- /*
- ZynAddSubFX - a software synthesizer
- pADnote.cpp - The "pad" synthesizer
- Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Nasca Octavian Paul
- Author: Nasca Octavian Paul
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License
- as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License (version 2 or later) for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License (version 2)
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- */
- #include <math.h>
- #include "PADnote.h"
- #include "../Misc/Config.h"
- #include "../DSP/Filter.h"
- PADnote::PADnote(PADnoteParameters *parameters,
- Controller *ctl_,
- float freq,
- float velocity,
- int portamento_,
- int midinote,
- bool besilent)
- :SynthNote(freq, velocity, portamento_, midinote, besilent)
- {
- pars = parameters;
- ctl = ctl_;
- firsttime = true;
- setup(freq, velocity, portamento_, midinote);
- }
- void PADnote::setup(float freq,
- float velocity,
- int portamento_,
- int midinote,
- bool legato)
- {
- portamento = portamento_;
- this->velocity = velocity;
- finished_ = false;
- if(pars->Pfixedfreq == 0)
- basefreq = freq;
- else {
- basefreq = 440.0f;
- int fixedfreqET = pars->PfixedfreqET;
- if(fixedfreqET != 0) { //if the frequency varies according the keyboard note
- float tmp =
- (midinote
- - 69.0f) / 12.0f
- * (powf(2.0f, (fixedfreqET - 1) / 63.0f) - 1.0f);
- if(fixedfreqET <= 64)
- basefreq *= powf(2.0f, tmp);
- else
- basefreq *= powf(3.0f, tmp);
- }
- }
- firsttime = true;
- released = false;
- realfreq = basefreq;
- if(!legato)
- NoteGlobalPar.Detune = getdetune(pars->PDetuneType, pars->PCoarseDetune,
- pars->PDetune);
- //find out the closest note
- float logfreq = logf(basefreq * powf(2.0f, NoteGlobalPar.Detune / 1200.0f));
- float mindist = fabs(logfreq - logf(pars->sample[0].basefreq + 0.0001f));
- nsample = 0;
- for(int i = 1; i < PAD_MAX_SAMPLES; ++i) {
- if(pars->sample[i].smp == NULL)
- break;
- float dist = fabs(logfreq - logf(pars->sample[i].basefreq + 0.0001f));
- if(dist < mindist) {
- nsample = i;
- mindist = dist;
- }
- }
- int size = pars->sample[nsample].size;
- if(size == 0)
- size = 1;
- if(!legato) { //not sure
- poshi_l = (int)(RND * (size - 1));
- if(pars->PStereo != 0)
- poshi_r = (poshi_l + size / 2) % size;
- else
- poshi_r = poshi_l;
- poslo = 0.0f;
- }
- if(pars->PPanning == 0)
- NoteGlobalPar.Panning = RND;
- else
- NoteGlobalPar.Panning = pars->PPanning / 128.0f;
- NoteGlobalPar.FilterCenterPitch = pars->GlobalFilter->getfreq() //center freq
- + pars->PFilterVelocityScale / 127.0f
- * 6.0f //velocity sensing
- * (VelF(velocity,
- pars->
- PFilterVelocityScaleFunction) - 1);
- if(!legato) {
- if(pars->PPunchStrength != 0) {
- NoteGlobalPar.Punch.Enabled = 1;
- NoteGlobalPar.Punch.t = 1.0f; //start from 1.0f and to 0.0f
- NoteGlobalPar.Punch.initialvalue =
- ((powf(10, 1.5f * pars->PPunchStrength / 127.0f) - 1.0f)
- * VelF(velocity,
- pars->PPunchVelocitySensing));
- float time =
- powf(10, 3.0f * pars->PPunchTime / 127.0f) / 10000.0f; //0.1f .. 100 ms
- float stretch = powf(440.0f / freq, pars->PPunchStretch / 64.0f);
- NoteGlobalPar.Punch.dt = 1.0f
- / (time * synth->samplerate_f * stretch);
- }
- else
- NoteGlobalPar.Punch.Enabled = 0;
- NoteGlobalPar.FreqEnvelope = new Envelope(pars->FreqEnvelope, basefreq);
- NoteGlobalPar.FreqLfo = new LFO(pars->FreqLfo, basefreq);
- NoteGlobalPar.AmpEnvelope = new Envelope(pars->AmpEnvelope, basefreq);
- NoteGlobalPar.AmpLfo = new LFO(pars->AmpLfo, basefreq);
- }
- NoteGlobalPar.Volume = 4.0f
- * powf(0.1f, 3.0f * (1.0f - pars->PVolume / 96.0f)) //-60 dB .. 0 dB
- * VelF(velocity, pars->PAmpVelocityScaleFunction); //velocity sensing
- NoteGlobalPar.AmpEnvelope->envout_dB(); //discard the first envelope output
