- /*
- ZynAddSubFX - a software synthesizer
- ADnoteParameters.cpp - Parameters for ADnote (ADsynth)
- Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Nasca Octavian Paul
- Author: Nasca Octavian Paul
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License
- as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License (version 2 or later) for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License (version 2)
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- */
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include "ADnoteParameters.h"
- #include "EnvelopeParams.h"
- #include "LFOParams.h"
- #include "../Misc/XMLwrapper.h"
- #include "../DSP/FFTwrapper.h"
- #include "../Synth/OscilGen.h"
- #include "../Synth/Resonance.h"
- #include "FilterParams.h"
- #include <rtosc/ports.h>
- #include <rtosc/port-sugar.h>
- using rtosc::Ports;
- using rtosc::RtData;
- #define EXPAND(x) x
- #define rObject ADnoteVoiceParam
- static const Ports voicePorts = {
- //Send Messages To Oscillator Realtime Table
- {"OscilSmp/", rDoc("Primary Oscillator"),
- &OscilGen::ports,
- if(obj->OscilSmp == NULL) return;
- data.obj = obj->OscilSmp;
- OscilGen::realtime_ports.dispatch(msg, data);
- if(data.matches == 0)
- data.forward();
- {"FMSmp/", rDoc("Modulating Oscillator"),
- &OscilGen::ports,
- if(obj->FMSmp == NULL) return;
- data.obj = obj->FMSmp;
- OscilGen::realtime_ports.dispatch(msg, data);
- if(data.matches == 0)
- data.forward();
- rRecurp(FreqLfo, "Frequency LFO"),
- rRecurp(AmpLfo, "Amplitude LFO"),
- rRecurp(FilterLfo, "Filter LFO"),
- rRecurp(FreqEnvelope, "Frequency Envelope"),
- rRecurp(AmpEnvelope, "Amplitude Envelope"),
- rRecurp(FilterEnvelope, "Filter Envelope"),
- rRecurp(FMFreqEnvelope, "Modulator Frequency Envelope"),
- rRecurp(FMAmpEnvelope, "Modulator Amplitude Envelope"),
- rRecurp(VoiceFilter, "Optional Voice Filter"),
- rToggle(Enabled, "Voice Enable"),
- rParamZyn(Unison_size, "Number of subvoices"),
- rParamZyn(Unison_phase_randomness, "Phase Randomness"),
- rParamZyn(Unison_frequency_spread, "Subvoice detune"),
- rParamZyn(Unison_stereo_spread, "Subvoice L/R Separation"),
- rParamZyn(Unison_vibratto, "Subvoice vibratto"),
- rParamZyn(Unison_vibratto_speed, "Subvoice vibratto speed"),
- rOption(Unison_invert_phase, rOptions(none, random, 50%, 33%, 25%), "Subvoice Phases"),
- rOption(Type, rOptions(Sound,White,Pink), "Type of Sound"),
- rParamZyn(PDelay, "Voice Startup Delay"),
- rToggle(Presonance, "Resonance Enable"),
- rParamI(Pextoscil, rMap(min, -1), rMap(max, 16), "External Oscilator Selection"),
- rParamI(PextFMoscil, rMap(min, -1), rMap(max, 16), "External FM Oscilator Selection"),
- rParamZyn(Poscilphase, "Oscillator Phase"),
- rParamZyn(PFMoscilphase, "FM Oscillator Phase"),
- rToggle(Pfilterbypass, "Filter Bypass"),
- //Freq Stuff
- rToggle(Pfixedfreq, "If frequency is fixed"),
- rParamZyn(PfixedfreqET, "Equal Tempermant Parameter"),
- rParamI(PDetune, "Fine Detune"),
- rParamI(PCoarseDetune, "Coarse Detune"),
- rParamZyn(PDetuneType, "Magnitude of Detune"),
- rToggle(PFreqEnvelopeEnabled, "Frequency Envelope Enable"),
- rToggle(PFreqLfoEnabled, "Frequency LFO Enable"),
- //Amplitude Stuff
- rParamZyn(PPanning, "Panning"),
- rParamZyn(PVolume, "Volume"),
- rToggle(PVolumeminus, "Signal Inverter"), //do we really need this??
