Audio plugin host
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179 lines

  1. #!/usr/bin/make -f
  2. # Makefile for Carla C++ code #
  3. # --------------------------- #
  4. # Created by falkTX
  5. #
  6. # libx11-dev libxext-dev libxinerama-dev libfreetype6-dev libxcursor-dev
  7. # --------------------------------------------------------------
  8. # Modify to enable/disable specific features
  9. # Support for LADSPA, DSSI, LV2, VST and AU plugins
  11. # Support for csound files (version 6)
  13. # Support for GIG, SF2 and SFZ sample banks (through fluidsynth and linuxsampler)
  15. # Use the free vestige header instead of the official VST SDK
  17. # --------------------------------------------------------------
  19. AR ?= ar
  20. CC ?= gcc
  21. CXX ?= g++
  22. MOC ?= moc
  23. RCC ?= rcc
  24. UIC ?= uic
  25. # --------------------------------------------------------------
  26. # Fallback to Linux if no other OS defined
  27. ifneq ($(HAIKU),true)
  28. ifneq ($(MACOS),true)
  29. ifneq ($(WIN32),true)
  30. LINUX=true
  31. endif
  32. endif
  33. endif
  34. # --------------------------------------------------------------
  35. # Common build and link flags
  36. BASE_FLAGS = -Wall -Wextra -fPIC -DPIC -pipe -DREAL_BUILD
  37. BASE_OPTS = -O3 -ffast-math -mtune=generic -msse -msse2 -mfpmath=sse -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections
  38. LINK_OPTS = -Wl,--gc-sections
  39. ifeq ($(RASPPI),true)
  40. # Raspberry-Pi optimization flags
  41. BASE_OPTS = -O3 -ffast-math -march=armv6 -mfpu=vfp -mfloat-abi=hard
  42. LINK_OPTS =
  43. endif
  44. ifeq ($(DEBUG),true)
  45. BASE_FLAGS += -DDEBUG -O0 -g
  46. LINK_OPTS =
  47. else
  48. BASE_FLAGS += -DNDEBUG $(BASE_OPTS) -fvisibility=hidden
  49. CXXFLAGS += -fvisibility-inlines-hidden
  50. LINK_OPTS += -Wl,--strip-all
  51. endif
  52. 32BIT_FLAGS = -m32
  53. 64BIT_FLAGS = -m64
  54. BUILD_C_FLAGS = $(BASE_FLAGS) -std=gnu99 $(CFLAGS)
  55. BUILD_CXX_FLAGS = $(BASE_FLAGS) -std=gnu++0x $(CXXFLAGS)
  56. LINK_FLAGS = $(LINK_OPTS) -Wl,--no-undefined $(LDFLAGS)
  57. ifeq ($(MACOS),true)
  58. # No C++11 support; force 32bit per default
  59. BUILD_C_FLAGS = $(BASE_FLAGS) $(32BIT_FLAGS) -std=gnu99 $(CFLAGS)
  62. endif
  63. # --------------------------------------------------------------
  64. # Check for required libs
  65. ifneq ($(shell pkg-config --exists liblo && echo true),true)
  66. $(error liblo missing, cannot continue)
  67. endif
  68. ifeq ($(LINUX),true)
  69. ifneq ($(shell pkg-config --exists x11 && echo true),true)
  70. $(error X11 missing, cannot continue)
  71. endif
  72. ifneq ($(shell pkg-config --exists xinerama && echo true),true)
  73. $(error Xinerama missing, cannot continue)
  74. endif
  75. ifneq ($(shell pkg-config --exists xext && echo true),true)
  76. $(error Xext missing, cannot continue)
  77. endif
  78. ifneq ($(shell pkg-config --exists xcursor && echo true),true)
  79. $(error Xcursor missing, cannot continue)
  80. endif
  81. ifneq ($(shell pkg-config --exists freetype2 && echo true),true)
  82. $(error FreeType2 missing, cannot continue)
  83. endif
  84. endif
  85. # --------------------------------------------------------------
  86. # Check for optional libs (required by backend or bridges)
  87. HAVE_FFMPEG = $(shell pkg-config --exists libavcodec libavformat libavutil && pkg-config --max-version=1.9 libavcodec && echo true)
