- /******************************************/
- /*
- record.cpp
- by Gary P. Scavone, 2007
- This program records audio from a device and writes it to a
- header-less binary file. Use the 'playraw', with the same
- parameters and format settings, to playback the audio.
- */
- /******************************************/
- #include "RtAudio.h"
- #include <iostream>
- #include <cstdlib>
- #include <cstring>
- #include <stdio.h>
- /*
- typedef char MY_TYPE;
- */
- typedef signed short MY_TYPE;
- /*
- typedef S24 MY_TYPE;
- typedef signed long MY_TYPE;
- typedef float MY_TYPE;
- typedef double MY_TYPE;
- */
- // Platform-dependent sleep routines.
- #if defined( __WINDOWS_ASIO__ ) || defined( __WINDOWS_DS__ )
- #include <windows.h>
- #define SLEEP( milliseconds ) Sleep( (DWORD) milliseconds )
- #else // Unix variants
- #include <unistd.h>
- #define SLEEP( milliseconds ) usleep( (unsigned long) (milliseconds * 1000.0) )
- #endif
- void usage( void ) {
- // Error function in case of incorrect command-line
- // argument specifications
- std::cout << "\nuseage: record N fs <duration> <device> <channelOffset>\n";
- std::cout << " where N = number of channels,\n";
- std::cout << " fs = the sample rate,\n";
- std::cout << " duration = optional time in seconds to record (default = 2.0),\n";
- std::cout << " device = optional device to use (default = 0),\n";
- std::cout << " and channelOffset = an optional channel offset on the device (default = 0).\n\n";
- exit( 0 );
- }
- struct InputData {
- MY_TYPE* buffer;
- unsigned long bufferBytes;
- unsigned long totalFrames;
- unsigned long frameCounter;
- unsigned int channels;
- };
- // Interleaved buffers
- int input( void *outputBuffer, void *inputBuffer, unsigned int nBufferFrames,
- double streamTime, RtAudioStreamStatus status, void *data )
- {
- InputData *iData = (InputData *) data;
- // Simply copy the data to our allocated buffer.
- unsigned int frames = nBufferFrames;
- if ( iData->frameCounter + nBufferFrames > iData->totalFrames ) {
- frames = iData->totalFrames - iData->frameCounter;
- iData->bufferBytes = frames * iData->channels * sizeof( MY_TYPE );
- }
- unsigned long offset = iData->frameCounter * iData->channels;
- memcpy( iData->buffer+offset, inputBuffer, iData->bufferBytes );
- iData->frameCounter += frames;
- if ( iData->frameCounter >= iData->totalFrames ) return 2;
- return 0;
- }
- int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
- {
- unsigned int channels, fs, bufferFrames, device = 0, offset = 0;
- double time = 2.0;
- FILE *fd;
- // minimal command-line checking
- if ( argc < 3 || argc > 6 ) usage();
- RtAudio adc;
- if ( adc.getDeviceCount() < 1 ) {
- std::cout << "\nNo audio devices found!\n";
- exit( 1 );
- }
- channels = (unsigned int) atoi( argv[1] );
- fs = (unsigned int) atoi( argv[2] );
- if ( argc > 3 )
- time = (double) atof( argv[3] );
- if ( argc > 4 )
- device = (unsigned int) atoi( argv[4] );
- if ( argc > 5 )
- offset = (unsigned int) atoi( argv[5] );
- // Let RtAudio print messages to stderr.
- adc.showWarnings( true );
- // Set our stream parameters for input only.
- bufferFrames = 512;
- RtAudio::StreamParameters iParams;
- iParams.deviceId = device;
- iParams.nChannels = channels;
- iParams.firstChannel = offset;
- InputData data;
- data.buffer = 0;
- try {
- adc.openStream( NULL, &iParams, FORMAT, fs, &bufferFrames, &input, (void *)&data );
- }
- catch ( RtError& e ) {
- std::cout << '\n' << e.getMessage() << '\n' << std::endl;
- goto cleanup;
- }
- data.bufferBytes = bufferFrames * channels * sizeof( MY_TYPE );
- data.totalFrames = (unsigned long) (fs * time);
- data.frameCounter = 0;
- data.channels = channels;
- unsigned long totalBytes;
- totalBytes = data.totalFrames * channels * sizeof( MY_TYPE );
- // Allocate the entire data buffer before starting stream.
- data.buffer = (MY_TYPE*) malloc( totalBytes );
- if ( data.buffer == 0 ) {
- std::cout << "Memory allocation error ... quitting!\n";
- goto cleanup;
- }
- try {
- adc.startStream();
- }
- catch ( RtError& e ) {
- std::cout << '\n' << e.getMessage() << '\n' << std::endl;
- goto cleanup;
- }
- std::cout << "\nRecording for " << time << " seconds ... writing file 'record.raw' (buffer frames = " << bufferFrames << ")." << std::endl;
- while ( adc.isStreamRunning() ) {
- SLEEP( 100 ); // wake every 100 ms to check if we're done
- }
- // Now write the entire data to the file.
- fd = fopen( "record.raw", "wb" );
- fwrite( data.buffer, sizeof( MY_TYPE ), data.totalFrames * channels, fd );
- fclose( fd );
- cleanup:
- if ( adc.isStreamOpen() ) adc.closeStream();
- if ( data.buffer ) free( data.buffer );
- return 0;
- }