- /*
- ==============================================================================
- This file is part of the JUCE library.
- Copyright (c) 2013 - Raw Material Software Ltd.
- Permission is granted to use this software under the terms of either:
- a) the GPL v2 (or any later version)
- b) the Affero GPL v3
- Details of these licenses can be found at: www.gnu.org/licenses
- JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
- A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- To release a closed-source product which uses JUCE, commercial licenses are
- available: visit www.juce.com for more information.
- ==============================================================================
- */
- //==============================================================================
- /**
- Contains position and status information about a mouse event.
- @see MouseListener, Component::mouseMove, Component::mouseEnter, Component::mouseExit,
- Component::mouseDown, Component::mouseUp, Component::mouseDrag
- */
- class JUCE_API MouseEvent
- {
- public:
- //==============================================================================
- /** Creates a MouseEvent.
- Normally an application will never need to use this.
- @param source the source that's invoking the event
- @param position the position of the mouse, relative to the component that is passed-in
- @param modifiers the key modifiers at the time of the event
- @param eventComponent the component that the mouse event applies to
- @param originator the component that originally received the event
- @param eventTime the time the event happened
- @param mouseDownPos the position of the corresponding mouse-down event (relative to the component that is passed-in).
- If there isn't a corresponding mouse-down (e.g. for a mouse-move), this will just be
- the same as the current mouse-x position.
- @param mouseDownTime the time at which the corresponding mouse-down event happened
- If there isn't a corresponding mouse-down (e.g. for a mouse-move), this will just be
- the same as the current mouse-event time.
- @param numberOfClicks how many clicks, e.g. a double-click event will be 2, a triple-click will be 3, etc
- @param mouseWasDragged whether the mouse has been dragged significantly since the previous mouse-down
- */
- MouseEvent (MouseInputSource source,
- Point<float> position,
- ModifierKeys modifiers,
- Component* eventComponent,
- Component* originator,
- Time eventTime,
- Point<float> mouseDownPos,
- Time mouseDownTime,
- int numberOfClicks,
- bool mouseWasDragged) noexcept;
- /** Destructor. */
- ~MouseEvent() noexcept;
- //==============================================================================
- /** The position of the mouse when the event occurred.
- This value is relative to the top-left of the component to which the
- event applies (as indicated by the MouseEvent::eventComponent field).
- This is a more accurate floating-point version of the position returned by
- getPosition() and the integer x and y member variables.
- */
- const Point<float> position;
- /** The x-position of the mouse when the event occurred.
- This value is relative to the top-left of the component to which the
- event applies (as indicated by the MouseEvent::eventComponent field).
- For a floating-point coordinate, see MouseEvent::position
- */
- const int x;
- /** The y-position of the mouse when the event occurred.
- This value is relative to the top-left of the component to which the
- event applies (as indicated by the MouseEvent::eventComponent field).
- For a floating-point coordinate, see MouseEvent::position
- */
- const int y;
- /** The key modifiers associated with the event.
- This will let you find out which mouse buttons were down, as well as which
- modifier keys were held down.
- When used for mouse-up events, this will indicate the state of the mouse buttons
- just before they were released, so that you can tell which button they let go of.
- */
- const ModifierKeys mods;
- /** The component that this event applies to.
- This is usually the component that the mouse was over at the time, but for mouse-drag
- events the mouse could actually be over a different component and the events are
- still sent to the component that the button was originally pressed on.
- The x and y member variables are relative to this component's position.
- If you use getEventRelativeTo() to retarget this object to be relative to a different
- component, this pointer will be updated, but originalComponent remains unchanged.
- @see originalComponent
- */
- Component* const eventComponent;
- /** The component that the event first occurred on.
- If you use getEventRelativeTo() to retarget this object to be relative to a different
- component, this value remains unchanged to indicate the first component that received it.
- @see eventComponent
- */
- Component* const originalComponent;
- /** The time that this mouse-event occurred. */
- const Time eventTime;
- /** The time that the corresponding mouse-down event occurred. */
- const Time mouseDownTime;
- /** The source device that generated this event. */
- MouseInputSource source;
- //==============================================================================
- /** Returns the x coordinate of the last place that a mouse was pressed.
- The coordinate is relative to the component specified in MouseEvent::component.
- @see getDistanceFromDragStart, getDistanceFromDragStartX, mouseWasClicked
- */
- int getMouseDownX() const noexcept;
- /** Returns the y coordinate of the last place that a mouse was pressed.
- The coordinate is relative to the component specified in MouseEvent::component.
- @see getDistanceFromDragStart, getDistanceFromDragStartX, mouseWasClicked
- */
- int getMouseDownY() const noexcept;
- /** Returns the coordinates of the last place that a mouse was pressed.
- The coordinates are relative to the component specified in MouseEvent::component.
- @see getDistanceFromDragStart, getDistanceFromDragStartX, mouseWasClicked
- */
- Point<int> getMouseDownPosition() const noexcept;
- /** Returns the straight-line distance between where the mouse is now and where it
- was the last time the button was pressed.
- This is quite handy for things like deciding whether the user has moved far enough
- for it to be considered a drag operation.
- @see getDistanceFromDragStartX
- */
- int getDistanceFromDragStart() const noexcept;
- /** Returns the difference between the mouse's current x postion and where it was
- when the button was last pressed.
- @see getDistanceFromDragStart
- */
- int getDistanceFromDragStartX() const noexcept;
- /** Returns the difference between the mouse's current y postion and where it was
- when the button was last pressed.
