- /*
- ==============================================================================
- This file is part of the JUCE library.
- Copyright (c) 2020 - Raw Material Software Limited
- JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source
- licensing.
- By using JUCE, you agree to the terms of both the JUCE 6 End-User License
- Agreement and JUCE Privacy Policy (both effective as of the 16th June 2020).
- End User License Agreement: www.juce.com/juce-6-licence
- Privacy Policy: www.juce.com/juce-privacy-policy
- Or: You may also use this code under the terms of the GPL v3 (see
- www.gnu.org/licenses).
- ==============================================================================
- */
- namespace juce
- {
- //==============================================================================
- /**
- A class to take care of the logic involved with the loading/saving of some kind
- of document.
- There's quite a lot of tedious logic involved in writing all the load/save/save-as
- functions you need for documents that get saved to a file, so this class attempts
- to abstract most of the boring stuff.
- Your subclass should just implement all the pure virtual methods, and you can
- then use the higher-level public methods to do the load/save dialogs, to warn the user
- about overwriting files, etc.
- The document object keeps track of whether it has changed since it was last saved or
- loaded, so when you change something, call its changed() method. This will set a
- flag so it knows it needs saving, and will also broadcast a change message using the
- ChangeBroadcaster base class.
- @see ChangeBroadcaster
- @tags{GUI}
- */
- class JUCE_API FileBasedDocument : public ChangeBroadcaster
- {
- public:
- /** Creates a FileBasedDocument.
- @param fileExtension the extension to use when loading/saving files, e.g. ".doc"
- @param fileWildCard the wildcard to use in file dialogs, e.g. "*.doc"
- @param openFileDialogTitle the title to show on an open-file dialog, e.g. "Choose a file to open.."
- @param saveFileDialogTitle the title to show on an save-file dialog, e.g. "Choose a file to save as.."
- */
- FileBasedDocument (const String& fileExtension,
- const String& fileWildCard,
- const String& openFileDialogTitle,
- const String& saveFileDialogTitle);
- /** Destructor. */
- ~FileBasedDocument() override;
- //==============================================================================
- /** Returns true if the changed() method has been called since the file was
- last saved or loaded.
- @see setChangedFlag, changed
- */
- bool hasChangedSinceSaved() const { return changedSinceSave; }
- /** Called to indicate that the document has changed and needs saving.
- This method will also trigger a change message to be sent out using the
- ChangeBroadcaster base class.
- After calling the method, the hasChangedSinceSaved() method will return true, until
- it is reset either by saving to a file or using the setChangedFlag() method.
- @see hasChangedSinceSaved, setChangedFlag
- */
- virtual void changed();
- /** Sets the state of the 'changed' flag.
- The 'changed' flag is set to true when the changed() method is called - use this method
- to reset it or to set it without also broadcasting a change message.
- @see changed, hasChangedSinceSaved
- */
- void setChangedFlag (bool hasChanged);
- //==============================================================================
- /** Tries to open a file.
- If the file opens correctly, the document's file (see the getFile() method) is set
- to this new one; if it fails, the document's file is left unchanged, and optionally
- a message box is shown telling the user there was an error.
- @returns A result indicating whether the new file loaded successfully, or the error
- message if it failed.
- @see loadDocument, loadFromUserSpecifiedFile
- */
- Result loadFrom (const File& fileToLoadFrom,
- bool showMessageOnFailure,
- bool showWaitCursor = true);
- /** Asks the user for a file and tries to load it.
- This will pop up a dialog box using the title, file extension and
- wildcard specified in the document's constructor, and asks the user
- for a file. If they pick one, the loadFrom() method is used to
- try to load it, optionally showing a message if it fails.
- @returns a result indicating success; This will be a failure message if the user
- cancelled or if they picked a file which failed to load correctly
- @see loadFrom
- */
- Result loadFromUserSpecifiedFile (bool showMessageOnFailure);
- //==============================================================================
- /** A set of possible outcomes of one of the save() methods
- */
- enum SaveResult
- {
- savedOk = 0, /**< indicates that a file was saved successfully. */
- userCancelledSave, /**< indicates that the user aborted the save operation. */
- failedToWriteToFile /**< indicates that it tried to write to a file but this failed. */
- };
- /** Tries to save the document to the last file it was saved or loaded from.
- This will always try to write to the file, even if the document isn't flagged as
- having changed.
- @param askUserForFileIfNotSpecified if there's no file currently specified and this is
- true, it will prompt the user to pick a file, as if
- saveAsInteractive() was called.
- @param showMessageOnFailure if true it will show a warning message when if the
- save operation fails
- @see saveIfNeededAndUserAgrees, saveAs, saveAsInteractive
- */
- SaveResult save (bool askUserForFileIfNotSpecified,
- bool showMessageOnFailure);
- /** If the file needs saving, it'll ask the user if that's what they want to do, and save
- it if they say yes.
