- /*
- ==============================================================================
- This file is part of the JUCE library.
- Copyright (c) 2022 - Raw Material Software Limited
- JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source
- licensing.
- By using JUCE, you agree to the terms of both the JUCE 7 End-User License
- Agreement and JUCE Privacy Policy.
- End User License Agreement: www.juce.com/juce-7-licence
- Privacy Policy: www.juce.com/juce-privacy-policy
- Or: You may also use this code under the terms of the GPL v3 (see
- www.gnu.org/licenses).
- ==============================================================================
- */
- namespace juce
- {
- namespace dsp
- {
- #ifndef DOXYGEN
- // This class is needed internally.
- template <typename Scalar>
- struct CmplxSIMDOps;
- #endif
- //==============================================================================
- /**
- A wrapper around the platform's native SIMD register type.
- This class is only available on SIMD machines. Use JUCE_USE_SIMD to query
- if SIMD is available for your system.
- SIMDRegister<Type> is a templated class representing the native
- vectorized version of FloatingType. SIMDRegister supports all numerical
- primitive types and std:complex<float> and std::complex<double> supports
- and most operations of the corresponding primitive
- type. Additionally, SIMDRegister can be accessed like an array to extract
- the individual elements.
- If you are using SIMDRegister as a pointer, then you must ensure that the
- memory is sufficiently aligned for SIMD vector operations. Failing to do so
- will result in crashes or very slow code. Use SIMDRegister::isSIMDAligned
- to query if a pointer is sufficiently aligned for SIMD vector operations.
- Note that using SIMDRegister without enabling optimizations will result
- in code with very poor performance.
- @tags{DSP}
- */
- template <typename Type>
- struct SIMDRegister
- {
- //==============================================================================
- /** The type that represents the individual constituents of the SIMD Register */
- using ElementType = Type;
- /** STL compatible value_type definition (same as ElementType). */
- using value_type = ElementType;
- /** The corresponding primitive integer type, for example, this will be int32_t
- if type is a float. */
- using MaskType = typename SIMDInternal::MaskTypeFor<ElementType>::type;
- //==============================================================================
- // Here are some types which are needed internally
- /** The native primitive type (used internally). */
- using PrimitiveType = typename SIMDInternal::PrimitiveType<ElementType>::type;
- /** The native operations for this platform and type combination (used internally) */
- using NativeOps = SIMDNativeOps<PrimitiveType>;
- /** The native type (used internally). */
- using vSIMDType = typename NativeOps::vSIMDType;
- /** The corresponding integer SIMDRegister type (used internally). */
- using vMaskType = SIMDRegister<MaskType>;
- /** The internal native type for the corresponding mask type (used internally). */
- using vMaskSIMDType = typename vMaskType::vSIMDType;
- /** Wrapper for operations which need to be handled differently for complex
- and scalar types (used internally). */
- using CmplxOps = CmplxSIMDOps<ElementType>;
- /** Type which is returned when using the subscript operator. The returned type
- should be used just like the type ElementType. */
- struct ElementAccess;
- //==============================================================================
- /** The size in bytes of this register. */
- static constexpr size_t SIMDRegisterSize = sizeof (vSIMDType);
- /** The number of elements that this vector can hold. */
- static constexpr size_t SIMDNumElements = SIMDRegisterSize / sizeof (ElementType);
- vSIMDType value;
- /** Default constructor. */
- inline SIMDRegister() noexcept = default;
- /** Constructs an object from the native SIMD type. */
- inline SIMDRegister (vSIMDType a) noexcept : value (a) {}
- /** Constructs an object from a scalar type by broadcasting it to all elements. */
- inline SIMDRegister (Type s) noexcept { *this = s; }
- //==============================================================================
- /** Returns the number of elements in this vector. */
- static constexpr size_t size() noexcept { return SIMDNumElements; }
- //==============================================================================
- /** Creates a new SIMDRegister from the corresponding scalar primitive.
