- /*
- ==============================================================================
- This file is part of the JUCE library.
- Copyright (c) 2013 - Raw Material Software Ltd.
- Permission is granted to use this software under the terms of either:
- a) the GPL v2 (or any later version)
- b) the Affero GPL v3
- Details of these licenses can be found at: www.gnu.org/licenses
- JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
- A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- To release a closed-source product which uses JUCE, commercial licenses are
- available: visit www.juce.com for more information.
- ==============================================================================
- */
- //==============================================================================
- /**
- The base class for all JUCE user-interface objects.
- */
- class JUCE_API Component : public MouseListener
- {
- public:
- //==============================================================================
- /** Creates a component.
- To get it to actually appear, you'll also need to:
- - Either add it to a parent component or use the addToDesktop() method to
- make it a desktop window
- - Set its size and position to something sensible
- - Use setVisible() to make it visible
- And for it to serve any useful purpose, you'll need to write a
- subclass of Component or use one of the other types of component from
- the library.
- */
- Component();
- /** Destructor.
- Note that when a component is deleted, any child components it contains are NOT
- automatically deleted. It's your responsibilty to manage their lifespan - you
- may want to use helper methods like deleteAllChildren(), or less haphazard
- approaches like using ScopedPointers or normal object aggregation to manage them.
- If the component being deleted is currently the child of another one, then during
- deletion, it will be removed from its parent, and the parent will receive a childrenChanged()
- callback. Any ComponentListener objects that have registered with it will also have their
- ComponentListener::componentBeingDeleted() methods called.
- */
- virtual ~Component();
- //==============================================================================
- /** Creates a component, setting its name at the same time.
- @see getName, setName
- */
- explicit Component (const String& componentName);
- /** Returns the name of this component.
- @see setName
- */
- const String& getName() const noexcept { return componentName; }
- /** Sets the name of this component.
- When the name changes, all registered ComponentListeners will receive a
- ComponentListener::componentNameChanged() callback.
- @see getName
- */
- virtual void setName (const String& newName);
- /** Returns the ID string that was set by setComponentID().
- @see setComponentID, findChildWithID
- */
- const String& getComponentID() const noexcept { return componentID; }
- /** Sets the component's ID string.
- You can retrieve the ID using getComponentID().
- @see getComponentID, findChildWithID
- */
- void setComponentID (const String& newID);
- //==============================================================================
- /** Makes the component visible or invisible.
- This method will show or hide the component.
- Note that components default to being non-visible when first created.
- Also note that visible components won't be seen unless all their parent components
- are also visible.
- This method will call visibilityChanged() and also componentVisibilityChanged()
- for any component listeners that are interested in this component.
- @param shouldBeVisible whether to show or hide the component
- @see isVisible, isShowing, visibilityChanged, ComponentListener::componentVisibilityChanged
- */
- virtual void setVisible (bool shouldBeVisible);
- /** Tests whether the component is visible or not.
- this doesn't necessarily tell you whether this comp is actually on the screen
- because this depends on whether all the parent components are also visible - use
- isShowing() to find this out.
- @see isShowing, setVisible
- */
- bool isVisible() const noexcept { return flags.visibleFlag; }
- /** Called when this component's visibility changes.
- @see setVisible, isVisible
- */
- virtual void visibilityChanged();
- /** Tests whether this component and all its parents are visible.
- @returns true only if this component and all its parents are visible.
- @see isVisible
- */
- bool isShowing() const;
- //==============================================================================
- /** Makes this component appear as a window on the desktop.
- Note that before calling this, you should make sure that the component's opacity is
- set correctly using setOpaque(). If the component is non-opaque, the windowing
- system will try to create a special transparent window for it, which will generally take
- a lot more CPU to operate (and might not even be possible on some platforms).
- If the component is inside a parent component at the time this method is called, it
- will be first be removed from that parent. Likewise if a component on the desktop
- is subsequently added to another component, it'll be removed from the desktop.
- @param windowStyleFlags a combination of the flags specified in the
- ComponentPeer::StyleFlags enum, which define the
- window's characteristics.
- @param nativeWindowToAttachTo this allows an OS object to be passed-in as the window
- in which the juce component should place itself. On Windows,
- this would be a HWND, a HIViewRef on the Mac. Not necessarily
- supported on all platforms, and best left as 0 unless you know
- what you're doing
- @see removeFromDesktop, isOnDesktop, userTriedToCloseWindow,
- getPeer, ComponentPeer::setMinimised, ComponentPeer::StyleFlags,
- ComponentPeer::getStyleFlags, ComponentPeer::setFullScreen
- */
- virtual void addToDesktop (int windowStyleFlags,
- void* nativeWindowToAttachTo = nullptr);
- /** If the component is currently showing on the desktop, this will hide it.
- You can also use setVisible() to hide a desktop window temporarily, but
- removeFromDesktop() will free any system resources that are being used up.
- @see addToDesktop, isOnDesktop
- */
- void removeFromDesktop();
- /** Returns true if this component is currently showing on the desktop.
- @see addToDesktop, removeFromDesktop
- */
- bool isOnDesktop() const noexcept;
- /** Returns the heavyweight window that contains this component.
- If this component is itself on the desktop, this will return the window
- object that it is using. Otherwise, it will return the window of
- its top-level parent component.
- This may return nullptr if there isn't a desktop component.
- @see addToDesktop, isOnDesktop
- */
- ComponentPeer* getPeer() const;
- /** For components on the desktop, this is called if the system wants to close the window.
- This is a signal that either the user or the system wants the window to close. The
- default implementation of this method will trigger an assertion to warn you that your
- component should do something about it, but you can override this to ignore the event
- if you want.
- */
- virtual void userTriedToCloseWindow();
- /** Called for a desktop component which has just been minimised or un-minimised.
- This will only be called for components on the desktop.
- @see getPeer, ComponentPeer::setMinimised, ComponentPeer::isMinimised
- */
- virtual void minimisationStateChanged (bool isNowMinimised);
- /** Returns the default scale factor to use for this component when it is placed
- on the desktop.
- The default implementation of this method just returns the value from
- Desktop::getGlobalScaleFactor(), but it can be overridden if a particular component
- has different requirements. The method only used if this component is added
- to the desktop - it has no effect for child components.
- */
- virtual float getDesktopScaleFactor() const;
- //==============================================================================
- /** Brings the component to the front of its siblings.
- If some of the component's siblings have had their 'always-on-top' flag set,
- then they will still be kept in front of this one (unless of course this
- one is also 'always-on-top').
- @param shouldAlsoGainFocus if true, this will also try to assign keyboard focus
- to the component (see grabKeyboardFocus() for more details)
- @see toBack, toBehind, setAlwaysOnTop
- */
- void toFront (bool shouldAlsoGainFocus);
- /** Changes this component's z-order to be at the back of all its siblings.
- If the component is set to be 'always-on-top', it will only be moved to the
- back of the other other 'always-on-top' components.
- @see toFront, toBehind, setAlwaysOnTop
- */
- void toBack();
- /** Changes this component's z-order so that it's just behind another component.
- @see toFront, toBack
- */
- void toBehind (Component* other);
- /** Sets whether the component should always be kept at the front of its siblings.
- @see isAlwaysOnTop
- */
- void setAlwaysOnTop (bool shouldStayOnTop);
- /** Returns true if this component is set to always stay in front of its siblings.
- @see setAlwaysOnTop
- */
- bool isAlwaysOnTop() const noexcept;
- //==============================================================================
- /** Returns the x coordinate of the component's left edge.
- This is a distance in pixels from the left edge of the component's parent.
- Note that if you've used setTransform() to apply a transform, then the component's
- bounds will no longer be a direct reflection of the position at which it appears within
- its parent, as the transform will be applied to its bounding box.
- */
- int getX() const noexcept { return bounds.getX(); }
- /** Returns the y coordinate of the top of this component.
- This is a distance in pixels from the top edge of the component's parent.
- Note that if you've used setTransform() to apply a transform, then the component's
- bounds will no longer be a direct reflection of the position at which it appears within
- its parent, as the transform will be applied to its bounding box.
- */
- int getY() const noexcept { return bounds.getY(); }
- /** Returns the component's width in pixels. */
- int getWidth() const noexcept { return bounds.getWidth(); }
- /** Returns the component's height in pixels. */
- int getHeight() const noexcept { return bounds.getHeight(); }
- /** Returns the x coordinate of the component's right-hand edge.
- This is a distance in pixels from the left edge of the component's parent.
- Note that if you've used setTransform() to apply a transform, then the component's
- bounds will no longer be a direct reflection of the position at which it appears within
- its parent, as the transform will be applied to its bounding box.
- */
- int getRight() const noexcept { return bounds.getRight(); }
- /** Returns the component's top-left position as a Point. */
- Point<int> getPosition() const noexcept { return bounds.getPosition(); }
- /** Returns the y coordinate of the bottom edge of this component.
- This is a distance in pixels from the top edge of the component's parent.
- Note that if you've used setTransform() to apply a transform, then the component's
- bounds will no longer be a direct reflection of the position at which it appears within
- its parent, as the transform will be applied to its bounding box.
- */
- int getBottom() const noexcept { return bounds.getBottom(); }
- /** Returns this component's bounding box.
- The rectangle returned is relative to the top-left of the component's parent.
- Note that if you've used setTransform() to apply a transform, then the component's
- bounds will no longer be a direct reflection of the position at which it appears within
- its parent, as the transform will be applied to its bounding box.
- */
- const Rectangle<int>& getBounds() const noexcept { return bounds; }
- /** Returns the component's bounds, relative to its own origin.
- This is like getBounds(), but returns the rectangle in local coordinates, In practice, it'll
- return a rectangle with position (0, 0), and the same size as this component.
- */
- Rectangle<int> getLocalBounds() const noexcept;
- /** Returns the area of this component's parent which this component covers.
- The returned area is relative to the parent's coordinate space.
- If the component has an affine transform specified, then the resulting area will be
- the smallest rectangle that fully covers the component's transformed bounding box.
- If this component has no parent, the return value will simply be the same as getBounds().
- */
- Rectangle<int> getBoundsInParent() const noexcept;
- /** Returns the region of this component that's not obscured by other, opaque components.
