- /*
- ==============================================================================
- This file is part of the JUCE library.
- Copyright (c) 2022 - Raw Material Software Limited
- JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source
- licensing.
- By using JUCE, you agree to the terms of both the JUCE 7 End-User License
- Agreement and JUCE Privacy Policy.
- End User License Agreement: www.juce.com/juce-7-licence
- Privacy Policy: www.juce.com/juce-privacy-policy
- Or: You may also use this code under the terms of the GPL v3 (see
- www.gnu.org/licenses).
- ==============================================================================
- */
- namespace juce
- {
- namespace dsp
- {
- namespace SIMDRegister_test_internal
- {
- template <typename type, typename = void> struct RandomPrimitive {};
- template <typename type>
- struct RandomPrimitive<type, typename std::enable_if<std::is_floating_point<type>::value>::type>
- {
- static type next (Random& random)
- {
- return static_cast<type> (std::is_signed<type>::value ? (random.nextFloat() * 16.0) - 8.0
- : (random.nextFloat() * 8.0));
- }
- };
- template <typename type>
- struct RandomPrimitive<type, typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<type>::value>::type>
- {
- static type next (Random& random)
- {
- return static_cast<type> (random.nextInt64());
- }
- };
- template <typename type>
- struct RandomValue
- {
- static type next (Random& random) { return RandomPrimitive<type>::next (random); }
- };
- template <typename type>
- struct RandomValue<std::complex<type>>
- {
- static std::complex<type> next (Random& random)
- {
- return {RandomPrimitive<type>::next (random), RandomPrimitive<type>::next (random)};
- }
- };
- template <typename type>
- static void fillVec (type* dst, Random& random)
- {
- std::generate_n (dst, SIMDRegister<type>::SIMDNumElements, [&]
- {
- return RandomValue<type>::next (random);
- });
- }
- // Avoid visual studio warning
- template <typename type>
- static type safeAbs (type a)
- {
- return static_cast<type> (std::abs (static_cast<double> (a)));
- }
- template <typename type>
- static type safeAbs (std::complex<type> a)
- {
- return std::abs (a);
- }
- template <typename type>
- static double difference (type a)
- {
- return static_cast<double> (safeAbs (a));
- }
- template <typename type>
- static double difference (type a, type b)
- {
- return difference (a - b);
- }
- } // namespace SIMDRegister_test_internal
- // These tests need to be strictly run on all platforms supported by JUCE as the
- // SIMD code is highly platform dependent.
- class SIMDRegisterUnitTests : public UnitTest
- {
- public:
- template <typename> struct Tag {};
- SIMDRegisterUnitTests()
- : UnitTest ("SIMDRegister UnitTests", UnitTestCategories::dsp)
- {}
- //==============================================================================
- // Some helper classes
- template <typename type>
- static bool allValuesEqualTo (const SIMDRegister<type>& vec, const type scalar)
- {
- #ifdef _MSC_VER
- __declspec(align(sizeof (SIMDRegister<type>))) type elements[SIMDRegister<type>::SIMDNumElements];
- #else
- type elements[SIMDRegister<type>::SIMDNumElements] __attribute__((aligned(sizeof (SIMDRegister<type>))));
- #endif
- vec.copyToRawArray (elements);
- // as we do not want to rely on the access operator we cast this to a primitive pointer
