Audio plugin host
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

663 lines

  1. /*
  2. * Carla Standalone
  3. * Copyright (C) 2011-2020 Filipe Coelho <>
  4. *
  5. * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  6. * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
  7. * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
  8. * the License, or any later version.
  9. *
  10. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  11. * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  13. * GNU General Public License for more details.
  14. *
  15. * For a full copy of the GNU General Public License see the doc/GPL.txt file.
  16. */
  17. #include "CarlaHostImpl.hpp"
  18. #ifdef HAVE_LIBLO
  19. #define NSM_API_VERSION_MAJOR 1
  20. #define NSM_API_VERSION_MINOR 2
  21. // #define NSM_CLIENT_FEATURES ":switch:"
  22. #define NSM_CLIENT_FEATURES ":switch:optional-gui:"
  23. #include "CarlaOscUtils.hpp"
  24. #include "CarlaString.hpp"
  25. #include "water/files/File.h"
  26. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  27. class CarlaNSM
  28. {
  29. public:
  30. CarlaNSM(CarlaHostStandalone& shandle) noexcept
  31. : gStandalone(shandle),
  32. fReplyAddress(nullptr),
  33. fServer(nullptr),
  34. fServerThread(nullptr),
  35. fServerURL(nullptr),
  36. fClientNameId(),
  37. fProjectPath(),
  38. fHasBroadcast(false),
  39. fHasOptionalGui(false),
  40. fHasServerControl(false),
  41. fStarted(),
  42. fReadyActionOpen(true),
  43. fReadyActionSave(true) {}
  44. ~CarlaNSM()
  45. {
  46. CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT(fReadyActionOpen);
  47. CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT(fReadyActionSave);
  48. if (fServerThread != nullptr)
  49. {
  50. lo_server_thread_stop(fServerThread);
  51. lo_server_thread_free(fServerThread);
  52. fServerThread = nullptr;
  53. fServer = nullptr;
  54. }
  55. if (fServerURL != nullptr)
  56. {
  57. std::free(fServerURL);
  58. fServerURL = nullptr;
  59. }
  60. if (fReplyAddress != nullptr)
  61. {
  62. lo_address_free(fReplyAddress);
  63. fReplyAddress = nullptr;
  64. }
  65. }
  66. bool announce(const uint64_t pid, const char* const executableName)
  67. {
  68. CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(pid != 0, false);
  69. CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(executableName != nullptr && executableName[0] != '\0', false);
  70. const char* const NSM_URL(std::getenv("NSM_URL"));
  71. if (NSM_URL == nullptr)
  72. return false;
  73. const lo_address nsmAddress(lo_address_new_from_url(NSM_URL));
  74. CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(nsmAddress != nullptr, false);
  75. const int proto = lo_address_get_protocol(nsmAddress);
  76. if (fServerThread == nullptr)
  77. {
  78. // create new OSC server
  79. fServerThread = lo_server_thread_new_with_proto(nullptr, proto, _osc_error_handler);
  80. CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(fServerThread != nullptr, false);
  81. // register message handlers
  82. lo_server_thread_add_method(fServerThread, "/error", "sis", _error_handler, this);
  83. lo_server_thread_add_method(fServerThread, "/reply", "ssss", _reply_handler, this);
  84. lo_server_thread_add_method(fServerThread, "/nsm/client/open", "sss", _open_handler, this);
  85. lo_server_thread_add_method(fServerThread, "/nsm/client/save", "", _save_handler, this);
  86. lo_server_thread_add_method(fServerThread, "/nsm/client/session_is_loaded", "", _loaded_handler, this);
  87. lo_server_thread_add_method(fServerThread, "/nsm/client/show_optional_gui", "", _show_gui_handler, this);
  88. lo_server_thread_add_method(fServerThread, "/nsm/client/hide_optional_gui", "", _hide_gui_handler, this);
  89. lo_server_thread_add_method(fServerThread, nullptr, nullptr, _broadcast_handler, this);
  90. fServer = lo_server_thread_get_server(fServerThread);
  91. fServerURL = lo_server_thread_get_url(fServerThread);
  92. }
  93. const char* appName = std::getenv("CARLA_NSM_NAME");
  94. if (appName == nullptr)
  95. appName = "Carla";
  96. lo_send_from(nsmAddress, fServer, LO_TT_IMMEDIATE, "/nsm/server/announce", "sssiii",
  98. lo_address_free(nsmAddress);
  99. if (gStandalone.engineCallback != nullptr)
  100. {