- rParamZyn(PAmpVelocityScaleFunction, "Velocity Sensing"),
- rToggle(PAmpEnvelopeEnabled, "Amplitude Envelope Enable"),
- rToggle(PAmpLfoEnabled, "Amplitude LFO Enable"),
- //Filter Stuff
- rToggle(PFilterEnabled, "Filter Enable"),
- rToggle(PFilterEnvelopeEnabled, "Filter Envelope Enable"),
- rToggle(PFilterLfoEnabled, "Filter LFO Enable"),
- rParamZyn(PFilterVelocityScale, "Filter Velocity Magnitude"),
- rParamZyn(PFilterVelocityScaleFunction, "Filter Velocity Function Shape"),
- //Modulator Stuff
- rOption(PFMEnabled, rOptions(none, morph, ring modulation, phase modulation,
- frequency modulation, pitch modulation), "Modulator mode"),
- rParamI(PFMVoice, "Modulator Oscillator Selection"),
- rParamZyn(PFMVolume, "Modulator Magnitude"),
- rParamZyn(PFMVolumeDamp, "Modulator HF dampening"),
- rParamZyn(PFMVelocityScaleFunction, "Modulator Velocity Function"),
- rParamI(PFMDetune, "Modulator Fine Detune"),
- rParamI(PFMCoarseDetune, "Modulator Coarse Detune"),
- rParamZyn(PFMDetuneType, "Modulator Detune Magnitude"),
- rToggle(PFMFreqEnvelopeEnabled, "Modulator Frequency Envelope"),
- rToggle(PFMAmpEnvelopeEnabled, "Modulator Amplitude Envelope"),
- //weird stuff for PCoarseDetune
- {"detunevalue:", rMap(unit,cents) rDoc("Get detune in cents"), NULL,
- [](const char *, RtData &d)
- {
- rObject *obj = (rObject *)d.obj;
- unsigned detuneType =
- obj->PDetuneType == 0 ? *(obj->GlobalPDetuneType)
- : obj->PDetuneType;
- //TODO check if this is accurate or if PCoarseDetune is utilized
- //TODO do the same for the other engines
- d.reply(d.loc, "f", getdetune(detuneType, 0, obj->PDetune));
- }},
- {"octave::c:i", rProp(parameter) rDoc("Octave note offset"), NULL,
- [](const char *msg, RtData &d)
- {
- rObject *obj = (rObject *)d.obj;
- if(!rtosc_narguments(msg)) {
- int k=obj->PCoarseDetune/1024;
- if (k>=8) k-=16;
- d.reply(d.loc, "i", k);
- } else {
- int k=(int) rtosc_argument(msg, 0).i;
- if (k<0) k+=16;
- obj->PCoarseDetune = k*1024 + obj->PCoarseDetune%1024;
- }
- }},
- {"coarsedetune::c:i", rProp(parameter) rDoc("Coarse note detune"), NULL,
- [](const char *msg, RtData &d)
- {
- rObject *obj = (rObject *)d.obj;
- if(!rtosc_narguments(msg)) {
- int k=obj->PCoarseDetune%1024;
- if (k>=512) k-=1024;
- d.reply(d.loc, "i", k);
- } else {
- int k=(int) rtosc_argument(msg, 0).i;
- if (k<0) k+=1024;
- obj->PCoarseDetune = k + (obj->PCoarseDetune/1024)*1024;
- }
- }},
- //weird stuff for PCoarseDetune
- {"FMdetunevalue:", rMap(unit,cents) rDoc("Get modulator detune"), NULL, [](const char *, RtData &d)
- {
- rObject *obj = (rObject *)d.obj;
- unsigned detuneType =
- obj->PFMDetuneType == 0 ? *(obj->GlobalPDetuneType)
- : obj->PFMDetuneType;
- //TODO check if this is accurate or if PCoarseDetune is utilized
- //TODO do the same for the other engines
- d.reply(d.loc, "f", getdetune(detuneType, 0, obj->PFMDetune));
- }},
- {"FMoctave::c:i", rProp(parameter) rDoc("Octave note offset for modulator"), NULL,
- [](const char *msg, RtData &d)
- {
- rObject *obj = (rObject *)d.obj;
- if(!rtosc_narguments(msg)) {
- int k=obj->PFMCoarseDetune/1024;
- if (k>=8) k-=16;
- d.reply(d.loc, "i", k);
- } else {
- int k=(int) rtosc_argument(msg, 0).i;
- if (k<0) k+=16;
- obj->PFMCoarseDetune = k*1024 + obj->PFMCoarseDetune%1024;
- }
- }},
- {"FMcoarsedetune::c:i", rProp(parameter) rDoc("Coarse note detune for modulator"),
- NULL, [](const char *msg, RtData &d)
- {
- rObject *obj = (rObject *)d.obj;
- if(!rtosc_narguments(msg)) {
- int k=obj->PFMCoarseDetune%1024;
- if (k>=512) k-=1024;
- d.reply(d.loc, "i", k);
- } else {
- int k=(int) rtosc_argument(msg, 0).i;
- if (k<0) k+=1024;
- obj->PFMCoarseDetune = k + (obj->PFMCoarseDetune/1024)*1024;
- }
- }},
- //Reader
- {"unisonFrequencySpreadCents:", rMap(unit,cents) rDoc("Unison Frequency Spread"),
- NULL, [](const char *, RtData &d)
- {
- rObject *obj = (rObject *)d.obj;
- d.reply(d.loc, "f", obj->getUnisonFrequencySpreadCents());
- }},
- };
- #undef rObject
- #define rObject ADnoteGlobalParam
- static const Ports globalPorts = {
- rRecurp(Reson, "Resonance"),
- rRecurp(FreqLfo, "Frequency LFO"),
- rRecurp(AmpLfo, "Amplitude LFO"),
