- /*
- ==============================================================================
- This file is part of the JUCE library.
- Copyright (c) 2015 - ROLI Ltd.
- Permission is granted to use this software under the terms of either:
- a) the GPL v2 (or any later version)
- b) the Affero GPL v3
- Details of these licenses can be found at: www.gnu.org/licenses
- JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
- A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- To release a closed-source product which uses JUCE, commercial licenses are
- available: visit www.juce.com for more information.
- ==============================================================================
- */
- //==============================================================================
- /**
- A graphics context, used for drawing a component or image.
- When a Component needs painting, a Graphics context is passed to its
- Component::paint() method, and this you then call methods within this
- object to actually draw the component's content.
- A Graphics can also be created from an image, to allow drawing directly onto
- that image.
- @see Component::paint
- */
- class JUCE_API Graphics
- {
- public:
- //==============================================================================
- /** Creates a Graphics object to draw directly onto the given image.
- The graphics object that is created will be set up to draw onto the image,
- with the context's clipping area being the entire size of the image, and its
- origin being the image's origin. To draw into a subsection of an image, use the
- reduceClipRegion() and setOrigin() methods.
- Obviously you shouldn't delete the image before this context is deleted.
- */
- explicit Graphics (const Image& imageToDrawOnto);
- /** Destructor. */
- ~Graphics();
- //==============================================================================
- /** Changes the current drawing colour.
- This sets the colour that will now be used for drawing operations - it also
- sets the opacity to that of the colour passed-in.
- If a brush is being used when this method is called, the brush will be deselected,
- and any subsequent drawing will be done with a solid colour brush instead.
- @see setOpacity
- */
- void setColour (Colour newColour);
- /** Changes the opacity to use with the current colour.
- If a solid colour is being used for drawing, this changes its opacity
- to this new value (i.e. it doesn't multiply the colour's opacity by this amount).
- If a gradient is being used, this will have no effect on it.
- A value of 0.0 is completely transparent, 1.0 is completely opaque.
- */
- void setOpacity (float newOpacity);
- /** Sets the context to use a gradient for its fill pattern.
- */
- void setGradientFill (const ColourGradient& gradient);
- /** Sets the context to use a tiled image pattern for filling.
- Make sure that you don't delete this image while it's still being used by
- this context!
- */
- void setTiledImageFill (const Image& imageToUse,
- int anchorX, int anchorY,
- float opacity);
- /** Changes the current fill settings.
- @see setColour, setGradientFill, setTiledImageFill
- */
- void setFillType (const FillType& newFill);
- //==============================================================================
- /** Changes the font to use for subsequent text-drawing functions.
- Note there's also a setFont (float, int) method to quickly change the size and
- style of the current font.
- @see drawSingleLineText, drawMultiLineText, drawText, drawFittedText
- */
- void setFont (const Font& newFont);
- /** Changes the size of the currently-selected font.
- This is a convenient shortcut that changes the context's current font to a
- different size. The typeface won't be changed.
- @see Font
- */
- void setFont (float newFontHeight);
- /** Returns the currently selected font. */
- Font getCurrentFont() const;
- /** Draws a one-line text string.
- This will use the current colour (or brush) to fill the text. The font is the last
- one specified by setFont().
- @param text the string to draw
- @param startX the position to draw the left-hand edge of the text
- @param baselineY the position of the text's baseline
- @param justification the horizontal flags indicate which end of the text string is
- anchored at the specified point.
- @see drawMultiLineText, drawText, drawFittedText, GlyphArrangement::addLineOfText
- */
- void drawSingleLineText (const String& text,
- int startX, int baselineY,
- Justification justification = Justification::left) const;
- /** Draws text across multiple lines.
- This will break the text onto a new line where there's a new-line or
- carriage-return character, or at a word-boundary when the text becomes wider
- than the size specified by the maximumLineWidth parameter.
- @see setFont, drawSingleLineText, drawFittedText, GlyphArrangement::addJustifiedText
- */
- void drawMultiLineText (const String& text,
- int startX, int baselineY,
- int maximumLineWidth) const;
- /** Draws a line of text within a specified rectangle.
- The text will be positioned within the rectangle based on the justification
- flags passed-in. If the string is too long to fit inside the rectangle, it will
- either be truncated or will have ellipsis added to its end (if the useEllipsesIfTooBig
- flag is true).
