- /*
- ==============================================================================
- This file is part of the JUCE library.
- Copyright (c) 2013 - Raw Material Software Ltd.
- Permission is granted to use this software under the terms of either:
- a) the GPL v2 (or any later version)
- b) the Affero GPL v3
- Details of these licenses can be found at: www.gnu.org/licenses
- JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
- A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- To release a closed-source product which uses JUCE, commercial licenses are
- available: visit www.juce.com for more information.
- ==============================================================================
- */
- class ImageType;
- class ImagePixelData;
- //==============================================================================
- /**
- Holds a fixed-size bitmap.
- The image is stored in either 24-bit RGB or 32-bit premultiplied-ARGB format.
- To draw into an image, create a Graphics object for it.
- e.g. @code
- // create a transparent 500x500 image..
- Image myImage (Image::RGB, 500, 500, true);
- Graphics g (myImage);
- g.setColour (Colours::red);
- g.fillEllipse (20, 20, 300, 200); // draws a red ellipse in our image.
- @endcode
- Other useful ways to create an image are with the ImageCache class, or the
- ImageFileFormat, which provides a way to load common image files.
- @see Graphics, ImageFileFormat, ImageCache, ImageConvolutionKernel
- */
- class JUCE_API Image
- {
- public:
- //==============================================================================
- /**
- */
- enum PixelFormat
- {
- UnknownFormat,
- RGB, /**<< each pixel is a 3-byte packed RGB colour value. For byte order, see the PixelRGB class. */
- ARGB, /**<< each pixel is a 4-byte ARGB premultiplied colour value. For byte order, see the PixelARGB class. */
- SingleChannel /**<< each pixel is a 1-byte alpha channel value. */
- };
- //==============================================================================
- /** Creates a null image. */
- Image() noexcept;
- /** Creates an image with a specified size and format.
- The image's internal type will be of the NativeImageType class - to specify a
- different type, use the other constructor, which takes an ImageType to use.
- @param format the number of colour channels in the image
- @param imageWidth the desired width of the image, in pixels - this value must be
- greater than zero (otherwise a width of 1 will be used)
- @param imageHeight the desired width of the image, in pixels - this value must be
- greater than zero (otherwise a height of 1 will be used)
- @param clearImage if true, the image will initially be cleared to black (if it's RGB)
- or transparent black (if it's ARGB). If false, the image may contain
- junk initially, so you need to make sure you overwrite it thoroughly.
- */
- Image (PixelFormat format, int imageWidth, int imageHeight, bool clearImage);
- /** Creates an image with a specified size and format.
- @param format the number of colour channels in the image
- @param imageWidth the desired width of the image, in pixels - this value must be
- greater than zero (otherwise a width of 1 will be used)
- @param imageHeight the desired width of the image, in pixels - this value must be
- greater than zero (otherwise a height of 1 will be used)
- @param clearImage if true, the image will initially be cleared to black (if it's RGB)
- or transparent black (if it's ARGB). If false, the image may contain
- junk initially, so you need to make sure you overwrite it thoroughly.
- @param type the type of image - this lets you specify the internal format that will
- be used to allocate and manage the image data.
- */
- Image (PixelFormat format, int imageWidth, int imageHeight, bool clearImage, const ImageType& type);
- /** Creates a shared reference to another image.
- This won't create a duplicate of the image - when Image objects are copied, they simply
- point to the same shared image data. To make sure that an Image object has its own unique,
- unshared internal data, call duplicateIfShared().
- */
- Image (const Image&) noexcept;
- /** Makes this image refer to the same underlying image as another object.
- This won't create a duplicate of the image - when Image objects are copied, they simply
- point to the same shared image data. To make sure that an Image object has its own unique,
- unshared internal data, call duplicateIfShared().
- */
- Image& operator= (const Image&);
- Image (Image&&) noexcept;
- Image& operator= (Image&&) noexcept;
- #endif
- /** Destructor. */
- ~Image();
- /** Returns true if the two images are referring to the same internal, shared image. */
- bool operator== (const Image& other) const noexcept { return image == other.image; }
- /** Returns true if the two images are not referring to the same internal, shared image. */
- bool operator!= (const Image& other) const noexcept { return image != other.image; }
- /** Returns true if this image isn't null.
- If you create an Image with the default constructor, it has no size or content, and is null
- until you reassign it to an Image which contains some actual data.
