this method if you are using the FileChooser on a mobile platform which
- may return a URL to a remote document. If a local file is chosen then you can
- convert this file to a JUCE File class via the URL::getLocalFile method.
- Note: On iOS you must use the returned URL object directly (you are also
- allowed to copy- or move-construct another URL from the returned URL), rather
- than just storing the path as a String and then creating a new URL from that
- String. This is because the returned URL contains internally a security
- bookmark that is required to access the files pointed by it. Then, once you stop
- dealing with the file pointed by the URL, you should dispose that URL object,
- so that the security bookmark can be released by the system (only a limited
- number of such URLs is allowed).
- @see getResult, URL::getLocalFile
- */
- URL getURLResult() const;
- /** Returns a list of all the files that were chosen during the last call to a
- browse method.
- Use this method if you are using the FileChooser on a mobile platform which
- may return a URL to a remote document. If a local file is chosen then you can
- convert this file to a JUCE File class via the URL::getLocalFile method.
- This array may be empty if no files were chosen, or can contain multiple entries
- if multiple files were chosen.
- Note: On iOS you must use the returned URL object directly (you are also
- allowed to copy- or move-construct another URL from the returned URL), rather
- than just storing the path as a String and then creating a new URL from that
- String. This is because the returned URL contains internally a security
- bookmark that is required to access the files pointed by it. Then, once you stop
- dealing with the file pointed by the URL, you should dispose that URL object,
- so that the security bookmark can be released by the system (only a limited
- number of such URLs is allowed).
- @see getResults, URL::getLocalFile
- */
- const Array<URL>& getURLResults() const noexcept { return results; }
- //==============================================================================
- /** Returns if a native filechooser is currently available on this platform.
- Note: On iOS this will only return true if you have iCloud permissions
- and code-signing enabled in the Projucer and have added iCloud containers
- to your app in Apple's online developer portal. Additionally, the user must
- have installed the iCloud app on their device and used the app at least once.
- */
- static bool isPlatformDialogAvailable();
- //==============================================================================
- #ifndef DOXYGEN
- class Native;
- #endif
- private:
- //==============================================================================
- String title, filters;
- File startingFile;
- Component* parent;
- Array<URL> results;
- const bool useNativeDialogBox;
- const bool treatFilePackagesAsDirs;
- std::function<void (const FileChooser&)> asyncCallback;
- //==============================================================================
- void finished (const Array<URL>&);
- //==============================================================================
- struct Pimpl
- {
- virtual ~Pimpl() = default;
- virtual void launch() = 0;
- virtual void runModally() = 0;
- };
- std::unique_ptr<Pimpl> pimpl;
- //==============================================================================
- Pimpl* createPimpl (int, FilePreviewComponent*);
- static Pimpl* showPlatformDialog (FileChooser&, int,
- FilePreviewComponent*);
- class NonNative;
- friend class NonNative;
- friend class Native;
- };
- } // namespace juce