  101. gStandalone.engineCallback(gStandalone.engineCallbackPtr,
  103. 0,
  105. 0, 0, 0.0f, nullptr);
  106. }
  107. return true;
  108. }
  109. void ready(const NsmCallbackOpcode action)
  110. {
  111. CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(fServerThread != nullptr,);
  112. switch (action)
  113. {
  114. case CB::NSM_CALLBACK_INIT:
  115. CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_BREAK(! fStarted);
  116. fStarted = true;
  117. lo_server_thread_start(fServerThread);
  118. break;
  120. break;
  122. break;
  123. case CB::NSM_CALLBACK_OPEN:
  124. fReadyActionOpen = true;
  125. break;
  126. case CB::NSM_CALLBACK_SAVE:
  127. fReadyActionSave = true;
  128. break;
  130. break;
  132. CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_BREAK(fReplyAddress != nullptr);
  133. CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_BREAK(fServer != nullptr);
  134. {
  135. // NOTE: lo_send_from is a macro that creates local variables
  136. lo_send_from(fReplyAddress, fServer, LO_TT_IMMEDIATE, "/nsm/client/gui_is_shown", "");
  137. }
  138. break;
  140. CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_BREAK(fReplyAddress != nullptr);
  141. CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_BREAK(fServer != nullptr);
  142. {
  143. // NOTE: lo_send_from is a macro that creates local variables
  144. lo_send_from(fReplyAddress, fServer, LO_TT_IMMEDIATE, "/nsm/client/gui_is_hidden", "");
  145. }
  146. break;
  147. }
  148. }
  149. static CarlaNSM& getInstance(CarlaHostStandalone& shandle)
  150. {
  151. static CarlaNSM sInstance(shandle);
  152. return sInstance;
  153. }
  154. protected:
  155. int handleError(const char* const method, const int code, const char* const message)
  156. {
  157. carla_stdout("CarlaNSM::handleError(\"%s\", %i, \"%s\")", method, code, message);
  158. if (gStandalone.engineCallback != nullptr)
  159. gStandalone.engineCallback(gStandalone.engineCallbackPtr,
  161. 0,
  163. code,
  164. 0, 0.0f,
  165. message);
  166. return 0;
  167. // may be unused
  168. (void)method;
  169. }
  170. int handleReply(const char* const method, const char* const message, const char* const smName, const char* const features,
  171. const lo_message msg)
  172. {
  173. CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(fServerThread != nullptr, 1);
  174. carla_stdout("CarlaNSM::handleReply(\"%s\", \"%s\", \"%s\", \"%s\")", method, message, smName, features);
  175. if (std::strcmp(method, "/nsm/server/announce") == 0)
  176. {
  177. const lo_address msgAddress(lo_message_get_source(msg));
  178. CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(msgAddress != nullptr, 0);
  179. char* const msgURL(lo_address_get_url(msgAddress));
  180. CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(msgURL != nullptr, 0);
  181. if (fReplyAddress != nullptr)
  182. lo_address_free(fReplyAddress);
  183. fReplyAddress = lo_address_new_from_url(msgURL);
  184. CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(fReplyAddress != nullptr, 0);
  185. fHasBroadcast = std::strstr(features, ":broadcast:") != nullptr;
  186. fHasOptionalGui = std::strstr(features, ":optional-gui:") != nullptr;
  187. fHasServerControl = std::strstr(features, ":server-control:") != nullptr;
  188. // UI starts hidden
  189. if (fHasOptionalGui)
  190. {
  191. // NOTE: lo_send_from is a macro that creates local variables
  192. lo_send_from(fReplyAddress, fServer, LO_TT_IMMEDIATE, "/nsm/client/gui_is_hidden", "");
  193. }
  194. carla_stdout("Carla started via '%s', message: %s", smName, message);
  195. if (gStandalone.engineCallback != nullptr)
  196. {
  197. int flags = 0;
  198. if (fHasBroadcast)
  199. flags |= 1 << 0;
  200. if (fHasOptionalGui)
  201. flags |= 1 << 1;
  202. if (fHasServerControl)
  203. flags |= 1 << 2;
  204. gStandalone.engineCallback(gStandalone.engineCallbackPtr,
  206. 0,
  208. flags,
  209. 0, 0.0f,
  210. smName);
  211. }
  212. std::free(msgURL);
  213. }
  214. else
  215. {
  216. carla_stdout("Got unknown NSM reply method '%s'", method);
  217. }
  218. return 0;
  219. }
  220. int handleOpen(const char* const projectPath, const char* const displayName, const char* const clientNameId)
  221. {
  222. CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(fReplyAddress != nullptr, 1);
