- /*
- ==============================================================================
- This file is part of the JUCE library.
- Copyright (c) 2020 - Raw Material Software Limited
- JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source
- licensing.
- By using JUCE, you agree to the terms of both the JUCE 6 End-User License
- Agreement and JUCE Privacy Policy (both effective as of the 16th June 2020).
- End User License Agreement: www.juce.com/juce-6-licence
- Privacy Policy: www.juce.com/juce-privacy-policy
- Or: You may also use this code under the terms of the GPL v3 (see
- www.gnu.org/licenses).
- ==============================================================================
- */
- namespace juce
- {
- //==============================================================================
- /**
- Classes can implement this interface and register themselves with the Desktop class
- to receive callbacks when the currently focused component changes.
- @see Desktop::addFocusChangeListener, Desktop::removeFocusChangeListener
- @tags{GUI}
- */
- class JUCE_API FocusChangeListener
- {
- public:
- /** Destructor. */
- virtual ~FocusChangeListener() = default;
- /** Callback to indicate that the currently focused component has changed. */
- virtual void globalFocusChanged (Component* focusedComponent) = 0;
- };
- //==============================================================================
- /**
- Describes and controls aspects of the computer's desktop.
- @tags{GUI}
- */
- class JUCE_API Desktop : private DeletedAtShutdown,
- private Timer,
- private AsyncUpdater
- {
- public:
- //==============================================================================
- /** There's only one desktop object, and this method will return it. */
- static Desktop& JUCE_CALLTYPE getInstance();
- //==============================================================================
- /** Returns the mouse position.
- The coordinates are relative to the top-left of the main monitor.
- Note that this is just a shortcut for calling getMainMouseSource().getScreenPosition(), and
- you should only resort to grabbing the global mouse position if there's really no
- way to get the coordinates via a mouse event callback instead.
- */
- static Point<int> getMousePosition();
- /** Makes the mouse pointer jump to a given location.
- The coordinates are relative to the top-left of the main monitor.
- Note that this is a pretty old method, kept around mainly for backwards-compatibility,
- and you should use the MouseInputSource class directly in new code.
- */
- static void setMousePosition (Point<int> newPosition);
- /** Returns the last position at which a mouse button was pressed.
- Note that this is just a shortcut for calling getMainMouseSource().getLastMouseDownPosition(),
- and in a multi-touch environment, it doesn't make much sense. ALWAYS prefer to
- get this information via other means, such as MouseEvent::getMouseDownScreenPosition()
- if possible, and only ever call this as a last resort.
- */
- static Point<int> getLastMouseDownPosition();
- /** Returns the number of times the mouse button has been clicked since the app started.
- Each mouse-down event increments this number by 1.
- @see getMouseWheelMoveCounter
- */
- int getMouseButtonClickCounter() const noexcept;
- /** Returns the number of times the mouse wheel has been moved since the app started.
- Each mouse-wheel event increments this number by 1.
- @see getMouseButtonClickCounter
- */
- int getMouseWheelMoveCounter() const noexcept;
- //==============================================================================
- /** This lets you prevent the screensaver from becoming active.
- Handy if you're running some sort of presentation app where having a screensaver
- appear would be annoying.
- Pass false to disable the screensaver, and true to re-enable it. (Note that this
- won't enable a screensaver unless the user has actually set one up).
- The disablement will only happen while the JUCE application is the foreground
- process - if another task is running in front of it, then the screensaver will
- be unaffected.
- @see isScreenSaverEnabled
- */
- static void setScreenSaverEnabled (bool isEnabled);
- /** Returns true if the screensaver has not been turned off.
- This will return the last value passed into setScreenSaverEnabled(). Note that
- it won't tell you whether the user is actually using a screen saver, just
- whether this app is deliberately preventing one from running.
- @see setScreenSaverEnabled
- */
- static bool isScreenSaverEnabled();
- //==============================================================================
- /** Registers a MouseListener that will receive all mouse events that occur on
- any component.
- @see removeGlobalMouseListener
- */
- void addGlobalMouseListener (MouseListener* listener);
- /** Unregisters a MouseListener that was added with the addGlobalMouseListener()
- method.
- @see addGlobalMouseListener
- */
- void removeGlobalMouseListener (MouseListener* listener);
- //==============================================================================
- /** Registers a MouseListener that will receive a callback whenever the focused
- component changes.
- */
- void addFocusChangeListener (FocusChangeListener* listener);
- /** Unregisters a listener that was added with addFocusChangeListener(). */
- void removeFocusChangeListener (FocusChangeListener* listener);
- //==============================================================================
- /** Takes a component and makes it full-screen, removing the taskbar, dock, etc.
