- #!/usr/bin/env python3
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- # Digital Peak Meter, a custom Qt4 widget
- # Copyright (C) 2011-2013 Filipe Coelho <falktx@falktx.com>
- #
- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
- # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
- # the License, or any later version.
- #
- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU General Public License for more details.
- #
- # For a full copy of the GNU General Public License see the GPL.txt file
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Imports (Global)
- from PyQt4.QtCore import qCritical, Qt, QTimer, QSize
- from PyQt4.QtGui import QColor, QLinearGradient, QPainter, QWidget
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Widget Class
- class DigitalPeakMeter(QWidget):
- # enum Orientation
- # enum Color
- GREEN = 1
- BLUE = 2
- def __init__(self, parent):
- QWidget.__init__(self, parent)
- self.m_channels = 0
- self.m_orientation = self.VERTICAL
- self.m_smoothMultiplier = 1
- self.m_colorBackground = QColor("#111111")
- self.m_gradientMeter = QLinearGradient(0, 0, 1, 1)
- self.setChannels(0)
- self.setColor(self.GREEN)
- self.m_paintTimer = QTimer(self)
- self.m_paintTimer.setInterval(60)
- self.m_paintTimer.timeout.connect(self.update)
- self.m_paintTimer.start()
- def displayMeter(self, meter, level):
- if meter <= 0 or meter > self.m_channels:
- return qCritical("DigitalPeakMeter::displayMeter(%i, %f) - invalid meter number" % (meter, level))
- if level < 0.0:
- level = -level
- elif level > 1.0:
- level = 1.0
- self.m_channelsData[meter-1] = level
- def setChannels(self, channels):
- if channels < 0:
- return qCritical("DigitalPeakMeter::setChannels(%i) - 'channels' must be a positive integer" % channels)
- self.m_channels = channels
- self.m_channelsData = []
- self.m_lastValueData = []
- for x in range(channels):
- self.m_channelsData.append(0.0)
- self.m_lastValueData.append(0.0)
- def setColor(self, color):
- if color == self.GREEN:
- self.m_colorBase = QColor(93, 231, 61)
- self.m_colorBaseT = QColor(15, 110, 15, 100)
- elif color == self.BLUE:
- self.m_colorBase = QColor(82, 238, 248)
- self.m_colorBaseT = QColor(15, 15, 110, 100)
- else:
- return qCritical("DigitalPeakMeter::setColor(%i) - invalid color" % color)
- self.setOrientation(self.m_orientation)
- def setOrientation(self, orientation):
- self.m_orientation = orientation
- if self.m_orientation == self.HORIZONTAL:
- self.m_gradientMeter.setColorAt(0.0, self.m_colorBase)
- self.m_gradientMeter.setColorAt(0.2, self.m_colorBase)
- self.m_gradientMeter.setColorAt(0.4, self.m_colorBase)
- self.m_gradientMeter.setColorAt(0.6, self.m_colorBase)
- self.m_gradientMeter.setColorAt(0.8, Qt.yellow)
- self.m_gradientMeter.setColorAt(1.0, Qt.red)
- elif self.m_orientation == self.VERTICAL:
- self.m_gradientMeter.setColorAt(0.0, Qt.red)
- self.m_gradientMeter.setColorAt(0.2, Qt.yellow)
- self.m_gradientMeter.setColorAt(0.4, self.m_colorBase)
- self.m_gradientMeter.setColorAt(0.6, self.m_colorBase)
- self.m_gradientMeter.setColorAt(0.8, self.m_colorBase)
- self.m_gradientMeter.setColorAt(1.0, self.m_colorBase)
- else:
- return qCritical("DigitalPeakMeter::setOrientation(%i) - invalid orientation" % orientation)
- self.updateSizes()
- def setRefreshRate(self, rate):
- self.m_paintTimer.stop()
- self.m_paintTimer.setInterval(rate)