- globaloldamplitude = globalnewamplitude = NoteGlobalPar.Volume
- * NoteGlobalPar.AmpEnvelope->
- envout_dB()
- * NoteGlobalPar.AmpLfo->amplfoout();
- if(!legato) {
- NoteGlobalPar.GlobalFilterL = Filter::generate(pars->GlobalFilter);
- NoteGlobalPar.GlobalFilterR = Filter::generate(pars->GlobalFilter);
- NoteGlobalPar.FilterEnvelope = new Envelope(pars->FilterEnvelope,
- basefreq);
- NoteGlobalPar.FilterLfo = new LFO(pars->FilterLfo, basefreq);
- }
- NoteGlobalPar.FilterQ = pars->GlobalFilter->getq();
- NoteGlobalPar.FilterFreqTracking = pars->GlobalFilter->getfreqtracking(
- basefreq);
- if(pars->sample[nsample].smp == NULL) {
- finished_ = true;
- return;
- }
- }
- void PADnote::legatonote(float freq,
- float velocity,
- int portamento_,
- int midinote,
- bool externcall)
- {
- // Manage legato stuff
- if(legato.update(freq, velocity, portamento_, midinote, externcall))
- return;
- setup(freq, velocity, portamento_, midinote, true);
- }
- PADnote::~PADnote()
- {
- delete (NoteGlobalPar.FreqEnvelope);
- delete (NoteGlobalPar.FreqLfo);
- delete (NoteGlobalPar.AmpEnvelope);
- delete (NoteGlobalPar.AmpLfo);
- delete (NoteGlobalPar.GlobalFilterL);
- delete (NoteGlobalPar.GlobalFilterR);
- delete (NoteGlobalPar.FilterEnvelope);
- delete (NoteGlobalPar.FilterLfo);
- }
- inline void PADnote::fadein(float *smps)
- {
- int zerocrossings = 0;
- for(int i = 1; i < synth->buffersize; ++i)
- if((smps[i - 1] < 0.0f) && (smps[i] > 0.0f))
- zerocrossings++; //this is only the possitive crossings
- float tmp = (synth->buffersize_f - 1.0f) / (zerocrossings + 1) / 3.0f;
- if(tmp < 8.0f)
- tmp = 8.0f;
- int n;
- F2I(tmp, n); //how many samples is the fade-in
- if(n > synth->buffersize)
- n = synth->buffersize;
- for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { //fade-in
- float tmp = 0.5f - cosf((float)i / (float) n * PI) * 0.5f;
- smps[i] *= tmp;
- }
- }
- void PADnote::computecurrentparameters()
- {
- float globalpitch, globalfilterpitch;
- globalpitch = 0.01f * (NoteGlobalPar.FreqEnvelope->envout()
- + NoteGlobalPar.FreqLfo->lfoout()
- * ctl->modwheel.relmod + NoteGlobalPar.Detune);
- globaloldamplitude = globalnewamplitude;
- globalnewamplitude = NoteGlobalPar.Volume
- * NoteGlobalPar.AmpEnvelope->envout_dB()
- * NoteGlobalPar.AmpLfo->amplfoout();
- globalfilterpitch = NoteGlobalPar.FilterEnvelope->envout()
- + NoteGlobalPar.FilterLfo->lfoout()
- + NoteGlobalPar.FilterCenterPitch;
- float tmpfilterfreq = globalfilterpitch + ctl->filtercutoff.relfreq
- + NoteGlobalPar.FilterFreqTracking;
- tmpfilterfreq = Filter::getrealfreq(tmpfilterfreq);
- float globalfilterq = NoteGlobalPar.FilterQ * ctl->filterq.relq;
- NoteGlobalPar.GlobalFilterL->setfreq_and_q(tmpfilterfreq, globalfilterq);
- NoteGlobalPar.GlobalFilterR->setfreq_and_q(tmpfilterfreq, globalfilterq);
- //compute the portamento, if it is used by this note
- float portamentofreqrap = 1.0f;
- if(portamento != 0) { //this voice use portamento
- portamentofreqrap = ctl->portamento.freqrap;
- if(ctl->portamento.used == 0) //the portamento has finished
- portamento = 0; //this note is no longer "portamented"
- ;
- }
- realfreq = basefreq * portamentofreqrap
- * powf(2.0f, globalpitch / 12.0f) * ctl->pitchwheel.relfreq;
- }
- int PADnote::Compute_Linear(float *outl,
- float *outr,
- int freqhi,
- float freqlo)
- {
- float *smps = pars->sample[nsample].smp;
- if(smps == NULL) {
- finished_ = true;
- return 1;
- }
- int size = pars->sample[nsample].size;
- for(int i = 0; i < synth->buffersize; ++i) {
- poshi_l += freqhi;
- poshi_r += freqhi;
- poslo += freqlo;
- if(poslo >= 1.0f) {
- poshi_l += 1;
- poshi_r += 1;
- poslo -= 1.0f;
- }
- if(poshi_l >= size)
- poshi_l %= size;
- if(poshi_r >= size)
