- /*
- ==============================================================================
- This file is part of the JUCE library.
- Copyright (c) 2013 - Raw Material Software Ltd.
- Permission is granted to use this software under the terms of either:
- a) the GPL v2 (or any later version)
- b) the Affero GPL v3
- Details of these licenses can be found at: www.gnu.org/licenses
- JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
- A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- To release a closed-source product which uses JUCE, commercial licenses are
- available: visit www.juce.com for more information.
- ==============================================================================
- */
- #undef WINDOWS
- /* The ASIO SDK *should* declare its callback functions as being __cdecl, but different versions seem
- to be pretty random about whether or not they do this. If you hit an error using these functions
- it'll be because you're trying to build using __stdcall, in which case you'd need to either get hold of
- an ASIO SDK which correctly specifies __cdecl, or add the __cdecl keyword to its functions yourself.
- */
- #define JUCE_ASIOCALLBACK __cdecl
- //==============================================================================
- namespace ASIODebugging
- {
- #define JUCE_ASIO_LOG(msg) ASIODebugging::logMessage (msg)
- #define JUCE_ASIO_LOG_ERROR(msg, errNum) ASIODebugging::logError ((msg), (errNum))
- static void logMessage (String message)
- {
- message = "ASIO: " + message;
- DBG (message);
- Logger::writeToLog (message);
- }
- static void logError (const String& context, long error)
- {
- const char* err = "Unknown error";
- switch (error)
- {
- case ASE_OK: return;
- case ASE_NotPresent: err = "Not Present"; break;
- case ASE_HWMalfunction: err = "Hardware Malfunction"; break;
- case ASE_InvalidParameter: err = "Invalid Parameter"; break;
- case ASE_InvalidMode: err = "Invalid Mode"; break;
- case ASE_SPNotAdvancing: err = "Sample position not advancing"; break;
- case ASE_NoClock: err = "No Clock"; break;
- case ASE_NoMemory: err = "Out of memory"; break;
- default: break;
- }
- logMessage ("error: " + context + " - " + err);
- }
- #else
- static void dummyLog() {}
- #define JUCE_ASIO_LOG(msg) ASIODebugging::dummyLog()
- #define JUCE_ASIO_LOG_ERROR(msg, errNum) (void) errNum; ASIODebugging::dummyLog()
- #endif
- }
- //==============================================================================
- struct ASIOSampleFormat
- {
- ASIOSampleFormat() noexcept {}
- ASIOSampleFormat (const long type) noexcept
- : bitDepth (24),
- littleEndian (true),
- formatIsFloat (false),
- byteStride (4)
- {
- switch (type)
- {
- case ASIOSTInt16MSB: byteStride = 2; littleEndian = false; bitDepth = 16; break;
- case ASIOSTInt24MSB: byteStride = 3; littleEndian = false; break;
- case ASIOSTInt32MSB: bitDepth = 32; littleEndian = false; break;
- case ASIOSTFloat32MSB: bitDepth = 32; littleEndian = false; formatIsFloat = true; break;
- case ASIOSTFloat64MSB: bitDepth = 64; byteStride = 8; littleEndian = false; break;
- case ASIOSTInt32MSB16: bitDepth = 16; littleEndian = false; break;
- case ASIOSTInt32MSB18: littleEndian = false; break;
- case ASIOSTInt32MSB20: littleEndian = false; break;
- case ASIOSTInt32MSB24: littleEndian = false; break;
- case ASIOSTInt16LSB: byteStride = 2; bitDepth = 16; break;
- case ASIOSTInt24LSB: byteStride = 3; break;
- case ASIOSTInt32LSB: bitDepth = 32; break;
- case ASIOSTFloat32LSB: bitDepth = 32; formatIsFloat = true; break;
- case ASIOSTFloat64LSB: bitDepth = 64; byteStride = 8; break;
- case ASIOSTInt32LSB16: bitDepth = 16; break;
- case ASIOSTInt32LSB18: break; // (unhandled)
- case ASIOSTInt32LSB20: break; // (unhandled)
- case ASIOSTInt32LSB24: break;
- case ASIOSTDSDInt8LSB1: break; // (unhandled)
- case ASIOSTDSDInt8MSB1: break; // (unhandled)
- case ASIOSTDSDInt8NER8: break; // (unhandled)
- default:
- jassertfalse; // (not a valid format code..)
