- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Project : VST SDK
- //
- // Category : Interfaces
- // Filename : pluginterfaces/vst/ivstparameterchanges.h
- // Created by : Steinberg, 09/2005
- // Description : VST Parameter Change Interfaces
- //
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // This file is part of a Steinberg SDK. It is subject to the license terms
- // in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this distribution
- // and at www.steinberg.net/sdklicenses.
- // No part of the SDK, including this file, may be copied, modified, propagated,
- // or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #pragma once
- #include "pluginterfaces/base/funknown.h"
- #include "vsttypes.h"
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #include "pluginterfaces/base/falignpush.h"
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- namespace Steinberg {
- namespace Vst {
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- /** Queue of changes for a specific parameter.
- \ingroup vstIHost vst300
- - [host imp]
- - [released: 3.0.0]
- - [mandatory]
- The change queue can be interpreted as segment of an automation curve. For each
- processing block a segment with the size of the block is transmitted to the processor.
- The curve is expressed as sampling points of a linear approximation of
- the original automation curve. If the original already is a linear curve it can
- be transmitted precisely. A non-linear curve has to be converted to a linear
- approximation by the host. Every point of the value queue defines a linear
- section of the curve as a straight line from the previous point of a block to
- the new one. So the Plug-in can calculate the value of the curve for any sample
- position in the block.
- <b>Implicit Points:</b> \n
- In each processing block the section of the curve for each parameter is transmitted.
- In order to reduce the amount of points, the point at block position 0 can be omitted.
- - If the curve has a slope of 0 over a period of multiple blocks, only one point is
- transmitted for the block where the constant curve section starts. The queue for the following
- blocks will be empty as long as the curve slope is 0.
- - If the curve has a constant slope other than 0 over the period of several blocks, only
- the value for the last sample of the block is transmitted. In this case the last valid point
- is at block position -1. The processor can calculate the value for each sample in the block
- by using a linear interpolation:
- \code
- double x1 = -1; // position of last point related to current buffer
- double y1 = currentParameterValue; // last transmitted value
- int32 pointTime = 0;
- ParamValue pointValue = 0;
- IParamValueQueue::getPoint (0, pointTime, pointValue);
- double x2 = pointTime;
- double y2 = pointValue;
- double slope = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1);
- double offset = y1 - (slope * x1);
- double curveValue = (slope * bufferTime) + offset; // bufferTime is any position in buffer
- \endcode
- <b>Jumps:</b> \n
- A jump in the automation curve has to be transmitted as two points: one with the
- old value and one with the new value at the next sample position.
- \image html "automation.jpg"
- \see IParameterChanges, ProcessData
- */
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- class IParamValueQueue: public FUnknown
- {
- public:
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /** Returns its associated ID. */
- virtual ParamID PLUGIN_API getParameterId () = 0;
- /** Returns count of points in the queue. */
- virtual int32 PLUGIN_API getPointCount () = 0;
- /** Gets the value and offset at a given index. */
- virtual tresult PLUGIN_API getPoint (int32 index, int32& sampleOffset /*out*/, ParamValue& value /*out*/) = 0;
- /** Adds a new value at the end of the queue, its index is returned. */
- virtual tresult PLUGIN_API addPoint (int32 sampleOffset, ParamValue value, int32& index /*out*/) = 0;
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- static const FUID iid;
- };
- DECLARE_CLASS_IID (IParamValueQueue, 0x01263A18, 0xED074F6F, 0x98C9D356, 0x4686F9BA)
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- /** All parameter changes of a processing block.
- \ingroup vstIHost vst300
- - [host imp]
- - [released: 3.0.0]
- - [mandatory]
- This interface is used to transmit any changes that shall be applied to parameters
- in the current processing block. A change can be caused by GUI interaction as
- well as automation. They are transmitted as a list of queues (IParamValueQueue)
- containing only queues for parameters that actually did change.
- \see IParamValueQueue, ProcessData */
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- class IParameterChanges: public FUnknown
- {
- public:
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /** Returns count of Parameter changes in the list. */
- virtual int32 PLUGIN_API getParameterCount () = 0;
- /** Returns the queue at a given index. */
- virtual IParamValueQueue* PLUGIN_API getParameterData (int32 index) = 0;
- /** Adds a new parameter queue with a given ID at the end of the list,
- returns it and its index in the parameter changes list. */
- virtual IParamValueQueue* PLUGIN_API addParameterData (const Vst::ParamID& id, int32& index /*out*/) = 0;
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- static const FUID iid;
- };
- DECLARE_CLASS_IID (IParameterChanges, 0xA4779663, 0x0BB64A56, 0xB44384A8, 0x466FEB9D)
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- } // namespace Vst
- } // namespace Steinberg
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #include "pluginterfaces/base/falignpop.h"
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------