- for (size_t i = 0; i < SIMDRegister<type>::SIMDNumElements; ++i)
- if (elements[i] != scalar) return false;
- return true;
- }
- template <typename type>
- static bool vecEqualToArray (const SIMDRegister<type>& vec, const type* array)
- {
- HeapBlock<type> vecElementsStorage (SIMDRegister<type>::SIMDNumElements * 2);
- auto* ptr = SIMDRegister<type>::getNextSIMDAlignedPtr (vecElementsStorage.getData());
- vec.copyToRawArray (ptr);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < SIMDRegister<type>::SIMDNumElements; ++i)
- {
- double delta = SIMDRegister_test_internal::difference (ptr[i], array[i]);
- if (delta > 1e-4)
- {
- DBG ("a: " << SIMDRegister_test_internal::difference (ptr[i]) << " b: " << SIMDRegister_test_internal::difference (array[i]) << " difference: " << delta);
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- template <typename type>
- static void copy (SIMDRegister<type>& vec, const type* ptr)
- {
- if (SIMDRegister<type>::isSIMDAligned (ptr))
- {
- vec = SIMDRegister<type>::fromRawArray (ptr);
- }
- else
- {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < SIMDRegister<type>::SIMDNumElements; ++i)
- vec[i] = ptr[i];
- }
- }
- //==============================================================================
- // Some useful operations to test
- struct Addition
- {
- template <typename typeOne, typename typeTwo>
- static void inplace (typeOne& a, const typeTwo& b)
- {
- a += b;
- }
- template <typename typeOne, typename typeTwo>
- static typeOne outofplace (const typeOne& a, const typeTwo& b)
- {
- return a + b;
- }
- };
- struct Subtraction
- {
- template <typename typeOne, typename typeTwo>
- static void inplace (typeOne& a, const typeTwo& b)
- {
- a -= b;
- }
- template <typename typeOne, typename typeTwo>
- static typeOne outofplace (const typeOne& a, const typeTwo& b)
- {
- return a - b;
- }
- };
- struct Multiplication
- {
- template <typename typeOne, typename typeTwo>
- static void inplace (typeOne& a, const typeTwo& b)
- {
- a *= b;
- }
- template <typename typeOne, typename typeTwo>
- static typeOne outofplace (const typeOne& a, const typeTwo& b)
- {
- return a * b;
- }
- };
- struct BitAND
- {
- template <typename typeOne, typename typeTwo>
- static void inplace (typeOne& a, const typeTwo& b)
- {
- a &= b;
- }
- template <typename typeOne, typename typeTwo>
- static typeOne outofplace (const typeOne& a, const typeTwo& b)
- {
- return a & b;
- }
- };
- struct BitOR
- {
- template <typename typeOne, typename typeTwo>
- static void inplace (typeOne& a, const typeTwo& b)
- {
- a |= b;
- }
- template <typename typeOne, typename typeTwo>
- static typeOne outofplace (const typeOne& a, const typeTwo& b)
- {
- return a | b;
- }
- };
- struct BitXOR
- {
- template <typename typeOne, typename typeTwo>
- static void inplace (typeOne& a, const typeTwo& b)
- {
- a ^= b;
- }
- template <typename typeOne, typename typeTwo>
- static typeOne outofplace (const typeOne& a, const typeTwo& b)
- {
- return a ^ b;
- }
- };
- //==============================================================================
- // the individual tests
- struct InitializationTest
- {
- template <typename type>
- static void run (UnitTest& u, Random& random, Tag<type>)
- {
- u.expect (allValuesEqualTo<type> (SIMDRegister<type>::expand (static_cast<type> (23)), 23));
