- /***************************************************/
- /*! \class BlowHole
- \brief STK clarinet physical model with one
- register hole and one tonehole.
- This class is based on the clarinet model,
- with the addition of a two-port register hole
- and a three-port dynamic tonehole
- implementation, as discussed by Scavone and
- Cook (1998).
- In this implementation, the distances between
- the reed/register hole and tonehole/bell are
- fixed. As a result, both the tonehole and
- register hole will have variable influence on
- the playing frequency, which is dependent on
- the length of the air column. In addition,
- the highest playing freqeuency is limited by
- these fixed lengths.
- This is a digital waveguide model, making its
- use possibly subject to patents held by Stanford
- University, Yamaha, and others.
- Control Change Numbers:
- - Reed Stiffness = 2
- - Noise Gain = 4
- - Tonehole State = 11
- - Register State = 1
- - Breath Pressure = 128
- by Perry R. Cook and Gary P. Scavone, 1995-2011.
- */
- /***************************************************/
- #include "BlowHole.h"
- #include "SKINI.msg"
- #include <cmath>
- namespace stk {
- BlowHole :: BlowHole( StkFloat lowestFrequency )
- {
- if ( lowestFrequency <= 0.0 ) {
- oStream_ << "BlowHole::BlowHole: argument is less than or equal to zero!";
- handleError( StkError::FUNCTION_ARGUMENT );
- }
- unsigned long nDelays = (unsigned long) ( 0.5 * Stk::sampleRate() / lowestFrequency );
- // delays[0] is the delay line between the reed and the register vent.
- delays_[0].setDelay( 5.0 * Stk::sampleRate() / 22050.0 );
- // delays[1] is the delay line between the register vent and the tonehole.
- delays_[1].setMaximumDelay( nDelays + 1 );
- // delays[2] is the delay line between the tonehole and the end of the bore.
- delays_[2].setDelay( 4.0 * Stk::sampleRate() / 22050.0 );
- reedTable_.setOffset( 0.7 );
- reedTable_.setSlope( -0.3 );
- // Calculate the initial tonehole three-port scattering coefficient
- StkFloat rb = 0.0075; // main bore radius
- StkFloat rth = 0.003; // tonehole radius
- scatter_ = -pow(rth,2) / ( pow(rth,2) + 2*pow(rb,2) );
- // Calculate tonehole coefficients and set for initially open.
- StkFloat te = 1.4 * rth; // effective length of the open hole
- thCoeff_ = (te*2*Stk::sampleRate() - 347.23) / (te*2*Stk::sampleRate() + 347.23);
- tonehole_.setA1( -thCoeff_ );
- tonehole_.setB0( thCoeff_ );
- tonehole_.setB1( -1.0 );
- // Calculate register hole filter coefficients
- double r_rh = 0.0015; // register vent radius
- te = 1.4 * r_rh; // effective length of the open hole
- double xi = 0.0; // series resistance term
- double zeta = 347.23 + 2*PI*pow(rb,2)*xi/1.1769;
- double psi = 2*PI*pow(rb,2)*te / (PI*pow(r_rh,2));
- StkFloat rhCoeff = (zeta - 2 * Stk::sampleRate() * psi) / (zeta + 2 * Stk::sampleRate() * psi);
- rhGain_ = -347.23 / (zeta + 2 * Stk::sampleRate() * psi);
- vent_.setA1( rhCoeff );
- vent_.setB0( 1.0 );
- vent_.setB1( 1.0 );
- // Start with register vent closed
- vent_.setGain( 0.0 );
- vibrato_.setFrequency((StkFloat) 5.735);
- outputGain_ = 1.0;
- noiseGain_ = 0.2;
- vibratoGain_ = 0.01;
- this->setFrequency( 220.0 );
- this->clear();
- }
- BlowHole :: ~BlowHole( void )
- {
- }
- void BlowHole :: clear( void )
- {
- delays_[0].clear();
- delays_[1].clear();
- delays_[2].clear();
- filter_.tick( 0.0 );
- tonehole_.tick( 0.0 );
- vent_.tick( 0.0 );
- }
- void BlowHole :: setFrequency( StkFloat frequency )
- {
- #if defined(_STK_DEBUG_)
- if ( frequency <= 0.0 ) {
- oStream_ << "BlowHole::setFrequency: argument is less than or equal to zero!";
- handleError( StkError::WARNING ); return;
- }
- #endif
- // Account for approximate filter delays and one sample "lastOut" delay.