- rRecurp(FilterLfo, "Filter LFO"),
- rRecurp(FreqEnvelope, "Frequency Envelope"),
- rRecurp(AmpEnvelope, "Frequency Envelope"),
- rRecurp(FilterEnvelope, "Frequency Envelope"),
- rRecurp(GlobalFilter, "Filter"),
- rToggle(PStereo, "Mono/Stereo Enable"),
- //Frequency
- rParamI(PDetune, "Fine Detune"),
- rParamI(PCoarseDetune, "Coarse Detune"),
- rParamZyn(PDetuneType, "Detune Scaling Type"),
- rParamZyn(PBandwidth, "Relative Fine Detune Gain"),
- //Amplitude
- rParamZyn(PPanning, "Panning of ADsynth (0 random, 1 left, 127 right)"),
- rParamZyn(PVolume, "volume control"),
- rParamZyn(PAmpVelocityScaleFunction, "Volume Velocity Control"),
- rParamZyn(Fadein_adjustment, "Adjustment for anti-pop strategy."),
- rParamZyn(PPunchStrength, "Punch Strength"),
- rParamZyn(PPunchTime, "UNKNOWN"),
- rParamZyn(PPunchStretch, "How Punch changes with note frequency"),
- rParamZyn(PPunchVelocitySensing, "Punch Velocity control"),
- //Filter
- rParamZyn(PFilterVelocityScale, "Filter Velocity Magnitude"),
- rParamZyn(PFilterVelocityScaleFunction, "Filter Velocity Function Shape"),
- //Resonance
- rParamZyn(Hrandgrouping, "How randomness is applied to multiple voices using the same oscil"),
- //weird stuff for PCoarseDetune
- {"detunevalue:", rMap(unit,cents) rDoc("Get detune in cents"), NULL,
- [](const char *, RtData &d)
- {
- rObject *obj = (rObject *)d.obj;
- d.reply(d.loc, "f", getdetune(obj->PDetuneType, 0, obj->PDetune));
- }},
- {"octave::c:i", rProp(parameter) rDoc("Octave note offset"), NULL,
- [](const char *msg, RtData &d)
- {
- rObject *obj = (rObject *)d.obj;
- if(!rtosc_narguments(msg)) {
- int k=obj->PCoarseDetune/1024;
- if (k>=8) k-=16;
- d.reply(d.loc, "i", k);
- } else {
- int k=(int) rtosc_argument(msg, 0).i;
- if (k<0) k+=16;
- obj->PCoarseDetune = k*1024 + obj->PCoarseDetune%1024;
- }
- }},
- {"coarsedetune::c:i", rProp(parameter) rDoc("Coarse note detune"), NULL,
- [](const char *msg, RtData &d)
- {
- rObject *obj = (rObject *)d.obj;
- if(!rtosc_narguments(msg)) {
- int k=obj->PCoarseDetune%1024;
- if (k>=512) k-=1024;
- d.reply(d.loc, "i", k);
- } else {
- int k=(int) rtosc_argument(msg, 0).i;
- if (k<0) k+=1024;
- obj->PCoarseDetune = k + (obj->PCoarseDetune/1024)*1024;
- }
- }},
- };
- #undef rObject
- #define rObject ADnoteParameters
- static const Ports adPorts = {//XXX 16 should not be hard coded
- rSelf(ADnoteParameters),
- rPaste,
- rArrayPaste,
- rRecurs(VoicePar, NUM_VOICES),
- rRecur(GlobalPar, "Adnote Parameters"),
- };
- const Ports &ADnoteParameters::ports = adPorts;
- const Ports &ADnoteVoiceParam::ports = voicePorts;
- const Ports &ADnoteGlobalParam::ports = globalPorts;
- ADnoteParameters::ADnoteParameters(const SYNTH_T &synth, FFTwrapper *fft_)
- :PresetsArray()
- {
- setpresettype("Padsynth");
- fft = fft_;
- for(int nvoice = 0; nvoice < NUM_VOICES; ++nvoice) {
- VoicePar[nvoice].GlobalPDetuneType = &GlobalPar.PDetuneType;
- EnableVoice(synth, nvoice);
- }
- defaults();
- }
- ADnoteGlobalParam::ADnoteGlobalParam()
- {
- FreqEnvelope = new EnvelopeParams(0, 0);
- FreqEnvelope->ASRinit(64, 50, 64, 60);
- FreqLfo = new LFOParams(70, 0, 64, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- AmpEnvelope = new EnvelopeParams(64, 1);
- AmpEnvelope->ADSRinit_dB(0, 40, 127, 25);
- AmpLfo = new LFOParams(80, 0, 64, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);
- GlobalFilter = new FilterParams(2, 94, 40);
- FilterEnvelope = new EnvelopeParams(0, 1);
- FilterEnvelope->ADSRinit_filter(64, 40, 64, 70, 60, 64);
- FilterLfo = new LFOParams(80, 0, 64, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2);
- Reson = new Resonance();
- }
- void ADnoteParameters::defaults()
- {
- //Default Parameters
- GlobalPar.defaults();
- for(int nvoice = 0; nvoice < NUM_VOICES; ++nvoice)
- defaults(nvoice);
- VoicePar[0].Enabled = 1;
- }
- void ADnoteGlobalParam::defaults()
- {
- /* Frequency Global Parameters */
- PStereo = 1; //stereo
- PDetune = 8192; //zero
- PCoarseDetune = 0;
- PDetuneType = 1;
- FreqEnvelope->defaults();
- FreqLfo->defaults();
- PBandwidth = 64;
- /* Amplitude Global Parameters */
- PVolume = 90;
- PPanning = 64; //center
- PAmpVelocityScaleFunction = 64;