- The scalar is extended to all elements of the vector. */
- static SIMDRegister JUCE_VECTOR_CALLTYPE expand (ElementType s) noexcept { return {CmplxOps::expand (s)}; }
- /** Creates a new SIMDRegister from the internal SIMD type (for example
- __mm128 for single-precision floating point on SSE architectures). */
- static SIMDRegister JUCE_VECTOR_CALLTYPE fromNative (vSIMDType a) noexcept { return {a}; }
- /** Creates a new SIMDRegister from the first SIMDNumElements of a scalar array. */
- static SIMDRegister JUCE_VECTOR_CALLTYPE fromRawArray (const ElementType* a) noexcept
- {
- jassert (isSIMDAligned (a));
- return {CmplxOps::load (a)};
- }
- /** Copies the elements of the SIMDRegister to a scalar array in memory. */
- inline void JUCE_VECTOR_CALLTYPE copyToRawArray (ElementType* a) const noexcept
- {
- jassert (isSIMDAligned (a));
- CmplxOps::store (value, a);
- }
- //==============================================================================
- /** Returns the idx-th element of the receiver. Note that this does not check if idx
- is larger than the native register size. */
- inline ElementType JUCE_VECTOR_CALLTYPE get (size_t idx) const noexcept
- {
- jassert (idx < SIMDNumElements);
- return CmplxOps::get (value, idx);
- }
- /** Sets the idx-th element of the receiver. Note that this does not check if idx
- is larger than the native register size. */
- inline void JUCE_VECTOR_CALLTYPE set (size_t idx, ElementType v) noexcept
- {
- jassert (idx < SIMDNumElements);
- value = CmplxOps::set (value, idx, v);
- }
- //==============================================================================
- /** Returns the idx-th element of the receiver. Note that this does not check if idx
- is larger than the native register size. */
- inline ElementType JUCE_VECTOR_CALLTYPE operator[] (size_t idx) const noexcept
- {
- return get (idx);
- }
- /** Returns the idx-th element of the receiver. Note that this does not check if idx
- is larger than the native register size. */
- inline ElementAccess JUCE_VECTOR_CALLTYPE operator[] (size_t idx) noexcept
- {
- jassert (idx < SIMDNumElements);
- return ElementAccess (*this, idx);
- }
- //==============================================================================
- /** Adds another SIMDRegister to the receiver. */
- inline SIMDRegister& JUCE_VECTOR_CALLTYPE operator+= (SIMDRegister v) noexcept { value = NativeOps::add (value, v.value); return *this; }
- /** Subtracts another SIMDRegister to the receiver. */
- inline SIMDRegister& JUCE_VECTOR_CALLTYPE operator-= (SIMDRegister v) noexcept { value = NativeOps::sub (value, v.value); return *this; }
- /** Multiplies another SIMDRegister to the receiver. */
- inline SIMDRegister& JUCE_VECTOR_CALLTYPE operator*= (SIMDRegister v) noexcept { value = CmplxOps::mul (value, v.value); return *this; }
- //==============================================================================
- /** Broadcasts the scalar to all elements of the receiver. */
- inline SIMDRegister& JUCE_VECTOR_CALLTYPE operator= (ElementType s) noexcept { value = CmplxOps::expand (s); return *this; }
- /** Adds a scalar to the receiver. */
- inline SIMDRegister& JUCE_VECTOR_CALLTYPE operator+= (ElementType s) noexcept { value = NativeOps::add (value, CmplxOps::expand (s)); return *this; }
- /** Subtracts a scalar to the receiver. */
- inline SIMDRegister& JUCE_VECTOR_CALLTYPE operator-= (ElementType s) noexcept { value = NativeOps::sub (value, CmplxOps::expand (s)); return *this; }
- /** Multiplies a scalar to the receiver. */
- inline SIMDRegister& JUCE_VECTOR_CALLTYPE operator*= (ElementType s) noexcept { value = CmplxOps::mul (value, CmplxOps::expand (s)); return *this; }
- //==============================================================================
- /** Bit-and the receiver with SIMDRegister v and store the result in the receiver. */