- @see drawSingleLineText, drawFittedText, drawMultiLineText, GlyphArrangement::addJustifiedText
- */
- void drawText (const String& text,
- int x, int y, int width, int height,
- Justification justificationType,
- bool useEllipsesIfTooBig = true) const;
- /** Draws a line of text within a specified rectangle.
- The text will be positioned within the rectangle based on the justification
- flags passed-in. If the string is too long to fit inside the rectangle, it will
- either be truncated or will have ellipsis added to its end (if the useEllipsesIfTooBig
- flag is true).
- @see drawSingleLineText, drawFittedText, drawMultiLineText, GlyphArrangement::addJustifiedText
- */
- void drawText (const String& text,
- const Rectangle<int>& area,
- Justification justificationType,
- bool useEllipsesIfTooBig = true) const;
- /** Draws a line of text within a specified rectangle.
- The text will be positioned within the rectangle based on the justification
- flags passed-in. If the string is too long to fit inside the rectangle, it will
- either be truncated or will have ellipsis added to its end (if the useEllipsesIfTooBig
- flag is true).
- @see drawSingleLineText, drawFittedText, drawMultiLineText, GlyphArrangement::addJustifiedText
- */
- void drawText (const String& text,
- const Rectangle<float>& area,
- Justification justificationType,
- bool useEllipsesIfTooBig = true) const;
- /** Tries to draw a text string inside a given space.
- This does its best to make the given text readable within the specified rectangle,
- so it useful for labelling things.
- If the text is too big, it'll be squashed horizontally or broken over multiple lines
- if the maximumLinesToUse value allows this. If the text just won't fit into the space,
- it'll cram as much as possible in there, and put some ellipsis at the end to show that
- it's been truncated.
- A Justification parameter lets you specify how the text is laid out within the rectangle,
- both horizontally and vertically.
- The minimumHorizontalScale parameter specifies how much the text can be squashed horizontally
- to try to squeeze it into the space. If you don't want any horizontal scaling to occur, you
- can set this value to 1.0f. Pass 0 if you want it to use a default value.
- @see GlyphArrangement::addFittedText
- */
- void drawFittedText (const String& text,
- int x, int y, int width, int height,
- Justification justificationFlags,
- int maximumNumberOfLines,
- float minimumHorizontalScale = 0.0f) const;
- /** Tries to draw a text string inside a given space.
- This does its best to make the given text readable within the specified rectangle,
- so it useful for labelling things.
- If the text is too big, it'll be squashed horizontally or broken over multiple lines
- if the maximumLinesToUse value allows this. If the text just won't fit into the space,
- it'll cram as much as possible in there, and put some ellipsis at the end to show that
- it's been truncated.
- A Justification parameter lets you specify how the text is laid out within the rectangle,
- both horizontally and vertically.
- The minimumHorizontalScale parameter specifies how much the text can be squashed horizontally
- to try to squeeze it into the space. If you don't want any horizontal scaling to occur, you
- can set this value to 1.0f. Pass 0 if you want it to use a default value.
- @see GlyphArrangement::addFittedText
- */
- void drawFittedText (const String& text,
- const Rectangle<int>& area,
- Justification justificationFlags,
- int maximumNumberOfLines,
- float minimumHorizontalScale = 0.0f) const;
- //==============================================================================
- /** Fills the context's entire clip region with the current colour or brush.
- (See also the fillAll (Colour) method which is a quick way of filling
- it with a given colour).
- */
- void fillAll() const;
- /** Fills the context's entire clip region with a given colour.
- This leaves the context's current colour and brush unchanged, it just
- uses the specified colour temporarily.
- */
- void fillAll (Colour colourToUse) const;
- //==============================================================================
- /** Fills a rectangle with the current colour or brush.
- @see drawRect, fillRoundedRectangle
- */
- void fillRect (const Rectangle<int>& rectangle) const;
- /** Fills a rectangle with the current colour or brush.
- @see drawRect, fillRoundedRectangle
- */
- void fillRect (const Rectangle<float>& rectangle) const;
- /** Fills a rectangle with the current colour or brush.
- @see drawRect, fillRoundedRectangle
- */
- void fillRect (int x, int y, int width, int height) const;
- /** Fills a rectangle with the current colour or brush.
- @see drawRect, fillRoundedRectangle
- */
- void fillRect (float x, float y, float width, float height) const;
- /** Fills a set of rectangles using the current colour or brush.