- The component must already be on the desktop for this method to work. It will
- be resized to completely fill the screen and any extraneous taskbars, menu bars,
- etc will be hidden.
- To exit kiosk mode, just call setKioskModeComponent (nullptr). When this is called,
- the component that's currently being used will be resized back to the size
- and position it was in before being put into this mode.
- If allowMenusAndBars is true, things like the menu and dock (on mac) are still
- allowed to pop up when the mouse moves onto them. If this is false, it'll try
- to hide as much on-screen paraphernalia as possible.
- */
- void setKioskModeComponent (Component* componentToUse,
- bool allowMenusAndBars = true);
- /** Returns the component that is currently being used in kiosk-mode.
- This is the component that was last set by setKioskModeComponent(). If none
- has been set, this returns nullptr.
- */
- Component* getKioskModeComponent() const noexcept { return kioskModeComponent; }
- //==============================================================================
- /** Returns the number of components that are currently active as top-level
- desktop windows.
- @see getComponent, Component::addToDesktop
- */
- int getNumComponents() const noexcept;
- /** Returns one of the top-level desktop window components.
- The index is from 0 to getNumComponents() - 1. This could return 0 if the
- index is out-of-range.
- @see getNumComponents, Component::addToDesktop
- */
- Component* getComponent (int index) const noexcept;
- /** Finds the component at a given screen location.
- This will drill down into top-level windows to find the child component at
- the given position.
- Returns nullptr if the coordinates are inside a non-JUCE window.
- */
- Component* findComponentAt (Point<int> screenPosition) const;
- /** The Desktop object has a ComponentAnimator instance which can be used for performing
- your animations.
- Having a single shared ComponentAnimator object makes it more efficient when multiple
- components are being moved around simultaneously. It's also more convenient than having
- to manage your own instance of one.
- @see ComponentAnimator
- */
- ComponentAnimator& getAnimator() noexcept { return animator; }
- //==============================================================================
- /** Returns the current default look-and-feel for components which don't have one
- explicitly set.
- @see setDefaultLookAndFeel
- */
- LookAndFeel& getDefaultLookAndFeel() noexcept;
- /** Changes the default look-and-feel.
- @param newDefaultLookAndFeel the new look-and-feel object to use - if this is
- set to nullptr, it will revert to using the system's
- default one. The object passed-in must be deleted by the
- caller when it's no longer needed.
- @see getDefaultLookAndFeel
- */
- void setDefaultLookAndFeel (LookAndFeel* newDefaultLookAndFeel);
- //==============================================================================
- /** Provides access to the array of mouse sources, for iteration.
- In a traditional single-mouse system, there might be only one MouseInputSource. On a
- multi-touch system, there could be one input source per potential finger. The number
- of mouse sources returned here may increase dynamically as the program runs.
- To find out how many mouse events are currently happening, use getNumDraggingMouseSources().
- */
- const Array<MouseInputSource>& getMouseSources() const noexcept;
- /** Returns the number of MouseInputSource objects the system has at its disposal.
- In a traditional single-mouse system, there might be only one MouseInputSource. On a
- multi-touch system, there could be one input source per potential finger. The number
- of mouse sources returned here may increase dynamically as the program runs.
- To find out how many mouse events are currently happening, use getNumDraggingMouseSources().
- @see getMouseSource
- */
- int getNumMouseSources() const noexcept;
- /** Returns one of the system's MouseInputSource objects.
- The index should be from 0 to getNumMouseSources() - 1. Out-of-range indexes will return
- a null pointer.
- In a traditional single-mouse system, there might be only one object. On a multi-touch
- system, there could be one input source per potential finger.
- */
- MouseInputSource* getMouseSource (int index) const noexcept;
- /** Returns the main mouse input device that the system is using.
- @see getNumMouseSources()
- */
- MouseInputSource getMainMouseSource() const noexcept;
- /** Returns the number of mouse-sources that are currently being dragged.
- In a traditional single-mouse system, this will be 0 or 1, depending on whether a
- JUCE component has the button down on it. In a multi-touch system, this could
- be any number from 0 to the number of simultaneous touches that can be detected.
- */
- int getNumDraggingMouseSources() const noexcept;
- /** Returns one of the mouse sources that's currently being dragged.
- The index should be between 0 and getNumDraggingMouseSources() - 1. If the index is
- out of range, or if no mice or fingers are down, this will return a null pointer.
- */
- MouseInputSource* getDraggingMouseSource (int index) const noexcept;
- /** Ensures that a non-stop stream of mouse-drag events will be sent during the
- current mouse-drag operation.
