- #!/usr/bin/env python3
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- # Carla plugin host (plugin UI)
- # Copyright (C) 2013 Filipe Coelho <falktx@falktx.com>
- #
- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
- # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
- # the License, or any later version.
- #
- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU General Public License for more details.
- #
- # For a full copy of the GNU General Public License see the GPL.txt file
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Imports (Custom Stuff)
- from carla_host import *
- from externalui import ExternalUI
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Host Plugin object
- class PluginHost(object):
- def __init__(self):
- object.__init__(self)
- self.fParent = None
- self.fBufferSize = 0
- self.fSampleRate = 0.0
- self.fLastError = ""
- self.fSupportedFileTypes = ""
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------
- def get_engine_driver_count(self):
- return 0
- def get_supported_file_types(self):
- return self.fSupportedFileTypes
- def engine_init(self, driverName, clientName):
- return True
- def engine_close(self):
- return True
- def is_engine_running(self):
- return True
- def set_engine_about_to_close(self):
- pass
- def set_engine_callback(self, func):
- pass
- def load_filename(self, filename):
- self.fParent.send(["load_filename", filename])
- return True
- def load_project(self, filename):
- self.fParent.send(["load_project", filename])
- return True
- def save_project(self, filename):
- self.fParent.send(["save_project", filename])
- return True
- def patchbay_connect(self, portIdA, portIdB):
- self.fParent.send(["patchbay_connect", portIdA, portIdB])
- return True
- def patchbay_disconnect(self, connectionId):
- self.fParent.send(["patchbay_disconnect", connectionId])
- return True
- def patchbay_refresh(self):
- self.fParent.send(["patchbay_refresh"])
- return True
- def add_plugin(self, btype, ptype, filename, name, label, extraStuff):
- self.fParent.send(["add_plugin", btype, ptype, filename, name, label])
- return True
- def remove_plugin(self, pluginId):
- self.fParent.send(["remove_plugin", pluginId])
- return True
- def remove_all_plugins(self):
- self.fParent.send(["remove_all_plugins"])
- return True
- def rename_plugin(self, pluginId, newName):
- self.fParent.send(["rename_plugin", pluginId, newName])
- return True
- def clone_plugin(self, pluginId):
- self.fParent.send(["clone_plugin", pluginId])
- return True
- def replace_plugin(self, pluginId):
- self.fParent.send(["replace_plugin", pluginId])
- return True
- def switch_plugins(self, pluginIdA, pluginIdB):
- self.fParent.send(["switch_plugins", pluginIdA, pluginIdB])
- return True
- def load_plugin_state(self, pluginId, filename):
- self.fParent.send(["load_plugin_state", pluginId, filename])
- return True
- def save_plugin_state(self, pluginId, filename):
- self.fParent.send(["save_plugin_state", pluginId, filename])
- return True
- #def get_plugin_info(self, pluginId):
- #return structToDict(self.lib.carla_get_plugin_info(pluginId).contents)
- #def get_audio_port_count_info(self, pluginId):
- #return structToDict(self.lib.carla_get_audio_port_count_info(pluginId).contents)
- #def get_midi_port_count_info(self, pluginId):
- #return structToDict(self.lib.carla_get_midi_port_count_info(pluginId).contents)
- #def get_parameter_count_info(self, pluginId):
- #return structToDict(self.lib.carla_get_parameter_count_info(pluginId).contents)
- #def get_parameter_info(self, pluginId, parameterId):
- #return structToDict(self.lib.carla_get_parameter_info(pluginId, parameterId).contents)
- #def get_parameter_scalepoint_info(self, pluginId, parameterId, scalePointId):
- #return structToDict(self.lib.carla_get_parameter_scalepoint_info(pluginId, parameterId, scalePointId).contents)
- #def get_parameter_data(self, pluginId, parameterId):
- #return structToDict(self.lib.carla_get_parameter_data(pluginId, parameterId).contents)
- #def get_parameter_ranges(self, pluginId, parameterId):
- #return structToDict(self.lib.carla_get_parameter_ranges(pluginId, parameterId).contents)
- #def get_midi_program_data(self, pluginId, midiProgramId):
- #return structToDict(self.lib.carla_get_midi_program_data(pluginId, midiProgramId).contents)
- #def get_custom_data(self, pluginId, customDataId):
- #return structToDict(self.lib.carla_get_custom_data(pluginId, customDataId).contents)
- #def get_chunk_data(self, pluginId):
- #return self.lib.carla_get_chunk_data(pluginId)
- #def get_parameter_count(self, pluginId):
- #return self.lib.carla_get_parameter_count(pluginId)
- #def get_program_count(self, pluginId):
- #return self.lib.carla_get_program_count(pluginId)
- #def get_midi_program_count(self, pluginId):
- #return self.lib.carla_get_midi_program_count(pluginId)
- #def get_custom_data_count(self, pluginId):
- #return self.lib.carla_get_custom_data_count(pluginId)
- #def get_parameter_text(self, pluginId, parameterId):
- #return self.lib.carla_get_parameter_text(pluginId, parameterId)
- #def get_program_name(self, pluginId, programId):
- #return self.lib.carla_get_program_name(pluginId, programId)
- #def get_midi_program_name(self, pluginId, midiProgramId):
- #return self.lib.carla_get_midi_program_name(pluginId, midiProgramId)