- If you have a lot of rectangles to draw, it may be more efficient
- to create a RectangleList and use this method than to call fillRect()
- multiple times.
- */
- void fillRectList (const RectangleList<float>& rectangles) const;
- /** Fills a set of rectangles using the current colour or brush.
- If you have a lot of rectangles to draw, it may be more efficient
- to create a RectangleList and use this method than to call fillRect()
- multiple times.
- */
- void fillRectList (const RectangleList<int>& rectangles) const;
- /** Uses the current colour or brush to fill a rectangle with rounded corners.
- @see drawRoundedRectangle, Path::addRoundedRectangle
- */
- void fillRoundedRectangle (float x, float y, float width, float height,
- float cornerSize) const;
- /** Uses the current colour or brush to fill a rectangle with rounded corners.
- @see drawRoundedRectangle, Path::addRoundedRectangle
- */
- void fillRoundedRectangle (const Rectangle<float>& rectangle,
- float cornerSize) const;
- /** Fills a rectangle with a checkerboard pattern, alternating between two colours. */
- void fillCheckerBoard (const Rectangle<int>& area,
- int checkWidth, int checkHeight,
- Colour colour1, Colour colour2) const;
- /** Draws a rectangular outline, using the current colour or brush.
- The lines are drawn inside the given rectangle, and greater line thicknesses extend inwards.
- @see fillRect
- */
- void drawRect (int x, int y, int width, int height, int lineThickness = 1) const;
- /** Draws a rectangular outline, using the current colour or brush.
- The lines are drawn inside the given rectangle, and greater line thicknesses extend inwards.
- @see fillRect
- */
- void drawRect (float x, float y, float width, float height, float lineThickness = 1.0f) const;
- /** Draws a rectangular outline, using the current colour or brush.
- The lines are drawn inside the given rectangle, and greater line thicknesses extend inwards.
- @see fillRect
- */
- void drawRect (const Rectangle<int>& rectangle, int lineThickness = 1) const;
- /** Draws a rectangular outline, using the current colour or brush.
- The lines are drawn inside the given rectangle, and greater line thicknesses extend inwards.
- @see fillRect
- */
- void drawRect (Rectangle<float> rectangle, float lineThickness = 1.0f) const;
- /** Uses the current colour or brush to draw the outline of a rectangle with rounded corners.
- @see fillRoundedRectangle, Path::addRoundedRectangle
- */
- void drawRoundedRectangle (float x, float y, float width, float height,
- float cornerSize, float lineThickness) const;
- /** Uses the current colour or brush to draw the outline of a rectangle with rounded corners.
- @see fillRoundedRectangle, Path::addRoundedRectangle
- */
- void drawRoundedRectangle (const Rectangle<float>& rectangle,
- float cornerSize, float lineThickness) const;
- /** Fills a 1x1 pixel using the current colour or brush.
- Note that because the context may be transformed, this is effectively the same as
- calling fillRect (x, y, 1, 1), and the actual result may involve multiple pixels.
- */
- void setPixel (int x, int y) const;
- //==============================================================================
- /** Fills an ellipse with the current colour or brush.
- The ellipse is drawn to fit inside the given rectangle.
- @see drawEllipse, Path::addEllipse
- */
- void fillEllipse (float x, float y, float width, float height) const;
- /** Fills an ellipse with the current colour or brush.
- The ellipse is drawn to fit inside the given rectangle.
- @see drawEllipse, Path::addEllipse
- */
- void fillEllipse (const Rectangle<float>& area) const;
- /** Draws an elliptical stroke using the current colour or brush.
- @see fillEllipse, Path::addEllipse
- */
- void drawEllipse (float x, float y, float width, float height,
- float lineThickness) const;
- /** Draws an elliptical stroke using the current colour or brush.
- @see fillEllipse, Path::addEllipse
- */
- void drawEllipse (const Rectangle<float>& area, float lineThickness) const;
- //==============================================================================
- /** Draws a line between two points.
- The line is 1 pixel wide and drawn with the current colour or brush.
- TIP: If you're trying to draw horizontal or vertical lines, don't use this -
- it's better to use fillRect() instead unless you really need an angled line.
- */
- void drawLine (float startX, float startY, float endX, float endY) const;
- /** Draws a line between two points with a given thickness.