- poshi_r %= size;
- outl[i] = smps[poshi_l] * (1.0f - poslo) + smps[poshi_l + 1] * poslo;
- outr[i] = smps[poshi_r] * (1.0f - poslo) + smps[poshi_r + 1] * poslo;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- int PADnote::Compute_Cubic(float *outl,
- float *outr,
- int freqhi,
- float freqlo)
- {
- float *smps = pars->sample[nsample].smp;
- if(smps == NULL) {
- finished_ = true;
- return 1;
- }
- int size = pars->sample[nsample].size;
- float xm1, x0, x1, x2, a, b, c;
- for(int i = 0; i < synth->buffersize; ++i) {
- poshi_l += freqhi;
- poshi_r += freqhi;
- poslo += freqlo;
- if(poslo >= 1.0f) {
- poshi_l += 1;
- poshi_r += 1;
- poslo -= 1.0f;
- }
- if(poshi_l >= size)
- poshi_l %= size;
- if(poshi_r >= size)
- poshi_r %= size;
- //left
- xm1 = smps[poshi_l];
- x0 = smps[poshi_l + 1];
- x1 = smps[poshi_l + 2];
- x2 = smps[poshi_l + 3];
- a = (3.0f * (x0 - x1) - xm1 + x2) * 0.5f;
- b = 2.0f * x1 + xm1 - (5.0f * x0 + x2) * 0.5f;
- c = (x1 - xm1) * 0.5f;
- outl[i] = (((a * poslo) + b) * poslo + c) * poslo + x0;
- //right
- xm1 = smps[poshi_r];
- x0 = smps[poshi_r + 1];
- x1 = smps[poshi_r + 2];
- x2 = smps[poshi_r + 3];
- a = (3.0f * (x0 - x1) - xm1 + x2) * 0.5f;
- b = 2.0f * x1 + xm1 - (5.0f * x0 + x2) * 0.5f;
- c = (x1 - xm1) * 0.5f;
- outr[i] = (((a * poslo) + b) * poslo + c) * poslo + x0;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- int PADnote::noteout(float *outl, float *outr)
- {
- computecurrentparameters();
- float *smps = pars->sample[nsample].smp;
- if(smps == NULL) {
- for(int i = 0; i < synth->buffersize; ++i) {
- outl[i] = 0.0f;
- outr[i] = 0.0f;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- float smpfreq = pars->sample[nsample].basefreq;
- float freqrap = realfreq / smpfreq;
- int freqhi = (int) (floor(freqrap));
- float freqlo = freqrap - floor(freqrap);
- if(config.cfg.Interpolation)
- Compute_Cubic(outl, outr, freqhi, freqlo);
- else
- Compute_Linear(outl, outr, freqhi, freqlo);
- if(firsttime) {
- fadein(outl);
- fadein(outr);
- firsttime = false;
- }
- NoteGlobalPar.GlobalFilterL->filterout(outl);
- NoteGlobalPar.GlobalFilterR->filterout(outr);
- //Apply the punch
- if(NoteGlobalPar.Punch.Enabled != 0)
- for(int i = 0; i < synth->buffersize; ++i) {
- float punchamp = NoteGlobalPar.Punch.initialvalue
- * NoteGlobalPar.Punch.t + 1.0f;
- outl[i] *= punchamp;
- outr[i] *= punchamp;
- NoteGlobalPar.Punch.t -= NoteGlobalPar.Punch.dt;
- if(NoteGlobalPar.Punch.t < 0.0f) {
- NoteGlobalPar.Punch.Enabled = 0;
- break;
- }
- }
- if(ABOVE_AMPLITUDE_THRESHOLD(globaloldamplitude, globalnewamplitude))
- // Amplitude Interpolation
- for(int i = 0; i < synth->buffersize; ++i) {
- float tmpvol = INTERPOLATE_AMPLITUDE(globaloldamplitude,
- globalnewamplitude,
- i,
- synth->buffersize);
- outl[i] *= tmpvol * NoteGlobalPar.Panning;
- outr[i] *= tmpvol * (1.0f - NoteGlobalPar.Panning);
- }
- else
- for(int i = 0; i < synth->buffersize; ++i) {
- outl[i] *= globalnewamplitude * NoteGlobalPar.Panning;
- outr[i] *= globalnewamplitude * (1.0f - NoteGlobalPar.Panning);
- }
- // Apply legato-specific sound signal modifications
- legato.apply(*this, outl, outr);
- // Check if the global amplitude is finished.
- // If it does, disable the note
- if(NoteGlobalPar.AmpEnvelope->finished() != 0) {
- for(int i = 0; i < synth->buffersize; ++i) { //fade-out
- float tmp = 1.0f - (float)i / synth->buffersize_f;
- outl[i] *= tmp;
- outr[i] *= tmp;
- }
- finished_ = 1;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- int PADnote::finished() const
- {
- return finished_;
- }
- void PADnote::relasekey()
- {
- NoteGlobalPar.FreqEnvelope->relasekey();
- NoteGlobalPar.FilterEnvelope->relasekey();
- NoteGlobalPar.AmpEnvelope->relasekey();
- }