- #!/usr/bin/env python3
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- # Carla bridge for LV2 modguis
- # Copyright (C) 2015-2019 Filipe Coelho <falktx@falktx.com>
- #
- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
- # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
- # the License, or any later version.
- #
- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU General Public License for more details.
- #
- # For a full copy of the GNU General Public License see the doc/GPL.txt file.
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Imports (Global)
- from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtSignal, pyqtSlot, Qt, QPoint, QSize, QUrl
- from PyQt5.QtGui import QImage, QPainter, QPalette
- from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QMainWindow
- from PyQt5.QtWebKit import QWebSettings
- from PyQt5.QtWebKitWidgets import QWebView
- import sys
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Imports (Custom)
- from carla_host import charPtrToString, gCarla
- from .webserver import WebServerThread, PORT
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Imports (MOD)
- from modtools.utils import get_plugin_info, init as lv2_init
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Host Window
- class HostWindow(QMainWindow):
- # signals
- SIGTERM = pyqtSignal()
- SIGUSR1 = pyqtSignal()
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def __init__(self):
- QMainWindow.__init__(self)
- gCarla.gui = self
- URI = sys.argv[1]
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Internal stuff
- self.fCurrentFrame = None
- self.fDocElemement = None
- self.fCanSetValues = False
- self.fNeedsShow = False
- self.fSizeSetup = False
- self.fQuitReceived = False
- self.fWasRepainted = False
- lv2_init()
- self.fPlugin = get_plugin_info(URI)
- self.fPorts = self.fPlugin['ports']
- self.fPortSymbols = {}
- self.fPortValues = {}
- for port in self.fPorts['control']['input']:
- self.fPortSymbols[port['index']] = (port['symbol'], False)
- self.fPortValues [port['index']] = port['ranges']['default']
- for port in self.fPorts['control']['output']:
- self.fPortSymbols[port['index']] = (port['symbol'], True)
- self.fPortValues [port['index']] = port['ranges']['default']
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Init pipe
- if len(sys.argv) == 7:
- self.fPipeClient = gCarla.utils.pipe_client_new(lambda s,msg: self.msgCallback(msg))
- else:
- self.fPipeClient = None
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Init Web server
- self.fWebServerThread = WebServerThread(self)
- self.fWebServerThread.start()
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Set up GUI
- self.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
- self.fWebview = QWebView(self)
- #self.fWebview.setAttribute(Qt.WA_OpaquePaintEvent, False)
- #self.fWebview.setAttribute(Qt.WA_TranslucentBackground, True)
- self.setCentralWidget(self.fWebview)
- page = self.fWebview.page()
- page.setViewportSize(QSize(980, 600))
- mainFrame = page.mainFrame()
- mainFrame.setScrollBarPolicy(Qt.Horizontal, Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff)
- mainFrame.setScrollBarPolicy(Qt.Vertical, Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff)
- palette = self.fWebview.palette()
- palette.setBrush(QPalette.Base, palette.brush(QPalette.Window))
- page.setPalette(palette)
- self.fWebview.setPalette(palette)
- settings = self.fWebview.settings()
- settings.setAttribute(QWebSettings.DeveloperExtrasEnabled, True)
- self.fWebview.loadFinished.connect(self.slot_webviewLoadFinished)
- url = "" % (PORT, URI)
- print("url:", url)
- self.fWebview.load(QUrl(url))
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Connect actions to functions
- self.SIGTERM.connect(self.slot_handleSIGTERM)
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Final setup
- self.fIdleTimer = self.startTimer(30)