  223. CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(fServer != nullptr, 1);
  224. carla_stdout("CarlaNSM::handleOpen(\"%s\", \"%s\", \"%s\")", projectPath, displayName, clientNameId);
  225. const CarlaHostHandle handle = (CarlaHostHandle)&gStandalone;
  226. carla_set_engine_option(handle, CB::ENGINE_OPTION_CLIENT_NAME_PREFIX, 0, clientNameId);
  227. if (gStandalone.engineCallback != nullptr)
  228. {
  229. fReadyActionOpen = false;
  230. gStandalone.engineCallback(gStandalone.engineCallbackPtr,
  232. 0,
  234. 0, 0, 0.0f,
  235. projectPath);
  236. for (; ! fReadyActionOpen;)
  237. carla_msleep(10);
  238. }
  239. else
  240. {
  241. using namespace water;
  242. if (carla_is_engine_running(handle))
  243. carla_engine_close(handle);
  244. // TODO send error if engine failed to initialize
  245. carla_engine_init(handle, "JACK", clientNameId);
  246. fProjectPath = projectPath;
  247. fProjectPath += ".carxp";
  248. const String jfilename = String(CharPointer_UTF8(fProjectPath));
  249. if (File(jfilename).existsAsFile())
  250. carla_load_project(handle, fProjectPath);
  251. }
  252. fClientNameId = clientNameId;
  253. lo_send_from(fReplyAddress, fServer, LO_TT_IMMEDIATE, "/reply", "ss", "/nsm/client/open", "OK");
  254. // Broadcast ourselves
  255. if (fHasBroadcast)
  256. {
  257. const char* appName = std::getenv("CARLA_NSM_NAME");
  258. if (appName == nullptr)
  259. appName = "Carla";
  260. lo_send_from(fReplyAddress, fServer, LO_TT_IMMEDIATE, "/nsm/server/broadcast", "sssss",
  261. "/non/hello", fServerURL, appName, CARLA_VERSION_STRING, fClientNameId.buffer());
  262. }
  263. return 0;
  264. }
  265. int handleSave()
  266. {
  267. CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(fReplyAddress != nullptr, 1);
  268. CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(fServer != nullptr, 1);
  269. carla_stdout("CarlaNSM::handleSave()");
  270. if (gStandalone.engineCallback != nullptr)
  271. {
  272. fReadyActionSave = false;
  273. gStandalone.engineCallback(gStandalone.engineCallbackPtr,
  275. 0,
  277. 0, 0, 0.0f, nullptr);
  278. for (; ! fReadyActionSave;)
  279. carla_msleep(10);
  280. }
  281. else
  282. {
  283. CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(fProjectPath.isNotEmpty(), 0);
  284. const CarlaHostHandle handle = (CarlaHostHandle)&gStandalone;
  285. carla_save_project(handle, fProjectPath);
  286. }
  287. lo_send_from(fReplyAddress, fServer, LO_TT_IMMEDIATE, "/reply", "ss", "/nsm/client/save", "OK");
  288. return 0;
  289. }
  290. int handleSessionIsLoaded()
  291. {
  292. CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(fReplyAddress != nullptr, 1);
  293. CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(fServer != nullptr, 1);
  294. carla_stdout("CarlaNSM::handleSessionIsLoaded()");
  295. if (gStandalone.engineCallback != nullptr)
  296. gStandalone.engineCallback(gStandalone.engineCallbackPtr,
  298. 0,
  300. 0, 0, 0.0f, nullptr);
  301. return 0;
  302. }
  303. int handleShowOptionalGui()
  304. {
  305. CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(fReplyAddress != nullptr, 1);
  306. CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(fServer != nullptr, 1);
  307. carla_stdout("CarlaNSM::handleShowOptionalGui()");
  308. if (gStandalone.engineCallback != nullptr)
  309. gStandalone.engineCallback(gStandalone.engineCallbackPtr,
  311. 0,
  313. 0, 0, 0.0f, nullptr);
  314. return 0;
  315. }
  316. int handleHideOptionalGui()
  317. {
  318. CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(fReplyAddress != nullptr, 1);
  319. CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(fServer != nullptr, 1);
  320. carla_stdout("CarlaNSM::handleHideOptionalGui()");
  321. if (gStandalone.engineCallback != nullptr)
  322. gStandalone.engineCallback(gStandalone.engineCallbackPtr,
  324. 0,
  326. 0, 0, 0.0f, nullptr);
  327. return 0;
  328. }
  329. int handleBroadcast(const char* const path, const char* const types, lo_arg** const argv, const int argc,
  330. const lo_message msg)
  331. {
  332. CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(fReplyAddress != nullptr, 1);
  333. CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(fServer != nullptr, 1);
