- /*
- ==============================================================================
- This file is part of the JUCE library.
- Copyright (c) 2013 - Raw Material Software Ltd.
- Permission is granted to use this software under the terms of either:
- a) the GPL v2 (or any later version)
- b) the Affero GPL v3
- Details of these licenses can be found at: www.gnu.org/licenses
- JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
- A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- To release a closed-source product which uses JUCE, commercial licenses are
- available: visit www.juce.com for more information.
- ==============================================================================
- */
- namespace LookAndFeelHelpers
- {
- static Colour createBaseColour (Colour buttonColour,
- bool hasKeyboardFocus,
- bool isMouseOverButton,
- bool isButtonDown) noexcept
- {
- const float sat = hasKeyboardFocus ? 1.3f : 0.9f;
- const Colour baseColour (buttonColour.withMultipliedSaturation (sat));
- if (isButtonDown) return baseColour.contrasting (0.2f);
- if (isMouseOverButton) return baseColour.contrasting (0.1f);
- return baseColour;
- }
- static TextLayout layoutTooltipText (const String& text, Colour colour) noexcept
- {
- const float tooltipFontSize = 13.0f;
- const int maxToolTipWidth = 400;
- AttributedString s;
- s.setJustification (Justification::centred);
- s.append (text, Font (tooltipFontSize, Font::bold), colour);
- TextLayout tl;
- tl.createLayoutWithBalancedLineLengths (s, (float) maxToolTipWidth);
- return tl;
- }
- }
- //==============================================================================
- LookAndFeel_V2::LookAndFeel_V2()
- {
- // initialise the standard set of colours..
- const uint32 textButtonColour = 0xffbbbbff;
- const uint32 textHighlightColour = 0x401111ee;
- const uint32 standardOutlineColour = 0xb2808080;
- static const uint32 standardColours[] =
- {
- TextButton::buttonColourId, textButtonColour,
- TextButton::buttonOnColourId, 0xff4444ff,
- TextButton::textColourOnId, 0xff000000,
- TextButton::textColourOffId, 0xff000000,
- ToggleButton::textColourId, 0xff000000,
- TextEditor::backgroundColourId, 0xffffffff,
- TextEditor::textColourId, 0xff000000,
- TextEditor::highlightColourId, textHighlightColour,
- TextEditor::highlightedTextColourId, 0xff000000,
- TextEditor::outlineColourId, 0x00000000,
- TextEditor::focusedOutlineColourId, textButtonColour,
- TextEditor::shadowColourId, 0x38000000,
- CaretComponent::caretColourId, 0xff000000,
- Label::backgroundColourId, 0x00000000,
- Label::textColourId, 0xff000000,
- Label::outlineColourId, 0x00000000,
- ScrollBar::backgroundColourId, 0x00000000,
- ScrollBar::thumbColourId, 0xffffffff,
- TreeView::linesColourId, 0x4c000000,
- TreeView::backgroundColourId, 0x00000000,
- TreeView::dragAndDropIndicatorColourId, 0x80ff0000,
- TreeView::selectedItemBackgroundColourId, 0x00000000,
- PopupMenu::backgroundColourId, 0xffffffff,
- PopupMenu::textColourId, 0xff000000,
- PopupMenu::headerTextColourId, 0xff000000,
- PopupMenu::highlightedTextColourId, 0xffffffff,
- PopupMenu::highlightedBackgroundColourId, 0x991111aa,
- ComboBox::buttonColourId, 0xffbbbbff,
- ComboBox::outlineColourId, standardOutlineColour,
- ComboBox::textColourId, 0xff000000,
- ComboBox::backgroundColourId, 0xffffffff,
- ComboBox::arrowColourId, 0x99000000,
- TextPropertyComponent::backgroundColourId, 0xffffffff,
- TextPropertyComponent::textColourId, 0xff000000,
- TextPropertyComponent::outlineColourId, standardOutlineColour,
- ListBox::backgroundColourId, 0xffffffff,
- ListBox::outlineColourId, standardOutlineColour,
- ListBox::textColourId, 0xff000000,
- Slider::backgroundColourId, 0x00000000,
- Slider::thumbColourId, textButtonColour,
- Slider::trackColourId, 0x7fffffff,
- Slider::rotarySliderFillColourId, 0x7f0000ff,
- Slider::rotarySliderOutlineColourId, 0x66000000,
- Slider::textBoxTextColourId, 0xff000000,
- Slider::textBoxBackgroundColourId, 0xffffffff,
- Slider::textBoxHighlightColourId, textHighlightColour,
- Slider::textBoxOutlineColourId, standardOutlineColour,
- ResizableWindow::backgroundColourId, 0xff777777,
- //DocumentWindow::textColourId, 0xff000000, // (this is deliberately not set)
- AlertWindow::backgroundColourId, 0xffededed,
- AlertWindow::textColourId, 0xff000000,
- AlertWindow::outlineColourId, 0xff666666,
- ProgressBar::backgroundColourId, 0xffeeeeee,
- ProgressBar::foregroundColourId, 0xffaaaaee,
- TooltipWindow::backgroundColourId, 0xffeeeebb,
- TooltipWindow::textColourId, 0xff000000,
- TooltipWindow::outlineColourId, 0x4c000000,
- TabbedComponent::backgroundColourId, 0x00000000,
- TabbedComponent::outlineColourId, 0xff777777,
- TabbedButtonBar::tabOutlineColourId, 0x80000000,
- TabbedButtonBar::frontOutlineColourId, 0x90000000,
- Toolbar::backgroundColourId, 0xfff6f8f9,
- Toolbar::separatorColourId, 0x4c000000,
- Toolbar::buttonMouseOverBackgroundColourId, 0x4c0000ff,
- Toolbar::buttonMouseDownBackgroundColourId, 0x800000ff,
- Toolbar::labelTextColourId, 0xff000000,
- Toolbar::editingModeOutlineColourId, 0xffff0000,
- DrawableButton::textColourId, 0xff000000,
- DrawableButton::textColourOnId, 0xff000000,
- DrawableButton::backgroundColourId, 0x00000000,
- DrawableButton::backgroundOnColourId, 0xaabbbbff,
- HyperlinkButton::textColourId, 0xcc1111ee,
- GroupComponent::outlineColourId, 0x66000000,
- GroupComponent::textColourId, 0xff000000,
- BubbleComponent::backgroundColourId, 0xeeeeeebb,
- BubbleComponent::outlineColourId, 0x77000000,
- DirectoryContentsDisplayComponent::highlightColourId, textHighlightColour,
- DirectoryContentsDisplayComponent::textColourId, 0xff000000,
- 0x1000440, /*LassoComponent::lassoFillColourId*/ 0x66dddddd,
- 0x1000441, /*LassoComponent::lassoOutlineColourId*/ 0x99111111,
- 0x1005000, /*MidiKeyboardComponent::whiteNoteColourId*/ 0xffffffff,
- 0x1005001, /*MidiKeyboardComponent::blackNoteColourId*/ 0xff000000,
- 0x1005002, /*MidiKeyboardComponent::keySeparatorLineColourId*/ 0x66000000,
- 0x1005003, /*MidiKeyboardComponent::mouseOverKeyOverlayColourId*/ 0x80ffff00,
- 0x1005004, /*MidiKeyboardComponent::keyDownOverlayColourId*/ 0xffb6b600,
- 0x1005005, /*MidiKeyboardComponent::textLabelColourId*/ 0xff000000,
- 0x1005006, /*MidiKeyboardComponent::upDownButtonBackgroundColourId*/ 0xffd3d3d3,
- 0x1005007, /*MidiKeyboardComponent::upDownButtonArrowColourId*/ 0xff000000,
- 0x1005008, /*MidiKeyboardComponent::shadowColourId*/ 0x4c000000,
- 0x1004500, /*CodeEditorComponent::backgroundColourId*/ 0xffffffff,
- 0x1004502, /*CodeEditorComponent::highlightColourId*/ textHighlightColour,
- 0x1004503, /*CodeEditorComponent::defaultTextColourId*/ 0xff000000,
- 0x1004504, /*CodeEditorComponent::lineNumberBackgroundId*/ 0x44999999,
- 0x1004505, /*CodeEditorComponent::lineNumberTextId*/ 0x44000000,
- 0x1007000, /*ColourSelector::backgroundColourId*/ 0xffe5e5e5,
- 0x1007001, /*ColourSelector::labelTextColourId*/ 0xff000000,
- 0x100ad00, /*KeyMappingEditorComponent::backgroundColourId*/ 0x00000000,
- 0x100ad01, /*KeyMappingEditorComponent::textColourId*/ 0xff000000,
- FileSearchPathListComponent::backgroundColourId, 0xffffffff,
- FileChooserDialogBox::titleTextColourId, 0xff000000,
- };
- for (int i = 0; i < numElementsInArray (standardColours); i += 2)
- setColour ((int) standardColours [i], Colour ((uint32) standardColours [i + 1]));
- }
- LookAndFeel_V2::~LookAndFeel_V2() {}
- //==============================================================================
- void LookAndFeel_V2::drawButtonBackground (Graphics& g,
- Button& button,
- const Colour& backgroundColour,
- bool isMouseOverButton,
- bool isButtonDown)
- {
- const int width = button.getWidth();
- const int height = button.getHeight();
- const float outlineThickness = button.isEnabled() ? ((isButtonDown || isMouseOverButton) ? 1.2f : 0.7f) : 0.4f;
- const float halfThickness = outlineThickness * 0.5f;
- const float indentL = button.isConnectedOnLeft() ? 0.1f : halfThickness;
- const float indentR = button.isConnectedOnRight() ? 0.1f : halfThickness;
- const float indentT = button.isConnectedOnTop() ? 0.1f : halfThickness;
- const float indentB = button.isConnectedOnBottom() ? 0.1f : halfThickness;
- const Colour baseColour (LookAndFeelHelpers::createBaseColour (backgroundColour,
- button.hasKeyboardFocus (true),
- isMouseOverButton, isButtonDown)
- .withMultipliedAlpha (button.isEnabled() ? 1.0f : 0.5f));
- drawGlassLozenge (g,
- indentL,
- indentT,
- width - indentL - indentR,
- height - indentT - indentB,
- baseColour, outlineThickness, -1.0f,
- button.isConnectedOnLeft(),
- button.isConnectedOnRight(),
- button.isConnectedOnTop(),
- button.isConnectedOnBottom());
- }
- Font LookAndFeel_V2::getTextButtonFont (TextButton& button)
- {
- return button.getFont();
- }
- void LookAndFeel_V2::drawButtonText (Graphics& g, TextButton& button, bool /*isMouseOverButton*/, bool /*isButtonDown*/)
- {
- Font font (getTextButtonFont (button));
- g.setFont (font);
- g.setColour (button.findColour (button.getToggleState() ? TextButton::textColourOnId
- : TextButton::textColourOffId)
- .withMultipliedAlpha (button.isEnabled() ? 1.0f : 0.5f));
- const int yIndent = jmin (4, button.proportionOfHeight (0.3f));
- const int cornerSize = jmin (button.getHeight(), button.getWidth()) / 2;
- const int fontHeight = roundToInt (font.getHeight() * 0.6f);
- const int leftIndent = jmin (fontHeight, 2 + cornerSize / (button.isConnectedOnLeft() ? 4 : 2));
- const int rightIndent = jmin (fontHeight, 2 + cornerSize / (button.isConnectedOnRight() ? 4 : 2));
- g.drawFittedText (button.getButtonText(),
- leftIndent,
- yIndent,
- button.getWidth() - leftIndent - rightIndent,
- button.getHeight() - yIndent * 2,
- Justification::centred, 2);
- }
- void LookAndFeel_V2::drawTickBox (Graphics& g, Component& component,
- float x, float y, float w, float h,
- const bool ticked,
- const bool isEnabled,
- const bool isMouseOverButton,
- const bool isButtonDown)
- {
- const float boxSize = w * 0.7f;
- drawGlassSphere (g, x, y + (h - boxSize) * 0.5f, boxSize,
- LookAndFeelHelpers::createBaseColour (component.findColour (TextButton::buttonColourId)
- .withMultipliedAlpha (isEnabled ? 1.0f : 0.5f),
- true, isMouseOverButton, isButtonDown),
- isEnabled ? ((isButtonDown || isMouseOverButton) ? 1.1f : 0.5f) : 0.3f);
- if (ticked)
- {
- Path tick;
- tick.startNewSubPath (1.5f, 3.0f);
- tick.lineTo (3.0f, 6.0f);
- tick.lineTo (6.0f, 0.0f);
- g.setColour (isEnabled ? Colours::black : Colours::grey);
- const AffineTransform trans (AffineTransform::scale (w / 9.0f, h / 9.0f)
- .translated (x, y));
- g.strokePath (tick, PathStrokeType (2.5f), trans);
- }
- }
- void LookAndFeel_V2::drawToggleButton (Graphics& g, ToggleButton& button,
- bool isMouseOverButton, bool isButtonDown)
- {
- if (button.hasKeyboardFocus (true))
- {
- g.setColour (button.findColour (TextEditor::focusedOutlineColourId));
- g.drawRect (0, 0, button.getWidth(), button.getHeight());
- }
- float fontSize = jmin (15.0f, button.getHeight() * 0.75f);
- const float tickWidth = fontSize * 1.1f;
- drawTickBox (g, button, 4.0f, (button.getHeight() - tickWidth) * 0.5f,
- tickWidth, tickWidth,
- button.getToggleState(),
- button.isEnabled(),
- isMouseOverButton,
- isButtonDown);
- g.setColour (button.findColour (ToggleButton::textColourId));
- g.setFont (fontSize);
- if (! button.isEnabled())
- g.setOpacity (0.5f);
- const int textX = (int) tickWidth + 5;
- g.drawFittedText (button.getButtonText(),
- textX, 0,
- button.getWidth() - textX - 2, button.getHeight(),
- Justification::centredLeft, 10);
- }
- void LookAndFeel_V2::changeToggleButtonWidthToFitText (ToggleButton& button)
- {
- Font font (jmin (15.0f, button.getHeight() * 0.6f));
- const int tickWidth = jmin (24, button.getHeight());
- button.setSize (font.getStringWidth (button.getButtonText()) + tickWidth + 8,