- AmpEnvelope->defaults();
- AmpLfo->defaults();
- Fadein_adjustment = FADEIN_ADJUSTMENT_SCALE;
- PPunchStrength = 0;
- PPunchTime = 60;
- PPunchStretch = 64;
- PPunchVelocitySensing = 72;
- Hrandgrouping = 0;
- /* Filter Global Parameters*/
- PFilterVelocityScale = 64;
- PFilterVelocityScaleFunction = 64;
- GlobalFilter->defaults();
- FilterEnvelope->defaults();
- FilterLfo->defaults();
- Reson->defaults();
- }
- /*
- * Defaults a voice
- */
- void ADnoteParameters::defaults(int n)
- {
- VoicePar[n].defaults();
- }
- void ADnoteVoiceParam::defaults()
- {
- Enabled = 0;
- Unison_size = 1;
- Unison_frequency_spread = 60;
- Unison_stereo_spread = 64;
- Unison_vibratto = 64;
- Unison_vibratto_speed = 64;
- Unison_invert_phase = 0;
- Unison_phase_randomness = 127;
- Type = 0;
- Pfixedfreq = 0;
- PfixedfreqET = 0;
- Presonance = 1;
- Pfilterbypass = 0;
- Pextoscil = -1;
- PextFMoscil = -1;
- Poscilphase = 64;
- PFMoscilphase = 64;
- PDelay = 0;
- PVolume = 100;
- PVolumeminus = 0;
- PPanning = 64; //center
- PDetune = 8192; //8192=0
- PCoarseDetune = 0;
- PDetuneType = 0;
- PFreqLfoEnabled = 0;
- PFreqEnvelopeEnabled = 0;
- PAmpEnvelopeEnabled = 0;
- PAmpLfoEnabled = 0;
- PAmpVelocityScaleFunction = 127;
- PFilterEnabled = 0;
- PFilterEnvelopeEnabled = 0;
- PFilterLfoEnabled = 0;
- PFilterVelocityScale = 0;
- PFilterVelocityScaleFunction = 64;
- PFMEnabled = 0;
- //I use the internal oscillator (-1)
- PFMVoice = -1;
- PFMVolume = 90;
- PFMVolumeDamp = 64;
- PFMDetune = 8192;
- PFMCoarseDetune = 0;
- PFMDetuneType = 0;
- PFMFreqEnvelopeEnabled = 0;
- PFMAmpEnvelopeEnabled = 0;
- PFMVelocityScaleFunction = 64;
- OscilSmp->defaults();
- FMSmp->defaults();
- AmpEnvelope->defaults();
- AmpLfo->defaults();
- FreqEnvelope->defaults();
- FreqLfo->defaults();
- VoiceFilter->defaults();
- FilterEnvelope->defaults();
- FilterLfo->defaults();
- FMFreqEnvelope->defaults();
- FMAmpEnvelope->defaults();
- }
- /*
- * Init the voice parameters
- */
- void ADnoteParameters::EnableVoice(const SYNTH_T &synth, int nvoice)
- {
- VoicePar[nvoice].enable(synth, fft, GlobalPar.Reson);
- }
- void ADnoteVoiceParam::enable(const SYNTH_T &synth, FFTwrapper *fft, Resonance *Reson)
- {
- OscilSmp = new OscilGen(synth, fft, Reson);
- FMSmp = new OscilGen(synth, fft, NULL);
- AmpEnvelope = new EnvelopeParams(64, 1);
- AmpEnvelope->ADSRinit_dB(0, 100, 127, 100);
- AmpLfo = new LFOParams(90, 32, 64, 0, 0, 30, 0, 1);
- FreqEnvelope = new EnvelopeParams(0, 0);
- FreqEnvelope->ASRinit(30, 40, 64, 60);
- FreqLfo = new LFOParams(50, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- VoiceFilter = new FilterParams(2, 50, 60);
- FilterEnvelope = new EnvelopeParams(0, 0);
- FilterEnvelope->ADSRinit_filter(90, 70, 40, 70, 10, 40);
- FilterLfo = new LFOParams(50, 20, 64, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2);
- FMFreqEnvelope = new EnvelopeParams(0, 0);
- FMFreqEnvelope->ASRinit(20, 90, 40, 80);
- FMAmpEnvelope = new EnvelopeParams(64, 1);
- FMAmpEnvelope->ADSRinit(80, 90, 127, 100);
- }
- /*
- * Get the Multiplier of the fine detunes of the voices
- */
- float ADnoteParameters::getBandwidthDetuneMultiplier() const
- {
- float bw = (GlobalPar.PBandwidth - 64.0f) / 64.0f;
- bw = powf(2.0f, bw * powf(fabs(bw), 0.2f) * 5.0f);
- return bw;
- }
- /*
- * Get the unison spread in cents for a voice
- */
- float ADnoteParameters::getUnisonFrequencySpreadCents(int nvoice) const
- {
- return VoicePar[nvoice].getUnisonFrequencySpreadCents();
- }
- float ADnoteVoiceParam::getUnisonFrequencySpreadCents(void) const {
- return powf(Unison_frequency_spread / 127.0 * 2.0f, 2.0f) * 50.0f; //cents
- }
- /*
- * Kill the voice
- */
- void ADnoteParameters::KillVoice(int nvoice)
- {
- VoicePar[nvoice].kill();
- }
- void ADnoteVoiceParam::kill()
- {
- delete OscilSmp;
- delete FMSmp;
- delete AmpEnvelope;
- delete AmpLfo;
- delete FreqEnvelope;
- delete FreqLfo;
- delete VoiceFilter;
- delete FilterEnvelope;
- delete FilterLfo;
- delete FMFreqEnvelope;
- delete FMAmpEnvelope;
- }
- ADnoteGlobalParam::~ADnoteGlobalParam()
- {
- delete FreqEnvelope;
- delete FreqLfo;
- delete AmpEnvelope;
- delete AmpLfo;