- The RectangleList that is returned represents the area of this component
- which isn't covered by opaque child components.
- If includeSiblings is true, it will also take into account any siblings
- that may be overlapping the component.
- */
- void getVisibleArea (RectangleList<int>& result, bool includeSiblings) const;
- //==============================================================================
- /** Returns this component's x coordinate relative the screen's top-left origin.
- @see getX, localPointToGlobal
- */
- int getScreenX() const;
- /** Returns this component's y coordinate relative the screen's top-left origin.
- @see getY, localPointToGlobal
- */
- int getScreenY() const;
- /** Returns the position of this component's top-left corner relative to the screen's top-left.
- @see getScreenBounds
- */
- Point<int> getScreenPosition() const;
- /** Returns the bounds of this component, relative to the screen's top-left.
- @see getScreenPosition
- */
- Rectangle<int> getScreenBounds() const;
- /** Converts a point to be relative to this component's coordinate space.
- This takes a point relative to a different component, and returns its position relative to this
- component. If the sourceComponent parameter is null, the source point is assumed to be a global
- screen coordinate.
- */
- Point<int> getLocalPoint (const Component* sourceComponent,
- Point<int> pointRelativeToSourceComponent) const;
- /** Converts a point to be relative to this component's coordinate space.
- This takes a point relative to a different component, and returns its position relative to this
- component. If the sourceComponent parameter is null, the source point is assumed to be a global
- screen coordinate.
- */
- Point<float> getLocalPoint (const Component* sourceComponent,
- Point<float> pointRelativeToSourceComponent) const;
- /** Converts a rectangle to be relative to this component's coordinate space.
- This takes a rectangle that is relative to a different component, and returns its position relative
- to this component. If the sourceComponent parameter is null, the source rectangle is assumed to be
- a screen coordinate.
- If you've used setTransform() to apply one or more transforms to components, then the source rectangle
- may not actually be rectanglular when converted to the target space, so in that situation this will return
- the smallest rectangle that fully contains the transformed area.
- */
- Rectangle<int> getLocalArea (const Component* sourceComponent,
- const Rectangle<int>& areaRelativeToSourceComponent) const;
- /** Converts a point relative to this component's top-left into a screen coordinate.
- @see getLocalPoint, localAreaToGlobal
- */
- Point<int> localPointToGlobal (Point<int> localPoint) const;
- /** Converts a point relative to this component's top-left into a screen coordinate.
- @see getLocalPoint, localAreaToGlobal
- */
- Point<float> localPointToGlobal (Point<float> localPoint) const;
- /** Converts a rectangle from this component's coordinate space to a screen coordinate.
- If you've used setTransform() to apply one or more transforms to components, then the source rectangle
- may not actually be rectanglular when converted to the target space, so in that situation this will return
- the smallest rectangle that fully contains the transformed area.
- @see getLocalPoint, localPointToGlobal
- */
- Rectangle<int> localAreaToGlobal (const Rectangle<int>& localArea) const;
- //==============================================================================
- /** Moves the component to a new position.
- Changes the component's top-left position (without changing its size).
- The position is relative to the top-left of the component's parent.
- If the component actually moves, this method will make a synchronous call to moved().
- Note that if you've used setTransform() to apply a transform, then the component's
- bounds will no longer be a direct reflection of the position at which it appears within
- its parent, as the transform will be applied to whatever bounds you set for it.
- @see setBounds, ComponentListener::componentMovedOrResized
- */
- void setTopLeftPosition (int x, int y);
- /** Moves the component to a new position.
- Changes the component's top-left position (without changing its size).
- The position is relative to the top-left of the component's parent.
- If the component actually moves, this method will make a synchronous call to moved().
- Note that if you've used setTransform() to apply a transform, then the component's
- bounds will no longer be a direct reflection of the position at which it appears within
- its parent, as the transform will be applied to whatever bounds you set for it.
- @see setBounds, ComponentListener::componentMovedOrResized
- */
- void setTopLeftPosition (Point<int> newTopLeftPosition);
- /** Moves the component to a new position.
- Changes the position of the component's top-right corner (keeping it the same size).
- The position is relative to the top-left of the component's parent.
- If the component actually moves, this method will make a synchronous call to moved().
- Note that if you've used setTransform() to apply a transform, then the component's
- bounds will no longer be a direct reflection of the position at which it appears within
- its parent, as the transform will be applied to whatever bounds you set for it.
- */
- void setTopRightPosition (int x, int y);
- /** Changes the size of the component.
- A synchronous call to resized() will be occur if the size actually changes.
- Note that if you've used setTransform() to apply a transform, then the component's
- bounds will no longer be a direct reflection of the position at which it appears within
- its parent, as the transform will be applied to whatever bounds you set for it.
- */
- void setSize (int newWidth, int newHeight);
- /** Changes the component's position and size.
- The coordinates are relative to the top-left of the component's parent, or relative
- to the origin of the screen is the component is on the desktop.
- If this method changes the component's top-left position, it will make a synchronous
- call to moved(). If it changes the size, it will also make a call to resized().
- Note that if you've used setTransform() to apply a transform, then the component's
- bounds will no longer be a direct reflection of the position at which it appears within
- its parent, as the transform will be applied to whatever bounds you set for it.
- @see setTopLeftPosition, setSize, ComponentListener::componentMovedOrResized
- */
- void setBounds (int x, int y, int width, int height);
- /** Changes the component's position and size.
- The coordinates are relative to the top-left of the component's parent, or relative
- to the origin of the screen is the component is on the desktop.
- If this method changes the component's top-left position, it will make a synchronous
- call to moved(). If it changes the size, it will also make a call to resized().
- Note that if you've used setTransform() to apply a transform, then the component's
- bounds will no longer be a direct reflection of the position at which it appears within
- its parent, as the transform will be applied to whatever bounds you set for it.
- @see setBounds
- */
- void setBounds (const Rectangle<int>& newBounds);
- /** Changes the component's position and size.
- This is similar to the other setBounds() methods, but uses RelativeRectangle::applyToComponent()
- to set the position, This uses a Component::Positioner to make sure that any dynamic
- expressions are used in the RelativeRectangle will be automatically re-applied to the
- component's bounds when the source values change. See RelativeRectangle::applyToComponent()
- for more details.
- When using relative expressions, the following symbols are available:
- - "left", "right", "top", "bottom" refer to the position of those edges in this component, so
- e.g. for a component whose width is always 100, you might set the right edge to the "left + 100".
- - "[id].left", "[id].right", "[id].top", "[id].bottom", "[id].width", "[id].height", where [id] is
- the identifier of one of this component's siblings. A component's identifier is set with
- Component::setComponentID(). So for example if you want your component to always be 50 pixels to the
- right of the one called "xyz", you could set your left edge to be "xyz.right + 50".
- - Instead of an [id], you can use the name "parent" to refer to this component's parent. Like
- any other component, these values are relative to their component's parent, so "parent.right" won't be
- very useful for positioning a component because it refers to a position with the parent's parent.. but
- "parent.width" can be used for setting positions relative to the parent's size. E.g. to make a 10x10
- component which remains 1 pixel away from its parent's bottom-right, you could use
- "right - 10, bottom - 10, parent.width - 1, parent.height - 1".
- - The name of one of the parent component's markers can also be used as a symbol. For markers to be
- used, the parent component must implement its Component::getMarkers() method, and return at least one
- valid MarkerList. So if you want your component's top edge to be 10 pixels below the
- marker called "foobar", you'd set it to "foobar + 10".
- See the Expression class for details about the operators that are supported, but for example
- if you wanted to make your component remain centred within its parent with a size of 100, 100,
- you could express it as:
- @code myComp.setBounds (RelativeBounds ("parent.width / 2 - 50, parent.height / 2 - 50, left + 100, top + 100"));
- @endcode
- ..or an alternative way to achieve the same thing:
- @code myComp.setBounds (RelativeBounds ("right - 100, bottom - 100, parent.width / 2 + 50, parent.height / 2 + 50"));
- @endcode
- Or if you wanted a 100x100 component whose top edge is lined up to a marker called "topMarker" and
- which is positioned 50 pixels to the right of another component called "otherComp", you could write:
- @code myComp.setBounds (RelativeBounds ("otherComp.right + 50, topMarker, left + 100, top + 100"));
- @endcode
- Be careful not to make your coordinate expressions recursive, though, or exceptions and assertions will
- be thrown!
- @see setBounds, RelativeRectangle::applyToComponent(), Expression
- */
- void setBounds (const RelativeRectangle& newBounds);
- /** Sets the component's bounds with an expression.
- The string is parsed as a RelativeRectangle expression - see the notes for
- Component::setBounds (const RelativeRectangle&) for more information. This method is
- basically just a shortcut for writing setBounds (RelativeRectangle ("..."))
- */
- void setBounds (const String& newBoundsExpression);
- /** Changes the component's position and size in terms of fractions of its parent's size.
- The values are factors of the parent's size, so for example
- setBoundsRelative (0.2f, 0.2f, 0.5f, 0.5f) would give it half the
- width and height of the parent, with its top-left position 20% of
- the way across and down the parent.
- @see setBounds
- */
- void setBoundsRelative (float proportionalX, float proportionalY,
- float proportionalWidth, float proportionalHeight);
- /** Changes the component's position and size based on the amount of space to leave around it.
- This will position the component within its parent, leaving the specified number of
- pixels around each edge.
- @see setBounds
- */
- void setBoundsInset (const BorderSize<int>& borders);
- /** Positions the component within a given rectangle, keeping its proportions
- unchanged.
- If onlyReduceInSize is false, the component will be resized to fill as much of the
- rectangle as possible without changing its aspect ratio (the component's
- current size is used to determine its aspect ratio, so a zero-size component
- won't work here). If onlyReduceInSize is true, it will only be resized if it's
- too big to fit inside the rectangle.
- It will then be positioned within the rectangle according to the justification flags
- specified.
- @see setBounds
- */
- void setBoundsToFit (int x, int y, int width, int height,
- Justification justification,
- bool onlyReduceInSize);
- /** Changes the position of the component's centre.
- Leaves the component's size unchanged, but sets the position of its centre
- relative to its parent's top-left.
- @see setBounds
- */
- void setCentrePosition (int x, int y);
- /** Changes the position of the component's centre.