- break;
- }
- }
- void convertToFloat (const void* const src, float* const dst, const int samps) const noexcept
- {
- if (formatIsFloat)
- {
- memcpy (dst, src, samps * sizeof (float));
- }
- else
- {
- switch (bitDepth)
- {
- case 16: convertInt16ToFloat (static_cast <const char*> (src), dst, byteStride, samps, littleEndian); break;
- case 24: convertInt24ToFloat (static_cast <const char*> (src), dst, byteStride, samps, littleEndian); break;
- case 32: convertInt32ToFloat (static_cast <const char*> (src), dst, byteStride, samps, littleEndian); break;
- default: jassertfalse; break;
- }
- }
- }
- void convertFromFloat (const float* const src, void* const dst, const int samps) const noexcept
- {
- if (formatIsFloat)
- {
- memcpy (dst, src, samps * sizeof (float));
- }
- else
- {
- switch (bitDepth)
- {
- case 16: convertFloatToInt16 (src, static_cast <char*> (dst), byteStride, samps, littleEndian); break;
- case 24: convertFloatToInt24 (src, static_cast <char*> (dst), byteStride, samps, littleEndian); break;
- case 32: convertFloatToInt32 (src, static_cast <char*> (dst), byteStride, samps, littleEndian); break;
- default: jassertfalse; break;
- }
- }
- }
- void clear (void* dst, const int numSamps) noexcept
- {
- if (dst != nullptr)
- zeromem (dst, numSamps * byteStride);
- }
- int bitDepth, byteStride;
- bool formatIsFloat, littleEndian;
- private:
- static void convertInt16ToFloat (const char* src, float* dest, const int srcStrideBytes,
- int numSamples, const bool littleEndian) noexcept
- {
- const double g = 1.0 / 32768.0;
- if (littleEndian)
- {
- while (--numSamples >= 0)
- {
- *dest++ = (float) (g * (short) ByteOrder::littleEndianShort (src));
- src += srcStrideBytes;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- while (--numSamples >= 0)
- {
- *dest++ = (float) (g * (short) ByteOrder::bigEndianShort (src));
- src += srcStrideBytes;
- }
- }
- }
- static void convertFloatToInt16 (const float* src, char* dest, const int dstStrideBytes,
- int numSamples, const bool littleEndian) noexcept
- {
- const double maxVal = (double) 0x7fff;
- if (littleEndian)
- {
- while (--numSamples >= 0)
- {
- *(uint16*) dest = ByteOrder::swapIfBigEndian ((uint16) (short) roundToInt (jlimit (-maxVal, maxVal, maxVal * *src++)));
- dest += dstStrideBytes;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- while (--numSamples >= 0)
- {
- *(uint16*) dest = ByteOrder::swapIfLittleEndian ((uint16) (short) roundToInt (jlimit (-maxVal, maxVal, maxVal * *src++)));
- dest += dstStrideBytes;
- }
- }
- }
- static void convertInt24ToFloat (const char* src, float* dest, const int srcStrideBytes,
- int numSamples, const bool littleEndian) noexcept
- {
- const double g = 1.0 / 0x7fffff;
- if (littleEndian)
- {
- while (--numSamples >= 0)
- {
- *dest++ = (float) (g * ByteOrder::littleEndian24Bit (src));
- src += srcStrideBytes;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- while (--numSamples >= 0)
- {
- *dest++ = (float) (g * ByteOrder::bigEndian24Bit (src));
- src += srcStrideBytes;
- }
- }
- }
- static void convertFloatToInt24 (const float* src, char* dest, const int dstStrideBytes,
- int numSamples, const bool littleEndian) noexcept
- {
- const double maxVal = (double) 0x7fffff;
- if (littleEndian)
- {
- while (--numSamples >= 0)
- {
- ByteOrder::littleEndian24BitToChars ((uint32) roundToInt (jlimit (-maxVal, maxVal, maxVal * *src++)), dest);
- dest += dstStrideBytes;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- while (--numSamples >= 0)
- {
- ByteOrder::bigEndian24BitToChars ((uint32) roundToInt (jlimit (-maxVal, maxVal, maxVal * *src++)), dest);
- dest += dstStrideBytes;
- }
- }
- }
- static void convertInt32ToFloat (const char* src, float* dest, const int srcStrideBytes,
- int numSamples, const bool littleEndian) noexcept
- {
- const double g = 1.0 / 0x7fffffff;
- if (littleEndian)
- {
- while (--numSamples >= 0)
- {
- *dest++ = (float) (g * (int) ByteOrder::littleEndianInt (src));
- src += srcStrideBytes;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- while (--numSamples >= 0)
- {
- *dest++ = (float) (g * (int) ByteOrder::bigEndianInt (src));
- src += srcStrideBytes;
- }
- }
- }
- static void convertFloatToInt32 (const float* src, char* dest, const int dstStrideBytes,
- int numSamples, const bool littleEndian) noexcept
- {
- const double maxVal = (double) 0x7fffffff;
- if (littleEndian)
- {
- while (--numSamples >= 0)
- {
- *(uint32*) dest = ByteOrder::swapIfBigEndian ((uint32) roundToInt (jlimit (-maxVal, maxVal, maxVal * *src++)));
- dest += dstStrideBytes;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- while (--numSamples >= 0)
- {
- *(uint32*) dest = ByteOrder::swapIfLittleEndian ((uint32) roundToInt (jlimit (-maxVal, maxVal, maxVal * *src++)));
- dest += dstStrideBytes;
- }
- }
- }
- };
- //==============================================================================
- class ASIOAudioIODevice;
- static ASIOAudioIODevice* volatile currentASIODev[3] = { 0 };
- extern HWND juce_messageWindowHandle;
- class ASIOAudioIODeviceType;
- static void sendASIODeviceChangeToListeners (ASIOAudioIODeviceType*);
- //==============================================================================
- class ASIOAudioIODevice : public AudioIODevice,
- private Timer
- {
- public:
- ASIOAudioIODevice (ASIOAudioIODeviceType* ownerType, const String& devName,
- const CLSID clsID, const int slotNumber)
- : AudioIODevice (devName, "ASIO"),
- owner (ownerType),
- asioObject (nullptr),
- classId (clsID),
- inputLatency (0),
- outputLatency (0),
- minSize (0), maxSize (0),
- preferredSize (0),
- granularity (0),
- numClockSources (0),
- currentBlockSizeSamples (0),
- currentBitDepth (16),
- currentSampleRate (0),
- currentCallback (nullptr),
- bufferIndex (0),
- numActiveInputChans (0),
- numActiveOutputChans (0),
- deviceIsOpen (false),
- isStarted (false),
- buffersCreated (false),
- calledback (false),
- littleEndian (false),
- postOutput (true),
- needToReset (false),
- insideControlPanelModalLoop (false),
- shouldUsePreferredSize (false)
- {
- name = devName;
- inBuffers.calloc (4);
- outBuffers.calloc (4);
- jassert (currentASIODev [slotNumber] == nullptr);
- currentASIODev [slotNumber] = this;
- openDevice();
- }
- ~ASIOAudioIODevice()
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < numElementsInArray (currentASIODev); ++i)
- if (currentASIODev[i] == this)
- currentASIODev[i] = nullptr;
- close();
- JUCE_ASIO_LOG ("closed");
- removeCurrentDriver();
- }
- void updateSampleRates()
- {
- // find a list of sample rates..
