- /*
- ==============================================================================
- This file is part of the JUCE library.
- Copyright (c) 2015 - ROLI Ltd.
- Permission is granted to use this software under the terms of either:
- a) the GPL v2 (or any later version)
- b) the Affero GPL v3
- Details of these licenses can be found at: www.gnu.org/licenses
- JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
- A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- To release a closed-source product which uses JUCE, commercial licenses are
- available: visit www.juce.com for more information.
- ==============================================================================
- */
- /*******************************************************************************
- The block below describes the properties of this module, and is read by
- the Projucer to automatically generate project code that uses it.
- For details about the syntax and how to create or use a module, see the
- JUCE Module Format.txt file.
- ID: juce_gui_basics
- vendor: juce
- version: 4.3.1
- name: JUCE GUI core classes
- description: Basic user-interface components and related classes.
- website: http://www.juce.com/juce
- license: GPL/Commercial
- dependencies: juce_events juce_graphics juce_data_structures
- OSXFrameworks: Cocoa Carbon QuartzCore
- iOSFrameworks: UIKit
- linuxPackages: x11 xinerama xext
- *******************************************************************************/
- #include <juce_graphics/juce_graphics.h>
- #include <juce_data_structures/juce_data_structures.h>
- //==============================================================================
- If this option is turned on, each area of the screen that gets repainted will
- flash in a random colour, so that you can see exactly which bits of your
- components are being drawn.
- */
- #endif
- /** JUCE_USE_XRANDR: Enables Xrandr multi-monitor support (Linux only).
- Unless you specifically want to disable this, it's best to leave this option turned on.
- Note that your users do not need to have Xrandr installed for your JUCE app to run, as
- the availability of Xrandr is queried during runtime.
- */
- #define JUCE_USE_XRANDR 1
- #endif
- /** JUCE_USE_XINERAMA: Enables Xinerama multi-monitor support (Linux only).
- Unless you specifically want to disable this, it's best to leave this option turned on.
- This will be used as a fallback if JUCE_USE_XRANDR not set or libxrandr cannot be found.
- Note that your users do not need to have Xinerama installed for your JUCE app to run, as
- the availability of Xinerama is queried during runtime.
- */
- #endif
- /** Config: JUCE_USE_XSHM
- Enables X shared memory for faster rendering on Linux. This is best left turned on
- unless you have a good reason to disable it.
- */
- #ifndef JUCE_USE_XSHM
- #define JUCE_USE_XSHM 1
- #endif
- /** Config: JUCE_USE_XRENDER
- Enables XRender to allow semi-transparent windowing on Linux.
- */
- #define JUCE_USE_XRENDER 0
- #endif
- /** Config: JUCE_USE_XCURSOR
- Uses XCursor to allow ARGB cursor on Linux. This is best left turned on unless you have
- a good reason to disable it.
- */
- #define JUCE_USE_XCURSOR 1
- #endif
- //==============================================================================
- namespace juce
- {
- class Component;
- class LookAndFeel;
- class MouseInputSource;
- class MouseInputSourceInternal;
- class ComponentPeer;
- class MarkerList;
- class RelativeRectangle;
- class MouseEvent;
- struct MouseWheelDetails;
- class ToggleButton;
- class TextButton;
- class AlertWindow;
- class TextLayout;
- class ScrollBar;
- class ComboBox;
- class Button;
- class FilenameComponent;
- class DocumentWindow;
- class ResizableWindow;
- class GroupComponent;
- class MenuBarComponent;
- class DropShadower;
- class GlyphArrangement;
- class PropertyComponent;
- class TableHeaderComponent;
- class Toolbar;
- class ToolbarItemComponent;
- class PopupMenu;
- class ProgressBar;
- class FileBrowserComponent;
- class DirectoryContentsDisplayComponent;
- class FilePreviewComponent;
- class ImageButton;
- class CallOutBox;
- class Drawable;
- class DrawablePath;
- class DrawableComposite;
- class CaretComponent;
- class BubbleComponent;
- class KeyPressMappingSet;
- class ApplicationCommandManagerListener;
- class DrawableButton;
- class FlexBox;
- #include "mouse/juce_MouseCursor.h"
- #include "mouse/juce_MouseListener.h"
- #include "keyboard/juce_ModifierKeys.h"
- #include "mouse/juce_MouseInputSource.h"
- #include "mouse/juce_MouseEvent.h"
- #include "keyboard/juce_KeyPress.h"
- #include "keyboard/juce_KeyListener.h"
- #include "keyboard/juce_KeyboardFocusTraverser.h"
- #include "components/juce_ModalComponentManager.h"
- #include "components/juce_ComponentListener.h"
- #include "components/juce_CachedComponentImage.h"
- #include "components/juce_Component.h"
- #include "layout/juce_ComponentAnimator.h"
- #include "components/juce_Desktop.h"
- #include "layout/juce_ComponentBoundsConstrainer.h"
- #include "mouse/juce_ComponentDragger.h"
- #include "mouse/juce_DragAndDropTarget.h"