- button.getHeight());
- }
- void LookAndFeel_V2::drawDrawableButton (Graphics& g, DrawableButton& button,
- bool /*isMouseOverButton*/, bool /*isButtonDown*/)
- {
- bool toggleState = button.getToggleState();
- g.fillAll (button.findColour (toggleState ? DrawableButton::backgroundOnColourId
- : DrawableButton::backgroundColourId));
- const int textH = (button.getStyle() == DrawableButton::ImageAboveTextLabel)
- ? jmin (16, button.proportionOfHeight (0.25f))
- : 0;
- if (textH > 0)
- {
- g.setFont ((float) textH);
- g.setColour (button.findColour (toggleState ? DrawableButton::textColourOnId
- : DrawableButton::textColourId)
- .withMultipliedAlpha (button.isEnabled() ? 1.0f : 0.4f));
- g.drawFittedText (button.getButtonText(),
- 2, button.getHeight() - textH - 1,
- button.getWidth() - 4, textH,
- Justification::centred, 1);
- }
- }
- //==============================================================================
- AlertWindow* LookAndFeel_V2::createAlertWindow (const String& title, const String& message,
- const String& button1, const String& button2, const String& button3,
- AlertWindow::AlertIconType iconType,
- int numButtons, Component* associatedComponent)
- {
- AlertWindow* aw = new AlertWindow (title, message, iconType, associatedComponent);
- if (numButtons == 1)
- {
- aw->addButton (button1, 0,
- KeyPress (KeyPress::escapeKey),
- KeyPress (KeyPress::returnKey));
- }
- else
- {
- const KeyPress button1ShortCut ((int) CharacterFunctions::toLowerCase (button1[0]), 0, 0);
- KeyPress button2ShortCut ((int) CharacterFunctions::toLowerCase (button2[0]), 0, 0);
- if (button1ShortCut == button2ShortCut)
- button2ShortCut = KeyPress();
- if (numButtons == 2)
- {
- aw->addButton (button1, 1, KeyPress (KeyPress::returnKey), button1ShortCut);
- aw->addButton (button2, 0, KeyPress (KeyPress::escapeKey), button2ShortCut);
- }
- else if (numButtons == 3)
- {
- aw->addButton (button1, 1, button1ShortCut);
- aw->addButton (button2, 2, button2ShortCut);
- aw->addButton (button3, 0, KeyPress (KeyPress::escapeKey));
- }
- }
- return aw;
- }
- void LookAndFeel_V2::drawAlertBox (Graphics& g, AlertWindow& alert,
- const Rectangle<int>& textArea, TextLayout& textLayout)
- {
- g.fillAll (alert.findColour (AlertWindow::backgroundColourId));
- int iconSpaceUsed = 0;
- const int iconWidth = 80;
- int iconSize = jmin (iconWidth + 50, alert.getHeight() + 20);
- if (alert.containsAnyExtraComponents() || alert.getNumButtons() > 2)
- iconSize = jmin (iconSize, textArea.getHeight() + 50);
- const Rectangle<int> iconRect (iconSize / -10, iconSize / -10,
- iconSize, iconSize);
- if (alert.getAlertType() != AlertWindow::NoIcon)
- {
- Path icon;
- uint32 colour;
- char character;
- if (alert.getAlertType() == AlertWindow::WarningIcon)
- {
- colour = 0x55ff5555;
- character = '!';
- icon.addTriangle (iconRect.getX() + iconRect.getWidth() * 0.5f, (float) iconRect.getY(),
- (float) iconRect.getRight(), (float) iconRect.getBottom(),
- (float) iconRect.getX(), (float) iconRect.getBottom());
- icon = icon.createPathWithRoundedCorners (5.0f);
- }
- else
- {
- colour = alert.getAlertType() == AlertWindow::InfoIcon ? (uint32) 0x605555ff : (uint32) 0x40b69900;
- character = alert.getAlertType() == AlertWindow::InfoIcon ? 'i' : '?';
- icon.addEllipse ((float) iconRect.getX(), (float) iconRect.getY(),
- (float) iconRect.getWidth(), (float) iconRect.getHeight());
- }
- GlyphArrangement ga;
- ga.addFittedText (Font (iconRect.getHeight() * 0.9f, Font::bold),
- String::charToString ((juce_wchar) (uint8) character),
- (float) iconRect.getX(), (float) iconRect.getY(),
- (float) iconRect.getWidth(), (float) iconRect.getHeight(),
- Justification::centred, false);
- ga.createPath (icon);
- icon.setUsingNonZeroWinding (false);
- g.setColour (Colour (colour));
- g.fillPath (icon);
- iconSpaceUsed = iconWidth;
- }
- g.setColour (alert.findColour (AlertWindow::textColourId));
- textLayout.draw (g, Rectangle<int> (textArea.getX() + iconSpaceUsed,
- textArea.getY(),
- textArea.getWidth() - iconSpaceUsed,
- textArea.getHeight()).toFloat());
- g.setColour (alert.findColour (AlertWindow::outlineColourId));
- g.drawRect (0, 0, alert.getWidth(), alert.getHeight());
- }
- int LookAndFeel_V2::getAlertBoxWindowFlags()
- {
- return ComponentPeer::windowAppearsOnTaskbar
- | ComponentPeer::windowHasDropShadow;
- }
- int LookAndFeel_V2::getAlertWindowButtonHeight()
- {
- return 28;
- }
- Font LookAndFeel_V2::getAlertWindowMessageFont()
- {
- return Font (15.0f);
- }
- Font LookAndFeel_V2::getAlertWindowFont()
- {
- return Font (12.0f);
- }
- //==============================================================================
- void LookAndFeel_V2::drawProgressBar (Graphics& g, ProgressBar& progressBar,
- int width, int height,
- double progress, const String& textToShow)
- {
- const Colour background (progressBar.findColour (ProgressBar::backgroundColourId));
- const Colour foreground (progressBar.findColour (ProgressBar::foregroundColourId));
- g.fillAll (background);
- if (progress >= 0.0f && progress < 1.0f)
- {
- drawGlassLozenge (g, 1.0f, 1.0f,
- (float) jlimit (0.0, width - 2.0, progress * (width - 2.0)),
- (float) (height - 2),
- foreground,
- 0.5f, 0.0f,
- true, true, true, true);
- }
- else
- {
- // spinning bar..
- g.setColour (foreground);
- const int stripeWidth = height * 2;
- const int position = (int) (Time::getMillisecondCounter() / 15) % stripeWidth;
- Path p;
- for (float x = (float) (- position); x < width + stripeWidth; x += stripeWidth)
- p.addQuadrilateral (x, 0.0f,
- x + stripeWidth * 0.5f, 0.0f,
- x, (float) height,
- x - stripeWidth * 0.5f, (float) height);
- Image im (Image::ARGB, width, height, true);
- {
- Graphics g2 (im);
- drawGlassLozenge (g2, 1.0f, 1.0f,
- (float) (width - 2),
- (float) (height - 2),
- foreground,
- 0.5f, 0.0f,
- true, true, true, true);
- }
- g.setTiledImageFill (im, 0, 0, 0.85f);
- g.fillPath (p);
- }
- if (textToShow.isNotEmpty())
- {
- g.setColour (Colour::contrasting (background, foreground));
- g.setFont (height * 0.6f);
- g.drawText (textToShow, 0, 0, width, height, Justification::centred, false);
- }
- }
- void LookAndFeel_V2::drawSpinningWaitAnimation (Graphics& g, const Colour& colour, int x, int y, int w, int h)
- {
- const float radius = jmin (w, h) * 0.4f;
- const float thickness = radius * 0.15f;
- Path p;
- p.addRoundedRectangle (radius * 0.4f, thickness * -0.5f,
- radius * 0.6f, thickness,
- thickness * 0.5f);
- const float cx = x + w * 0.5f;
- const float cy = y + h * 0.5f;
- const uint32 animationIndex = (Time::getMillisecondCounter() / (1000 / 10)) % 12;
- for (uint32 i = 0; i < 12; ++i)
- {
- const uint32 n = (i + 12 - animationIndex) % 12;
- g.setColour (colour.withMultipliedAlpha ((n + 1) / 12.0f));
- g.fillPath (p, AffineTransform::rotation (i * (float_Pi / 6.0f))
- .translated (cx, cy));
- }
- }
- bool LookAndFeel_V2::areScrollbarButtonsVisible()
- {
- return true;
- }
- void LookAndFeel_V2::drawScrollbarButton (Graphics& g, ScrollBar& scrollbar,
- int width, int height, int buttonDirection,
- bool /*isScrollbarVertical*/,
- bool /*isMouseOverButton*/,
- bool isButtonDown)
- {
- Path p;
- if (buttonDirection == 0)
- p.addTriangle (width * 0.5f, height * 0.2f,
- width * 0.1f, height * 0.7f,
- width * 0.9f, height * 0.7f);
- else if (buttonDirection == 1)
- p.addTriangle (width * 0.8f, height * 0.5f,
- width * 0.3f, height * 0.1f,
- width * 0.3f, height * 0.9f);
- else if (buttonDirection == 2)
- p.addTriangle (width * 0.5f, height * 0.8f,
- width * 0.1f, height * 0.3f,
- width * 0.9f, height * 0.3f);
- else if (buttonDirection == 3)
- p.addTriangle (width * 0.2f, height * 0.5f,
- width * 0.7f, height * 0.1f,
- width * 0.7f, height * 0.9f);
- if (isButtonDown)
- g.setColour (scrollbar.findColour (ScrollBar::thumbColourId).contrasting (0.2f));
- else
- g.setColour (scrollbar.findColour (ScrollBar::thumbColourId));
- g.fillPath (p);
- g.setColour (Colour (0x80000000));
- g.strokePath (p, PathStrokeType (0.5f));
- }
- void LookAndFeel_V2::drawScrollbar (Graphics& g,
- ScrollBar& scrollbar,
- int x, int y,
- int width, int height,
- bool isScrollbarVertical,
- int thumbStartPosition,
- int thumbSize,
- bool /*isMouseOver*/,
- bool /*isMouseDown*/)
- {
- g.fillAll (scrollbar.findColour (ScrollBar::backgroundColourId));
- Path slotPath, thumbPath;
- const float slotIndent = jmin (width, height) > 15 ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
- const float slotIndentx2 = slotIndent * 2.0f;
- const float thumbIndent = slotIndent + 1.0f;
- const float thumbIndentx2 = thumbIndent * 2.0f;
- float gx1 = 0.0f, gy1 = 0.0f, gx2 = 0.0f, gy2 = 0.0f;
- if (isScrollbarVertical)
- {
- slotPath.addRoundedRectangle (x + slotIndent,
- y + slotIndent,
- width - slotIndentx2,
- height - slotIndentx2,
- (width - slotIndentx2) * 0.5f);
- if (thumbSize > 0)
- thumbPath.addRoundedRectangle (x + thumbIndent,
- thumbStartPosition + thumbIndent,
- width - thumbIndentx2,
- thumbSize - thumbIndentx2,
- (width - thumbIndentx2) * 0.5f);
- gx1 = (float) x;
- gx2 = x + width * 0.7f;
- }
- else
- {
- slotPath.addRoundedRectangle (x + slotIndent,
- y + slotIndent,
- width - slotIndentx2,
- height - slotIndentx2,
- (height - slotIndentx2) * 0.5f);
- if (thumbSize > 0)
- thumbPath.addRoundedRectangle (thumbStartPosition + thumbIndent,
- y + thumbIndent,
- thumbSize - thumbIndentx2,
- height - thumbIndentx2,
- (height - thumbIndentx2) * 0.5f);
- gy1 = (float) y;
- gy2 = y + height * 0.7f;
- }
- const Colour thumbColour (scrollbar.findColour (ScrollBar::thumbColourId));
- Colour trackColour1, trackColour2;
- if (scrollbar.isColourSpecified (ScrollBar::trackColourId)
- || isColourSpecified (ScrollBar::trackColourId))
- {
- trackColour1 = trackColour2 = scrollbar.findColour (ScrollBar::trackColourId);
- }
- else
- {
- trackColour1 = thumbColour.overlaidWith (Colour (0x44000000));
- trackColour2 = thumbColour.overlaidWith (Colour (0x19000000));
- }
- g.setGradientFill (ColourGradient (trackColour1, gx1, gy1,
- trackColour2, gx2, gy2, false));
- g.fillPath (slotPath);
- if (isScrollbarVertical)
- {
- gx1 = x + width * 0.6f;
- gx2 = (float) x + width;
- }
- else
- {
- gy1 = y + height * 0.6f;
- gy2 = (float) y + height;
- }
- g.setGradientFill (ColourGradient (Colours::transparentBlack,gx1, gy1,
- Colour (0x19000000), gx2, gy2, false));
- g.fillPath (slotPath);
- g.setColour (thumbColour);
- g.fillPath (thumbPath);
- g.setGradientFill (ColourGradient (Colour (0x10000000), gx1, gy1,
- Colours::transparentBlack, gx2, gy2, false));
- g.saveState();
- if (isScrollbarVertical)
- g.reduceClipRegion (x + width / 2, y, width, height);
- else
- g.reduceClipRegion (x, y + height / 2, width, height);
- g.fillPath (thumbPath);
- g.restoreState();
- g.setColour (Colour (0x4c000000));
- g.strokePath (thumbPath, PathStrokeType (0.4f));
- }
- ImageEffectFilter* LookAndFeel_V2::getScrollbarEffect()
- {
- return nullptr;
- }
- int LookAndFeel_V2::getMinimumScrollbarThumbSize (ScrollBar& scrollbar)
- {
- return jmin (scrollbar.getWidth(), scrollbar.getHeight()) * 2;
- }
- int LookAndFeel_V2::getDefaultScrollbarWidth()
- {
- return 18;
- }
- int LookAndFeel_V2::getScrollbarButtonSize (ScrollBar& scrollbar)
- {
- return 2 + (scrollbar.isVertical() ? scrollbar.getWidth()
- : scrollbar.getHeight());
- }
- //==============================================================================
- Path LookAndFeel_V2::getTickShape (const float height)
- {
- static const unsigned char tickShapeData[] =
- {
- 109,0,224,168,68,0,0,119,67,108,0,224,172,68,0,128,146,67,113,0,192,148,68,0,0,219,67,0,96,110,68,0,224,56,68,113,0,64,51,68,0,32,130,68,0,64,20,68,0,224,
- 162,68,108,0,128,3,68,0,128,168,68,113,0,128,221,67,0,192,175,68,0,0,207,67,0,32,179,68,113,0,0,201,67,0,224,173,68,0,0,181,67,0,224,161,68,108,0,128,168,67,