- This allows you to make sure that mouseDrag() events are sent continuously, even
- when the mouse isn't moving. This can be useful for things like auto-scrolling
- components when the mouse is near an edge.
- Call this method during a mouseDown() or mouseDrag() callback, specifying the
- minimum interval between consecutive mouse drag callbacks. The callbacks
- will continue until the mouse is released, and then the interval will be reset,
- so you need to make sure it's called every time you begin a drag event.
- Passing an interval of 0 or less will cancel the auto-repeat.
- @see mouseDrag
- */
- void beginDragAutoRepeat (int millisecondsBetweenCallbacks);
- //==============================================================================
- /** In a tablet/mobile device which can be turned around, this is used to indicate the orientation. */
- enum DisplayOrientation
- {
- upright = 1, /**< Indicates that the device is the normal way up. */
- upsideDown = 2, /**< Indicates that the device is upside-down. */
- rotatedClockwise = 4, /**< Indicates that the device is turned 90 degrees clockwise from its upright position. */
- rotatedAntiClockwise = 8, /**< Indicates that the device is turned 90 degrees anti-clockwise from its upright position. */
- allOrientations = 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 /**< A combination of all the orientation values */
- };
- /** In a tablet device which can be turned around, this returns the current orientation. */
- DisplayOrientation getCurrentOrientation() const;
- /** Sets which orientations the display is allowed to auto-rotate to.
- For devices that support rotating desktops, this lets you specify which of the orientations your app can use.
- The parameter is a bitwise or-ed combination of the values in DisplayOrientation, and must contain at least one
- set bit.
- */
- void setOrientationsEnabled (int allowedOrientations);
- /** Returns the set of orientations the display is allowed to rotate to.
- @see setOrientationsEnabled
- */
- int getOrientationsEnabled() const noexcept;
- /** Returns whether the display is allowed to auto-rotate to the given orientation.
- Each orientation can be enabled using setOrientationEnabled(). By default, all orientations are allowed.
- */
- bool isOrientationEnabled (DisplayOrientation orientation) const noexcept;
- //==============================================================================
- const Displays& getDisplays() const noexcept { return *displays; }
- //==============================================================================
- /** Sets a global scale factor to be used for all desktop windows.
- Setting this will also scale the monitor sizes that are returned by getDisplays().
- */
- void setGlobalScaleFactor (float newScaleFactor) noexcept;
- /** Returns the current global scale factor, as set by setGlobalScaleFactor().
- @see setGlobalScaleFactor
- */
- float getGlobalScaleFactor() const noexcept { return masterScaleFactor; }
- //==============================================================================
- /** True if the OS supports semitransparent windows */
- static bool canUseSemiTransparentWindows() noexcept;
- #if JUCE_MAC
- /** OSX-specific function to check for the "dark" title-bar and menu mode. */
- static bool isOSXDarkModeActive();
- #endif
- private:
- //==============================================================================
- static Desktop* instance;
- friend class Component;
- friend class ComponentPeer;
- friend class MouseInputSourceInternal;
- friend class DeletedAtShutdown;
- friend class TopLevelWindowManager;
- friend class Displays;
- std::unique_ptr<MouseInputSource::SourceList> mouseSources;
- ListenerList<MouseListener> mouseListeners;
- ListenerList<FocusChangeListener> focusListeners;
- Array<Component*> desktopComponents;
- Array<ComponentPeer*> peers;
- std::unique_ptr<Displays> displays;
- Point<float> lastFakeMouseMove;
- void sendMouseMove();
- int mouseClickCounter = 0, mouseWheelCounter = 0;
- void incrementMouseClickCounter() noexcept;
- void incrementMouseWheelCounter() noexcept;
- std::unique_ptr<LookAndFeel> defaultLookAndFeel;
- WeakReference<LookAndFeel> currentLookAndFeel;
- Component* kioskModeComponent = nullptr;
- Rectangle<int> kioskComponentOriginalBounds;
- bool kioskModeReentrant = false;
- int allowedOrientations = allOrientations;
- void allowedOrientationsChanged();
- float masterScaleFactor;
- ComponentAnimator animator;
- void timerCallback() override;
- void resetTimer();
- ListenerList<MouseListener>& getMouseListeners();
- void addDesktopComponent (Component*);
- void removeDesktopComponent (Component*);
- void componentBroughtToFront (Component*);
- void setKioskComponent (Component*, bool shouldBeEnabled, bool allowMenusAndBars);
- void triggerFocusCallback();
- void handleAsyncUpdate() override;
- static Point<float> getMousePositionFloat();
- static double getDefaultMasterScale();
- Desktop();
- ~Desktop() override;
- };
- } // namespace juce