- StkFloat delay = ( Stk::sampleRate() / frequency ) * 0.5 - 3.5;
- delay -= delays_[0].getDelay() + delays_[2].getDelay();
- delays_[1].setDelay( delay );
- }
- void BlowHole :: setVent( StkFloat newValue )
- {
- // This method allows setting of the register vent "open-ness" at
- // any point between "Open" (newValue = 1) and "Closed"
- // (newValue = 0).
- StkFloat gain;
- if ( newValue <= 0.0 )
- gain = 0.0;
- else if ( newValue >= 1.0 )
- gain = rhGain_;
- else
- gain = newValue * rhGain_;
- vent_.setGain( gain );
- }
- void BlowHole :: setTonehole( StkFloat newValue )
- {
- // This method allows setting of the tonehole "open-ness" at
- // any point between "Open" (newValue = 1) and "Closed"
- // (newValue = 0).
- StkFloat new_coeff;
- if ( newValue <= 0.0 )
- new_coeff = 0.9995;
- else if ( newValue >= 1.0 )
- new_coeff = thCoeff_;
- else
- new_coeff = ( newValue * (thCoeff_ - 0.9995) ) + 0.9995;
- tonehole_.setA1( -new_coeff );
- tonehole_.setB0( new_coeff );
- }
- void BlowHole :: startBlowing( StkFloat amplitude, StkFloat rate )
- {
- if ( amplitude <= 0.0 || rate <= 0.0 ) {
- oStream_ << "BlowHole::startBlowing: one or more arguments is less than or equal to zero!";
- handleError( StkError::WARNING ); return;
- }
- envelope_.setRate( rate );
- envelope_.setTarget( amplitude );
- }
- void BlowHole :: stopBlowing( StkFloat rate )
- {
- if ( rate <= 0.0 ) {
- oStream_ << "BlowHole::stopBlowing: argument is less than or equal to zero!";
- handleError( StkError::WARNING ); return;
- }
- envelope_.setRate( rate );
- envelope_.setTarget( 0.0 );
- }
- void BlowHole :: noteOn( StkFloat frequency, StkFloat amplitude )
- {
- this->setFrequency( frequency );
- this->startBlowing( 0.55 + (amplitude * 0.30), amplitude * 0.005 );
- outputGain_ = amplitude + 0.001;
- }
- void BlowHole :: noteOff( StkFloat amplitude )
- {
- this->stopBlowing( amplitude * 0.01 );
- }
- void BlowHole :: controlChange( int number, StkFloat value )
- {
- #if defined(_STK_DEBUG_)
- if ( Stk::inRange( value, 0.0, 128.0 ) == false ) {
- oStream_ << "BlowHole::controlChange: value (" << value << ") is out of range!";
- handleError( StkError::WARNING ); return;
- }
- #endif
- StkFloat normalizedValue = value * ONE_OVER_128;
- if (number == __SK_ReedStiffness_) // 2
- reedTable_.setSlope( -0.44 + (0.26 * normalizedValue) );
- else if (number == __SK_NoiseLevel_) // 4
- noiseGain_ = ( normalizedValue * 0.4);
- else if (number == __SK_ModFrequency_) // 11
- this->setTonehole( normalizedValue );
- else if (number == __SK_ModWheel_) // 1
- this->setVent( normalizedValue );
- else if (number == __SK_AfterTouch_Cont_) // 128
- envelope_.setValue( normalizedValue );
- #if defined(_STK_DEBUG_)
- else {
- oStream_ << "BlowHole::controlChange: undefined control number (" << number << ")!";
- handleError( StkError::WARNING );
- }
- #endif
- }
- } // stk namespace