- const int possibleSampleRates[] = { 44100, 48000, 88200, 96000, 176400, 192000 };
- Array<int> newRates;
- if (asioObject != nullptr)
- {
- for (int index = 0; index < numElementsInArray (possibleSampleRates); ++index)
- if (asioObject->canSampleRate ((double) possibleSampleRates[index]) == 0)
- newRates.add (possibleSampleRates[index]);
- }
- if (newRates.size() == 0)
- {
- double cr = getSampleRate();
- JUCE_ASIO_LOG ("No sample rates supported - current rate: " + String ((int) cr));
- if (cr > 0)
- newRates.add ((int) cr);
- }
- if (sampleRates != newRates)
- {
- sampleRates.swapWith (newRates);
- StringArray s;
- for (int i = 0; i < sampleRates.size(); ++i)
- s.add (String (sampleRates.getUnchecked(i)));
- JUCE_ASIO_LOG ("Rates: " + s.joinIntoString (" "));
- #endif
- }
- }
- StringArray getOutputChannelNames() { return outputChannelNames; }
- StringArray getInputChannelNames() { return inputChannelNames; }
- int getNumSampleRates() { return sampleRates.size(); }
- double getSampleRate (int index) { return sampleRates [index]; }
- int getNumBufferSizesAvailable() { return bufferSizes.size(); }
- int getBufferSizeSamples (int index) { return bufferSizes [index]; }
- int getDefaultBufferSize() { return preferredSize; }
- String open (const BigInteger& inputChannels,
- const BigInteger& outputChannels,
- double sr, int bufferSizeSamples)
- {
- if (isOpen())
- close();
- jassert (currentCallback == nullptr);
- if (bufferSizeSamples < 8 || bufferSizeSamples > 16384)
- shouldUsePreferredSize = true;
- if (asioObject == nullptr)
- {
- const String openingError (openDevice());
- if (asioObject == nullptr)
- return openingError;
- }
- isStarted = false;
- bufferIndex = -1;
- long err = asioObject->getChannels (&totalNumInputChans, &totalNumOutputChans);
- jassert (err == ASE_OK);
- bufferSizeSamples = readBufferSizes (bufferSizeSamples);
- int sampleRate = roundToInt (sr);
- currentSampleRate = sampleRate;
- currentBlockSizeSamples = bufferSizeSamples;
- currentChansOut.clear();
- currentChansIn.clear();
- inBuffers.clear (totalNumInputChans + 1);
- outBuffers.clear (totalNumOutputChans + 1);
- updateSampleRates();
- if (sampleRate == 0 || (sampleRates.size() > 0 && ! sampleRates.contains (sampleRate)))
- sampleRate = sampleRates[0];
- jassert (sampleRate != 0);
- if (sampleRate == 0)
- sampleRate = 44100;
- updateClockSources();
- currentSampleRate = getSampleRate();
- error = String::empty;
- buffersCreated = false;
- setSampleRate (sampleRate);
- if (needToReset)
- {
- JUCE_ASIO_LOG (" Resetting");
- removeCurrentDriver();
- loadDriver();
- const String error (initDriver());
- if (error.isNotEmpty())
- JUCE_ASIO_LOG ("ASIOInit: " + error);
- needToReset = false;
- }
- const int totalBuffers = resetBuffers (inputChannels, outputChannels);
- setCallbackFunctions();
- JUCE_ASIO_LOG ("disposing buffers");
- err = asioObject->disposeBuffers();
- JUCE_ASIO_LOG ("creating buffers: " + String (totalBuffers) + ", " + String (currentBlockSizeSamples));
- err = asioObject->createBuffers (bufferInfos, totalBuffers, currentBlockSizeSamples, &callbacks);
- if (err != ASE_OK)
- {
- currentBlockSizeSamples = preferredSize;
- JUCE_ASIO_LOG_ERROR ("create buffers 2", err);
- asioObject->disposeBuffers();
- err = asioObject->createBuffers (bufferInfos, totalBuffers, currentBlockSizeSamples, &callbacks);
- }
- if (err == ASE_OK)
- {
- buffersCreated = true;
- tempBuffer.calloc (totalBuffers * currentBlockSizeSamples + 32);
- int n = 0;
- Array <int> types;
- currentBitDepth = 16;
- for (int i = 0; i < (int) totalNumInputChans; ++i)
- {
- if (inputChannels[i])
- {
- inBuffers[n] = tempBuffer + (currentBlockSizeSamples * n);
- ASIOChannelInfo channelInfo = { 0 };
- channelInfo.channel = i;
- channelInfo.isInput = 1;
- asioObject->getChannelInfo (&channelInfo);
- types.addIfNotAlreadyThere (channelInfo.type);
- inputFormat[n] = ASIOSampleFormat (channelInfo.type);
- currentBitDepth = jmax (currentBitDepth, inputFormat[n].bitDepth);
- ++n;
- }
- }
- jassert (numActiveInputChans == n);
- n = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < (int) totalNumOutputChans; ++i)
- {
- if (outputChannels[i])
- {
- outBuffers[n] = tempBuffer + (currentBlockSizeSamples * (numActiveInputChans + n));
- ASIOChannelInfo channelInfo = { 0 };
- channelInfo.channel = i;
- channelInfo.isInput = 0;
- asioObject->getChannelInfo (&channelInfo);
- types.addIfNotAlreadyThere (channelInfo.type);
- outputFormat[n] = ASIOSampleFormat (channelInfo.type);
- currentBitDepth = jmax (currentBitDepth, outputFormat[n].bitDepth);
- ++n;
- }
- }
- jassert (numActiveOutputChans == n);
- for (int i = types.size(); --i >= 0;)
- JUCE_ASIO_LOG ("channel format: " + String (types[i]));
- jassert (n <= totalBuffers);
- for (int i = 0; i < numActiveOutputChans; ++i)
- {
- outputFormat[i].clear (bufferInfos [numActiveInputChans + i].buffers[0], currentBlockSizeSamples);
- outputFormat[i].clear (bufferInfos [numActiveInputChans + i].buffers[1], currentBlockSizeSamples);
- }
- readLatencies();
- asioObject->getBufferSize (&minSize, &maxSize, &preferredSize, &granularity);