- if self.fPipeClient is None:
- # testing, show UI only
- self.setWindowTitle("TestUI")
- self.fNeedsShow = True
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def closeExternalUI(self):
- self.fWebServerThread.stopWait()
- if self.fPipeClient is None:
- return
- if not self.fQuitReceived:
- self.send(["exiting"])
- gCarla.utils.pipe_client_destroy(self.fPipeClient)
- self.fPipeClient = None
- def idleStuff(self):
- if self.fPipeClient is not None:
- gCarla.utils.pipe_client_idle(self.fPipeClient)
- self.checkForRepaintChanges()
- if self.fSizeSetup:
- return
- if self.fDocElemement is None or self.fDocElemement.isNull():
- return
- pedal = self.fDocElemement.findFirst(".mod-pedal")
- if pedal.isNull():
- return
- size = pedal.geometry().size()
- if size.width() <= 10 or size.height() <= 10:
- return
- # render web frame to image
- image = QImage(self.fWebview.page().viewportSize(), QImage.Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied)
- image.fill(Qt.transparent)
- painter = QPainter(image)
- self.fCurrentFrame.render(painter)
- painter.end()
- #image.save("/tmp/test.png")
- # get coordinates and size from image
- #x = -1
- #y = -1
- #lastx = -1
- #lasty = -1
- #bgcol = self.fHostColor.rgba()
- #for h in range(0, image.height()):
- #hasNonTransPixels = False
- #for w in range(0, image.width()):
- #if image.pixel(w, h) not in (0, bgcol): # 0xff070707):
- #hasNonTransPixels = True
- #if x == -1 or x > w:
- #x = w
- #lastx = max(lastx, w)
- #if hasNonTransPixels:
- ##if y == -1:
- ##y = h
- #lasty = h
- # set size and position accordingly
- #if -1 not in (x, lastx, lasty):
- #self.setFixedSize(lastx-x, lasty)
- #self.fCurrentFrame.setScrollPosition(QPoint(x, 0))
- #else:
- # TODO that^ needs work
- if True:
- self.setFixedSize(size)
- # set initial values
- self.fCurrentFrame.evaluateJavaScript("icongui.setPortValue(':bypass', 0, null)")
- for index in self.fPortValues.keys():
- symbol, isOutput = self.fPortSymbols[index]
- value = self.fPortValues[index]
- if isOutput:
- self.fCurrentFrame.evaluateJavaScript("icongui.setOutputPortValue('%s', %f)" % (symbol, value))
- else:
- self.fCurrentFrame.evaluateJavaScript("icongui.setPortValue('%s', %f, null)" % (symbol, value))
- # final setup
- self.fCanSetValues = True
- self.fSizeSetup = True
- self.fDocElemement = None
- if self.fNeedsShow:
- self.show()
- def checkForRepaintChanges(self):
- if not self.fWasRepainted:
- return
- self.fWasRepainted = False
- if not self.fCanSetValues:
- return
- for index in self.fPortValues.keys():
- symbol, isOutput = self.fPortSymbols[index]
- if isOutput:
- continue
- oldValue = self.fPortValues[index]
- newValue = self.fCurrentFrame.evaluateJavaScript("icongui.getPortValue('%s')" % (symbol,))
- if oldValue != newValue:
- self.fPortValues[index] = newValue
- self.send(["control", index, newValue])
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- @pyqtSlot(bool)
- def slot_webviewLoadFinished(self, ok):
- page = self.fWebview.page()
- page.repaintRequested.connect(self.slot_repaintRequested)
- self.fCurrentFrame = page.currentFrame()
- self.fDocElemement = self.fCurrentFrame.documentElement()
- def slot_repaintRequested(self):
- if self.fCanSetValues:
- self.fWasRepainted = True
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Callback
- def msgCallback(self, msg):
- msg = charPtrToString(msg)
- if msg == "control":
- index = int(self.readlineblock())
- value = float(self.readlineblock())
- self.dspParameterChanged(index, value)
- elif msg == "program":
- index = int(self.readlineblock())
- self.dspProgramChanged(index)
- elif msg == "midiprogram":
- bank = int(self.readlineblock())
- program = float(self.readlineblock())
- self.dspMidiProgramChanged(bank, program)
- elif msg == "configure":
- key = self.readlineblock()
- value = self.readlineblock()
- self.dspStateChanged(key, value)