- {
- #ifdef _MSC_VER
- __declspec(align(sizeof (SIMDRegister<type>))) type elements[SIMDRegister<type>::SIMDNumElements];
- #else
- type elements[SIMDRegister<type>::SIMDNumElements] __attribute__((aligned(sizeof (SIMDRegister<type>))));
- #endif
- SIMDRegister_test_internal::fillVec (elements, random);
- SIMDRegister<type> a (SIMDRegister<type>::fromRawArray (elements));
- u.expect (vecEqualToArray (a, elements));
- SIMDRegister<type> b (a);
- a *= static_cast<type> (2);
- u.expect (vecEqualToArray (b, elements));
- }
- }
- };
- struct AccessTest
- {
- template <typename type>
- static void run (UnitTest& u, Random& random, Tag<type>)
- {
- // set-up
- SIMDRegister<type> a;
- type array [SIMDRegister<type>::SIMDNumElements];
- SIMDRegister_test_internal::fillVec (array, random);
- // Test non-const access operator
- for (size_t i = 0; i < SIMDRegister<type>::SIMDNumElements; ++i)
- a[i] = array[i];
- u.expect (vecEqualToArray (a, array));
- // Test const access operator
- const SIMDRegister<type>& b = a;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < SIMDRegister<type>::SIMDNumElements; ++i)
- u.expect (b[i] == array[i]);
- }
- };
- template <class Operation>
- struct OperatorTests
- {
- template <typename type>
- static void run (UnitTest& u, Random& random, Tag<type>)
- {
- for (int n = 0; n < 100; ++n)
- {
- // set-up
- SIMDRegister<type> a (static_cast<type> (0));
- SIMDRegister<type> b (static_cast<type> (0));
- SIMDRegister<type> c (static_cast<type> (0));
- type array_a [SIMDRegister<type>::SIMDNumElements];
- type array_b [SIMDRegister<type>::SIMDNumElements];
- type array_c [SIMDRegister<type>::SIMDNumElements];
- SIMDRegister_test_internal::fillVec (array_a, random);
- SIMDRegister_test_internal::fillVec (array_b, random);
- SIMDRegister_test_internal::fillVec (array_c, random);
- copy (a, array_a); copy (b, array_b); copy (c, array_c);
- // test in-place with both params being vectors
- for (size_t i = 0; i < SIMDRegister<type>::SIMDNumElements; ++i)
- Operation::template inplace<type, type> (array_a[i], array_b[i]);
- Operation::template inplace<SIMDRegister<type>, SIMDRegister<type>> (a, b);
- u.expect (vecEqualToArray (a, array_a));
- u.expect (vecEqualToArray (b, array_b));
- SIMDRegister_test_internal::fillVec (array_a, random);
- SIMDRegister_test_internal::fillVec (array_b, random);
- SIMDRegister_test_internal::fillVec (array_c, random);
- copy (a, array_a); copy (b, array_b); copy (c, array_c);
- // test in-place with one param being scalar
- for (size_t i = 0; i < SIMDRegister<type>::SIMDNumElements; ++i)
- Operation::template inplace<type, type> (array_b[i], static_cast<type> (2));
- Operation::template inplace<SIMDRegister<type>, type> (b, 2);
- u.expect (vecEqualToArray (a, array_a));
- u.expect (vecEqualToArray (b, array_b));
- // set-up again
- SIMDRegister_test_internal::fillVec (array_a, random);
- SIMDRegister_test_internal::fillVec (array_b, random);
- SIMDRegister_test_internal::fillVec (array_c, random);
- copy (a, array_a); copy (b, array_b); copy (c, array_c);
- // test out-of-place with both params being vectors
- for (size_t i = 0; i < SIMDRegister<type>::SIMDNumElements; ++i)
- array_c[i] = Operation::template outofplace<type, type> (array_a[i], array_b[i]);
- c = Operation::template outofplace<SIMDRegister<type>, SIMDRegister<type>> (a, b);
