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196 lines

  1. # data file for the Fltk User Interface Designer (fluid)
  2. version 1.0302
  3. header_name {.h}
  4. code_name {.cc}
  5. decl {//Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Nasca Octavian Paul} {private local
  6. }
  7. decl {//License: GNU GPL version 2 or later} {private local
  8. }
  9. decl {\#include "Fl_Osc_Dial.H"} {public local
  10. }
  11. decl {\#include "Fl_Osc_DialF.H"} {public local
  12. }
  13. decl {\#include "Fl_Osc_Choice.H"} {public local
  14. }
  15. decl {\#include "Fl_Osc_Check.H"} {public local
  16. }
  17. decl {\#include "Fl_Osc_Pane.H"} {public local
  18. }
  19. decl {\#include "../globals.h"} {private global
  20. }
  21. decl {\#include <FL/Fl_Group.H>} {private global
  22. }
  23. decl {\#include <FL/Fl_Box.H>} {private global
  24. }
  25. decl {\#include <FL/fl_draw.H>} {private global
  26. }
  27. decl {\#include <string>} {public local
  28. }
  29. decl {\#include "PresetsUI.h"} {public local
  30. }
  31. decl {\#include "common.H"} {public local
  32. }
  33. class LFOUI {open : {public Fl_Osc_Group, PresetsUI_}
  34. } {
  35. Function {LFOUI(int x,int y, int w, int h, const char *label=0):Fl_Osc_Group(x,y,w,h)} {open
  36. } {
  37. code { cached_label = label; } {}
  38. }
  39. Function {~LFOUI()} {open
  40. } {
  41. code {lfoui->hide();
  42. hide();} {}
  43. }
  44. Function {make_window()} {open
  45. } {
  46. Fl_Window lfoui {open
  47. xywh {636 397 230 70} type Double color 50 labelfont 1
  48. class Fl_Group visible
  49. } {
  50. Fl_Group lfoparamswindow {
  51. label LFO open
  52. xywh {0 0 230 70} box UP_BOX color 223 labeltype ENGRAVED_LABEL labelsize 10 align 17
  53. code0 {set_module_parameters(o);}
  54. class Fl_Osc_Group
  55. } {
  56. Fl_Dial freq {
  57. label {Freq.} selected
  58. tooltip {LFO Frequency} xywh {5 20 30 30} box ROUND_UP_BOX labelsize 10 step 1e-05
  59. code0 {o->init("Pfreq");}
  60. class Fl_Osc_DialF
  61. }
  62. Fl_Dial intensity {
  63. label Depth
  64. tooltip {LFO Amount} xywh {40 20 30 30} box ROUND_UP_BOX labelsize 10 maximum 127 step 1
  65. code0 {o->init("Pintensity");}
  66. class Fl_Osc_Dial
  67. }
  68. Fl_Dial delay {
  69. label Delay
  70. tooltip {LFO delay} xywh {110 20 30 30} box ROUND_UP_BOX labelsize 10 maximum 127 step 1
  71. code0 {o->init("Pdelay");}
  72. class Fl_Osc_Dial
  73. }
  74. Fl_Dial startphase {
  75. label Start
  76. tooltip {LFO Startphase (leftmost is Random)} xywh {75 20 30 30} box ROUND_UP_BOX labelsize 10 maximum 127 step 1
  77. code0 {o->init("Pstartphase");}
  78. class Fl_Osc_Dial
  79. }
  80. Fl_Dial randomness {
  81. label {A.R.}
  82. tooltip {LFO Amplitude Randomness} xywh {180 7 20 20} box ROUND_UP_BOX labelsize 10 maximum 127 step 1
  83. code0 {o->init("Prandomness");}
  84. class Fl_Osc_Dial
  85. }
  86. Fl_Choice LFOtype {
  87. label Type
  88. tooltip {LFO function} xywh {180 40 45 15} down_box BORDER_BOX labelsize 10 align 2 textsize 8
  89. code0 {o->init("PLFOtype");}
  90. class Fl_Osc_Choice
  91. } {
  92. MenuItem {} {
  93. label SINE
  94. xywh {20 20 100 20} labelfont 1 labelsize 10
  95. }
  96. MenuItem {} {
  97. label TRI
  98. xywh {30 30 100 20} labelfont 1 labelsize 10
  99. }
  100. MenuItem {} {
  101. label SQR
  102. xywh {30 30 100 20} labelfont 1 labelsize 10
  103. }
  104. MenuItem {} {
  105. label {R.up}
  106. xywh {40 40 100 20} labelfont 1 labelsize 10
  107. }
  108. MenuItem {} {
  109. label {R.dn}
  110. xywh {50 50 100 20} labelfont 1 labelsize 10
  111. }
  112. MenuItem {} {
  113. label E1dn
  114. xywh {60 60 100 20} labelfont 1 labelsize 10
  115. }
  116. MenuItem {} {
  117. label E2dn
  118. xywh {70 70 100 20} labelfont 1 labelsize 10
  119. }
  120. }
  121. Fl_Check_Button continous {
  122. label {C.}
  123. tooltip {Continous LFO} xywh {165 35 15 15} down_box DOWN_BOX labelsize 10 align 2
  124. code0 {o->init("Pcontinous");}
  125. class Fl_Osc_Check
  126. }
  127. Fl_Dial freqrand {
  128. label {F.R.}
  129. tooltip {LFO Frequency Randomness} xywh {205 7 20 20} box ROUND_UP_BOX labelsize 10 maximum 127 step 1
  130. code0 {o->init("Pfreqrand");}
  131. class Fl_Osc_Dial
  132. }
  133. Fl_Dial stretch {
  134. label {Str.}
  135. tooltip {LFO stretch} xywh {144 30 20 20} box ROUND_UP_BOX labelsize 10 maximum 127 step 1
  136. code0 {o->init("Pstretch");}
  137. class Fl_Osc_Dial
  138. }
  139. Fl_Button {} {
  140. label C
  141. callback {presetsui->copy(lfoparamswindow->loc());}
  142. xywh {145 10 15 15} box THIN_UP_BOX color 179 labelfont 1 labelsize 10 labelcolor 55
  143. }
  144. Fl_Button {} {
  145. label P
  146. callback {presetsui->paste(lfoparamswindow->loc(),this);}
  147. xywh {162 10 15 15} box THIN_UP_BOX color 179 labelfont 1 labelsize 10 labelcolor 55
  148. }
  149. }
  150. }
  151. }
  152. Function {refresh()} {open
  153. } {
  154. code {freq->update();
  155. intensity->update();
  156. startphase->update();
  157. delay->update();
  158. continous->update();
  159. stretch->update();
  160. randomness->update();
  161. freqrand->update();
  162. LFOtype->update();} {}
  163. }
  164. Function {init(Fl_Osc_Interface *osc_, std::string base_, std::string ext_)} {open
  165. } {
  166. code {base = base_;
  167. ext = ext_;
  168. osc = osc_;
  169. make_window();
  170. end();
  171. refresh();
  172. lfoui->resize(this->x(),this->y(),this->w(),this->h());
  173. lfoparamswindow->label(cached_label);} {}
  174. }
  175. decl { const char *cached_label; } { private }
  176. }