- 0,128,154,68,113,0,128,141,67,0,192,138,68,0,128,108,67,0,64,131,68,113,0,0,62,67,0,128,119,68,0,0,5,67,0,128,114,68,113,0,0,102,67,0,192,88,68,0,128,155,
- 67,0,192,88,68,113,0,0,190,67,0,192,88,68,0,128,232,67,0,224,131,68,108,0,128,246,67,0,192,139,68,113,0,64,33,68,0,128,87,68,0,0,93,68,0,224,26,68,113,0,
- 96,140,68,0,128,188,67,0,224,168,68,0,0,119,67,99,101
- };
- Path p;
- p.loadPathFromData (tickShapeData, sizeof (tickShapeData));
- p.scaleToFit (0, 0, height * 2.0f, height, true);
- return p;
- }
- Path LookAndFeel_V2::getCrossShape (const float height)
- {
- static const unsigned char crossShapeData[] =
- {
- 109,0,0,17,68,0,96,145,68,108,0,192,13,68,0,192,147,68,113,0,0,213,67,0,64,174,68,0,0,168,67,0,64,174,68,113,0,0,104,67,0,64,174,68,0,0,5,67,0,64,
- 153,68,113,0,0,18,67,0,64,153,68,0,0,24,67,0,64,153,68,113,0,0,135,67,0,64,153,68,0,128,207,67,0,224,130,68,108,0,0,220,67,0,0,126,68,108,0,0,204,67,
- 0,128,117,68,113,0,0,138,67,0,64,82,68,0,0,138,67,0,192,57,68,113,0,0,138,67,0,192,37,68,0,128,210,67,0,64,10,68,113,0,128,220,67,0,64,45,68,0,0,8,
- 68,0,128,78,68,108,0,192,14,68,0,0,87,68,108,0,64,20,68,0,0,80,68,113,0,192,57,68,0,0,32,68,0,128,88,68,0,0,32,68,113,0,64,112,68,0,0,32,68,0,
- 128,124,68,0,64,68,68,113,0,0,121,68,0,192,67,68,0,128,119,68,0,192,67,68,113,0,192,108,68,0,192,67,68,0,32,89,68,0,96,82,68,113,0,128,69,68,0,0,97,68,
- 0,0,56,68,0,64,115,68,108,0,64,49,68,0,128,124,68,108,0,192,55,68,0,96,129,68,113,0,0,92,68,0,224,146,68,0,192,129,68,0,224,146,68,113,0,64,110,68,0,64,
- 168,68,0,64,87,68,0,64,168,68,113,0,128,66,68,0,64,168,68,0,64,27,68,0,32,150,68,99,101
- };
- Path p;
- p.loadPathFromData (crossShapeData, sizeof (crossShapeData));
- p.scaleToFit (0, 0, height * 2.0f, height, true);
- return p;
- }
- //==============================================================================
- void LookAndFeel_V2::drawTreeviewPlusMinusBox (Graphics& g, const Rectangle<float>& area,
- Colour /*backgroundColour*/, bool isOpen, bool /*isMouseOver*/)
- {
- const int boxSize = roundToInt (jmin (16.0f, area.getWidth(), area.getHeight()) * 0.7f) | 1;
- const int x = ((int) area.getWidth() - boxSize) / 2 + (int) area.getX();
- const int y = ((int) area.getHeight() - boxSize) / 2 + (int) area.getY();
- const int w = boxSize;
- const int h = boxSize;
- g.setColour (Colour (0xe5ffffff));
- g.fillRect (x, y, w, h);
- g.setColour (Colour (0x80000000));
- g.drawRect (x, y, w, h);
- const float size = boxSize / 2 + 1.0f;
- const float centre = (float) (boxSize / 2);
- g.fillRect (x + (w - size) * 0.5f, y + centre, size, 1.0f);
- if (! isOpen)
- g.fillRect (x + centre, y + (h - size) * 0.5f, 1.0f, size);
- }
- bool LookAndFeel_V2::areLinesDrawnForTreeView (TreeView&)
- {
- return true;
- }
- int LookAndFeel_V2::getTreeViewIndentSize (TreeView&)
- {
- return 24;
- }
- //==============================================================================
- void LookAndFeel_V2::drawBubble (Graphics& g, BubbleComponent& comp,
- const Point<float>& tip, const Rectangle<float>& body)
- {
- Path p;
- p.addBubble (body.reduced (0.5f), body.getUnion (Rectangle<float> (tip.x, tip.y, 1.0f, 1.0f)),
- tip, 5.0f, jmin (15.0f, body.getWidth() * 0.2f, body.getHeight() * 0.2f));
- g.setColour (comp.findColour (BubbleComponent::backgroundColourId));
- g.fillPath (p);
- g.setColour (comp.findColour (BubbleComponent::outlineColourId));
- g.strokePath (p, PathStrokeType (1.0f));
- }
- //==============================================================================
- Font LookAndFeel_V2::getPopupMenuFont()
- {
- return Font (17.0f);
- }
- void LookAndFeel_V2::getIdealPopupMenuItemSize (const String& text, const bool isSeparator,
- int standardMenuItemHeight, int& idealWidth, int& idealHeight)
- {
- if (isSeparator)
- {
- idealWidth = 50;
- idealHeight = standardMenuItemHeight > 0 ? standardMenuItemHeight / 2 : 10;
- }
- else
- {
- Font font (getPopupMenuFont());
- if (standardMenuItemHeight > 0 && font.getHeight() > standardMenuItemHeight / 1.3f)
- font.setHeight (standardMenuItemHeight / 1.3f);
- idealHeight = standardMenuItemHeight > 0 ? standardMenuItemHeight : roundToInt (font.getHeight() * 1.3f);
- idealWidth = font.getStringWidth (text) + idealHeight * 2;
- }
- }
- void LookAndFeel_V2::drawPopupMenuBackground (Graphics& g, int width, int height)
- {
- const Colour background (findColour (PopupMenu::backgroundColourId));
- g.fillAll (background);
- g.setColour (background.overlaidWith (Colour (0x2badd8e6)));
- for (int i = 0; i < height; i += 3)
- g.fillRect (0, i, width, 1);
- #if ! JUCE_MAC
- g.setColour (findColour (PopupMenu::textColourId).withAlpha (0.6f));
- g.drawRect (0, 0, width, height);
- #endif
- }
- void LookAndFeel_V2::drawPopupMenuUpDownArrow (Graphics& g, int width, int height, bool isScrollUpArrow)
- {
- const Colour background (findColour (PopupMenu::backgroundColourId));
- g.setGradientFill (ColourGradient (background, 0.0f, height * 0.5f,
- background.withAlpha (0.0f),
- 0.0f, isScrollUpArrow ? ((float) height) : 0.0f,
- false));
- g.fillRect (1, 1, width - 2, height - 2);
- const float hw = width * 0.5f;
- const float arrowW = height * 0.3f;
- const float y1 = height * (isScrollUpArrow ? 0.6f : 0.3f);
- const float y2 = height * (isScrollUpArrow ? 0.3f : 0.6f);
- Path p;
- p.addTriangle (hw - arrowW, y1,
- hw + arrowW, y1,
- hw, y2);
- g.setColour (findColour (PopupMenu::textColourId).withAlpha (0.5f));
- g.fillPath (p);
- }
- void LookAndFeel_V2::drawPopupMenuItem (Graphics& g, const Rectangle<int>& area,
- const bool isSeparator, const bool isActive,
- const bool isHighlighted, const bool isTicked,
- const bool hasSubMenu, const String& text,
- const String& shortcutKeyText,
- const Drawable* icon, const Colour* const textColourToUse)
- {
- if (isSeparator)
- {
- Rectangle<int> r (area.reduced (5, 0));
- r.removeFromTop (r.getHeight() / 2 - 1);
- g.setColour (Colour (0x33000000));
- g.fillRect (r.removeFromTop (1));
- g.setColour (Colour (0x66ffffff));
- g.fillRect (r.removeFromTop (1));
- }
- else
- {
- Colour textColour (findColour (PopupMenu::textColourId));
- if (textColourToUse != nullptr)
- textColour = *textColourToUse;
- Rectangle<int> r (area.reduced (1));
- if (isHighlighted)
- {
- g.setColour (findColour (PopupMenu::highlightedBackgroundColourId));
- g.fillRect (r);
- g.setColour (findColour (PopupMenu::highlightedTextColourId));
- }
- else
- {
- g.setColour (textColour);
- }
- if (! isActive)
- g.setOpacity (0.3f);
- Font font (getPopupMenuFont());
- const float maxFontHeight = area.getHeight() / 1.3f;
- if (font.getHeight() > maxFontHeight)
- font.setHeight (maxFontHeight);
- g.setFont (font);
- Rectangle<float> iconArea (r.removeFromLeft ((r.getHeight() * 5) / 4).reduced (3).toFloat());
- if (icon != nullptr)
- {
- icon->drawWithin (g, iconArea, RectanglePlacement::centred | RectanglePlacement::onlyReduceInSize, 1.0f);
- }
- else if (isTicked)
- {
- const Path tick (getTickShape (1.0f));
- g.fillPath (tick, tick.getTransformToScaleToFit (iconArea, true));
- }
- if (hasSubMenu)
- {
- const float arrowH = 0.6f * getPopupMenuFont().getAscent();
- const float x = (float) r.removeFromRight ((int) arrowH).getX();
- const float halfH = (float) r.getCentreY();
- Path p;
- p.addTriangle (x, halfH - arrowH * 0.5f,
- x, halfH + arrowH * 0.5f,
- x + arrowH * 0.6f, halfH);
- g.fillPath (p);
- }
- r.removeFromRight (3);
- g.drawFittedText (text, r, Justification::centredLeft, 1);
- if (shortcutKeyText.isNotEmpty())
- {
- Font f2 (font);
- f2.setHeight (f2.getHeight() * 0.75f);
- f2.setHorizontalScale (0.95f);
- g.setFont (f2);
- g.drawText (shortcutKeyText, r, Justification::centredRight, true);
- }
- }
- }
- //==============================================================================
- int LookAndFeel_V2::getMenuWindowFlags()
- {
- return ComponentPeer::windowHasDropShadow;
- }
- void LookAndFeel_V2::drawMenuBarBackground (Graphics& g, int width, int height, bool, MenuBarComponent& menuBar)
- {
- const Colour baseColour (LookAndFeelHelpers::createBaseColour (menuBar.findColour (PopupMenu::backgroundColourId),
- false, false, false));
- if (menuBar.isEnabled())
- drawShinyButtonShape (g, -4.0f, 0.0f, width + 8.0f, (float) height,
- 0.0f, baseColour, 0.4f, true, true, true, true);
- else
- g.fillAll (baseColour);
- }
- Font LookAndFeel_V2::getMenuBarFont (MenuBarComponent& menuBar, int /*itemIndex*/, const String& /*itemText*/)
- {
- return Font (menuBar.getHeight() * 0.7f);
- }
- int LookAndFeel_V2::getMenuBarItemWidth (MenuBarComponent& menuBar, int itemIndex, const String& itemText)
- {
- return getMenuBarFont (menuBar, itemIndex, itemText)
- .getStringWidth (itemText) + menuBar.getHeight();
- }
- void LookAndFeel_V2::drawMenuBarItem (Graphics& g, int width, int height,
- int itemIndex, const String& itemText,
- bool isMouseOverItem, bool isMenuOpen,
- bool /*isMouseOverBar*/, MenuBarComponent& menuBar)
- {
- if (! menuBar.isEnabled())
- {
- g.setColour (menuBar.findColour (PopupMenu::textColourId)
- .withMultipliedAlpha (0.5f));
- }
- else if (isMenuOpen || isMouseOverItem)
- {
- g.fillAll (menuBar.findColour (PopupMenu::highlightedBackgroundColourId));
- g.setColour (menuBar.findColour (PopupMenu::highlightedTextColourId));
- }
- else
- {
- g.setColour (menuBar.findColour (PopupMenu::textColourId));
- }
- g.setFont (getMenuBarFont (menuBar, itemIndex, itemText));
- g.drawFittedText (itemText, 0, 0, width, height, Justification::centred, 1);
- }
- //==============================================================================
- void LookAndFeel_V2::fillTextEditorBackground (Graphics& g, int /*width*/, int /*height*/, TextEditor& textEditor)
- {
- g.fillAll (textEditor.findColour (TextEditor::backgroundColourId));
- }
- void LookAndFeel_V2::drawTextEditorOutline (Graphics& g, int width, int height, TextEditor& textEditor)
- {
- if (textEditor.isEnabled())
- {
- if (textEditor.hasKeyboardFocus (true) && ! textEditor.isReadOnly())
- {
- const int border = 2;
- g.setColour (textEditor.findColour (TextEditor::focusedOutlineColourId));
- g.drawRect (0, 0, width, height, border);
- g.setOpacity (1.0f);
- const Colour shadowColour (textEditor.findColour (TextEditor::shadowColourId).withMultipliedAlpha (0.75f));
- drawBevel (g, 0, 0, width, height + 2, border + 2, shadowColour, shadowColour);
- }
- else
- {
- g.setColour (textEditor.findColour (TextEditor::outlineColourId));
- g.drawRect (0, 0, width, height);
- g.setOpacity (1.0f);
- const Colour shadowColour (textEditor.findColour (TextEditor::shadowColourId));
- drawBevel (g, 0, 0, width, height + 2, 3, shadowColour, shadowColour);
- }
- }
- }
- CaretComponent* LookAndFeel_V2::createCaretComponent (Component* keyFocusOwner)
- {
- return new CaretComponent (keyFocusOwner);
- }
- //==============================================================================
- void LookAndFeel_V2::drawComboBox (Graphics& g, int width, int height, const bool isButtonDown,
- int buttonX, int buttonY, int buttonW, int buttonH, ComboBox& box)
- {
- g.fillAll (box.findColour (ComboBox::backgroundColourId));
- if (box.isEnabled() && box.hasKeyboardFocus (false))
- {
- g.setColour (box.findColour (ComboBox::buttonColourId));
- g.drawRect (0, 0, width, height, 2);
- }
- else
- {
- g.setColour (box.findColour (ComboBox::outlineColourId));
- g.drawRect (0, 0, width, height);
- }
- const float outlineThickness = box.isEnabled() ? (isButtonDown ? 1.2f : 0.5f) : 0.3f;
- const Colour baseColour (LookAndFeelHelpers::createBaseColour (box.findColour (ComboBox::buttonColourId),
- box.hasKeyboardFocus (true),
- false, isButtonDown)
- .withMultipliedAlpha (box.isEnabled() ? 1.0f : 0.5f));
- drawGlassLozenge (g,
- buttonX + outlineThickness, buttonY + outlineThickness,
- buttonW - outlineThickness * 2.0f, buttonH - outlineThickness * 2.0f,
- baseColour, outlineThickness, -1.0f,
- true, true, true, true);
- if (box.isEnabled())
