- /*
- ==============================================================================
- This file is part of the JUCE library.
- Copyright (c) 2015 - ROLI Ltd.
- Permission is granted to use this software under the terms of either:
- a) the GPL v2 (or any later version)
- b) the Affero GPL v3
- Details of these licenses can be found at: www.gnu.org/licenses
- JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
- A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- To release a closed-source product which uses JUCE, commercial licenses are
- available: visit www.juce.com for more information.
- ==============================================================================
- */
- //==============================================================================
- /**
- Describes one of the sounds that a Synthesiser can play.
- A synthesiser can contain one or more sounds, and a sound can choose which
- midi notes and channels can trigger it.
- The SynthesiserSound is a passive class that just describes what the sound is -
- the actual audio rendering for a sound is done by a SynthesiserVoice. This allows
- more than one SynthesiserVoice to play the same sound at the same time.
- @see Synthesiser, SynthesiserVoice
- */
- class JUCE_API SynthesiserSound : public ReferenceCountedObject
- {
- protected:
- //==============================================================================
- SynthesiserSound();
- public:
- /** Destructor. */
- virtual ~SynthesiserSound();
- //==============================================================================
- /** Returns true if this sound should be played when a given midi note is pressed.
- The Synthesiser will use this information when deciding which sounds to trigger
- for a given note.
- */
- virtual bool appliesToNote (int midiNoteNumber) = 0;
- /** Returns true if the sound should be triggered by midi events on a given channel.
- The Synthesiser will use this information when deciding which sounds to trigger
- for a given note.
- */
- virtual bool appliesToChannel (int midiChannel) = 0;
- /** The class is reference-counted, so this is a handy pointer class for it. */
- typedef ReferenceCountedObjectPtr<SynthesiserSound> Ptr;
- private:
- //==============================================================================
- JUCE_LEAK_DETECTOR (SynthesiserSound)
- };
- //==============================================================================
- /**
- Represents a voice that a Synthesiser can use to play a SynthesiserSound.
- A voice plays a single sound at a time, and a synthesiser holds an array of
- voices so that it can play polyphonically.
- @see Synthesiser, SynthesiserSound
- */
- class JUCE_API SynthesiserVoice
- {
- public:
- //==============================================================================
- /** Creates a voice. */
- SynthesiserVoice();
- /** Destructor. */
- virtual ~SynthesiserVoice();
- //==============================================================================
- /** Returns the midi note that this voice is currently playing.
- Returns a value less than 0 if no note is playing.
- */
- int getCurrentlyPlayingNote() const noexcept { return currentlyPlayingNote; }
- /** Returns the sound that this voice is currently playing.
- Returns nullptr if it's not playing.
- */
- SynthesiserSound::Ptr getCurrentlyPlayingSound() const noexcept { return currentlyPlayingSound; }
- /** Must return true if this voice object is capable of playing the given sound.
- If there are different classes of sound, and different classes of voice, a voice can
- choose which ones it wants to take on.
- A typical implementation of this method may just return true if there's only one type
- of voice and sound, or it might check the type of the sound object passed-in and
- see if it's one that it understands.
- */
- virtual bool canPlaySound (SynthesiserSound*) = 0;
- /** Called to start a new note.
- This will be called during the rendering callback, so must be fast and thread-safe.
- */
- virtual void startNote (int midiNoteNumber,
- float velocity,
- SynthesiserSound* sound,
- int currentPitchWheelPosition) = 0;
- /** Called to stop a note.
- This will be called during the rendering callback, so must be fast and thread-safe.
- The velocity indicates how quickly the note was released - 0 is slowly, 1 is quickly.
- If allowTailOff is false or the voice doesn't want to tail-off, then it must stop all
- sound immediately, and must call clearCurrentNote() to reset the state of this voice
- and allow the synth to reassign it another sound.
- If allowTailOff is true and the voice decides to do a tail-off, then it's allowed to
- begin fading out its sound, and it can stop playing until it's finished. As soon as it
- finishes playing (during the rendering callback), it must make sure that it calls
- clearCurrentNote().
- */
- virtual void stopNote (float velocity, bool allowTailOff) = 0;
- /** Returns true if this voice is currently busy playing a sound.
- By default this just checks the getCurrentlyPlayingNote() value, but can
- be overridden for more advanced checking.
