- /*
- ==============================================================================
- This file is part of the JUCE library.
- Copyright (c) 2013 - Raw Material Software Ltd.
- Permission is granted to use this software under the terms of either:
- a) the GPL v2 (or any later version)
- b) the Affero GPL v3
- Details of these licenses can be found at: www.gnu.org/licenses
- JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
- A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- To release a closed-source product which uses JUCE, commercial licenses are
- available: visit www.juce.com for more information.
- ==============================================================================
- */
- ResamplingAudioSource::ResamplingAudioSource (AudioSource* const inputSource,
- const bool deleteInputWhenDeleted,
- const int numChannels_)
- : input (inputSource, deleteInputWhenDeleted),
- ratio (1.0),
- lastRatio (1.0),
- bufferPos (0),
- sampsInBuffer (0),
- subSampleOffset (0),
- numChannels (numChannels_)
- {
- jassert (input != nullptr);
- zeromem (coefficients, sizeof (coefficients));
- }
- ResamplingAudioSource::~ResamplingAudioSource() {}
- void ResamplingAudioSource::setResamplingRatio (const double samplesInPerOutputSample)
- {
- jassert (samplesInPerOutputSample > 0);
- const SpinLock::ScopedLockType sl (ratioLock);
- ratio = jmax (0.0, samplesInPerOutputSample);
- }
- void ResamplingAudioSource::prepareToPlay (int samplesPerBlockExpected, double sampleRate)
- {
- const SpinLock::ScopedLockType sl (ratioLock);
- input->prepareToPlay (samplesPerBlockExpected, sampleRate);
- buffer.setSize (numChannels, roundToInt (samplesPerBlockExpected * ratio) + 32);
- filterStates.calloc ((size_t) numChannels);
- srcBuffers.calloc ((size_t) numChannels);
- destBuffers.calloc ((size_t) numChannels);
- createLowPass (ratio);
- flushBuffers();
- }
- void ResamplingAudioSource::flushBuffers()
- {
- buffer.clear();
- bufferPos = 0;
- sampsInBuffer = 0;
- subSampleOffset = 0.0;
- resetFilters();
- }
- void ResamplingAudioSource::releaseResources()
- {
- input->releaseResources();
- buffer.setSize (numChannels, 0);
- }
- void ResamplingAudioSource::getNextAudioBlock (const AudioSourceChannelInfo& info)
- {
- double localRatio;
- {
- const SpinLock::ScopedLockType sl (ratioLock);
- localRatio = ratio;
- }
- if (lastRatio != localRatio)
- {
- createLowPass (localRatio);
- lastRatio = localRatio;
- }
- const int sampsNeeded = roundToInt (info.numSamples * localRatio) + 2;
- int bufferSize = buffer.getNumSamples();
- if (bufferSize < sampsNeeded + 8)
- {
- bufferPos %= bufferSize;
- bufferSize = sampsNeeded + 32;
- buffer.setSize (buffer.getNumChannels(), bufferSize, true, true);
- }
- bufferPos %= bufferSize;
- int endOfBufferPos = bufferPos + sampsInBuffer;
- const int channelsToProcess = jmin (numChannels, info.buffer->getNumChannels());
- while (sampsNeeded > sampsInBuffer)
- {
- endOfBufferPos %= bufferSize;
- int numToDo = jmin (sampsNeeded - sampsInBuffer,
- bufferSize - endOfBufferPos);
- AudioSourceChannelInfo readInfo (&buffer, endOfBufferPos, numToDo);
- input->getNextAudioBlock (readInfo);
- if (localRatio > 1.0001)
- {
- // for down-sampling, pre-apply the filter..
