- #ifndef STK_MANDOLIN_H
- #define STK_MANDOLIN_H
- #include "Instrmnt.h"
- #include "Twang.h"
- #include "FileWvIn.h"
- namespace stk {
- /***************************************************/
- /*! \class Mandolin
- \brief STK mandolin instrument model class.
- This class uses two "twang" models and "commuted
- synthesis" techniques to model a mandolin
- instrument.
- This is a digital waveguide model, making its
- use possibly subject to patents held by Stanford
- University, Yamaha, and others. Commuted
- Synthesis, in particular, is covered by patents,
- granted, pending, and/or applied-for. All are
- assigned to the Board of Trustees, Stanford
- University. For information, contact the Office
- of Technology Licensing, Stanford University.
- Control Change Numbers:
- - Body Size = 2
- - Pluck Position = 4
- - String Sustain = 11
- - String Detuning = 1
- - Microphone Position = 128
- by Perry R. Cook and Gary P. Scavone, 1995-2011.
- */
- /***************************************************/
- class Mandolin : public Instrmnt
- {
- public:
- //! Class constructor, taking the lowest desired playing frequency.
- Mandolin( StkFloat lowestFrequency );
- //! Class destructor.
- ~Mandolin( void );
- //! Reset and clear all internal state.
- void clear( void );
- //! Detune the two strings by the given factor. A value of 1.0 produces unison strings.
- void setDetune( StkFloat detune );
- //! Set the body size (a value of 1.0 produces the "default" size).
- void setBodySize( StkFloat size );
- //! Set the pluck or "excitation" position along the string (0.0 - 1.0).
- void setPluckPosition( StkFloat position );
- //! Set instrument parameters for a particular frequency.
- void setFrequency( StkFloat frequency );
- //! Pluck the strings with the given amplitude (0.0 - 1.0) using the current frequency.
- void pluck( StkFloat amplitude );
- //! Pluck the strings with the given amplitude (0.0 - 1.0) and position (0.0 - 1.0).
- void pluck( StkFloat amplitude,StkFloat position );
- //! Start a note with the given frequency and amplitude (0.0 - 1.0).
- void noteOn( StkFloat frequency, StkFloat amplitude );
- //! Stop a note with the given amplitude (speed of decay).
- void noteOff( StkFloat amplitude );
- //! Perform the control change specified by \e number and \e value (0.0 - 128.0).
- void controlChange( int number, StkFloat value );
- //! Compute and return one output sample.
- StkFloat tick( unsigned int channel = 0 );
- //! Fill a channel of the StkFrames object with computed outputs.
- /*!
- The \c channel argument must be less than the number of
- channels in the StkFrames argument (the first channel is specified
- by 0). However, range checking is only performed if _STK_DEBUG_
- is defined during compilation, in which case an out-of-range value
- will trigger an StkError exception.
- */
- StkFrames& tick( StkFrames& frames, unsigned int channel = 0 );
- protected:
- Twang strings_[2];
- FileWvIn soundfile_[12];
- int mic_;
- StkFloat detuning_;
- StkFloat frequency_;
- StkFloat pluckAmplitude_;
- };
- inline StkFloat Mandolin :: tick( unsigned int )
- {
- StkFloat temp = 0.0;
- if ( !soundfile_[mic_].isFinished() )
- temp = soundfile_[mic_].tick() * pluckAmplitude_;
- lastFrame_[0] = strings_[0].tick( temp );
- lastFrame_[0] += strings_[1].tick( temp );
- lastFrame_[0] *= 0.2;
- return lastFrame_[0];
- }
- inline StkFrames& Mandolin :: tick( StkFrames& frames, unsigned int channel )
- {
- unsigned int nChannels = lastFrame_.channels();
- #if defined(_STK_DEBUG_)
- if ( channel > frames.channels() - nChannels ) {
- oStream_ << "Mandolin::tick(): channel and StkFrames arguments are incompatible!";
- handleError( StkError::FUNCTION_ARGUMENT );
- }
- #endif
- StkFloat *samples = &frames[channel];
- unsigned int j, hop = frames.channels() - nChannels;
- if ( nChannels == 1 ) {
- for ( unsigned int i=0; i<frames.frames(); i++, samples += hop )
- *samples++ = tick();
- }
- else {
- for ( unsigned int i=0; i<frames.frames(); i++, samples += hop ) {
- *samples++ = tick();
- for ( j=1; j<nChannels; j++ )
- *samples++ = lastFrame_[j];
- }
- }
- return frames;
- }
- } // stk namespace
- #endif