- inline SIMDRegister& JUCE_VECTOR_CALLTYPE operator&= (vMaskType v) noexcept { value = NativeOps::bit_and (value, toVecType (v.value)); return *this; }
- /** Bit-or the receiver with SIMDRegister v and store the result in the receiver. */
- inline SIMDRegister& JUCE_VECTOR_CALLTYPE operator|= (vMaskType v) noexcept { value = NativeOps::bit_or (value, toVecType (v.value)); return *this; }
- /** Bit-xor the receiver with SIMDRegister v and store the result in the receiver. */
- inline SIMDRegister& JUCE_VECTOR_CALLTYPE operator^= (vMaskType v) noexcept { value = NativeOps::bit_xor (value, toVecType (v.value)); return *this; }
- //==============================================================================
- /** Bit-and each element of the receiver with the scalar s and store the result in the receiver.*/
- inline SIMDRegister& JUCE_VECTOR_CALLTYPE operator&= (MaskType s) noexcept { value = NativeOps::bit_and (value, toVecType (s)); return *this; }
- /** Bit-or each element of the receiver with the scalar s and store the result in the receiver.*/
- inline SIMDRegister& JUCE_VECTOR_CALLTYPE operator|= (MaskType s) noexcept { value = NativeOps::bit_or (value, toVecType (s)); return *this; }
- /** Bit-xor each element of the receiver with the scalar s and store the result in the receiver.*/
- inline SIMDRegister& JUCE_VECTOR_CALLTYPE operator^= (MaskType s) noexcept { value = NativeOps::bit_xor (value, toVecType (s)); return *this; }
- //==============================================================================
- /** Returns the sum of the receiver and v.*/
- inline SIMDRegister JUCE_VECTOR_CALLTYPE operator+ (SIMDRegister v) const noexcept { return { NativeOps::add (value, v.value) }; }
- /** Returns the difference of the receiver and v.*/
- inline SIMDRegister JUCE_VECTOR_CALLTYPE operator- (SIMDRegister v) const noexcept { return { NativeOps::sub (value, v.value) }; }
- /** Returns the product of the receiver and v.*/
- inline SIMDRegister JUCE_VECTOR_CALLTYPE operator* (SIMDRegister v) const noexcept { return { CmplxOps::mul (value, v.value) }; }
- //==============================================================================
- /** Returns a vector where each element is the sum of the corresponding element in the receiver and the scalar s.*/
- inline SIMDRegister JUCE_VECTOR_CALLTYPE operator+ (ElementType s) const noexcept { return { NativeOps::add (value, CmplxOps::expand (s)) }; }
- /** Returns a vector where each element is the difference of the corresponding element in the receiver and the scalar s.*/
- inline SIMDRegister JUCE_VECTOR_CALLTYPE operator- (ElementType s) const noexcept { return { NativeOps::sub (value, CmplxOps::expand (s)) }; }
- /** Returns a vector where each element is the product of the corresponding element in the receiver and the scalar s.*/
- inline SIMDRegister JUCE_VECTOR_CALLTYPE operator* (ElementType s) const noexcept { return { CmplxOps::mul (value, CmplxOps::expand (s)) }; }
- //==============================================================================
- /** Returns the bit-and of the receiver and v. */
- inline SIMDRegister JUCE_VECTOR_CALLTYPE operator& (vMaskType v) const noexcept { return { NativeOps::bit_and (value, toVecType (v.value)) }; }
- /** Returns the bit-or of the receiver and v. */
- inline SIMDRegister JUCE_VECTOR_CALLTYPE operator| (vMaskType v) const noexcept { return { NativeOps::bit_or (value, toVecType (v.value)) }; }
- /** Returns the bit-xor of the receiver and v. */
- inline SIMDRegister JUCE_VECTOR_CALLTYPE operator^ (vMaskType v) const noexcept { return { NativeOps::bit_xor (value, toVecType (v.value)) }; }
- /** Returns a vector where each element is the bit-inverted value of the corresponding element in the receiver.*/
- inline SIMDRegister JUCE_VECTOR_CALLTYPE operator~() const noexcept { return { NativeOps::bit_not (value) }; }