- #def get_real_plugin_name(self, pluginId):
- #return self.lib.carla_get_real_plugin_name(pluginId)
- #def get_current_program_index(self, pluginId):
- #return self.lib.carla_get_current_program_index(pluginId)
- #def get_current_midi_program_index(self, pluginId):
- #return self.lib.carla_get_current_midi_program_index(pluginId)
- #def get_default_parameter_value(self, pluginId, parameterId):
- #return self.lib.carla_get_default_parameter_value(pluginId, parameterId)
- #def get_current_parameter_value(self, pluginId, parameterId):
- #return self.lib.carla_get_current_parameter_value(pluginId, parameterId)
- #def get_input_peak_value(self, pluginId, portId):
- #return self.lib.carla_get_input_peak_value(pluginId, portId)
- #def get_output_peak_value(self, pluginId, portId):
- #return self.lib.carla_get_output_peak_value(pluginId, portId)
- def set_option(self, pluginId, option, yesNo):
- self.fParent.send(["set_option", pluginId, option, yesNo])
- def set_active(self, pluginId, onOff):
- self.fParent.send(["set_active", pluginId, onOff])
- def set_drywet(self, pluginId, value):
- self.fParent.send(["set_drywet", pluginId, value])
- def set_volume(self, pluginId, value):
- self.fParent.send(["set_volume", pluginId, value])
- def set_balance_left(self, pluginId, value):
- self.fParent.send(["set_balance_left", pluginId, value])
- def set_balance_right(self, pluginId, value):
- self.fParent.send(["set_balance_right", pluginId, value])
- def set_panning(self, pluginId, value):
- self.fParent.send(["set_panning", pluginId, value])
- def set_ctrl_channel(self, pluginId, channel):
- self.fParent.send(["set_ctrl_channel", pluginId, channel])
- def set_parameter_value(self, pluginId, parameterId, value):
- self.fParent.send(["set_parameter_value", pluginId, parameterId, value])
- def set_parameter_midi_cc(self, pluginId, parameterId, cc):
- self.fParent.send(["set_parameter_midi_cc", pluginId, parameterId, cc])
- def set_parameter_midi_channel(self, pluginId, parameterId, channel):
- self.fParent.send(["set_parameter_midi_channel", pluginId, parameterId, channel])
- def set_program(self, pluginId, programId):
- self.fParent.send(["set_program", pluginId, programId])
- def set_midi_program(self, pluginId, midiProgramId):
- self.fParent.send(["set_midi_program", pluginId, midiProgramId])
- def set_custom_data(self, pluginId, type_, key, value):
- self.fParent.send(["set_custom_data", pluginId, type_, key, value])
- def set_chunk_data(self, pluginId, chunkData):
- self.fParent.send(["set_chunk_data", pluginId, chunkData])
- def prepare_for_save(self, pluginId):
- self.fParent.send(["prepare_for_save", pluginId])
- def send_midi_note(self, pluginId, channel, note, velocity):
- self.fParent.send(["send_midi_note", pluginId, channel, note, velocity])
- def show_gui(self, pluginId, yesNo):
- self.fParent.send(["show_gui", pluginId, yesNo])
- def get_last_error(self):
- return self.fLastError
- def get_buffer_size(self):
- return self.fBufferSize
- def get_sample_rate(self):
- return self.fSampleRate
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Init plugin
- def initPlugin():
- Carla.host = PluginHost()
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Main Window
- class CarlaMiniW(HostWindow, ExternalUI):
- def __init__(self):
- HostWindow.__init__(self, None)
- ExternalUI.__init__(self)
- if Carla.host is not None:
- Carla.host.fParent = None
- Carla.host.fSampleRate = self.d_getSampleRate()
- if False:
- from carla_patchbay import CarlaPatchbayW
- self.fContainer = CarlaPatchbayW(self)
- else:
- from carla_rack import CarlaRackW
- self.fContainer = CarlaRackW(self)
- self.setCentralWidget(self.fContainer)
- self.setWindowTitle(self.fUiName)
- self.fIdleTimer = self.startTimer(50)
- self.showUiIfTesting()
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ExternalUI Callbacks
- def d_uiShow(self):
- self.show()
- def d_uiHide(self):
- self.hide()
- def d_uiQuit(self):
- self.close()
- app.quit()
- def d_uiTitleChanged(self, uiTitle):
- self.setWindowTitle(uiTitle)
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Qt events
- def timerEvent(self, event):
- if event.timerId() == self.fIdleTimer:
- if not self.idleExternalUI():
- self.d_uiQuit()
- QWidget.timerEvent(self, event)
- def closeEvent(self, event):
- self.closeExternalUI()
- HostWindow.closeEvent(self, event)
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Main
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- # -------------------------------------------------------------
- # App initialization
- app = CarlaApplication()
- # -------------------------------------------------------------
- # Set-up custom signal handling
- setUpSignals()
- # -------------------------------------------------------------
- # Setup
- Carla.isControl = False
- Carla.isLocal = False
- Carla.isPlugin = True
- # -------------------------------------------------------------
- # Read CLI args
- argv = app.arguments()
- argc = len(argv)
- if argc > 1:
- pass
- # -------------------------------------------------------------
- # Init plugin backend
- initPlugin()
- # -------------------------------------------------------------
- # Create GUI
- Carla.gui = CarlaMiniW()
- # -------------------------------------------------------------
- # App-Loop
- sys.exit(app.exec_())