- deviceIsOpen = true;
- JUCE_ASIO_LOG ("starting");
- calledback = false;
- err = asioObject->start();
- if (err != 0)
- {
- deviceIsOpen = false;
- JUCE_ASIO_LOG ("stop on failure");
- Thread::sleep (10);
- asioObject->stop();
- error = "Can't start device";
- Thread::sleep (10);
- }
- else
- {
- int count = 300;
- while (--count > 0 && ! calledback)
- Thread::sleep (10);
- isStarted = true;
- if (! calledback)
- {
- error = "Device didn't start correctly";
- JUCE_ASIO_LOG ("no callbacks - stopping..");
- asioObject->stop();
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- error = "Can't create i/o buffers";
- }
- if (error.isNotEmpty())
- {
- JUCE_ASIO_LOG_ERROR (error, err);
- disposeBuffers();
- Thread::sleep (20);
- isStarted = false;
- deviceIsOpen = false;
- const String errorCopy (error);
- close(); // (this resets the error string)
- error = errorCopy;
- }
- needToReset = false;
- return error;
- }
- void close()
- {
- error = String::empty;
- stopTimer();
- stop();
- if (asioObject != nullptr && deviceIsOpen)
- {
- const ScopedLock sl (callbackLock);
- deviceIsOpen = false;
- isStarted = false;
- needToReset = false;
- JUCE_ASIO_LOG ("stopping");
- if (asioObject != nullptr)
- {
- Thread::sleep (20);
- asioObject->stop();
- Thread::sleep (10);
- disposeBuffers();
- }
- Thread::sleep (10);
- }
- }
- bool isOpen() { return deviceIsOpen || insideControlPanelModalLoop; }
- bool isPlaying() { return asioObject != nullptr && currentCallback != nullptr; }
- int getCurrentBufferSizeSamples() { return currentBlockSizeSamples; }
- double getCurrentSampleRate() { return currentSampleRate; }
- int getCurrentBitDepth() { return currentBitDepth; }
- BigInteger getActiveOutputChannels() const { return currentChansOut; }
- BigInteger getActiveInputChannels() const { return currentChansIn; }
- int getOutputLatencyInSamples() { return outputLatency + currentBlockSizeSamples / 4; }
- int getInputLatencyInSamples() { return inputLatency + currentBlockSizeSamples / 4; }
- void start (AudioIODeviceCallback* callback)
- {
- if (callback != nullptr)
- {
- callback->audioDeviceAboutToStart (this);
- const ScopedLock sl (callbackLock);
- currentCallback = callback;
- }
- }
- void stop()
- {
- AudioIODeviceCallback* const lastCallback = currentCallback;
- {
- const ScopedLock sl (callbackLock);
- currentCallback = nullptr;
- }
- if (lastCallback != nullptr)
- lastCallback->audioDeviceStopped();
- }
- String getLastError() { return error; }
- bool hasControlPanel() const { return true; }
- bool showControlPanel()
- {
- JUCE_ASIO_LOG ("showing control panel");
- bool done = false;
- {
- // are there are devices that need to be closed before showing their control panel?
- // close();
- insideControlPanelModalLoop = true;
- const uint32 started = Time::getMillisecondCounter();
- if (asioObject != nullptr)
- {
- asioObject->controlPanel();
- const int spent = (int) Time::getMillisecondCounter() - (int) started;
- JUCE_ASIO_LOG ("spent: " + String (spent));
- if (spent > 300)
- {
- shouldUsePreferredSize = true;
- done = true;
- }
- }
- }
- insideControlPanelModalLoop = false;
- return done;
- }
- void resetRequest() noexcept
- {
- startTimer (500);
- }
- void timerCallback() override
- {
- if (! insideControlPanelModalLoop)
- {
- stopTimer();
- JUCE_ASIO_LOG ("restart request!");
- AudioIODeviceCallback* const oldCallback = currentCallback;
- close();
- needToReset = true;
- open (BigInteger (currentChansIn), BigInteger (currentChansOut),
- currentSampleRate, currentBlockSizeSamples);
- reloadChannelNames();
- if (oldCallback != nullptr)
- start (oldCallback);
- sendASIODeviceChangeToListeners (owner);
- }
- else
- {
- startTimer (100);
- }
- }
- private:
- //==============================================================================
- WeakReference<ASIOAudioIODeviceType> owner;
- IASIO* volatile asioObject;
- ASIOCallbacks callbacks;
- CLSID classId;
- String error;
- long totalNumInputChans, totalNumOutputChans;
- StringArray inputChannelNames, outputChannelNames;
- Array<int> sampleRates, bufferSizes;
- long inputLatency, outputLatency;
- long minSize, maxSize, preferredSize, granularity;
- ASIOClockSource clocks[32];
- int numClockSources;
- int volatile currentBlockSizeSamples;
- int volatile currentBitDepth;
- double volatile currentSampleRate;
- BigInteger currentChansOut, currentChansIn;
- AudioIODeviceCallback* volatile currentCallback;
- CriticalSection callbackLock;
- HeapBlock<ASIOBufferInfo> bufferInfos;
- HeapBlock<float*> inBuffers, outBuffers;
- HeapBlock<ASIOSampleFormat> inputFormat, outputFormat;
- WaitableEvent event1;
- HeapBlock <float> tempBuffer;
- int volatile bufferIndex, numActiveInputChans, numActiveOutputChans;
- bool deviceIsOpen, isStarted, buffersCreated;
- bool volatile calledback;
- bool volatile littleEndian, postOutput, needToReset;
- bool volatile insideControlPanelModalLoop;
- bool volatile shouldUsePreferredSize;
- //==============================================================================