- //==============================================================================
- /** Returns a vector where each element is the bit-and'd value of the corresponding element in the receiver and the scalar s.*/
- inline SIMDRegister JUCE_VECTOR_CALLTYPE operator& (MaskType s) const noexcept { return { NativeOps::bit_and (value, toVecType (s)) }; }
- /** Returns a vector where each element is the bit-or'd value of the corresponding element in the receiver and the scalar s.*/
- inline SIMDRegister JUCE_VECTOR_CALLTYPE operator| (MaskType s) const noexcept { return { NativeOps::bit_or (value, toVecType (s)) }; }
- /** Returns a vector where each element is the bit-xor'd value of the corresponding element in the receiver and the scalar s.*/
- inline SIMDRegister JUCE_VECTOR_CALLTYPE operator^ (MaskType s) const noexcept { return { NativeOps::bit_xor (value, toVecType (s)) }; }
- //==============================================================================
- /** Returns true if all element-wise comparisons return true. */
- inline bool JUCE_VECTOR_CALLTYPE operator== (SIMDRegister other) const noexcept { return NativeOps::allEqual (value, other.value); }
- /** Returns true if any element-wise comparisons return false. */
- inline bool JUCE_VECTOR_CALLTYPE operator!= (SIMDRegister other) const noexcept { return ! (*this == other); }
- /** Returns true if all elements are equal to the scalar. */
- inline bool JUCE_VECTOR_CALLTYPE operator== (Type s) const noexcept { return *this == SIMDRegister::expand (s); }
- /** Returns true if any elements are not equal to the scalar. */
- inline bool JUCE_VECTOR_CALLTYPE operator!= (Type s) const noexcept { return ! (*this == s); }
- //==============================================================================
- /** Returns a SIMDRegister of the corresponding integral type where each element has each bit set
- if the corresponding element of a is equal to the corresponding element of b, or zero otherwise.
- The result can then be used in bit operations defined above to avoid branches in vector SIMD code. */
- static vMaskType JUCE_VECTOR_CALLTYPE equal (SIMDRegister a, SIMDRegister b) noexcept { return toMaskType (NativeOps::equal (a.value, b.value)); }
- /** Returns a SIMDRegister of the corresponding integral type where each element has each bit set
- if the corresponding element of a is not equal to the corresponding element of b, or zero otherwise.
- The result can then be used in bit operations defined above to avoid branches in vector SIMD code. */
- static vMaskType JUCE_VECTOR_CALLTYPE notEqual (SIMDRegister a, SIMDRegister b) noexcept { return toMaskType (NativeOps::notEqual (a.value, b.value)); }
- /** Returns a SIMDRegister of the corresponding integral type where each element has each bit set
- if the corresponding element of a is less than to the corresponding element of b, or zero otherwise.
- The result can then be used in bit operations defined above to avoid branches in vector SIMD code. */
- static vMaskType JUCE_VECTOR_CALLTYPE lessThan (SIMDRegister a, SIMDRegister b) noexcept { return toMaskType (NativeOps::greaterThan (b.value, a.value)); }
- /** Returns a SIMDRegister of the corresponding integral type where each element has each bit set
- if the corresponding element of a is than or equal to the corresponding element of b, or zero otherwise.
- The result can then be used in bit operations defined above to avoid branches in vector SIMD code. */
- static vMaskType JUCE_VECTOR_CALLTYPE lessThanOrEqual (SIMDRegister a, SIMDRegister b) noexcept { return toMaskType (NativeOps::greaterThanOrEqual (b.value, a.value)); }
- /** Returns a SIMDRegister of the corresponding integral type where each element has each bit set
- if the corresponding element of a is greater than to the corresponding element of b, or zero otherwise.