- {
- const float arrowX = 0.3f;
- const float arrowH = 0.2f;
- Path p;
- p.addTriangle (buttonX + buttonW * 0.5f, buttonY + buttonH * (0.45f - arrowH),
- buttonX + buttonW * (1.0f - arrowX), buttonY + buttonH * 0.45f,
- buttonX + buttonW * arrowX, buttonY + buttonH * 0.45f);
- p.addTriangle (buttonX + buttonW * 0.5f, buttonY + buttonH * (0.55f + arrowH),
- buttonX + buttonW * (1.0f - arrowX), buttonY + buttonH * 0.55f,
- buttonX + buttonW * arrowX, buttonY + buttonH * 0.55f);
- g.setColour (box.findColour (ComboBox::arrowColourId));
- g.fillPath (p);
- }
- }
- Font LookAndFeel_V2::getComboBoxFont (ComboBox& box)
- {
- return Font (jmin (15.0f, box.getHeight() * 0.85f));
- }
- Label* LookAndFeel_V2::createComboBoxTextBox (ComboBox&)
- {
- return new Label (String::empty, String::empty);
- }
- void LookAndFeel_V2::positionComboBoxText (ComboBox& box, Label& label)
- {
- label.setBounds (1, 1,
- box.getWidth() + 3 - box.getHeight(),
- box.getHeight() - 2);
- label.setFont (getComboBoxFont (box));
- }
- //==============================================================================
- Font LookAndFeel_V2::getLabelFont (Label& label)
- {
- return label.getFont();
- }
- void LookAndFeel_V2::drawLabel (Graphics& g, Label& label)
- {
- g.fillAll (label.findColour (Label::backgroundColourId));
- if (! label.isBeingEdited())
- {
- const float alpha = label.isEnabled() ? 1.0f : 0.5f;
- const Font font (getLabelFont (label));
- g.setColour (label.findColour (Label::textColourId).withMultipliedAlpha (alpha));
- g.setFont (font);
- g.drawFittedText (label.getText(),
- label.getHorizontalBorderSize(),
- label.getVerticalBorderSize(),
- label.getWidth() - 2 * label.getHorizontalBorderSize(),
- label.getHeight() - 2 * label.getVerticalBorderSize(),
- label.getJustificationType(),
- jmax (1, (int) (label.getHeight() / font.getHeight())),
- label.getMinimumHorizontalScale());
- g.setColour (label.findColour (Label::outlineColourId).withMultipliedAlpha (alpha));
- }
- else if (label.isEnabled())
- {
- g.setColour (label.findColour (Label::outlineColourId));
- }
- g.drawRect (label.getLocalBounds());
- }
- //==============================================================================
- void LookAndFeel_V2::drawLinearSliderBackground (Graphics& g, int x, int y, int width, int height,
- float /*sliderPos*/,
- float /*minSliderPos*/,
- float /*maxSliderPos*/,
- const Slider::SliderStyle /*style*/, Slider& slider)
- {
- const float sliderRadius = (float) (getSliderThumbRadius (slider) - 2);
- const Colour trackColour (slider.findColour (Slider::trackColourId));
- const Colour gradCol1 (trackColour.overlaidWith (Colours::black.withAlpha (slider.isEnabled() ? 0.25f : 0.13f)));
- const Colour gradCol2 (trackColour.overlaidWith (Colour (0x14000000)));
- Path indent;
- if (slider.isHorizontal())
- {
- const float iy = y + height * 0.5f - sliderRadius * 0.5f;
- const float ih = sliderRadius;
- g.setGradientFill (ColourGradient (gradCol1, 0.0f, iy,
- gradCol2, 0.0f, iy + ih, false));
- indent.addRoundedRectangle (x - sliderRadius * 0.5f, iy,
- width + sliderRadius, ih,
- 5.0f);
- }
- else
- {
- const float ix = x + width * 0.5f - sliderRadius * 0.5f;
- const float iw = sliderRadius;
- g.setGradientFill (ColourGradient (gradCol1, ix, 0.0f,
- gradCol2, ix + iw, 0.0f, false));
- indent.addRoundedRectangle (ix, y - sliderRadius * 0.5f,
- iw, height + sliderRadius,
- 5.0f);
- }
- g.fillPath (indent);
- g.setColour (Colour (0x4c000000));
- g.strokePath (indent, PathStrokeType (0.5f));
- }
- void LookAndFeel_V2::drawLinearSliderThumb (Graphics& g, int x, int y, int width, int height,
- float sliderPos, float minSliderPos, float maxSliderPos,
- const Slider::SliderStyle style, Slider& slider)
- {
- const float sliderRadius = (float) (getSliderThumbRadius (slider) - 2);
- Colour knobColour (LookAndFeelHelpers::createBaseColour (slider.findColour (Slider::thumbColourId),
- slider.hasKeyboardFocus (false) && slider.isEnabled(),
- slider.isMouseOverOrDragging() && slider.isEnabled(),
- slider.isMouseButtonDown() && slider.isEnabled()));
- const float outlineThickness = slider.isEnabled() ? 0.8f : 0.3f;
- if (style == Slider::LinearHorizontal || style == Slider::LinearVertical)
- {
- float kx, ky;
- if (style == Slider::LinearVertical)
- {
- kx = x + width * 0.5f;
- ky = sliderPos;
- }
- else
- {
- kx = sliderPos;
- ky = y + height * 0.5f;
- }
- drawGlassSphere (g,
- kx - sliderRadius,
- ky - sliderRadius,
- sliderRadius * 2.0f,
- knobColour, outlineThickness);
- }
- else
- {
- if (style == Slider::ThreeValueVertical)
- {
- drawGlassSphere (g, x + width * 0.5f - sliderRadius,
- sliderPos - sliderRadius,
- sliderRadius * 2.0f,
- knobColour, outlineThickness);
- }
- else if (style == Slider::ThreeValueHorizontal)
- {
- drawGlassSphere (g,sliderPos - sliderRadius,
- y + height * 0.5f - sliderRadius,
- sliderRadius * 2.0f,
- knobColour, outlineThickness);
- }
- if (style == Slider::TwoValueVertical || style == Slider::ThreeValueVertical)
- {
- const float sr = jmin (sliderRadius, width * 0.4f);
- drawGlassPointer (g, jmax (0.0f, x + width * 0.5f - sliderRadius * 2.0f),
- minSliderPos - sliderRadius,
- sliderRadius * 2.0f, knobColour, outlineThickness, 1);
- drawGlassPointer (g, jmin (x + width - sliderRadius * 2.0f, x + width * 0.5f), maxSliderPos - sr,
- sliderRadius * 2.0f, knobColour, outlineThickness, 3);
- }
- else if (style == Slider::TwoValueHorizontal || style == Slider::ThreeValueHorizontal)
- {
- const float sr = jmin (sliderRadius, height * 0.4f);
- drawGlassPointer (g, minSliderPos - sr,
- jmax (0.0f, y + height * 0.5f - sliderRadius * 2.0f),
- sliderRadius * 2.0f, knobColour, outlineThickness, 2);
- drawGlassPointer (g, maxSliderPos - sliderRadius,
- jmin (y + height - sliderRadius * 2.0f, y + height * 0.5f),
- sliderRadius * 2.0f, knobColour, outlineThickness, 4);
- }
- }
- }
- void LookAndFeel_V2::drawLinearSlider (Graphics& g, int x, int y, int width, int height,
- float sliderPos, float minSliderPos, float maxSliderPos,
- const Slider::SliderStyle style, Slider& slider)
- {
- g.fillAll (slider.findColour (Slider::backgroundColourId));
- if (style == Slider::LinearBar || style == Slider::LinearBarVertical)
- {
- const bool isMouseOver = slider.isMouseOverOrDragging() && slider.isEnabled();
- Colour baseColour (LookAndFeelHelpers::createBaseColour (slider.findColour (Slider::thumbColourId)
- .withMultipliedSaturation (slider.isEnabled() ? 1.0f : 0.5f),
- false, isMouseOver,
- isMouseOver || slider.isMouseButtonDown()));
- drawShinyButtonShape (g,
- (float) x,
- style == Slider::LinearBarVertical ? sliderPos
- : (float) y,
- style == Slider::LinearBarVertical ? (float) width
- : (sliderPos - x),
- style == Slider::LinearBarVertical ? (height - sliderPos)
- : (float) height, 0.0f,
- baseColour,
- slider.isEnabled() ? 0.9f : 0.3f,
- true, true, true, true);
- }
- else
- {
- drawLinearSliderBackground (g, x, y, width, height, sliderPos, minSliderPos, maxSliderPos, style, slider);
- drawLinearSliderThumb (g, x, y, width, height, sliderPos, minSliderPos, maxSliderPos, style, slider);
- }
- }
- int LookAndFeel_V2::getSliderThumbRadius (Slider& slider)
- {
- return jmin (7,
- slider.getHeight() / 2,
- slider.getWidth() / 2) + 2;
- }
- void LookAndFeel_V2::drawRotarySlider (Graphics& g, int x, int y, int width, int height, float sliderPos,
- const float rotaryStartAngle, const float rotaryEndAngle, Slider& slider)
- {
- const float radius = jmin (width / 2, height / 2) - 2.0f;
- const float centreX = x + width * 0.5f;
- const float centreY = y + height * 0.5f;
- const float rx = centreX - radius;
- const float ry = centreY - radius;
- const float rw = radius * 2.0f;
- const float angle = rotaryStartAngle + sliderPos * (rotaryEndAngle - rotaryStartAngle);
- const bool isMouseOver = slider.isMouseOverOrDragging() && slider.isEnabled();
- if (radius > 12.0f)
- {
- if (slider.isEnabled())
- g.setColour (slider.findColour (Slider::rotarySliderFillColourId).withAlpha (isMouseOver ? 1.0f : 0.7f));
- else
- g.setColour (Colour (0x80808080));
- const float thickness = 0.7f;
- {
- Path filledArc;
- filledArc.addPieSegment (rx, ry, rw, rw, rotaryStartAngle, angle, thickness);
- g.fillPath (filledArc);
- }
- if (thickness > 0)
- {
- const float innerRadius = radius * 0.2f;
- Path p;
- p.addTriangle (-innerRadius, 0.0f,
- 0.0f, -radius * thickness * 1.1f,
- innerRadius, 0.0f);
- p.addEllipse (-innerRadius, -innerRadius, innerRadius * 2.0f, innerRadius * 2.0f);
- g.fillPath (p, AffineTransform::rotation (angle).translated (centreX, centreY));
- }
- if (slider.isEnabled())
- g.setColour (slider.findColour (Slider::rotarySliderOutlineColourId));
- else
- g.setColour (Colour (0x80808080));
- Path outlineArc;
- outlineArc.addPieSegment (rx, ry, rw, rw, rotaryStartAngle, rotaryEndAngle, thickness);
- outlineArc.closeSubPath();
- g.strokePath (outlineArc, PathStrokeType (slider.isEnabled() ? (isMouseOver ? 2.0f : 1.2f) : 0.3f));
- }
- else
- {
- if (slider.isEnabled())
- g.setColour (slider.findColour (Slider::rotarySliderFillColourId).withAlpha (isMouseOver ? 1.0f : 0.7f));
- else
- g.setColour (Colour (0x80808080));
- Path p;
- p.addEllipse (-0.4f * rw, -0.4f * rw, rw * 0.8f, rw * 0.8f);
- PathStrokeType (rw * 0.1f).createStrokedPath (p, p);
- p.addLineSegment (Line<float> (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, -radius), rw * 0.2f);
- g.fillPath (p, AffineTransform::rotation (angle).translated (centreX, centreY));
- }
- }
- Button* LookAndFeel_V2::createSliderButton (Slider&, const bool isIncrement)
- {
- return new TextButton (isIncrement ? "+" : "-", String::empty);
- }
- class LookAndFeel_V2::SliderLabelComp : public Label
- {
- public:
- SliderLabelComp() : Label (String::empty, String::empty) {}
- void mouseWheelMove (const MouseEvent&, const MouseWheelDetails&) {}
- };
- Label* LookAndFeel_V2::createSliderTextBox (Slider& slider)
- {
- Label* const l = new SliderLabelComp();
- l->setJustificationType (Justification::centred);
- l->setColour (Label::textColourId, slider.findColour (Slider::textBoxTextColourId));
- l->setColour (Label::backgroundColourId,
- (slider.getSliderStyle() == Slider::LinearBar || slider.getSliderStyle() == Slider::LinearBarVertical)
- ? Colours::transparentBlack
- : slider.findColour (Slider::textBoxBackgroundColourId));
- l->setColour (Label::outlineColourId, slider.findColour (Slider::textBoxOutlineColourId));
- l->setColour (TextEditor::textColourId, slider.findColour (Slider::textBoxTextColourId));
- l->setColour (TextEditor::backgroundColourId,
- slider.findColour (Slider::textBoxBackgroundColourId)
- .withAlpha ((slider.getSliderStyle() == Slider::LinearBar || slider.getSliderStyle() == Slider::LinearBarVertical)
- ? 0.7f : 1.0f));
- l->setColour (TextEditor::outlineColourId, slider.findColour (Slider::textBoxOutlineColourId));
- return l;
- }
- ImageEffectFilter* LookAndFeel_V2::getSliderEffect (Slider&)
- {
- return nullptr;
- }
- Font LookAndFeel_V2::getSliderPopupFont (Slider&)
- {
- return Font (15.0f, Font::bold);
- }
- int LookAndFeel_V2::getSliderPopupPlacement (Slider&)
- {
- return BubbleComponent::above
- | BubbleComponent::below
- | BubbleComponent::left
- | BubbleComponent::right;
- }
- //==============================================================================
- void LookAndFeel_V2::getTooltipSize (const String& tipText, int& width, int& height)
- {
- const TextLayout tl (LookAndFeelHelpers::layoutTooltipText (tipText, Colours::black));
- width = (int) (tl.getWidth() + 14.0f);
- height = (int) (tl.getHeight() + 6.0f);
- }
- void LookAndFeel_V2::drawTooltip (Graphics& g, const String& text, int width, int height)
- {
- g.fillAll (findColour (TooltipWindow::backgroundColourId));
- #if ! JUCE_MAC // The mac windows already have a non-optional 1 pix outline, so don't double it here..