- Leaves the position unchanged, but positions its centre relative to its
- parent's size. E.g. setCentreRelative (0.5f, 0.5f) would place it centrally in
- its parent.
- */
- void setCentreRelative (float x, float y);
- /** Changes the component's size and centres it within its parent.
- After changing the size, the component will be moved so that it's
- centred within its parent. If the component is on the desktop (or has no
- parent component), then it'll be centred within the main monitor area.
- */
- void centreWithSize (int width, int height);
- //==============================================================================
- /** Sets a transform matrix to be applied to this component.
- If you set a transform for a component, the component's position will be warped by it, relative to
- the component's parent's top-left origin. This means that the values you pass into setBounds() will no
- longer reflect the actual area within the parent that the component covers, as the bounds will be
- transformed and the component will probably end up actually appearing somewhere else within its parent.
- When using transforms you need to be extremely careful when converting coordinates between the
- coordinate spaces of different components or the screen - you should always use getLocalPoint(),
- getLocalArea(), etc to do this, and never just manually add a component's position to a point in order to
- convert it between different components (but I'm sure you would never have done that anyway...).
- Currently, transforms are not supported for desktop windows, so the transform will be ignored if you
- put a component on the desktop.
- To remove a component's transform, simply pass AffineTransform::identity as the parameter to this method.
- */
- void setTransform (const AffineTransform& transform);
- /** Returns the transform that is currently being applied to this component.
- For more details about transforms, see setTransform().
- @see setTransform
- */
- AffineTransform getTransform() const;
- /** Returns true if a non-identity transform is being applied to this component.
- For more details about transforms, see setTransform().
- @see setTransform
- */
- bool isTransformed() const noexcept;
- //==============================================================================
- /** Returns a proportion of the component's width.
- This is a handy equivalent of (getWidth() * proportion).
- */
- int proportionOfWidth (float proportion) const noexcept;
- /** Returns a proportion of the component's height.
- This is a handy equivalent of (getHeight() * proportion).
- */
- int proportionOfHeight (float proportion) const noexcept;
- /** Returns the width of the component's parent.
- If the component has no parent (i.e. if it's on the desktop), this will return
- the width of the screen.
- */
- int getParentWidth() const noexcept;
- /** Returns the height of the component's parent.
- If the component has no parent (i.e. if it's on the desktop), this will return
- the height of the screen.
- */
- int getParentHeight() const noexcept;
- /** Returns the screen coordinates of the monitor that contains this component.
- If there's only one monitor, this will return its size - if there are multiple
- monitors, it will return the area of the monitor that contains the component's
- centre.
- */
- Rectangle<int> getParentMonitorArea() const;
- //==============================================================================
- /** Returns the number of child components that this component contains.
- @see getChildComponent, getIndexOfChildComponent
- */
- int getNumChildComponents() const noexcept;
- /** Returns one of this component's child components, by it index.
- The component with index 0 is at the back of the z-order, the one at the
- front will have index (getNumChildComponents() - 1).
- If the index is out-of-range, this will return a null pointer.
- @see getNumChildComponents, getIndexOfChildComponent
- */
- Component* getChildComponent (int index) const noexcept;
- /** Returns the index of this component in the list of child components.
- A value of 0 means it is first in the list (i.e. behind all other components). Higher
- values are further towards the front.
- Returns -1 if the component passed-in is not a child of this component.
- @see getNumChildComponents, getChildComponent, addChildComponent, toFront, toBack, toBehind
- */
- int getIndexOfChildComponent (const Component* child) const noexcept;
- /** Looks for a child component with the specified ID.
- @see setComponentID, getComponentID
- */
- Component* findChildWithID (StringRef componentID) const noexcept;
- /** Adds a child component to this one.
- Adding a child component does not mean that the component will own or delete the child - it's
- your responsibility to delete the component. Note that it's safe to delete a component
- without first removing it from its parent - doing so will automatically remove it and
- send out the appropriate notifications before the deletion completes.
- If the child is already a child of this component, then no action will be taken, and its
- z-order will be left unchanged.
- @param child the new component to add. If the component passed-in is already
- the child of another component, it'll first be removed from it current parent.
- @param zOrder The index in the child-list at which this component should be inserted.
- A value of -1 will insert it in front of the others, 0 is the back.
- @see removeChildComponent, addAndMakeVisible, addChildAndSetID, getChild, ComponentListener::componentChildrenChanged
- */
- void addChildComponent (Component* child, int zOrder = -1);
- /** Adds a child component to this one.
- Adding a child component does not mean that the component will own or delete the child - it's
- your responsibility to delete the component. Note that it's safe to delete a component
- without first removing it from its parent - doing so will automatically remove it and
- send out the appropriate notifications before the deletion completes.
- If the child is already a child of this component, then no action will be taken, and its
- z-order will be left unchanged.
- @param child the new component to add. If the component passed-in is already
- the child of another component, it'll first be removed from it current parent.
- @param zOrder The index in the child-list at which this component should be inserted.
- A value of -1 will insert it in front of the others, 0 is the back.
- @see removeChildComponent, addAndMakeVisible, addChildAndSetID, getChild, ComponentListener::componentChildrenChanged
- */
- void addChildComponent (Component& child, int zOrder = -1);
- /** Adds a child component to this one, and also makes the child visible if it isn't already.
- This is the same as calling setVisible (true) on the child and then addChildComponent().
- See addChildComponent() for more details.
- */
- void addAndMakeVisible (Component* child, int zOrder = -1);
- /** Adds a child component to this one, and also makes the child visible if it isn't already.
- This is the same as calling setVisible (true) on the child and then addChildComponent().
- See addChildComponent() for more details.
- */
- void addAndMakeVisible (Component& child, int zOrder = -1);
- /** Adds a child component to this one, makes it visible, and sets its component ID.
- @see addAndMakeVisible, addChildComponent
- */
- void addChildAndSetID (Component* child, const String& componentID);
- /** Removes one of this component's child-components.
- If the child passed-in isn't actually a child of this component (either because
- it's invalid or is the child of a different parent), then no action is taken.
- Note that removing a child will not delete it! But it's ok to delete a component
- without first removing it - doing so will automatically remove it and send out the
- appropriate notifications before the deletion completes.
- @see addChildComponent, ComponentListener::componentChildrenChanged
- */
- void removeChildComponent (Component* childToRemove);
- /** Removes one of this component's child-components by index.
- This will return a pointer to the component that was removed, or null if
- the index was out-of-range.
- Note that removing a child will not delete it! But it's ok to delete a component
- without first removing it - doing so will automatically remove it and send out the
- appropriate notifications before the deletion completes.
- @see addChildComponent, ComponentListener::componentChildrenChanged
- */
- Component* removeChildComponent (int childIndexToRemove);
- /** Removes all this component's children.
- Note that this won't delete them! To do that, use deleteAllChildren() instead.
- */
- void removeAllChildren();
- /** Removes all this component's children, and deletes them.
- @see removeAllChildren
- */
- void deleteAllChildren();
- /** Returns the component which this component is inside.
- If this is the highest-level component or hasn't yet been added to
- a parent, this will return null.
- */
- Component* getParentComponent() const noexcept { return parentComponent; }
- /** Searches the parent components for a component of a specified class.
- For example findParentComponentOfClass \<MyComp\>() would return the first parent
- component that can be dynamically cast to a MyComp, or will return 0 if none
- of the parents are suitable.
- */
- template <class TargetClass>
- TargetClass* findParentComponentOfClass() const
- {
- for (Component* p = parentComponent; p != nullptr; p = p->parentComponent)
- if (TargetClass* const target = dynamic_cast <TargetClass*> (p))
- return target;
- return nullptr;
- }
- /** Returns the highest-level component which contains this one or its parents.
- This will search upwards in the parent-hierarchy from this component, until it
- finds the highest one that doesn't have a parent (i.e. is on the desktop or
- not yet added to a parent), and will return that.
- */
- Component* getTopLevelComponent() const noexcept;
- /** Checks whether a component is anywhere inside this component or its children.
- This will recursively check through this component's children to see if the
- given component is anywhere inside.
- */
- bool isParentOf (const Component* possibleChild) const noexcept;
- //==============================================================================
- /** Called to indicate that the component's parents have changed.
- When a component is added or removed from its parent, this method will
- be called on all of its children (recursively - so all children of its
- children will also be called as well).
- Subclasses can override this if they need to react to this in some way.
- @see getParentComponent, isShowing, ComponentListener::componentParentHierarchyChanged
- */
- virtual void parentHierarchyChanged();
- /** Subclasses can use this callback to be told when children are added or removed, or
- when their z-order changes.
- @see parentHierarchyChanged, ComponentListener::componentChildrenChanged
- */
- virtual void childrenChanged();
- //==============================================================================
- /** Tests whether a given point inside the component.
- Overriding this method allows you to create components which only intercept
- mouse-clicks within a user-defined area.
- This is called to find out whether a particular x, y coordinate is
- considered to be inside the component or not, and is used by methods such
- as contains() and getComponentAt() to work out which component
- the mouse is clicked on.
- Components with custom shapes will probably want to override it to perform
- some more complex hit-testing.
- The default implementation of this method returns either true or false,
- depending on the value that was set by calling setInterceptsMouseClicks() (true
- is the default return value).
- Note that the hit-test region is not related to the opacity with which
- areas of a component are painted.
- Applications should never call hitTest() directly - instead use the
- contains() method, because this will also test for occlusion by the
- component's parent.
- Note that for components on the desktop, this method will be ignored, because it's
- not always possible to implement this behaviour on all platforms.
- @param x the x coordinate to test, relative to the left hand edge of this
- component. This value is guaranteed to be greater than or equal to
- zero, and less than the component's width
- @param y the y coordinate to test, relative to the top edge of this
- component. This value is guaranteed to be greater than or equal to
- zero, and less than the component's height
- @returns true if the click is considered to be inside the component
- @see setInterceptsMouseClicks, contains
- */
- virtual bool hitTest (int x, int y);
- /** Changes the default return value for the hitTest() method.
- Setting this to false is an easy way to make a component pass its mouse-clicks
- through to the components behind it.
- When a component is created, the default setting for this is true.