- static String convertASIOString (char* const text, int length)
- {
- if (CharPointer_UTF8::isValidString (text, length))
- return String::fromUTF8 (text, length);
- WCHAR wideVersion [64] = { 0 };
- MultiByteToWideChar (CP_ACP, 0, text, length, wideVersion, numElementsInArray (wideVersion));
- return wideVersion;
- }
- String getChannelName (int index, bool isInput) const
- {
- ASIOChannelInfo channelInfo = { 0 };
- channelInfo.channel = index;
- channelInfo.isInput = isInput ? 1 : 0;
- asioObject->getChannelInfo (&channelInfo);
- return convertASIOString (channelInfo.name, sizeof (channelInfo.name));
- }
- void reloadChannelNames()
- {
- if (asioObject != nullptr
- && asioObject->getChannels (&totalNumInputChans, &totalNumOutputChans) == ASE_OK)
- {
- inputChannelNames.clear();
- outputChannelNames.clear();
- for (int i = 0; i < totalNumInputChans; ++i)
- inputChannelNames.add (getChannelName (i, true));
- for (int i = 0; i < totalNumOutputChans; ++i)
- outputChannelNames.add (getChannelName (i, false));
- outputChannelNames.trim();
- inputChannelNames.trim();
- outputChannelNames.appendNumbersToDuplicates (false, true);
- inputChannelNames.appendNumbersToDuplicates (false, true);
- }
- }
- int readBufferSizes (int bufferSizeSamples)
- {
- minSize = 0;
- maxSize = 0;
- granularity = 0;
- long newPreferredSize = 0;
- if (asioObject->getBufferSize (&minSize, &maxSize, &newPreferredSize, &granularity) == ASE_OK)
- {
- if (preferredSize != 0 && newPreferredSize != 0 && newPreferredSize != preferredSize)
- shouldUsePreferredSize = true;
- if (bufferSizeSamples < minSize || bufferSizeSamples > maxSize)
- shouldUsePreferredSize = true;
- preferredSize = newPreferredSize;
- }
- // unfortunate workaround for certain drivers which crash if you make
- // dynamic changes to the buffer size...
- shouldUsePreferredSize = shouldUsePreferredSize || getName().containsIgnoreCase ("Digidesign");
- if (shouldUsePreferredSize)
- {
- JUCE_ASIO_LOG ("Using preferred size for buffer..");
- long err = asioObject->getBufferSize (&minSize, &maxSize, &preferredSize, &granularity);
- if (err == ASE_OK)
- {
- bufferSizeSamples = (int) preferredSize;
- }
- else
- {
- bufferSizeSamples = 1024;
- JUCE_ASIO_LOG_ERROR ("getBufferSize1", err);
- }
- shouldUsePreferredSize = false;
- }
- return bufferSizeSamples;
- }
- int resetBuffers (const BigInteger& inputChannels,
- const BigInteger& outputChannels)
- {
- numActiveInputChans = 0;
- numActiveOutputChans = 0;
- ASIOBufferInfo* info = bufferInfos;
- for (int i = 0; i < totalNumInputChans; ++i)
- {
- if (inputChannels[i])
- {
- currentChansIn.setBit (i);
- info->isInput = 1;
- info->channelNum = i;
- info->buffers[0] = info->buffers[1] = nullptr;
- ++info;
- ++numActiveInputChans;
- }
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < totalNumOutputChans; ++i)
- {
- if (outputChannels[i])
- {
- currentChansOut.setBit (i);
- info->isInput = 0;
- info->channelNum = i;
- info->buffers[0] = info->buffers[1] = nullptr;
- ++info;
- ++numActiveOutputChans;
- }
- }
- return numActiveInputChans + numActiveOutputChans;
- }
- void addBufferSizes (long minSize, long maxSize, long preferredSize, long granularity)
- {
- // find a list of buffer sizes..
- JUCE_ASIO_LOG (String ((int) minSize) + "->" + String ((int) maxSize) + ", "
- + String ((int) preferredSize) + ", " + String ((int) granularity));
- if (granularity >= 0)
- {
- granularity = jmax (16, (int) granularity);
- for (int i = jmax ((int) (minSize + 15) & ~15, (int) granularity); i < jmin (6400, (int) maxSize); i += granularity)
- bufferSizes.addIfNotAlreadyThere (granularity * (i / granularity));
- }
- else if (granularity < 0)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < 18; ++i)
- {
- const int s = (1 << i);
- if (s >= minSize && s <= maxSize)
- bufferSizes.add (s);
- }
- }
- bufferSizes.addIfNotAlreadyThere (preferredSize);
- DefaultElementComparator <int> comparator;
- bufferSizes.sort (comparator);
- }
- double getSampleRate() const
- {
- double cr = 0;
- long err = asioObject->getSampleRate (&cr);
- JUCE_ASIO_LOG_ERROR ("getSampleRate", err);
- return cr;
- }
- void setSampleRate (int newRate)
- {
- if (currentSampleRate != newRate)
- {
- JUCE_ASIO_LOG ("rate change: " + String (currentSampleRate) + " to " + String (newRate));
- long err = asioObject->setSampleRate (newRate);
- if (err == ASE_NoClock && numClockSources > 0)
- {
- JUCE_ASIO_LOG ("trying to set a clock source..");
- Thread::sleep (10);
- err = asioObject->setClockSource (clocks[0].index);
- JUCE_ASIO_LOG_ERROR ("setClockSource2", err);
- Thread::sleep (10);
- err = asioObject->setSampleRate (newRate);
- }
- if (err == 0)
- currentSampleRate = newRate;
- // on fail, ignore the attempt to change rate, and run with the current one..
- }
- }
- void updateClockSources()
- {
- zeromem (clocks, sizeof (clocks));
- long numSources = numElementsInArray (clocks);
- asioObject->getClockSources (clocks, &numSources);
- numClockSources = (int) numSources;
- bool isSourceSet = false;
- // careful not to remove this loop because it does more than just logging!