- TIP: If you're trying to draw horizontal or vertical lines, don't use this -
- it's better to use fillRect() instead unless you really need an angled line.
- @see Path::addLineSegment
- */
- void drawLine (float startX, float startY, float endX, float endY, float lineThickness) const;
- /** Draws a line between two points.
- The line is 1 pixel wide and drawn with the current colour or brush.
- TIP: If you're trying to draw horizontal or vertical lines, don't use this -
- it's better to use fillRect() instead unless you really need an angled line.
- */
- void drawLine (const Line<float>& line) const;
- /** Draws a line between two points with a given thickness.
- @see Path::addLineSegment
- TIP: If you're trying to draw horizontal or vertical lines, don't use this -
- it's better to use fillRect() instead unless you really need an angled line.
- */
- void drawLine (const Line<float>& line, float lineThickness) const;
- /** Draws a dashed line using a custom set of dash-lengths.
- @param line the line to draw
- @param dashLengths a series of lengths to specify the on/off lengths - e.g.
- { 4, 5, 6, 7 } will draw a line of 4 pixels, skip 5 pixels,
- draw 6 pixels, skip 7 pixels, and then repeat.
- @param numDashLengths the number of elements in the array (this must be an even number).
- @param lineThickness the thickness of the line to draw
- @param dashIndexToStartFrom the index in the dash-length array to use for the first segment
- @see PathStrokeType::createDashedStroke
- */
- void drawDashedLine (const Line<float>& line,
- const float* dashLengths, int numDashLengths,
- float lineThickness = 1.0f,
- int dashIndexToStartFrom = 0) const;
- /** Draws a vertical line of pixels at a given x position.
- The x position is an integer, but the top and bottom of the line can be sub-pixel
- positions, and these will be anti-aliased if necessary.
- The bottom parameter must be greater than or equal to the top parameter.
- */
- void drawVerticalLine (int x, float top, float bottom) const;
- /** Draws a horizontal line of pixels at a given y position.
- The y position is an integer, but the left and right ends of the line can be sub-pixel
- positions, and these will be anti-aliased if necessary.
- The right parameter must be greater than or equal to the left parameter.
- */
- void drawHorizontalLine (int y, float left, float right) const;
- //==============================================================================
- /** Fills a path using the currently selected colour or brush. */
- void fillPath (const Path& path,
- const AffineTransform& transform = AffineTransform::identity) const;
- /** Draws a path's outline using the currently selected colour or brush. */
- void strokePath (const Path& path,
- const PathStrokeType& strokeType,
- const AffineTransform& transform = AffineTransform::identity) const;
- /** Draws a line with an arrowhead at its end.
- @param line the line to draw
- @param lineThickness the thickness of the line
- @param arrowheadWidth the width of the arrow head (perpendicular to the line)
- @param arrowheadLength the length of the arrow head (along the length of the line)
- */
- void drawArrow (const Line<float>& line,
- float lineThickness,
- float arrowheadWidth,
- float arrowheadLength) const;
- //==============================================================================
- /** Types of rendering quality that can be specified when drawing images.
- @see blendImage, Graphics::setImageResamplingQuality
- */
- enum ResamplingQuality
- {
- lowResamplingQuality = 0, /**< Just uses a nearest-neighbour algorithm for resampling. */
- mediumResamplingQuality = 1, /**< Uses bilinear interpolation for upsampling and area-averaging for downsampling. */
- highResamplingQuality = 2 /**< Uses bicubic interpolation for upsampling and area-averaging for downsampling. */
- };
- /** Changes the quality that will be used when resampling images.
- By default a Graphics object will be set to mediumRenderingQuality.
- @see Graphics::drawImage, Graphics::drawImageTransformed, Graphics::drawImageWithin
- */
- void setImageResamplingQuality (const ResamplingQuality newQuality);
- /** Draws an image.
- This will draw the whole of an image, positioning its top-left corner at the
- given coordinates, and keeping its size the same. This is the simplest image
- drawing method - the others give more control over the scaling and clipping
- of the images.
- Images are composited using the context's current opacity, so if you
- don't want it to be drawn semi-transparently, be sure to call setOpacity (1.0f)
- (or setColour() with an opaque colour) before drawing images.
- */
- void drawImageAt (const Image& imageToDraw, int topLeftX, int topLeftY,
- bool fillAlphaChannelWithCurrentBrush = false) const;
- /** Draws part of an image, rescaling it to fit in a given target region.