- @param allowClicksOnThisComponent if true, hitTest() will always return true; if false, it will
- return false (or true for child components if allowClicksOnChildComponents
- is true)
- @param allowClicksOnChildComponents if this is true and allowClicksOnThisComponent is false, then child
- components can be clicked on as normal but clicks on this component pass
- straight through; if this is false and allowClicksOnThisComponent
- is false, then neither this component nor any child components can
- be clicked on
- @see hitTest, getInterceptsMouseClicks
- */
- void setInterceptsMouseClicks (bool allowClicksOnThisComponent,
- bool allowClicksOnChildComponents) noexcept;
- /** Retrieves the current state of the mouse-click interception flags.
- On return, the two parameters are set to the state used in the last call to
- setInterceptsMouseClicks().
- @see setInterceptsMouseClicks
- */
- void getInterceptsMouseClicks (bool& allowsClicksOnThisComponent,
- bool& allowsClicksOnChildComponents) const noexcept;
- /** Returns true if a given point lies within this component or one of its children.
- Never override this method! Use hitTest to create custom hit regions.
- @param localPoint the coordinate to test, relative to this component's top-left.
- @returns true if the point is within the component's hit-test area, but only if
- that part of the component isn't clipped by its parent component. Note
- that this won't take into account any overlapping sibling components
- which might be in the way - for that, see reallyContains()
- @see hitTest, reallyContains, getComponentAt
- */
- bool contains (Point<int> localPoint);
- /** Returns true if a given point lies in this component, taking any overlapping
- siblings into account.
- @param localPoint the coordinate to test, relative to this component's top-left.
- @param returnTrueIfWithinAChild if the point actually lies within a child of this component,
- this determines whether that is counted as a hit.
- @see contains, getComponentAt
- */
- bool reallyContains (Point<int> localPoint, bool returnTrueIfWithinAChild);
- /** Returns the component at a certain point within this one.
- @param x the x coordinate to test, relative to this component's left edge.
- @param y the y coordinate to test, relative to this component's top edge.
- @returns the component that is at this position - which may be 0, this component,
- or one of its children. Note that overlapping siblings that might actually
- be in the way are not taken into account by this method - to account for these,
- instead call getComponentAt on the top-level parent of this component.
- @see hitTest, contains, reallyContains
- */
- Component* getComponentAt (int x, int y);
- /** Returns the component at a certain point within this one.
- @param position the coordinate to test, relative to this component's top-left.
- @returns the component that is at this position - which may be 0, this component,
- or one of its children. Note that overlapping siblings that might actually
- be in the way are not taken into account by this method - to account for these,
- instead call getComponentAt on the top-level parent of this component.
- @see hitTest, contains, reallyContains
- */
- Component* getComponentAt (Point<int> position);
- //==============================================================================
- /** Marks the whole component as needing to be redrawn.
- Calling this will not do any repainting immediately, but will mark the component
- as 'dirty'. At some point in the near future the operating system will send a paint
- message, which will redraw all the dirty regions of all components.
- There's no guarantee about how soon after calling repaint() the redraw will actually
- happen, and other queued events may be delivered before a redraw is done.
- If the setBufferedToImage() method has been used to cause this component to use a
- buffer, the repaint() call will invalidate the cached buffer. If setCachedComponentImage()
- has been used to provide a custom image cache, that cache will be invalidated appropriately.
- To redraw just a subsection of the component rather than the whole thing,
- use the repaint (int, int, int, int) method.
- @see paint
- */
- void repaint();
- /** Marks a subsection of this component as needing to be redrawn.
- Calling this will not do any repainting immediately, but will mark the given region
- of the component as 'dirty'. At some point in the near future the operating system
- will send a paint message, which will redraw all the dirty regions of all components.
- There's no guarantee about how soon after calling repaint() the redraw will actually
- happen, and other queued events may be delivered before a redraw is done.
- The region that is passed in will be clipped to keep it within the bounds of this
- component.
- @see repaint()
- */
- void repaint (int x, int y, int width, int height);
- /** Marks a subsection of this component as needing to be redrawn.
- Calling this will not do any repainting immediately, but will mark the given region
- of the component as 'dirty'. At some point in the near future the operating system
- will send a paint message, which will redraw all the dirty regions of all components.
- There's no guarantee about how soon after calling repaint() the redraw will actually
- happen, and other queued events may be delivered before a redraw is done.
- The region that is passed in will be clipped to keep it within the bounds of this
- component.
- @see repaint()
- */
- void repaint (const Rectangle<int>& area);
- //==============================================================================
- /** Makes the component use an internal buffer to optimise its redrawing.
- Setting this flag to true will cause the component to allocate an
- internal buffer into which it paints itself, so that when asked to
- redraw itself, it can use this buffer rather than actually calling the
- paint() method.
- The buffer is kept until the repaint() method is called directly on
- this component (or until it is resized), when the image is invalidated
- and then redrawn the next time the component is painted.
- Note that only the drawing that happens within the component's paint()
- method is drawn into the buffer, it's child components are not buffered, and
- nor is the paintOverChildren() method.
- @see repaint, paint, createComponentSnapshot
- */
- void setBufferedToImage (bool shouldBeBuffered);
- /** Generates a snapshot of part of this component.
- This will return a new Image, the size of the rectangle specified,
- containing a snapshot of the specified area of the component and all
- its children.
- The image may or may not have an alpha-channel, depending on whether the
- image is opaque or not.
- If the clipImageToComponentBounds parameter is true and the area is greater than
- the size of the component, it'll be clipped. If clipImageToComponentBounds is false
- then parts of the component beyond its bounds can be drawn.
- @see paintEntireComponent
- */
- Image createComponentSnapshot (const Rectangle<int>& areaToGrab,
- bool clipImageToComponentBounds = true,
- float scaleFactor = 1.0f);
- /** Draws this component and all its subcomponents onto the specified graphics
- context.
- You should very rarely have to use this method, it's simply there in case you need
- to draw a component with a custom graphics context for some reason, e.g. for
- creating a snapshot of the component.
- It calls paint(), paintOverChildren() and recursively calls paintEntireComponent()
- on its children in order to render the entire tree.
- The graphics context may be left in an undefined state after this method returns,
- so you may need to reset it if you're going to use it again.
- If ignoreAlphaLevel is false, then the component will be drawn with the opacity level
- specified by getAlpha(); if ignoreAlphaLevel is true, then this will be ignored and
- an alpha of 1.0 will be used.
- */
- void paintEntireComponent (Graphics& context, bool ignoreAlphaLevel);
- /** This allows you to indicate that this component doesn't require its graphics
- context to be clipped when it is being painted.
- Most people will never need to use this setting, but in situations where you have a very large
- number of simple components being rendered, and where they are guaranteed never to do any drawing
- beyond their own boundaries, setting this to true will reduce the overhead involved in clipping
- the graphics context that gets passed to the component's paint() callback.
- If you enable this mode, you'll need to make sure your paint method doesn't call anything like
- Graphics::fillAll(), and doesn't draw beyond the component's bounds, because that'll produce
- artifacts. Your component also can't have any child components that may be placed beyond its
- bounds.
- */
- void setPaintingIsUnclipped (bool shouldPaintWithoutClipping) noexcept;
- //==============================================================================
- /** Adds an effect filter to alter the component's appearance.
- When a component has an effect filter set, then this is applied to the
- results of its paint() method. There are a few preset effects, such as
- a drop-shadow or glow, but they can be user-defined as well.
- The effect that is passed in will not be deleted by the component - the
- caller must take care of deleting it.
- To remove an effect from a component, pass a null pointer in as the parameter.
- @see ImageEffectFilter, DropShadowEffect, GlowEffect
- */
- void setComponentEffect (ImageEffectFilter* newEffect);
- /** Returns the current component effect.
- @see setComponentEffect
- */
- ImageEffectFilter* getComponentEffect() const noexcept { return effect; }
- //==============================================================================
- /** Finds the appropriate look-and-feel to use for this component.
- If the component hasn't had a look-and-feel explicitly set, this will
- return the parent's look-and-feel, or just the default one if there's no
- parent.
- @see setLookAndFeel, lookAndFeelChanged
- */
- LookAndFeel& getLookAndFeel() const noexcept;
- /** Sets the look and feel to use for this component.
- This will also change the look and feel for any child components that haven't
- had their look set explicitly.
- The object passed in will not be deleted by the component, so it's the caller's
- responsibility to manage it. It may be used at any time until this component
- has been deleted.
- Calling this method will also invoke the sendLookAndFeelChange() method.
- @see getLookAndFeel, lookAndFeelChanged
- */
- void setLookAndFeel (LookAndFeel* newLookAndFeel);
- /** Called to let the component react to a change in the look-and-feel setting.
- When the look-and-feel is changed for a component, this will be called in
- all its child components, recursively.
- It can also be triggered manually by the sendLookAndFeelChange() method, in case
- an application uses a LookAndFeel class that might have changed internally.
- @see sendLookAndFeelChange, getLookAndFeel
- */
- virtual void lookAndFeelChanged();
- /** Calls the lookAndFeelChanged() method in this component and all its children.
- This will recurse through the children and their children, calling lookAndFeelChanged()
- on them all.
- @see lookAndFeelChanged
- */
- void sendLookAndFeelChange();
- //==============================================================================
- /** Indicates whether any parts of the component might be transparent.
- Components that always paint all of their contents with solid colour and
- thus completely cover any components behind them should use this method
- to tell the repaint system that they are opaque.
- This information is used to optimise drawing, because it means that
- objects underneath opaque windows don't need to be painted.
- By default, components are considered transparent, unless this is used to
- make it otherwise.
- @see isOpaque, getVisibleArea
- */
- void setOpaque (bool shouldBeOpaque);
- /** Returns true if no parts of this component are transparent.
- @returns the value that was set by setOpaque, (the default being false)
- @see setOpaque
- */
- bool isOpaque() const noexcept;
- //==============================================================================
- /** Indicates whether the component should be brought to the front when clicked.
- Setting this flag to true will cause the component to be brought to the front
- when the mouse is clicked somewhere inside it or its child components.
- Note that a top-level desktop window might still be brought to the front by the
- operating system when it's clicked, depending on how the OS works.
- By default this is set to false.