- delete GlobalFilter;
- delete FilterEnvelope;
- delete FilterLfo;
- delete Reson;
- }
- ADnoteParameters::~ADnoteParameters()
- {
- for(int nvoice = 0; nvoice < NUM_VOICES; ++nvoice)
- KillVoice(nvoice);
- }
- void ADnoteParameters::add2XMLsection(XMLwrapper *xml, int n)
- {
- int nvoice = n;
- if(nvoice >= NUM_VOICES)
- return;
- int oscilused = 0, fmoscilused = 0; //if the oscil or fmoscil are used by another voice
- for(int i = 0; i < NUM_VOICES; ++i) {
- if(VoicePar[i].Pextoscil == nvoice)
- oscilused = 1;
- if(VoicePar[i].PextFMoscil == nvoice)
- fmoscilused = 1;
- }
- xml->addparbool("enabled", VoicePar[nvoice].Enabled);
- if(((VoicePar[nvoice].Enabled == 0) && (oscilused == 0)
- && (fmoscilused == 0)) && (xml->minimal))
- return;
- VoicePar[nvoice].add2XML(xml, fmoscilused);
- }
- void ADnoteVoiceParam::add2XML(XMLwrapper *xml, bool fmoscilused)
- {
- xml->addpar("type", Type);
- xml->addpar("unison_size", Unison_size);
- xml->addpar("unison_frequency_spread",
- Unison_frequency_spread);
- xml->addpar("unison_stereo_spread", Unison_stereo_spread);
- xml->addpar("unison_vibratto", Unison_vibratto);
- xml->addpar("unison_vibratto_speed", Unison_vibratto_speed);
- xml->addpar("unison_invert_phase", Unison_invert_phase);
- xml->addpar("unison_phase_randomness", Unison_phase_randomness);
- xml->addpar("delay", PDelay);
- xml->addparbool("resonance", Presonance);
- xml->addpar("ext_oscil", Pextoscil);
- xml->addpar("ext_fm_oscil", PextFMoscil);
- xml->addpar("oscil_phase", Poscilphase);
- xml->addpar("oscil_fm_phase", PFMoscilphase);
- xml->addparbool("filter_enabled", PFilterEnabled);
- xml->addparbool("filter_bypass", Pfilterbypass);
- xml->addpar("fm_enabled", PFMEnabled);
- xml->beginbranch("OSCIL");
- OscilSmp->add2XML(xml);
- xml->endbranch();
- xml->beginbranch("AMPLITUDE_PARAMETERS");
- xml->addpar("panning", PPanning);
- xml->addpar("volume", PVolume);
- xml->addparbool("volume_minus", PVolumeminus);
- xml->addpar("velocity_sensing", PAmpVelocityScaleFunction);
- xml->addparbool("amp_envelope_enabled",
- PAmpEnvelopeEnabled);
- if((PAmpEnvelopeEnabled != 0) || (!xml->minimal)) {
- xml->beginbranch("AMPLITUDE_ENVELOPE");
- AmpEnvelope->add2XML(xml);
- xml->endbranch();
- }
- xml->addparbool("amp_lfo_enabled", PAmpLfoEnabled);
- if((PAmpLfoEnabled != 0) || (!xml->minimal)) {
- xml->beginbranch("AMPLITUDE_LFO");
- AmpLfo->add2XML(xml);
- xml->endbranch();
- }
- xml->endbranch();
- xml->beginbranch("FREQUENCY_PARAMETERS");
- xml->addparbool("fixed_freq", Pfixedfreq);
- xml->addpar("fixed_freq_et", PfixedfreqET);
- xml->addpar("detune", PDetune);
- xml->addpar("coarse_detune", PCoarseDetune);
- xml->addpar("detune_type", PDetuneType);
- xml->addparbool("freq_envelope_enabled",
- PFreqEnvelopeEnabled);
- if((PFreqEnvelopeEnabled != 0) || (!xml->minimal)) {
- xml->beginbranch("FREQUENCY_ENVELOPE");
- FreqEnvelope->add2XML(xml);
- xml->endbranch();
- }
- xml->addparbool("freq_lfo_enabled", PFreqLfoEnabled);
- if((PFreqLfoEnabled != 0) || (!xml->minimal)) {
- xml->beginbranch("FREQUENCY_LFO");
- FreqLfo->add2XML(xml);
- xml->endbranch();
- }
- xml->endbranch();
- if((PFilterEnabled != 0) || (!xml->minimal)) {
- xml->beginbranch("FILTER_PARAMETERS");
- xml->addpar("velocity_sensing_amplitude", PFilterVelocityScale);
- xml->addpar("velocity_sensing", PFilterVelocityScaleFunction);
- xml->beginbranch("FILTER");
- VoiceFilter->add2XML(xml);
- xml->endbranch();
- xml->addparbool("filter_envelope_enabled",
- PFilterEnvelopeEnabled);
- if((PFilterEnvelopeEnabled != 0) || (!xml->minimal)) {
- xml->beginbranch("FILTER_ENVELOPE");
- FilterEnvelope->add2XML(xml);
- xml->endbranch();
- }
- xml->addparbool("filter_lfo_enabled",
- PFilterLfoEnabled);
- if((PFilterLfoEnabled != 0) || (!xml->minimal)) {
- xml->beginbranch("FILTER_LFO");
- FilterLfo->add2XML(xml);
- xml->endbranch();
- }
- xml->endbranch();
- }
- if((PFMEnabled != 0) || (fmoscilused != 0)
- || (!xml->minimal)) {
- xml->beginbranch("FM_PARAMETERS");
- xml->addpar("input_voice", PFMVoice);
- xml->addpar("volume", PFMVolume);
- xml->addpar("volume_damp", PFMVolumeDamp);
- xml->addpar("velocity_sensing",