- for (int i = 0; i < numClockSources; ++i)
- {
- String s ("clock: ");
- s += clocks[i].name;
- if (clocks[i].isCurrentSource)
- {
- isSourceSet = true;
- s << " (cur)";
- }
- }
- if (numClockSources > 1 && ! isSourceSet)
- {
- JUCE_ASIO_LOG ("setting clock source");
- long err = asioObject->setClockSource (clocks[0].index);
- JUCE_ASIO_LOG_ERROR ("setClockSource1", err);
- Thread::sleep (20);
- }
- else
- {
- if (numClockSources == 0)
- JUCE_ASIO_LOG ("no clock sources!");
- }
- }
- void readLatencies()
- {
- inputLatency = outputLatency = 0;
- if (asioObject->getLatencies (&inputLatency, &outputLatency) != 0)
- JUCE_ASIO_LOG ("getLatencies() failed");
- else
- JUCE_ASIO_LOG ("Latencies: in = " + String ((int) inputLatency) + ", out = " + String ((int) outputLatency));
- }
- void createDummyBuffers (long preferredSize)
- {
- numActiveInputChans = 0;
- numActiveOutputChans = 0;
- ASIOBufferInfo* info = bufferInfos;
- int numChans = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < jmin (2, (int) totalNumInputChans); ++i)
- {
- info->isInput = 1;
- info->channelNum = i;
- info->buffers[0] = info->buffers[1] = nullptr;
- ++info;
- ++numChans;
- }
- const int outputBufferIndex = numChans;
- for (int i = 0; i < jmin (2, (int) totalNumOutputChans); ++i)
- {
- info->isInput = 0;
- info->channelNum = i;
- info->buffers[0] = info->buffers[1] = nullptr;
- ++info;
- ++numChans;
- }
- setCallbackFunctions();
- JUCE_ASIO_LOG ("creating buffers (dummy): " + String (numChans) + ", " + String ((int) preferredSize));
- if (preferredSize > 0)
- {
- long err = asioObject->createBuffers (bufferInfos, numChans, preferredSize, &callbacks);
- JUCE_ASIO_LOG_ERROR ("dummy buffers", err);
- }
- long newInps = 0, newOuts = 0;
- asioObject->getChannels (&newInps, &newOuts);
- if (totalNumInputChans != newInps || totalNumOutputChans != newOuts)
- {
- totalNumInputChans = newInps;
- totalNumOutputChans = newOuts;
- JUCE_ASIO_LOG (String ((int) totalNumInputChans) + " in; " + String ((int) totalNumOutputChans) + " out");
- }
- updateSampleRates();
- reloadChannelNames();
- for (int i = 0; i < totalNumOutputChans; ++i)
- {
- ASIOChannelInfo channelInfo = { 0 };
- channelInfo.channel = i;
- channelInfo.isInput = 0;
- asioObject->getChannelInfo (&channelInfo);
- outputFormat[i] = ASIOSampleFormat (channelInfo.type);
- if (i < 2)
- {
- // clear the channels that are used with the dummy stuff
- outputFormat[i].clear (bufferInfos [outputBufferIndex + i].buffers[0], preferredSize);
- outputFormat[i].clear (bufferInfos [outputBufferIndex + i].buffers[1], preferredSize);
- }
- }
- }
- void removeCurrentDriver()
- {
- if (asioObject != nullptr)
- {
- asioObject->Release();
- asioObject = nullptr;
- }
- }
- bool loadDriver()
- {
- removeCurrentDriver();
- bool crashed = false;
- bool ok = tryCreatingDriver (crashed);
- if (crashed)
- JUCE_ASIO_LOG ("** Driver crashed while being opened");
- return ok;
- }
- bool tryCreatingDriver (bool& crashed)
- {
- #if ! JUCE_MINGW
- __try
- #endif
- {
- return CoCreateInstance (classId, 0, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,
- classId, (void**) &asioObject) == S_OK;
- }
- #if ! JUCE_MINGW
- __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { crashed = true; }
- return false;
- #endif
- }
- String getLastDriverError() const
- {
- jassert (asioObject != nullptr);
- char buffer [512] = { 0 };
- asioObject->getErrorMessage (buffer);
- return String (buffer, sizeof (buffer) - 1);
- }
- String initDriver()
- {
- if (asioObject == nullptr)
- return "No Driver";
- const bool initOk = !! asioObject->init (juce_messageWindowHandle);
- String driverError;
- // Get error message if init() failed, or if it's a buggy Denon driver,
- // which returns true from init() even when it fails.
- if ((! initOk) || getName().containsIgnoreCase ("denon dj"))
- driverError = getLastDriverError();
- if ((! initOk) && driverError.isEmpty())
- driverError = "Driver failed to initialise";
- if (driverError.isEmpty())
- {
- char buffer [512];
- asioObject->getDriverName (buffer); // just in case any flimsy drivers expect this to be called..
- }
- return driverError;
- }
- String openDevice()
- {
- // open the device and get its info..
- JUCE_ASIO_LOG ("opening device: " + getName());
- needToReset = false;
- outputChannelNames.clear();
- inputChannelNames.clear();
- bufferSizes.clear();
- sampleRates.clear();
- deviceIsOpen = false;
- totalNumInputChans = 0;
- totalNumOutputChans = 0;
- numActiveInputChans = 0;
- numActiveOutputChans = 0;
- currentCallback = nullptr;
- error = String::empty;
- if (getName().isEmpty())
- return error;
- long err = 0;
- if (loadDriver())
- {
- if ((error = initDriver()).isEmpty())
- {
- numActiveInputChans = 0;
- numActiveOutputChans = 0;
- totalNumInputChans = 0;
- totalNumOutputChans = 0;
- if (asioObject != nullptr
- && (err = asioObject->getChannels (&totalNumInputChans, &totalNumOutputChans)) == 0)
- {
- JUCE_ASIO_LOG (String ((int) totalNumInputChans) + " in, " + String ((int) totalNumOutputChans) + " out");
- const int chansToAllocate = totalNumInputChans + totalNumOutputChans + 4;
- bufferInfos.calloc (chansToAllocate);
- inBuffers.calloc (chansToAllocate);
- outBuffers.calloc (chansToAllocate);
- inputFormat.calloc (chansToAllocate);
- outputFormat.calloc (chansToAllocate);
- if ((err = asioObject->getBufferSize (&minSize, &maxSize, &preferredSize, &granularity)) == 0)
- {
- addBufferSizes (minSize, maxSize, preferredSize, granularity);
- double currentRate = getSampleRate();
- if (currentRate < 1.0 || currentRate > 192001.0)
- {
- JUCE_ASIO_LOG ("setting default sample rate");
- err = asioObject->setSampleRate (44100.0);
- JUCE_ASIO_LOG_ERROR ("setting sample rate", err);
- currentRate = getSampleRate();
- }
- currentSampleRate = currentRate;
- postOutput = (asioObject->outputReady() == 0);
- if (postOutput)
- JUCE_ASIO_LOG ("outputReady true");
- updateSampleRates();
- readLatencies(); // ..doing these steps because cubase does so at this stage
- createDummyBuffers (preferredSize); // in initialisation, and some devices fail if we don't.