- for (int i = channelsToProcess; --i >= 0;)
- applyFilter (buffer.getWritePointer (i, endOfBufferPos), numToDo, filterStates[i]);
- }
- sampsInBuffer += numToDo;
- endOfBufferPos += numToDo;
- }
- for (int channel = 0; channel < channelsToProcess; ++channel)
- {
- destBuffers[channel] = info.buffer->getWritePointer (channel, info.startSample);
- srcBuffers[channel] = buffer.getReadPointer (channel);
- }
- int nextPos = (bufferPos + 1) % bufferSize;
- for (int m = info.numSamples; --m >= 0;)
- {
- const float alpha = (float) subSampleOffset;
- for (int channel = 0; channel < channelsToProcess; ++channel)
- *destBuffers[channel]++ = srcBuffers[channel][bufferPos]
- + alpha * (srcBuffers[channel][nextPos] - srcBuffers[channel][bufferPos]);
- subSampleOffset += localRatio;
- jassert (sampsInBuffer > 0);
- while (subSampleOffset >= 1.0)
- {
- if (++bufferPos >= bufferSize)
- bufferPos = 0;
- --sampsInBuffer;
- nextPos = (bufferPos + 1) % bufferSize;
- subSampleOffset -= 1.0;
- }
- }
- if (localRatio < 0.9999)
- {
- // for up-sampling, apply the filter after transposing..
- for (int i = channelsToProcess; --i >= 0;)
- applyFilter (info.buffer->getWritePointer (i, info.startSample), info.numSamples, filterStates[i]);
- }
- else if (localRatio <= 1.0001 && info.numSamples > 0)
- {
- // if the filter's not currently being applied, keep it stoked with the last couple of samples to avoid discontinuities
- for (int i = channelsToProcess; --i >= 0;)
- {
- const float* const endOfBuffer = info.buffer->getReadPointer (i, info.startSample + info.numSamples - 1);
- FilterState& fs = filterStates[i];
- if (info.numSamples > 1)
- {
- fs.y2 = fs.x2 = *(endOfBuffer - 1);
- }
- else
- {
- fs.y2 = fs.y1;
- fs.x2 = fs.x1;
- }
- fs.y1 = fs.x1 = *endOfBuffer;
- }
- }
- jassert (sampsInBuffer >= 0);
- }
- void ResamplingAudioSource::createLowPass (const double frequencyRatio)
- {
- const double proportionalRate = (frequencyRatio > 1.0) ? 0.5 / frequencyRatio
- : 0.5 * frequencyRatio;
- const double n = 1.0 / std::tan (double_Pi * jmax (0.001, proportionalRate));
- const double nSquared = n * n;
- const double c1 = 1.0 / (1.0 + std::sqrt (2.0) * n + nSquared);
- setFilterCoefficients (c1,
- c1 * 2.0f,
- c1,
- 1.0,
- c1 * 2.0 * (1.0 - nSquared),
- c1 * (1.0 - std::sqrt (2.0) * n + nSquared));
- }
- void ResamplingAudioSource::setFilterCoefficients (double c1, double c2, double c3, double c4, double c5, double c6)
- {
- const double a = 1.0 / c4;
- c1 *= a;
- c2 *= a;
- c3 *= a;
- c5 *= a;
- c6 *= a;
- coefficients[0] = c1;
- coefficients[1] = c2;
- coefficients[2] = c3;
- coefficients[3] = c4;
- coefficients[4] = c5;
- coefficients[5] = c6;
- }
- void ResamplingAudioSource::resetFilters()
- {
- filterStates.clear ((size_t) numChannels);
- }
- void ResamplingAudioSource::applyFilter (float* samples, int num, FilterState& fs)
- {
- while (--num >= 0)
- {
- const double in = *samples;
- double out = coefficients[0] * in
- + coefficients[1] * fs.x1
- + coefficients[2] * fs.x2
- - coefficients[4] * fs.y1
- - coefficients[5] * fs.y2;
- if (! (out < -1.0e-8 || out > 1.0e-8))
- out = 0;
- #endif
- fs.x2 = fs.x1;
- fs.x1 = in;
- fs.y2 = fs.y1;
- fs.y1 = out;
- *samples++ = (float) out;
- }
- }