- u.expect (vecEqualToArray (a, array_a));
- u.expect (vecEqualToArray (b, array_b));
- u.expect (vecEqualToArray (c, array_c));
- // test out-of-place with one param being scalar
- for (size_t i = 0; i < SIMDRegister<type>::SIMDNumElements; ++i)
- array_c[i] = Operation::template outofplace<type, type> (array_b[i], static_cast<type> (2));
- c = Operation::template outofplace<SIMDRegister<type>, type> (b, 2);
- u.expect (vecEqualToArray (a, array_a));
- u.expect (vecEqualToArray (b, array_b));
- u.expect (vecEqualToArray (c, array_c));
- }
- }
- };
- template <class Operation>
- struct BitOperatorTests
- {
- template <typename type>
- static void run (UnitTest& u, Random& random, Tag<type>)
- {
- typedef typename SIMDRegister<type>::vMaskType vMaskType;
- typedef typename SIMDRegister<type>::MaskType MaskType;
- for (int n = 0; n < 100; ++n)
- {
- // Check flip sign bit and using as a union
- {
- type array_a [SIMDRegister<type>::SIMDNumElements];
- union ConversionUnion
- {
- inline ConversionUnion() : floatVersion (static_cast<type> (0)) {}
- inline ~ConversionUnion() {}
- SIMDRegister<type> floatVersion;
- vMaskType intVersion;
- } a, b;
- vMaskType bitmask = vMaskType::expand (static_cast<MaskType> (1) << (sizeof (MaskType) - 1));
- SIMDRegister_test_internal::fillVec (array_a, random);
- copy (a.floatVersion, array_a);
- copy (b.floatVersion, array_a);
- Operation::template inplace<SIMDRegister<type>, vMaskType> (a.floatVersion, bitmask);
- Operation::template inplace<vMaskType, vMaskType> (b.intVersion, bitmask);
- #ifdef _MSC_VER
- __declspec(align(sizeof (SIMDRegister<type>))) type elements[SIMDRegister<type>::SIMDNumElements];
- #else
- type elements[SIMDRegister<type>::SIMDNumElements] __attribute__((aligned(sizeof (SIMDRegister<type>))));
- #endif
- b.floatVersion.copyToRawArray (elements);
- u.expect (vecEqualToArray (a.floatVersion, elements));
- }
- // set-up
- SIMDRegister<type> a, c;
- vMaskType b;
- MaskType array_a [SIMDRegister<MaskType>::SIMDNumElements];
- MaskType array_b [SIMDRegister<MaskType>::SIMDNumElements];
- MaskType array_c [SIMDRegister<MaskType>::SIMDNumElements];
- type float_a [SIMDRegister<type>::SIMDNumElements];
- type float_c [SIMDRegister<type>::SIMDNumElements];
- SIMDRegister_test_internal::fillVec (float_a, random);
- SIMDRegister_test_internal::fillVec (array_b, random);
- SIMDRegister_test_internal::fillVec (float_c, random);
- memcpy (array_a, float_a, sizeof (type) * SIMDRegister<type>::SIMDNumElements);
- memcpy (array_c, float_c, sizeof (type) * SIMDRegister<type>::SIMDNumElements);
- copy (a, float_a); copy (b, array_b); copy (c, float_c);
- // test in-place with both params being vectors
- for (size_t i = 0; i < SIMDRegister<MaskType>::SIMDNumElements; ++i)
- Operation::template inplace<MaskType, MaskType> (array_a[i], array_b[i]);
- memcpy (float_a, array_a, sizeof (type) * SIMDRegister<type>::SIMDNumElements);
- Operation::template inplace<SIMDRegister<type>, vMaskType> (a, b);
- u.expect (vecEqualToArray (a, float_a));
- u.expect (vecEqualToArray (b, array_b));
- SIMDRegister_test_internal::fillVec (float_a, random);
- SIMDRegister_test_internal::fillVec (array_b, random);
- SIMDRegister_test_internal::fillVec (float_c, random);
- memcpy (array_a, float_a, sizeof (type) * SIMDRegister<type>::SIMDNumElements);