- The specified area of the source image is rescaled and drawn to fill the
- specifed destination rectangle.
- Images are composited using the context's current opacity, so if you
- don't want it to be drawn semi-transparently, be sure to call setOpacity (1.0f)
- (or setColour() with an opaque colour) before drawing images.
- @param imageToDraw the image to overlay
- @param destX the left of the destination rectangle
- @param destY the top of the destination rectangle
- @param destWidth the width of the destination rectangle
- @param destHeight the height of the destination rectangle
- @param sourceX the left of the rectangle to copy from the source image
- @param sourceY the top of the rectangle to copy from the source image
- @param sourceWidth the width of the rectangle to copy from the source image
- @param sourceHeight the height of the rectangle to copy from the source image
- @param fillAlphaChannelWithCurrentBrush if true, then instead of drawing the source image's pixels,
- the source image's alpha channel is used as a mask with
- which to fill the destination using the current colour
- or brush. (If the source is has no alpha channel, then
- it will just fill the target with a solid rectangle)
- @see setImageResamplingQuality, drawImageAt, drawImageWithin, fillAlphaMap
- */
- void drawImage (const Image& imageToDraw,
- int destX, int destY, int destWidth, int destHeight,
- int sourceX, int sourceY, int sourceWidth, int sourceHeight,
- bool fillAlphaChannelWithCurrentBrush = false) const;
- /** Draws an image, having applied an affine transform to it.
- This lets you throw the image around in some wacky ways, rotate it, shear,
- scale it, etc.
- Images are composited using the context's current opacity, so if you
- don't want it to be drawn semi-transparently, be sure to call setOpacity (1.0f)
- (or setColour() with an opaque colour) before drawing images.
- If fillAlphaChannelWithCurrentBrush is set to true, then the image's RGB channels
- are ignored and it is filled with the current brush, masked by its alpha channel.
- If you want to render only a subsection of an image, use Image::getClippedImage() to
- create the section that you need.
- @see setImageResamplingQuality, drawImage
- */
- void drawImageTransformed (const Image& imageToDraw,
- const AffineTransform& transform,
- bool fillAlphaChannelWithCurrentBrush = false) const;
- /** Draws an image to fit within a designated rectangle.
- If the image is too big or too small for the space, it will be rescaled
- to fit as nicely as it can do without affecting its aspect ratio. It will
- then be placed within the target rectangle according to the justification flags
- specified.
- @param imageToDraw the source image to draw
- @param destX top-left of the target rectangle to fit it into
- @param destY top-left of the target rectangle to fit it into
- @param destWidth size of the target rectangle to fit the image into
- @param destHeight size of the target rectangle to fit the image into
- @param placementWithinTarget this specifies how the image should be positioned
- within the target rectangle - see the RectanglePlacement
- class for more details about this.
- @param fillAlphaChannelWithCurrentBrush if true, then instead of drawing the image, just its
- alpha channel will be used as a mask with which to
- draw with the current brush or colour. This is
- similar to fillAlphaMap(), and see also drawImage()
- @see setImageResamplingQuality, drawImage, drawImageTransformed, drawImageAt, RectanglePlacement
- */
- void drawImageWithin (const Image& imageToDraw,
- int destX, int destY, int destWidth, int destHeight,
- RectanglePlacement placementWithinTarget,
- bool fillAlphaChannelWithCurrentBrush = false) const;
- //==============================================================================
- /** Returns the position of the bounding box for the current clipping region.
- @see getClipRegion, clipRegionIntersects
- */
- Rectangle<int> getClipBounds() const;
- /** Checks whether a rectangle overlaps the context's clipping region.
- If this returns false, no part of the given area can be drawn onto, so this
- method can be used to optimise a component's paint() method, by letting it
- avoid drawing complex objects that aren't within the region being repainted.
- */
- bool clipRegionIntersects (const Rectangle<int>& area) const;
- /** Intersects the current clipping region with another region.
- @returns true if the resulting clipping region is non-zero in size
- @see setOrigin, clipRegionIntersects
- */
- bool reduceClipRegion (int x, int y, int width, int height);
- /** Intersects the current clipping region with another region.
- @returns true if the resulting clipping region is non-zero in size
- @see setOrigin, clipRegionIntersects
- */
- bool reduceClipRegion (const Rectangle<int>& area);
- /** Intersects the current clipping region with a rectangle list region.
