- /*
- ==============================================================================
- This file is part of the JUCE library.
- Copyright (c) 2022 - Raw Material Software Limited
- JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source
- licensing.
- By using JUCE, you agree to the terms of both the JUCE 7 End-User License
- Agreement and JUCE Privacy Policy.
- End User License Agreement: www.juce.com/juce-7-licence
- Privacy Policy: www.juce.com/juce-privacy-policy
- Or: You may also use this code under the terms of the GPL v3 (see
- www.gnu.org/licenses).
- ==============================================================================
- */
- namespace juce
- {
- //==============================================================================
- /**
- Enables drag-and-drop behaviour for a component and all its sub-components.
- For a component to be able to make or receive drag-and-drop events, one of its parent
- components must derive from this class. It's probably best for the top-level
- component to implement it.
- Then to start a drag operation, any sub-component can just call the startDragging()
- method, and this object will take over, tracking the mouse and sending appropriate
- callbacks to any child components derived from DragAndDropTarget which the mouse
- moves over.
- Note: If all that you need to do is to respond to files being drag-and-dropped from
- the operating system onto your component, you don't need any of these classes: you can do this
- simply by overriding FileDragAndDropTarget::filesDropped().
- @see DragAndDropTarget
- @tags{GUI}
- */
- class JUCE_API DragAndDropContainer
- {
- public:
- //==============================================================================
- /** Creates a DragAndDropContainer.
- The object that derives from this class must also be a Component.
- */
- DragAndDropContainer();
- /** Destructor. */
- virtual ~DragAndDropContainer();
- //==============================================================================
- /** Begins a drag-and-drop operation.
- This starts a drag-and-drop operation - call it when the user drags the
- mouse in your drag-source component, and this object will track mouse
- movements until the user lets go of the mouse button, and will send
- appropriate messages to DragAndDropTarget objects that the mouse moves
- over.
- findParentDragContainerFor() is a handy method to call to find the
- drag container to use for a component.
- @param sourceDescription a string or value to use as the description of the thing being dragged -
- this will be passed to the objects that might be dropped-onto so they can
- decide whether they want to handle it
- @param sourceComponent the component that is being dragged
- @param dragImage the image to drag around underneath the mouse. If this is a null image,
- a snapshot of the sourceComponent will be used instead.
- @param allowDraggingToOtherJuceWindows if true, the dragged component will appear as a desktop
- window, and can be dragged to DragAndDropTargets that are the
- children of components other than this one.
- @param imageOffsetFromMouse if an image has been passed-in, this specifies the offset
- at which the image should be drawn from the mouse. If it isn't
- specified, then the image will be centred around the mouse. If
- an image hasn't been passed-in, this will be ignored.
- @param inputSourceCausingDrag the mouse input source which started the drag. When calling
- from within a mouseDown or mouseDrag event, you can pass
- MouseEvent::source to this method. If this param is nullptr then JUCE
- will use the mouse input source which is currently dragging. If there
- are several dragging mouse input sources (which can often occur on mobile)
- then JUCE will use the mouseInputSource which is closest to the sourceComponent.
- */
- void startDragging (const var& sourceDescription,
- Component* sourceComponent,
- const ScaledImage& dragImage = ScaledImage(),
- bool allowDraggingToOtherJuceWindows = false,
- const Point<int>* imageOffsetFromMouse = nullptr,
- const MouseInputSource* inputSourceCausingDrag = nullptr);
- [[deprecated ("This overload does not allow the image's scale to be specified. Use the other overload of startDragging instead.")]]
- void startDragging (const var& sourceDescription,
- Component* sourceComponent,
- Image dragImage,
- bool allowDraggingToOtherJuceWindows = false,
- const Point<int>* imageOffsetFromMouse = nullptr,
- const MouseInputSource* inputSourceCausingDrag = nullptr)
- {
- startDragging (sourceDescription,
- sourceComponent,
- ScaledImage (dragImage),
- allowDraggingToOtherJuceWindows,
- imageOffsetFromMouse,
- inputSourceCausingDrag);
- }
- /** Returns true if something is currently being dragged. */
- bool isDragAndDropActive() const;
- /** Returns the number of things currently being dragged. */
- int getNumCurrentDrags() const;
- /** Returns the description of the thing that's currently being dragged.
- If nothing's being dragged, this will return a null var, otherwise it'll return
- the var that was passed into startDragging().
- If you are using drag and drop in a multi-touch environment then you should use the
- getDragDescriptionForIndex() method instead which takes a touch index parameter.
- @see startDragging, getDragDescriptionForIndex
- */
- var getCurrentDragDescription() const;
- /** Same as the getCurrentDragDescription() method but takes a touch index parameter.
- @see getCurrentDragDescription
- */
- var getDragDescriptionForIndex (int index) const;
- /** If a drag is in progress, this allows the image being shown to be dynamically updated.