- memcpy (array_c, float_c, sizeof (type) * SIMDRegister<type>::SIMDNumElements);
- copy (a, float_a); copy (b, array_b); copy (c, float_c);
- // test in-place with one param being scalar
- for (size_t i = 0; i < SIMDRegister<MaskType>::SIMDNumElements; ++i)
- Operation::template inplace<MaskType, MaskType> (array_a[i], static_cast<MaskType> (9));
- memcpy (float_a, array_a, sizeof (type) * SIMDRegister<type>::SIMDNumElements);
- Operation::template inplace<SIMDRegister<type>, MaskType> (a, static_cast<MaskType> (9));
- u.expect (vecEqualToArray (a, float_a));
- u.expect (vecEqualToArray (b, array_b));
- // set-up again
- SIMDRegister_test_internal::fillVec (float_a, random);
- SIMDRegister_test_internal::fillVec (array_b, random);
- SIMDRegister_test_internal::fillVec (float_c, random);
- memcpy (array_a, float_a, sizeof (type) * SIMDRegister<type>::SIMDNumElements);
- memcpy (array_c, float_c, sizeof (type) * SIMDRegister<type>::SIMDNumElements);
- copy (a, float_a); copy (b, array_b); copy (c, float_c);
- // test out-of-place with both params being vectors
- for (size_t i = 0; i < SIMDRegister<MaskType>::SIMDNumElements; ++i)
- {
- array_c[i] =
- Operation::template outofplace<MaskType, MaskType> (array_a[i], array_b[i]);
- }
- memcpy (float_a, array_a, sizeof (type) * SIMDRegister<type>::SIMDNumElements);
- memcpy (float_c, array_c, sizeof (type) * SIMDRegister<type>::SIMDNumElements);
- c = Operation::template outofplace<SIMDRegister<type>, vMaskType> (a, b);
- u.expect (vecEqualToArray (a, float_a));
- u.expect (vecEqualToArray (b, array_b));
- u.expect (vecEqualToArray (c, float_c));
- // test out-of-place with one param being scalar
- for (size_t i = 0; i < SIMDRegister<MaskType>::SIMDNumElements; ++i)
- array_c[i] = Operation::template outofplace<MaskType, MaskType> (array_a[i], static_cast<MaskType> (9));
- memcpy (float_a, array_a, sizeof (type) * SIMDRegister<type>::SIMDNumElements);
- memcpy (float_c, array_c, sizeof (type) * SIMDRegister<type>::SIMDNumElements);
- c = Operation::template outofplace<SIMDRegister<type>, MaskType> (a, static_cast<MaskType> (9));
- u.expect (vecEqualToArray (a, float_a));
- u.expect (vecEqualToArray (b, array_b));
- u.expect (vecEqualToArray (c, float_c));
- }
- }
- };
- struct CheckComparisonOps
- {
- template <typename type>
- static void run (UnitTest& u, Random& random, Tag<type>)
- {
- typedef typename SIMDRegister<type>::vMaskType vMaskType;
- typedef typename SIMDRegister<type>::MaskType MaskType;
- for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
- {
- // set-up
- type array_a [SIMDRegister<type>::SIMDNumElements];
- type array_b [SIMDRegister<type>::SIMDNumElements];
- MaskType array_eq [SIMDRegister<type>::SIMDNumElements];
- MaskType array_neq [SIMDRegister<type>::SIMDNumElements];
- MaskType array_lt [SIMDRegister<type>::SIMDNumElements];
- MaskType array_le [SIMDRegister<type>::SIMDNumElements];
- MaskType array_gt [SIMDRegister<type>::SIMDNumElements];
- MaskType array_ge [SIMDRegister<type>::SIMDNumElements];
- SIMDRegister_test_internal::fillVec (array_a, random);
- SIMDRegister_test_internal::fillVec (array_b, random);
- // do check
- for (size_t j = 0; j < SIMDRegister<type>::SIMDNumElements; ++j)
- {
- array_eq [j] = (array_a[j] == array_b[j]) ? static_cast<MaskType> (-1) : 0;