- @see getDistanceFromDragStart
- */
- int getDistanceFromDragStartY() const noexcept;
- /** Returns the difference between the mouse's current postion and where it was
- when the button was last pressed.
- @see getDistanceFromDragStart
- */
- Point<int> getOffsetFromDragStart() const noexcept;
- /** Returns true if the mouse has just been clicked.
- Used in either your mouseUp() or mouseDrag() methods, this will tell you whether
- the user has dragged the mouse more than a few pixels from the place where the
- mouse-down occurred.
- Once they have dragged it far enough for this method to return false, it will continue
- to return false until the mouse-up, even if they move the mouse back to the same
- position where they originally pressed it. This means that it's very handy for
- objects that can either be clicked on or dragged, as you can use it in the mouseDrag()
- callback to ignore any small movements they might make while clicking.
- @returns true if the mouse wasn't dragged by more than a few pixels between
- the last time the button was pressed and released.
- */
- bool mouseWasClicked() const noexcept;
- /** For a click event, the number of times the mouse was clicked in succession.
- So for example a double-click event will return 2, a triple-click 3, etc.
- */
- int getNumberOfClicks() const noexcept { return numberOfClicks; }
- /** Returns the time that the mouse button has been held down for.
- If called from a mouseDrag or mouseUp callback, this will return the
- number of milliseconds since the corresponding mouseDown event occurred.
- If called in other contexts, e.g. a mouseMove, then the returned value
- may be 0 or an undefined value.
- */
- int getLengthOfMousePress() const noexcept;
- //==============================================================================
- /** The position of the mouse when the event occurred.
- This position is relative to the top-left of the component to which the
- event applies (as indicated by the MouseEvent::eventComponent field).
- For a floating-point position, see MouseEvent::position
- */
- Point<int> getPosition() const noexcept;
- /** Returns the mouse x position of this event, in global screen coordinates.
- The coordinates are relative to the top-left of the main monitor.
- @see getScreenPosition
- */
- int getScreenX() const;
- /** Returns the mouse y position of this event, in global screen coordinates.
- The coordinates are relative to the top-left of the main monitor.
- @see getScreenPosition
- */
- int getScreenY() const;
- /** Returns the mouse position of this event, in global screen coordinates.
- The coordinates are relative to the top-left of the main monitor.
- @see getMouseDownScreenPosition
- */
- Point<int> getScreenPosition() const;
- /** Returns the x coordinate at which the mouse button was last pressed.
- The coordinates are relative to the top-left of the main monitor.
- @see getMouseDownScreenPosition
- */
- int getMouseDownScreenX() const;
- /** Returns the y coordinate at which the mouse button was last pressed.
- The coordinates are relative to the top-left of the main monitor.
- @see getMouseDownScreenPosition
- */
- int getMouseDownScreenY() const;
- /** Returns the coordinates at which the mouse button was last pressed.
- The coordinates are relative to the top-left of the main monitor.
- @see getScreenPosition
- */
- Point<int> getMouseDownScreenPosition() const;
- //==============================================================================
- /** Creates a version of this event that is relative to a different component.
- The x and y positions of the event that is returned will have been
- adjusted to be relative to the new component.
- The component pointer that is passed-in must not be null.
- */
- MouseEvent getEventRelativeTo (Component* newComponent) const noexcept;
- /** Creates a copy of this event with a different position.
- All other members of the event object are the same, but the x and y are
- replaced with these new values.
- */
- MouseEvent withNewPosition (Point<float> newPosition) const noexcept;
- /** Creates a copy of this event with a different position.
- All other members of the event object are the same, but the x and y are
- replaced with these new values.
- */
- MouseEvent withNewPosition (Point<int> newPosition) const noexcept;
- //==============================================================================
- /** Changes the application-wide setting for the double-click time limit.
- This is the maximum length of time between mouse-clicks for it to be
- considered a double-click. It's used by the Component class.
- @see getDoubleClickTimeout, MouseListener::mouseDoubleClick
- */
- static void setDoubleClickTimeout (int timeOutMilliseconds) noexcept;
- /** Returns the application-wide setting for the double-click time limit.
- This is the maximum length of time between mouse-clicks for it to be
- considered a double-click. It's used by the Component class.
- @see setDoubleClickTimeout, MouseListener::mouseDoubleClick
- */
- static int getDoubleClickTimeout() noexcept;
- private:
- //==============================================================================
- const Point<float> mouseDownPos;
- const uint8 numberOfClicks, wasMovedSinceMouseDown;
- MouseEvent& operator= (const MouseEvent&);
- };
- //==============================================================================
- /**
- Contains status information about a mouse wheel event.
- @see MouseListener, MouseEvent
- */
- struct MouseWheelDetails
- {
- //==============================================================================
- /** The amount that the wheel has been moved in the X axis.
- If isReversed is true, then a negative deltaX means that the wheel has been
- pushed physically to the left.
- If isReversed is false, then a negative deltaX means that the wheel has been
- pushed physically to the right.
- */
- float deltaX;
- /** The amount that the wheel has been moved in the Y axis.
- If isReversed is true, then a negative deltaY means that the wheel has been
- pushed physically upwards.
- If isReversed is false, then a negative deltaY means that the wheel has been
- pushed physically downwards.
- */
- float deltaY;
- /** Indicates whether the user has reversed the direction of the wheel.
- See deltaX and deltaY for an explanation of the effects of this value.
- */
- bool isReversed;
- /** If true, then the wheel has continuous, un-stepped motion. */
- bool isSmooth;
- };