- The isNull() method is the opposite of isValid().
- @see isNull
- */
- inline bool isValid() const noexcept { return image != nullptr; }
- /** Returns true if this image is not valid.
- If you create an Image with the default constructor, it has no size or content, and is null
- until you reassign it to an Image which contains some actual data.
- The isNull() method is the opposite of isValid().
- @see isValid
- */
- inline bool isNull() const noexcept { return image == nullptr; }
- /** A null Image object that can be used when you need to return an invalid image.
- This object is the equivalient to an Image created with the default constructor.
- */
- static const Image null;
- //==============================================================================
- /** Returns the image's width (in pixels). */
- int getWidth() const noexcept;
- /** Returns the image's height (in pixels). */
- int getHeight() const noexcept;
- /** Returns a rectangle with the same size as this image.
- The rectangle's origin is always (0, 0).
- */
- Rectangle<int> getBounds() const noexcept;
- /** Returns the image's pixel format. */
- PixelFormat getFormat() const noexcept;
- /** True if the image's format is ARGB. */
- bool isARGB() const noexcept;
- /** True if the image's format is RGB. */
- bool isRGB() const noexcept;
- /** True if the image's format is a single-channel alpha map. */
- bool isSingleChannel() const noexcept;
- /** True if the image contains an alpha-channel. */
- bool hasAlphaChannel() const noexcept;
- //==============================================================================
- /** Clears a section of the image with a given colour.
- This won't do any alpha-blending - it just sets all pixels in the image to
- the given colour (which may be non-opaque if the image has an alpha channel).
- */
- void clear (const Rectangle<int>& area, Colour colourToClearTo = Colour (0x00000000));
- /** Returns a rescaled version of this image.
- A new image is returned which is a copy of this one, rescaled to the given size.
- Note that if the new size is identical to the existing image, this will just return
- a reference to the original image, and won't actually create a duplicate.
- */
- Image rescaled (int newWidth, int newHeight,
- Graphics::ResamplingQuality quality = Graphics::mediumResamplingQuality) const;
- /** Creates a copy of this image.
- Note that it's usually more efficient to use duplicateIfShared(), because it may not be necessary
- to copy an image if nothing else is using it.
- @see getReferenceCount
- */
- Image createCopy() const;
- /** Returns a version of this image with a different image format.
- A new image is returned which has been converted to the specified format.
- Note that if the new format is no different to the current one, this will just return
- a reference to the original image, and won't actually create a copy.
- */
- Image convertedToFormat (PixelFormat newFormat) const;
- /** Makes sure that no other Image objects share the same underlying data as this one.
- If no other Image objects refer to the same shared data as this one, this method has no
- effect. But if there are other references to the data, this will create a new copy of
- the data internally.
- Call this if you want to draw onto the image, but want to make sure that this doesn't
- affect any other code that may be sharing the same data.
- @see getReferenceCount
- */
- void duplicateIfShared();
- /** Returns an image which refers to a subsection of this image.
- This will not make a copy of the original - the new image will keep a reference to it, so that
- if the original image is changed, the contents of the subsection will also change. Likewise if you
- draw into the subimage, you'll also be drawing onto that area of the original image. Note that if
- you use operator= to make the original Image object refer to something else, the subsection image
- won't pick up this change, it'll remain pointing at the original.
- The area passed-in will be clipped to the bounds of this image, so this may return a smaller
- image than the area you asked for, or even a null image if the area was out-of-bounds.
- */
- Image getClippedImage (const Rectangle<int>& area) const;
- //==============================================================================
- /** Returns the colour of one of the pixels in the image.
- If the coordinates given are beyond the image's boundaries, this will
- return Colours::transparentBlack.
- @see setPixelAt, Image::BitmapData::getPixelColour
- */
- Colour getPixelAt (int x, int y) const;
- /** Sets the colour of one of the image's pixels.
- If the coordinates are beyond the image's boundaries, then nothing will happen.
- Note that this won't do any alpha-blending, it'll just replace the existing pixel
- with the given one. The colour's opacity will be ignored if this image doesn't have
- an alpha-channel.
- @see getPixelAt, Image::BitmapData::setPixelColour
- */
- void setPixelAt (int x, int y, Colour colour);
- /** Changes the opacity of a pixel.