- */
- virtual bool isVoiceActive() const;
- /** Called to let the voice know that the pitch wheel has been moved.
- This will be called during the rendering callback, so must be fast and thread-safe.
- */
- virtual void pitchWheelMoved (int newPitchWheelValue) = 0;
- /** Called to let the voice know that a midi controller has been moved.
- This will be called during the rendering callback, so must be fast and thread-safe.
- */
- virtual void controllerMoved (int controllerNumber, int newControllerValue) = 0;
- /** Called to let the voice know that the aftertouch has changed.
- This will be called during the rendering callback, so must be fast and thread-safe.
- */
- virtual void aftertouchChanged (int newAftertouchValue);
- /** Called to let the voice know that the channel pressure has changed.
- This will be called during the rendering callback, so must be fast and thread-safe.
- */
- virtual void channelPressureChanged (int newChannelPressureValue);
- //==============================================================================
- /** Renders the next block of data for this voice.
- The output audio data must be added to the current contents of the buffer provided.
- Only the region of the buffer between startSample and (startSample + numSamples)
- should be altered by this method.
- If the voice is currently silent, it should just return without doing anything.
- If the sound that the voice is playing finishes during the course of this rendered
- block, it must call clearCurrentNote(), to tell the synthesiser that it has finished.
- The size of the blocks that are rendered can change each time it is called, and may
- involve rendering as little as 1 sample at a time. In between rendering callbacks,
- the voice's methods will be called to tell it about note and controller events.
- */
- virtual void renderNextBlock (AudioBuffer<float>& outputBuffer,
- int startSample,
- int numSamples) = 0;
- virtual void renderNextBlock (AudioBuffer<double>& outputBuffer,
- int startSample,
- int numSamples);
- /** Changes the voice's reference sample rate.
- The rate is set so that subclasses know the output rate and can set their pitch
- accordingly.
- This method is called by the synth, and subclasses can access the current rate with
- the currentSampleRate member.
- */
- virtual void setCurrentPlaybackSampleRate (double newRate);
- /** Returns true if the voice is currently playing a sound which is mapped to the given
- midi channel.
- If it's not currently playing, this will return false.
- */
- virtual bool isPlayingChannel (int midiChannel) const;
- /** Returns the current target sample rate at which rendering is being done.
- Subclasses may need to know this so that they can pitch things correctly.
- */
- double getSampleRate() const noexcept { return currentSampleRate; }
- /** Returns true if the key that triggered this voice is still held down.
- Note that the voice may still be playing after the key was released (e.g because the
- sostenuto pedal is down).
- */
- bool isKeyDown() const noexcept { return keyIsDown; }
- /** Returns true if the sustain pedal is currently active for this voice. */
- bool isSustainPedalDown() const noexcept { return sustainPedalDown; }
- /** Returns true if the sostenuto pedal is currently active for this voice. */
- bool isSostenutoPedalDown() const noexcept { return sostenutoPedalDown; }
- /** Returns true if a voice is sounding in its release phase **/
- bool isPlayingButReleased() const noexcept
- {
- return isVoiceActive() && ! (isKeyDown() || isSostenutoPedalDown() || isSustainPedalDown());
- }
- /** Returns true if this voice started playing its current note before the other voice did. */
- bool wasStartedBefore (const SynthesiserVoice& other) const noexcept;
- protected:
- /** Resets the state of this voice after a sound has finished playing.
- The subclass must call this when it finishes playing a note and becomes available
- to play new ones.
- It must either call it in the stopNote() method, or if the voice is tailing off,
- then it should call it later during the renderNextBlock method, as soon as it
- finishes its tail-off.
- It can also be called at any time during the render callback if the sound happens
- to have finished, e.g. if it's playing a sample and the sample finishes.
- */
- void clearCurrentNote();
- private:
- //==============================================================================
- friend class Synthesiser;
- double currentSampleRate;
- int currentlyPlayingNote, currentPlayingMidiChannel;
- uint32 noteOnTime;
- SynthesiserSound::Ptr currentlyPlayingSound;
- bool keyIsDown, sustainPedalDown, sostenutoPedalDown;
- AudioBuffer<float> tempBuffer;
- // Note the new parameters for this method.