  334. CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(argc >= 0, 0);
  335. carla_stdout("CarlaNSM::handleBroadcast(%s, %s, %p, %i)", path, types, argv, argc);
  336. #if 0
  337. if (std::strcmp(path, "/non/hello") == 0)
  338. {
  339. CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(argc == 4, 0);
  340. CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(std::strcmp(types, "ssss") == 0, 0);
  341. const char* const url = &argv[0]->s;
  342. //const char* const name = &argv[1]->s;
  343. //const char* const version = &argv[2]->s;
  344. //const char* const clientId = &argv[3]->s;
  345. const lo_address targetAddress(lo_address_new_from_url(url));
  346. CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(targetAddress != nullptr, 0);
  347. lo_send_from(targetAddress, fServer, LO_TT_IMMEDIATE, "/signal/hello", "ss",
  348. fClientNameId.buffer(), fServerURL);
  349. lo_address_free(targetAddress);
  350. return 0;
  351. }
  352. if (std::strcmp(path, "/signal/hello") == 0)
  353. {
  354. //const char* const name = &argv[0]->s;
  355. const char* const url = &argv[1]->s;
  356. const lo_address targetAddress(lo_address_new_from_url(url));
  357. CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(targetAddress != nullptr, 0);
  358. lo_send_from(targetAddress, fServer, LO_TT_IMMEDIATE, "/signal/hello", "ss",
  359. fClientNameId.buffer(), fServerURL);
  360. lo_address_free(targetAddress);
  361. return 0;
  362. }
  363. if (std::strcmp(path, "/signal/list") == 0)
  364. {
  365. carla_stdout("CarlaNSM::handleBroadcast - got list");
  366. CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(carla_is_engine_running(), 0);
  367. const char* prefix = nullptr;
  368. if (argc > 0)
  369. prefix = &argv[0]->s;
  370. const lo_address msgAddress(lo_message_get_source(msg));
  371. CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(msgAddress != nullptr, 0);
  372. for (uint32_t i = 0, pluginCount = carla_get_current_plugin_count(); i < pluginCount; ++i)
  373. {
  374. const CarlaPluginInfo* const pluginInfo(carla_get_plugin_info(i));
  375. CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_CONTINUE(pluginInfo != nullptr);
  376. /*const*/ CarlaString pluginNameId(fClientNameId + "/" + CarlaString(pluginInfo->name).replace('/','_') + "/");
  377. for (uint32_t j=0, paramCount = carla_get_parameter_count(i); j < paramCount; ++j)
  378. {
  379. const CarlaParameterInfo* const paramInfo(carla_get_parameter_info(i, j));
  380. CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_CONTINUE(paramInfo != nullptr);
  381. const ParameterData* const paramData(carla_get_parameter_data(i, j));
  382. CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_CONTINUE(paramData != nullptr);
  383. const ParameterRanges* const paramRanges(carla_get_parameter_ranges(i, j));
  384. CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_CONTINUE(paramRanges != nullptr);
  385. if (paramData->type != CB::PARAMETER_INPUT /*&& paramData->type != CB::PARAMETER_OUTPUT*/)
  386. continue;
  387. if ((paramData->hints & CB::PARAMETER_IS_ENABLED) == 0)
  388. continue;
  389. if ((paramData->hints & CB::PARAMETER_IS_AUTOMABLE) == 0)
  390. continue;
  391. if (paramData->hints & CB::PARAMETER_IS_READ_ONLY)
  392. continue;
  393. const char* const dir = paramData->type == CB::PARAMETER_INPUT ? "in" : "out";
  394. const CarlaString paramNameId = pluginNameId + CarlaString(paramInfo->name).replace('/','_');
  395. const float defNorm = paramRanges->getNormalizedValue(paramRanges->def);
  396. if (prefix == nullptr || std::strncmp(paramNameId, prefix, std::strlen(prefix)) == 0)
  397. {
  398. lo_send_from(msgAddress, fServer, LO_TT_IMMEDIATE, "/reply", "sssfff",
  399. path, paramNameId.buffer(), dir, 0.0f, 1.0f, defNorm);
  400. }
  401. }
  402. }
  403. lo_send_from(msgAddress, fServer, LO_TT_IMMEDIATE, "/reply", "s", path);
  404. //return 0;
  405. }
  406. for (int i=0; i<argc; ++i)
  407. if (types[i] == 's')
  408. carla_stdout("%i: %s", i+1, &argv[i]->s);
  409. #endif
  410. return 0;
  411. // unused
  412. (void)msg;
  413. }
  414. private:
  415. CarlaHostStandalone& gStandalone;
  416. lo_address fReplyAddress;
  417. lo_server fServer;
  418. lo_server_thread fServerThread;
