- /*
- ==============================================================================
- This file is part of the JUCE library.
- Copyright (c) 2020 - Raw Material Software Limited
- JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source
- licensing.
- By using JUCE, you agree to the terms of both the JUCE 6 End-User License
- Agreement and JUCE Privacy Policy (both effective as of the 16th June 2020).
- End User License Agreement: www.juce.com/juce-6-licence
- Privacy Policy: www.juce.com/juce-privacy-policy
- Or: You may also use this code under the terms of the GPL v3 (see
- www.gnu.org/licenses).
- ==============================================================================
- */
- namespace juce
- {
- //==============================================================================
- /**
- Manages a list of undo/redo commands.
- An UndoManager object keeps a list of past actions and can use these actions
- to move backwards and forwards through an undo history.
- To use it, create subclasses of UndoableAction which perform all the
- actions you need, then when you need to actually perform an action, create one
- and pass it to the UndoManager's perform() method.
- The manager also uses the concept of 'transactions' to group the actions
- together - all actions performed between calls to beginNewTransaction() are
- grouped together and are all undone/redone as a group.
- The UndoManager is a ChangeBroadcaster, so listeners can register to be told
- when actions are performed or undone.
- @see UndoableAction
- @tags{DataStructures}
- */
- class JUCE_API UndoManager : public ChangeBroadcaster
- {
- public:
- //==============================================================================
- /** Creates an UndoManager.
- @param maxNumberOfUnitsToKeep each UndoableAction object returns a value
- to indicate how much storage it takes up
- (UndoableAction::getSizeInUnits()), so this
- lets you specify the maximum total number of
- units that the undomanager is allowed to
- keep in memory before letting the older actions
- drop off the end of the list.
- @param minimumTransactionsToKeep this specifies the minimum number of transactions
- that will be kept, even if this involves exceeding
- the amount of space specified in maxNumberOfUnitsToKeep
- */
- UndoManager (int maxNumberOfUnitsToKeep = 30000,
- int minimumTransactionsToKeep = 30);
- /** Destructor. */
- ~UndoManager() override;
- //==============================================================================
- /** Deletes all stored actions in the list. */
- void clearUndoHistory();
- /** Returns the current amount of space to use for storing UndoableAction objects.
- @see setMaxNumberOfStoredUnits
- */
- int getNumberOfUnitsTakenUpByStoredCommands() const;
- /** Sets the amount of space that can be used for storing UndoableAction objects.
- @param maxNumberOfUnitsToKeep each UndoableAction object returns a value
- to indicate how much storage it takes up
- (UndoableAction::getSizeInUnits()), so this
- lets you specify the maximum total number of
- units that the undomanager is allowed to
- keep in memory before letting the older actions
- drop off the end of the list.
- @param minimumTransactionsToKeep this specifies the minimum number of transactions
- that will be kept, even if this involves exceeding
- the amount of space specified in maxNumberOfUnitsToKeep
- @see getNumberOfUnitsTakenUpByStoredCommands
- */
- void setMaxNumberOfStoredUnits (int maxNumberOfUnitsToKeep,
- int minimumTransactionsToKeep);
- //==============================================================================
- /** Performs an action and adds it to the undo history list.
- @param action the action to perform - this object will be deleted by
- the UndoManager when no longer needed
- @returns true if the command succeeds - see UndoableAction::perform
- @see beginNewTransaction
- */
- bool perform (UndoableAction* action);
- /** Performs an action and also gives it a name.
- @param action the action to perform - this object will be deleted by
- the UndoManager when no longer needed
- @param actionName if this string is non-empty, the current transaction will be
- given this name; if it's empty, the current transaction name will
- be left unchanged. See setCurrentTransactionName()
- @returns true if the command succeeds - see UndoableAction::perform
- @see beginNewTransaction
- */
- bool perform (UndoableAction* action, const String& actionName);
- /** Starts a new group of actions that together will be treated as a single transaction.
- All actions that are passed to the perform() method between calls to this
- method are grouped together and undone/redone together by a single call to
- undo() or redo().
- */
- void beginNewTransaction();
- /** Starts a new group of actions that together will be treated as a single transaction.
- All actions that are passed to the perform() method between calls to this
- method are grouped together and undone/redone together by a single call to
- undo() or redo().