- The result can then be used in bit operations defined above to avoid branches in vector SIMD code. */
- static vMaskType JUCE_VECTOR_CALLTYPE greaterThan (SIMDRegister a, SIMDRegister b) noexcept { return toMaskType (NativeOps::greaterThan (a.value, b.value)); }
- /** Returns a SIMDRegister of the corresponding integral type where each element has each bit set
- if the corresponding element of a is greater than or equal to the corresponding element of b, or zero otherwise.
- The result can then be used in bit operations defined above to avoid branches in vector SIMD code. */
- static vMaskType JUCE_VECTOR_CALLTYPE greaterThanOrEqual (SIMDRegister a, SIMDRegister b) noexcept { return toMaskType (NativeOps::greaterThanOrEqual (a.value, b.value)); }
- //==============================================================================
- /** Returns a new vector where each element is the minimum of the corresponding element of a and b. */
- static SIMDRegister JUCE_VECTOR_CALLTYPE min (SIMDRegister a, SIMDRegister b) noexcept { return { NativeOps::min (a.value, b.value) }; }
- /** Returns a new vector where each element is the maximum of the corresponding element of a and b. */
- static SIMDRegister JUCE_VECTOR_CALLTYPE max (SIMDRegister a, SIMDRegister b) noexcept { return { NativeOps::max (a.value, b.value) }; }
- //==============================================================================
- /** Multiplies b and c and adds the result to a. */
- static SIMDRegister JUCE_VECTOR_CALLTYPE multiplyAdd (SIMDRegister a, const SIMDRegister b, SIMDRegister c) noexcept
- {
- return { CmplxOps::muladd (a.value, b.value, c.value) };
- }
- //==============================================================================
- /** Returns a scalar which is the sum of all elements of the receiver. */
- inline ElementType sum() const noexcept { return CmplxOps::sum (value); }
- //==============================================================================
- /** Truncates each element to its integer part.
- Effectively discards the fractional part of each element. A.k.a. round to zero. */
- static SIMDRegister JUCE_VECTOR_CALLTYPE truncate (SIMDRegister a) noexcept { return { NativeOps::truncate (a.value) }; }
- //==============================================================================
- /** Returns the absolute value of each element. */
- static SIMDRegister JUCE_VECTOR_CALLTYPE abs (SIMDRegister a) noexcept
- {
- return a - (a * (expand (ElementType (2)) & lessThan (a, expand (ElementType (0)))));
- }
- //==============================================================================
- /** Checks if the given pointer is sufficiently aligned for using SIMD operations. */
- static bool isSIMDAligned (const ElementType* ptr) noexcept
- {
- uintptr_t bitmask = SIMDRegisterSize - 1;
- return (reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t> (ptr) & bitmask) == 0;
- }
- /** Returns the next position in memory where isSIMDAligned returns true.
- If the current position in memory is already aligned then this method
- will simply return the pointer.
- */
- static ElementType* getNextSIMDAlignedPtr (ElementType* ptr) noexcept
- {
- return snapPointerToAlignment (ptr, SIMDRegisterSize);
- }
- private:
- static vMaskType JUCE_VECTOR_CALLTYPE toMaskType (vSIMDType a) noexcept
- {
- union
- {
- vSIMDType in;
- vMaskSIMDType out;
- } u;
- u.in = a;
- return vMaskType::fromNative (u.out);
- }
- static vSIMDType JUCE_VECTOR_CALLTYPE toVecType (vMaskSIMDType a) noexcept
- {
- union
- {
- vMaskSIMDType in;
- vSIMDType out;
- } u;
- u.in = a;
- return u.out;
- }
- static vSIMDType JUCE_VECTOR_CALLTYPE toVecType (MaskType a) noexcept
- {
- union
- {
- vMaskSIMDType in;
- vSIMDType out;
- } u;
- u.in = CmplxSIMDOps<MaskType>::expand (a);
- return u.out;
- }
- };
- } // namespace dsp
- } // namespace juce
- #ifndef DOXYGEN
- #include "juce_SIMDRegister_Impl.h"
- #endif