- /*
- ZynAddSubFX - a software synthesizer
- LFOParams.cpp - Parameters for LFO
- Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Nasca Octavian Paul
- Author: Nasca Octavian Paul
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License
- as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License (version 2 or later) for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License (version 2)
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- */
- #include <cmath>
- #include <cstdio>
- #include "../globals.h"
- #include "../Misc/Util.h"
- #include "../Misc/XMLwrapper.h"
- #include "LFOParams.h"
- #include <rtosc/port-sugar.h>
- #include <rtosc/ports.h>
- using namespace rtosc;
- #define rObject LFOParams
- static const rtosc::Ports _ports = {
- rSelf(LFOParams),
- rPaste,
- rParamF(Pfreq, rLinear(0.0,1.0), "frequency of LFO\n"
- "lfo frequency = (2^(10*Pfreq)-1)/12 * stretch\n"
- "true frequency is [0,85.33] Hz"),
- rParamZyn(Pintensity, "Intensity of LFO"),
- rParamZyn(Pstartphase, rSpecial(random), "Starting Phase"),
- rOption(PLFOtype, rOptions(sine, triangle, square, ramp-up, ramp-down,
- exponential-down1, exponential-down2), "Shape of LFO"),
- rParamZyn(Prandomness, rSpecial(disable), "Amplitude Randomness (calculated uniformly at each cycle)"),
- rParamZyn(Pfreqrand, rSpecial(disable), "Frequency Randomness (calculated uniformly at each cycle)"),
- rParamZyn(Pdelay, rSpecial(disable), "Delay before LFO start\n"
- "0..4 second delay"),
- rToggle(Pcontinous, "Enable for global operation"),
- rParamZyn(Pstretch, rCentered, "Note frequency stretch"),
- };
- const rtosc::Ports &LFOParams::ports = _ports;
- LFOParams::LFOParams()
- {
- Dfreq = 64;
- Dintensity = 0;
- Dstartphase = 0;
- DLFOtype = 0;
- Drandomness = 0;
- Ddelay = 0;
- Dcontinous = 0;
- fel = 0;
- defaults();
- }
- LFOParams::LFOParams(char Pfreq_,
- char Pintensity_,
- char Pstartphase_,
- char PLFOtype_,
- char Prandomness_,
- char Pdelay_,
- char Pcontinous_,
- char fel_)
- {
- switch(fel_) {
- case 0:
- setpresettype("Plfofrequency");
- break;
- case 1:
- setpresettype("Plfoamplitude");
- break;
- case 2:
- setpresettype("Plfofilter");
- break;
- }
- Dfreq = Pfreq_;
- Dintensity = Pintensity_;
- Dstartphase = Pstartphase_;
- DLFOtype = PLFOtype_;
- Drandomness = Prandomness_;
- Ddelay = Pdelay_;
- Dcontinous = Pcontinous_;
- fel = fel_;
- defaults();
- }
- LFOParams::~LFOParams()
- {}
- void LFOParams::defaults()
- {
- Pfreq = Dfreq / 127.0f;
- Pintensity = Dintensity;
- Pstartphase = Dstartphase;
- PLFOtype = DLFOtype;
- Prandomness = Drandomness;
- Pdelay = Ddelay;
- Pcontinous = Dcontinous;
- Pfreqrand = 0;
- Pstretch = 64;
- }
- void LFOParams::add2XML(XMLwrapper *xml)
- {
- xml->addparreal("freq", Pfreq);
- xml->addpar("intensity", Pintensity);
- xml->addpar("start_phase", Pstartphase);
- xml->addpar("lfo_type", PLFOtype);
- xml->addpar("randomness_amplitude", Prandomness);
- xml->addpar("randomness_frequency", Pfreqrand);
- xml->addpar("delay", Pdelay);
- xml->addpar("stretch", Pstretch);
- xml->addparbool("continous", Pcontinous);
- }
- void LFOParams::getfromXML(XMLwrapper *xml)
- {
- Pfreq = xml->getparreal("freq", Pfreq, 0.0f, 1.0f);
- Pintensity = xml->getpar127("intensity", Pintensity);
- Pstartphase = xml->getpar127("start_phase", Pstartphase);
- PLFOtype = xml->getpar127("lfo_type", PLFOtype);
- Prandomness = xml->getpar127("randomness_amplitude", Prandomness);
- Pfreqrand = xml->getpar127("randomness_frequency", Pfreqrand);
- Pdelay = xml->getpar127("delay", Pdelay);
- Pstretch = xml->getpar127("stretch", Pstretch);
- Pcontinous = xml->getparbool("continous", Pcontinous);
- }
- #define COPY(y) this->y=x.y
- void LFOParams::paste(LFOParams &x)
- {
- COPY(Pfreq);
- COPY(Pintensity);
- COPY(Pstartphase);
- COPY(PLFOtype);
- COPY(Prandomness);
- COPY(Pfreqrand);
- COPY(Pdelay);
- COPY(Pcontinous);
- COPY(Pstretch);
- }
- #undef COPY