- elif msg == "note":
- onOff = bool(self.readlineblock() == "true")
- channel = int(self.readlineblock())
- note = int(self.readlineblock())
- velocity = int(self.readlineblock())
- self.dspNoteReceived(onOff, channel, note, velocity)
- elif msg == "atom":
- index = int(self.readlineblock())
- size = int(self.readlineblock())
- base64atom = self.readlineblock()
- # nothing to do yet
- elif msg == "urid":
- urid = int(self.readlineblock())
- uri = self.readlineblock()
- # nothing to do yet
- elif msg == "uiOptions":
- sampleRate = float(self.readlineblock())
- uiScale = float(self.readlineblock())
- useTheme = bool(self.readlineblock() == "true")
- useThemeColors = bool(self.readlineblock() == "true")
- windowTitle = self.readlineblock()
- transWindowId = int(self.readlineblock())
- self.uiTitleChanged(windowTitle)
- elif msg == "show":
- self.uiShow()
- elif msg == "focus":
- self.uiFocus()
- elif msg == "hide":
- self.uiHide()
- elif msg == "quit":
- self.fQuitReceived = True
- self.uiQuit()
- elif msg == "uiTitle":
- uiTitle = self.readlineblock()
- self.uiTitleChanged(uiTitle)
- else:
- print("unknown message: \"" + msg + "\"")
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def dspParameterChanged(self, index, value):
- self.fPortValues[index] = value
- if self.fCurrentFrame is not None and self.fCanSetValues:
- symbol, isOutput = self.fPortSymbols[index]
- if isOutput:
- self.fPortValues[index] = value
- self.fCurrentFrame.evaluateJavaScript("icongui.setOutputPortValue('%s', %f)" % (symbol, value))
- else:
- self.fCurrentFrame.evaluateJavaScript("icongui.setPortValue('%s', %f, null)" % (symbol, value))
- def dspProgramChanged(self, index):
- return
- def dspMidiProgramChanged(self, bank, program):
- return
- def dspStateChanged(self, key, value):
- return
- def dspNoteReceived(self, onOff, channel, note, velocity):
- return
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def uiShow(self):
- if self.fSizeSetup:
- self.show()
- else:
- self.fNeedsShow = True
- def uiFocus(self):
- if not self.fSizeSetup:
- return
- self.setWindowState((self.windowState() & ~Qt.WindowMinimized) | Qt.WindowActive)
- self.show()
- self.raise_()
- self.activateWindow()
- def uiHide(self):
- self.hide()
- def uiQuit(self):
- self.closeExternalUI()
- self.close()
- QApplication.instance().quit()
- def uiTitleChanged(self, uiTitle):
- self.setWindowTitle(uiTitle)
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Qt events
- def closeEvent(self, event):
- self.closeExternalUI()
- QMainWindow.closeEvent(self, event)
- # there might be other qt windows open which will block carla-modgui from quitting
- QApplication.instance().quit()
- def timerEvent(self, event):
- if event.timerId() == self.fIdleTimer:
- self.idleStuff()
- QMainWindow.timerEvent(self, event)
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- @pyqtSlot()
- def slot_handleSIGTERM(self):
- print("Got SIGTERM -> Closing now")
- self.close()
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Internal stuff
- def readlineblock(self):
- if self.fPipeClient is None:
- return ""
- return gCarla.utils.pipe_client_readlineblock(self.fPipeClient, 5000)
- def send(self, lines):
- if self.fPipeClient is None or len(lines) == 0:
- return
- gCarla.utils.pipe_client_lock(self.fPipeClient)
- # this must never fail, we need to unlock at the end
- try:
- for line in lines:
- if line is None:
- line2 = "(null)"
- elif isinstance(line, str):
- line2 = line.replace("\n", "\r")
- elif isinstance(line, bool):
- line2 = "true" if line else "false"
- elif isinstance(line, int):
- line2 = "%i" % line
- elif isinstance(line, float):
- line2 = "%.10f" % line
- else:
- print("unknown data type to send:", type(line))
- return
- gCarla.utils.pipe_client_write_msg(self.fPipeClient, line2 + "\n")
- except:
- pass
- gCarla.utils.pipe_client_flush_and_unlock(self.fPipeClient)