- If you are using drag and drop in a multi-touch environment then you should use the
- setDragImageForIndex() method instead which takes a touch index parameter.
- @see setDragImageForIndex
- */
- void setCurrentDragImage (const ScaledImage& newImage);
- [[deprecated ("This overload does not allow the image's scale to be specified. Use the other overload of setCurrentDragImage instead.")]]
- void setCurrentDragImage (const Image& newImage) { setCurrentDragImage (ScaledImage (newImage)); }
- /** Same as the setCurrentDragImage() method but takes a touch index parameter.
- @see setCurrentDragImage
- */
- void setDragImageForIndex (int index, const ScaledImage& newImage);
- [[deprecated ("This overload does not allow the image's scale to be specified. Use the other overload of setDragImageForIndex instead.")]]
- void setDragImageForIndex (int index, const Image& newImage) { setDragImageForIndex (index, ScaledImage (newImage)); }
- /** Utility to find the DragAndDropContainer for a given Component.
- This will search up this component's parent hierarchy looking for the first
- parent component which is a DragAndDropContainer.
- It's useful when a component wants to call startDragging but doesn't know
- the DragAndDropContainer it should to use.
- Obviously this may return nullptr if it doesn't find a suitable component.
- */
- static DragAndDropContainer* findParentDragContainerFor (Component* childComponent);
- //==============================================================================
- /** This performs an asynchronous drag-and-drop of a set of files to some external
- application.
- You can call this function in response to a mouseDrag callback, and it will
- use a native operating system drag-and-drop operation to move or copy some
- files to another application.
- @param files a list of filenames to drag
- @param canMoveFiles if true, the app that receives the files is allowed to move the files to a new location
- (if this is appropriate). If false, the receiver is expected to make a copy of them.
- @param sourceComponent normally, JUCE will assume that the component under the mouse is the source component
- of the drag, but you can use this parameter to override this.
- @param callback an optional completion callback that will be called when the operation has ended.
- @returns true if the drag operation was successfully started, or false if it failed for some reason
- @see performExternalDragDropOfText
- */
- static bool performExternalDragDropOfFiles (const StringArray& files, bool canMoveFiles,
- Component* sourceComponent = nullptr,
- std::function<void()> callback = nullptr);
- /** This performs an asynchronous drag-and-drop of a block of text to some external
- application.
- You can call this function in response to a mouseDrag callback, and it will
- use a native operating system drag-and-drop operation to move or copy some
- text to another application.
- @param text the text to copy
- @param sourceComponent Normally, JUCE will assume that the component under the mouse is the source component
- of the drag, but you can use this parameter to override this.
- @param callback an optional completion callback that will be called when the operation has ended.
- @returns true if the drag operation was successfully started, or false if it failed for some reason
- @see performExternalDragDropOfFiles
- */
- static bool performExternalDragDropOfText (const String& text, Component* sourceComponent = nullptr,
- std::function<void()> callback = nullptr);
- protected:
- /** Override this if you want to be able to perform an external drag of a set of files
- when the user drags outside of this container component.
- This method will be called when a drag operation moves outside the JUCE window,
- and if you want it to then perform a file drag-and-drop, add the filenames you want
- to the array passed in, and return true.
- @param sourceDetails information about the source of the drag operation
- @param files on return, the filenames you want to drag
- @param canMoveFiles on return, true if it's ok for the receiver to move the files; false if
- it must make a copy of them (see the performExternalDragDropOfFiles() method)
- @see performExternalDragDropOfFiles, shouldDropTextWhenDraggedExternally
- */
- virtual bool shouldDropFilesWhenDraggedExternally (const DragAndDropTarget::SourceDetails& sourceDetails,
- StringArray& files, bool& canMoveFiles);
- /** Override this if you want to be able to perform an external drag of text
- when the user drags outside of this container component.
- This method will be called when a drag operation moves outside the JUCE window,
- and if you want it to then perform a text drag-and-drop, copy the text you want to
- be dragged into the argument provided and return true.
- @param sourceDetails information about the source of the drag operation
- @param text on return, the text you want to drag
- @see shouldDropFilesWhenDraggedExternally
- */
- virtual bool shouldDropTextWhenDraggedExternally (const DragAndDropTarget::SourceDetails& sourceDetails,
- String& text);
- /** Subclasses can override this to be told when a drag starts. */
- virtual void dragOperationStarted (const DragAndDropTarget::SourceDetails&);
- /** Subclasses can override this to be told when a drag finishes. */
- virtual void dragOperationEnded (const DragAndDropTarget::SourceDetails&);
- private:
- //==============================================================================
- class DragImageComponent;
- OwnedArray<DragImageComponent> dragImageComponents;
- const MouseInputSource* getMouseInputSourceForDrag (Component* sourceComponent, const MouseInputSource* inputSourceCausingDrag);
- bool isAlreadyDragging (Component* sourceComponent) const noexcept;
- };
- } // namespace juce