- @see setMouseClickGrabsKeyboardFocus
- */
- void setBroughtToFrontOnMouseClick (bool shouldBeBroughtToFront) noexcept;
- /** Indicates whether the component should be brought to the front when clicked-on.
- @see setBroughtToFrontOnMouseClick
- */
- bool isBroughtToFrontOnMouseClick() const noexcept;
- //==============================================================================
- // Keyboard focus methods
- /** Sets a flag to indicate whether this component needs keyboard focus or not.
- By default components aren't actually interested in gaining the
- focus, but this method can be used to turn this on.
- See the grabKeyboardFocus() method for details about the way a component
- is chosen to receive the focus.
- @see grabKeyboardFocus, getWantsKeyboardFocus
- */
- void setWantsKeyboardFocus (bool wantsFocus) noexcept;
- /** Returns true if the component is interested in getting keyboard focus.
- This returns the flag set by setWantsKeyboardFocus(). The default
- setting is false.
- @see setWantsKeyboardFocus
- */
- bool getWantsKeyboardFocus() const noexcept;
- //==============================================================================
- /** Chooses whether a click on this component automatically grabs the focus.
- By default this is set to true, but you might want a component which can
- be focused, but where you don't want the user to be able to affect it directly
- by clicking.
- */
- void setMouseClickGrabsKeyboardFocus (bool shouldGrabFocus);
- /** Returns the last value set with setMouseClickGrabsKeyboardFocus().
- See setMouseClickGrabsKeyboardFocus() for more info.
- */
- bool getMouseClickGrabsKeyboardFocus() const noexcept;
- //==============================================================================
- /** Tries to give keyboard focus to this component.
- When the user clicks on a component or its grabKeyboardFocus()
- method is called, the following procedure is used to work out which
- component should get it:
- - if the component that was clicked on actually wants focus (as indicated
- by calling getWantsKeyboardFocus), it gets it.
- - if the component itself doesn't want focus, it will try to pass it
- on to whichever of its children is the default component, as determined by
- KeyboardFocusTraverser::getDefaultComponent()
- - if none of its children want focus at all, it will pass it up to its
- parent instead, unless it's a top-level component without a parent,
- in which case it just takes the focus itself.
- @see setWantsKeyboardFocus, getWantsKeyboardFocus, hasKeyboardFocus,
- getCurrentlyFocusedComponent, focusGained, focusLost,
- keyPressed, keyStateChanged
- */
- void grabKeyboardFocus();
- /** Returns true if this component currently has the keyboard focus.
- @param trueIfChildIsFocused if this is true, then the method returns true if
- either this component or any of its children (recursively)
- have the focus. If false, the method only returns true if
- this component has the focus.
- @see grabKeyboardFocus, setWantsKeyboardFocus, getCurrentlyFocusedComponent,
- focusGained, focusLost
- */
- bool hasKeyboardFocus (bool trueIfChildIsFocused) const;
- /** Returns the component that currently has the keyboard focus.
- @returns the focused component, or null if nothing is focused.
- */
- static Component* JUCE_CALLTYPE getCurrentlyFocusedComponent() noexcept;
- /** If any component has keyboard focus, this will defocus it. */
- static void JUCE_CALLTYPE unfocusAllComponents();
- //==============================================================================
- /** Tries to move the keyboard focus to one of this component's siblings.
- This will try to move focus to either the next or previous component. (This
- is the method that is used when shifting focus by pressing the tab key).
- Components for which getWantsKeyboardFocus() returns false are not looked at.
- @param moveToNext if true, the focus will move forwards; if false, it will
- move backwards
- @see grabKeyboardFocus, setFocusContainer, setWantsKeyboardFocus
- */
- void moveKeyboardFocusToSibling (bool moveToNext);
- /** Creates a KeyboardFocusTraverser object to use to determine the logic by
- which focus should be passed from this component.
- The default implementation of this method will return a default
- KeyboardFocusTraverser if this component is a focus container (as determined
- by the setFocusContainer() method). If the component isn't a focus
- container, then it will recursively ask its parents for a KeyboardFocusTraverser.
- If you overrride this to return a custom KeyboardFocusTraverser, then
- this component and all its sub-components will use the new object to
- make their focusing decisions.
- The method should return a new object, which the caller is required to
- delete when no longer needed.
- */
- virtual KeyboardFocusTraverser* createFocusTraverser();
- /** Returns the focus order of this component, if one has been specified.
- By default components don't have a focus order - in that case, this
- will return 0. Lower numbers indicate that the component will be
- earlier in the focus traversal order.
- To change the order, call setExplicitFocusOrder().
- The focus order may be used by the KeyboardFocusTraverser class as part of
- its algorithm for deciding the order in which components should be traversed.
- See the KeyboardFocusTraverser class for more details on this.
- @see moveKeyboardFocusToSibling, createFocusTraverser, KeyboardFocusTraverser
- */
- int getExplicitFocusOrder() const;
- /** Sets the index used in determining the order in which focusable components
- should be traversed.
- A value of 0 or less is taken to mean that no explicit order is wanted, and
- that traversal should use other factors, like the component's position.
- @see getExplicitFocusOrder, moveKeyboardFocusToSibling
- */
- void setExplicitFocusOrder (int newFocusOrderIndex);
- /** Indicates whether this component is a parent for components that can have
- their focus traversed.
- This flag is used by the default implementation of the createFocusTraverser()
- method, which uses the flag to find the first parent component (of the currently
- focused one) which wants to be a focus container.
- So using this method to set the flag to 'true' causes this component to
- act as the top level within which focus is passed around.
- @see isFocusContainer, createFocusTraverser, moveKeyboardFocusToSibling
- */
- void setFocusContainer (bool shouldBeFocusContainer) noexcept;
- /** Returns true if this component has been marked as a focus container.
- See setFocusContainer() for more details.
- @see setFocusContainer, moveKeyboardFocusToSibling, createFocusTraverser
- */
- bool isFocusContainer() const noexcept;
- //==============================================================================
- /** Returns true if the component (and all its parents) are enabled.
- Components are enabled by default, and can be disabled with setEnabled(). Exactly
- what difference this makes to the component depends on the type. E.g. buttons
- and sliders will choose to draw themselves differently, etc.
- Note that if one of this component's parents is disabled, this will always
- return false, even if this component itself is enabled.
- @see setEnabled, enablementChanged
- */
- bool isEnabled() const noexcept;
- /** Enables or disables this component.
- Disabling a component will also cause all of its child components to become
- disabled.
- Similarly, enabling a component which is inside a disabled parent
- component won't make any difference until the parent is re-enabled.
- @see isEnabled, enablementChanged
- */
- void setEnabled (bool shouldBeEnabled);
- /** Callback to indicate that this component has been enabled or disabled.
- This can be triggered by one of the component's parent components
- being enabled or disabled, as well as changes to the component itself.
- The default implementation of this method does nothing; your class may
- wish to repaint itself or something when this happens.
- @see setEnabled, isEnabled
- */
- virtual void enablementChanged();
- /** Changes the transparency of this component.
- When painted, the entire component and all its children will be rendered
- with this as the overall opacity level, where 0 is completely invisible, and
- 1.0 is fully opaque (i.e. normal).
- @see getAlpha
- */
- void setAlpha (float newAlpha);
- /** Returns the component's current transparancy level.
- See setAlpha() for more details.
- */
- float getAlpha() const;
- //==============================================================================
- /** Changes the mouse cursor shape to use when the mouse is over this component.
- Note that the cursor set by this method can be overridden by the getMouseCursor
- method.
- @see MouseCursor
- */
- void setMouseCursor (const MouseCursor& cursorType);
- /** Returns the mouse cursor shape to use when the mouse is over this component.
- The default implementation will return the cursor that was set by setCursor()
- but can be overridden for more specialised purposes, e.g. returning different
- cursors depending on the mouse position.
- @see MouseCursor
- */
- virtual MouseCursor getMouseCursor();
- /** Forces the current mouse cursor to be updated.
- If you're overriding the getMouseCursor() method to control which cursor is
- displayed, then this will only be checked each time the user moves the mouse. So
- if you want to force the system to check that the cursor being displayed is
- up-to-date (even if the mouse is just sitting there), call this method.
- (If you're changing the cursor using setMouseCursor(), you don't need to bother
- calling this).
- */
- void updateMouseCursor() const;
- //==============================================================================
- /** Components can override this method to draw their content.
- The paint() method gets called when a region of a component needs redrawing,
- either because the component's repaint() method has been called, or because
- something has happened on the screen that means a section of a window needs
- to be redrawn.
- Any child components will draw themselves over whatever this method draws. If
- you need to paint over the top of your child components, you can also implement
- the paintOverChildren() method to do this.
- If you want to cause a component to redraw itself, this is done asynchronously -
- calling the repaint() method marks a region of the component as "dirty", and the
- paint() method will automatically be called sometime later, by the message thread,
- to paint any bits that need refreshing. In Juce (and almost all modern UI frameworks),
- you never redraw something synchronously.
- You should never need to call this method directly - to take a snapshot of the
- component you could use createComponentSnapshot() or paintEntireComponent().
- @param g the graphics context that must be used to do the drawing operations.
- @see repaint, paintOverChildren, Graphics
- */
- virtual void paint (Graphics& g);
- /** Components can override this method to draw over the top of their children.
- For most drawing operations, it's better to use the normal paint() method,
- but if you need to overlay something on top of the children, this can be
- used.
- @see paint, Graphics
- */
- virtual void paintOverChildren (Graphics& g);
- //==============================================================================
- /** Called when the mouse moves inside a component.
- If the mouse button isn't pressed and the mouse moves over a component,
- this will be called to let the component react to this.
- A component will always get a mouseEnter callback before a mouseMove.
- @param event details about the position and status of the mouse event, including
- the source component in which it occurred
- @see mouseEnter, mouseExit, mouseDrag, contains
- */
- virtual void mouseMove (const MouseEvent& event) override;
- /** Called when the mouse first enters a component.
- If the mouse button isn't pressed and the mouse moves into a component,
- this will be called to let the component react to this.
- When the mouse button is pressed and held down while being moved in
- or out of a component, no mouseEnter or mouseExit callbacks are made - only
- mouseDrag messages are sent to the component that the mouse was originally
- clicked on, until the button is released.