- g.setColour (findColour (TooltipWindow::outlineColourId));
- g.drawRect (0, 0, width, height, 1);
- #endif
- LookAndFeelHelpers::layoutTooltipText (text, findColour (TooltipWindow::textColourId))
- .draw (g, Rectangle<float> ((float) width, (float) height));
- }
- //==============================================================================
- Button* LookAndFeel_V2::createFilenameComponentBrowseButton (const String& text)
- {
- return new TextButton (text, TRANS("click to browse for a different file"));
- }
- void LookAndFeel_V2::layoutFilenameComponent (FilenameComponent& filenameComp,
- ComboBox* filenameBox, Button* browseButton)
- {
- browseButton->setSize (80, filenameComp.getHeight());
- if (TextButton* const tb = dynamic_cast <TextButton*> (browseButton))
- tb->changeWidthToFitText();
- browseButton->setTopRightPosition (filenameComp.getWidth(), 0);
- filenameBox->setBounds (0, 0, browseButton->getX(), filenameComp.getHeight());
- }
- //==============================================================================
- void LookAndFeel_V2::drawConcertinaPanelHeader (Graphics& g, const Rectangle<int>& area,
- bool isMouseOver, bool /*isMouseDown*/,
- ConcertinaPanel&, Component& panel)
- {
- g.fillAll (Colours::grey.withAlpha (isMouseOver ? 0.9f : 0.7f));
- g.setColour (Colours::black.withAlpha (0.5f));
- g.drawRect (area);
- g.setColour (Colours::white);
- g.setFont (Font (area.getHeight() * 0.7f).boldened());
- g.drawFittedText (panel.getName(), 4, 0, area.getWidth() - 6, area.getHeight(), Justification::centredLeft, 1);
- }
- //==============================================================================
- void LookAndFeel_V2::drawImageButton (Graphics& g, Image* image,
- int imageX, int imageY, int imageW, int imageH,
- const Colour& overlayColour,
- float imageOpacity,
- ImageButton& button)
- {
- if (! button.isEnabled())
- imageOpacity *= 0.3f;
- AffineTransform t = RectanglePlacement (RectanglePlacement::stretchToFit)
- .getTransformToFit (image->getBounds().toFloat(),
- Rectangle<int> (imageX, imageY, imageW, imageH).toFloat());
- if (! overlayColour.isOpaque())
- {
- g.setOpacity (imageOpacity);
- g.drawImageTransformed (*image, t, false);
- }
- if (! overlayColour.isTransparent())
- {
- g.setColour (overlayColour);
- g.drawImageTransformed (*image, t, true);
- }
- }
- //==============================================================================
- void LookAndFeel_V2::drawCornerResizer (Graphics& g,
- int w, int h,
- bool /*isMouseOver*/,
- bool /*isMouseDragging*/)
- {
- const float lineThickness = jmin (w, h) * 0.075f;
- for (float i = 0.0f; i < 1.0f; i += 0.3f)
- {
- g.setColour (Colours::lightgrey);
- g.drawLine (w * i,
- h + 1.0f,
- w + 1.0f,
- h * i,
- lineThickness);
- g.setColour (Colours::darkgrey);
- g.drawLine (w * i + lineThickness,
- h + 1.0f,
- w + 1.0f,
- h * i + lineThickness,
- lineThickness);
- }
- }
- void LookAndFeel_V2::drawResizableFrame (Graphics& g, int w, int h, const BorderSize<int>& border)
- {
- if (! border.isEmpty())
- {
- const Rectangle<int> fullSize (0, 0, w, h);
- const Rectangle<int> centreArea (border.subtractedFrom (fullSize));
- g.saveState();
- g.excludeClipRegion (centreArea);
- g.setColour (Colour (0x50000000));
- g.drawRect (fullSize);
- g.setColour (Colour (0x19000000));
- g.drawRect (centreArea.expanded (1, 1));
- g.restoreState();
- }
- }
- //==============================================================================
- void LookAndFeel_V2::fillResizableWindowBackground (Graphics& g, int /*w*/, int /*h*/,
- const BorderSize<int>& /*border*/, ResizableWindow& window)
- {
- g.fillAll (window.getBackgroundColour());
- }
- void LookAndFeel_V2::drawResizableWindowBorder (Graphics&, int /*w*/, int /*h*/,
- const BorderSize<int>& /*border*/, ResizableWindow&)
- {
- }
- void LookAndFeel_V2::drawDocumentWindowTitleBar (DocumentWindow& window, Graphics& g,
- int w, int h, int titleSpaceX, int titleSpaceW,
- const Image* icon, bool drawTitleTextOnLeft)
- {
- const bool isActive = window.isActiveWindow();
- g.setGradientFill (ColourGradient (window.getBackgroundColour(),
- 0.0f, 0.0f,
- window.getBackgroundColour().contrasting (isActive ? 0.15f : 0.05f),
- 0.0f, (float) h, false));
- g.fillAll();
- Font font (h * 0.65f, Font::bold);
- g.setFont (font);
- int textW = font.getStringWidth (window.getName());
- int iconW = 0;
- int iconH = 0;
- if (icon != nullptr)
- {
- iconH = (int) font.getHeight();
- iconW = icon->getWidth() * iconH / icon->getHeight() + 4;
- }
- textW = jmin (titleSpaceW, textW + iconW);
- int textX = drawTitleTextOnLeft ? titleSpaceX
- : jmax (titleSpaceX, (w - textW) / 2);
- if (textX + textW > titleSpaceX + titleSpaceW)
- textX = titleSpaceX + titleSpaceW - textW;
- if (icon != nullptr)
- {
- g.setOpacity (isActive ? 1.0f : 0.6f);
- g.drawImageWithin (*icon, textX, (h - iconH) / 2, iconW, iconH,
- RectanglePlacement::centred, false);
- textX += iconW;
- textW -= iconW;
- }
- if (window.isColourSpecified (DocumentWindow::textColourId) || isColourSpecified (DocumentWindow::textColourId))
- g.setColour (window.findColour (DocumentWindow::textColourId));
- else
- g.setColour (window.getBackgroundColour().contrasting (isActive ? 0.7f : 0.4f));
- g.drawText (window.getName(), textX, 0, textW, h, Justification::centredLeft, true);
- }
- //==============================================================================
- class LookAndFeel_V2::GlassWindowButton : public Button
- {
- public:
- GlassWindowButton (const String& name, Colour col,
- const Path& normalShape_,
- const Path& toggledShape_) noexcept
- : Button (name),
- colour (col),
- normalShape (normalShape_),
- toggledShape (toggledShape_)
- {
- }
- //==============================================================================
- void paintButton (Graphics& g, bool isMouseOverButton, bool isButtonDown) override
- {
- float alpha = isMouseOverButton ? (isButtonDown ? 1.0f : 0.8f) : 0.55f;
- if (! isEnabled())
- alpha *= 0.5f;
- float x = 0, y = 0, diam;
- if (getWidth() < getHeight())
- {
- diam = (float) getWidth();
- y = (getHeight() - getWidth()) * 0.5f;
- }
- else
- {
- diam = (float) getHeight();
- y = (getWidth() - getHeight()) * 0.5f;
- }
- x += diam * 0.05f;
- y += diam * 0.05f;
- diam *= 0.9f;
- g.setGradientFill (ColourGradient (Colour::greyLevel (0.9f).withAlpha (alpha), 0, y + diam,
- Colour::greyLevel (0.6f).withAlpha (alpha), 0, y, false));
- g.fillEllipse (x, y, diam, diam);
- x += 2.0f;
- y += 2.0f;
- diam -= 4.0f;
- LookAndFeel_V2::drawGlassSphere (g, x, y, diam, colour.withAlpha (alpha), 1.0f);
- Path& p = getToggleState() ? toggledShape : normalShape;
- const AffineTransform t (p.getTransformToScaleToFit (x + diam * 0.3f, y + diam * 0.3f,
- diam * 0.4f, diam * 0.4f, true));
- g.setColour (Colours::black.withAlpha (alpha * 0.6f));
- g.fillPath (p, t);
- }
- private:
- Colour colour;
- Path normalShape, toggledShape;
- };
- Button* LookAndFeel_V2::createDocumentWindowButton (int buttonType)
- {
- Path shape;
- const float crossThickness = 0.25f;
- if (buttonType == DocumentWindow::closeButton)
- {
- shape.addLineSegment (Line<float> (0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f), crossThickness * 1.4f);
- shape.addLineSegment (Line<float> (1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), crossThickness * 1.4f);
- return new GlassWindowButton ("close", Colour (0xffdd1100), shape, shape);
- }
- if (buttonType == DocumentWindow::minimiseButton)
- {
- shape.addLineSegment (Line<float> (0.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f, 0.5f), crossThickness);
- return new GlassWindowButton ("minimise", Colour (0xffaa8811), shape, shape);
- }
- if (buttonType == DocumentWindow::maximiseButton)
- {
- shape.addLineSegment (Line<float> (0.5f, 0.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f), crossThickness);
- shape.addLineSegment (Line<float> (0.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f, 0.5f), crossThickness);
- Path fullscreenShape;
- fullscreenShape.startNewSubPath (45.0f, 100.0f);
- fullscreenShape.lineTo (0.0f, 100.0f);
- fullscreenShape.lineTo (0.0f, 0.0f);
- fullscreenShape.lineTo (100.0f, 0.0f);
- fullscreenShape.lineTo (100.0f, 45.0f);
- fullscreenShape.addRectangle (45.0f, 45.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f);
- PathStrokeType (30.0f).createStrokedPath (fullscreenShape, fullscreenShape);
- return new GlassWindowButton ("maximise", Colour (0xff119911), shape, fullscreenShape);
- }
- jassertfalse;
- return nullptr;
- }
- void LookAndFeel_V2::positionDocumentWindowButtons (DocumentWindow&,
- int titleBarX, int titleBarY,
- int titleBarW, int titleBarH,
- Button* minimiseButton,
- Button* maximiseButton,
- Button* closeButton,
- bool positionTitleBarButtonsOnLeft)
- {
- const int buttonW = titleBarH - titleBarH / 8;
- int x = positionTitleBarButtonsOnLeft ? titleBarX + 4
- : titleBarX + titleBarW - buttonW - buttonW / 4;
- if (closeButton != nullptr)
- {
- closeButton->setBounds (x, titleBarY, buttonW, titleBarH);
- x += positionTitleBarButtonsOnLeft ? buttonW : -(buttonW + buttonW / 4);
- }
- if (positionTitleBarButtonsOnLeft)
- std::swap (minimiseButton, maximiseButton);
- if (maximiseButton != nullptr)
- {
- maximiseButton->setBounds (x, titleBarY, buttonW, titleBarH);
- x += positionTitleBarButtonsOnLeft ? buttonW : -buttonW;
- }
- if (minimiseButton != nullptr)
- minimiseButton->setBounds (x, titleBarY, buttonW, titleBarH);
- }
- int LookAndFeel_V2::getDefaultMenuBarHeight()
- {
- return 24;
- }
- //==============================================================================
- DropShadower* LookAndFeel_V2::createDropShadowerForComponent (Component*)
- {
- return new DropShadower (DropShadow (Colours::black.withAlpha (0.4f), 10, Point<int> (0, 2)));
- }
- //==============================================================================
- void LookAndFeel_V2::drawStretchableLayoutResizerBar (Graphics& g, int w, int h,
- bool /*isVerticalBar*/,
- bool isMouseOver,
- bool isMouseDragging)
- {
- float alpha = 0.5f;
- if (isMouseOver || isMouseDragging)
- {
- g.fillAll (Colour (0x190000ff));
- alpha = 1.0f;
- }
- const float cx = w * 0.5f;
- const float cy = h * 0.5f;
- const float cr = jmin (w, h) * 0.4f;
- g.setGradientFill (ColourGradient (Colours::white.withAlpha (alpha), cx + cr * 0.1f, cy + cr,
- Colours::black.withAlpha (alpha), cx, cy - cr * 4.0f,
- true));
- g.fillEllipse (cx - cr, cy - cr, cr * 2.0f, cr * 2.0f);
- }
- //==============================================================================
- void LookAndFeel_V2::drawGroupComponentOutline (Graphics& g, int width, int height,
- const String& text, const Justification& position,
- GroupComponent& group)
- {
- const float textH = 15.0f;
- const float indent = 3.0f;
- const float textEdgeGap = 4.0f;
- float cs = 5.0f;
- Font f (textH);
- Path p;
- float x = indent;
- float y = f.getAscent() - 3.0f;
- float w = jmax (0.0f, width - x * 2.0f);
- float h = jmax (0.0f, height - y - indent);
- cs = jmin (cs, w * 0.5f, h * 0.5f);
- const float cs2 = 2.0f * cs;
- float textW = text.isEmpty() ? 0 : jlimit (0.0f, jmax (0.0f, w - cs2 - textEdgeGap * 2), f.getStringWidth (text) + textEdgeGap * 2.0f);
- float textX = cs + textEdgeGap;
- if (position.testFlags (Justification::horizontallyCentred))
- textX = cs + (w - cs2 - textW) * 0.5f;
- else if (position.testFlags (Justification::right))
- textX = w - cs - textW - textEdgeGap;
- p.startNewSubPath (x + textX + textW, y);
- p.lineTo (x + w - cs, y);
- p.addArc (x + w - cs2, y, cs2, cs2, 0, float_Pi * 0.5f);
- p.lineTo (x + w, y + h - cs);
- p.addArc (x + w - cs2, y + h - cs2, cs2, cs2, float_Pi * 0.5f, float_Pi);
- p.lineTo (x + cs, y + h);
- p.addArc (x, y + h - cs2, cs2, cs2, float_Pi, float_Pi * 1.5f);
- p.lineTo (x, y + cs);
- p.addArc (x, y, cs2, cs2, float_Pi * 1.5f, float_Pi * 2.0f);
- p.lineTo (x + textX, y);
- const float alpha = group.isEnabled() ? 1.0f : 0.5f;
- g.setColour (group.findColour (GroupComponent::outlineColourId)
- .withMultipliedAlpha (alpha));
- g.strokePath (p, PathStrokeType (2.0f));
- g.setColour (group.findColour (GroupComponent::textColourId)
- .withMultipliedAlpha (alpha));
- g.setFont (f);
- g.drawText (text,
- roundToInt (x + textX), 0,
- roundToInt (textW),
- roundToInt (textH),
- Justification::centred, true);
- }
- //==============================================================================
- int LookAndFeel_V2::getTabButtonOverlap (int tabDepth)
- {
- return 1 + tabDepth / 3;
- }
- int LookAndFeel_V2::getTabButtonSpaceAroundImage()
- {
- return 4;
- }
- int LookAndFeel_V2::getTabButtonBestWidth (TabBarButton& button, int tabDepth)
- {
- int width = Font (tabDepth * 0.6f).getStringWidth (button.getButtonText().trim())
- + getTabButtonOverlap (tabDepth) * 2;
- if (Component* const extraComponent = button.getExtraComponent())
- width += button.getTabbedButtonBar().isVertical() ? extraComponent->getHeight()
- : extraComponent->getWidth();
- return jlimit (tabDepth * 2, tabDepth * 8, width);
- }
- Rectangle<int> LookAndFeel_V2::getTabButtonExtraComponentBounds (const TabBarButton& button, Rectangle<int>& textArea, Component& comp)
- {
- Rectangle<int> extraComp;
- const TabbedButtonBar::Orientation orientation = button.getTabbedButtonBar().getOrientation();
- if (button.getExtraComponentPlacement() == TabBarButton::beforeText)
- {
- switch (orientation)
- {
- case TabbedButtonBar::TabsAtBottom:
- case TabbedButtonBar::TabsAtTop: extraComp = textArea.removeFromLeft (comp.getWidth()); break;
- case TabbedButtonBar::TabsAtLeft: extraComp = textArea.removeFromBottom (comp.getHeight()); break;
- case TabbedButtonBar::TabsAtRight: extraComp = textArea.removeFromTop (comp.getHeight()); break;
- default: jassertfalse; break;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- switch (orientation)
- {
- case TabbedButtonBar::TabsAtBottom:
- case TabbedButtonBar::TabsAtTop: extraComp = textArea.removeFromRight (comp.getWidth()); break;
- case TabbedButtonBar::TabsAtLeft: extraComp = textArea.removeFromTop (comp.getHeight()); break;
- case TabbedButtonBar::TabsAtRight: extraComp = textArea.removeFromBottom (comp.getHeight()); break;
- default: jassertfalse; break;
- }
- }
- return extraComp;
- }
- void LookAndFeel_V2::createTabButtonShape (TabBarButton& button, Path& p, bool /*isMouseOver*/, bool /*isMouseDown*/)
- {
- const Rectangle<int> activeArea (button.getActiveArea());
- const float w = (float) activeArea.getWidth();
- const float h = (float) activeArea.getHeight();
- float length = w;
- float depth = h;
- if (button.getTabbedButtonBar().isVertical())
- std::swap (length, depth);
- const float indent = (float) getTabButtonOverlap ((int) depth);
- const float overhang = 4.0f;
- switch (button.getTabbedButtonBar().getOrientation())
- {
- case TabbedButtonBar::TabsAtLeft:
- p.startNewSubPath (w, 0.0f);
- p.lineTo (0.0f, indent);
- p.lineTo (0.0f, h - indent);
- p.lineTo (w, h);
- p.lineTo (w + overhang, h + overhang);
- p.lineTo (w + overhang, -overhang);
- break;
- case TabbedButtonBar::TabsAtRight:
- p.startNewSubPath (0.0f, 0.0f);
- p.lineTo (w, indent);
- p.lineTo (w, h - indent);
- p.lineTo (0.0f, h);
- p.lineTo (-overhang, h + overhang);
- p.lineTo (-overhang, -overhang);
- break;
- case TabbedButtonBar::TabsAtBottom:
- p.startNewSubPath (0.0f, 0.0f);
- p.lineTo (indent, h);
- p.lineTo (w - indent, h);
- p.lineTo (w, 0.0f);
- p.lineTo (w + overhang, -overhang);
- p.lineTo (-overhang, -overhang);
- break;
- default:
- p.startNewSubPath (0.0f, h);
- p.lineTo (indent, 0.0f);
- p.lineTo (w - indent, 0.0f);
- p.lineTo (w, h);