- self.m_paintTimer.start()
- def setSmoothRelease(self, value):
- if value < 0:
- value = 0
- elif value > 5:
- value = 5
- self.m_smoothMultiplier = value
- def minimumSizeHint(self):
- return QSize(30, 30)
- def sizeHint(self):
- return QSize(self.m_width, self.m_height)
- def updateSizes(self):
- self.m_width = self.width()
- self.m_height = self.height()
- self.m_sizeMeter = 0
- if self.m_orientation == self.HORIZONTAL:
- self.m_gradientMeter.setFinalStop(self.m_width, 0)
- if self.m_channels > 0:
- self.m_sizeMeter = self.m_height / self.m_channels
- elif self.m_orientation == self.VERTICAL:
- self.m_gradientMeter.setFinalStop(0, self.m_height)
- if self.m_channels > 0:
- self.m_sizeMeter = self.m_width / self.m_channels
- def paintEvent(self, event):
- painter = QPainter(self)
- painter.setPen(Qt.black)
- painter.setBrush(Qt.black)
- painter.drawRect(0, 0, self.m_width, self.m_height)
- meterX = 0
- painter.setPen(self.m_colorBackground)
- painter.setBrush(self.m_gradientMeter)
- for i in range(self.m_channels):
- level = self.m_channelsData[i]
- if level == self.m_lastValueData[i]:
- continue
- if self.m_orientation == self.HORIZONTAL:
- value = level * self.m_width
- elif self.m_orientation == self.VERTICAL:
- value = float(self.m_height) - (level * self.m_height)
- else:
- value = 0.0
- if value < 0.0:
- value = 0.0
- elif self.m_smoothMultiplier > 0:
- value = (self.m_lastValueData[i] * self.m_smoothMultiplier + value) / (self.m_smoothMultiplier + 1)
- if self.m_orientation == self.HORIZONTAL:
- painter.drawRect(0, meterX, value, self.m_sizeMeter)
- elif self.m_orientation == self.VERTICAL:
- painter.drawRect(meterX, value, self.m_sizeMeter, self.m_height)
- meterX += self.m_sizeMeter
- self.m_lastValueData[i] = value
- painter.setBrush(QColor(0, 0, 0, 0))
- if self.m_orientation == self.HORIZONTAL:
- # Variables
- lsmall = self.m_width
- lfull = self.m_height - 1
- # Base
- painter.setPen(self.m_colorBaseT)
- painter.drawLine(lsmall * 0.25, 2, lsmall * 0.25, lfull-2)
- painter.drawLine(lsmall * 0.50, 2, lsmall * 0.50, lfull-2)
- # Yellow
- painter.setPen(QColor(110, 110, 15, 100))
- painter.drawLine(lsmall * 0.70, 2, lsmall * 0.70, lfull-2)
- painter.drawLine(lsmall * 0.83, 2, lsmall * 0.83, lfull-2)
- # Orange
- painter.setPen(QColor(180, 110, 15, 100))
- painter.drawLine(lsmall * 0.90, 2, lsmall * 0.90, lfull-2)
- # Red
- painter.setPen(QColor(110, 15, 15, 100))
- painter.drawLine(lsmall * 0.96, 2, lsmall * 0.96, lfull-2)
- elif self.m_orientation == self.VERTICAL:
- # Variables
- lsmall = self.m_height
- lfull = self.m_width - 1
- # Base
- painter.setPen(self.m_colorBaseT)
- painter.drawLine(2, lsmall - (lsmall * 0.25), lfull-2, lsmall - (lsmall * 0.25))
- painter.drawLine(2, lsmall - (lsmall * 0.50), lfull-2, lsmall - (lsmall * 0.50))
- # Yellow
- painter.setPen(QColor(110, 110, 15, 100))
- painter.drawLine(2, lsmall - (lsmall * 0.70), lfull-2, lsmall - (lsmall * 0.70))
- painter.drawLine(2, lsmall - (lsmall * 0.82), lfull-2, lsmall - (lsmall * 0.82))
- # Orange
- painter.setPen(QColor(180, 110, 15, 100))
- painter.drawLine(2, lsmall - (lsmall * 0.90), lfull-2, lsmall - (lsmall * 0.90))
- # Red
- painter.setPen(QColor(110, 15, 15, 100))
- painter.drawLine(2, lsmall - (lsmall * 0.96), lfull-2, lsmall - (lsmall * 0.96))
- event.accept()
- def resizeEvent(self, event):
- self.updateSizes()
- QWidget.resizeEvent(self, event)