- array_neq [j] = (array_a[j] != array_b[j]) ? static_cast<MaskType> (-1) : 0;
- array_lt [j] = (array_a[j] < array_b[j]) ? static_cast<MaskType> (-1) : 0;
- array_le [j] = (array_a[j] <= array_b[j]) ? static_cast<MaskType> (-1) : 0;
- array_gt [j] = (array_a[j] > array_b[j]) ? static_cast<MaskType> (-1) : 0;
- array_ge [j] = (array_a[j] >= array_b[j]) ? static_cast<MaskType> (-1) : 0;
- }
- SIMDRegister<type> a (static_cast<type> (0));
- SIMDRegister<type> b (static_cast<type> (0));
- vMaskType eq, neq, lt, le, gt, ge;
- copy (a, array_a);
- copy (b, array_b);
- eq = SIMDRegister<type>::equal (a, b);
- neq = SIMDRegister<type>::notEqual (a, b);
- lt = SIMDRegister<type>::lessThan (a, b);
- le = SIMDRegister<type>::lessThanOrEqual (a, b);
- gt = SIMDRegister<type>::greaterThan (a, b);
- ge = SIMDRegister<type>::greaterThanOrEqual (a, b);
- u.expect (vecEqualToArray (eq, array_eq ));
- u.expect (vecEqualToArray (neq, array_neq));
- u.expect (vecEqualToArray (lt, array_lt ));
- u.expect (vecEqualToArray (le, array_le ));
- u.expect (vecEqualToArray (gt, array_gt ));
- u.expect (vecEqualToArray (ge, array_ge ));
- do
- {
- SIMDRegister_test_internal::fillVec (array_a, random);
- SIMDRegister_test_internal::fillVec (array_b, random);
- } while (std::equal (array_a, array_a + SIMDRegister<type>::SIMDNumElements, array_b));
- copy (a, array_a);
- copy (b, array_b);
- u.expect (a != b);
- u.expect (b != a);
- u.expect (! (a == b));
- u.expect (! (b == a));
- SIMDRegister_test_internal::fillVec (array_a, random);
- copy (a, array_a);
- copy (b, array_a);
- u.expect (a == b);
- u.expect (b == a);
- u.expect (! (a != b));
- u.expect (! (b != a));
- type scalar = a[0];
- a = SIMDRegister<type>::expand (scalar);
- u.expect (a == scalar);
- u.expect (! (a != scalar));
- scalar--;
- u.expect (a != scalar);
- u.expect (! (a == scalar));
- }
- }
- };
- struct CheckMultiplyAdd
- {
- template <typename type>
- static void run (UnitTest& u, Random& random, Tag<type>)
- {
- // set-up
- type array_a [SIMDRegister<type>::SIMDNumElements];
- type array_b [SIMDRegister<type>::SIMDNumElements];
- type array_c [SIMDRegister<type>::SIMDNumElements];
- type array_d [SIMDRegister<type>::SIMDNumElements];
- SIMDRegister_test_internal::fillVec (array_a, random);
- SIMDRegister_test_internal::fillVec (array_b, random);
- SIMDRegister_test_internal::fillVec (array_c, random);
- SIMDRegister_test_internal::fillVec (array_d, random);
- // check
- for (size_t i = 0; i < SIMDRegister<type>::SIMDNumElements; ++i)
- array_d[i] = array_a[i] + (array_b[i] * array_c[i]);
- SIMDRegister<type> a, b, c, d;
- copy (a, array_a);
- copy (b, array_b);
- copy (c, array_c);
- d = SIMDRegister<type>::multiplyAdd (a, b, c);
- u.expect (vecEqualToArray (d, array_d));
- }
- };
- struct CheckMinMax
- {
- template <typename type>
- static void run (UnitTest& u, Random& random, Tag<type>)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
- {
- type array_a [SIMDRegister<type>::SIMDNumElements];
- type array_b [SIMDRegister<type>::SIMDNumElements];
- type array_min [SIMDRegister<type>::SIMDNumElements];
- type array_max [SIMDRegister<type>::SIMDNumElements];
- for (size_t j = 0; j < SIMDRegister<type>::SIMDNumElements; ++j)
- {
- array_a[j] = static_cast<type> (random.nextInt (127));
- array_b[j] = static_cast<type> (random.nextInt (127));