- p.lineTo (w + overhang, h + overhang);
- p.lineTo (-overhang, h + overhang);
- break;
- }
- p.closeSubPath();
- p = p.createPathWithRoundedCorners (3.0f);
- }
- void LookAndFeel_V2::fillTabButtonShape (TabBarButton& button, Graphics& g, const Path& path,
- bool /*isMouseOver*/, bool /*isMouseDown*/)
- {
- const Colour tabBackground (button.getTabBackgroundColour());
- const bool isFrontTab = button.isFrontTab();
- g.setColour (isFrontTab ? tabBackground
- : tabBackground.withMultipliedAlpha (0.9f));
- g.fillPath (path);
- g.setColour (button.findColour (isFrontTab ? TabbedButtonBar::frontOutlineColourId
- : TabbedButtonBar::tabOutlineColourId, false)
- .withMultipliedAlpha (button.isEnabled() ? 1.0f : 0.5f));
- g.strokePath (path, PathStrokeType (isFrontTab ? 1.0f : 0.5f));
- }
- void LookAndFeel_V2::drawTabButtonText (TabBarButton& button, Graphics& g, bool isMouseOver, bool isMouseDown)
- {
- const Rectangle<float> area (button.getTextArea().toFloat());
- float length = area.getWidth();
- float depth = area.getHeight();
- if (button.getTabbedButtonBar().isVertical())
- std::swap (length, depth);
- Font font (depth * 0.6f);
- font.setUnderline (button.hasKeyboardFocus (false));
- AffineTransform t;
- switch (button.getTabbedButtonBar().getOrientation())
- {
- case TabbedButtonBar::TabsAtLeft: t = t.rotated (float_Pi * -0.5f).translated (area.getX(), area.getBottom()); break;
- case TabbedButtonBar::TabsAtRight: t = t.rotated (float_Pi * 0.5f).translated (area.getRight(), area.getY()); break;
- case TabbedButtonBar::TabsAtTop:
- case TabbedButtonBar::TabsAtBottom: t = t.translated (area.getX(), area.getY()); break;
- default: jassertfalse; break;
- }
- Colour col;
- if (button.isFrontTab() && (button.isColourSpecified (TabbedButtonBar::frontTextColourId)
- || isColourSpecified (TabbedButtonBar::frontTextColourId)))
- col = findColour (TabbedButtonBar::frontTextColourId);
- else if (button.isColourSpecified (TabbedButtonBar::tabTextColourId)
- || isColourSpecified (TabbedButtonBar::tabTextColourId))
- col = findColour (TabbedButtonBar::tabTextColourId);
- else
- col = button.getTabBackgroundColour().contrasting();
- const float alpha = button.isEnabled() ? ((isMouseOver || isMouseDown) ? 1.0f : 0.8f) : 0.3f;
- g.setColour (col.withMultipliedAlpha (alpha));
- g.setFont (font);
- g.addTransform (t);
- g.drawFittedText (button.getButtonText().trim(),
- 0, 0, (int) length, (int) depth,
- Justification::centred,
- jmax (1, ((int) depth) / 12));
- }
- void LookAndFeel_V2::drawTabButton (TabBarButton& button, Graphics& g, bool isMouseOver, bool isMouseDown)
- {
- Path tabShape;
- createTabButtonShape (button, tabShape, isMouseOver, isMouseDown);
- const Rectangle<int> activeArea (button.getActiveArea());
- tabShape.applyTransform (AffineTransform::translation ((float) activeArea.getX(),
- (float) activeArea.getY()));
- DropShadow (Colours::black.withAlpha (0.5f), 2, Point<int> (0, 1)).drawForPath (g, tabShape);
- fillTabButtonShape (button, g, tabShape, isMouseOver, isMouseDown);
- drawTabButtonText (button, g, isMouseOver, isMouseDown);
- }
- void LookAndFeel_V2::drawTabbedButtonBarBackground (TabbedButtonBar&, Graphics&) {}
- void LookAndFeel_V2::drawTabAreaBehindFrontButton (TabbedButtonBar& bar, Graphics& g, const int w, const int h)
- {
- const float shadowSize = 0.2f;
- Rectangle<int> shadowRect, line;
- ColourGradient gradient (Colours::black.withAlpha (bar.isEnabled() ? 0.25f : 0.15f), 0, 0,
- Colours::transparentBlack, 0, 0, false);
- switch (bar.getOrientation())
- {
- case TabbedButtonBar::TabsAtLeft:
- gradient.point1.x = (float) w;
- gradient.point2.x = w * (1.0f - shadowSize);
- shadowRect.setBounds ((int) gradient.point2.x, 0, w - (int) gradient.point2.x, h);
- line.setBounds (w - 1, 0, 1, h);
- break;
- case TabbedButtonBar::TabsAtRight:
- gradient.point2.x = w * shadowSize;
- shadowRect.setBounds (0, 0, (int) gradient.point2.x, h);
- line.setBounds (0, 0, 1, h);
- break;
- case TabbedButtonBar::TabsAtTop:
- gradient.point1.y = (float) h;
- gradient.point2.y = h * (1.0f - shadowSize);
- shadowRect.setBounds (0, (int) gradient.point2.y, w, h - (int) gradient.point2.y);
- line.setBounds (0, h - 1, w, 1);
- break;
- case TabbedButtonBar::TabsAtBottom:
- gradient.point2.y = h * shadowSize;
- shadowRect.setBounds (0, 0, w, (int) gradient.point2.y);
- line.setBounds (0, 0, w, 1);
- break;
- default: break;
- }
- g.setGradientFill (gradient);
- g.fillRect (shadowRect.expanded (2, 2));
- g.setColour (Colour (0x80000000));
- g.fillRect (line);
- }
- Button* LookAndFeel_V2::createTabBarExtrasButton()
- {
- const float thickness = 7.0f;
- const float indent = 22.0f;
- Path p;
- p.addEllipse (-10.0f, -10.0f, 120.0f, 120.0f);
- DrawablePath ellipse;
- ellipse.setPath (p);
- ellipse.setFill (Colour (0x99ffffff));
- p.clear();
- p.addEllipse (0.0f, 0.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f);
- p.addRectangle (indent, 50.0f - thickness, 100.0f - indent * 2.0f, thickness * 2.0f);
- p.addRectangle (50.0f - thickness, indent, thickness * 2.0f, 50.0f - indent - thickness);
- p.addRectangle (50.0f - thickness, 50.0f + thickness, thickness * 2.0f, 50.0f - indent - thickness);
- p.setUsingNonZeroWinding (false);
- DrawablePath dp;
- dp.setPath (p);
- dp.setFill (Colour (0x59000000));
- DrawableComposite normalImage;
- normalImage.addAndMakeVisible (ellipse.createCopy());
- normalImage.addAndMakeVisible (dp.createCopy());
- dp.setFill (Colour (0xcc000000));
- DrawableComposite overImage;
- overImage.addAndMakeVisible (ellipse.createCopy());
- overImage.addAndMakeVisible (dp.createCopy());
- DrawableButton* db = new DrawableButton ("tabs", DrawableButton::ImageFitted);
- db->setImages (&normalImage, &overImage, nullptr);
- return db;
- }
- //==============================================================================
- void LookAndFeel_V2::drawTableHeaderBackground (Graphics& g, TableHeaderComponent& header)
- {
- g.fillAll (Colours::white);
- Rectangle<int> area (header.getLocalBounds());
- area.removeFromTop (area.getHeight() / 2);
- g.setGradientFill (ColourGradient (Colour (0xffe8ebf9), 0.0f, (float) area.getY(),
- Colour (0xfff6f8f9), 0.0f, (float) area.getBottom(),
- false));
- g.fillRect (area);
- g.setColour (Colour (0x33000000));
- g.fillRect (area.removeFromBottom (1));
- for (int i = header.getNumColumns (true); --i >= 0;)
- g.fillRect (header.getColumnPosition (i).removeFromRight (1));
- }
- void LookAndFeel_V2::drawTableHeaderColumn (Graphics& g, const String& columnName, int /*columnId*/,
- int width, int height, bool isMouseOver, bool isMouseDown,
- int columnFlags)
- {
- if (isMouseDown)
- g.fillAll (Colour (0x8899aadd));
- else if (isMouseOver)
- g.fillAll (Colour (0x5599aadd));
- Rectangle<int> area (width, height);
- area.reduce (4, 0);
- if ((columnFlags & (TableHeaderComponent::sortedForwards | TableHeaderComponent::sortedBackwards)) != 0)
- {
- Path sortArrow;
- sortArrow.addTriangle (0.0f, 0.0f,
- 0.5f, (columnFlags & TableHeaderComponent::sortedForwards) != 0 ? -0.8f : 0.8f,
- 1.0f, 0.0f);
- g.setColour (Colour (0x99000000));
- g.fillPath (sortArrow, sortArrow.getTransformToScaleToFit (area.removeFromRight (height / 2).reduced (2).toFloat(), true));
- }
- g.setColour (Colours::black);
- g.setFont (Font (height * 0.5f, Font::bold));
- g.drawFittedText (columnName, area, Justification::centredLeft, 1);
- }
- //==============================================================================
- void LookAndFeel_V2::drawLasso (Graphics& g, Component& lassoComp)
- {
- const int outlineThickness = 1;
- g.fillAll (lassoComp.findColour (0x1000440 /*lassoFillColourId*/));
- g.setColour (lassoComp.findColour (0x1000441 /*lassoOutlineColourId*/));
- g.drawRect (lassoComp.getLocalBounds(), outlineThickness);
- }
- //==============================================================================
- void LookAndFeel_V2::paintToolbarBackground (Graphics& g, int w, int h, Toolbar& toolbar)
- {
- const Colour background (toolbar.findColour (Toolbar::backgroundColourId));
- g.setGradientFill (ColourGradient (background, 0.0f, 0.0f,
- background.darker (0.1f),
- toolbar.isVertical() ? w - 1.0f : 0.0f,
- toolbar.isVertical() ? 0.0f : h - 1.0f,
- false));
- g.fillAll();
- }
- Button* LookAndFeel_V2::createToolbarMissingItemsButton (Toolbar& /*toolbar*/)
- {
- return createTabBarExtrasButton();
- }
- void LookAndFeel_V2::paintToolbarButtonBackground (Graphics& g, int /*width*/, int /*height*/,
- bool isMouseOver, bool isMouseDown,
- ToolbarItemComponent& component)
- {
- if (isMouseDown)
- g.fillAll (component.findColour (Toolbar::buttonMouseDownBackgroundColourId, true));
- else if (isMouseOver)
- g.fillAll (component.findColour (Toolbar::buttonMouseOverBackgroundColourId, true));
- }
- void LookAndFeel_V2::paintToolbarButtonLabel (Graphics& g, int x, int y, int width, int height,
- const String& text, ToolbarItemComponent& component)
- {
- g.setColour (component.findColour (Toolbar::labelTextColourId, true)
- .withAlpha (component.isEnabled() ? 1.0f : 0.25f));
- const float fontHeight = jmin (14.0f, height * 0.85f);
- g.setFont (fontHeight);
- g.drawFittedText (text,
- x, y, width, height,
- Justification::centred,
- jmax (1, height / (int) fontHeight));
- }
- //==============================================================================
- void LookAndFeel_V2::drawPropertyPanelSectionHeader (Graphics& g, const String& name,
- bool isOpen, int width, int height)
- {
- const float buttonSize = height * 0.75f;
- const float buttonIndent = (height - buttonSize) * 0.5f;
- drawTreeviewPlusMinusBox (g, Rectangle<float> (buttonIndent, buttonIndent, buttonSize, buttonSize), Colours::white, isOpen, false);
- const int textX = (int) (buttonIndent * 2.0f + buttonSize + 2.0f);
- g.setColour (Colours::black);
- g.setFont (Font (height * 0.7f, Font::bold));
- g.drawText (name, textX, 0, width - textX - 4, height, Justification::centredLeft, true);
- }
- void LookAndFeel_V2::drawPropertyComponentBackground (Graphics& g, int width, int height,
- PropertyComponent&)
- {
- g.setColour (Colour (0x66ffffff));
- g.fillRect (0, 0, width, height - 1);
- }
- void LookAndFeel_V2::drawPropertyComponentLabel (Graphics& g, int, int height,
- PropertyComponent& component)
- {
- g.setColour (Colours::black);
- if (! component.isEnabled())
- g.setOpacity (0.6f);
- g.setFont (jmin (height, 24) * 0.65f);
- const Rectangle<int> r (getPropertyComponentContentPosition (component));
- g.drawFittedText (component.getName(),
- 3, r.getY(), r.getX() - 5, r.getHeight(),
- Justification::centredLeft, 2);
- }
- Rectangle<int> LookAndFeel_V2::getPropertyComponentContentPosition (PropertyComponent& component)
- {
- const int textW = jmin (200, component.getWidth() / 3);
- return Rectangle<int> (textW, 1, component.getWidth() - textW - 1, component.getHeight() - 3);
- }
- //==============================================================================
- void LookAndFeel_V2::drawCallOutBoxBackground (CallOutBox& box, Graphics& g,
- const Path& path, Image& cachedImage)
- {
- if (cachedImage.isNull())
- {
- cachedImage = Image (Image::ARGB, box.getWidth(), box.getHeight(), true);
- Graphics g2 (cachedImage);
- DropShadow (Colours::black.withAlpha (0.7f), 8, Point<int> (0, 2)).drawForPath (g2, path);
- }
- g.setColour (Colours::black);
- g.drawImageAt (cachedImage, 0, 0);
- g.setColour (Colour::greyLevel (0.23f).withAlpha (0.9f));
- g.fillPath (path);
- g.setColour (Colours::white.withAlpha (0.8f));
- g.strokePath (path, PathStrokeType (2.0f));
- }
- //==============================================================================
- AttributedString LookAndFeel_V2::createFileChooserHeaderText (const String& title,
- const String& instructions)
- {
- AttributedString s;
- s.setJustification (Justification::centred);
- const Colour colour (findColour (FileChooserDialogBox::titleTextColourId));
- s.append (title + "\n\n", Font (17.0f, Font::bold), colour);
- s.append (instructions, Font (14.0f), colour);
- return s;
- }
- void LookAndFeel_V2::drawFileBrowserRow (Graphics& g, int width, int height,
- const String& filename, Image* icon,
- const String& fileSizeDescription,
- const String& fileTimeDescription,
- const bool isDirectory, const bool isItemSelected,
- const int /*itemIndex*/, DirectoryContentsDisplayComponent& dcc)
- {
- Component* const fileListComp = dynamic_cast<Component*> (&dcc);
- if (isItemSelected)
- g.fillAll (fileListComp != nullptr ? fileListComp->findColour (DirectoryContentsDisplayComponent::highlightColourId)
- : findColour (DirectoryContentsDisplayComponent::highlightColourId));
- const int x = 32;
- g.setColour (Colours::black);
- if (icon != nullptr && icon->isValid())
- {
- g.drawImageWithin (*icon, 2, 2, x - 4, height - 4,
- RectanglePlacement::centred | RectanglePlacement::onlyReduceInSize,
- false);
- }
- else
- {
- if (const Drawable* d = isDirectory ? getDefaultFolderImage()
- : getDefaultDocumentFileImage())
- d->drawWithin (g, Rectangle<float> (2.0f, 2.0f, x - 4.0f, height - 4.0f),
- RectanglePlacement::centred | RectanglePlacement::onlyReduceInSize, 1.0f);
- }
- g.setColour (fileListComp != nullptr ? fileListComp->findColour (DirectoryContentsDisplayComponent::textColourId)
- : findColour (DirectoryContentsDisplayComponent::textColourId));
- g.setFont (height * 0.7f);
- if (width > 450 && ! isDirectory)
- {
- const int sizeX = roundToInt (width * 0.7f);
- const int dateX = roundToInt (width * 0.8f);
- g.drawFittedText (filename,
- x, 0, sizeX - x, height,
- Justification::centredLeft, 1);
- g.setFont (height * 0.5f);
- g.setColour (Colours::darkgrey);
- if (! isDirectory)
- {
- g.drawFittedText (fileSizeDescription,
- sizeX, 0, dateX - sizeX - 8, height,
- Justification::centredRight, 1);
- g.drawFittedText (fileTimeDescription,
- dateX, 0, width - 8 - dateX, height,
- Justification::centredRight, 1);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- g.drawFittedText (filename,
- x, 0, width - x, height,
- Justification::centredLeft, 1);
- }
- }
- Button* LookAndFeel_V2::createFileBrowserGoUpButton()
- {
- DrawableButton* goUpButton = new DrawableButton ("up", DrawableButton::ImageOnButtonBackground);
- Path arrowPath;
- arrowPath.addArrow (Line<float> (50.0f, 100.0f, 50.0f, 0.0f), 40.0f, 100.0f, 50.0f);
- DrawablePath arrowImage;
- arrowImage.setFill (Colours::black.withAlpha (0.4f));
- arrowImage.setPath (arrowPath);
- goUpButton->setImages (&arrowImage);
- return goUpButton;
- }
- void LookAndFeel_V2::layoutFileBrowserComponent (FileBrowserComponent& browserComp,
- DirectoryContentsDisplayComponent* fileListComponent,
- FilePreviewComponent* previewComp,
- ComboBox* currentPathBox,
- TextEditor* filenameBox,
- Button* goUpButton)
- {
- const int x = 8;
- int w = browserComp.getWidth() - x - x;
- if (previewComp != nullptr)
- {
- const int previewWidth = w / 3;
- previewComp->setBounds (x + w - previewWidth, 0, previewWidth, browserComp.getHeight());
- w -= previewWidth + 4;
- }
- int y = 4;
- const int controlsHeight = 22;
- const int bottomSectionHeight = controlsHeight + 8;
- const int upButtonWidth = 50;
- currentPathBox->setBounds (x, y, w - upButtonWidth - 6, controlsHeight);
- goUpButton->setBounds (x + w - upButtonWidth, y, upButtonWidth, controlsHeight);
- y += controlsHeight + 4;
- if (Component* const listAsComp = dynamic_cast <Component*> (fileListComponent))
- {
- listAsComp->setBounds (x, y, w, browserComp.getHeight() - y - bottomSectionHeight);
- y = listAsComp->getBottom() + 4;
- }
- filenameBox->setBounds (x + 50, y, w - 50, controlsHeight);
- }
- // Pulls a drawable out of compressed valuetree data..