- PFMVelocityScaleFunction);
- xml->addparbool("amp_envelope_enabled",
- PFMAmpEnvelopeEnabled);
- if((PFMAmpEnvelopeEnabled != 0) || (!xml->minimal)) {
- xml->beginbranch("AMPLITUDE_ENVELOPE");
- FMAmpEnvelope->add2XML(xml);
- xml->endbranch();
- }
- xml->beginbranch("MODULATOR");
- xml->addpar("detune", PFMDetune);
- xml->addpar("coarse_detune", PFMCoarseDetune);
- xml->addpar("detune_type", PFMDetuneType);
- xml->addparbool("freq_envelope_enabled",
- PFMFreqEnvelopeEnabled);
- if((PFMFreqEnvelopeEnabled != 0) || (!xml->minimal)) {
- xml->beginbranch("FREQUENCY_ENVELOPE");
- FMFreqEnvelope->add2XML(xml);
- xml->endbranch();
- }
- xml->beginbranch("OSCIL");
- FMSmp->add2XML(xml);
- xml->endbranch();
- xml->endbranch();
- xml->endbranch();
- }
- }
- void ADnoteGlobalParam::add2XML(XMLwrapper *xml)
- {
- xml->addparbool("stereo", PStereo);
- xml->beginbranch("AMPLITUDE_PARAMETERS");
- xml->addpar("volume", PVolume);
- xml->addpar("panning", PPanning);
- xml->addpar("velocity_sensing", PAmpVelocityScaleFunction);
- xml->addpar("fadein_adjustment", Fadein_adjustment);
- xml->addpar("punch_strength", PPunchStrength);
- xml->addpar("punch_time", PPunchTime);
- xml->addpar("punch_stretch", PPunchStretch);
- xml->addpar("punch_velocity_sensing", PPunchVelocitySensing);
- xml->addpar("harmonic_randomness_grouping", Hrandgrouping);
- xml->beginbranch("AMPLITUDE_ENVELOPE");
- AmpEnvelope->add2XML(xml);
- xml->endbranch();
- xml->beginbranch("AMPLITUDE_LFO");
- AmpLfo->add2XML(xml);
- xml->endbranch();
- xml->endbranch();
- xml->beginbranch("FREQUENCY_PARAMETERS");
- xml->addpar("detune", PDetune);
- xml->addpar("coarse_detune", PCoarseDetune);
- xml->addpar("detune_type", PDetuneType);
- xml->addpar("bandwidth", PBandwidth);
- xml->beginbranch("FREQUENCY_ENVELOPE");
- FreqEnvelope->add2XML(xml);
- xml->endbranch();
- xml->beginbranch("FREQUENCY_LFO");
- FreqLfo->add2XML(xml);
- xml->endbranch();
- xml->endbranch();
- xml->beginbranch("FILTER_PARAMETERS");
- xml->addpar("velocity_sensing_amplitude", PFilterVelocityScale);
- xml->addpar("velocity_sensing", PFilterVelocityScaleFunction);
- xml->beginbranch("FILTER");
- GlobalFilter->add2XML(xml);
- xml->endbranch();
- xml->beginbranch("FILTER_ENVELOPE");
- FilterEnvelope->add2XML(xml);
- xml->endbranch();
- xml->beginbranch("FILTER_LFO");
- FilterLfo->add2XML(xml);
- xml->endbranch();
- xml->endbranch();
- xml->beginbranch("RESONANCE");
- Reson->add2XML(xml);
- xml->endbranch();
- }
- void ADnoteParameters::add2XML(XMLwrapper *xml)
- {
- GlobalPar.add2XML(xml);
- for(int nvoice = 0; nvoice < NUM_VOICES; ++nvoice) {
- xml->beginbranch("VOICE", nvoice);
- add2XMLsection(xml, nvoice);
- xml->endbranch();
- }
- }
- void ADnoteGlobalParam::getfromXML(XMLwrapper *xml)
- {
- PStereo = xml->getparbool("stereo", PStereo);
- if(xml->enterbranch("AMPLITUDE_PARAMETERS")) {
- PVolume = xml->getpar127("volume", PVolume);
- PPanning = xml->getpar127("panning", PPanning);
- PAmpVelocityScaleFunction = xml->getpar127("velocity_sensing",
- PAmpVelocityScaleFunction);
- Fadein_adjustment = xml->getpar127("fadein_adjustment", Fadein_adjustment);
- PPunchStrength = xml->getpar127("punch_strength", PPunchStrength);
- PPunchTime = xml->getpar127("punch_time", PPunchTime);
- PPunchStretch = xml->getpar127("punch_stretch", PPunchStretch);
- PPunchVelocitySensing = xml->getpar127("punch_velocity_sensing",
- PPunchVelocitySensing);
- Hrandgrouping = xml->getpar127("harmonic_randomness_grouping",
- Hrandgrouping);
- if(xml->enterbranch("AMPLITUDE_ENVELOPE")) {
- AmpEnvelope->getfromXML(xml);
- xml->exitbranch();
- }
- if(xml->enterbranch("AMPLITUDE_LFO")) {
- AmpLfo->getfromXML(xml);
- xml->exitbranch();
- }
- xml->exitbranch();
- }
- if(xml->enterbranch("FREQUENCY_PARAMETERS")) {
- PDetune = xml->getpar("detune", PDetune, 0, 16383);
- PCoarseDetune = xml->getpar("coarse_detune", PCoarseDetune, 0, 16383);
- PDetuneType = xml->getpar127("detune_type", PDetuneType);
- PBandwidth = xml->getpar127("bandwidth", PBandwidth);
- xml->enterbranch("FREQUENCY_ENVELOPE");
- FreqEnvelope->getfromXML(xml);
- xml->exitbranch();
- xml->enterbranch("FREQUENCY_LFO");
- FreqLfo->getfromXML(xml);