- #include "mouse/juce_DragAndDropContainer.h"
- #include "mouse/juce_FileDragAndDropTarget.h"
- #include "mouse/juce_SelectedItemSet.h"
- #include "mouse/juce_LassoComponent.h"
- #include "mouse/juce_MouseInactivityDetector.h"
- #include "mouse/juce_TextDragAndDropTarget.h"
- #include "mouse/juce_TooltipClient.h"
- #include "keyboard/juce_CaretComponent.h"
- #include "keyboard/juce_SystemClipboard.h"
- #include "keyboard/juce_TextEditorKeyMapper.h"
- #include "keyboard/juce_TextInputTarget.h"
- #include "commands/juce_ApplicationCommandID.h"
- #include "commands/juce_ApplicationCommandInfo.h"
- #include "commands/juce_ApplicationCommandTarget.h"
- #include "commands/juce_ApplicationCommandManager.h"
- #include "commands/juce_KeyPressMappingSet.h"
- #include "buttons/juce_Button.h"
- #include "buttons/juce_ArrowButton.h"
- #include "buttons/juce_DrawableButton.h"
- #include "buttons/juce_HyperlinkButton.h"
- #include "buttons/juce_ImageButton.h"
- #include "buttons/juce_ShapeButton.h"
- #include "buttons/juce_TextButton.h"
- #include "buttons/juce_ToggleButton.h"
- #include "layout/juce_AnimatedPosition.h"
- #include "layout/juce_AnimatedPositionBehaviours.h"
- #include "layout/juce_ComponentBuilder.h"
- #include "layout/juce_ComponentMovementWatcher.h"
- #include "layout/juce_ConcertinaPanel.h"
- #include "layout/juce_GroupComponent.h"
- #include "layout/juce_ResizableBorderComponent.h"
- #include "layout/juce_ResizableCornerComponent.h"
- #include "layout/juce_ResizableEdgeComponent.h"
- #include "layout/juce_ScrollBar.h"
- #include "layout/juce_StretchableLayoutManager.h"
- #include "layout/juce_StretchableLayoutResizerBar.h"
- #include "layout/juce_StretchableObjectResizer.h"
- #include "layout/juce_TabbedButtonBar.h"
- #include "layout/juce_TabbedComponent.h"
- #include "layout/juce_Viewport.h"
- #include "menus/juce_PopupMenu.h"
- #include "menus/juce_MenuBarModel.h"
- #include "menus/juce_MenuBarComponent.h"
- #include "positioning/juce_RelativeCoordinate.h"
- #include "positioning/juce_MarkerList.h"
- #include "positioning/juce_RelativePoint.h"
- #include "positioning/juce_RelativeRectangle.h"
- #include "positioning/juce_RelativeCoordinatePositioner.h"
- #include "positioning/juce_RelativeParallelogram.h"
- #include "positioning/juce_RelativePointPath.h"
- #include "drawables/juce_Drawable.h"
- #include "drawables/juce_DrawableShape.h"
- #include "drawables/juce_DrawableComposite.h"
- #include "drawables/juce_DrawableImage.h"
- #include "drawables/juce_DrawablePath.h"
- #include "drawables/juce_DrawableRectangle.h"
- #include "drawables/juce_DrawableText.h"
- #include "widgets/juce_TextEditor.h"
- #include "widgets/juce_Label.h"
- #include "widgets/juce_ComboBox.h"
- #include "widgets/juce_ImageComponent.h"
- #include "widgets/juce_ListBox.h"
- #include "widgets/juce_ProgressBar.h"
- #include "widgets/juce_Slider.h"
- #include "widgets/juce_TableHeaderComponent.h"
- #include "widgets/juce_TableListBox.h"
- #include "widgets/juce_Toolbar.h"
- #include "widgets/juce_ToolbarItemComponent.h"
- #include "widgets/juce_ToolbarItemFactory.h"
- #include "widgets/juce_ToolbarItemPalette.h"
- #include "buttons/juce_ToolbarButton.h"
- #include "misc/juce_DropShadower.h"
- #include "widgets/juce_TreeView.h"
- #include "windows/juce_TopLevelWindow.h"
- #include "windows/juce_AlertWindow.h"
- #include "windows/juce_CallOutBox.h"
- #include "windows/juce_ComponentPeer.h"
- #include "windows/juce_ResizableWindow.h"
- #include "windows/juce_DocumentWindow.h"
- #include "windows/juce_DialogWindow.h"
- #include "windows/juce_NativeMessageBox.h"
- #include "windows/juce_ThreadWithProgressWindow.h"
- #include "windows/juce_TooltipWindow.h"
- #include "layout/juce_MultiDocumentPanel.h"
- #include "filebrowser/juce_FileBrowserListener.h"
- #include "filebrowser/juce_DirectoryContentsList.h"
- #include "filebrowser/juce_DirectoryContentsDisplayComponent.h"
- #include "filebrowser/juce_FileBrowserComponent.h"
- #include "filebrowser/juce_FileChooser.h"
- #include "filebrowser/juce_FileChooserDialogBox.h"
- #include "filebrowser/juce_FileListComponent.h"
- #include "filebrowser/juce_FilenameComponent.h"
- #include "filebrowser/juce_FilePreviewComponent.h"
- #include "filebrowser/juce_FileSearchPathListComponent.h"
- #include "filebrowser/juce_FileTreeComponent.h"
- #include "filebrowser/juce_ImagePreviewComponent.h"
- #include "properties/juce_PropertyComponent.h"
- #include "properties/juce_BooleanPropertyComponent.h"
- #include "properties/juce_ButtonPropertyComponent.h"
- #include "properties/juce_ChoicePropertyComponent.h"
- #include "properties/juce_PropertyPanel.h"
- #include "properties/juce_SliderPropertyComponent.h"
- #include "properties/juce_TextPropertyComponent.h"
- #include "application/juce_Application.h"
- #include "misc/juce_BubbleComponent.h"
- #include "lookandfeel/juce_LookAndFeel.h"
- #include "lookandfeel/juce_LookAndFeel_V2.h"
- #include "lookandfeel/juce_LookAndFeel_V1.h"
- #include "lookandfeel/juce_LookAndFeel_V3.h"
- // these classes are C++11-only
- #include "layout/juce_FlexItem.h"
- #include "layout/juce_FlexBox.h"
- #endif
- }