  419. char* fServerURL;
  420. CarlaString fClientNameId;
  421. CarlaString fProjectPath;
  422. bool fHasBroadcast;
  423. bool fHasOptionalGui;
  424. bool fHasServerControl;
  425. bool fStarted;
  426. volatile bool fReadyActionOpen;
  427. volatile bool fReadyActionSave;
  428. #define handlePtr ((CarlaNSM*)data)
  429. static void _osc_error_handler(int num, const char* msg, const char* path)
  430. {
  431. carla_stderr2("CarlaNSM::_osc_error_handler(%i, \"%s\", \"%s\")", num, msg, path);
  432. }
  433. static int _error_handler(const char*, const char* types, lo_arg** argv, int argc, lo_message, void* data)
  434. {
  435. CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(argc == 3, 1);
  436. CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(std::strcmp(types, "sis") == 0, 1);
  437. const char* const method = &argv[0]->s;
  438. const int code = argv[1]->i;
  439. const char* const message = &argv[2]->s;
  440. return handlePtr->handleError(method, code, message);
  441. }
  442. static int _reply_handler(const char*, const char* types, lo_arg** argv, int argc, lo_message msg, void* data)
  443. {
  444. CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(argc == 4, 1);
  445. CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(std::strcmp(types, "ssss") == 0, 1);
  446. const char* const method = &argv[0]->s;
  447. const char* const message = &argv[1]->s;
  448. const char* const smName = &argv[2]->s;
  449. const char* const features = &argv[3]->s;
  450. return handlePtr->handleReply(method, message, smName, features, msg);
  451. }
  452. static int _open_handler(const char*, const char* types, lo_arg** argv, int argc, lo_message, void* data)
  453. {
  454. CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(argc == 3, 1);
  455. CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(std::strcmp(types, "sss") == 0, 1);
  456. const char* const projectPath = &argv[0]->s;
  457. const char* const displayName = &argv[1]->s;
  458. const char* const clientNameId = &argv[2]->s;
  459. return handlePtr->handleOpen(projectPath, displayName, clientNameId);
  460. }
  461. static int _save_handler(const char*, const char*, lo_arg**, int argc, lo_message, void* data)
  462. {
  463. CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(argc == 0, 1);
  464. return handlePtr->handleSave();
  465. }
  466. static int _loaded_handler(const char*, const char*, lo_arg**, int argc, lo_message, void* data)
  467. {
  468. CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(argc == 0, 1);
  469. return handlePtr->handleSessionIsLoaded();
  470. }
  471. static int _show_gui_handler(const char*, const char*, lo_arg**, int argc, lo_message, void* data)
  472. {
  473. CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(argc == 0, 1);
  474. return handlePtr->handleShowOptionalGui();
  475. }
  476. static int _hide_gui_handler(const char*, const char*, lo_arg**, int argc, lo_message, void* data)
  477. {
  478. CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(argc == 0, 1);
  479. return handlePtr->handleHideOptionalGui();
  480. }
  481. static int _broadcast_handler(const char* path, const char* types, lo_arg** argv, int argc, lo_message msg, void* data)
  482. {
  483. return handlePtr->handleBroadcast(path, types, argv, argc, msg);
  484. }
  485. #undef handlePtr
  488. };
  489. #endif // HAVE_LIBLO
  490. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  491. bool carla_nsm_init(CarlaHostHandle handle, uint64_t pid, const char* executableName)
  492. {
  493. CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(handle->isStandalone, false);
  494. #ifdef HAVE_LIBLO
  495. return CarlaNSM::getInstance(*(CarlaHostStandalone*)handle).announce(pid, executableName);
  496. #else
  497. return false;
  498. // unused
  499. (void)pid; (void)executableName;
  500. #endif
  501. }
  502. void carla_nsm_ready(CarlaHostHandle handle, NsmCallbackOpcode action)
  503. {
  504. CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(handle->isStandalone,);
  505. #ifdef HAVE_LIBLO
  506. CarlaNSM::getInstance(*(CarlaHostStandalone*)handle).ready(action);
  507. #else
  508. // unused
  509. return; (void)action;
  510. #endif
  511. }
  512. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------