- @param actionName a description of the transaction that is about to be
- performed
- */
- void beginNewTransaction (const String& actionName);
- /** Changes the name stored for the current transaction.
- Each transaction is given a name when the beginNewTransaction() method is
- called, but this can be used to change that name without starting a new
- transaction.
- */
- void setCurrentTransactionName (const String& newName);
- /** Returns the name of the current transaction.
- @see setCurrentTransactionName
- */
- String getCurrentTransactionName() const;
- //==============================================================================
- /** Returns true if there's at least one action in the list to undo.
- @see getUndoDescription, undo, canRedo
- */
- bool canUndo() const;
- /** Tries to roll-back the last transaction.
- @returns true if the transaction can be undone, and false if it fails, or
- if there aren't any transactions to undo
- @see undoCurrentTransactionOnly
- */
- bool undo();
- /** Tries to roll-back any actions that were added to the current transaction.
- This will perform an undo() only if there are some actions in the undo list
- that were added after the last call to beginNewTransaction().
- This is useful because it lets you call beginNewTransaction(), then
- perform an operation which may or may not actually perform some actions, and
- then call this method to get rid of any actions that might have been done
- without it rolling back the previous transaction if nothing was actually
- done.
- @returns true if any actions were undone.
- */
- bool undoCurrentTransactionOnly();
- /** Returns the name of the transaction that will be rolled-back when undo() is called.
- @see undo, canUndo, getUndoDescriptions
- */
- String getUndoDescription() const;
- /** Returns the names of the sequence of transactions that will be performed if undo()
- is repeatedly called. Note that for transactions where no name was provided, the
- corresponding string will be empty.
- @see undo, canUndo, getUndoDescription
- */
- StringArray getUndoDescriptions() const;
- /** Returns the time to which the state would be restored if undo() was to be called.
- If an undo isn't currently possible, it'll return Time().
- */
- Time getTimeOfUndoTransaction() const;
- /** Returns a list of the UndoableAction objects that have been performed during the
- transaction that is currently open.
- Effectively, this is the list of actions that would be undone if undoCurrentTransactionOnly()
- were to be called now.
- The first item in the list is the earliest action performed.
- */
- void getActionsInCurrentTransaction (Array<const UndoableAction*>& actionsFound) const;
- /** Returns the number of UndoableAction objects that have been performed during the
- transaction that is currently open.
- @see getActionsInCurrentTransaction
- */
- int getNumActionsInCurrentTransaction() const;
- //==============================================================================
- /** Returns true if there's at least one action in the list to redo.
- @see getRedoDescription, redo, canUndo
- */
- bool canRedo() const;
- /** Tries to redo the last transaction that was undone.
- @returns true if the transaction can be redone, and false if it fails, or
- if there aren't any transactions to redo
- */
- bool redo();
- /** Returns the name of the transaction that will be redone when redo() is called.
- @see redo, canRedo, getRedoDescriptions
- */
- String getRedoDescription() const;
- /** Returns the names of the sequence of transactions that will be performed if redo()
- is repeatedly called. Note that for transactions where no name was provided, the
- corresponding string will be empty.
- @see redo, canRedo, getRedoDescription
- */
- StringArray getRedoDescriptions() const;
- /** Returns the time to which the state would be restored if redo() was to be called.
- If a redo isn't currently possible, it'll return Time::getCurrentTime().
- @see redo, canRedo
- */
- Time getTimeOfRedoTransaction() const;
- /** Returns true if the caller code is in the middle of an undo or redo action. */
- bool isPerformingUndoRedo() const;
- private:
- //==============================================================================
- struct ActionSet;
- OwnedArray<ActionSet> transactions, stashedFutureTransactions;
- String newTransactionName;
- int totalUnitsStored = 0, maxNumUnitsToKeep = 0, minimumTransactionsToKeep = 0, nextIndex = 0;
- bool newTransaction = true, isInsideUndoRedoCall = false;
- ActionSet* getCurrentSet() const;
- ActionSet* getNextSet() const;
- void moveFutureTransactionsToStash();
- void restoreStashedFutureTransactions();
- void dropOldTransactionsIfTooLarge();
- };
- } // namespace juce