- @param event details about the position and status of the mouse event, including
- the source component in which it occurred
- @see mouseExit, mouseDrag, mouseMove, contains
- */
- virtual void mouseEnter (const MouseEvent& event) override;
- /** Called when the mouse moves out of a component.
- This will be called when the mouse moves off the edge of this
- component.
- If the mouse button was pressed, and it was then dragged off the
- edge of the component and released, then this callback will happen
- when the button is released, after the mouseUp callback.
- @param event details about the position and status of the mouse event, including
- the source component in which it occurred
- @see mouseEnter, mouseDrag, mouseMove, contains
- */
- virtual void mouseExit (const MouseEvent& event) override;
- /** Called when a mouse button is pressed.
- The MouseEvent object passed in contains lots of methods for finding out
- which button was pressed, as well as which modifier keys (e.g. shift, ctrl)
- were held down at the time.
- Once a button is held down, the mouseDrag method will be called when the
- mouse moves, until the button is released.
- @param event details about the position and status of the mouse event, including
- the source component in which it occurred
- @see mouseUp, mouseDrag, mouseDoubleClick, contains
- */
- virtual void mouseDown (const MouseEvent& event) override;
- /** Called when the mouse is moved while a button is held down.
- When a mouse button is pressed inside a component, that component
- receives mouseDrag callbacks each time the mouse moves, even if the
- mouse strays outside the component's bounds.
- @param event details about the position and status of the mouse event, including
- the source component in which it occurred
- @see mouseDown, mouseUp, mouseMove, contains, setDragRepeatInterval
- */
- virtual void mouseDrag (const MouseEvent& event) override;
- /** Called when a mouse button is released.
- A mouseUp callback is sent to the component in which a button was pressed
- even if the mouse is actually over a different component when the
- button is released.
- The MouseEvent object passed in contains lots of methods for finding out
- which buttons were down just before they were released.
- @param event details about the position and status of the mouse event, including
- the source component in which it occurred
- @see mouseDown, mouseDrag, mouseDoubleClick, contains
- */
- virtual void mouseUp (const MouseEvent& event) override;
- /** Called when a mouse button has been double-clicked on a component.
- The MouseEvent object passed in contains lots of methods for finding out
- which button was pressed, as well as which modifier keys (e.g. shift, ctrl)
- were held down at the time.
- @param event details about the position and status of the mouse event, including
- the source component in which it occurred
- @see mouseDown, mouseUp
- */
- virtual void mouseDoubleClick (const MouseEvent& event) override;
- /** Called when the mouse-wheel is moved.
- This callback is sent to the component that the mouse is over when the
- wheel is moved.
- If not overridden, a component will forward this message to its parent, so
- that parent components can collect mouse-wheel messages that happen to
- child components which aren't interested in them. (Bear in mind that if
- you attach a component as a mouse-listener to other components, then
- those wheel moves will also end up calling this method and being passed up
- to the parents, which may not be what you intended to happen).
- @param event details about the mouse event
- @param wheel details about the mouse wheel movement
- */
- virtual void mouseWheelMove (const MouseEvent& event,
- const MouseWheelDetails& wheel) override;
- /** Called when a pinch-to-zoom mouse-gesture is used.
- If not overridden, a component will forward this message to its parent, so
- that parent components can collect gesture messages that are unused by child
- components.
- @param event details about the mouse event
- @param scaleFactor a multiplier to indicate by how much the size of the target
- should be changed. A value of 1.0 would indicate no change,
- values greater than 1.0 mean it should be enlarged.
- */
- virtual void mouseMagnify (const MouseEvent& event, float scaleFactor);
- //==============================================================================
- /** Ensures that a non-stop stream of mouse-drag events will be sent during the
- current mouse-drag operation.
- This allows you to make sure that mouseDrag() events are sent continuously, even
- when the mouse isn't moving. This can be useful for things like auto-scrolling
- components when the mouse is near an edge.
- Call this method during a mouseDown() or mouseDrag() callback, specifying the
- minimum interval between consecutive mouse drag callbacks. The callbacks
- will continue until the mouse is released, and then the interval will be reset,
- so you need to make sure it's called every time you begin a drag event.
- Passing an interval of 0 or less will cancel the auto-repeat.
- @see mouseDrag, Desktop::beginDragAutoRepeat
- */
- static void JUCE_CALLTYPE beginDragAutoRepeat (int millisecondsBetweenCallbacks);
- /** Causes automatic repaints when the mouse enters or exits this component.
- If turned on, then when the mouse enters/exits, or when the button is pressed/released
- on the component, it will trigger a repaint.
- This is handy for things like buttons that need to draw themselves differently when
- the mouse moves over them, and it avoids having to override all the different mouse
- callbacks and call repaint().
- @see mouseEnter, mouseExit, mouseDown, mouseUp
- */
- void setRepaintsOnMouseActivity (bool shouldRepaint) noexcept;
- /** Registers a listener to be told when mouse events occur in this component.
- If you need to get informed about mouse events in a component but can't or
- don't want to override its methods, you can attach any number of listeners
- to the component, and these will get told about the events in addition to
- the component's own callbacks being called.
- Note that a MouseListener can also be attached to more than one component.
- @param newListener the listener to register
- @param wantsEventsForAllNestedChildComponents if true, the listener will receive callbacks
- for events that happen to any child component
- within this component, including deeply-nested
- child components. If false, it will only be
- told about events that this component handles.
- @see MouseListener, removeMouseListener
- */
- void addMouseListener (MouseListener* newListener,
- bool wantsEventsForAllNestedChildComponents);
- /** Deregisters a mouse listener.
- @see addMouseListener, MouseListener
- */
- void removeMouseListener (MouseListener* listenerToRemove);
- //==============================================================================
- /** Adds a listener that wants to hear about keypresses that this component receives.
- The listeners that are registered with a component are called by its keyPressed() or
- keyStateChanged() methods (assuming these haven't been overridden to do something else).
- If you add an object as a key listener, be careful to remove it when the object
- is deleted, or the component will be left with a dangling pointer.
- @see keyPressed, keyStateChanged, removeKeyListener
- */
- void addKeyListener (KeyListener* newListener);
- /** Removes a previously-registered key listener.
- @see addKeyListener
- */
- void removeKeyListener (KeyListener* listenerToRemove);
- /** Called when a key is pressed.
- When a key is pressed, the component that has the keyboard focus will have this
- method called. Remember that a component will only be given the focus if its
- setWantsKeyboardFocus() method has been used to enable this.
- If your implementation returns true, the event will be consumed and not passed
- on to any other listeners. If it returns false, the key will be passed to any
- KeyListeners that have been registered with this component. As soon as one of these
- returns true, the process will stop, but if they all return false, the event will
- be passed upwards to this component's parent, and so on.
- The default implementation of this method does nothing and returns false.
- @see keyStateChanged, getCurrentlyFocusedComponent, addKeyListener
- */
- virtual bool keyPressed (const KeyPress& key);
- /** Called when a key is pressed or released.
- Whenever a key on the keyboard is pressed or released (including modifier keys
- like shift and ctrl), this method will be called on the component that currently
- has the keyboard focus. Remember that a component will only be given the focus if
- its setWantsKeyboardFocus() method has been used to enable this.
- If your implementation returns true, the event will be consumed and not passed
- on to any other listeners. If it returns false, then any KeyListeners that have
- been registered with this component will have their keyStateChanged methods called.
- As soon as one of these returns true, the process will stop, but if they all return
- false, the event will be passed upwards to this component's parent, and so on.
- The default implementation of this method does nothing and returns false.
- To find out which keys are up or down at any time, see the KeyPress::isKeyCurrentlyDown()
- method.
- @param isKeyDown true if a key has been pressed; false if it has been released
- @see keyPressed, KeyPress, getCurrentlyFocusedComponent, addKeyListener
- */
- virtual bool keyStateChanged (bool isKeyDown);
- /** Called when a modifier key is pressed or released.
- Whenever the shift, control, alt or command keys are pressed or released,
- this method will be called on the component that currently has the keyboard focus.
- Remember that a component will only be given the focus if its setWantsKeyboardFocus()
- method has been used to enable this.
- The default implementation of this method actually calls its parent's modifierKeysChanged
- method, so that focused components which aren't interested in this will give their
- parents a chance to act on the event instead.
- @see keyStateChanged, ModifierKeys
- */
- virtual void modifierKeysChanged (const ModifierKeys& modifiers);
- //==============================================================================
- /** Enumeration used by the focusChanged() and focusLost() methods. */
- enum FocusChangeType
- {
- focusChangedByMouseClick, /**< Means that the user clicked the mouse to change focus. */
- focusChangedByTabKey, /**< Means that the user pressed the tab key to move the focus. */
- focusChangedDirectly /**< Means that the focus was changed by a call to grabKeyboardFocus(). */
- };
- /** Called to indicate that this component has just acquired the keyboard focus.
- @see focusLost, setWantsKeyboardFocus, getCurrentlyFocusedComponent, hasKeyboardFocus
- */
- virtual void focusGained (FocusChangeType cause);
- /** Called to indicate that this component has just lost the keyboard focus.
- @see focusGained, setWantsKeyboardFocus, getCurrentlyFocusedComponent, hasKeyboardFocus
- */
- virtual void focusLost (FocusChangeType cause);
- /** Called to indicate that one of this component's children has been focused or unfocused.
- Essentially this means that the return value of a call to hasKeyboardFocus (true) has
- changed. It happens when focus moves from one of this component's children (at any depth)
- to a component that isn't contained in this one, (or vice-versa).
- @see focusGained, setWantsKeyboardFocus, getCurrentlyFocusedComponent, hasKeyboardFocus
- */
- virtual void focusOfChildComponentChanged (FocusChangeType cause);
- //==============================================================================
- /** Returns true if the mouse is currently over this component.
- If the mouse isn't over the component, this will return false, even if the
- mouse is currently being dragged - so you can use this in your mouseDrag
- method to find out whether it's really over the component or not.
- Note that when the mouse button is being held down, then the only component
- for which this method will return true is the one that was originally
- clicked on.
- If includeChildren is true, then this will also return true if the mouse is over
- any of the component's children (recursively) as well as the component itself.