- readLatencies();
- // start and stop because cubase does it..
- err = asioObject->start();
- // ignore an error here, as it might start later after setting other stuff up
- JUCE_ASIO_LOG_ERROR ("start", err);
- Thread::sleep (80);
- asioObject->stop();
- }
- else
- {
- error = "Can't detect buffer sizes";
- }
- }
- else
- {
- error = "Can't detect asio channels";
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- error = "No such device";
- }
- if (error.isNotEmpty())
- {
- JUCE_ASIO_LOG_ERROR (error, err);
- disposeBuffers();
- removeCurrentDriver();
- }
- else
- {
- JUCE_ASIO_LOG ("device open");
- }
- deviceIsOpen = false;
- needToReset = false;
- stopTimer();
- return error;
- }
- void disposeBuffers()
- {
- if (asioObject != nullptr && buffersCreated)
- {
- buffersCreated = false;
- asioObject->disposeBuffers();
- }
- }
- //==============================================================================
- void JUCE_ASIOCALLBACK callback (const long index)
- {
- if (isStarted)
- {
- bufferIndex = index;
- processBuffer();
- }
- else
- {
- if (postOutput && (asioObject != nullptr))
- asioObject->outputReady();
- }
- calledback = true;
- }
- void processBuffer()
- {
- const ASIOBufferInfo* const infos = bufferInfos;
- const int bi = bufferIndex;
- const ScopedLock sl (callbackLock);
- if (bi >= 0)
- {
- const int samps = currentBlockSizeSamples;
- if (currentCallback != nullptr)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < numActiveInputChans; ++i)
- {
- jassert (inBuffers[i] != nullptr);
- inputFormat[i].convertToFloat (infos[i].buffers[bi], inBuffers[i], samps);
- }
- currentCallback->audioDeviceIOCallback (const_cast <const float**> (inBuffers.getData()), numActiveInputChans,
- outBuffers, numActiveOutputChans, samps);
- for (int i = 0; i < numActiveOutputChans; ++i)
- {
- jassert (outBuffers[i] != nullptr);
- outputFormat[i].convertFromFloat (outBuffers[i], infos [numActiveInputChans + i].buffers[bi], samps);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < numActiveOutputChans; ++i)
- outputFormat[i].clear (infos[numActiveInputChans + i].buffers[bi], samps);
- }
- }
- if (postOutput)
- asioObject->outputReady();
- }
- //==============================================================================
- template <int deviceIndex>
- struct ASIOCallbackFunctions
- {
- static ASIOTime* JUCE_ASIOCALLBACK bufferSwitchTimeInfoCallback (ASIOTime*, long index, long)
- {
- if (currentASIODev[deviceIndex] != nullptr)
- currentASIODev[deviceIndex]->callback (index);
- return nullptr;
- }
- static void JUCE_ASIOCALLBACK bufferSwitchCallback (long index, long)
- {
- if (currentASIODev[deviceIndex] != nullptr)
- currentASIODev[deviceIndex]->callback (index);
- }
- static long JUCE_ASIOCALLBACK asioMessagesCallback (long selector, long value, void*, double*)
- {
- switch (selector)
- {
- case kAsioSelectorSupported:
- if (value == kAsioResetRequest || value == kAsioEngineVersion || value == kAsioResyncRequest
- || value == kAsioLatenciesChanged || value == kAsioSupportsInputMonitor)
- return 1;
- break;
- case kAsioBufferSizeChange: JUCE_ASIO_LOG ("kAsioBufferSizeChange"); return sendResetRequest (deviceIndex);
- case kAsioResetRequest: JUCE_ASIO_LOG ("kAsioResetRequest"); return sendResetRequest (deviceIndex);
- case kAsioResyncRequest: JUCE_ASIO_LOG ("kAsioResyncRequest"); return sendResetRequest (deviceIndex);
- case kAsioLatenciesChanged: JUCE_ASIO_LOG ("kAsioLatenciesChanged"); return 1;
- case kAsioEngineVersion: return 2;
- case kAsioSupportsTimeInfo:
- case kAsioSupportsTimeCode:
- return 0;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- static void JUCE_ASIOCALLBACK sampleRateChangedCallback (ASIOSampleRate)
- {
- sendResetRequest (deviceIndex);
- }
- static long sendResetRequest (int targetIndex)
- {
- if (currentASIODev[targetIndex] != nullptr)
- currentASIODev[targetIndex]->resetRequest();
- return 1;
- }
- static void setCallbacks (ASIOCallbacks& callbacks)
- {
- callbacks.bufferSwitch = &bufferSwitchCallback;
- callbacks.asioMessage = &asioMessagesCallback;
- callbacks.bufferSwitchTimeInfo = &bufferSwitchTimeInfoCallback;
- callbacks.sampleRateDidChange = &sampleRateChangedCallback;
- }
- };
- void setCallbackFunctions()
- {
- if (currentASIODev[0] == this) ASIOCallbackFunctions<0>::setCallbacks (callbacks);
- else if (currentASIODev[1] == this) ASIOCallbackFunctions<1>::setCallbacks (callbacks);
- else if (currentASIODev[2] == this) ASIOCallbackFunctions<2>::setCallbacks (callbacks);
- else jassertfalse;
- }
- };
- //==============================================================================
- class ASIOAudioIODeviceType : public AudioIODeviceType
- {
- public:
- ASIOAudioIODeviceType()
- : AudioIODeviceType ("ASIO"),
- hasScanned (false)
- {
- }
- ~ASIOAudioIODeviceType()
- {
- masterReference.clear();
- }
- //==============================================================================
- void scanForDevices()
- {
- hasScanned = true;
- deviceNames.clear();
- classIds.clear();
- HKEY hk = 0;
- int index = 0;
- if (RegOpenKey (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, _T("software\\asio"), &hk) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
- {
- TCHAR name [256];
- while (RegEnumKey (hk, index++, name, numElementsInArray (name)) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
- addDriverInfo (name, hk);
- RegCloseKey (hk);
- }
- }
- StringArray getDeviceNames (bool /*wantInputNames*/) const
- {
- jassert (hasScanned); // need to call scanForDevices() before doing this
- return deviceNames;
- }
- int getDefaultDeviceIndex (bool) const
- {
- jassert (hasScanned); // need to call scanForDevices() before doing this
- for (int i = deviceNames.size(); --i >= 0;)
- if (deviceNames[i].containsIgnoreCase ("asio4all"))
- return i; // asio4all is a safe choice for a default..