- static Drawable* loadDrawableFromData (const void* data, size_t numBytes)
- {
- MemoryInputStream m (data, numBytes, false);
- GZIPDecompressorInputStream gz (m);
- ValueTree drawable (ValueTree::readFromStream (gz));
- return Drawable::createFromValueTree (drawable.getChild (0), nullptr);
- }
- const Drawable* LookAndFeel_V2::getDefaultFolderImage()
- {
- if (folderImage == nullptr)
- {
- static const unsigned char drawableData[] =
- { 120,218,197,86,77,111,27,55,16,229,182,161,237,6,61,39,233,77,63,192,38,56,195,225,215,209,105,210,2,141,13,20,201,193,109,111,178,181,178,183,145,181,130,180,110,145,127,159,199,93,73,137,87,53,218,91,109,192,160,151,179,156,55,111,222,188,229,155,247,
- 231,87,231,175,47,222,170,234,155,229,244,190,86,213,115,253,102,61,253,123,122,189,168,85,51,83,213,119,250,238,221,47,231,151,175,223,169,170,250,121,221,62,172,84,245,172,60,63,209,243,118,49,171,215,170,107,87,23,245,188,83,213,145,182,167,19,91,
- 254,127,223,220,222,117,37,68,82,40,143,174,219,174,107,239,135,168,147,18,37,108,85,245,237,46,207,70,33,249,175,211,238,78,85,186,28,253,76,175,73,109,186,117,251,177,190,106,102,229,241,247,58,24,103,203,15,101,245,103,219,44,187,15,221,39,0,172,142,
- 245,125,211,1,196,205,116,181,125,114,164,175,31,186,78,45,219,229,31,245,186,189,106,150,179,102,121,139,100,154,240,231,167,102,177,64,72,247,105,213,23,122,187,158,206,154,122,217,169,85,57,18,1,47,53,101,107,18,135,204,167,147,192,201,216,20,114,
- 244,195,62,171,234,7,125,198,100,136,216,145,149,211,9,57,103,40,249,72,219,8,167,170,87,250,140,162,199,123,226,3,34,82,202,134,131,13,172,74,170,233,162,0,177,234,166,93,180,15,235,141,170,206,180,157,204,231,150,156,159,207,39,195,50,214,88,18,150,
- 245,205,124,250,104,169,212,135,158,19,144,53,20,112,172,55,237,2,132,13,199,149,130,230,115,145,112,147,147,82,61,157,32,238,178,253,11,145,213,138,10,52,138,38,103,111,99,164,211,137,139,198,35,177,35,167,212,143,15,215,205,13,160,109,163,172,225,152,
- 16,232,17,149,140,103,144,158,146,90,113,217,12,6,197,167,236,3,54,5,181,101,73,54,138,90,245,165,227,120,18,252,150,77,15,242,188,228,204,81,169,139,102,249,5,68,192,145,14,244,112,1,145,29,94,137,96,235,49,136,151,58,246,32,88,192,161,88,176,76,226,
- 36,247,24,176,7,232,62,16,83,42,155,201,160,30,222,65,72,98,82,76,33,198,254,197,96,124,10,150,243,8,130,48,228,36,94,124,6,4,43,38,0,142,205,99,30,4,221,13,33,230,220,71,177,65,49,142,243,150,7,1,51,20,2,5,96,96,84,225,56,217,188,3,33,46,24,228,112,
- 69,69,12,68,228,108,242,99,16,165,118,208,28,51,200,98,87,42,74,62,209,24,4,206,48,22,153,125,132,220,196,56,15,234,99,216,130,0,141,38,74,162,130,48,35,163,141,94,196,245,32,94,104,7,154,132,209,40,108,162,165,232,153,165,17,4,138,201,176,135,58,49,
- 165,130,122,108,114,54,28,240,64,17,89,188,79,177,116,149,10,4,246,91,30,94,104,112,96,226,144,131,144,142,98,78,177,7,128,81,242,224,140,36,249,80,208,145,196,12,202,15,16,60,161,200,69,187,169,213,86,198,123,87,224,255,199,21,94,105,134,72,40,177,245,
- 14,182,32,232,54,196,231,100,111,11,189,168,201,39,177,84,102,38,139,177,168,74,210,87,174,64,20,138,160,67,111,10,4,98,196,97,60,158,118,133,25,111,173,224,171,37,97,185,119,133,221,242,63,184,194,140,71,174,240,252,145,43,72,32,147,146,147,4,104,104,
- 117,134,10,18,12,107,212,40,72,148,57,6,71,69,135,222,248,16,160,168,3,169,144,55,201,69,41,147,137,134,99,50,97,8,178,85,43,217,140,201,151,192,152,10,242,190,24,11,59,183,29,25,42,115,236,98,14,229,252,32,80,66,0,162,17,136,72,6,67,5,45,242,224,10,
- 193,102,71,50,6,17,129,212,18,115,105,150,80,169,45,123,222,141,76,178,70,32,55,24,90,217,132,71,73,200,57,238,204,3,136,49,144,185,55,183,190,20,137,52,246,47,113,232,158,69,35,49,145,208,129,193,56,178,77,135,230,145,113,22,140,69,74,20,146,2,120,218,
- 155,135,48,32,10,89,30,156,165,204,254,222,193,160,12,19,49,6,210,59,11,70,62,4,31,15,64,196,2,157,98,33,58,1,104,32,152,50,31,128,64,148,183,197,108,209,89,107,240,41,75,36,123,16,208,108,180,44,236,250,182,227,27,20,137,118,76,60,165,137,221,92,94,
- 78,215,31,235,245,230,183,242,229,30,214,251,251,195,145,94,148,15,253,170,221,52,93,211,46,7,109,171,81,208,177,94,247,119,132,47,81,186,92,22,246,7,255,254,15,7,107,141,171,197,191,156,123,162,135,187,198,227,131,113,219,80,159,1,4,239,223,231,0,0 };
- folderImage = loadDrawableFromData (drawableData, sizeof (drawableData));
- }
- return folderImage;
- }
- const Drawable* LookAndFeel_V2::getDefaultDocumentFileImage()
- {
- if (documentImage == nullptr)
- {
- static const unsigned char drawableData[] =
- { 120,218,213,88,77,115,219,54,16,37,147,208,246,228,214,75,155,246,164,123,29,12,176,216,197,199,49,105,218,94,156,153,78,114,72,219,155,108,75,137,26,89,212,200,116,59,233,175,239,3,105,201,164,68,50,158,166,233,76,196,11,69,60,173,128,197,123,139,183,
- 124,241,234,217,155,103,207,207,126,204,242,7,171,233,213,44,203,31,23,47,54,211,191,166,231,203,89,182,184,204,242,147,226,195,165,219,252,125,150,229,249,207,155,242,102,157,229,143,210,227,199,197,101,121,113,115,53,91,85,89,85,174,207,102,243,42,
- 203,143,10,125,58,209,233,251,171,197,219,119,85,250,173,97,151,30,157,151,85,85,94,53,168,147,132,50,226,179,252,225,246,143,174,179,44,63,254,101,90,189,203,242,34,5,127,84,172,77,118,93,109,202,247,179,55,139,203,244,248,97,161,179,63,202,197,170,
- 122,93,125,192,196,242,227,226,106,81,205,54,217,197,116,125,251,228,168,56,191,169,170,108,85,174,126,159,109,202,55,139,213,229,98,245,182,249,97,254,240,167,197,114,137,5,86,31,214,245,111,175,203,37,254,230,162,92,150,55,155,180,148,249,237,39,203,
- 94,215,127,58,10,213,245,39,203,234,249,102,249,87,47,203,63,129,204,49,227,252,73,225,149,145,104,131,245,254,116,34,202,82,164,16,153,179,236,108,177,234,7,49,41,237,130,144,167,17,144,15,42,104,239,93,12,35,32,99,68,9,187,24,125,7,244,77,23,36,164,
- 40,56,226,61,12,107,229,130,215,100,105,24,227,89,17,246,211,105,55,140,49,218,43,207,100,245,72,28,195,70,17,230,201,118,8,243,164,139,233,95,88,23,52,152,162,54,104,48,217,237,105,15,111,91,107,253,131,160,118,34,239,69,128,54,232,135,101,121,61,203,
- 110,169,181,147,2,253,159,82,48,180,229,247,167,74,193,41,141,188,35,93,241,116,18,148,113,214,120,207,113,47,19,109,16,51,182,153,193,5,59,2,10,90,69,114,218,135,48,2,50,198,43,171,189,152,81,144,88,108,85,136,78,246,64,54,42,163,35,69,30,3,121,82,38,
- 98,81,98,70,64,70,139,34,111,163,167,49,144,13,202,138,179,58,220,23,52,180,186,54,104,48,79,109,208,96,198,219,19,31,220,187,118,10,6,65,237,100,222,139,5,109,80,191,30,236,151,162,135,147,142,30,68,105,182,58,6,22,84,43,229,124,148,116,97,145,55,231,
- 139,11,76,228,16,37,14,48,205,145,77,134,34,176,55,152,182,200,57,99,93,204,144,145,253,65,97,229,132,72,104,63,62,71,21,140,54,186,41,226,59,84,19,63,130,15,222,235,224,185,59,104,27,226,68,101,153,241,227,177,248,29,20,136,26,8,252,178,183,241,219,
- 131,137,160,209,107,109,92,79,124,16,211,184,104,93,77,130,110,124,2,65,172,67,201,60,157,88,163,2,91,99,92,216,198,55,78,69,75,190,150,119,84,98,200,71,150,109,124,36,204,227,52,8,33,229,223,68,167,173,167,131,248,137,212,226,141,19,233,160,154,248,
- 144,142,195,140,137,185,59,104,15,247,119,40,126,23,69,81,200,242,110,254,123,20,49,94,112,110,245,199,111,241,167,87,36,252,101,138,132,149,22,22,38,65,134,29,182,139,24,230,192,31,144,184,133,130,72,44,131,210,142,111,147,216,30,76,123,30,113,206,242,
- 150,196,157,65,129,130,76,180,194,61,34,225,160,5,228,233,160,118,34,137,26,202,115,212,29,108,72,134,243,223,90,114,226,199,226,119,80,6,245,152,197,122,217,146,184,53,24,140,210,30,21,59,80,79,124,182,202,71,207,218,112,159,72,80,53,140,109,68,2,191,
- 227,217,210,78,36,94,137,88,231,82,157,8,176,61,0,122,191,19,137,3,255,13,39,183,228,20,193,151,144,119,166,79,36,40,253,156,138,72,11,181,19,137,14,46,176,217,27,180,135,251,219,31,255,235,61,148,165,96,72,122,118,23,229,81,52,135,24,250,163,183,216,
- 211,43,17,217,151,136,253,116,137,28,53,188,127,92,188,221,76,47,23,169,59,90,167,144,141,239,197,86,104,141,189,60,157,80,84,142,140,4,31,154,241,122,105,132,41,107,13,201,39,86,120,24,82,114,206,198,6,96,27,227,172,36,232,168,201,36,219,24,113,62,163,
- 154,101,233,143,166,203,102,26,141,206,174,179,252,89,161,39,243,249,197,121,186,38,233,246,146,211,53,1,123,56,194,231,122,143,103,179,217,60,204,167,19,147,110,41,93,173,219,123,72,89,248,35,173,16,220,50,179,111,60,181,24,88,103,156,235,7,78,248,14,
- 4,119,78,162,93,60,112,35,109,16,124,126,12,17,71,67,24,1,165,142,1,181,215,248,56,6,66,235,193,137,167,61,22,30,5,3,27,101,71,64,169,25,112,216,2,63,22,169,110,43,18,200,140,129,208,160,88,44,220,208,125,65,67,171,107,131,6,243,212,6,13,102,188,61,241,
- 225,189,107,165,96,16,212,78,230,189,88,208,6,245,235,214,237,235,150,62,167,110,155,106,170,53,133,192,117,193,20,84,78,74,174,98,39,92,156,8,112,21,46,80,106,12,209,207,225,228,16,113,59,225,126,87,60,133,25,209,34,36,2,99,242,52,197,48,30,75,244,247,
- 212,238,246,182,173,221,185,78,215,127,167,221,162,163,221,250,152,217,146,196,222,145,100,223,235,105,108,28,250,149,212,74,224,86,2,213,118,110,119,204,224,144,208,38,214,131,200,14,214,223,120,189,230,53,1,193,70,133,154,131,56,223,16,229,48,188,14,
- 201,205,213,121,71,233,68,89,15,124,103,37,53,26,11,118,176,127,169,88,166,158,219,178,117,173,83,108,75,95,55,68,186,193,53,246,146,206,127,6,63,53,78,58,228,204,155,224,113,74,91,232,221,195,240,105,215,34,29,138,64,128,183,8,130,233,71,173,56,54,101,
- 99,75,186,111,65,58,28,229,145,82,19,152,12,99,180,81,130,131,75,234,229,220,247,53,231,154,79,205,185,185,155,199,249,172,38,85,253,204,76,68,95,92,204,207,255,221,75,178,227,14,187,224,224,97,202,172,173,219,12,167,130,133,9,54,135,245,92,176,29,134,
- 165,110,139,141,18,16,223,29,188,183,65,207,144,106,144,151,143,128,224,176,168,110,140,32,62,56,110,219,195,54,235,20,68,209,216,34,232,21,6,41,234,157,39,211,201,107,160,230,66,225,56,153,9,101,21,37,237,150,204,14,115,208,22,221,54,216,230,33,116,
- 14,65,14,44,19,8,236,73,71,246,182,110,125,224,75,132,195,214,247,163,36,51,252,84,76,124,37,212,100,88,62,183,179,76,67,217,218,242,244,229,116,243,126,182,185,254,21,105,126,208,220,239,94,229,30,21,203,244,202,117,93,94,47,170,69,185,106,246,60,219,
- 3,29,23,155,250,109,237,29,170,72,175,109,119,129,127,235,9,92,20,85,185,254,72,220,147,162,121,235,219,13,44,144,225,63,241,244,165,51,0,0 };
- documentImage = loadDrawableFromData (drawableData, sizeof (drawableData));
- }
- return documentImage;
- }
- //==============================================================================
- void LookAndFeel_V2::drawLevelMeter (Graphics& g, int width, int height, float level)