- }
- for (size_t j = 0; j < SIMDRegister<type>::SIMDNumElements; ++j)
- {
- array_min[j] = (array_a[j] < array_b[j]) ? array_a[j] : array_b[j];
- array_max[j] = (array_a[j] > array_b[j]) ? array_a[j] : array_b[j];
- }
- SIMDRegister<type> a (static_cast<type> (0));
- SIMDRegister<type> b (static_cast<type> (0));
- SIMDRegister<type> vMin (static_cast<type> (0));
- SIMDRegister<type> vMax (static_cast<type> (0));
- copy (a, array_a);
- copy (b, array_b);
- vMin = jmin (a, b);
- vMax = jmax (a, b);
- u.expect (vecEqualToArray (vMin, array_min));
- u.expect (vecEqualToArray (vMax, array_max));
- copy (vMin, array_a);
- copy (vMax, array_a);
- vMin = SIMDRegister<type>::min (a, b);
- vMax = SIMDRegister<type>::max (a, b);
- u.expect (vecEqualToArray (vMin, array_min));
- u.expect (vecEqualToArray (vMax, array_max));
- }
- }
- };
- struct CheckSum
- {
- template <typename type>
- static void run (UnitTest& u, Random& random, Tag<type>)
- {
- type array [SIMDRegister<type>::SIMDNumElements];
- SIMDRegister_test_internal::fillVec (array, random);
- using AddedType = decltype (type{} + type{});
- const auto sumCheck = (type) std::accumulate (std::begin (array), std::end (array), AddedType{});
- SIMDRegister<type> a;
- copy (a, array);
- u.expect (SIMDRegister_test_internal::difference (sumCheck, a.sum()) < 1e-4);
- }
- };
- struct CheckAbs
- {
- template <typename type>
- static void run (UnitTest& u, Random& random, Tag<type>)
- {
- type inArray[SIMDRegister<type>::SIMDNumElements];
- type outArray[SIMDRegister<type>::SIMDNumElements];
- SIMDRegister_test_internal::fillVec (inArray, random);
- SIMDRegister<type> a;
- copy (a, inArray);
- a = SIMDRegister<type>::abs (a);
- auto calcAbs = [] (type x) -> type { return x >= type (0) ? x : type (-x); };
- for (size_t j = 0; j < SIMDRegister<type>::SIMDNumElements; ++j)
- outArray[j] = calcAbs (inArray[j]);
- u.expect (vecEqualToArray (a, outArray));
- }
- };
- struct CheckTruncate
- {
- template <typename type>
- static void run (UnitTest& u, Random& random, Tag<type>)
- {
- type inArray[SIMDRegister<type>::SIMDNumElements];
- type outArray[SIMDRegister<type>::SIMDNumElements];
- SIMDRegister_test_internal::fillVec (inArray, random);
- SIMDRegister<type> a;
- copy (a, inArray);
- a = SIMDRegister<type>::truncate (a);
- for (size_t j = 0; j < SIMDRegister<type>::SIMDNumElements; ++j)
- outArray[j] = (type) (int) inArray[j];
- u.expect (vecEqualToArray (a, outArray));
- }
- };
- struct CheckBoolEquals
- {
- template <typename type>
- static void run (UnitTest& u, Random& random, Tag<type>)
- {
- bool is_signed = std::is_signed<type>::value;
- type array [SIMDRegister<type>::SIMDNumElements];
- auto value = is_signed ? static_cast<type> ((random.nextFloat() * 16.0) - 8.0)
- : static_cast<type> (random.nextFloat() * 8.0);
- std::fill (array, array + SIMDRegister<type>::SIMDNumElements, value);
- SIMDRegister<type> a, b;
- copy (a, array);
- u.expect (a == value);
- u.expect (! (a != value));
- value += 1;
- u.expect (a != value);
- u.expect (! (a == value));
- SIMDRegister_test_internal::fillVec (array, random);
- copy (a, array);
- copy (b, array);
- u.expect (a == b);
- u.expect (! (a != b));
- SIMDRegister_test_internal::fillVec (array, random);
- copy (b, array);
- u.expect (a != b);
- u.expect (! (a == b));
- }
- };