- virtual int stopNote (bool) { return 0; }
- #endif
- JUCE_LEAK_DETECTOR (SynthesiserVoice)
- };
- //==============================================================================
- /**
- Base class for a musical device that can play sounds.
- To create a synthesiser, you'll need to create a subclass of SynthesiserSound
- to describe each sound available to your synth, and a subclass of SynthesiserVoice
- which can play back one of these sounds.
- Then you can use the addVoice() and addSound() methods to give the synthesiser a
- set of sounds, and a set of voices it can use to play them. If you only give it
- one voice it will be monophonic - the more voices it has, the more polyphony it'll
- have available.
- Then repeatedly call the renderNextBlock() method to produce the audio. Any midi
- events that go in will be scanned for note on/off messages, and these are used to
- start and stop the voices playing the appropriate sounds.
- While it's playing, you can also cause notes to be triggered by calling the noteOn(),
- noteOff() and other controller methods.
- Before rendering, be sure to call the setCurrentPlaybackSampleRate() to tell it
- what the target playback rate is. This value is passed on to the voices so that
- they can pitch their output correctly.
- */
- class JUCE_API Synthesiser
- {
- public:
- //==============================================================================
- /** Creates a new synthesiser.
- You'll need to add some sounds and voices before it'll make any sound.
- */
- Synthesiser();
- /** Destructor. */
- virtual ~Synthesiser();
- //==============================================================================
- /** Deletes all voices. */
- void clearVoices();
- /** Returns the number of voices that have been added. */
- int getNumVoices() const noexcept { return voices.size(); }
- /** Returns one of the voices that have been added. */
- SynthesiserVoice* getVoice (int index) const;
- /** Adds a new voice to the synth.
- All the voices should be the same class of object and are treated equally.
- The object passed in will be managed by the synthesiser, which will delete
- it later on when no longer needed. The caller should not retain a pointer to the
- voice.
- */
- SynthesiserVoice* addVoice (SynthesiserVoice* newVoice);
- /** Deletes one of the voices. */
- void removeVoice (int index);
- //==============================================================================
- /** Deletes all sounds. */
- void clearSounds();
- /** Returns the number of sounds that have been added to the synth. */
- int getNumSounds() const noexcept { return sounds.size(); }
- /** Returns one of the sounds. */
- SynthesiserSound* getSound (int index) const noexcept { return sounds [index]; }
- /** Adds a new sound to the synthesiser.
- The object passed in is reference counted, so will be deleted when the
- synthesiser and all voices are no longer using it.
- */
- SynthesiserSound* addSound (const SynthesiserSound::Ptr& newSound);
- /** Removes and deletes one of the sounds. */
- void removeSound (int index);
- //==============================================================================
- /** If set to true, then the synth will try to take over an existing voice if
- it runs out and needs to play another note.
- The value of this boolean is passed into findFreeVoice(), so the result will
- depend on the implementation of this method.
- */
- void setNoteStealingEnabled (bool shouldStealNotes);
- /** Returns true if note-stealing is enabled.
- @see setNoteStealingEnabled
- */
- bool isNoteStealingEnabled() const noexcept { return shouldStealNotes; }
- //==============================================================================
- /** Triggers a note-on event.
- The default method here will find all the sounds that want to be triggered by
- this note/channel. For each sound, it'll try to find a free voice, and use the
- voice to start playing the sound.
- Subclasses might want to override this if they need a more complex algorithm.
- This method will be called automatically according to the midi data passed into
- renderNextBlock(), but may be called explicitly too.
- The midiChannel parameter is the channel, between 1 and 16 inclusive.
- */
- virtual void noteOn (int midiChannel,
- int midiNoteNumber,
- float velocity);
- /** Triggers a note-off event.
- This will turn off any voices that are playing a sound for the given note/channel.
- If allowTailOff is true, the voices will be allowed to fade out the notes gracefully
- (if they can do). If this is false, the notes will all be cut off immediately.
- This method will be called automatically according to the midi data passed into
- renderNextBlock(), but may be called explicitly too.
- The midiChannel parameter is the channel, between 1 and 16 inclusive.
- */
- virtual void noteOff (int midiChannel,
- int midiNoteNumber,
- float velocity,
- bool allowTailOff);
- /** Turns off all notes.
- This will turn off any voices that are playing a sound on the given midi channel.