- {
- g.setColour (Colours::white.withAlpha (0.7f));
- g.fillRoundedRectangle (0.0f, 0.0f, (float) width, (float) height, 3.0f);
- g.setColour (Colours::black.withAlpha (0.2f));
- g.drawRoundedRectangle (1.0f, 1.0f, width - 2.0f, height - 2.0f, 3.0f, 1.0f);
- const int totalBlocks = 7;
- const int numBlocks = roundToInt (totalBlocks * level);
- const float w = (width - 6.0f) / (float) totalBlocks;
- for (int i = 0; i < totalBlocks; ++i)
- {
- if (i >= numBlocks)
- g.setColour (Colours::lightblue.withAlpha (0.6f));
- else
- g.setColour (i < totalBlocks - 1 ? Colours::blue.withAlpha (0.5f)
- : Colours::red);
- g.fillRoundedRectangle (3.0f + i * w + w * 0.1f, 3.0f, w * 0.8f, height - 6.0f, w * 0.4f);
- }
- }
- //==============================================================================
- void LookAndFeel_V2::drawKeymapChangeButton (Graphics& g, int width, int height, Button& button, const String& keyDescription)
- {
- const Colour textColour (button.findColour (0x100ad01 /*KeyMappingEditorComponent::textColourId*/, true));
- if (keyDescription.isNotEmpty())
- {
- if (button.isEnabled())
- {
- const float alpha = button.isDown() ? 0.3f : (button.isOver() ? 0.15f : 0.08f);
- g.fillAll (textColour.withAlpha (alpha));
- g.setOpacity (0.3f);
- drawBevel (g, 0, 0, width, height, 2);
- }
- g.setColour (textColour);
- g.setFont (height * 0.6f);
- g.drawFittedText (keyDescription,
- 3, 0, width - 6, height,
- Justification::centred, 1);
- }
- else
- {
- const float thickness = 7.0f;
- const float indent = 22.0f;
- Path p;
- p.addEllipse (0.0f, 0.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f);
- p.addRectangle (indent, 50.0f - thickness, 100.0f - indent * 2.0f, thickness * 2.0f);
- p.addRectangle (50.0f - thickness, indent, thickness * 2.0f, 50.0f - indent - thickness);
- p.addRectangle (50.0f - thickness, 50.0f + thickness, thickness * 2.0f, 50.0f - indent - thickness);
- p.setUsingNonZeroWinding (false);
- g.setColour (textColour.withAlpha (button.isDown() ? 0.7f : (button.isOver() ? 0.5f : 0.3f)));
- g.fillPath (p, p.getTransformToScaleToFit (2.0f, 2.0f, width - 4.0f, height - 4.0f, true));
- }
- if (button.hasKeyboardFocus (false))
- {
- g.setColour (textColour.withAlpha (0.4f));
- g.drawRect (0, 0, width, height);
- }
- }
- //==============================================================================
- void LookAndFeel_V2::drawBevel (Graphics& g, const int x, const int y, const int width, const int height,
- const int bevelThickness, const Colour& topLeftColour, const Colour& bottomRightColour,
- const bool useGradient, const bool sharpEdgeOnOutside)
- {
- if (g.clipRegionIntersects (Rectangle<int> (x, y, width, height)))
- {
- LowLevelGraphicsContext& context = g.getInternalContext();
- context.saveState();
- for (int i = bevelThickness; --i >= 0;)
- {
- const float op = useGradient ? (sharpEdgeOnOutside ? bevelThickness - i : i) / (float) bevelThickness
- : 1.0f;
- context.setFill (topLeftColour.withMultipliedAlpha (op));
- context.fillRect (Rectangle<int> (x + i, y + i, width - i * 2, 1), false);
- context.setFill (topLeftColour.withMultipliedAlpha (op * 0.75f));
- context.fillRect (Rectangle<int> (x + i, y + i + 1, 1, height - i * 2 - 2), false);
- context.setFill (bottomRightColour.withMultipliedAlpha (op));
- context.fillRect (Rectangle<int> (x + i, y + height - i - 1, width - i * 2, 1), false);
- context.setFill (bottomRightColour.withMultipliedAlpha (op * 0.75f));
- context.fillRect (Rectangle<int> (x + width - i - 1, y + i + 1, 1, height - i * 2 - 2), false);
- }
- context.restoreState();
- }
- }
- //==============================================================================
- void LookAndFeel_V2::drawShinyButtonShape (Graphics& g,
- float x, float y, float w, float h,
- float maxCornerSize,
- const Colour& baseColour,
- const float strokeWidth,
- const bool flatOnLeft,
- const bool flatOnRight,
- const bool flatOnTop,
- const bool flatOnBottom) noexcept
- {
- if (w <= strokeWidth * 1.1f || h <= strokeWidth * 1.1f)
- return;
- const float cs = jmin (maxCornerSize, w * 0.5f, h * 0.5f);
- Path outline;
- outline.addRoundedRectangle (x, y, w, h, cs, cs,
- ! (flatOnLeft || flatOnTop),
- ! (flatOnRight || flatOnTop),
- ! (flatOnLeft || flatOnBottom),
- ! (flatOnRight || flatOnBottom));
- ColourGradient cg (baseColour, 0.0f, y,
- baseColour.overlaidWith (Colour (0x070000ff)), 0.0f, y + h,
- false);
- cg.addColour (0.5, baseColour.overlaidWith (Colour (0x33ffffff)));
- cg.addColour (0.51, baseColour.overlaidWith (Colour (0x110000ff)));
- g.setGradientFill (cg);
- g.fillPath (outline);
- g.setColour (Colour (0x80000000));
- g.strokePath (outline, PathStrokeType (strokeWidth));
- }
- //==============================================================================
- void LookAndFeel_V2::drawGlassSphere (Graphics& g, const float x, const float y,
- const float diameter, const Colour& colour,
- const float outlineThickness) noexcept
- {
- if (diameter <= outlineThickness)
- return;
- Path p;
- p.addEllipse (x, y, diameter, diameter);
- {
- ColourGradient cg (Colours::white.overlaidWith (colour.withMultipliedAlpha (0.3f)), 0, y,
- Colours::white.overlaidWith (colour.withMultipliedAlpha (0.3f)), 0, y + diameter, false);
- cg.addColour (0.4, Colours::white.overlaidWith (colour));
- g.setGradientFill (cg);
- g.fillPath (p);
- }
- g.setGradientFill (ColourGradient (Colours::white, 0, y + diameter * 0.06f,
- Colours::transparentWhite, 0, y + diameter * 0.3f, false));
- g.fillEllipse (x + diameter * 0.2f, y + diameter * 0.05f, diameter * 0.6f, diameter * 0.4f);
- ColourGradient cg (Colours::transparentBlack,
- x + diameter * 0.5f, y + diameter * 0.5f,
- Colours::black.withAlpha (0.5f * outlineThickness * colour.getFloatAlpha()),
- x, y + diameter * 0.5f, true);
- cg.addColour (0.7, Colours::transparentBlack);
- cg.addColour (0.8, Colours::black.withAlpha (0.1f * outlineThickness));
- g.setGradientFill (cg);
- g.fillPath (p);
- g.setColour (Colours::black.withAlpha (0.5f * colour.getFloatAlpha()));
- g.drawEllipse (x, y, diameter, diameter, outlineThickness);
- }
- //==============================================================================
- void LookAndFeel_V2::drawGlassPointer (Graphics& g,
- const float x, const float y, const float diameter,
- const Colour& colour, const float outlineThickness,
- const int direction) noexcept
- {
- if (diameter <= outlineThickness)
- return;
- Path p;
- p.startNewSubPath (x + diameter * 0.5f, y);
- p.lineTo (x + diameter, y + diameter * 0.6f);
- p.lineTo (x + diameter, y + diameter);
- p.lineTo (x, y + diameter);
- p.lineTo (x, y + diameter * 0.6f);
- p.closeSubPath();
- p.applyTransform (AffineTransform::rotation (direction * (float_Pi * 0.5f), x + diameter * 0.5f, y + diameter * 0.5f));
- {
- ColourGradient cg (Colours::white.overlaidWith (colour.withMultipliedAlpha (0.3f)), 0, y,
- Colours::white.overlaidWith (colour.withMultipliedAlpha (0.3f)), 0, y + diameter, false);
- cg.addColour (0.4, Colours::white.overlaidWith (colour));
- g.setGradientFill (cg);
- g.fillPath (p);
- }
- ColourGradient cg (Colours::transparentBlack,
- x + diameter * 0.5f, y + diameter * 0.5f,
- Colours::black.withAlpha (0.5f * outlineThickness * colour.getFloatAlpha()),
- x - diameter * 0.2f, y + diameter * 0.5f, true);
- cg.addColour (0.5, Colours::transparentBlack);
- cg.addColour (0.7, Colours::black.withAlpha (0.07f * outlineThickness));
- g.setGradientFill (cg);
- g.fillPath (p);
- g.setColour (Colours::black.withAlpha (0.5f * colour.getFloatAlpha()));
- g.strokePath (p, PathStrokeType (outlineThickness));
- }
- //==============================================================================
- void LookAndFeel_V2::drawGlassLozenge (Graphics& g,
- const float x, const float y, const float width, const float height,
- const Colour& colour, const float outlineThickness, const float cornerSize,
- const bool flatOnLeft,
- const bool flatOnRight,
- const bool flatOnTop,
- const bool flatOnBottom) noexcept
- {
- if (width <= outlineThickness || height <= outlineThickness)
- return;
- const int intX = (int) x;
- const int intY = (int) y;
- const int intW = (int) width;
- const int intH = (int) height;
- const float cs = cornerSize < 0 ? jmin (width * 0.5f, height * 0.5f) : cornerSize;
- const float edgeBlurRadius = height * 0.75f + (height - cs * 2.0f);
- const int intEdge = (int) edgeBlurRadius;
- Path outline;
- outline.addRoundedRectangle (x, y, width, height, cs, cs,
- ! (flatOnLeft || flatOnTop),
- ! (flatOnRight || flatOnTop),
- ! (flatOnLeft || flatOnBottom),
- ! (flatOnRight || flatOnBottom));
- {
- ColourGradient cg (colour.darker (0.2f), 0, y,
- colour.darker (0.2f), 0, y + height, false);
- cg.addColour (0.03, colour.withMultipliedAlpha (0.3f));
- cg.addColour (0.4, colour);
- cg.addColour (0.97, colour.withMultipliedAlpha (0.3f));
- g.setGradientFill (cg);
- g.fillPath (outline);
- }
- ColourGradient cg (Colours::transparentBlack, x + edgeBlurRadius, y + height * 0.5f,
- colour.darker (0.2f), x, y + height * 0.5f, true);
- cg.addColour (jlimit (0.0, 1.0, 1.0 - (cs * 0.5f) / edgeBlurRadius), Colours::transparentBlack);
- cg.addColour (jlimit (0.0, 1.0, 1.0 - (cs * 0.25f) / edgeBlurRadius), colour.darker (0.2f).withMultipliedAlpha (0.3f));
- if (! (flatOnLeft || flatOnTop || flatOnBottom))
- {
- g.saveState();
- g.setGradientFill (cg);
- g.reduceClipRegion (intX, intY, intEdge, intH);
- g.fillPath (outline);
- g.restoreState();
- }
- if (! (flatOnRight || flatOnTop || flatOnBottom))
- {
- cg.point1.setX (x + width - edgeBlurRadius);
- cg.point2.setX (x + width);
- g.saveState();
- g.setGradientFill (cg);
- g.reduceClipRegion (intX + intW - intEdge, intY, 2 + intEdge, intH);
- g.fillPath (outline);
- g.restoreState();
- }
- {
- const float leftIndent = flatOnTop || flatOnLeft ? 0.0f : cs * 0.4f;
- const float rightIndent = flatOnTop || flatOnRight ? 0.0f : cs * 0.4f;
- Path highlight;
- highlight.addRoundedRectangle (x + leftIndent,
- y + cs * 0.1f,
- width - (leftIndent + rightIndent),
- height * 0.4f,
- cs * 0.4f,
- cs * 0.4f,
- ! (flatOnLeft || flatOnTop),
- ! (flatOnRight || flatOnTop),
- ! (flatOnLeft || flatOnBottom),
- ! (flatOnRight || flatOnBottom));
- g.setGradientFill (ColourGradient (colour.brighter (10.0f), 0, y + height * 0.06f,
- Colours::transparentWhite, 0, y + height * 0.4f, false));
- g.fillPath (highlight);
- }
- g.setColour (colour.darker().withMultipliedAlpha (1.5f));
- g.strokePath (outline, PathStrokeType (outlineThickness));
- }