- This only has an effect if the image has an alpha channel and if the
- given coordinates are inside the image's boundary.
- The multiplier must be in the range 0 to 1.0, and the current alpha
- at the given coordinates will be multiplied by this value.
- @see setPixelAt
- */
- void multiplyAlphaAt (int x, int y, float multiplier);
- /** Changes the overall opacity of the image.
- This will multiply the alpha value of each pixel in the image by the given
- amount (limiting the resulting alpha values between 0 and 255). This allows
- you to make an image more or less transparent.
- If the image doesn't have an alpha channel, this won't have any effect.
- */
- void multiplyAllAlphas (float amountToMultiplyBy);
- /** Changes all the colours to be shades of grey, based on their current luminosity.
- */
- void desaturate();
- //==============================================================================
- /** Retrieves a section of an image as raw pixel data, so it can be read or written to.
- You should only use this class as a last resort - messing about with the internals of
- an image is only recommended for people who really know what they're doing!
- A BitmapData object should be used as a temporary, stack-based object. Don't keep one
- hanging around while the image is being used elsewhere.
- Depending on the way the image class is implemented, this may create a temporary buffer
- which is copied back to the image when the object is deleted, or it may just get a pointer
- directly into the image's raw data.
- You can use the stride and data values in this class directly, but don't alter them!
- The actual format of the pixel data depends on the image's format - see Image::getFormat(),
- and the PixelRGB, PixelARGB and PixelAlpha classes for more info.
- */
- class JUCE_API BitmapData
- {
- public:
- enum ReadWriteMode
- {
- readOnly,
- writeOnly,
- readWrite
- };
- BitmapData (Image& image, int x, int y, int w, int h, ReadWriteMode mode);
- BitmapData (const Image& image, int x, int y, int w, int h);
- BitmapData (const Image& image, ReadWriteMode mode);
- ~BitmapData();
- /** Returns a pointer to the start of a line in the image.
- The coordinate you provide here isn't checked, so it's the caller's responsibility to make
- sure it's not out-of-range.
- */
- inline uint8* getLinePointer (int y) const noexcept { return data + y * lineStride; }
- /** Returns a pointer to a pixel in the image.
- The coordinates you give here are not checked, so it's the caller's responsibility to make sure they're
- not out-of-range.
- */
- inline uint8* getPixelPointer (int x, int y) const noexcept { return data + y * lineStride + x * pixelStride; }
- /** Returns the colour of a given pixel.
- For performance reasons, this won't do any bounds-checking on the coordinates, so it's the caller's
- repsonsibility to make sure they're within the image's size.
- */
- Colour getPixelColour (int x, int y) const noexcept;
- /** Sets the colour of a given pixel.
- For performance reasons, this won't do any bounds-checking on the coordinates, so it's the caller's
- repsonsibility to make sure they're within the image's size.
- */
- void setPixelColour (int x, int y, Colour colour) const noexcept;
- /** Returns the size of the bitmap. */
- Rectangle<int> getBounds() const noexcept { return Rectangle<int> (width, height); }
- uint8* data; /**< The raw pixel data, packed according to the image's pixel format. */
- PixelFormat pixelFormat; /**< The format of the data. */
- int lineStride; /**< The number of bytes between each line. */
- int pixelStride; /**< The number of bytes between each pixel. */
- int width, height;
- //==============================================================================
- /** Used internally by custom image types to manage pixel data lifetime. */
- class BitmapDataReleaser
- {
- protected:
- BitmapDataReleaser() {}
- public:
- virtual ~BitmapDataReleaser() {}
- };
- ScopedPointer<BitmapDataReleaser> dataReleaser;
- private:
- };
- //==============================================================================
- /** Copies a section of the image to somewhere else within itself. */
- void moveImageSection (int destX, int destY,
- int sourceX, int sourceY,
- int width, int height);
- /** Creates a RectangleList containing rectangles for all non-transparent pixels
- of the image.
- @param result the list that will have the area added to it
- @param alphaThreshold for a semi-transparent image, any pixels whose alpha is
- above this level will be considered opaque
- */
- void createSolidAreaMask (RectangleList<int>& result, float alphaThreshold) const;
- //==============================================================================
- /** Returns a NamedValueSet that is attached to the image and which can be used for
- associating custom values with it.
- If this is a null image, this will return a null pointer.