- If midiChannel is 0 or less, then all voices will be turned off, regardless of
- which channel they're playing. Otherwise it represents a valid midi channel, from
- 1 to 16 inclusive.
- If allowTailOff is true, the voices will be allowed to fade out the notes gracefully
- (if they can do). If this is false, the notes will all be cut off immediately.
- This method will be called automatically according to the midi data passed into
- renderNextBlock(), but may be called explicitly too.
- */
- virtual void allNotesOff (int midiChannel,
- bool allowTailOff);
- /** Sends a pitch-wheel message to any active voices.
- This will send a pitch-wheel message to any voices that are playing sounds on
- the given midi channel.
- This method will be called automatically according to the midi data passed into
- renderNextBlock(), but may be called explicitly too.
- @param midiChannel the midi channel, from 1 to 16 inclusive
- @param wheelValue the wheel position, from 0 to 0x3fff, as returned by MidiMessage::getPitchWheelValue()
- */
- virtual void handlePitchWheel (int midiChannel,
- int wheelValue);
- /** Sends a midi controller message to any active voices.
- This will send a midi controller message to any voices that are playing sounds on
- the given midi channel.
- This method will be called automatically according to the midi data passed into
- renderNextBlock(), but may be called explicitly too.
- @param midiChannel the midi channel, from 1 to 16 inclusive
- @param controllerNumber the midi controller type, as returned by MidiMessage::getControllerNumber()
- @param controllerValue the midi controller value, between 0 and 127, as returned by MidiMessage::getControllerValue()
- */
- virtual void handleController (int midiChannel,
- int controllerNumber,
- int controllerValue);
- /** Sends an aftertouch message.
- This will send an aftertouch message to any voices that are playing sounds on
- the given midi channel and note number.
- This method will be called automatically according to the midi data passed into
- renderNextBlock(), but may be called explicitly too.
- @param midiChannel the midi channel, from 1 to 16 inclusive
- @param midiNoteNumber the midi note number, 0 to 127
- @param aftertouchValue the aftertouch value, between 0 and 127,
- as returned by MidiMessage::getAftertouchValue()
- */
- virtual void handleAftertouch (int midiChannel, int midiNoteNumber, int aftertouchValue);
- /** Sends a channel pressure message.
- This will send a channel pressure message to any voices that are playing sounds on
- the given midi channel.
- This method will be called automatically according to the midi data passed into
- renderNextBlock(), but may be called explicitly too.
- @param midiChannel the midi channel, from 1 to 16 inclusive
- @param channelPressureValue the pressure value, between 0 and 127, as returned
- by MidiMessage::getChannelPressureValue()
- */
- virtual void handleChannelPressure (int midiChannel, int channelPressureValue);
- /** Handles a sustain pedal event. */
- virtual void handleSustainPedal (int midiChannel, bool isDown);
- /** Handles a sostenuto pedal event. */
- virtual void handleSostenutoPedal (int midiChannel, bool isDown);
- /** Can be overridden to handle soft pedal events. */
- virtual void handleSoftPedal (int midiChannel, bool isDown);
- /** Can be overridden to handle an incoming program change message.
- The base class implementation of this has no effect, but you may want to make your
- own synth react to program changes.
- */
- virtual void handleProgramChange (int midiChannel,
- int programNumber);
- //==============================================================================
- /** Tells the synthesiser what the sample rate is for the audio it's being used to render.
- This value is propagated to the voices so that they can use it to render the correct
- pitches.
- */
- virtual void setCurrentPlaybackSampleRate (double sampleRate);
- /** Creates the next block of audio output.
- This will process the next numSamples of data from all the voices, and add that output
- to the audio block supplied, starting from the offset specified. Note that the
- data will be added to the current contents of the buffer, so you should clear it
- before calling this method if necessary.
- The midi events in the inputMidi buffer are parsed for note and controller events,
- and these are used to trigger the voices. Note that the startSample offset applies
- both to the audio output buffer and the midi input buffer, so any midi events
- with timestamps outside the specified region will be ignored.
