- /*
- ==============================================================================
- This file is part of the JUCE library.
- Copyright (c) 2015 - ROLI Ltd.
- Permission is granted to use this software under the terms of either:
- a) the GPL v2 (or any later version)
- b) the Affero GPL v3
- Details of these licenses can be found at: www.gnu.org/licenses
- JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
- A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- To release a closed-source product which uses JUCE, commercial licenses are
- available: visit www.juce.com for more information.
- ==============================================================================
- */
- //==============================================================================
- /**
- Controls a physical MIDI output device.
- To create one of these, use the static getDevices() method to get a list of the
- available output devices, then use the openDevice() method to try to open one.
- @see MidiInput
- */
- class JUCE_API MidiOutput : private Thread
- {
- public:
- //==============================================================================
- /** Returns a list of the available midi output devices.
- You can open one of the devices by passing its index into the
- openDevice() method.
- @see getDefaultDeviceIndex, openDevice
- */
- static StringArray getDevices();
- /** Returns the index of the default midi output device to use.
- This refers to the index in the list returned by getDevices().
- */
- static int getDefaultDeviceIndex();
- /** Tries to open one of the midi output devices.
- This will return a MidiOutput object if it manages to open it. You can then
- send messages to this device, and delete it when no longer needed.
- If the device can't be opened, this will return a null pointer.
- @param deviceIndex the index of a device from the list returned by getDevices()
- @see getDevices
- */
- static MidiOutput* openDevice (int deviceIndex);
- /** This will try to create a new midi output device (Not available on Windows).
- This will attempt to create a new midi output device that other apps can connect
- to and use as their midi input.
- Returns nullptr if a device can't be created.
- @param deviceName the name to use for the new device
- */
- static MidiOutput* createNewDevice (const String& deviceName);
- #endif
- //==============================================================================
- /** Destructor. */
- ~MidiOutput();
- /** Returns the name of this device. */
- const String& getName() const noexcept { return name; }
- /** Makes this device output a midi message.
- @see MidiMessage
- */
- void sendMessageNow (const MidiMessage& message);
- //==============================================================================
- /** This lets you supply a block of messages that will be sent out at some point
- in the future.
- The MidiOutput class has an internal thread that can send out timestamped
- messages - this appends a set of messages to its internal buffer, ready for
- sending.
- This will only work if you've already started the thread with startBackgroundThread().
- A time is specified, at which the block of messages should be sent. This time uses
- the same time base as Time::getMillisecondCounter(), and must be in the future.
- The samplesPerSecondForBuffer parameter indicates the number of samples per second
- used by the MidiBuffer. Each event in a MidiBuffer has a sample position, and the
- samplesPerSecondForBuffer value is needed to convert this sample position to a
- real time.
- */
- void sendBlockOfMessages (const MidiBuffer& buffer,
- double millisecondCounterToStartAt,
- double samplesPerSecondForBuffer);
- /** Gets rid of any midi messages that had been added by sendBlockOfMessages(). */
- void clearAllPendingMessages();
- /** Starts up a background thread so that the device can send blocks of data.
- Call this to get the device ready, before using sendBlockOfMessages().
- */
- void startBackgroundThread();
- /** Stops the background thread, and clears any pending midi events.
- @see startBackgroundThread
- */
- void stopBackgroundThread();
- private:
- //==============================================================================
- void* internal;
- CriticalSection lock;
- struct PendingMessage;
- PendingMessage* firstMessage;
- String name;
- MidiOutput(const String& midiName); // These objects are created with the openDevice() method.
- void run() override;
- };