- @returns true if the resulting clipping region is non-zero in size
- @see setOrigin, clipRegionIntersects
- */
- bool reduceClipRegion (const RectangleList<int>& clipRegion);
- /** Intersects the current clipping region with a path.
- @returns true if the resulting clipping region is non-zero in size
- @see reduceClipRegion
- */
- bool reduceClipRegion (const Path& path, const AffineTransform& transform = AffineTransform::identity);
- /** Intersects the current clipping region with an image's alpha-channel.
- The current clipping path is intersected with the area covered by this image's
- alpha-channel, after the image has been transformed by the specified matrix.
- @param image the image whose alpha-channel should be used. If the image doesn't
- have an alpha-channel, it is treated as entirely opaque.
- @param transform a matrix to apply to the image
- @returns true if the resulting clipping region is non-zero in size
- @see reduceClipRegion
- */
- bool reduceClipRegion (const Image& image, const AffineTransform& transform);
- /** Excludes a rectangle to stop it being drawn into. */
- void excludeClipRegion (const Rectangle<int>& rectangleToExclude);
- /** Returns true if no drawing can be done because the clip region is zero. */
- bool isClipEmpty() const;
- //==============================================================================
- /** Saves the current graphics state on an internal stack.
- To restore the state, use restoreState().
- @see ScopedSaveState
- */
- void saveState();
- /** Restores a graphics state that was previously saved with saveState().
- @see ScopedSaveState
- */
- void restoreState();
- /** Uses RAII to save and restore the state of a graphics context.
- On construction, this calls Graphics::saveState(), and on destruction it calls
- Graphics::restoreState() on the Graphics object that you supply.
- */
- class ScopedSaveState
- {
- public:
- ScopedSaveState (Graphics&);
- ~ScopedSaveState();
- private:
- Graphics& context;
- };
- //==============================================================================
- /** Begins rendering to an off-screen bitmap which will later be flattened onto the current
- context with the given opacity.
- The context uses an internal stack of temporary image layers to do this. When you've
- finished drawing to the layer, call endTransparencyLayer() to complete the operation and
- composite the finished layer. Every call to beginTransparencyLayer() MUST be matched
- by a corresponding call to endTransparencyLayer()!
- This call also saves the current state, and endTransparencyLayer() restores it.
- */
- void beginTransparencyLayer (float layerOpacity);
- /** Completes a drawing operation to a temporary semi-transparent buffer.
- See beginTransparencyLayer() for more details.
- */
- void endTransparencyLayer();
- /** Moves the position of the context's origin.
- This changes the position that the context considers to be (0, 0) to
- the specified position.
- So if you call setOrigin with (100, 100), then the position that was previously
- referred to as (100, 100) will subsequently be considered to be (0, 0).
- @see reduceClipRegion, addTransform
- */
- void setOrigin (Point<int> newOrigin);
- /** Moves the position of the context's origin.
- This changes the position that the context considers to be (0, 0) to
- the specified position.
- So if you call setOrigin (100, 100), then the position that was previously
- referred to as (100, 100) will subsequently be considered to be (0, 0).
- @see reduceClipRegion, addTransform
- */
- void setOrigin (int newOriginX, int newOriginY);
- /** Adds a transformation which will be performed on all the graphics operations that
- the context subsequently performs.
- After calling this, all the coordinates that are passed into the context will be
- transformed by this matrix.
- @see setOrigin
- */
- void addTransform (const AffineTransform& transform);
- /** Resets the current colour, brush, and font to default settings. */
- void resetToDefaultState();
- /** Returns true if this context is drawing to a vector-based device, such as a printer. */
- bool isVectorDevice() const;
- //==============================================================================
- /** Create a graphics that draws with a given low-level renderer.
- This method is intended for use only by people who know what they're doing.
- Note that the LowLevelGraphicsContext will NOT be deleted by this object.
- */
- Graphics (LowLevelGraphicsContext&) noexcept;
- /** @internal */
- LowLevelGraphicsContext& getInternalContext() const noexcept { return context; }
- private:
- //==============================================================================
- LowLevelGraphicsContext& context;
- ScopedPointer<LowLevelGraphicsContext> contextToDelete;
- bool saveStatePending;
- void saveStateIfPending();
- };