- */
- inline void renderNextBlock (AudioBuffer<float>& outputAudio,
- const MidiBuffer& inputMidi,
- int startSample,
- int numSamples)
- { processNextBlock (outputAudio, inputMidi, startSample, numSamples); }
- inline void renderNextBlock (AudioBuffer<double>& outputAudio,
- const MidiBuffer& inputMidi,
- int startSample,
- int numSamples)
- { processNextBlock (outputAudio, inputMidi, startSample, numSamples); }
- /** Returns the current target sample rate at which rendering is being done.
- Subclasses may need to know this so that they can pitch things correctly.
- */
- double getSampleRate() const noexcept { return sampleRate; }
- /** Sets a minimum limit on the size to which audio sub-blocks will be divided when rendering.
- When rendering, the audio blocks that are passed into renderNextBlock() will be split up
- into smaller blocks that lie between all the incoming midi messages, and it is these smaller
- sub-blocks that are rendered with multiple calls to renderVoices().
- Obviously in a pathological case where there are midi messages on every sample, then
- renderVoices() could be called once per sample and lead to poor performance, so this
- setting allows you to set a lower limit on the block size.
- The default setting is 32, which means that midi messages are accurate to about < 1ms
- accuracy, which is probably fine for most purposes, but you may want to increase or
- decrease this value for your synth.
- */
- void setMinimumRenderingSubdivisionSize (int numSamples) noexcept;
- protected:
- //==============================================================================
- /** This is used to control access to the rendering callback and the note trigger methods. */
- CriticalSection lock;
- OwnedArray<SynthesiserVoice> voices;
- ReferenceCountedArray<SynthesiserSound> sounds;
- /** The last pitch-wheel values for each midi channel. */
- int lastPitchWheelValues [16];
- /** Renders the voices for the given range.
- By default this just calls renderNextBlock() on each voice, but you may need
- to override it to handle custom cases.
- */
- virtual void renderVoices (AudioBuffer<float>& outputAudio,
- int startSample, int numSamples);
- virtual void renderVoices (AudioBuffer<double>& outputAudio,
- int startSample, int numSamples);
- /** Searches through the voices to find one that's not currently playing, and
- which can play the given sound.
- Returns nullptr if all voices are busy and stealing isn't enabled.
- To implement a custom note-stealing algorithm, you can either override this
- method, or (preferably) override findVoiceToSteal().
- */
- virtual SynthesiserVoice* findFreeVoice (SynthesiserSound* soundToPlay,
- int midiChannel,
- int midiNoteNumber,
- bool stealIfNoneAvailable) const;
- /** Chooses a voice that is most suitable for being re-used.
- The default method will attempt to find the oldest voice that isn't the
- bottom or top note being played. If that's not suitable for your synth,
- you can override this method and do something more cunning instead.
- */
- virtual SynthesiserVoice* findVoiceToSteal (SynthesiserSound* soundToPlay,
- int midiChannel,
- int midiNoteNumber) const;
- /** Starts a specified voice playing a particular sound.
- You'll probably never need to call this, it's used internally by noteOn(), but
- may be needed by subclasses for custom behaviours.
- */
- void startVoice (SynthesiserVoice* voice,
- SynthesiserSound* sound,
- int midiChannel,
- int midiNoteNumber,
- float velocity);
- /** Stops a given voice.
- You should never need to call this, it's used internally by noteOff, but is protected
- in case it's useful for some custom subclasses. It basically just calls through to
- SynthesiserVoice::stopNote(), and has some assertions to sanity-check a few things.
- */
- void stopVoice (SynthesiserVoice*, float velocity, bool allowTailOff);
- /** Can be overridden to do custom handling of incoming midi events. */
- virtual void handleMidiEvent (const MidiMessage&);
- private:
- //==============================================================================
- template <typename floatType>
- void processNextBlock (AudioBuffer<floatType>& outputAudio,
- const MidiBuffer& inputMidi,
- int startSample,
- int numSamples);
- //==============================================================================
- double sampleRate;
- uint32 lastNoteOnCounter;
- int minimumSubBlockSize;
- bool shouldStealNotes;
- BigInteger sustainPedalsDown;
- // Note the new parameters for these methods.
- virtual int findFreeVoice (const bool) const { return 0; }
- virtual int noteOff (int, int, int) { return 0; }
- virtual int findFreeVoice (SynthesiserSound*, const bool) { return 0; }
- virtual int findVoiceToSteal (SynthesiserSound*) const { return 0; }
- #endif
- };