- /*! \page compiling Debugging & Compiling
- \section debug Debugging
- If you are having problems getting RtAudio to run on your system, make sure to pass a value of \e true to the RtAudio::showWarnings() function (this is the default setting). A variety of warning messages will be displayed which may help in determining the problem. Also, try using the programs included in the <tt>tests</tt> directory. The program <tt>audioprobe</tt> displays the queried capabilities of all hardware devices found for all APIs compiled. When using the ALSA and JACK APIs, further information can be displayed by defining the preprocessor definition __RTAUDIO_DEBUG__.
- \section compile Compiling
- In order to compile RtAudio for a specific OS and audio API, it is necessary to supply the appropriate preprocessor definition and library within the compiler statement:
- <P>
- <TR BGCOLOR="beige">
- <TD WIDTH="5%"><B>OS:</B></TD>
- <TD WIDTH="5%"><B>Audio API:</B></TD>
- <TD WIDTH="5%"><B>C++ Class:</B></TD>
- <TD WIDTH="5%"><B>Preprocessor Definition:</B></TD>
- <TD WIDTH="5%"><B>Library or Framework:</B></TD>
- <TD><B>Example Compiler Statement:</B></TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD>Linux</TD>
- <TD>RtApiAlsa</TD>
- <TD><TT>asound, pthread</TT></TD>
- <TD><TT>g++ -Wall -D__LINUX_ALSA__ -o audioprobe audioprobe.cpp RtAudio.cpp -lasound -lpthread</TT></TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD>Linux</TD>
- <TD>PulseAudio</TD>
- <TD>RtApiPulse</TD>
- <TD><TT>pthread</TT></TD>
- <TD><TT>g++ -Wall -D__LINUX_PULSE__ -o audioprobe audioprobe.cpp RtAudio.cpp -lpthread -lpulse-simple -lpulse</TT></TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD>Linux</TD>
- <TD>OSS</TD>
- <TD>RtApiOss</TD>
- <TD>__LINUX_OSS__</TD>
- <TD><TT>pthread</TT></TD>
- <TD><TT>g++ -Wall -D__LINUX_OSS__ -o audioprobe audioprobe.cpp RtAudio.cpp -lpthread</TT></TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD>Linux or Macintosh OS-X</TD>
- <TD>Jack Audio Server</TD>
- <TD>RtApiJack</TD>
- <TD>__UNIX_JACK__</TD>
- <TD><TT>jack, pthread</TT></TD>
- <TD><TT>g++ -Wall -D__UNIX_JACK__ -o audioprobe audioprobe.cpp RtAudio.cpp `pkg-config --cflags --libs jack` -lpthread</TT></TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD>Macintosh OS-X</TD>
- <TD>CoreAudio</TD>
- <TD>RtApiCore</TD>
- <TD><TT>pthread, CoreAudio</TT></TD>
- <TD><TT>g++ -Wall -D__MACOSX_CORE__ -o audioprobe audioprobe.cpp RtAudio.cpp -framework CoreAudio -lpthread</TT></TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD>Windows</TD>
- <TD>Direct Sound</TD>
- <TD>RtApiDs</TD>
- <TD><TT>dsound.lib (ver. 5.0 or higher), multithreaded</TT></TD>
- <TD><I>compiler specific</I></TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD>Windows</TD>
- <TD>RtApiAsio</TD>
- <TD><I>various ASIO header and source files</I></TD>
- <TD><I>compiler specific</I></TD>
- </TR>
- </TABLE>
- <P>
- The example compiler statements above could be used to compile the <TT>audioprobe.cpp</TT> example file, assuming that <TT>audioprobe.cpp</TT>, <TT>RtAudio.h</TT>, <tt>RtError.h</tt>, and <TT>RtAudio.cpp</TT> all exist in the same directory.
- */