- if (deviceNames.size() > 1 && deviceNames[0].containsIgnoreCase ("digidesign"))
- return 1; // (the digi m-box driver crashes the app when you run
- // it in the debugger, which can be a bit annoying)
- #endif
- return 0;
- }
- static int findFreeSlot()
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < numElementsInArray (currentASIODev); ++i)
- if (currentASIODev[i] == 0)
- return i;
- jassertfalse; // unfortunately you can only have a finite number
- // of ASIO devices open at the same time..
- return -1;
- }
- int getIndexOfDevice (AudioIODevice* d, bool /*asInput*/) const
- {
- jassert (hasScanned); // need to call scanForDevices() before doing this
- return d == nullptr ? -1 : deviceNames.indexOf (d->getName());
- }
- bool hasSeparateInputsAndOutputs() const { return false; }
- AudioIODevice* createDevice (const String& outputDeviceName,
- const String& inputDeviceName)
- {
- // ASIO can't open two different devices for input and output - they must be the same one.
- jassert (inputDeviceName == outputDeviceName || outputDeviceName.isEmpty() || inputDeviceName.isEmpty());
- jassert (hasScanned); // need to call scanForDevices() before doing this
- const int index = deviceNames.indexOf (outputDeviceName.isNotEmpty() ? outputDeviceName
- : inputDeviceName);
- if (index >= 0)
- {
- const int freeSlot = findFreeSlot();
- if (freeSlot >= 0)
- return new ASIOAudioIODevice (this, outputDeviceName,
- classIds.getReference (index), freeSlot);
- }
- return nullptr;
- }
- void sendDeviceChangeToListeners()
- {
- callDeviceChangeListeners();
- }
- WeakReference<ASIOAudioIODeviceType>::Master masterReference;
- private:
- StringArray deviceNames;
- Array<CLSID> classIds;
- bool hasScanned;
- //==============================================================================
- static bool checkClassIsOk (const String& classId)
- {
- HKEY hk = 0;
- bool ok = false;
- if (RegOpenKey (HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, _T("clsid"), &hk) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
- {
- int index = 0;
- TCHAR name [512];
- while (RegEnumKey (hk, index++, name, numElementsInArray (name)) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
- {
- if (classId.equalsIgnoreCase (name))
- {
- HKEY subKey, pathKey;
- if (RegOpenKeyEx (hk, name, 0, KEY_READ, &subKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
- {
- if (RegOpenKeyEx (subKey, _T("InprocServer32"), 0, KEY_READ, &pathKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
- {
- TCHAR pathName [1024] = { 0 };
- DWORD dtype = REG_SZ;
- DWORD dsize = sizeof (pathName);
- if (RegQueryValueEx (pathKey, 0, 0, &dtype, (LPBYTE) pathName, &dsize) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
- // In older code, this used to check for the existance of the file, but there are situations
- // where our process doesn't have access to it, but where the driver still loads ok..
- ok = (pathName[0] != 0);
- RegCloseKey (pathKey);
- }
- RegCloseKey (subKey);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- RegCloseKey (hk);
- }
- return ok;
- }
- //==============================================================================
- void addDriverInfo (const String& keyName, HKEY hk)
- {
- HKEY subKey;
- if (RegOpenKeyEx (hk, keyName.toWideCharPointer(), 0, KEY_READ, &subKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
- {
- TCHAR buf [256] = { 0 };
- DWORD dtype = REG_SZ;
- DWORD dsize = sizeof (buf);
- if (RegQueryValueEx (subKey, _T("clsid"), 0, &dtype, (LPBYTE) buf, &dsize) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
- {
- if (dsize > 0 && checkClassIsOk (buf))
- {
- CLSID classId;
- if (CLSIDFromString ((LPOLESTR) buf, &classId) == S_OK)
- {
- dtype = REG_SZ;
- dsize = sizeof (buf);
- String deviceName;
- if (RegQueryValueEx (subKey, _T("description"), 0, &dtype, (LPBYTE) buf, &dsize) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
- deviceName = buf;
- else
- deviceName = keyName;
- JUCE_ASIO_LOG ("found " + deviceName);
- deviceNames.add (deviceName);
- classIds.add (classId);
- }
- }
- RegCloseKey (subKey);
- }
- }
- }
- };
- void sendASIODeviceChangeToListeners (ASIOAudioIODeviceType* type)
- {
- if (type != nullptr)
- type->sendDeviceChangeToListeners();
- }
- AudioIODeviceType* AudioIODeviceType::createAudioIODeviceType_ASIO()
- {
- return new ASIOAudioIODeviceType();
- }