- @see isMouseButtonDown. isMouseOverOrDragging, mouseDrag
- */
- bool isMouseOver (bool includeChildren = false) const;
- /** Returns true if the mouse button is currently held down in this component.
- Note that this is a test to see whether the mouse is being pressed in this
- component, so it'll return false if called on component A when the mouse
- is actually being dragged in component B.
- @see isMouseButtonDownAnywhere, isMouseOver, isMouseOverOrDragging
- */
- bool isMouseButtonDown() const;
- /** True if the mouse is over this component, or if it's being dragged in this component.
- This is a handy equivalent to (isMouseOver() || isMouseButtonDown()).
- @see isMouseOver, isMouseButtonDown, isMouseButtonDownAnywhere
- */
- bool isMouseOverOrDragging() const;
- /** Returns true if a mouse button is currently down.
- Unlike isMouseButtonDown, this will test the current state of the
- buttons without regard to which component (if any) it has been
- pressed in.
- @see isMouseButtonDown, ModifierKeys
- */
- static bool JUCE_CALLTYPE isMouseButtonDownAnywhere() noexcept;
- /** Returns the mouse's current position, relative to this component.
- The return value is relative to the component's top-left corner.
- */
- Point<int> getMouseXYRelative() const;
- //==============================================================================
- /** Called when this component's size has been changed.
- A component can implement this method to do things such as laying out its
- child components when its width or height changes.
- The method is called synchronously as a result of the setBounds or setSize
- methods, so repeatedly changing a components size will repeatedly call its
- resized method (unlike things like repainting, where multiple calls to repaint
- are coalesced together).
- If the component is a top-level window on the desktop, its size could also
- be changed by operating-system factors beyond the application's control.
- @see moved, setSize
- */
- virtual void resized();
- /** Called when this component's position has been changed.
- This is called when the position relative to its parent changes, not when
- its absolute position on the screen changes (so it won't be called for
- all child components when a parent component is moved).
- The method is called synchronously as a result of the setBounds, setTopLeftPosition
- or any of the other repositioning methods, and like resized(), it will be
- called each time those methods are called.
- If the component is a top-level window on the desktop, its position could also
- be changed by operating-system factors beyond the application's control.
- @see resized, setBounds
- */
- virtual void moved();
- /** Called when one of this component's children is moved or resized.
- If the parent wants to know about changes to its immediate children (not
- to children of its children), this is the method to override.
- @see moved, resized, parentSizeChanged
- */
- virtual void childBoundsChanged (Component* child);
- /** Called when this component's immediate parent has been resized.
- If the component is a top-level window, this indicates that the screen size
- has changed.
- @see childBoundsChanged, moved, resized
- */
- virtual void parentSizeChanged();
- /** Called when this component has been moved to the front of its siblings.
- The component may have been brought to the front by the toFront() method, or
- by the operating system if it's a top-level window.
- @see toFront
- */
- virtual void broughtToFront();
- /** Adds a listener to be told about changes to the component hierarchy or position.
- Component listeners get called when this component's size, position or children
- change - see the ComponentListener class for more details.
- @param newListener the listener to register - if this is already registered, it
- will be ignored.
- @see ComponentListener, removeComponentListener
- */
- void addComponentListener (ComponentListener* newListener);
- /** Removes a component listener.
- @see addComponentListener
- */
- void removeComponentListener (ComponentListener* listenerToRemove);
- //==============================================================================
- /** Dispatches a numbered message to this component.
- This is a quick and cheap way of allowing simple asynchronous messages to
- be sent to components. It's also safe, because if the component that you
- send the message to is a null or dangling pointer, this won't cause an error.
- The command ID is later delivered to the component's handleCommandMessage() method by
- the application's message queue.
- @see handleCommandMessage
- */
- void postCommandMessage (int commandId);
- /** Called to handle a command that was sent by postCommandMessage().
- This is called by the message thread when a command message arrives, and
- the component can override this method to process it in any way it needs to.
- @see postCommandMessage
- */
- virtual void handleCommandMessage (int commandId);
- //==============================================================================
- /** Runs a component modally, waiting until the loop terminates.
- This method first makes the component visible, brings it to the front and
- gives it the keyboard focus.
- It then runs a loop, dispatching messages from the system message queue, but
- blocking all mouse or keyboard messages from reaching any components other
- than this one and its children.
- This loop continues until the component's exitModalState() method is called (or
- the component is deleted), and then this method returns, returning the value
- passed into exitModalState().
- @see enterModalState, exitModalState, isCurrentlyModal, getCurrentlyModalComponent,
- isCurrentlyBlockedByAnotherModalComponent, ModalComponentManager
- */
- int runModalLoop();
- #endif
- /** Puts the component into a modal state.
- This makes the component modal, so that messages are blocked from reaching
- any components other than this one and its children, but unlike runModalLoop(),
- this method returns immediately.
- If takeKeyboardFocus is true, the component will use grabKeyboardFocus() to
- get the focus, which is usually what you'll want it to do. If not, it will leave
- the focus unchanged.
- The callback is an optional object which will receive a callback when the modal
- component loses its modal status, either by being hidden or when exitModalState()
- is called. If you pass an object in here, the system will take care of deleting it
- later, after making the callback
- If deleteWhenDismissed is true, then when it is dismissed, the component will be
- deleted and then the callback will be called. (This will safely handle the situation
- where the component is deleted before its exitModalState() method is called).
- @see exitModalState, runModalLoop, ModalComponentManager::attachCallback
- */
- void enterModalState (bool takeKeyboardFocus = true,
- ModalComponentManager::Callback* callback = nullptr,
- bool deleteWhenDismissed = false);
- /** Ends a component's modal state.
- If this component is currently modal, this will turn off its modalness, and return
- a value to the runModalLoop() method that might have be running its modal loop.
- @see runModalLoop, enterModalState, isCurrentlyModal
- */
- void exitModalState (int returnValue);
- /** Returns true if this component is the modal one.
- It's possible to have nested modal components, e.g. a pop-up dialog box
- that launches another pop-up, but this will only return true for
- the one at the top of the stack.
- @see getCurrentlyModalComponent
- */
- bool isCurrentlyModal() const noexcept;
- /** Returns the number of components that are currently in a modal state.
- @see getCurrentlyModalComponent
- */
- static int JUCE_CALLTYPE getNumCurrentlyModalComponents() noexcept;
- /** Returns one of the components that are currently modal.
- The index specifies which of the possible modal components to return. The order
- of the components in this list is the reverse of the order in which they became
- modal - so the component at index 0 is always the active component, and the others
- are progressively earlier ones that are themselves now blocked by later ones.
- @returns the modal component, or null if no components are modal (or if the
- index is out of range)
- @see getNumCurrentlyModalComponents, runModalLoop, isCurrentlyModal
- */
- static Component* JUCE_CALLTYPE getCurrentlyModalComponent (int index = 0) noexcept;
- /** Checks whether there's a modal component somewhere that's stopping this one
- from receiving messages.
- If there is a modal component, its canModalEventBeSentToComponent() method
- will be called to see if it will still allow this component to receive events.
- @see runModalLoop, getCurrentlyModalComponent
- */
- bool isCurrentlyBlockedByAnotherModalComponent() const;
- /** When a component is modal, this callback allows it to choose which other
- components can still receive events.
- When a modal component is active and the user clicks on a non-modal component,
- this method is called on the modal component, and if it returns true, the
- event is allowed to reach its target. If it returns false, the event is blocked
- and the inputAttemptWhenModal() callback is made.
- It called by the isCurrentlyBlockedByAnotherModalComponent() method. The default
- implementation just returns false in all cases.
- */
- virtual bool canModalEventBeSentToComponent (const Component* targetComponent);
- /** Called when the user tries to click on a component that is blocked by another
- modal component.
- When a component is modal and the user clicks on one of the other components,
- the modal component will receive this callback.
- The default implementation of this method will play a beep, and bring the currently
- modal component to the front, but it can be overridden to do other tasks.
- @see isCurrentlyBlockedByAnotherModalComponent, canModalEventBeSentToComponent
- */
- virtual void inputAttemptWhenModal();
- //==============================================================================
- /** Returns the set of properties that belong to this component.
- Each component has a NamedValueSet object which you can use to attach arbitrary
- items of data to it.
- */
- NamedValueSet& getProperties() noexcept { return properties; }
- /** Returns the set of properties that belong to this component.
- Each component has a NamedValueSet object which you can use to attach arbitrary
- items of data to it.
- */
- const NamedValueSet& getProperties() const noexcept { return properties; }
- //==============================================================================
- /** Looks for a colour that has been registered with the given colour ID number.
- If a colour has been set for this ID number using setColour(), then it is
- returned. If none has been set, the method will try calling the component's
- LookAndFeel class's findColour() method. If none has been registered with the
- look-and-feel either, it will just return black.
- The colour IDs for various purposes are stored as enums in the components that
- they are relevent to - for an example, see Slider::ColourIds,
- Label::ColourIds, TextEditor::ColourIds, TreeView::ColourIds, etc.
- @see setColour, isColourSpecified, colourChanged, LookAndFeel::findColour, LookAndFeel::setColour
- */
- Colour findColour (int colourId, bool inheritFromParent = false) const;
- /** Registers a colour to be used for a particular purpose.
- Changing a colour will cause a synchronous callback to the colourChanged()
- method, which your component can override if it needs to do something when
- colours are altered.
- For more details about colour IDs, see the comments for findColour().
- @see findColour, isColourSpecified, colourChanged, LookAndFeel::findColour, LookAndFeel::setColour
- */
- void setColour (int colourId, Colour newColour);
- /** If a colour has been set with setColour(), this will remove it.
- This allows you to make a colour revert to its default state.
- */
- void removeColour (int colourId);
- /** Returns true if the specified colour ID has been explicitly set for this
- component using the setColour() method.
- */
- bool isColourSpecified (int colourId) const;
- /** This looks for any colours that have been specified for this component,
- and copies them to the specified target component.
- */
- void copyAllExplicitColoursTo (Component& target) const;
- /** This method is called when a colour is changed by the setColour() method.
- @see setColour, findColour
- */
- virtual void colourChanged();
- //==============================================================================
- /** Components can implement this method to provide a MarkerList.
- The default implementation of this method returns nullptr, but you can override
- it to return a pointer to the component's marker list. If xAxis is true, it should
- return the X marker list; if false, it should return the Y markers.