- */
- NamedValueSet* getProperties() const;
- //==============================================================================
- /** Creates a context suitable for drawing onto this image.
- Don't call this method directly! It's used internally by the Graphics class.
- */
- LowLevelGraphicsContext* createLowLevelContext() const;
- /** Returns the number of Image objects which are currently referring to the same internal
- shared image data.
- @see duplicateIfShared
- */
- int getReferenceCount() const noexcept;
- //==============================================================================
- /** @internal */
- ImagePixelData* getPixelData() const noexcept { return image; }
- /** @internal */
- explicit Image (ImagePixelData*) noexcept;
- private:
- //==============================================================================
- ReferenceCountedObjectPtr<ImagePixelData> image;
- };
- //==============================================================================
- /**
- This is a base class for holding image data in implementation-specific ways.
- You may never need to use this class directly - it's used internally
- by the Image class to store the actual image data. To access pixel data directly,
- you should use Image::BitmapData rather than this class.
- ImagePixelData objects are created indirectly, by subclasses of ImageType.
- @see Image, ImageType
- */
- class JUCE_API ImagePixelData : public ReferenceCountedObject
- {
- public:
- ImagePixelData (Image::PixelFormat, int width, int height);
- ~ImagePixelData();
- /** Creates a context that will draw into this image. */
- virtual LowLevelGraphicsContext* createLowLevelContext() = 0;
- /** Creates a copy of this image. */
- virtual ImagePixelData* clone() = 0;
- /** Creates an instance of the type of this image. */
- virtual ImageType* createType() const = 0;
- /** Initialises a BitmapData object. */
- virtual void initialiseBitmapData (Image::BitmapData&, int x, int y, Image::BitmapData::ReadWriteMode) = 0;
- /** Returns the number of Image objects which are currently referring to the same internal
- shared image data. This is different to the reference count as an instance of ImagePixelData
- can internally depend on another ImagePixelData via it's member variables. */
- virtual int getSharedCount() const noexcept;
- /** The pixel format of the image data. */
- const Image::PixelFormat pixelFormat;
- const int width, height;
- /** User-defined settings that are attached to this image.
- @see Image::getProperties().
- */
- NamedValueSet userData;
- typedef ReferenceCountedObjectPtr<ImagePixelData> Ptr;
- //==============================================================================
- struct Listener
- {
- virtual ~Listener() {}
- virtual void imageDataChanged (ImagePixelData*) = 0;
- virtual void imageDataBeingDeleted (ImagePixelData*) = 0;
- };
- ListenerList<Listener> listeners;
- void sendDataChangeMessage();
- private:
- };
- //==============================================================================
- /**
- This base class is for handlers that control a type of image manipulation format,
- e.g. an in-memory bitmap, an OpenGL image, CoreGraphics image, etc.
- @see SoftwareImageType, NativeImageType, OpenGLImageType
- */
- class JUCE_API ImageType
- {
- public:
- ImageType();
- virtual ~ImageType();
- /** Creates a new image of this type, and the specified parameters. */
- virtual ImagePixelData::Ptr create (Image::PixelFormat format, int width, int height, bool shouldClearImage) const = 0;
- /** Must return a unique number to identify this type. */
- virtual int getTypeID() const = 0;
- /** Returns an image which is a copy of the source image, but using this type of storage mechanism.
- For example, to make sure that an image is stored in-memory, you could use:
- @code myImage = SoftwareImageType().convert (myImage); @endcode
- */
- virtual Image convert (const Image& source) const;
- };
- //==============================================================================
- /**
- An image storage type which holds the pixels in-memory as a simple block of values.
- @see ImageType, NativeImageType
- */
- class JUCE_API SoftwareImageType : public ImageType
- {
- public:
- SoftwareImageType();
- ~SoftwareImageType();
- ImagePixelData::Ptr create (Image::PixelFormat, int width, int height, bool clearImage) const override;
- int getTypeID() const override;
- };
- //==============================================================================
- /**
- An image storage type which holds the pixels using whatever is the default storage
- format on the current platform.
- @see ImageType, SoftwareImageType
- */
- class JUCE_API NativeImageType : public ImageType
- {
- public:
- NativeImageType();
- ~NativeImageType();
- ImagePixelData::Ptr create (Image::PixelFormat, int width, int height, bool clearImage) const override;
- int getTypeID() const override;
- };