- xml->exitbranch();
- xml->exitbranch();
- }
- if(xml->enterbranch("FILTER_PARAMETERS")) {
- PFilterVelocityScale = xml->getpar127("velocity_sensing_amplitude",
- PFilterVelocityScale);
- PFilterVelocityScaleFunction = xml->getpar127(
- "velocity_sensing",
- PFilterVelocityScaleFunction);
- xml->enterbranch("FILTER");
- GlobalFilter->getfromXML(xml);
- xml->exitbranch();
- xml->enterbranch("FILTER_ENVELOPE");
- FilterEnvelope->getfromXML(xml);
- xml->exitbranch();
- xml->enterbranch("FILTER_LFO");
- FilterLfo->getfromXML(xml);
- xml->exitbranch();
- xml->exitbranch();
- }
- if(xml->enterbranch("RESONANCE")) {
- Reson->getfromXML(xml);
- xml->exitbranch();
- }
- }
- void ADnoteParameters::getfromXML(XMLwrapper *xml)
- {
- GlobalPar.getfromXML(xml);
- for(int nvoice = 0; nvoice < NUM_VOICES; ++nvoice) {
- VoicePar[nvoice].Enabled = 0;
- if(xml->enterbranch("VOICE", nvoice) == 0)
- continue;
- getfromXMLsection(xml, nvoice);
- xml->exitbranch();
- }
- }
- void ADnoteParameters::getfromXMLsection(XMLwrapper *xml, int n)
- {
- int nvoice = n;
- if(nvoice >= NUM_VOICES)
- return;
- VoicePar[nvoice].getfromXML(xml, nvoice);
- }
- void ADnoteParameters::paste(ADnoteParameters &a)
- {
- this->GlobalPar.paste(a.GlobalPar);
- for(int i=0; i<NUM_VOICES; ++i)
- this->VoicePar[i].paste(a.VoicePar[i]);
- }
- void ADnoteParameters::pasteArray(ADnoteParameters &a, int nvoice)
- {
- if(nvoice >= NUM_VOICES)
- return;
- VoicePar[nvoice].paste(a.VoicePar[nvoice]);
- }
- #define copy(x) this->x = a.x
- #define RCopy(x) this->x->paste(*a.x)
- void ADnoteVoiceParam::paste(ADnoteVoiceParam &a)
- {
- //Come on C++ get some darn reflection, this is horrible
- copy(Enabled);
- copy(Unison_size);
- copy(Unison_frequency_spread);
- copy(Unison_stereo_spread);
- copy(Unison_vibratto);
- copy(Unison_vibratto_speed);
- copy(Unison_invert_phase);
- copy(Unison_phase_randomness);
- copy(Type);
- copy(PDelay);
- copy(Presonance);
- copy(Pextoscil);
- copy(PextFMoscil);
- copy(Poscilphase);
- copy(PFMoscilphase);
- copy(PFilterEnabled);
- copy(Pfilterbypass);
- copy(PFMEnabled);
- RCopy(OscilSmp);
- copy(PPanning);
- copy(PVolume);
- copy(PVolumeminus);
- copy(PAmpVelocityScaleFunction);
- copy(PAmpEnvelopeEnabled);
- RCopy(AmpEnvelope);
- copy(PAmpLfoEnabled);
- RCopy(AmpLfo);
- copy(Pfixedfreq);
- copy(PfixedfreqET);
- copy(PDetune);
- copy(PCoarseDetune);
- copy(PDetuneType);
- copy(PFreqEnvelopeEnabled);
- RCopy(FreqEnvelope);
- copy(PFreqLfoEnabled);
- RCopy(FreqLfo);
- RCopy(VoiceFilter);
- copy(PFilterEnvelopeEnabled);
- RCopy(FilterEnvelope);
- copy(PFilterLfoEnabled);
- copy(PFilterVelocityScale);
- copy(PFilterVelocityScaleFunction);
- RCopy(FilterLfo);
- copy(PFMVoice);
- copy(PFMVolume);
- copy(PFMVolumeDamp);
- copy(PFMVelocityScaleFunction);
- copy(PFMAmpEnvelopeEnabled);
- RCopy(FMAmpEnvelope);
- copy(PFMDetune);
- copy(PFMCoarseDetune);
- copy(PFMDetuneType);
- copy(PFMFreqEnvelopeEnabled);
- RCopy(FMFreqEnvelope);
- RCopy(FMSmp);
- }
- void ADnoteGlobalParam::paste(ADnoteGlobalParam &a)
- {
- copy(PStereo);
- copy(PVolume);
- copy(PPanning);
- copy(PAmpVelocityScaleFunction);
- copy(Fadein_adjustment);
- copy(PPunchStrength);
- copy(PPunchTime);
- copy(PPunchStretch);
- copy(PPunchVelocitySensing);
- copy(Hrandgrouping);
- RCopy(AmpEnvelope);
- RCopy(AmpLfo);
- copy(PDetune);
- copy(PCoarseDetune);
- copy(PDetuneType);
- copy(PBandwidth);
- RCopy(FreqEnvelope);
- RCopy(FreqLfo);
- copy(PFilterVelocityScale);
- copy(PFilterVelocityScaleFunction);
- RCopy(GlobalFilter);
- RCopy(FilterEnvelope);
- RCopy(FilterLfo);
- RCopy(Reson);
- }
- #undef copy
- #undef RCopy
- void ADnoteVoiceParam::getfromXML(XMLwrapper *xml, unsigned nvoice)
- {
- Enabled = xml->getparbool("enabled", 0);
- Unison_size = xml->getpar127("unison_size", Unison_size);
- Unison_frequency_spread = xml->getpar127("unison_frequency_spread",
- Unison_frequency_spread);
- Unison_stereo_spread = xml->getpar127("unison_stereo_spread",
- Unison_stereo_spread);
- Unison_vibratto = xml->getpar127("unison_vibratto", Unison_vibratto);
- Unison_vibratto_speed = xml->getpar127("unison_vibratto_speed",
- Unison_vibratto_speed);