- */
- virtual MarkerList* getMarkers (bool xAxis);
- //==============================================================================
- /** Returns the underlying native window handle for this component.
- This is platform-dependent and strictly for power-users only!
- */
- void* getWindowHandle() const;
- //==============================================================================
- /** Holds a pointer to some type of Component, which automatically becomes null if
- the component is deleted.
- If you're using a component which may be deleted by another event that's outside
- of your control, use a SafePointer instead of a normal pointer to refer to it,
- and you can test whether it's null before using it to see if something has deleted
- it.
- The ComponentType typedef must be Component, or some subclass of Component.
- You may also want to use a WeakReference<Component> object for the same purpose.
- */
- template <class ComponentType>
- class SafePointer
- {
- public:
- /** Creates a null SafePointer. */
- SafePointer() noexcept {}
- /** Creates a SafePointer that points at the given component. */
- SafePointer (ComponentType* const component) : weakRef (component) {}
- /** Creates a copy of another SafePointer. */
- SafePointer (const SafePointer& other) noexcept : weakRef (other.weakRef) {}
- /** Copies another pointer to this one. */
- SafePointer& operator= (const SafePointer& other) { weakRef = other.weakRef; return *this; }
- /** Copies another pointer to this one. */
- SafePointer& operator= (ComponentType* const newComponent) { weakRef = newComponent; return *this; }
- /** Returns the component that this pointer refers to, or null if the component no longer exists. */
- ComponentType* getComponent() const noexcept { return dynamic_cast <ComponentType*> (weakRef.get()); }
- /** Returns the component that this pointer refers to, or null if the component no longer exists. */
- operator ComponentType*() const noexcept { return getComponent(); }
- /** Returns the component that this pointer refers to, or null if the component no longer exists. */
- ComponentType* operator->() noexcept { return getComponent(); }
- /** Returns the component that this pointer refers to, or null if the component no longer exists. */
- const ComponentType* operator->() const noexcept { return getComponent(); }
- /** If the component is valid, this deletes it and sets this pointer to null. */
- void deleteAndZero() { delete getComponent(); }
- bool operator== (ComponentType* component) const noexcept { return weakRef == component; }
- bool operator!= (ComponentType* component) const noexcept { return weakRef != component; }
- private:
- WeakReference<Component> weakRef;
- };
- //==============================================================================
- /** A class to keep an eye on a component and check for it being deleted.
- This is designed for use with the ListenerList::callChecked() methods, to allow
- the list iterator to stop cleanly if the component is deleted by a listener callback
- while the list is still being iterated.
- */
- class JUCE_API BailOutChecker
- {
- public:
- /** Creates a checker that watches one component. */
- BailOutChecker (Component* component);
- /** Returns true if either of the two components have been deleted since this object was created. */
- bool shouldBailOut() const noexcept;
- private:
- const WeakReference<Component> safePointer;
- };
- //==============================================================================
- /**
- Base class for objects that can be used to automatically position a component according to
- some kind of algorithm.
- The component class simply holds onto a reference to a Positioner, but doesn't actually do
- anything with it - all the functionality must be implemented by the positioner itself (e.g.
- it might choose to watch some kind of value and move the component when the value changes).
- */
- class JUCE_API Positioner
- {
- public:
- /** Creates a Positioner which can control the specified component. */
- explicit Positioner (Component& component) noexcept;
- /** Destructor. */
- virtual ~Positioner() {}
- /** Returns the component that this positioner controls. */
- Component& getComponent() const noexcept { return component; }
- /** Attempts to set the component's position to the given rectangle.
- Unlike simply calling Component::setBounds(), this may involve the positioner
- being smart enough to adjust itself to fit the new bounds, e.g. a RelativeRectangle's
- positioner may try to reverse the expressions used to make them fit these new coordinates.
- */
- virtual void applyNewBounds (const Rectangle<int>& newBounds) = 0;
- private:
- Component& component;
- };
- /** Returns the Positioner object that has been set for this component.
- @see setPositioner()
- */
- Positioner* getPositioner() const noexcept;
- /** Sets a new Positioner object for this component.
- If there's currently another positioner set, it will be deleted. The object that is passed in
- will be deleted automatically by this component when it's no longer required. Pass a null pointer
- to clear the current positioner.
- @see getPositioner()
- */
- void setPositioner (Positioner* newPositioner);
- /** Gives the component a CachedComponentImage that should be used to buffer its painting.
- The object that is passed-in will be owned by this component, and will be deleted automatically
- later on.
- @see setBufferedToImage
- */
- void setCachedComponentImage (CachedComponentImage* newCachedImage);
- /** Returns the object that was set by setCachedComponentImage().
- @see setCachedComponentImage
- */
- CachedComponentImage* getCachedComponentImage() const noexcept { return cachedImage; }
- //==============================================================================
- // These methods are deprecated - use localPointToGlobal, getLocalPoint, getLocalPoint, etc instead.
- JUCE_DEPRECATED (Point<int> relativePositionToGlobal (Point<int>) const);
- JUCE_DEPRECATED (Point<int> globalPositionToRelative (Point<int>) const);
- JUCE_DEPRECATED (Point<int> relativePositionToOtherComponent (const Component*, Point<int>) const);
- private:
- //==============================================================================
- friend class ComponentPeer;
- friend class MouseInputSource;
- friend class MouseInputSourceInternal;
- #ifndef DOXYGEN
- static Component* currentlyFocusedComponent;
- //==============================================================================
- String componentName, componentID;
- Component* parentComponent;
- Rectangle<int> bounds;
- ScopedPointer <Positioner> positioner;
- ScopedPointer <AffineTransform> affineTransform;
- Array <Component*> childComponentList;
- LookAndFeel* lookAndFeel;
- MouseCursor cursor;
- ImageEffectFilter* effect;
- ScopedPointer <CachedComponentImage> cachedImage;
- class MouseListenerList;
- friend class MouseListenerList;
- friend struct ContainerDeletePolicy<MouseListenerList>;
- ScopedPointer <MouseListenerList> mouseListeners;
- ScopedPointer <Array <KeyListener*> > keyListeners;
- ListenerList <ComponentListener> componentListeners;
- NamedValueSet properties;
- friend class WeakReference<Component>;
- WeakReference<Component>::Master masterReference;
- struct ComponentFlags
- {
- bool hasHeavyweightPeerFlag : 1;
- bool visibleFlag : 1;
- bool opaqueFlag : 1;
- bool ignoresMouseClicksFlag : 1;
- bool allowChildMouseClicksFlag : 1;
- bool wantsFocusFlag : 1;
- bool isFocusContainerFlag : 1;
- bool dontFocusOnMouseClickFlag : 1;
- bool alwaysOnTopFlag : 1;
- bool bufferToImageFlag : 1;
- bool bringToFrontOnClickFlag : 1;
- bool repaintOnMouseActivityFlag : 1;
- bool currentlyModalFlag : 1;
- bool isDisabledFlag : 1;
- bool childCompFocusedFlag : 1;
- bool dontClipGraphicsFlag : 1;
- bool mouseDownWasBlocked : 1;
- bool isMoveCallbackPending : 1;
- bool isResizeCallbackPending : 1;
- bool isInsidePaintCall : 1;
- #endif
- };
- union
- {
- uint32 componentFlags;
- ComponentFlags flags;
- };
- uint8 componentTransparency;
- //==============================================================================
- void internalMouseEnter (MouseInputSource, Point<float>, Time);
- void internalMouseExit (MouseInputSource, Point<float>, Time);
- void internalMouseDown (MouseInputSource, Point<float>, Time);
- void internalMouseUp (MouseInputSource, Point<float>, Time, const ModifierKeys oldModifiers);
- void internalMouseDrag (MouseInputSource, Point<float>, Time);
- void internalMouseMove (MouseInputSource, Point<float>, Time);
- void internalMouseWheel (MouseInputSource, Point<float>, Time, const MouseWheelDetails&);
- void internalMagnifyGesture (MouseInputSource, Point<float>, Time, float);
- void internalBroughtToFront();
- void internalFocusGain (FocusChangeType, const WeakReference<Component>&);
- void internalFocusGain (FocusChangeType);
- void internalFocusLoss (FocusChangeType);
- void internalChildFocusChange (FocusChangeType, const WeakReference<Component>&);
- void internalModalInputAttempt();
- void internalModifierKeysChanged();
- void internalChildrenChanged();
- void internalHierarchyChanged();
- void internalRepaint (const Rectangle<int>&);
- void internalRepaintUnchecked (const Rectangle<int>&, bool);
- Component* removeChildComponent (int index, bool sendParentEvents, bool sendChildEvents);
- void reorderChildInternal (int sourceIndex, int destIndex);
- void paintComponentAndChildren (Graphics&);
- void paintWithinParentContext (Graphics&);
- void sendMovedResizedMessages (bool wasMoved, bool wasResized);
- void sendMovedResizedMessagesIfPending();
- void repaintParent();
- void sendFakeMouseMove() const;
- void takeKeyboardFocus (const FocusChangeType);
- void grabFocusInternal (const FocusChangeType, bool canTryParent);
- static void giveAwayFocus (bool sendFocusLossEvent);
- void sendEnablementChangeMessage();
- void sendVisibilityChangeMessage();
- struct ComponentHelpers;
- friend struct ComponentHelpers;
- /* Components aren't allowed to have copy constructors, as this would mess up parent hierarchies.
- You might need to give your subclasses a private dummy constructor to avoid compiler warnings.
- */
- //==============================================================================
- // This is included here just to cause a compile error if your code is still handling
- // drag-and-drop with this method. If so, just update it to use the new FileDragAndDropTarget
- // class, which is easy (just make your class inherit from FileDragAndDropTarget, and
- // implement its methods instead of this Component method).
- virtual void filesDropped (const StringArray&, int, int) {}
- // This is included here to cause an error if you use or overload it - it has been deprecated in
- // favour of contains (Point<int>)
- void contains (int, int) JUCE_DELETED_FUNCTION;
- #endif
- protected:
- //==============================================================================
- /** @internal */
- virtual ComponentPeer* createNewPeer (int styleFlags, void* nativeWindowToAttachTo);
- #endif
- };