- /*
- ==============================================================================
- This file is part of the JUCE library.
- Copyright (c) 2022 - Raw Material Software Limited
- JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source
- licensing.
- The code included in this file is provided under the terms of the ISC license
- http://www.isc.org/downloads/software-support-policy/isc-license. Permission
- To use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or
- without fee is hereby granted provided that the above copyright notice and
- this permission notice appear in all copies.
- ==============================================================================
- */
- namespace juce
- {
- //==============================================================================
- /**
- This struct represents a playing MPE note.
- A note is identified by a unique ID, or alternatively, by a MIDI channel
- and an initial note. It is characterised by five dimensions of continuous
- expressive control. Their current values are represented as
- MPEValue objects.
- @see MPEValue
- @tags{Audio}
- */
- struct JUCE_API MPENote
- {
- //==============================================================================
- /** Possible values for the note key state. */
- enum KeyState
- {
- off = 0, /**< The key is up (off). */
- keyDown = 1, /**< The note key is currently down (pressed). */
- sustained = 2, /**< The note is sustained (by a sustain or sostenuto pedal). */
- keyDownAndSustained = 3 /**< The note key is down and sustained (by a sustain or sostenuto pedal). */
- };
- //==============================================================================
- /** Constructor.
- @param midiChannel The MIDI channel of the note, between 2 and 15.
- (Channel 1 and channel 16 can never be note channels in MPE).
- @param initialNote The MIDI note number, between 0 and 127.
- @param velocity The note-on velocity of the note.
- @param pitchbend The initial per-note pitchbend of the note.
- @param pressure The initial pressure of the note.
- @param timbre The timbre value of the note.
- @param keyState The key state of the note (whether the key is down
- and/or the note is sustained). This value must not
- be MPENote::off, since you are triggering a new note.
- (If not specified, the default value will be MPENote::keyDown.)
- */
- MPENote (int midiChannel,
- int initialNote,
- MPEValue velocity,
- MPEValue pitchbend,
- MPEValue pressure,
- MPEValue timbre,
- KeyState keyState = MPENote::keyDown) noexcept;
- /** Default constructor.
- Constructs an invalid MPE note (a note with the key state MPENote::off
- and an invalid MIDI channel. The only allowed use for such a note is to
- call isValid() on it; everything else is undefined behaviour.
- */
- MPENote() noexcept;
- /** Checks whether the MPE note is valid. */
- bool isValid() const noexcept;
- //==============================================================================
- // Invariants that define the note.
- /** A unique ID. Useful to distinguish the note from other simultaneously
- sounding notes that may use the same note number or MIDI channel.
- This should never change during the lifetime of a note object.
- */
- uint16 noteID = 0;
- /** The MIDI channel which this note uses.
- This should never change during the lifetime of an MPENote object.
- */
- uint8 midiChannel = 0;
- /** The MIDI note number that was sent when the note was triggered.
- This should never change during the lifetime of an MPENote object.
- */
- uint8 initialNote = 0;
- //==============================================================================
- // The five dimensions of continuous expressive control
- /** The velocity ("strike") of the note-on.
- This dimension will stay constant after the note has been turned on.
- */
- MPEValue noteOnVelocity { MPEValue::minValue() };
- /** Current per-note pitchbend of the note (in units of MIDI pitchwheel
- position). This dimension can be modulated while the note sounds.
- Note: This value is not aware of the currently used pitchbend range,
- or an additional master pitchbend that may be simultaneously applied.
- To compute the actual effective pitchbend of an MPENote, you should
- probably use the member totalPitchbendInSemitones instead.
- @see totalPitchbendInSemitones, getFrequencyInHertz
- */
- MPEValue pitchbend { MPEValue::centreValue() };
- /** Current pressure with which the note is held down.
- This dimension can be modulated while the note sounds.
- */
- MPEValue pressure { MPEValue::centreValue() };
- /** Initial value of timbre when the note was triggered.
- This should never change during the lifetime of an MPENote object.
- */
- MPEValue initialTimbre { MPEValue::centreValue() };
- /** Current value of the note's third expressive dimension, typically
- encoding some kind of timbre parameter.
- This dimension can be modulated while the note sounds.
- */
- MPEValue timbre { MPEValue::centreValue() };
- /** The release velocity ("lift") of the note after a note-off has been
- received.
- This dimension will only have a meaningful value after a note-off has
- been received for the note (and keyState is set to MPENote::off or
- MPENote::sustained). Initially, the value is undefined.
- */
- MPEValue noteOffVelocity { MPEValue::minValue() };
- //==============================================================================
- /** Current effective pitchbend of the note in units of semitones, relative
- to initialNote. You should use this to compute the actual effective pitch
- of the note. This value is computed and set by an MPEInstrument to the
- sum of the per-note pitchbend value (stored in MPEValue::pitchbend)
- and the master pitchbend of the MPE zone, weighted with the per-note
- pitchbend range and master pitchbend range of the zone, respectively.
- @see getFrequencyInHertz
- */
- double totalPitchbendInSemitones;
- /** Current key state. Indicates whether the note key is currently down (pressed)
- and/or the note is sustained (by a sustain or sostenuto pedal).
- */
- KeyState keyState { MPENote::off };
- //==============================================================================
- /** Returns the current frequency of the note in Hertz. This is the sum of
- the initialNote and the totalPitchbendInSemitones, converted to Hertz.
- */
- double getFrequencyInHertz (double frequencyOfA = 440.0) const noexcept;
- /** Returns true if two notes are the same, determined by their unique ID. */
- bool operator== (const MPENote& other) const noexcept;
- /** Returns true if two notes are different notes, determined by their unique ID. */
- bool operator!= (const MPENote& other) const noexcept;
- };
- } // namespace juce