  88. HAVE_OPENGL = $(shell pkg-config --exists gl && echo true)
  89. ifeq ($(LINUX),true)
  90. HAVE_ALSA = $(shell pkg-config --exists alsa && echo true)
  91. HAVE_GTK2 = $(shell pkg-config --exists gtk+-2.0 && echo true)
  92. HAVE_GTK3 = $(shell pkg-config --exists gtk+-3.0 && echo true)
  93. HAVE_PULSEAUDIO = $(shell pkg-config --exists libpulse-simple && echo true)
  94. HAVE_QT4 = $(shell pkg-config --exists QtCore QtGui && echo true)
  95. HAVE_QT5 = $(shell pkg-config --exists Qt5Core Qt5Gui Qt5Widgets && echo true)
  96. endif
  97. ifeq ($(CARLA_SAMPLERS_SUPPORT),true)
  98. HAVE_FLUIDSYNTH = $(shell pkg-config --exists fluidsynth && echo true)
  99. HAVE_LINUXSAMPLER = $(shell pkg-config --exists linuxsampler && echo true)
  100. endif
  101. # --------------------------------------------------------------
  102. # Check for optional libs (required by internal plugins)
  103. HAVE_AF_DEPS = $(shell pkg-config --exists sndfile && echo true)
  104. HAVE_MF_DEPS = $(shell pkg-config --exists smf && echo true)
  105. HAVE_ZYN_DEPS = $(shell pkg-config --exists fftw3 mxml zlib && echo true)
  106. HAVE_ZYN_UI_DEPS = $(shell pkg-config --exists ntk ntk_images && echo true)
  107. # --------------------------------------------------------------
  108. # Set Juce flags
  109. ifeq ($(HAIKU),true)
  110. endif
  111. ifeq ($(LINUX),true)
  112. # JUCE_AUDIO_DEVICES_FLAGS = $(shell pkg-config --cflags alsa)
  113. # JUCE_AUDIO_DEVICES_LIBS = $(shell pkg-config --libs alsa)
  114. JUCE_CORE_LIBS = -lrt -ldl -lpthread
  115. JUCE_EVENTS_FLAGS = $(shell pkg-config --cflags x11)
  116. JUCE_EVENTS_LIBS = $(shell pkg-config --libs x11)
  117. JUCE_GRAPHICS_FLAGS = $(shell pkg-config --cflags x11 xinerama xext freetype2)
  118. JUCE_GRAPHICS_LIBS = $(shell pkg-config --libs x11 xinerama xext freetype2)
  119. JUCE_GUI_BASICS_FLAGS = $(shell pkg-config --cflags x11 xinerama xext xcursor)
  120. JUCE_GUI_BASICS_LIBS = $(shell pkg-config --libs x11 xinerama xext xcursor) -ldl
  121. endif
  122. ifeq ($(MACOS),true)
  123. JUCE_AUDIO_BASICS_LIBS = -framework Accelerate
  124. JUCE_AUDIO_DEVICES_LIBS = -framework CoreAudio -framework CoreMIDI -framework DiscRecording
  125. JUCE_AUDIO_FORMATS_LIBS = -framework CoreAudio -framework CoreMIDI -framework QuartzCore -framework AudioToolbox
  126. JUCE_CORE_LIBS = -framework Cocoa -framework IOKit
  127. JUCE_GRAPHICS_LIBS = -framework Cocoa -framework QuartzCore
  128. JUCE_GUI_BASICS_LIBS = -framework Cocoa -framework Carbon -framework QuartzCore
  129. endif
  130. ifeq ($(WIN32),true)
  131. JUCE_AUDIO_DEVICES_LIBS = -lwinmm -lole32
  132. JUCE_CORE_LIBS = -luuid -lwsock32 -lwininet -lversion -lole32 -lws2_32 -loleaut32 -limm32 -lcomdlg32 -lshlwapi -lrpcrt4 -lwinmm
  133. JUCE_EVENTS_LIBS = -lole32
  134. JUCE_GRAPHICS_LIBS = -lgdi32
  135. JUCE_GUI_BASICS_LIBS = -lgdi32 -limm32 -lcomdlg32 -lole32
  136. endif
  137. # --------------------------------------------------------------
  138. # Set Qt4 tools
  139. ifeq ($(HAVE_QT4),true)
  140. MOC_QT4 ?= $(shell pkg-config --variable=moc_location QtCore)
  141. RCC_QT4 ?= $(shell pkg-config --variable=rcc_location QtCore)
  142. UIC_QT4 ?= $(shell pkg-config --variable=uic_location QtCore)
  143. endif
  144. # --------------------------------------------------------------