Audio plugin host
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

167 lines

  1. # Hidden files
  2. .directory
  3. .fuse-*
  4. .*.kate-swp
  5. .libmagic-tmp
  6. .libmagic-tmp.bc
  7. .kdev_include_paths
  8. .kdev4/
  9. .DS_Store
  10. # Temp files
  11. *~
  12. *.bak
  13. *.swp
  14. *.swo
  15. # Binary files
  16. *.7z
  17. *.bz2
  18. *.a
  19. *.o
  20. *.dll
  21. *.dll.def
  22. *.dylib
  23. *.exe
  24. *.msi
  25. *.so
  26. # Binary dir
  27. bin/jack/
  28. bin/styles/
  29. build/
  30. # Project files
  31. *.carxp
  32. *.carxs
  33. *.pro.user
  34. # C++ files
  35. *.moc
  36. moc_*.cpp
  37. ui_*.h
  38. resources.*.cpp
  39. qrc_resources.cpp
  40. # Python files
  41. *.pyc
  42. *
  43. ui_*.py
  44. # Misc files
  45. *.aria2
  46. *.deb
  47. *.gz
  48. *.meta4
  49. *.tar
  50. *.ttl
  51. *.xz
  52. *.zip
  53. # PyQt widgets
  54. source/
  55. source/
  56. source/
  57. source/
  58. source/
  59. source/
  60. source/
  61. source/
  62. source/
  63. source/
  64. source/
  65. source/widgets/
  66. # Binaries
  67. carla-bridge-qtcreator
  68. carla-bridge-native
  69. carla-bridge-posix32
  70. carla-bridge-posix64
  71. carla-bridge-lv2-cocoa
  72. carla-bridge-lv2-external
  73. carla-bridge-lv2-gtk2
  74. carla-bridge-lv2-gtk3
  75. carla-bridge-lv2-qt4
  76. carla-bridge-lv2-qt5
  77. carla-bridge-lv2-x11
  78. carla-bridge-vst2-carbon
  79. carla-bridge-vst2-cocoa
  80. carla-bridge-vst2-x11
  81. carla-discovery-qtcreator
  82. carla-discovery-native
  83. carla-discovery-posix32
  84. carla-discovery-posix64
  85. carla-frontend
  86. carla-lv2-export
  87. zita-at1-ui
  88. zita-bls1-ui
  89. zita-rev1-ui
  90. zynaddsubfx-ui
  91. stoat-output.png
  92. data/linux/unzipfx2cat32
  93. data/linux/unzipfx2cat64
  94. data/macos/*-svn/
  95. data/windows/Carla
  96. data/windows/CarlaControl
  97. data/windows/Carla-*-win32/
  98. data/windows/Carla-*-win64/
  99. source/bridges/jackplugin/
  100. source/frontend/Makefile
  101. source/tests/ansi-pedantic-test_*
  102. source/tests/CachedPlugins
  103. source/tests/CarlaRingBuffer
  104. source/tests/CarlaPipeUtils
  105. source/tests/CarlaString
  106. source/tests/CarlaUtils1
  107. source/tests/CarlaUtils2
  108. source/tests/CarlaUtils3
  109. source/tests/CarlaUtils4
  110. source/tests/Exceptions
  111. source/tests/Print
  112. source/tests/RDF
  113. source/tests/EngineEvents
  114. source/tests/PipeServer
  115. source/tests/RtLinkedList
  116. source/tests/RtLinkedListGnu
  117. # Docs
  118. doc/CarlaBackend/
  119. doc/CarlaBridge/
  120. doc/DISTRHO/
  121. # CX-Freeze builds
  122. source/dist/
  123. # QtCreator builds
  124. *build-*Debug/
  125. *build-*Release/
  126. # python files in plugin resources dir
  127. bin/resources/*.py
  128. source/native-plugins/resources/*.py
  129. # Other
  130. source/includes/asio/
  131. source/includes/rewire/
  132. source/includes/vst2
  133. source/includes/vst3
  134. source/includes/config.h
  135. data/linux/*.gz
  136. data/linux/*.tgz
  137. data/linux/*.xz
  138. data/linux/*.*/
  139. data/macos/*.gz
  140. data/macos/*.tgz
  141. data/macos/*.*/
  142. data/macos/Carla/
  143. data/windows/python/