- If you've got a document open and want to close it (e.g. to quit the app), this is the
- method to call.
- If the document doesn't need saving it'll return the value savedOk so
- you can go ahead and delete the document.
- If it does need saving it'll prompt the user, and if they say "discard changes" it'll
- return savedOk, so again, you can safely delete the document.
- If the user clicks "cancel", it'll return userCancelledSave, so if you can abort the
- close-document operation.
- And if they click "save changes", it'll try to save and either return savedOk, or
- failedToWriteToFile if there was a problem.
- @see save, saveAs, saveAsInteractive
- */
- SaveResult saveIfNeededAndUserAgrees();
- /** Tries to save the document to a specified file.
- If this succeeds, it'll also change the document's internal file (as returned by
- the getFile() method). If it fails, the file will be left unchanged.
- @param newFile the file to try to write to
- @param warnAboutOverwritingExistingFiles if true and the file exists, it'll ask
- the user first if they want to overwrite it
- @param askUserForFileIfNotSpecified if the file is non-existent and this is true, it'll
- use the saveAsInteractive() method to ask the user for a
- filename
- @param showMessageOnFailure if true and the write operation fails, it'll show
- a message box to warn the user
- @param showWaitCursor if true, the 'wait' mouse cursor will be showin during
- saving
- @see saveIfNeededAndUserAgrees, save, saveAsInteractive
- */
- SaveResult saveAs (const File& newFile,
- bool warnAboutOverwritingExistingFiles,
- bool askUserForFileIfNotSpecified,
- bool showMessageOnFailure,
- bool showWaitCursor = true);
- /** Prompts the user for a filename and tries to save to it.
- This will pop up a dialog box using the title, file extension and
- wildcard specified in the document's constructor, and asks the user
- for a file. If they pick one, the saveAs() method is used to try to save
- to this file.
- @param warnAboutOverwritingExistingFiles if true and the file exists, it'll ask
- the user first if they want to overwrite it
- @see saveIfNeededAndUserAgrees, save, saveAs
- */
- SaveResult saveAsInteractive (bool warnAboutOverwritingExistingFiles);
- //==============================================================================
- /** Returns the file that this document was last successfully saved or loaded from.
- When the document object is created, this will be set to File().
- It is changed when one of the load or save methods is used, or when setFile()
- is used to explicitly set it.
- */
- const File& getFile() const { return documentFile; }
- /** Sets the file that this document thinks it was loaded from.
- This won't actually load anything - it just changes the file stored internally.
- @see getFile
- */
- void setFile (const File& newFile);
- protected:
- //==============================================================================
- /** Overload this to return the title of the document.
- This is used in message boxes, filenames and file choosers, so it should be
- something sensible.
- */
- virtual String getDocumentTitle() = 0;
- /** This method should try to load your document from the given file.
- @returns a Result object to indicate the whether there was an error.
- */
- virtual Result loadDocument (const File& file) = 0;
- /** This method should try to write your document to the given file.
- @returns a Result object to indicate the whether there was an error.
- */
- virtual Result saveDocument (const File& file) = 0;
- /** This is used for dialog boxes to make them open at the last folder you
- were using.
- getLastDocumentOpened() and setLastDocumentOpened() are used to store
- the last document that was used - you might want to store this value
- in a static variable, or even in your application's properties. It should
- be a global setting rather than a property of this object.
- This method works very well in conjunction with a RecentlyOpenedFilesList
- object to manage your recent-files list.
- As a default value, it's ok to return File(), and the document object will
- use a sensible one instead.
- @see RecentlyOpenedFilesList
- */
- virtual File getLastDocumentOpened() = 0;
- /** This is used for dialog boxes to make them open at the last folder you
- were using.
- getLastDocumentOpened() and setLastDocumentOpened() are used to store
- the last document that was used - you might want to store this value
- in a static variable, or even in your application's properties. It should
- be a global setting rather than a property of this object.
- This method works very well in conjunction with a RecentlyOpenedFilesList
- object to manage your recent-files list.
- @see RecentlyOpenedFilesList
- */
- virtual void setLastDocumentOpened (const File& file) = 0;
- /** This is called by saveAsInteractive() to allow you to optionally customise the
- filename that the user is presented with in the save dialog.
- The defaultFile parameter is an initial suggestion based on what the class knows
- about the current document - you can return a variation on this file with a different
- extension, etc, or just return something completely different.
- */
- virtual File getSuggestedSaveAsFile (const File& defaultFile);
- #endif
- private:
- //==============================================================================
- File documentFile;
- bool changedSinceSave = false;
- String fileExtension, fileWildcard, openFileDialogTitle, saveFileDialogTitle;
- };
- } // namespace juce