- //==============================================================================
- template <class TheTest>
- void runTestFloatingPoint (const char* unitTestName, TheTest)
- {
- beginTest (unitTestName);
- Random random = getRandom();
- TheTest::run (*this, random, Tag<float> {});
- TheTest::run (*this, random, Tag<double>{});
- }
- //==============================================================================
- template <class TheTest>
- void runTestForAllTypes (const char* unitTestName, TheTest)
- {
- beginTest (unitTestName);
- Random random = getRandom();
- TheTest::run (*this, random, Tag<float> {});
- TheTest::run (*this, random, Tag<double> {});
- TheTest::run (*this, random, Tag<int8_t> {});
- TheTest::run (*this, random, Tag<uint8_t> {});
- TheTest::run (*this, random, Tag<int16_t> {});
- TheTest::run (*this, random, Tag<uint16_t> {});
- TheTest::run (*this, random, Tag<int32_t> {});
- TheTest::run (*this, random, Tag<uint32_t> {});
- TheTest::run (*this, random, Tag<int64_t> {});
- TheTest::run (*this, random, Tag<uint64_t> {});
- TheTest::run (*this, random, Tag<std::complex<float>> {});
- TheTest::run (*this, random, Tag<std::complex<double>>{});
- }
- template <class TheTest>
- void runTestNonComplex (const char* unitTestName, TheTest)
- {
- beginTest (unitTestName);
- Random random = getRandom();
- TheTest::run (*this, random, Tag<float> {});
- TheTest::run (*this, random, Tag<double> {});
- TheTest::run (*this, random, Tag<int8_t> {});
- TheTest::run (*this, random, Tag<uint8_t> {});
- TheTest::run (*this, random, Tag<int16_t> {});
- TheTest::run (*this, random, Tag<uint16_t>{});
- TheTest::run (*this, random, Tag<int32_t> {});
- TheTest::run (*this, random, Tag<uint32_t>{});
- TheTest::run (*this, random, Tag<int64_t> {});
- TheTest::run (*this, random, Tag<uint64_t>{});
- }
- template <class TheTest>
- void runTestSigned (const char* unitTestName, TheTest)
- {
- beginTest (unitTestName);
- Random random = getRandom();
- TheTest::run (*this, random, Tag<float> {});
- TheTest::run (*this, random, Tag<double> {});
- TheTest::run (*this, random, Tag<int8_t> {});
- TheTest::run (*this, random, Tag<int16_t>{});
- TheTest::run (*this, random, Tag<int32_t>{});
- TheTest::run (*this, random, Tag<int64_t>{});
- }
- void runTest()
- {
- runTestForAllTypes ("InitializationTest", InitializationTest{});
- runTestForAllTypes ("AccessTest", AccessTest{});
- runTestForAllTypes ("AdditionOperators", OperatorTests<Addition>{});
- runTestForAllTypes ("SubtractionOperators", OperatorTests<Subtraction>{});
- runTestForAllTypes ("MultiplicationOperators", OperatorTests<Multiplication>{});
- runTestForAllTypes ("BitANDOperators", BitOperatorTests<BitAND>{});
- runTestForAllTypes ("BitOROperators", BitOperatorTests<BitOR>{});
- runTestForAllTypes ("BitXOROperators", BitOperatorTests<BitXOR>{});
- runTestNonComplex ("CheckComparisons", CheckComparisonOps{});
- runTestNonComplex ("CheckBoolEquals", CheckBoolEquals{});
- runTestNonComplex ("CheckMinMax", CheckMinMax{});
- runTestForAllTypes ("CheckMultiplyAdd", CheckMultiplyAdd{});
- runTestForAllTypes ("CheckSum", CheckSum{});
- runTestSigned ("CheckAbs", CheckAbs{});
- runTestFloatingPoint ("CheckTruncate", CheckTruncate{});
- }
- };
- static SIMDRegisterUnitTests SIMDRegisterUnitTests;
- } // namespace dsp
- } // namespace juce