- Unison_invert_phase = xml->getpar127("unison_invert_phase",
- Unison_invert_phase);
- Unison_phase_randomness = xml->getpar127("unison_phase_randomness",
- Unison_phase_randomness);
- Type = xml->getpar127("type", Type);
- PDelay = xml->getpar127("delay", PDelay);
- Presonance = xml->getparbool("resonance", Presonance);
- Pextoscil = xml->getpar("ext_oscil", -1, -1, nvoice - 1);
- PextFMoscil = xml->getpar("ext_fm_oscil", -1, -1, nvoice - 1);
- Poscilphase = xml->getpar127("oscil_phase", Poscilphase);
- PFMoscilphase = xml->getpar127("oscil_fm_phase", PFMoscilphase);
- PFilterEnabled = xml->getparbool("filter_enabled", PFilterEnabled);
- Pfilterbypass = xml->getparbool("filter_bypass", Pfilterbypass);
- PFMEnabled = xml->getpar127("fm_enabled", PFMEnabled);
- if(xml->enterbranch("OSCIL")) {
- OscilSmp->getfromXML(xml);
- xml->exitbranch();
- }
- if(xml->enterbranch("AMPLITUDE_PARAMETERS")) {
- PPanning = xml->getpar127("panning", PPanning);
- PVolume = xml->getpar127("volume", PVolume);
- PVolumeminus = xml->getparbool("volume_minus", PVolumeminus);
- PAmpVelocityScaleFunction = xml->getpar127("velocity_sensing",
- PAmpVelocityScaleFunction);
- PAmpEnvelopeEnabled = xml->getparbool("amp_envelope_enabled",
- PAmpEnvelopeEnabled);
- if(xml->enterbranch("AMPLITUDE_ENVELOPE")) {
- AmpEnvelope->getfromXML(xml);
- xml->exitbranch();
- }
- PAmpLfoEnabled = xml->getparbool("amp_lfo_enabled", PAmpLfoEnabled);
- if(xml->enterbranch("AMPLITUDE_LFO")) {
- AmpLfo->getfromXML(xml);
- xml->exitbranch();
- }
- xml->exitbranch();
- }
- if(xml->enterbranch("FREQUENCY_PARAMETERS")) {
- Pfixedfreq = xml->getparbool("fixed_freq", Pfixedfreq);
- PfixedfreqET = xml->getpar127("fixed_freq_et", PfixedfreqET);
- PDetune = xml->getpar("detune", PDetune, 0, 16383);
- PCoarseDetune = xml->getpar("coarse_detune", PCoarseDetune, 0, 16383);
- PDetuneType = xml->getpar127("detune_type", PDetuneType);
- PFreqEnvelopeEnabled = xml->getparbool("freq_envelope_enabled",
- PFreqEnvelopeEnabled);
- if(xml->enterbranch("FREQUENCY_ENVELOPE")) {
- FreqEnvelope->getfromXML(xml);
- xml->exitbranch();
- }
- PFreqLfoEnabled = xml->getparbool("freq_lfo_enabled", PFreqLfoEnabled);
- if(xml->enterbranch("FREQUENCY_LFO")) {
- FreqLfo->getfromXML(xml);
- xml->exitbranch();
- }
- xml->exitbranch();
- }
- if(xml->enterbranch("FILTER_PARAMETERS")) {
- PFilterVelocityScale = xml->getpar127("velocity_sensing_amplitude",
- PFilterVelocityScale);
- PFilterVelocityScaleFunction = xml->getpar127(
- "velocity_sensing",
- PFilterVelocityScaleFunction);
- if(xml->enterbranch("FILTER")) {
- VoiceFilter->getfromXML(xml);
- xml->exitbranch();
- }
- PFilterEnvelopeEnabled = xml->getparbool("filter_envelope_enabled",
- PFilterEnvelopeEnabled);
- if(xml->enterbranch("FILTER_ENVELOPE")) {
- FilterEnvelope->getfromXML(xml);
- xml->exitbranch();
- }
- PFilterLfoEnabled = xml->getparbool("filter_lfo_enabled",
- PFilterLfoEnabled);
- if(xml->enterbranch("FILTER_LFO")) {
- FilterLfo->getfromXML(xml);
- xml->exitbranch();
- }
- xml->exitbranch();
- }
- if(xml->enterbranch("FM_PARAMETERS")) {
- PFMVoice = xml->getpar("input_voice", PFMVoice, -1, nvoice - 1);
- PFMVolume = xml->getpar127("volume", PFMVolume);
- PFMVolumeDamp = xml->getpar127("volume_damp", PFMVolumeDamp);
- PFMVelocityScaleFunction = xml->getpar127("velocity_sensing",
- PFMVelocityScaleFunction);
- PFMAmpEnvelopeEnabled = xml->getparbool("amp_envelope_enabled",
- PFMAmpEnvelopeEnabled);
- if(xml->enterbranch("AMPLITUDE_ENVELOPE")) {
- FMAmpEnvelope->getfromXML(xml);
- xml->exitbranch();
- }
- if(xml->enterbranch("MODULATOR")) {
- PFMDetune = xml->getpar("detune", PFMDetune, 0, 16383);
- PFMCoarseDetune = xml->getpar("coarse_detune",
- PFMCoarseDetune,
- 0,
- 16383);
- PFMDetuneType = xml->getpar127("detune_type", PFMDetuneType);
- PFMFreqEnvelopeEnabled = xml->getparbool("freq_envelope_enabled",
- PFMFreqEnvelopeEnabled);
- if(xml->enterbranch("FREQUENCY_ENVELOPE")) {
- FMFreqEnvelope->getfromXML(xml);
- xml->exitbranch();
- }
- if(xml->enterbranch("OSCIL")) {
- FMSmp->getfromXML(xml);
- xml->exitbranch();
- }
- xml->exitbranch();
- }
- xml->exitbranch();
- }
- }